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APPRECIATION POST ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ(*/ω\*)
Special Shout Out To My MAZE RUNNER PEOPLE
I appreciate all of you so much! Thank you again for noticing the posts and just interacting with my blog in general. It's been a few years since I've made gifs and have been active here and the fact that y'all still use my gifs in your RP's or your fanfictions or your headcannons etc. that just absolutely blows my mind that you still interact with my blog somehow even though I hadn't posted in a couple to a few years!
I am so so so grateful to see how many stories my gifs have been chosen to be put into and I will actually take the time to go back and read them once I find them and book mark them! I am just mind-blown that y'all are still able to search gifs and mine still pop up!
It seems silly but I really have such bad imposter syndrome with anything and everything I do and it takes me a while to process everything and to be able to do posts like this.
Also yes I went through my activity list within the passed couple of weeks to be able to make sure I got everyone tagged. And Also going back to my gif sets to go through the activities to make sure those of you who have interacted with my blog over the passed few years are also not missed and tagged in this appreciation post as well!
If you guys want more gifs or want to be included in taglists for future gif sets of anyone in TMR as the characters (or cast) or anyone else (in general) let me know. I do take requests for fanfictions, role plays, etc. whatever you need gif images for I'll do it. It might just take me a bit of time but I will always make sure I get to it.
You all have made my absolute year just for interacting with my small little blog so it does make me absolutely sentimental. You are appreciated even if you think it was just a small or automatic thing to like or reblog or comment etc. I just wanted to show y'all how much I appreciate every single one of you.
Now before I go, I gotta get through all the other fandoms as well that have been interacting with my blog since I decided that this week is gonna be my appreciation week for everyone that has interacted with my blog since I began to become more regularly active again.
Thank you again loves... and I hope you have a wonderful time of day or night that you see this post. Also please never be a stranger, I am always willing to make new friends online. It's kinda hard in young adulthood to figure out how to make friends ngl... but yeah, comment, dm, like, reblog, etc. I would like to interact with y'all too only if you're comfortable with that though, and if you're not that's okay and hope you aren't too weirded out by my extremely sentimental appreciation post towards y'all.
Tag-list From Notes On Each Gif Set: if you're in both... thank you so much, I really appreciate all the interaction you have given to my smol little blog and everyone else you are much appreciated as well because I don't think anyone ever actually sees these gifs tbh.
Reblogs Taglist:
@myladyofmercy |
@onlydylanobrien | @briefly-enchanting-coffee | @trickster-shi | @the-magpieprince |
@erebus-9 | @xxikaty | @pieces-by-me | @sourwolfandvoidfox | @plushrumpasaurus | @themazerunner-rpg |
@bubble-tmr | @simplywylan | @newtcallsmetommy | @kitkatkatrene | @hangry-for-cookies | @skquill
@neoncyberwytch | @watchiewatchy | @facelessalex | @jocollins | @spookylostboy | @fandoms-princess | @go-catch-a-chickn
Likes Interactions Taglist:
@inyourimagination-tion-tion | @daybreakmistakes | @abchan123 | @gulsolsikke | @myladyofmercy | @princess-of-water-lilies |
@gladerscake | @love-yourself101 | @thevashta-narada | @the-magpieprince | @loulouloueh | @trickster-shi | @hiya-itsamber | @mindofbangtan | @boremore | @briefly-enchanting-coffee | @captainpettie | @bella86hughes | @nerdisthebestcompliment | @sissie-fiction | @littlefootbabybird | @maler87 | @caistark | @lylshyt | @jayjeebee | @earthling14 | @harlowsobrien | @obnoxiouspotato | @vqmpireds | @greatdonutmugrebel-blog | @dylanobrienfrance | @lunaxxtic | @hope-02-blog | @softlystiles | @loadsoffandom | @istkeyssikam | @onmyknees4kai | @linodoongie | @laryzzz | @profoundcatperson | @ascarriel | @loserwithnofriends |
@go-catch-a-chickn | @contradictory-creation | @captainsimplegirl | @vigilantegetawaydriver | @riots-not-diets-ffs | @fuzzybunnysocks | @indomitablelove4 | @jjikyuu | @anti-r0mantic | @rusorin | @jancarstairs | @ramenaij | @plushrumpasaurus | @themazerunner-rpg | @erebus-9 | @xxikaty | @pieces-by-me | @sourwolfandvoidfox | @prawdziwki | @bemoonu | @decadentsuitcasewinnerpatrol | @royal-void | @anymosway | @rash0m0nie |
@skquill | @awescreations1 | @newtcallsmetommy | @reggieslocket | @spookylostboy | @katnip-lover | @alicewonderlandcollins | @bidhampir | @the-fiction-witch | @mindofbangtan | @bi-bi-love14 | @remuslupinfarts | @zoejackson2810 | @emos-back | @jae-in-a-trenchcoat | @superbiscuitpersonpony | @ironponynerdapricot | @acidic-moth | @mubi13 | @amelievrstr | @therealwylanvaneck | @newtisbbychild | @thislovejpg | @sachart | @themintysystem | @sapnaptwt2 | @snakes-and-flowers | @milagdm | @t-mando-999 | @67-rats-in-a-trenchcoat | @cjlikesbjsmf-blog | @athenacolors | @gabi-patty | @lemongeek | @buzzfuckets | @acecereal | @scarlett-ada | @mestiza003 | @l-jay15 | @fandomgirlfanatic | @bluetackbaby | @lisarose-17 | @freckledcameron | @tbscods | @bigman524 | @softblerd | @rainybakerywinnerhoagie | @gluednewts | @clumsiestballerina | @cringloser | @chasebanners-chillingchocowriter | @azealiax | @5erenity-5unshine | @aronwarnvr | @hyuckiebubs | @shyjellyfishblog | @darcylcore | @noahwho | @teamfreewill2-0herewego | @insanus-caput-poeta | @irreverentsociology101paper | @max-ramos | @ladymariee | @arluko |
@demiagod | @welcomeweirdideas | @starstrucka5 | @sizzlingballoonbasement | @hocuspocusneedcoffeetofocus | @book-and-music-lover | @thepotatofan | @lmjolin | @dervie420 | @neoncyberwytch | @watchiewatchy | @facelessalex | @jocollins | @spookylostboy | @fandoms-princess | @shanklovingshank | @harvlekinkey |
Special Shout Outs For 2024 Notes I Can Scroll Back To Starting In March 17th
@aloneatpeace thank you so much for including my griever gif in your story! I also noticed that it is BTS in TMR and I AM ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED! I will have to try and find the first part since I believe my gif was utilized in part 4 of your story! I know you used it back in March (of this year which was a while ago) BUT I still wanted to shout you out and tell you that I appreciate you and thanks for picking my gif out of thousands of others that were probably made on this platform. I will actually go back and read your story when I have time. I just gotta hunt for it and bookmark it. I am still mindblown that my images still pop up in the gif image search since I actually made these TMR ones YEARS ago so I am actually very happy to see they still get noticed. As a fellow KPOP fan, that is in other fandoms, you are literally a inspiration how your beautiful mind can merge KPOP into specific fandoms like this. It's so awesome to me.
BONUS: Here is the masterlist to all of my TMR Gif Sets if y'all want to request any of the 3 movies for me to add, let me know and I will scrape some time to do that. Thank you again so much for all the support on the blog and these gifs. Y'all are awesome!
#appreciation post#love you guys#thanks for interacting with my blog#thanks for liking my gifs!#The Maze Runner#tmr gif#TMR gifs#TMR gif set#TMR bonfire#TMR newt#TMR thomas
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[tagging people for reach]:
@wings-honey-and-stories @7coloredsong @goldenjuniper @doe-in-the-cornfield @miku-voice-feminization
@honey-stans @hellootoodlesxoxo @budd-ie @humanvoicebox @princerobot-iv
@pocima @feedinggeese @dumpster-connoisseur @lovely--an0n @skquill
@robroshaker9000 @benanazauce @hoennislands @sincerelyhecate @altlashehe
@box-of-lemon-nys @cedarspiced @anthroparian @thekaboom @neo-kajatrash
@supermew100 @ardentpoop @kerosene-saint @unforeseeable @bumblebearr
@not-quite-dead @love-yous-reblogs @fallengrizzly @mangomybeloved @artyella
📰Khawla's Family Campaign Update: 112📰
$42,002/$80,000 as of December 6th [10pm CDT]
Currently $998 away from $43,000 as a short term goal!
If 1,900 people donated $20 the fundraiser would reach it's set goal!
Please consider donating even just $5, $10, or $20 to help the fundraiser further along. And remember that reblogging/sharing to reach more people can help a lot!
[for more information on the campaign: check my pinned post, the campaign page itself, or message me directly if you have any questions]
[tag list under the cut]:
@corpsenurse @vita-e @guiltycrunch @onetruesirius @gaysebastianvael @inplodinggofer616 @d3lph1unkn0wn @confusedsheepsblog @p33rpressure @ahperrytheplatypus @your-13th-suffers @hericanee @murderbot @arceusbeta @tam-shade-song @coleheinous @diberhaze @space-batzz @devilmeows @gizdathemxel
@slowbrobutch @hotsugarbyglassanimals @pinetreesdoodles @mores0 @suzu-by-starlight @sparky-is-spiders @hellotheretraveler @hahvdh @archferret @softeninglooks @moronic0xymoron @darthferbert @virgincognito @animebabe55 @profoundlyscreechingkryptonite @princessnessa2017-blog @neptuneschaos @the-mold-under-your-bed123 @ropes3amthoughts
@wild-forest-bee @rsquid2 @faerie-lights @lapastelr0sa @allegedlysicktomystomach @number-1-carrie-white-fan @adept7777 @cam24fan @strflwers @tremendousdreamtragedy @soullessjack @backgroundcharacterno15 @west-of-the-styx @apocalypsegay @something-writing @suburbananarch @fr0gie @stretchedbumhole201 @exltwounds @cori-randomstuff
@one-cold-witch @d1anna @esoteric-brustle @lpslover6669 @anakalos @buildmeupbuttercup14 @skkfujoshi @chaos-axolotl-reblogs @def-not-kaz-brekker @invulnerable-vaguewomen @dlxxv-vetted-donations @candycrypt1d @gryficowa @ocipiala @zaminami @mjthefaeva @nako-funky @kenniex2 @hananono @centi-pearl
@that-one-vangogh-painting @sappy-asphie @lotionlamp @kenniex2 @yeskhya @hyper-fucks-sake-tion @jauximeowmeow @lady-misaki @reymcmuffin @sufferswallow @thequeendied @a1m3v @parkerpresentz @extremereader @thetwistedarchives @absolutedoorknob @worowelf @hold-me-till-winter @beeware-of-lulu @littleladybaker
@plswtfdontdoitagain @footlongdingledong @cherrraty @heheheeheeh @fleurxduxmal @pintrestparasite @louisblue02 @clowdwatching @eldritch-something-or-other @sanguivorouscorvid @neoneone0 @p33p33p00p00 @mahougirlys @bi0feed @peppimeco @chiomn @himbo-noxx @louddragonphantom @futuristiccherryblossoms @market--land
@jellyfishinajamjar @rainbowpuppet @names-hard @deviouscowboy @moosebebignwatching @ginnyjuicee @dogbound1128 @greybear35-blog @dangerous-tangerine @wolfcubjim @l-dot-k-2 @yung-lean-hates-you-2 @ssak-i @koobird @mininightmare2 @strawberryglitterkiss @transexualcow @bluelunas @whenyou-wheni @bolas-de-berlim
@thesignpaintersstuff @sumthing69 @sentienceoverload-29 @theresamouseinmyhouse @kurtismcilroy @aswho1estuff @ratsnvermins @transvalkilmer @pipervonviper @cemetery-circus @tryceratops4 @woodwood6000 @katagawajr @aliensmoothie @nonbinarycryptology @the-number-1-iono-fan @mythicalbinicorn @talkswiththem @voidpumpkin @half-asleep-star
@luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @sad-cat-02 @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ak1w1i @apinklion01 @cloxwork @polvuz
@therearenonutsforsomeendermen @noxumblog @ashkaranast @donationsmatter @punkeropercyjackson @callie-flower @patchoulitoes @stonedustghost @ofishally @stellaristcs @redmystery314 @asquidnotkid @omorimoroii @tanoroe @slightly-foolish @sergeantsarga @thebluespacecow @reusablebagofrats @eptck @577-6523
@killer-wizard @sapphicdragons-1 @rainy-clawz @afunlessland @dwarf-enjoyer @juchily @classyeyeballs @jeynees @ajatheoleander12 @sentienceoverload-29 @manic-pixie-dream-cock @jinnazah @1ikeavirgil @darlingbookworm @wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet
@this-deadgirlwalking @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @screamnpatches @luvdisc69 @ghostb3loved @fuckcapitalismasshole @no-clue-just-vibin @twashcat360 @amythestvaporeonbackup @lazy-but-amazing @dusty-brain @loucygoosey @bichi2004 @stalinistqueens @wynsummers @rottingoranges @thingfromanoutherworld @ashkaranast
@wetccarpet @chthonianalacrity @samurotting @aldryrththerainbowheart @mochipuppy16 @darinaethelaianprophet @rob-os-17 @moonbisexualsharktamerr @weakestwarrior @v1rtualv4mp @fiapple @tryna-sleep @snapcracklepop-myjoints @l-art-stuff-l @minosbull @duskstarshit @cosmicgamerboy @squidkiddoesstuff @attaboy-art @fireflyingaway
@blackcrystalball @lookineedsleep @lampthehealthminister @therealdjpocky @holyeaglecupcakesposts @amberspacedf @teeethbrush @bunnannie @lesbitching @lonelypotato23 @swaggy-hairy-thang @murenaaaaa @karlmarxmaybe @littlegaypancake @zimislockedinthefreezer @catboywillferal @yetisidelblog @tspicer23 @galax-dragon
@redpinejo @orphancat @sea-200 @literally-one-million-bees @aroacedisasterr @blvvdyindustries @sunmooneclipseandstars @theandroidsentbycyberl1fe @reblogingstuffrandomly @animatorfun @r4yt0r0f4nb0y @fazar234 @mstormcloud @theguiltygearheritageposts @doubleedgemode @millionthcephalophore @white-mirrors @cherubsaliaa @ash24601 @willhelmthewhale
@cipherinator @sister-lucifer @missivorystone @4de2ssy0 @alpabett @99orangeblossoms @totally-six @sematary-drive @knittedquails @masterofthepistachio @gagreflexoxo @owlchow @specificiumray @valentinemailbox @patzweigz @papus-clown-enclosure @montewave @chilewithca
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Thanks to @skquill for inspiring me to make another video game inspired food. Today's special is... Manana's battle soup! I took a crack at this and basically combined two soup recipes of mine into one, those being a hearty meat and veggie soup with a cream of soup recipe to create this one. The result is a very savory and filling meal that you can pair with rice or toasted bread on the side. So let's begin!
1/2 pound of ground beef ( This was inspired by the ingredient bunnit meat from the game, though personally you can omit from recipe if you want a meat free soup OR for higher quality add braised beef, cut into chunks and simmer for 25-30 minutes in the pot during the step where we combine the flour and broth together before adding the veggies in)
4 large potatoes peeled and cubed
½ tsp salt
3 teaspoons dried basil
2 teaspoons dried parsley flakes
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon of Italian seasoning
5 Tbsp unsalted butter
1/2 med onion finely chopped
2 garlic cloves minced
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
2 1/2 cups whole milk
2 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 cup mild or sharp cheddar cheese shredded
3/4 cup sour cream
¼ tsp ground black pepper
3 celery ribs chopped
1 daikon sliced (used for the glitter radish)
3 carrots sliced (used for the comet carrot)
1/2 cup of mushrooms
Optional ingredients: 2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp of brown sugar, a pinch of salt and pepper
In a large skillet, cook beef and 1/4 of onion over medium heat until meat is no longer pink; drain excess grease. Bring back the meat to the pan to season with a pinch of salt, pepper and add in the listed Italian seasoning, dried parsley, onion powder and basil for taste. Set aside.
OPTIONAL STEP FOR PRESENTATION PURPOSES: chop mushroom heads and slice carrots long ways, cook in a frying pan with 1 tsb. of butter and a pinch of salt. Leave on frying pan for 6 minutes untouched, in the meantime prepare vinegarette by combining balsamic vinegar, pepper, and brown sugar, stir and set aside. Go back to the veggies, stir to make sure they're an orange/brown color, turn stove to low and slowly add vinegar mixture on top. Turn off heat completely after 30 seconds more of stirring. These veggies will be nicely glazed and perfect for your toppers. If you do not wish to do this, skip this step and add mushrooms and carrots at the same time you would the celery and potato to the stew.
Next, Peel and cube the potatoes into small pieces. Add the potatoes into a pot and cover with water. Season with salt and cook for about 10 minutes or until potatoes can be pierced through easily. Drain and set aside. (Similarly, for the daikon do the same, but chop it into the star shape recognized on the top of the soup in game before boiling. It will be used as the topper. IF you do not have daikon in your local store, slice one of the potatoes into star shapes instead and boil accordingly and chop the rest to add to the soup).
Into a pot, add butter and chopped onions and sauté until onions are tender. Add the minced garlic and cook for an additional minute. Whisk in flour until incorporated. Add in the milk and chicken broth and bring to a soft boil. Add the potatoes and chopped celery (if you skipped the balsamic vinegar step also add in the carrots and Mushroom now), add in the cooked ground beef. Give it 10 minutes on medium heat to simmer and taste, if need be, season the soup with more salt and pepper. Mix in the sour cream and shredded cheese next. Bring the soup to a boil and remove from heat once a creamy consistency is achieved.
Serve into serving bowls, top with daikon stars and (if you did it) balsamic glazed mushroom and carrots. ENJOY!
Optional: serve with green onion on top for extra flavor!
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For the ask meme: Brenda 🥺
Thank you for sending in a character! 😊
Sexuality headcanon: Bisexual
Favourite ship(s): Brenda x Gally (in au's I do like Brenda x Teresa too though)
Brotp: Frypan and Brenda. I see a lot of really good friendship potential between these two somehow
Notp: uhh Brenda x Newt? (yes I'm coming up with very random notp's probably no one ships because I don't wanna make anyone upset if they ship something)
A random headcanon: Just got thinking about this today because of a fic I read. The kids she saves with the bus? All her unofficial children now. You better not mess with them, they're under her protection. Gally and her at times are like very exasperated parents. Jorge laughs about it until one of the kids calls him "grandpa" and he has an existential crisis
General opinion: I love her. She's very badass but also clearly has a caring side. Brenda is just an overall amazing and kickass character and just, she's great 💖
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Let’s be real, ever Connor and Evan has said ‘Squipjer is bad’
that’s true!!! stephen christopher anthony HIMSELF told me that he hates squipjer!
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Milk I hope that you can rest soon to gain back more spoons!!! I’m also exhausted from classes.
thanks alex!! :-( right back at you, i hope things can ease up a lil for u
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For the Doctor Who asks: 33, 43, 48 >:3
who would i like to see as the doctor
which characters wardrobe would u steal (i read this as which doctors whoops but i would steal bills wardrobe lmao)
which episode is the coolest?
this is more the episode that FREAKS MY BEAN THE most
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For the art requests: Jeremy Heere (your hc) or Connor Murphy (from Dear Evan Hansen)
it has definitely been over a year since ive drawn him lmao... and since ive listened to deh probably
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Hey, I noticed that your video of your fav scene from s2 (Jim holding the shattered amulet) was marked as sensitive material. I just wanted to ask if you'd reupload it or not? Granted, it sure is sensitive material bc it causes everyone to sob.
I don’t have the video of that anywhere easy to access on my hard drive, so probably not! God stupid tumblr. And fhjshgh omg, when you put it that way it sure is sensitive material XD
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I love. You’re Connor doodle. So much.
thank you!!
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9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by the dear @jamgrlsblog, thank you so much! It's been so long i haven't made this one!
Three Ships: viktuuri, doctorrose, ineffable husbands? That's a good summary.
First Ever Ship: as embarassing as Jam, it might have been dramione.
Last Song: Billie Eilish's Lost Cause.
Last Movie: The Fabelmans, which i wasn't particularly prepared to love but that I did (i was just there as the friendship group)
Currently Reading: Marvel's Ironheart. I hadn't planned on reading Riri's run but i'm trying and so far it's kinda cool.
Currently Watching: ... Shinsekai Yori. Not commenting on this one so far.
Currently consuming: breakfast Praluline. I will not take criticism on my sugar/carb french breakfast consumption @tiffotcf
Currently craving: fruit juice. i always crave fruit juice.
I am tagging @mairzy-doats @vro0m @moinsbienquekaworu @pigeonneaux @peach0cake @happywitch416 @skquill @jewishvitya @siriuseli if you want to do it ♥!
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Tags from @skquill
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back on my soriku train of thought I guess
I just finished watching a playthrough of kingdom hearts re:coded with my bestie here @skquill and when I saw this I thought, hey lets talk about yet another symbolism we find in the kh lore revolving these two boys. CAUSE I THINK WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT.
Though this series created virtual copies of our beloved characters who don’t have the memories of their counterparts, they still feel and react to the given circumstances and the events in Jiminy’s journal like they would if it was them. What caught me off guard in the beginning was that digital Riku was confirmed to be the keeper of the journal, the guardian angel if you will of the information and to an extent memories of everything real Sora has been through.

It’s never explained why the journal takes the form of Riku, only that it simply exists as so. And though there is a sense of difference between data and real (Data is more soft spoken, apologizes frequently, and doesn’t want Data Sora to get hurt in ANY sense be it physical or emotional. Yet he still retains the sarcasm, calculative nature, and fondness for Sora as the real Riku would.) He’s also the main one in story to follow Data Sora into defeating all the “bugs” that are corrupting the journal as well as stopping Pete and Maleficent from doing further damage. I did quite enjoy this scene of Data Riku asking Sora to stay away when Pete corrupts him with said bugs:



Data Riku takes his role seriously, even if he knows they aren’t the real deal, he has the instinct of keeping the face of the one he cares about alive at all costs, even if it means he goes corrupted. Huh, kinda reminds me of KH2 when Riku is ashamed at the thought of his friends looking at his Ansem form when he assists in Sora’s awakening. And we see another parallel again of the extent of Riku’s sacrafice:









And what I absolutely adore is that Data Sora is always there to tell him he’s not alone, he has his support, and that self sacrifice is in vain if they don’t have each other or their friends. It grounds them, helps them get where they need to be and eventually helps them open up to each other a lot more easier. I joked in my watch through that “Oh, this Sora is the Chaotic good that we would’ve gotten if Sora never experienced Trauma and this Riku is the one that we would have gotten if he trusted in Sora and blocked out the control of Maleficent’s darkness!” But in reality, these two are the just purest essence of their true selves, its the sora and riku we should have ended with when all was said and done, just two people who look out for the other and confide about their fears, their strengths and weaknesses, and give each other the strength to move on.





I also would like to point out that with Riku’s more mellowed attitude in this version, Sora takes charge in bringing up his self esteem, and in turn comes off as though he has grown more mature with each world they pass. But really the only difference is that this Sora is taking every bit of advice he’s taken from his peers and rewording it to fit the situation at hand. Riku’s down? Use a friendship quote he picked up from Donald/Goofy. But he is also sincere with it, where he doesn’t boast about being right or tease Riku when he feels insecure about a statement made, he genuinely wants Riku to feel worth and understand theres no need to apologize as nothing is wrong and what matters now is how they move forward.








And after this set of pictures where Riku is about to send Sora to King Mickey to finalize their mission after they realize “uh oh, Sora’s heartless got illegally downloaded and is causing another virus!”, it brings us back to the top image...waaaaaay back in the beginning of this long post of a pretty little glass stained door. And BOY do I have thoughts on this sequence! Riku’s instinct is to summon a portal specifically for Sora, his priority is to keep him safe as usual. But out of all the doors hes created thus far in game, this one is the most detailed and symbolic. He MADE THE DETAILS INTO ROSES. A flower well known for its tie in with romance. And the colors? Blue, Red, Lilac, and purple; with a few accents of pink and lighter blues. Do you know why the colors matter? BECAUSE THEY ARENT FRIENDSHIP BASED. THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: - Red roses: passion, desire, romance, eternal love (also Sora’s color) - Blue roses: Mysterious, Extraordinary, Unattainable Love (also Riku’s color) -Lilac: A promise to a future together -Purple: love at first sight -Pink: Appreciation, Gratitude, Admiration, unconditional love/affection
See, personally if I would’ve wanted to express a “friendship” between the puppet apparatuses of “real” individuals who carry very similar ideas of their counters, I would have gone with maybe a design that looks less like overlapping rose petals that concave into a secret tunnel, and gone more with a design thats like a forget-me-knot and stuck with blue for it as it IS Riku’s doing in this situation. He’s opening an escape for Sora. We don’t see a special portal like that when he teleports Mickey and co out the second time, its just bright light. So why give such a great detail to supposed best friends? On top of the design, it looks like stained glass. You know, like the ones used in churches? Typically meaning hope, togetherness, and love? Not to mention that the structure of the portal looks like a wedding arch, you know, the ones where people stand under to say their vows? SPEAKING OF VOWS! Don’t Sora and Riku in DDD create a heart song literally called “Dearly Beloved”, you know, the phrase said before wedding vows, and coincidentally with these characters creating the same colors we see in the portal. Listen, I couldn’t make this up if I tried. But at this point I will yell at the skies that Sora and Riku love each other in every form they take and are quite frankly married. Sorry, don’t make the rules, but this is def. beyond friendship.






In conclusion, um...Riku and Sora? Yeah if their digital versions understood that they can be separated from their friends but live on in their memories as long as they have each other just through the sheer shared experience of a walk through memory line of Sora’s past....then what is stopping the real ones from realizing this? And the thing is again, we got something very close to this realization when real Sora and Riku were trapped in the darkness and just kinda kicking back contemplating life and how glad they have each other at least. But in this iteration, its a lot more than just giving in to the fact nothing else can be done, its honoring the adventure, the time spent, and the amount of growth they’ve gone through. This iteration understands their work is done and its okay to find solace in the other when all the rest of their memories from those not in the digital world will erase, yet never truly be gone because THOSE friends on the other side will always have them in their hearts. This was supposed to be how in my eyes KH3 ended and why after seeing this, I know that we need to get back to this point, because OUR story with OUR Sora and Riku has yet to aquire this level of understanding. I’m expecting a sorta, KH 3.5 in the future or some spinoff to tie their stories up and to have them be at peace that they probably will never return to the world they grew up in, but thats fine because they have each other and a whole new adventure. And thats what I enjoyed about this part of re:coded. In summary I guess, Sora and Riku are destined to end up in the same realm helping the other, thats their fate, reaching contentment in the others presence and to stop feeling like its their job to save everyone out of their reach. The heroes journey is over, its time to find the conclusion of their own inner turmoil and remember who was there since the start for them.

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For the ask meme, 18!
18. Characters you want to wrap in a blanket and tell them they're going to be okay?
Oh man, so many. To make it short, all of the Gladers from tmr and also Group B. Also Bess, Ben and Alex from Snowpiercer. And like, the entire main cast from Carry On
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for the ask meme: Ghost, frost and spice
ahh thank you! I didn’t see this until now (because was on my phone)!
ghost - is there someone that you miss having in your life? Lots of people from high school and camp and not who I’ve lost touch with, it makes me a little sad
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say? Just be you and don’t touch your eyebrows too much!
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted? Sometimes I think my house might be, but I’ve definitely had a few experiences in other people’s homes where I feel like there’s something else
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Tried Letting Go
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2ENEwlb
by Skquill
A Connor Lives au, set to the same story we've all cried over.
Evan Hansen believes that nothing he do will ever be remembered and that he will be forgotten. During a confrontation his world gets flipped upside down, causing him to get everything he wanted. All he has to do is pretend to me friends with a fellow classmate that tried to kill himself.
Words: 2779, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Evan Hansen, Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Jared Kleinman, Alana Beck, Zoe Murphy, Heidi Hansen, Larry Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Cynthia Murphy
Relationships: Evan Hansen/Connor Murphy
Additional Tags: Connor Murphy Lives (Dear Evan Hansen), convan, Treebros, Gay Jared Kleinman, Bisexual Evan Hansen, Mental Health Issues, Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen) Has BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2ENEwlb
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