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mythologicafolk · 8 months ago
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One-man Nordic Folk band Danheim released a music video, Skugga, singing about what lies for a man behind the veil of death.
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asiljebrand · 2 years ago
Gör som dem rika gör
Om vi vill vara hälsosamma. Studerar vi hälsa. Om vi vill vara lyckliga, studerar vi lycka. Om vi vill vara rika, studerar vi rikedom. Om vi vill vara hälsosamma, gör vi som dem hälsosamma gör. Om vi vill vara lyckliga gör vi som dem lyckliga gör. Om vi vill vara rika gör vi som dem rika gör. Vi vet vad vi vill. Vi skuggar förebilder & gör som dem gör. Om vi vill ha något vi aldrig haft…
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ojo-rojo · 6 months ago
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Mikill Skugga
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dragons-daily · 2 years ago
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Echoes of death, reflected in your shadow.
Elska Skugga, Shade, Echo Knight.
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mariaangels · 2 years ago
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Mikill Skugga
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la-scigghiu · 2 years ago
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Guarda in questa crepa che per te si è aperta, soffia dentro questa crepa col tuo respiro, aprimi ancora.
Franco Arminio ~ ph. Mikil Skugga
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forislynx · 4 months ago
Kanske är det myten lika mycket som fakta som håller drömmarna vid liv också i krigets skugga.
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, Drömmar i krigets skugga
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somardani-reblogs · 9 months ago
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neongnistor · 9 months ago
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shiroselia · 1 year ago
Shoutout till Niveas 30 SPF solkräm för att ha sett till att min #FFFFFF hy fortfarande är #FFFFFF trots att jag varit ute i peak soltimmar senaste tre dagarna
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lepetitdragonvert · 7 months ago
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“Prinsen utan skugga.”
Artist : John Bauer
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horrorhorizon · 8 months ago
Occupy Umeå University Okupera Umeå Universitet
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Image ids and translations:
Four pictures showing the front and backs of flyers
1) a Palestinian flag is the background. White text with a black shadow reads "FREE PALESTINE!
Bakgrunden är en Palistinisk flagga. Vitt text med svart skugga läser
2) black text on what background reading
We occupy the campus in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Across the world, campus occupations are spreading like wildfire from the US to Switzerland, Denmark and now Sweden
Unlike during the war in Ukraine, Umeå University has neither raised the Palestinian flag nor made any statement of support for the Palestinian people. Meanwhile, students raising awareness on campus about the genocide have been driven away by security guards.
Because of the student occupations in the US, Biden has had to stop arms shipments to Israel - as the protests have gotten too large to ignore. In Sweden, the Swedish Armed Forces signed a billion-dollar deal with Elbit Systems, which supplies Israel with drones used to kill children in Gaza. We can and we must stop the war machine, both in Sweden and in the world.
The imperialists, politicians, media and universities are on the side of the oppressors. We students and workers are on the side of the Palestinians
One thing is clear: we must take matters into our own hands. Through common struggle we can crush imperialism!
JOIN US at the Campus pond, Umeå University"
White text on a read background on the bottom reads
That Umeå University speaks out in solidarity with Palestine
That all universities stop their cooperation with Israel
A national student occupation for Palestine part of a general workers' mobilization to stop arms trade with Israel"
Svart text på ett vitt bakgrund läser
Vi ockuperar campus i solidaritet med palestinier människor. Över hela världen sprider sig campusockupationer som en löpeld från USA till Schweiz, Danmark och nu Sverige
Till skillnad från under kriget i Ukraina har Umeå universitet har inte hissade den palestinska flaggan eller gjort någon deklaration av stöd för det palestinska folket. Samtidigt studenter höja medvetenhet på campus om folkmordet har drivits bort av ordningsvakter.
På grund av studentyrkena i USA har Biden varit tvungen stoppa vapentransporter till Israel – protesterna har blivit för stor att ignorera. I Sverige skrev militären på en miljardaffär med Elbit Systems, som försörjer Israel med drönare som används för att döda barn i Gaza. Vi kan och vi måste stoppa krigsmaskinen, både i Sverige och i världen.
Imperialisterna, politikerna, media och universiteten är på sidan av förtryckarnas sida. Vi studenter och arbetare står vid sidan av av palestinierna
En sak är klar: vi måste ta saken i egna händer. Genom gemensam kamp kan vi krossa imperialismen!
VA MED OSS på Campusdammen, Umeå universitet"
Vitt text på röd background på botten av bladet läser
Det Umeå universitet uttalar sig solidariskt med Palestina
Att alla universitet slutar sitt samarbete med Israel
En nationell studentockupation för Palestina del av en allmän arbetarmobilisering för att stoppa vapenhandeln med Israel"
3) En svart vitt bild av en man som viftar Palistinisk flaggan. Flaggan är färgat, men resten av bilden är svart vitt. Mannens rygg är vänt imot oss och stor över en stad. Han har en tröja med keffiyeh designen. Vitt text med svart ram läser
På botten, höger sidan av bilden stor det " ETT OCKUPERAT FOLK HAR
Under bilden så står det "rku" och " kommunistiska partiet kommunisterna.org"
A black and white image of a man waving the Palestinian flag. The flag is colored, but the rest of the image is black and white. The man's back is turned towards us and large over a city. He has a shirt with the keffiyeh design. White text with black border reads
"Long Live
On the bottom right of the picture black text reads
Underneath the image is text "rku" and "the communist party kommunisterna.org"
4) Röd text på top av bladet står det
I vänlig text står det
"75 år har gått sedan Israel bildades. 75 år har gått sedan denna stat fördrev 800 000 palestinier och stal deras land. Idag uppgår dessa flyktingar till närmare sex miljoner människor.
Både FN:s resolution 3070 och fjärde Genevekonventionen är tydlig. Alla ockuperade och koloniserade människor har rätt att göra motstånd - även väpnat motstånd.
Denna rätt till motstånd är särskilt viktig i Palestinakonflikten eftersom Israel är en apartheidstat som behandlar den egna palestinska befolkningen som andra klassens medborgare, som ständigt förtrycker, förnedrar, misshandlar, fängslar och dödar palestinier och som håller över två miljoner människor isolerade i världens största utomhusfängelse- Gaza.
Israel struntar i internationell rätt
FN:s resolutioner 194 och 242 slår fast det palestinska folkets rätt till sitt land och att alla palestinska flyktingar har rätt att återvända hem. Israel har konskevent struntat i att följa dessa FN-resolutioner
I stället har de ökat sitt förtryck och sin fördrivning av palestinierna genom dagliga övergrepp och byggande av fler olagliga bosättningar.
Köp inte israeliska varor
Ett sätt att sätta press på staten Israel är att bojkotta israeliska varor. Köp inte israelisk frukt, grönsaker eller andra produkter som börjar med streckkoden, det så kallade EAN-nummeret, 729
Semestra inte i lsrael. Kräv ett stopp för allt ekonomiskt, politiskt, kulturellt och idrottsligt utbyte med Israel till dess att det palestinska folkets rättigheter är uppfylla.
Bojkott är en ickevåldsmetod som kan göra skillnad, något omvärlden visade när apartheid i Sydafrika pressades bort."
Röd text står
Svärt text i en grå låda står " Ta kontakt med Kommunistiska Partiet: [email protected]"
I en seperat grå låda står det i rött " Läs mer om Paleistina frågan i Proletären!" Och i svart text "Proletären är Sveriges enda revolutionära arbetartidning, som kommer ut varje vecka fullmatad med inrikes- och utrikesnyheter krönikor, kultur och politiska analyser.
Läs mer på proletaren.se och ta en prenumeration!" Till höger av texten är en bild på ett magasin och en QR kod.
Red text at the top of the paper reads "THE OBVIOUS RIGHT TO RESIST" underneath in regular text it says
"75 years have passed since Israel was founded. 75 years have passed since this state displaced 800,000 Palestinians and stole their land. Today, these refugees amount to nearly six million people.
Both UN Resolution 3070 and the Fourth Geneva Convention are clear. All occupied and colonized people have the right to resist - including armed resistance.
This right of resistance is particularly important in the Palestine conflict because Israel is an apartheid state that treats its own Palestinian population as second-class citizens, that constantly oppresses, humiliates, abuses, imprisons and kills Palestinians, and that holds over two million people in isolation in the world's largest outdoor prison- Gaza.
Isreal disregards International rights
UN resolutions 194 and 242 establish the Palestinian people's rights to their land, and that all Palestinian refugees have the right to return home. Israel has consistently ignored these UN resulations.
Instead, they have increased their oppression and displacement of the Palestinians through daily abuse and the creation of more illegal settlements.
Do not buy Isreali items
One way to put pressure on the state of Israel is to boycott Israeli goods. Do not buy Israeli fruit, vegetables or other products that begin with the barcode, the so-called EAN number, 729
Do not vaction in Isreal. Demand an end to all economic, political, cultural, and sport exchange with Isreal until the Palestinian population rights are awarded.
Boycotting is a peaceful act that can make a difference, something the world showed when apartheid in South Africa was pushed away."
Red text reads
Black text in a gray box reads "Contact the Communist Party: [email protected]"
In a separate grey box, it says in red "Read more about the Palestinian debate in Proletären!" And in black text "Proletären is Sweden's only revolutionary workers' newspaper, which comes out every week packed with domestic and foreign news, chronicles, culture, and political analyses.
Read more and subscribe at proletaren.se
To the right, in the box, is a magazine cover photo and a QR code
End ids
Note I am not apart of the communist party or have any associations with any of the above (communest parties) mentioned. I am an anarchist associated with bokkafe angbett and återta pride
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thespiritofvexation · 10 months ago
Some more Thåström-recommendations for @glorious-blackout (and anyone else who might be curious about what my problem is) Sorry, I got carried away!
Ebba Grön - Die Mauer (1982)
I feel I need to explain what I meant when I said Die Polizei reminded me of Die Mauer (apart for the obvious similarities in the titles!) I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you know what Die Polizei is about! Die Mauer is about a man who is separated from his love by the Berlin wall, he is overcome by longing and anger and decides to do whatever it takes to reunite with her. The sound of gunshots at the end of the studio version implies that he failed, hence the "Die Mauer but with a happy ending"-comment. Musically Thåström's solo-rendition of the song is more like Die Polizei than the original though (this one for example)
Imperiet - Alltid rött alltid rätt (1983)
Title means "always red always right", basically a raging against the machine socialist anthem (live video for maximum intensity!)(I promise he is perfectly sane)
Imperiet - Märk hur vår skugga (1985)
A cover of a song originally written in 1790! The band felt they were becoming to commercial and wanted to do something "avant-garde" and the record company was not happy. To everyone's surprise it became their biggest hit! (The song may not be very Kaizer but the video sure has Kaizer-vibes!)
Imperiet - Österns röda ros (1986)
"Red rose of the east" (meaning Palestine) You might know this one already if you've seen my pinned post. Including it anyway since it sadly still is relevant and because I think I might like this 2015 version best
Thåström - Djävulen o jag (1989)
I made a whole post about the various live versions of this song and the studio-version is also a favourite! But I feel like especially this version only needs a couple of oil barrels and it would fit right into a Kaizer concert
Thåström - Radio Thåström (1991)
This list got a bit heavy so have a silly nonsense song with a silly nonsense video!
Peace Love & Pitbulls - A. Psycho (1992)
In the early 90's Thåström said fuck this, eloped to Amsterdam and started a industrial- rock- techno- metal- band, or as a swedish journalist put it "went to Amsterdam and drilled into a mountain wall for 5 years". I'm glad he did, and so was Marilyn Manson who cited PLP as an inspiration (Just so that no one gets the wrong idea, PLP came first!)
Thåström - Vacker död stad (1999)
Then he got tired of playing with the sampling-machine and replaced it with "a fuckton of guitars". All of sweden celebrated the return of the king except for little me who did not get the appeal of this terrifying angry hobo (or "waldschrat" as @copias-juicebox would say!)
Thåström - Kärlek är för dom (2009)
Thought this one has a vibe that might be up your alley. Bit of Öppet hav-feel? (Live video just because Thåström stage-antics)
Thåström f. Titiyo - Papperstunna väggar (2021)
Probably my favourite from his latest album to finnish off this list! Titiyo has a beautiful voice♡ (First time I watched this live video I thought 'dude are you ok?' but now I know this is perfectly normal Thåström- behaviour! (Rip tumblr you would have loved to diagnose him)
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dragons-daily · 2 years ago
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Living memories of dead flesh.
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itsloriel · 8 months ago
Danheim - Skugga (Official Music Video)
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hringum · 14 hours ago
Lazy Town - The Spooky Song (Icelandic) lyrics
Stundum eitthvað ljótt og loðið, laumast að þér hljótt óboðið. Í myrkrinu er margt að læðast, myrkraverkin ber að hræðast. Draugar leynast undir rúmi. Beinagrindur búa’ í húmi. Bangsinn þinn hann Maggi mjúki, í myrkri verður algjör púki. Bú! Dibbididí, já trúðu því. Búbbidíbú, þú sérð nú, ljósið er kveikt, það er ekkert hér. Gufaði upp, allt horfið er. Þegar að þú ferð að sofa, út úr skugga læðist vofa. Ófreskjunum finnst þú sætur, svo sætur að þú verður ætur. Bú! Dibbididí, já trúðu því. Búbbidíbú, þú sérð nú, ljósið er kveikt, það er ekkert hér. Gufaði upp, allt horfið er. Leggðu þig, sofðu rótt, allt er orðið Bú! Dibbididí, já trúðu því. Búbbidíbú, þú sérð nú, ljósið er kveikt, það er ekkert hér. Gufaði upp, allt horfið er.
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