#Sisterhood AU
franstastic-ideas · 10 months
Which one of your girls is most likely to call their lover "loser" affectionately
Touko! She does like holding her victories over N's head sometimes... And Mizuki too, but she's more mean about it.
Poor Gladion... (She's nicer to Hau, though-)
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laismoura-art · 3 months
All Hail The Queen🥀
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Presenting you my take on Jataaka as Queen of Netherrealm!
After the fall of Quan Chi and Shinnok, Jataaka decided she was done taking orders from outsides. Hell deserved to be ruled by one of their own, a true Hellborn, and if no one else would step up, then she would!
With the aid of her sisters, Sareena and Kia, and the support of other hellborn, Jataaka took over the throne of Netherrealm!
Under her command, Netherrealm is a free realm. They fight for their own interests and ally themselves only with those who will deem them as equals!
Bonus: Without the shadows:
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Also, a thanks to the Hazbin Hotel for helping me realise just how deeply unsettling eyes can be!👁
@mikka-minns @thedragonholder
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just-mary-ann · 4 months
It's time to know characters better. Fist we have Jono!
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Artists: Toderu and Ann
More about sisterhood AU:
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muffindaydream · 1 year
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way back when, sometime after I finished my first playthrough of pokemon scarlet, I brought back some of my old OCs and completely re-made them because the brainrot reached critical mass...
didn’t wanna take the student route so I made my OCs academy faculty members instead (librarians)!
Their names are Raine and Fatima. Raine is a Contest Coordinator hopeful and Fatima is a Dark-type specialist who wants to become a trainer again after previously retiring.
Raine is one of my oldest OCs ever, so I really wish I could have done her justice and made more art for her, especially by completing her full-body ref. My chronic pain won yet again..
You can read an even more detailed description of my Pokemon OCs here on a carrd I made just for them! bask in my self-indulgence.
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quill-pen · 8 months
Personally, I hate Valentine's Day for a variety of reasons, but I know Bess likes it. So let's think about her today with...
💌Valentines Through the Eras; A Timeless Scroogeverse Reminiscing
💝George Era:
Bess loves Valentine's, but not when it comes to celebrating it in school. The kindergarten Valentine's Day party completely ruined that for her when all her classmates tore up and threw her Powerpuff Girl themed Valentine cards away while laughing in her face.
Then of course she opened her own to find them all defaced with graffiti insulting her. Barbie in scribbled on facial hair and stink-lines telling her she smelled. Bratz with huge freckles, declaring how ugly she was. My Little Pony characters saying they didn't want to be her friends. Power Rangers, Spider-Man, and TMNT all boasting altered messages about how dumb, gross, and weird she was, and wishing her a bad Valentine's.
Along with the Valentine's were crumbled cookies, broken and ruined toys, half-eaten, sticky candies. Her Valentine's box was defaced with scribbled artwork of a large, brown smudge, labelled as "pOOp", as if she couldn't guess what it was meant to be.
Bess went home in tears that day, ruined box and all its contents in hand to show her mother proof of how mean her class was to her. Bea never believed her when Bess reported bullying stories to her. She didn't believe Bess even with the evidence. Or if she did, she didn't care, just like always.
It wasn't until George came over that night to take Bea out for supper and saw Bess' puffy eyes, tear-stained face, and the box that Bess received any sort of comfort: a promise that they would get a Valentine's Day do-over tomorrow, just the two of them.
And he held true to that promise, picking her up early and taking the little girl out for a special breakfast of any-flavored, heart-shaped pancakes. He gave her a big Valentine in the shape of the stuffed horse she'd had her eye on for a long while. He took her to the zoo and to the children's museum where he played with her. He took her shopping to get whatever she wanted: a new Barbie and a couple Barbie playsets, one big and one small. He showered her with affection and words of affirmation, telling her how pretty, nice, smart, funny, sweet, etc. she was.
George let his little Mudpuppy know she was loved, special, and wanted. He let her know she mattered, and she deserved to be treated with kindness.
From that Valentine's on, George always made sure he was around to help Bess play hooky on the day of the class party and take her out on the town to treat her.
Bess never knew what happened to her Valentine's boxes or Valentine's afterward because they were always gone from the classroom the next day. But she didn't care. Valentine's Day dates with George were a million times better than anything she could have gotten from her classmates.
Eventually, unfortunately, due to many factors of life, those dates with George ground to a halt.
Of course, Bess was a bit sad, but she didn't mind all that much with little siblings to love on and receive love from in turn now as well as George.
And George always still managed to get her something and/or treat her to a meal.
But still, Bess wanted to have a tradition like those all-day Valentine's dates again with somebody. Maybe make them romantic this time around.
💝Oliver Era:
When Oliver came into the picture, Bess thought, for a very brief time, that this was something that could happen with him. After all, they were officially a couple. Even if it wasn't a full day of celebration, even just a nice evening dedicated solely to them and their relationship, would have been amazing.
Bess quickly learned better on that first Valentine's Day of their relationship.
Oliver took her to breakfast in the same greasy little cafe off campus that he always took her to when they decided to eat out for breakfast.
Bess had never been a particularly picky person when it came to food or where she ate, but this place never failed to turn her stomach sour with anything she ate there. Oliver knew that, but always insisted on them going there anyway: It was "his spot" where he knew everything, everyone, and had "never had a bad meal". Bess begged to differ.
Knowing making a fuss would only upset Oliver and put him in a terrible mood the rest of the day, Bess endured, thinking maybe she could just have some yogurt with fruit and a coffee (that she'd turn to syrup with sugar to try and choke it down).
Oliver immediately changed that plan by insisting her order for her. "It's Valentine's Day, after all," he pointed out. "Let me treat my little woman." His smile was probably meant to be sweet, but it felt belittling and mocking.
Bess knew she should have felt anything other than the dread she did.
Her stomach was already churning by the time the waiter walked away with their order, both at the thought of the food coming her way and the way Oliver had kept referring to her as his "little woman". But that was true, wasn't it? She was his girlfriend. Why did it make her skin crawl?
"You do have money with you, right?" Oliver asked expectantly.
"I thought you were treating me."
"I did. I drove you here and ordered for you. And I'll cover the tip if you want."
Bess sighed and rolled her eyes, but made no further comment. They'd hardly been together six months, and she was already exhausted and exasperated with this boy. But nothing was ever perfect, right? Every relationship had its ups and downs and flaws. This relationship just needed some work.
After a breakfast of burnt bacon, undercooked omelettes, and half-raw hashbrowns dripping with grease that smells like fish, Oliver took her to class, promising something extra special that night. For some reason, Bess didn't feel so enthusiastic. Her already lacking enthusiasm drops even lower when Oliver refused to kiss her goodbye: "People are watching, Specks."
Unsurprisingly, it was right for Bess to feel wary of the night's activities: Oliver's "extra special" night was just inviting her over to his dorm to have a movie night with his buddies.
The movies? A marathon of bad, Valentine's-themed b-movies. All of them horror--Bess' least favorite genre. She had to walk out about 15 minutes into the second film (a Valentine's rip-off of the Halloween franchise with more gratuitous debauchery and a Michael Meyers stand-in dressed like Cupid... who still wore the weird mask for some reason?). Oliver didn't even realize she left--none of the guys did.
Bess went home and ended Valentine's Day alone (Debbie was out with her boyfriend) with no flowers, treats, cards, or even so much as a Valentine's text from her boyfriend. She quietly cried herself to sleep from the disappointment.
The years went by with Oliver and Valentine's Days never got better. Even when Bess tried to make something out of the day, it ended up being a complete disaster as something was never right according to Oliver.
Eventually, Bess just gave up on her dream of ever having a romantic Valentine's Day. Or a romantic anything, honestly. Perhaps romance just wasn't in her cards; maybe she didn't get to be swept off her feet and treated like a queen. After all, no one gets everything they want. "But I hardly ever get anything I want."
Their last Valentine's Day together wasn't even acknowledged. Admittedly, Bess waited all day to see if Oliver would make any sort of comment about how she didn't get him something, as she always went out of her way to get him a little gift or treat for the holiday, even when he never did for her. He never did.
What he did do, however, was "complain" to her about how he'd kept getting handed Valentine's and secret notes from bridal party members and wedding guests from the wedding he'd been second shooter at all day. "I just couldn't believe it--all these total babes just handing over stuff like that to me! I mean, I was all like, 'Ladies, please! I'm a professional at work here. Not that I'm not flattered, but I gotta concentrate on my art here. I don't have time for hookups in the storage closet." "Also you're kinda, ya know, engaged." "Hmm? Oh, yeah, right, whatever."
Bess gave up any hopes of ever feeling happy or truly loved in this relationship.
💝Gal Pals Era:
The first Valentine's in London was rough. Not only was Bess far away from home and family (that she knew well), she was also working.
Being kept busy in the maternity ward did help take her mind off of things, however, and there were a few beautiful little babies born that night. So Bess couldn't claim the holiday as bad one. (Though she did have to talk a father down from naming his son 'Valentine' as the mother was too out of it after surgery to do it herself but had made it clear on previous visits that she did not want that to be the child's name.)
That second time around though, was a much different story.
By the second London's Valentine's Bess, Connie, Addie, and Gal had all found each other, and the 1843D girls had bonded together tighter than a Gordian knot. They were bound to make the most of that bond.
Undeterred by the lack of beaus in their lives, the girls took it upon themselves to turn their first Valentine's all together into a celebration to be remembered.
"A Galentine's!" Connie had exclaimed one morning out of the blue. She'd come running from the bathroom with toothbrush in hand and frothy, minty lips. "Let's have a Galentine's! We'll all dress up for each other and go out together!"
The idea was a perfect one, and plans were immediately put into play. Bookings were made, new outfits were purchased, and work shifts were made sure to be filled in.
The evening of, after spending the afternoon sequestered away in rooms at the Dowager Countess of Calloway's (better known as Granny FeFe's) townhouse, readying themselves, all four girls presented themselves to both FeFe and their beloved landlord and surrogate grandfather Michael Pippersnipe, making grand entrances down the grand staircase of the Dowager's front hall.
According to FeFe and Pippersnipe, they had never seen more beautiful young ladies in all of their long years.
It was clear to see, they were being anything but facetious.
London has never known such celebration of sisterhood until that night. All four girls ate and drank their fill, danced and sang to their heart's content, celebrated both themselves and each other.
"A toast!" Addie declared at some time in the night, dashing a champagne glass to the heavens as though it were a golden chalice claimed in victory. Perhaps it was far greater than that.
"A toast to the bonds of sisterhood and friendship! Such loves are often overlooked and underestimated to be lesser than most. But it's been made clear to me in this year of trials and tribulations, of ending the old and beginning the new, that sisterhood and friendship are some of the most powerful and wonderful bonds the world has to offer. After all, what is a friend? A single soul, dwelling in two bodies."
"Aristotle," Connie remarked with a soft smile.
Gal chortled: "'n' t'at's why she be t'e writer."
Smirking, Bess stood and raised her glass as she began reciting: "I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour. I'll be there for you, like I've been there before. I'll be there for you, 'cuz you're there for me too."
She cast a goofy smile around the table. "The 'Friends' theme song."
The table broke into fits of giggles and good natured groans at that. And then everyone was raising their glasses in toast. "To sisterhood!" The sound of crystal glass clinking together tinkled out through the night.
A night made for lovers and romance taken over by the love and joy of found family.
It was truly a Valentine's never to be forgotten.
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And I think we're going to stop it here because, I know me, and I know when I dive into the Wolf era it is likely to get long and graphic.😅. So we'll just wait on that, and keep this cute and wholesome for now!
@rom-e-o I will probably dive in at some point to actually turn Galentine's into a fleshed out ficlet at some point, so if you want to add ideas, go right ahead.☺️
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apinchofm · 1 year
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Fic Rec!
periods, fast food and the female rage - A Survival Guide by @orangepeelshortbreadcookies
Eloise Bridgerton just wanted a relaxing day where she's left to her own devices. Instead she was forced to babysit her bratty little sister. Naturally, it did not go as plan.
Or: Eloise discovered things about her sisters that she wasn't sure she had wished to know.
Modern AU; T; female rage; complex sisterhood.
This fic is so good! A good discussion about adolescent female rage which is often dismissed and sexual assault and the complexity of finding out someone you envy and love is awful. This is beautifully written.
TW: discussions of sexual assault and periods.
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editing mask off into past tense and oh my god i popped off with chekhov's banana bread. look at this progression!!! (spoilers obviously. also if you want to read maybe wait a few days for the better version)
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“You’re doing great.”
I can post this because I have free will and if people are bothered with me drawing other characters pregnant than they can leave :3
I have a little Blind Man’s Bluff side AU I love a lot where Atalanta’s a surrogate for her sister Aeden. Something something Aeden has a partner and she’s been struggling to carry to term and it’s broken Aeden so bad at this point that she didn’t want to try again and she and her husband decided to look into surrogacy. Atalanta does her own research and opts to do it for Aeden because deep down she truly does love her sisters and is willing either way. Her and Snowie are also dating in this AU cause I said so. Atalanta doesn’t lose all her stoicism but is more prone to opening up emotionally more often. It’s really just a self indulgent AU I made because I thought it would be really cute uughhh and it IS uuUUuGGHgGg—
Also like to think that Plantae people in Whistlegrimm have different ways they can have children. Some go through the natural pregnancy process while others plant their own seeds. It’s really up to the parent’s preferences because there’s pros and cons to each. Aeden and her husband just personally wanted to have a child they created together so seeding was out of the question, plus Aeden wouldn’t really have luck with seeding anyway as that’s its own process and she just generally has fertility issues and more all around.
I just uuurgrghr I really love this AU a lot and I think it’s really freaking cute. It’s meant to be a lot more sappy/slice of life as a self indulgence thing for me cause this type of shit is THE sweetest thing to me. I will create what I want because I have free will.
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rosenallies · 10 months
Oh i'm back on the phone sex train after that! Thank you so much for writing it! Maybe a prompt for the future, what about one of Rosés sisters (preferably goona, since she doesn't have much backstory yet) visiting them in Chicago for the first time (maybe she's there for work or something) and she really bonds with nali? Something like that could be cute i think?
aw miss goona <3 tbh bc I’m a daydreamer and this au has been around for forever on this blog and I zone out while doing day to day tasks everyone in this au has such a deep backstory that just lives in my head and has never been said on here at all <3 even the girlies themselves <3 sorry this is a bit short and sweet but yeah <3 ty for keeping phone sex au alive and well <3
Rosé bounced on her heels excitedly, her green eyes sparkling as people filed into the baggage claim area, her eyes scanning for her younger sister that she hadn’t seen in what felt like forever. After months and months of begging and poor planning on both their parts, Rosé finally convinced her to come out to Chicago to visit and this time they both followed through with the plans.
“I’ve never seen you so excited,” Denali remarked, watching with amusement at her partner’s excitement.
“I miss her,” Rosé sighed, continuing to scan the crowd.
Since moving to Chicago just over five years ago now, Rosé had been back and forth a couple times to visit their youngest sister and her wife and kids, but since Lagoona divorced her husband she’d been traveling nonstop, doing all the things that she felt like she couldn’t do when she got married fresh out of high school. To say Rosé was excited just to see her would be an understatement but she was also incredibly excited to introduce her sister to Denali who’d become such a huge part of her life, it felt incomplete knowing that two of her favorite people in the world didn’t know each other.
Finally, out of the corner of her eye, Rosé spotted her.
“Lagoona!” She called, waving frantically toward her until she noticed, a wide smile spread across her face as she hurried to her sister, pulling her against her chest when she got there.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Rosé sniffled, suddenly overcome with emotion.
“Are you crying? My heartless big sister crying? Can’t be,” Lagoona joked, “you’re getting soft in your old age, huh?”
Rosé laughed, wiping her eyes. “I must be. You have her to thank for that,” she said, gesturing to Denali beside her, “this is-“
“Denali, I know,” Lagoona chuckled, pulling the shorter brunette in for a quick hug, “every phone call we’ve had for years has been ‘Denali this’ and ‘Denali that’. It’s so good to finally meet you, though. My sister really loves you.”
Denali felt herself flush. “It’s good to meet you too,” her voice dropped to a shy whisper, “I really love her too.”
“Oh, baby,” Rosé cooed, kissing her head, “I love you the most. But let’s head home before I make my sister sick.”
Conversation on the drive home flowed nicely, Lagoona spoke of her travels and the people she met along the way while Rosé chimed in with little tidbits about their life in Chicago, making Denali smile to herself from the backseat.
Once they got home, Rosé helped settle Lagoona into the guest bedroom before she started on dinner, asking multiple times before she left for the kitchen if either of them needed anything. Denali and Lagoona seemingly silently bonded as Rosé doted over them both, sharing a look every time she insisted she get Denali water or Lagoona a snack.
“She’s always been a people pleaser,” Lagoona laughed as the redhead disappeared into the kitchen, “always taking care of everyone else before herself.”
Denali smiled. “So that hasn’t changed at all then.”
“Not one bit,” Lagoona shook her head affectionately, “so tell me about you, Denali, besides the fact that you’ve somehow softened my sister into a pile of lovey mush.”
Feeling at ease with Lagoona felt easy for Denali who usually dreaded conversations like this, but Lagoona was so easy to talk to and she seemed genuinely interested in what Denali had to say despite them meeting officially only a few hours prior. From what Rosé has told Denali of her parents, she briefly wonders how people like that managed to raise three incredible daughters, every one of them a gem in their own way.
By the time Rosé announced dinner was ready, Denali felt like she’d been catching up with someone she’d known for forever.
Just before they entered the kitchen, Lagoona placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. “I can tell even if you weren’t the love of my sister’s life, we’d be great friends.”
Denali smiled. “I think so too.”
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dizzyaddy · 8 months
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drowning - naruto x oc part 3
(i do not own any naruto characters, only the original characters)
“long ago, mother and father brought me to the outskirts of the village and explained our clans history to me, would you like to hear it?” sen asked while i brushed through her thinning hair. my eyes widened as i eagerly nodded, then remembered she couldn’t see me before i excitedly answered with a “yes!”
“well then, get comfortable imouto,” she said before dramatically clearing her throat. i smiled and rolled my eyes before situating myself to take my time with her hair. “long ago, the two strongest clans, the senju and uchiha, were at war for centuries, fighting over supremacy. i’m sure you’ve heard of this, yes?” she asked before i hummed in response.
“this isn’t well known, but our clan was the only one that rivaled the power of the senju. when hashirama crafted his wood style, he was thought to be the one and only shinobi to acquire such a power. what people don’t know of is the secretive people of niwa,” she continued. my fingers combed through her hair before separating the strands and twisting them around each other.
“it was a place quite literally hidden in the leaves, constantly guarded by the immense amount of greenery that shielded them away from the world. behind those green walls lied the people of niwa, a clan that had spent years garnering and perfecting their power of shokubutsu,” i listened intently as i interlocked her hair pieces around each other, an intricate braid starting to take form .
“the niwa were a peaceful clan, never interested in the violence and chaos of the shinobi world. that’s why they kept themselves a secret for so long- they knew their power was great, and that it would only cause feuds among other clans.” i hummed in response, showing her she held my full attention.
“one day, an outsider managed to sneak past the secret walls and enter our divine sanctity of peace. at first, the niwa wanted to turn him away. he was an outsider, with unknown origins and intentions. against their better judgement, they took him in and started training him the niwa way of life.”
“you see, our clan was all about protecting the peace and prosperity of the earth around us. legends say that our ancestors could hear the earth all around them, the ground beneath their feet, the whispers in the air, the secret songs of the bustling leaves.”
“it sounds magical,” i softly stated, listening to her hum in reply.
“yes, it truly was, kyō. since it was their way of life, seeing the beauty in everything, they saw no harm in spreading the power and peace of what it means to be a niwa. though this mysterious person was an outsider, they soon considered him to be family. he mastered the skills it took decades for the elders to harness, and was soon respected by everyone in the village.”
“though, this wouldn’t last long as the man ultimately had ill intentions. his goals were far different from that of the niwa- he wanted the gifts to grant him control and power in the world. the niwa saw this and attempted to strip him of his gifts, but to no avail, he eradicated half the village by showcasing how great his powers were. he left the village with all of our secrets and all of our trades, and the niwa were left powerless in their defense.”
“that is, until from the ashes of their battle rose a young warrior who continued to seek this man out. this young woman was born and raised into the niwa clan, with niwa blood coursing through her veins. though she honed the clans secrets and had sworn before she would lay her life out for peace, she swore vengeance on this man that had decimated her family,” she added while my hands slowly made their way toward the ends of her hair.
“so she seeked him out, honing and perfecting her own power on her journey. through her travels, she came across many clans and many places with differing gifts and abilities. she had never known anything outside of her clan and their confining walls, and so she came to love the world around her even more. she promised that when this all ended, she would give back everything she had back to this sacred land.”
“her journey was long and troublesome, but she ended up finding this traitor man amongst many other nameless and village-less shinobi. he had vowed to train them to procure this incredible gift he possessed, and finally give them a place in this world. at first she was in disbelief, at how such an evil person could have a change of heart. naturally, she didn’t believe him, and so of course, a tense battle between the two had ensued. he managed to lure her away from the others so no harm would come to them, but one of her signature shokubutsu jutsus had caused damage to erupt onto the village.”
“upon seeing his people wounded and his home thwarted, the man became enraged and allowed himself to unleash his full power against her. their battle raged on, both of them not holding back on each other. eventually, they had come to a standstill. their powers were far too great to simply exterminate one another. they were both severely wounded, and on kami’s doorstep.”
“so what happened?” i asked impatiently, not having sen’s hair to preoccupy me anymore.
“you see, kyō, during their battle the woman came to the realization that what she was doing was everything her own clan had disapproved of. with this, upon analyzing their current states, she decided to end both of their lives. before she did, she allowed herself to conversate with this man she thought she hated. and after doing so, he told her to story of everything. of how her kind people sheltered him and turned on him once they doubted his powers. he recited to her in depth of the carnage that mistakenly waited for him on his journey.”
“at first she didn’t understand, but after having seen the extent of his gifts, she believed him. she no longer hated this man, despite the horrible deeds he had committed towards her. during this time, they both realized that they were ready for what was about to come. the only blood they would shed from this moment on was their own. and so they did, their blood intertwining with each other and creating a plethora of emotions. as tragic as it was, they both knew it was the honorable thing. “
“what they didn’t know of is the divination their sacred blood held within. upon their deaths, something in their intertwined blood had miraculously produced a divine tree of chakra. this tree was believed to uphold the balance of good and evil, and bring prosperity to the lands surrounding it. what was left of her clan heard of their tumultuous story, and decided it best to seek out this enchanted tree.”
“and so they deserted their lively yet comforting walls and took refuge around this grandiose tree. they soon realized that this tree indeed reacted to something within their blood. they felt a surge of chakra and a boost in their shokubutsu wielding, which prompted them to mark this tree as their home.”
“when mother and father took me the outskirts of the village, i was able to catch a glimpse of such a beautiful tree. it was tall and luscious, and even from far away i could feel its energy serging throughout the land,” she said wistfully, a sparkle profound in her honey eyes.
“sen,” i started, weary of what i knew was inevitable to leave my mouth. “what do you think the tree would do for you?” i asked, feeling her stop moving in front of me.
“can i be honest, kyō?” she asked gently, immediately prompting me to nod my head profusely. “if the tree were still up, i would have made it my mission to make that place our home. after all, it was our birthright,” she said longingly.
“well what happened to it?” i asked, feeling a pain run through my heart. if only, i thought to myself.
“in the nine tails attack, the fox had decimated half the village and the surrounding lands. it makes sense, since the ancestral tree was a huge target throughout the forest. i just wish it wasn’t so, as that tree held thousands of years of history and our ancestry,” she said defeated, recounting all the horrors of that horrible day.
“don’t worry, sen. i’ll do whatever it takes to keep you happy and healthy and safe,” i repeated while finally moving in front of her. the braid fell from the top of her head to her waist, adorning her with a beautiful look. she took her hand and placed it on top of mine affectionately, rubbing small circles into it.
“you already said that, baka,” she stated with a small smile. her eyes were downcast, but i knew better.
“that’s because i mean it, onee. i swear on my life, i will save you, just as you saved me long ago,” i said, my eyes starting to burn from the tears that threatened to spill. she looked up at me lovingly, her hand moving from mine to my cheek.
“if there’s anyone that can do it, it’s you, kyō. i believe in you,” she said, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen down my cheek. we held each other close that night, afraid of what would happen if we let go and let this moment pass. long after she had fallen sleep, small noises escaping her chapped lips every so often, i stayed awake contemplating every possibility in which i could save her.
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franstastic-ideas · 11 months
Whenever Volo's age is mentioned in fanworks, he's usually depicted as being in his mid to late twenties, but is there anyone out there who views him as younger?
I can't help but see him as a young man. In my kind of sort of mostly canon compliant AU, Volo is implied to be somewhere in the range of 19-20. Originally, I considered him to be 23-24, but then I had this thought that was initially meant to be a simple funny question and nothing more than that:
"What if Volo is two years YOUNGER instead?"
And it was like several lightbulbs went off all at once in my head, because suddenly his actions made far more sense to me in that light.
But I think readers in the future may try to argue about my decision to depict him so young in my stories.
(I mean, why wouldn't that happen? I've had someone protest almost every other decision that went against the fanon-)
But this ended up being something I feel pretty passionate about regarding his portrayal in my AU!
There's a new layer of tragedy added to his character, I think, with the knowledge that he's so young...
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laismoura-art · 21 days
I have been unwell but let's just say. I have fully have thought out my headcanons
Hatsune and kenshi had gotten into the university using their mothers money that had been left behind. Hatsune works a part time job as a tutor to earn money for expenses and kenshi works at a coffee shop.
Sareena, jatakaa, Kia and Ashrah were foyr orphaned girls who had by chance gotten adopted into the same family. The father was Shinnok.
At first everything was going nice and well for the girls but after seeing their father's true intentions into using them the four girls had ran away from home when they were eighteen.
Hatsune first meeting was with Ashrah during their first day of classes. The classes teacher was biased more towards the boys and had told them that mostly boys get the best privileges. Ashrah had found hatsune ranting about it angrily to herself and had asked her what was wrong. Hatsune had told her it was unfair to all the girls in this college that the boys get these privileges.
Ashrah even though exactly the same thing that both girls abd boys should get equal privileges in this college. The two hit it off and hatsune gets introduce to the others
Hatsune and jatakaa had become quick friends out of the others because they both share the one single braincell in the group.
Kia was pretty much the gossiper of the group. If there was even one single rumour Kia would be the first one to hear it. Hatsune was pretty intruiged and mentally noted to be careful around Kia.
Hatsune didn't get along that we'll at first with sareena because they were both polar opposite sareena was pretty sunshine while hatsune was closed off but they shared one thing in common if anyone hurts their group they hurt them back.
The five were pretty inseparable and were pretty chaotic
Hatsune even gets the opportunity to use her farhers credit card on the girls and spoil them most of the time. They see something they want she buys it for them. But Hatsune uses her money wisely.
The order of light meeting kenshi and syzoth:
Kenshi was really happy when he found out his little sister had made friends in the university
He was friends with Liu Kang, kung Lao, syzoth, Johnny and Hanzo so he couldn't spend more time with his little sister.
He always gets worried thinking that she won't have any friends.
The sisters met kenshi when he had invited them for dinner in his apartment. The dinner went really well as they talked, ranted and gossiped about people in the university
Syzoth was roommates with hatsune and kenshi. He was also included during dinner and had met ashrah. He fell for her immediately not because of her looks but because of her personality.
Hatsune was the first one to notice and she had started shipping them. She even third wheeled sometimes because syzoth asked her to.
Jatakaa was always the protective one of the bunch but syzoth had already proved his love abd devotion to ashrah that he got her approval.
Sareena and Kia were really happy for their sister but they did threaten syzoth that if he hurt ashrah the two will stab him.
Hatsune introducing sareena to bi-han:
Hatsune and bi-han were always at each other's throats
They would compete for everything in class If bi-han wanted a challenge hatsune would definitely give that guy a challenge
In the classroom they were rivals in the court but outside they were pretty hood friends.
Hatsune usually sees bi-han eating alone during lunch so she usually sat down beside him. They would exchange recipes and cooking styles from their culture. Hatsune would bring cold mochi while bi-han would bring her spicy wonton soup.
One day hatsune and sareena both had been free for lunch so hatsune introduce bi-han to sareena as the three sat by the lunch table.
When bi-han saw sareena he felt pretty warm in his chest he could listen for hours hearing her talk.
Sareena even managed to slightly warm up bi-han heart. Hatsune was glad to bi-han being friends with sareena.
The three would usually sat together at their lunch table and best part of all bi-han finally gave his wonton soup recipe and hatsune finally gave her cold and sweet kochi recipe.
More headcanons coming soon!!
I hope you're feeling better now, Dragon!💕💕💕
I wonder if Kuai and Hatsune bonded over their tutoring jobs!
Oh! Imagine if that's how Hanzo and Kuai met! Kenshi recommends Hatsune for tutor but because their schedules don't match she recommends Kuai!
I bet Kenshi invited Suchin to visit the coffee shop so she could help him fact-checking! Imagine something like, "You help me, and I make you the best coffee you'll ever taste." "Free coffee? Deal!"
Hatsune and Suchin could've met through one of these fact-checking coffee dates!
Keep Shinnok’s old ass away from the Sisterhood!!!😤😤
Where are they living now?? Do they also have jobs so they can afford an apartment? (I can picture Ashrah working at the College's library)
Ashrah and Hatsune fighting for gender equality feels so right!
YES! Jataaka, being the beholder of the braincell, is the only correct answer!
I didn't know I needed gossip queen Kia in my life, but now I can't live without her!
I ADORE Sunshine Sareena!! Her style being "💣🕷☠️⚔️🪦" while her personality is "💕🥰💫🌈🎀" is just absolute perfection!
I can even imagine Hatsune being caught by surprise by Sareena's personality!
Suchin would look at Sareena and be like "Oh, so you're Harumi in goth skin, huh?"
Aww, Hatsune spending money on them in so precious! I love cool, rich kids who spoil their friends🥹
Jade is the cool, rich kid from her group!
Fun fact, she usually spoils Tanya the most (cause she's the one who struggles the most with money).
Mileena used to think because of the constant gifting the two of them were dating and was very confused when Tanya told her about her feelings, lol!
I love to see Syzoth being head over heels in love with Ashrah (as he should😌💅🏾)!!
Lol, imagine Jataaka just staring at Syzoth, frowning with her arms crossed, straight up pressing him against the wall while he just stares back, utterly confused but not daring to blink! And then she just goes, "Fine, I'll let Ashrah keep you."
Lmao, Sareena threatening him! "You're so cute!😊 hurt my sister and they will never find your body🙂"
I loved Hatsune and Bi-Han’s dynamic! In class: "Ugh, my one true rival!😤😒" outside: "BESTIEEE🥰" (not literally like this, but their gothic equivalent🤭)
I'll never get tired of Bi-Han being mesmerised by Sareena by first glance!!
It would be funny if Bi-Han had this one recipe that he would NEVER share with anyone, but then Sareena says she loved it and asks him the recipe, Hatsune tries to tell her there's no way Bi-Han would share it but before she can even finish the sentence Bi-Han goes "sure, no problem" and Hatsune is just "BETRAYAL >:O"
These were so good! I'm looking forward for more!!👀💕
@mikka-minns @madamealtruist @orbitinytheworld
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just-mary-ann · 4 months
Toderu: What did you do to my drawings?
Me: I drew some arrows!
Toderu: ... That's terrible.
Me: It's not that bad.
Toderu: I'll redo everything, clumsy Mary.
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theacblade · 1 year
Alright a new fanfic! Loosely based on Do Revenge. Our main characters are Elise, Evie, Aveline, Maria, and Kassandra.
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kradogsrats · 1 year
less than a week out from the NYCC reveal and I'm sitting here no thoughts head empty about like... Neha describing baklava to Sarai
Sarai had selected a spread of very traditional Katolian flavors, and while Lissa preferred some of Barius's more experimental fillings—pomegranate, for instance, or spiced apple with raisins—she had to admit that tradition was also delicious. She chose an apricot tart that looked particularly crisp and golden, and took her own satisfied bite. "We have a similar treat in Duren," Queen Neha was saying excitedly to Sarai. "Many layers of a pastry as thin and delicate as paper, each stuffed with honey and nuts—we eat it with fresh peaches, still warm from the sun, or with winter pears and cream. You must try it one day, when you visit." "Be careful, or you will end up being rolled back to Katolis," Queen Annika teased. "My Neha has the most robust sweet tooth in our kingdom." She yelped, laughing, when Queen Neha poked her sharply in the side before picking up another tart with an imperious look, daring her wife to challenge her. Sarai raised her glass to Queen Neha, grinning. "I already know you and I are going to be great friends."
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quitethepirategal · 1 year
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[ shield ]  ~  ( the sender drags receiver behind them to keep them safe. )
                                                                                                               ~   ( @emcads​ )
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   Another crowded inn.        Another sea of heads. 
   This port town was seedy enough to service both merchant vessels and the less organized of the smugglers.  Drunkards filled the pubs and bars and sailors fought and fucked where they could get one.  And while that was, for now, a good thing, meaning Jess and her captain could conduct business in relative peace, it also meant that her crew mates were more akin to fish out of water than usual.  While the time they intended to spend here was short, the “ girls ” of The Venganza found themselves no less set adrift in this cesspool, waist deep in an ocean of men.
   Captain Esmeralda was smart enough, or perhaps just kind enough, not to force any of the crew to accompany her on her outing.  But Jess was built like a stack of oak barrels and stood a head taller than all on deck.  Only made since to bring her along as the muscle.  Her job today was simple; no salves or oils or tea blends this time.    They were meeting a contact in the corner of the pub to trade for information on an inbound treasure ship.  Worth the trouble for the chance at such pretty prey.  She just needed to look as intimidating as she could manage and help insure that the transaction came through safe and smooth. 
   But suddenly a little arm pushed at her waist, placing the captain in between Jess and the rest of the large sorted crowd.  Alert, the red head fixed her stance to a ready one, and scanned the room intently for the source of what the captain perceived as a danger.  But-
     ...Just a moment.            It was Jessica’s job to be the guard dog.
   Why is the captain defending HER?  And from what exactly?  Jessica couldn’t hear a damned thing over the crushing drone of the party clamor anyway but even looking around she saw nothing out of place.  Her eyes trace the captain’s hateful gaze to a table of laughing old men- why?  What danger did they-    Poor Jess couldn’t form the words to ask her captain what was wrong before the men at the table locked eyes with her.  Not with each other or other patrons or even Captain Esme.  Her.
  They were still laughing or grinning or both, and two of them even waved at her coyly.  Creepily.  The fifth stood from his chair with a slobbered smile and seemed to shout something and pull open his shirt.  There was no reading his spitting lips from there and the roar of the pub rendered him silent but... that gesture...    Jess sheepishly glanced down at the shirt she was in.  She choose it because of the summer heat and the lack of sleeves made her look more threatening than usual.... but it only now occurred to her.. how low cut the garment was..
     “ I’d forgotten how ta dress with buffoons in mind! ”  she snarled, shooting them a hateful growl and buttoning her shirt with her shaking hands.  She spoke less out of urgency and more out of needing just something, anything else to think about lest her temper boil to rage.
     “ Is that contact o’ yours at a table already            or are we ta wait as wallflowers all night?! ”
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