#Skam fr s10
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nancyskam · 3 years ago
Sometimes I see people on the Internet that are like : « Yeah, I had my ‘Skam phase’ a few years ago. I was obsessed with this show. It taught me so much. »
And I’m always like :
A ‘Skam phase’ ? You’re talking in the past ?? 
Dude I started watching Skam in April 2017. Then I watched Skam Italia, Skam France, Skam Austin, Skam Espana, Druck, Skam NL, wtFOCK. I’m still watching the new episodes of Skam France and Druck. I’m waiting for Skam Italia season 5. Three months ago I watched Skam season 3 for like the 10th time. Literally today I heard a Robyn’s song and I was like : « WAIT THAT’S THE VOICE THAT SINGS ‘CALL YOUR GIRLFRIEND’ !! ». I felt so happy to see that Kennedy (🇺🇸) and Nicole (🇪🇸) became very good friends (both of them played « Noora »). I still listen to my Skam playlist. And I’m planning on watching agaiiiiin Druck season 3, Skam season 2, Skam Italia season 4, or any other season that I loved 😍
I’m almost 23 now, and Skam is not just a phase to me. Skam really did change my life and had an impact on my vision of the world ❤️ It still does.
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lucidpantone · 2 years ago
Skam Fr is renewed for 2 seasons not one. Season 10 is planned to be their last.
This is a super old ask I found in my anon box as am going on a deleting binge. Remember when there was a world when we thoughts skamfr would die after s10............. hahahahahaha.
I swear this show is fucking immortal or something when most netflix shows can't even get one season skamfr is about to go to 12 seasons...... shit is wild. Skam fr is basically a vampire in TV form.
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akkpipitphattana · 3 years ago
People saying that they watch skam for their realism and that them ending up as friends is real life are not getting the point. You can be realism and also show that happy endings are possible. I agree this season is the best written so far in comparison with s7 and s8 and if due go the fact of the themes they're dealing but the issues here are rooted in miscommunication and not letting yourself feel and be open for others, issues that you can work out on your own but can rely in the people you love. Now with lola, I don't blame her for feeling like this and she has the right to put herself first but as we've seen I think she deep down wanted things to work out so yes maya need to do the healing and the growing now in order to change herself for the better but also to prove lola that they can work on their relationship and star again. AND that it's also realism, it shows you that for a relationships to work, both parties has to fight for it might not happen as often as relationships ending for good but thats the beauty of skam at the end to show us that happy endings are posible and for maya that almost all her whole life was deprived of love of any kind, for me her happiness is to finally be open to her feelings, and rely on the support of her friends and to be loved for the person she loves.
Also I know if they take that route of ending as friends they will surely get them back together in s10 but it wouldn't be the same we wouldn't see the grown and how they found their way to each h other, skam fr doesn't know how to backstories so it would be rushed and not satisfying. One of the reason eskam made the norandro endgame so satisfying in s4 is because they knew how to handle their story even tho they weren't in the spotlight, the bonuses clips helped with that, here were not getting any of that.
i have nothing to add, i completely agree with everything you said
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rdemwhathaveyoudone · 3 years ago
Mayla endgame... WHEN ?
Fuck this shit already ... I feel like Lola Friend/FamilyZoned Maya... 
Fuck this man ! 
Need to see Some Mayla Soldier rants cause , Im loosing hope here... I m starting to believe that maybe Mayla Endgame is happening in S10 not S9 ut then again , I'm like they will do no shit ... so imagine if Mayla is actually over. I'm not ready for that ... I thinkI should forget about skam Fr for like 6 months and then come back with the "certitude" that Our fav couple is going strong , and not some MayJune (even though I kinda like that Calendar Girl but away from Lola's Maya, youalready know)
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nancyskam · 3 years ago
The fact that every girl already had this type of conversation with her friends…
I can’t count how many times my friends and I talked about sexism and specially about weird guys in the streets. It became so normal to us to experience these terrible moments.
I’m so so so glad Skam France talks about this topic. This is so important. Thanks God no one ever assaulted me sexually or physically but I still can relate to suffering in a sexist world as a woman. I don’t think men realise how heavy this situation is for us.
Skam France is doing so well this season omg 🙏🏻
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nancyskam · 3 years ago
I just watched Skam France clip (Tuesday 12h34). When they talk about inclusive writing.
And as a french speaker I just wanted to give more informations about inclusive writing in French. Because it’s a bit « harder » than in English and other languages I guess so that’s why lots of people debate about this topic, like the mif did.
In French the feminine version of a word is usually a bit different from the masculin version. Like, « a student guy = un étudiant » and « a student girl = une étudiante ». So in English when you say « the students » it’s already inclusive. But in French we say « les étudiants ». So that’s not inclusive because we actually use the masculine version to talk about all the students.
So in inclusive writing in French, « the students » is « les étudiant-es ». If you want to say « the students are nice », it’s « les étudiant-es sont gentil-les ».
Other examples :
« The lawyers are clever. » = « Les avocat-es sont intelligent-es. »
« Good morning everyone ! » = « Bonjour à toustes ! (It’s a mix of tous and toutes). »
« I love this person. They are the best ! » = « J’adore cette personne. Iel (it’s a mix of il and elle) est le/la meilleur-e. »
This is why Jo said that it’s hard for dyslexic people.
Anyway, more and more of french people use the inclusive writing. But lots of people still don’t want to use it because they say it’s too weird to put an ‘-‘ in a word, such as « étudiant-es ». They also say it’s too long, and that it’s making our beautiful language ugly. They say it’s too complicated. I mean, it’s indeed a bit hard to always write in inclusive, but it’s ok when you get used to. The most complicated is when you speak. Good luck to say something like « Les ouvrier-ères ne sont pas content-es parce que iels travaillent trop. » It’s a bit hard 😅 But anyway we still have to make effort because it’s important to not discriminate people 💪🏻 French language is a very sexist language (in its vocabulary, grammar, etc.). There’re lots of other examples I didn’t talk about but I’m gonna stop there because it’s already way too long 😂
Anyway I just thought this could be interesting for non french speakers.
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nancyskam · 3 years ago
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Sasha is a fucking queen 👑❤️
Crazy how she became one of my favourite Skam France characters of all time !
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akkpipitphattana · 3 years ago
People wanting s11 so they can hopefully have a reunion of mayla as Shirley and Deborah are leaving after this season;
First, that's a nightmare they should have ended in s6, it's time to let the remakes die, however, knowing skam fr likes their coins so is a big possibility they want to keep going especially if those demons are setting it up for more seasons
Second, If they get renewed ( God lord) mayla reunion is unlikely, Lola's leaving and although maya is staying another year in school she's not gonna be a focus on that gen also, and this is my opinion but i don't think ayumi and flavie would want to come back especially after how they characters were treated like if I was ayumi and if I had known before signing my contract how my season would go I definitely wouldn't signed. I just know her presence is gonna be scarce in s10 e even less than s7 and s8.
And honestly I get why they don't want them together anymore seeing how they treated their relationship and the lack of care and seeing the storyline in s9, I would also get tired of it. I don't blame them
Anyways they deserved better both actresses and characters
i mean like it’s not IMPOSSIBLE for them to get a s11 endgame situation, since shirley and deb literally brought back arthur and noée in s7 just to confirm that arthur and alexia had broken up and him and noée had gotten together for no reason like 😭😭😭
but yeah please god don’t let this show keep going. it is Time to Move On like skdkskd i’m so tired of it! and agreed about flavie and ayumi, they deserved so much better. especially ayumi, she put so much work into this season only for her character to end up alone and with no development like 🙃
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akkpipitphattana · 3 years ago
Just wanna say you’ve set up a great space to send anon messages about skam fr and analyze everything with you so thank you for that!! We’re all pissed but I totally get you deciding to step away from it, I’ve said my peace and now I’m just gonna live in my s6 bubble and try to stop being angry about this season as well. My friend let me rant to her about all the issues I have with s7-s9 (even tho I barely watched s7 and s8) and now s10 and she doesn’t even watch the show and now I just feel ready to move on to shows that actually provide me with comfort and joy and (good) angst. Thank you for your takes and theories and positive vibes throughout this season, especially from one Lola and Mayla stan to another. This is not canon for me at all. I’ll miss sending you anon messages about it but thank you for responding to them! And trying to justify this season until the end lol. Lola will still remain my favorite character and her and Maya are living happily post s6. They prob had their issues but actively work through them because they love and respect eachother and understand eachother and the traumas they endured and emphasize the fact that they both are deserving of love and support eachother. They can love and be loved and are more than the trauma they endured and the issues they are actively working through.
ahh thank you!! i’m very glad to have provided a safe and positive place during the season, even if i ended up being wrong about the outcome. it was so much fun getting to talk to and theorize with all of you, and i’ll always cherish that, even if the season ended badly and i don’t wanna keep talking about the ending 💙💙💙 also i don’t want anyone to think they can’t send me stuff at all, bc i’ll gladly read your complaints, i just probably won’t respond. and i’d also love to get anons about other stuff if you ever see me posting about your other interests or if any of you just wanna stop in and chat 🥰
but yes, totally agree, they’re happy and communicating and full of love for each other actually <333
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akkpipitphattana · 3 years ago
I mean they literally said they are hoping to attract new audiences so for me that means they don't give a fuck about mayla viewers for s10 they just baited us to give them views for this season
people unfortunately underestimate skam fr audience like they really have loyal fanbase who eat up anything they throw them not to mention the weirdos who like that girl which are more than I thought and lastly those who still have in a pedestal Deborah and Shirley
the thing is i’m not saying they’ll get NO views next season. but it will sure as hell be significantly lower than s9 and even 7 and 8 (which also had low views compared to s6). like i know there are anaïs stans but even them i haven’t heard a word out of since the episode ended lmao. like EVERYONE is pissed. and idk what NEW audience they’re planning on attracting?? like this is the tenth season dude, anyone left is just extremely loyal fans. idk how anaïs is supposed to bring in new views lmao
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akkpipitphattana · 3 years ago
Also people saying maybe they get back together in s10 and we will see it in some clips and background social media like???? Its skam fr they are the worst at developing background characters not to mention they barely were in s7 and s8 seasons that were about their friends, do you really think they gonna do their reunion justice in a season where the main apparently is new and has not relation to them.
skkdkd no they definitely won’t develop it well if it’s in s10, the way i picture it when i say that is an arthur/alexia situation where we get like a scene or two hinting at it and then they kiss in the last clip in compliation style skdkdkd but i don’t think it’ll be s10, i think it’ll be s9
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akkpipitphattana · 3 years ago
Us watching s9 of skam fr like a distant cousin who occasionally shares an opinion
But seriously it's time it ends.. all the remakes. The new generation is graduating soon but knowing france they are capable of introducing a third generation which a nightmare honestly.
I don't think redouane is gonna be the main but I do believe is gonna play an important part, but even that it's not enough to pull me back for another 10 weeks
SJSKSKD yeah literally. i really wouldn’t put it past france to introduce a new gen to keep going like skskskd but yeah the only thing that would pull me back for s10 was if redouane was the main, which is suuuuuper unlikely so i won’t be coming back skdkskd
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lucidpantone · 3 years ago
Do you know if fr is planning to go further than s10? They’ve dragged it for too long already, and I feel like the end of s7 with the alt er love balloons was where they should’ve put an end to it.
I think we are done with s10 they would need to introduce a whole new gen again. We don't have that many characters we could explore and even if we introduce new students lamifex doesn't have much time left in high school anymore. So I do think it will be done after season 10. Thank god!!!! Let skam France die already.
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