#Six-Sentence Sunday
a-forbidden-detective · 9 months
Six-sentence Sunday:
Nothing but heart
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There was a muffled crackling sound on his right that made him glance at the brown hair that belonged to a young man next to him, the police detective Totomaru Isshiki covered in his blue stripes and white duvet. He didn’t forget that he was there. Not at all. He was aware that Toto stayed.
Ron turned around and gathered the sleeping man in his arms. Who would have thought that after five years practically living like a hermit another person, a warm body, was next to him, willing to be with him?
Toto moaned, but his eyes were still closed. Exhaustion took over after the revelation and danger of the Plateau Auberge case. What he and Toto discovered was all too much to take in.
The police officer suffered minor burns, a scratch on his left cheek marred his almost perfect face. And Ron? He thought he would die, and the case was his last deduction. Toto, the ever loyal, came back for him. Lying on the floor of a burning luxury hotel, the brown-haired man told him to get his shit together. But there was no way out, the fire engulfed the whole building. Ron and Toto exchanged glances. A smile on their faces. That was the moment they decided to die together. Toto seated next to him, like always, and the rescue team arrived like in a dream.
Read the rest on AO3.
*Decided to put it on AO3 so I don’t lose it. Dedicated to D @anitazara I tweaked a few things. Wanted to add some spicy scenes, but I am useless that way. Fluff is my language, I guess. Beware of Plateau Auberge serial murders case spoilers. One image is from Akazami/Yashiro BLCD, “Derail.”
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silluuuu · 7 months
six-sentence sunday
i'm finally back on my bullshit with writing!! here's a little bit of one for the road ch. 6 for posterity. we love one (1) pedantic pain in the ass <3 technically eight sentences today but it's fineee~
Eventually her spine reached the height of its complaining and she slowly unfurled herself, trying to stretch out each individual vertebrae without waking him up. In the past this would've been easy - he’d always slept like a log - but in the closeness of the space, she made it through one full-body twist before chancing a glance his way, only to find his eyes half-open, watching her. They stared at each other in silence for a moment, Maka opening her mouth to explain, but before she could say anything, he’d asked: “You trying to impersonate your tree?” And that was how he’d earned himself an early start on their hike up Mt. Wheeler. “You can’t impersonate a tree,” she mutters as they make their way to the trailhead, bag hiked up high on her back, fists bunched around the tightening straps. “Tell that to the weird contortions you were doing–” “Etymologically,” she interrupts, face hot with embarrassment, “the word impersonate comes from the Latin root persona, meaning person, therefore you can’t impersonate a tree. The correct word would be imitate.”
--- hello friends who i know have been writing @toweroftunes @anxietybard @chickycherrycola @blackbloodteeth and anyone else, show me ur stuff <3
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mellancholy-morose · 7 months
six-sentence sunday
Thanks for the tag @silluuuu I def need to share wip snippets more and this is a fantastic excuse (strongly resisting urge to call them wippets...)
I started poking at my dragfic again: 'Knowing Spirit Albarn is a Drag' so here's a snippet from that, from Spirit's pov
“I’m jealous of you girls,” I admit to Blair, and I must be pretty far in the bag to admit that. “You all get so much attention and affection…I wanna get doted on.”
Blair latched onto that, and runs off into the back, returning with arms full of every kind of makeup imaginable. “You can get doted on like the girls if you’re one of them!” She says all excitedly.  “No, no way.”
She looks disappointed at my ‘makeover’ refusal but when she leaves to sadly put the makeup back she drops some and I pocket the lipstick telling myself I am going to give it back to her when she comes back—but I never do. ---
@bcbdrums I'm sure you have some wip you can share
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bubblegum-blackwood · 8 months
Six-Sentence Sundayyy
A snippet from something up and coming for Valenfangs - an updated and expanded version of Glass Slippers!
"Y'all ready for this?" Riccardo asked, holding his hands out, and Armand took his right while Albinus took his left. Armand said, "Let's do this."
Riccardo began to skip, dragging them along with him, and all three young men devolved into giggles. Albinus said, "I think it'll take longer to even get there that way."
"Yeah, probably," Riccardo sighed, and they let go of each other and walked normally side-by-side. It was (hopefully) their final fall semester at Venice City University, and they had all decided to take a class together just for shits - floral design, which sounded fun and low-key, taught by a professor by the name of Eudoxia.
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bcbdrums · 10 months
six-sentence sunday
thanks for the tag @silluuuu! here's an excerpt from my soul eater secret santa!
Soul absently felt for the cord of his blinds, twisting it to block out the offending light, and then rolled over with a satisfied sigh. Next to the pillow his fingers tapped out the rhythm of a jazz piece that he'd had stuck in his head for a few days as he let the comfortable feeling of the weekend slowly wake him up, starting with the smell of something sweet, doughy, and greasy coming from the kitchen.
Donuts, and...something else. Was Maka making donuts?
The curiosity was almost enough to drag him up but he wanted a few extra minutes to laze in bed, and truly he should take as long as he wished—it had been a long time since he'd been able to relax like this in the apartment and not be watching his back for witchy cats that had no sense of personal space.
There was a light rapping on his door.
i tag @midnightcaptions @memethebum @mellancholy-morose and @sunnyisinsane that's right YOU, sunny! i will harass you into writing more, haha.
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elwenyere · 2 years
Six-Sentence Sunday
A wee bit more codywan cigarette-sharing for your weekend (CW smoking):
Obi-Wan paused for a moment and then lingered in Cody’s space: his free palm pressed to the mat next to Cody’s thigh, his shoulders tucked inward, canting toward Cody’s hips. 
Cody should probably have looked away again when Obi-Wan fitted the cigarette between his lips – the curves of its paper still warm from where it had perched in Cody’s mouth. But he didn’t. He tracked the way Obi-Wan’s lips pursed into a tight “o” as he took a drag – the way his cheeks hollowed, his eyelashes fluttering with his breath. 
Obi-Wan blew out a stream of air and then sucked in through his nose, curling the smoke backward in a smooth, silver wave.
“Showoff,” Cody remarked, and Obi-Wan snorted out the rest in a huff.
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chickycherrycola · 2 years
six-sentence sunday ✍
thanks @silluuuu for the tag! 😊 i've been in sort of a post-resbang haze for the past week or so - i know i should take a break, but i just really want to keep writing. 😂 this snippet is from an older, angst-filled fic i haven't updated in... about a year, but i'm hoping to change that and get a new chapter up real soon:
Maka feels the sudden urge to curl into him, and she doesn't resist it.
She rolls onto her other side, kicking and pushing against the tangle of bedsheets all the while, her arms searching blindly for the place where the bed ends and his body begins. A sigh of relief escapes her lips when she finally finds him. 
So warm and solid and steady and Soul.
She presses her body against his, nestles her head comfortably in the crook of his shoulder. He doesn't wake, but Maka feels his arm tighten instinctively around her as she folds into him, and the unconscious act makes her heart do a funny little dance inside her chest. 
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letraspal · 8 days
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Sketch Sunday! It’s been a while since I posted a WIP. But for now it’s all I have. So here three snowbaz, one wolfstar. Autumn inspires me. I love autumn. Thanks for today’s tag and previous ones to @cutestkilla @orange-peony @monbons @aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy @blackberrysummerblog @alexalexinii @noblecorgi @emeryhall your creativity always inspires my soul. 💚💜
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emeryhall · 1 month
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Thank you to @orange-peony @roomwithanopenfire and @thewholelemon for the tags! Remember when I said I wasn't going to write in July? LIES. Absolute lies. What I did instead was collaborate with @artsyunderstudy who's beta-ing and illustrating our fic that should be forthcoming next week ❤️ I'm so excited to share a snippet with you!
Later, sometime in the early morning before the sun rose, Simon woke up terrified from a dream. Baz’s eyes were black voids, his mouth full of white knives, and he was hungry. He was hungry and not next to Simon.  But just as Simon was digging around at the foot of the bed for Baz’s red and gold striped pajamas, Baz opened the door to the bedroom. His eyes were clear grey. His teeth fit in his mouth, and when he lay down beside Simon, he said he was full. When Simon thinks back to that night, sometimes he opens his hand and stares at his palm, wishing he could set it on top of the sun and push, shoving it back down below the horizon—shoving it into that void no cartographer ever drew—because the next morning was the last day he saw Baz.  Well, the last day, that is, until now.
Tags and happy Sunday to @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @cutestkilla @bookish-bogwitch @monbons @mooncello
@rimeswithpurple @raenestee @shrekgogurt @best--dress @theearlgreymage
@brilla-brilla-estrellita @larkral @messofthejess @iamamythologicalcreature @aristocratic-otter
@facewithoutheart @noblecorgi @rbkzz @letraspal @fatalfangirl
@nightimedreamersworld @alexalexinii @supercutedinosaurs @fiend-for-culture @hushed-chorus
@prettygoododds @skeedelvee @ic3-que3n
and anyone I've missed!
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numptypylon · 1 month
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“He’s so hands-on and full of initiative, isn’t he?” Lujanne cooed, stroking Allen’s enormous biceps. “So strong and capable; don’t you just swoon?”
“Well, the swooniest boy in all the land is still standing, so I think it’s just you,” Rayla laughed.
“I do not swoon!” Callum protested.
“And yet, you instantly knew I was talking about you.”
“I swoon an extremely average amount!”
"Once per adventure, recently down from two?"
Excerpt from a S6 chapter of my S4-6 between-canon-episodes fic, Downtime’s Up (successor to my S1-3 between-canon-scenes fics Downtime in Wartime and Upside Downtime). I swear I'm TRYING to write the NEXT chapter, but... S6, man...
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just-dreaming-marvel · 2 months
s.s.s. drabbles ~ Playful #1
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Character(s) / Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Word Count: 81ish
Notes: This is is for @mostly-marvel-musings six sentence sunday challenge! Hope you enjoy!
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Grunting, you swung your lightsabers at the oncoming troops.
“Incoming carriers!” A clone announced as you continued the fight.
“You know,” Obi-Wan’s smirk could be heard over the comms, “I really believe you continue to want to be saved.”
“Oh, you know me, Kenobi, can’t do anything without my knight in shining armor,” you replied.
“I’m honored, though it would be easier if you would just ask me to come along.”
“Last time I checked, the call for help was asking.”
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silluuuu · 5 months
six/seven sentence sunday
thank u to both @toweroftunes & @chickycherrycola for the tags 💖i love that we're always collectively indecisive about the number of sentences we're gonna post and then we usually end up doing more than seven sentences anyway 🤣 here's some more OFTR for posterity. it's all dialogue today:
“We just ate!” she exclaims.
“Uh, like two hours ago.”
“…I do have some snacks in the back,” she says, lightly.
He turns to stare at her, scandalized. “You’ve had snacks this whole time and you’re just telling me?”
“If I’d told you they’d be gone by now, and then we wouldn’t have any,” she sniffs.
“Too little faith in me,” he mutters.
“They’re Cheez-Its and Chips Ahoys,” she fires back.
There's a long pause, wherein his stomach incriminatingly growls a second time. “...Yeah, never mind. Probably good you didn’t tell me."
everyone who i can think of to tag has already been tagged so, if u've got somethin' to share, go for it!!
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bookish-bogwitch · 3 months
Thanks for the tags @emeryhall @rimeswithpurple @blackberrysummerblog and @roomwithanopenfire!
I’m in Omaha and made this today. It’s six sentences, right?
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Who knew Carry On had so many beard rubs? (Spadey. Spadey knew.)
Tagging @facewithoutheart @martsonmars @raenestee. Miss you!
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thesleepyskipper · 29 days
Six Sentence Sunday!
Well, I had a very productive Sunday and managed to finish this post-canon wedding one-shot WITH ALL THE FEELS today! This one's for @firenati0n ❤️ with a special shout out to @caterpills for helping me with it!
Thank you to @suseagull04, @sophie1973, @tailsbeth-writes, @onthewaytosomewhere, @iboatedhere for today's tags
and @miss-minnelli who tagged me while I was writing this post!
Here's a little taste:
About five hundred of those five hundred and ten days had been spent planning how to ask Henry to marry him. Alex needed the perfect proposal spot, the perfect ring, the perfect plan. Henry was a prince, for fuck’s sake, and he certainly deserved perfection as far as their engagement was concerned. Alex was nothing if not a perfectionist by nature to begin with, so it should have been easy. He was also a workaholic who was willing to put in a hundred and twenty percent to make sure everything was exactly right. (One hundred and ten was enough for your typical run-of-the-mill overachiever, but not for Alex Claremont-Diaz.)
You can read the rest here on AO3: yours, forever by thesleepyskipper
Would love to see what everyone's been up to this weekend! So consider this an open tag and more tags below the cut!
@welcometololaland, @cricketnationrise, @myheartalivewrites, @kiwiana-writes, @orchidscript
@rmd-writes, @celeritas2997, @noahreids, @alasse9, @cha-melodius
@henryspearl, @tinyarmedtrex, @leaves-of-laurelin, @14carrotghoul
@three-drink-amy, @stereopticons, @smblmn, @lilythesilly, @blueeyedgrlwrites
@nontoxic-writes, @indestructibleheart, @maxbegone, @clockwrkpendrxgon, @piratefalls
@anincompletelist, @anchoredarchangel, @emmalostinwonderland, @littlemisskittentoes @sparklepocalypse,
@judasofsuburbia, @heysweetheart-writes, @bitbybitwrites
@jmagnabo92, @wordsofhoneydew, @run-for-chamo-miles, @zwiazdziarka, @getmehighonmagic
@hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @dragonflylady77, @agame-writes, @nocoastposts, @lightningboltreader
@inexplicablymine, @na-dineee, @notspecialbabe, @benwvatt, @cactusdragon517
@onetwistedmiracle, @ninzied, @porcelainmortal, @bitsnpisces, @theprinceandagcd
@kordeliafawkes, @stratocumulusperlucidus, @idealuk, @stellarmeadow, @eusuntgratie
@lizzie-bennetdarcy, @dreamtigress, @duchessdepolignaca03, @kj-bee,
@priincebutt, @stellarmeadow, @softboynick, @fullsunsets,
@firstprincefairytale, @rachelica9, @readstheroom, @anti-homophobia-cheese, @thighzp
@mikibwrites, @swearphil, @flowerfan2, @rarelyrad, @letloverule1111
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zuppizup · 1 month
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“Calm yourself, mage,” Aaravos spoke from the shadows, emerging into the dim light a moment later.
Callum frowned, trying to figure out what was going on. He looked down, seeing his own body before him, marvelling at how his fingers responded to his will…
“Don’t get too excited,” Aaravos continued. “This is merely another prison.”
Getting to his feet, Callum glared at the imposing Startouch. “Where am I?!”
“Nowhere really.” Aaravos chuckled, circling Callum. “The dark recesses of your mind, shall we say.”
“Let me go.” Callum tried to reach out, to feel his connection to the Sky or the Ocean but all he found was endless darkness and nothing.
A wee snippet from an up-coming chapter of In Absentia.
Callum is showing up again!
… or is he?
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fellowshipofthefics · 9 months
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Happy Sunday, Fellowship! 💜
Writers, now is your chance to tease one of your works! Share with us (approximately) six sentences on the story you're working on. If you don't have anything to share just yet, go add six sentences to your current WIP!
Readers, do you want to participate? Challenge yourself to leaving a 6 sentence comment on a fanfic, or even one of the six sentence snippets shared by your favorite writers!
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