#Sister Jude imagine
multifandomfix · 1 year
Imagine being a new nun at Briarcliff and being punished by Jude.
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You’d taken your vows, knew the rules, but even that couldn’t prepare you for Sister Jude. She was a force of nature and there was a whole new set of rules when it came to working alongside her. Rules you weren’t familiar with and found yourself accidentally breaking.
Your crime was turning off the music in the rec room. When Jude heard the music cease, she wasted no time in sussing you out as the culprit. Her hand fell on your shoulder, causing you to jump. “Make your way to my office. Now.”
Obediently, and with a sense of dread and curiosity, you made your way up the staircase. Stairway to heaven, she called it. You wondered now if that had any truth to it.
When Jude came into the office several minutes later, you jumped. “You might be new here, but I can’t just let rules slide. Even new blood needs to be made an example of.”
You nodded once in understanding, afraid to spark for fear of making things worse for yourself. “Turn around. Bend over. It’ll be over before you know it.” While her words conveyed kindness there was none in her icy tone.
You did, your heartbeat quickening as you cast a look over your shoulder and saw her retrieve a cane from the cupboard. You turned back, squeezed your eyes shut and braced for the impact.
Without warning, she rapped the cane against your ass with a crack and you yelped. Even through two layers of fabric, it stung. “Count,” Jude demanded.
The process was repeated nine more times, each sending a wave of pain mixed with the slightest bit of pleasure through your body. By the end, you weren’t sure what to think of your ‘punishment’.
For anon
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @orangeisnttheonlyfruit, @woman-simp, @aperol-with-izzy, @leonoralessoem, @ellepossum69, @lakita-fisher, @nclgsticore, @ayanthegreat28, @analuw, @luvlesavyy, @rukia-28, @malfoyfeed
Jude Martin: @brienneseveruscalaway, @derry-n, @bluenystic, @peggycarter-steverogers, @mars-rivers, @gothtrash6969, @callsigncrash, @words-of-holly, @somelonelywriter
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camillelespanayesbtch · 4 months
Omg please write something with Sister Jude🌻 Like secretly dating her as younger nun
Judy's Girl (18+)
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Content: Homophobic times, mentions of smut, hidden relationship
Word Count: 5822
You were one of the younger nuns at the asylum, but you were also the most outspoken too, wanting nothing more than to improve the overall wellbeing of the patients you were there to help. But being outspoken has its consequences, and unfortunately for you, that meant being caned- or at least, being told you were going to be, but never actually receiving that harsh of a punishment. You see, Sister Jude, or Judy for you in private, had quite the soft spot for you, the older woman always looking out for you in one way or another as best she could without telling the world your dirty little secret.
When you first arrived at the asylum, you were freshly released from the convent to go out into the world to spread the Holy word, and it just so happened that the asylum was looking for new staff, so, you had applied. You were worried you weren’t going to be accepted due to your minimal experience, but that minimal experience was seen as a bonus- it meant you were more willing to learn other things. You were taken straight to an office after you stepped out of the cab, your little suitcase clutched tightly in your hand as you make your way up the steps. The spiraling staircase made your head spin, grateful for your free hand gripping the railing as though the stairs would turn into a slide, and you’d spin your way all the way to the cold concrete below. It was cold inside, your vestment was barely keeping your body heat in, but you were sure you’d get used to it, even as you saw the puffs of air escaping your mouth forming little clouds in front of you.
Once you made it to the top, you were embarrassed to admit that you were slightly puffed, your cheeks flushed a light pink although you were grateful for the warmth that the minimal exercise provided. You make your way down the hallway, stopping when the guard gestures to a door, grunting, “Sister Jude is in there.” You thank him quietly before knocking on the door, waiting for her to respond then entering, closing the door behind you.
You set your suitcase down then make your way over to her, bowing your head slightly, “Thank you for accepting my application, Sister Jude. It’s an honor to work for someone held in such high esteem.” You straighten up, smiling softly at her. You suck in a breath when her mahogany eyes meet yours, if your cheeks weren’t already pink, they certainly would be now. You see, although it went against how you were brought up, you had a preference towards the fairer sex- while in the convent, you were surrounded constantly by temptation, by beautiful women whom most thought lesbianism was a sin. You must have been staring as the older woman smacks your arm with a folded-up newspaper, startling you, “Forgive me, Sister Jude,” you rush out.
“Brilliant,” she mutters, “Another ninny with barely two braincells to rub together.” She takes a breath, putting the newspaper down on her organized desk before looking at you once more, “There are rule you will have to follow here, girl, and I expect you to follow them well. You may have been the perfect little angel at the nunnery, but here you are starting fresh.” She runs her eyes over you, your vestment was in pristine condition, it told her that you take care of your belongings, there wasn’t even the slightest hint of hair peaking out from your veil, you were no whore. If she was being honest with herself- No, she couldn’t. No, it wasn’t right. Her fair cheeks take on the slightest hint of color before she looks away, busying herself with tidying the documents on her desk.
“I understand, Sister Jude. Rules are what make the world go round after all,” you say with a smile. You bite back a giggle at her sudden need to do something, you thought it was rather sweet, endearing even. You bring your hand up to play with your crucifix that hung from your necklace, running your thumb over the smooth metal, “So, Sister Jude, where are my quarters? I can’t imagine I will be sharing a room with a patient. Or are you and I sharing?”
Jude’s eyes dart up immediately, “Share? No,” she answers quickly, “No, most certainly not. You will have your own room. It will be small, but I am sure you are used to cramped quarters.” She straightens up, looking at the time on her watch, “I will tell you the rules on our way. Follow me, if you will.”
You let her pass before picking your suitcase up and following her, your eyes couldn’t help but wander, following the seam down the middle of her vestment to the barest hint of her behind which moved elegantly with her hips. Sometimes you felt no better than a man with the way you ogled women, but you remind yourself that you weren’t so easily swayed by temptation, you were a good Christian woman and the allure of an older woman’s body wasn’t going to change that. You do a silent prayer- it wasn’t that you thought lesbianism was a sin, no not at all, because why would God create you that way if he didn’t want you to love other women? You just didn’t want to be so obvious that you get caught and perhaps even punished if Sister Jude thought it was a sin, but you sincerely hoped she wouldn’t- Maybe that is the devil talking.
“Do you understand?” Jude asks, stopping outside a door and looking at you with a perfectly shaped brow. She lets out a sigh when she sees the look of surprise on your face, had you even heard her at all? She was told you were a smart young woman, devout, just what she needs here, and now here you were behaving like a shock patient. “What were you doing this whole time? Dancing with the fairies?”
“I- I was admiring the surroundings,” you try but when she raises an eyebrow, you’re quick to avert your gaze, mumbling an apology. You look up again, your cheeks burning crimson red, “I will endeavor to learn the rules, Sister Jude, I promise. Come tomorrow morning, I will know them like the back of my hand.”
Jude doesn’t say anything, pushing the door open and gesturing for you to enter before following you, “This is where you’ll be staying. The lights are out at 8pm sharp. If you are to use a candle, blow it out before you sleep, it is common sense although I fear with you, you are severely lacking in that department.” She watches as you set your suitcase down by the wooden drawers- there was a little writing table, a small cot pushed up against the wall, a barred window, and a single light dangling from the center of the ceiling. You should be used to the simple setting considering you spent so long at a convent, and you should also have no desire for anything more than- it was a sin after all, desiring more material things. “Also, I would advise against engaging in any illicit activity such as giving into your own carnal desire- it is strictly forbidden, and I will know if you have done such a thing. Sins always have a way of coming to the surface.”
Your cheeks turn pink and shame floods your system, you certainly had given in to temptation many times before, but to do so now? It seemed unfathomable, almost illegal- You had taken your vows, you were now supposed to live a sin-free life, not give in to it because an uncomfortable heat was burning between your legs. “I-“ You clear your throat, a stammer now would look bad, “I understand, Sister Jude. I wouldn’t dare to do such a thing.”
Jude runs her eyes over you like she was checking if she could see if the sin was oozing out of you, but she sees none, so she lets out a little breath of air from her nose, “Good. Get settled in, someone will be by to take you to the kitchen when dinner is to be prepared. Your duties will include helping bake and make meals.” She looks you up and down again before leaving, the heavy wooden door clicking shut behind her.
You weren’t going to lie, the way she had looked at you did things to you, and you could feel the heat blooming across your chest and daring to move lower- if the room wasn’t as cool as it was, you would have needed a fan to try and lower your body temperature, perhaps even blow away the thoughts that had started to form in your mind. But you couldn’t deny it either, mainly because of the small smile that had formed on your face at the thought, the mere idea of kissing her- you wondered what her lips tasted like, if they would be soft upon your own. You shake your head, clearing the thought from your mind as you unpack your suitcase into the drawers provided for you, “You’ll get yourself in trouble thinking like that,” you say to yourself.
Later in the evening, you were led to the kitchen where you saw Jude already working on the dough. The older woman was skilled at it, working the dough with precision, and in no time, the dough was kneaded into a perfectly smooth ball ready to rise before the bake. She dusts her hands clean, the flour falling onto the ball before she turns to look at you, “Good, you’re here. You can start chopping the vegetables for the soup-“ she gestures to them, the blade of the knife standing out in the dim lighting of the kitchen. “Well? Don’t stand there like an imbecile, we don’t have all evening.”
You hurry over to the chopping board, starting to cut the vegetables and put them in the awaiting pot that already had ham hocks in it, “Do we do this every evening, Sister? I can imagine that it is quite time-consuming. What about in the morning? What do we make then? Pancakes?”
Jude laughs at that, “Pancakes? For these sinners? Absolutely not. No. Never would I consider wasting something like that on them, they wouldn’t appreciate it. They hardly appreciate the soup and bread as it is.”
“Oh, well, maybe it’ll improve morale, you know? The sisters and Mother Superior thought the same at the convent, but when I made them pancakes one Sunday after service, they admitted that it did bring them joy and seemed like something nice to have every so often so it wouldn’t be greedy,” you say, adding the last of the potatoes before looking at the older woman who was almost flummoxed you’d talk back so brazenly. “It- I- I didn’t mean any disrespect, Sister Jude.”
The older woman goes over to you, a hand either side of you on the bench, her hot breath intermingling with yours, “You didn’t mean any disrespect,” she repeats, chuckling slightly, “Yet you did. When I say no to something, Yn, I expect you to agree. Your suggestions may have worked at your little convent, but they won’t work here. Not with me. I alone run this place, the mouthpiece for the monsignor although everyone knows I call the shots.” She runs her eyes down you, letting out a derisive sound- she wouldn’t admit it, but her gaze lingered on your lips for a second too long, she had always had that problem. She had always found herself fawning over the fairer sex, their lips were softer, so were their hands, and they never left her feeling disgusting the following morning. Her lip curls and her nose scrunches as she steps back from you, she wouldn’t fall for the devil again, no matter how gorgeous you may be. “Don’t do that again.”
Your face flushes a deep red, pressing yourself hard against the bench to create a little more distance between the two of you even though that part of you wants to move closer to her- to feel her vestment against yours, but that was the devil talking, wasn’t it? You didn’t really believe that, but you knew she did. “I won’t do it again, Sister Jude,” you whisper, although you wondered how far you could push. Would you get punished the way you’d heard about? A cane against your pale cheeks until you were free from sin? It almost sounded thrilling; you press your thighs together to quell the heat that formed at that thought. “I will get back to making the soup,” you continue, taking the pot over to the stove, turning it on and lighting it with a match.
Jude could tell you were going to be trouble, perhaps not in the same sense as the patients, but for her- tempting her, pulling her into your web. She does a silent prayer before shaping the dough into a loaf and putting it on to bake. She wouldn’t give in to temptation, no matter how beautiful you are. The allure of you was just a phase, and soon the shine would dull, and she wouldn’t give you a second thought.
It took two weeks for you and Judy to find yourselves in a predicament that left both your cheeks burning. You had found yourself locked in one of the supply closets while trying to get more flour to make bread, and you were only discovered when Jude had opened it to get flour after thinking you’d wandered off. She chuckled and shook her head, stepping in to grab it, but you were so distracted by the beautiful sound that you forgot to put your foot in the doorway so the door wouldn’t click shut. “I was wondering where you’d gone, but it’s much more humorous that you got yourself locked in here.”
“It is hardly my fault the door locks once shut.” You watch her try opening the door, the blonde letting out an annoyed huff, “Looks like I am not the only one getting themselves locked in supply closets, Sister Jude.” You giggle softly when she glares at you, leaning against the wall by the door as you watch her try to get the door open, “It won’t work, Judy.”
The nickname slips from your tongue before you could even register you were thinking it, both of you staring at each other in shock for a moment before the blonde scoffs, “Judy,” she lets out a huff, “Who do you think you are, girl? Calling me so casually. Do you think your little jokes are going to magic the door open? No.” She looks you up and down, reaching out to fix the way your necklace sat, her thumb running against the center of it, muttering, “They did say the devil would be tempting.”
“I- I wasn’t joking, Sister Jude. I just- I like how your name sounds, it’s pretty. You’re pre-“
“Stop talking,” she says firmly, although her cheeks where flush with color, “You can’t go speaking that way. It’s- It’s abnormal. A sin. Did you learn nothing at your convent? Or did it go in one ear and out the other?”
“It’s not abnormal, nor is it a sin. God wouldn’t have created me this way were it a bad thing. Have you ever thought about that? Why would he create me this way if it were a sin?” You notice she hadn’t pulled back, that her hand hadn’t let go of your necklace, her thumb still stroking the center. You wanted to hold her hand, but you didn’t want to spook her more than you already had, so, instead, you grip the skirt of your vestment.
“Those are the devil’s words,” she whispers, her breath fanning against your lips, “They have to be, or everything I have done would go against God’s wishes. To inflict suffering upon others for something they cannot change- It is- It goes against everything.”
“You can still make up for what you have done, Judy. I’m sure Ms. Winters would be receptive to an apology, to a reform- a change for the better. It won’t make up for what she went through, but it will be a step in the right direction.” Only now do you gently wrap your hand around hers, looking into her beautiful chocolate eyes, “There is no shame in that.”
Jude’s cheeks color and she looks away, your gaze, although soft, was still too penetrating and she didn’t like it. “It would mean everything I have been taught was a lie- my whole adult life, a lie. I cannot accept such a radical change so soon. It’s too much, too fast.”
“Change takes time, and you can take this one day at a time,” you rub circles lightly on the back of her hand- it was so soft and warm, and you wondered what it felt like cupping your cheek, if the tenderness would be as comforting as you imagined while you lay in bed awake at night. “I won’t judge you, and I certainly won’t tell anyone either.”
“I think I can accept that,” she replies quietly, looking at you again before stepping back and clearing her throat. “How do you suppose we get out of here? Knock on the door until a guard unlocks it for us?” And that is exactly what you and Jude do, taking turns knocking and calling for a guard- thankfully you were rescued shortly after you started, the man grunting a “you’re welcome.”
It was another two weeks before you two were alone again. It was a late night, and you were both in the kitchen getting dough ready for the following morning, the flickering light from the fireplace illuminating the room with a warm glow. “This dough just isn’t coming together, Judy. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong,” you say defeated, slumping against the floured workbench.
Jude dusts her hands off and goes over to you, leaning over your shoulder she prods the dough with a finger, “You just need to keep kneading it, dear.” She takes your hands and uses them to work the dough, pulling and folding it, “Like that- You have to use force, this isn’t a brioche where you need to be gentle.”
Your cheeks go pink at the closeness, it could be easily passed off as flush from the heat of the kitchen, but you knew Jude would know the truth, “Maybe I’m not cut out for making bread like you are, Judy,” you whisper as she keeps manipulating your hands to knead the dough.
The blonde chuckles by your ear, “Or maybe you just wanted me this close to you, dear.” She finishes working the dough, letting go of your hands then stepping back just enough so that you could turn to look at her. Her eyes dart to your lips, soft pink and perfectly plump- how could she have resisted for so long? If it wasn’t the devil tempting her, then what is it? It couldn’t be her own desire, could it? After this many years, she thought it had faded into nothingness.
“Maybe I did,” you reply quietly, your own eyes shamelessly staring at her own lips, the same thought in your mind, how could you have resisted her for this long? It was simple really, you didn’t want to scare her off, frighten her mentorship of you by forcing yourself on her. “I- Think I want to-“
“I would like you to,” she whispers, only just loud enough that you could hear it over the crackle of the wood in the fire. She closes her eyes in anticipation, and there it was- that spark coming to life when she finally feels your lips upon her own. Your soft, floured hands cupping her cheeks so tenderly almost like you were afraid of hurting her, or worried she would flee, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t flee. She stays. She stays in this embrace, enjoying the warmth that radiates from the kiss, the butterflies in her stomach that she hadn’t felt in so long.
You wanted to squeal in excitement, but you temper that down, quell it so you wouldn’t scare her off. Your thumbs softly brush against the swell of her cheeks, your head tilting ever so slightly to deepen the kiss. You keep your tongue confined to your mouth for now, this was your first kiss with her after all. You only pull back when she does, and although you wanted to chase after her lips, you didn’t want to overwhelm her. You bite back your smile, your cheeks pink, “Are you okay, Judy?”
Jude smiles a little and covers her mouth with her hand, “Oh- That was-“ She turns her head away, letting out a soft giggle and shaking her head in disbelief. It had been a long time since she had kissed another woman, but she was certain that she would want to do it again soon, “We should finish making the dough, dear.”
“Of course, Judy,” you giggle softly, turning to finish kneading the dough and putting it with the rest before you start tidying the kitchen up. You scrape the caked-on flour off the kitchen bench, blissfully unaware of the way Jude was watching you- her eyes fixated on your behind and how good it looks in the black vestment. She hadn’t found a need to punish you since your arrival, and while there were moments she was tempted to, she ultimately decided against it because it would only frighten you into conforming. What excuse would she have to come up with to see your shapely bottom freed from the cloth? The thought brings color to her fair cheeks and shame washes over her for thinking such things. Surely these were only thoughts men had towards women, not thoughts women should have towards one another.
“You should bathe after,” she blurts out, although in her mind, she said it so casually, “The bathroom in my chambers has a bath with running water, it’ll be warm. You could even open up a new bar of soap if you wish.”
You look at her, “Do I smell?” You ask, tilting your head slightly. It was such a bizarre thing for her to say, and surely she wouldn’t have any other reason to say that other than if you were particularly odiferous. “I- I suppose I could do that, thank you?”
Jude lets out a pleased hum, “Come along then, dear.” She gestures for you to follow her, leading you to her chambers which you had yet to be in, only ever going as far as her doorway. Now it was your turn to ogle her behind once more, almost hypnotized by the sway of her hips- She always moved so gracefully, so effortlessly and it captivated you. She captivated you.
When you arrive at her chambers, she lets you in, leading you through to the bathroom where she lights a few of the candles before turning the tap on in the bath. “Are you sure you want me to bathe in here, Judy? I don’t want to impose on your space. I also don’t have a towel.”
She checks the water is getting hot before putting the plug in, shaking the water from her hand, “I wouldn’t have offered were I unsure, dear. Good personal hygiene is important in a place like this, I couldn’t let you go to bed with sweat clinging to your skin.” She straightens up, fixing her vestment then looks at you, “I will fetch you a towel from my wardrobe. You can get in the bath now if you wish, it won’t take long to fill.”
Jude sets a small box that contained a bar of soap on the floor next to the tub before leaving the bathroom, the door ajar so she could hear if you needed anything. She wouldn’t leave it open for any other reason, she certainly wasn’t perverted enough to watch you undress and bathe, although she does turn her head to have a quick look- Her cheeks go red when she sees you in your underclothes folding your vestment. She looks away quickly, doing a quick prayer before sitting down at her desk to do her nightly bible reading.
“Judy?” You call out once you’re seated comfortably in the bath, “I can’t reach the soap, my arms are too short and I don’t wish for the cold air to get to my skin.”
The older woman sits up straighter, surely you hadn’t called for her to aid you while you’re in an undressed state. She thinks nothing of it until you call for her again, a slight whine to your voice that she finds rather adorable. She pushes back from her desk and heads in, keeping her gaze downcast as she crouches down to open the box of soap, handing it to you soon after, “There you go, dear.”
Your hand brushes against hers as you take the soap bar, a soft smile on your face, “Thank you, Judy.” You start to lather up, usually you would feel entirely bashful being so exposed with another person present, but you found this feeling lacking with Jude. Now that wasn’t because she wouldn’t judge you, she certainly does on certain things, but she was too shy to ogle you or comment on your body while you’re in such a state. “I won’t bother you again, although I do think a towel would be nice if I want to dry off after I’ve bathed.”
“A tow- Of course, yes, how could I have forgotten?” She straightens up again, desperately trying to not look at you in your unclothed state, her eyes piercing yours before she leaves quickly, muttering about how you were tempting her. She didn’t really think you were, and she finds it repulsive when people blame women for tempting them into doing horrific things, but she was finding it difficult to maintain composure. She goes over to where her linen was kept, pulling out a fresh towel for you before returning to the bathroom, “Here you go, dear.”
You hum, rinsing the soap suds from your body before standing up and stepping out of the tub. Jude’s eyes go wide and her face flushes a deep red, the blonde barely managing to unfold the towel so you could wrap it around yourself while trying to look anywhere but you. How could you be so brazen? So comfortable in your sexuality that you could reveal yourself like that? You thank her for the towel, placing a delicate kiss on her cheek.
“Are you trying to- to seduce me with your wicked ways?” She manages out, still unable to look at you in case you pull another stunt. Her skin felt hot and she worried for a moment if she was coming down with something, but if her memory was serving her correctly, this is what happens when there’s desire simmering under the surface.
“No, Judy, I am not. They’re not wicked either,” you say softly, padding over to your clothes to start toweling off. “I apologize if I have made you uncomfortable. I just thought that we’re both women, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to our bodies. I won’t do it again.”
And you didn’t, although every time you came to use her bath, Jude longed to see you again in such a bare state. You had shared a number of chaste kisses since then, and it had left her feeling rather light-headed, giddy even in a way one would when they have a crush on someone. It wasn’t until one year had passed that she finally worked up the courage to share a bath with you. She was encouraged by your comfort in your nudity to try and be so herself like she had when she was younger, but she did ask that you refrain from looking at her until she was situated comfortably in the tub.
“You may look now, dear,” Jude says softly, a shy smile on her face when you open your eyes. She did worry that you would think she was too old, her skin wrinkled, her breasts no longer perky like your own, but from the look in your eyes, she had nothing to worry about in the slightest. “Quit looking at me like that,” she says with a giggle, her cheeks going pink, “You strange girl.”
“I’m just admiring you, Judy,” you reply, a smile on your face too as you take her in all her glory. She really was beautiful, timeless, and you could easily picture her being a star of the silver screen- a lead actress working with the greats like Steve McQueen. “I wish I had a camera so I could capture your beauty.”
“Oh,” she chuckles softly and shakes her head, picking the bar of soap up and starting to lather it up, “I don’t think you should waste your film on that, dear. I’m much too old to be a muse.” She wasn’t sure she would have the courage to pose for you, or even let you capture her in candid moments, but if it was something you truly wanted then she would certainly try for you. It had been a long while since she’s received such attention, and it was far nicer than what she used to receive- it wasn’t superficial, and you weren’t doing it just to sleep with her. Did you even want to do that? Just because you’ve kissed doesn’t mean you want to engage in that kind of intimacy.
“It wouldn’t be a waste. Not to me. Not if it’s you,” you reply, “not a waste at all. I think you’d look gorgeous.” You take the soap from her once she’s done, leaning back as you start to wash, “We could have our own little picture book full of memories, keep it locked in our drawer so no one could catch us.” You rest your leg against the edge of the tub to start washing it, “Then maybe when the world is more accepting, we won’t have to hide it away any longer.”
“A memory book,” Jude repeats, watching you as you wash, “I do like the sound of that, dear. Just for the two of us. Oh how wonderful.” She lets her fingertips dance across your calf, “That might be wishful thinking, but it certainly does sound lovely. No shame. No hiding. I think I could find myself getting used to that, dear.”
“It’s not wishful if you do things to try and make it happen,” you lean back, enjoying the way her touch felt on your skin. You had held one another in bed before, dressed in your evening slips, but her hand had brushed so tenderly against your back and you found yourself wanting more. You never expected anything further than that, it wasn’t something you actively sought in relationships, and you certainly weren’t going to make Judy feel like she has to engage in such intimacy. “The next time we have to head into town to get things, I will purchase a film camera. Oh how exciting, Judy.”
Jude can’t help but smile at your excitement, your youthful joy, “It is exciting. I will see if the monsignor needs us to go tomorrow- I know we are running short of a few things that won’t get delivered by the grocer. Perhaps we could have a drink at the café, you always mention how much you want to go there. I don’t see why we couldn’t treat ourselves to something nice for once.”
“Look at you, Judy Martin,” you say with a giggle which makes the older woman blush, “I never thought I’d hear you say we should treat ourselves, and I am rather glad that I have. I will pay for our little treat tomorrow, then if we decide to return, it’s your turn.” You lean over and kisses her cheek, enjoying the way you could feel her smile grow at the gesture.
After the bath, you and Jude change into your nightgowns before doing your evening prayers. Once those are done, you cuddle into Jude who’s fingers idly run up and down your arm while she reads, her glasses perched on the end of her nose. She would often read out passages she found particularly interesting, and you would always listen because you loved the sound of her voice. She didn’t mind you would fall asleep either, if anything, she found it sweet that you felt comfortable enough to do so with her.
The following morning, you and Judy head into town to get a few things from the store that weren’t included in the bulk grocery items- just little things that made the asylum a little more bearable. Since a holiday was coming up, you convinced Judy that some little chocolates would increase the morale of the patients and staff. Now, you are only saying convinced because you both knew, at this stage of your relationship, that Judy could seldom say no to you. You add a few other holiday themed items before you both head to the check-out.
After you had returned your purchases to the car, you head to the little café to have, as Judy said, “A little treat.” You order yourself a hot cocoa while Jude gets a coffee with milk and two sugars, as well as a blueberry muffin to split. You carry the muffin to a table by the window and sit down, using the knife to cut it in half then into quarters, “We should try making these one day, Jude.” You never called her Judy in public because it made her uncomfortable, and as much as you love saying her name that way, you respected her boundaries far more. “I think they will be quite popular with the patients.”
“Blueberries are rather expensive, Yn. I am not sure it could be an all the time baked good, although I am sure we could try for once every few months.” She takes a piece of the muffin and bites it, letting out a pleased hum at the taste. She picks out a blueberry from the remaining pieces and eats it too, chuckling at the gasp you let out, “What?”
“You can’t do that, Jude,” you say with a huff, almost pouting at the piece with one less blueberry, “Now there’s not enough blueberry to muffin ratio.” You huff again and pick the sad little muffin piece up and eat it, the sad look on your face only spurring Judy on to laugh- the sound enough to make you smile even though you were still a little upset. You go to say something nice about her laugh but the waitress comes over to deliver your drinks, your eyes lighting up at the sight of the marshmallows floating on the surface, “Oh it’s been so long since I’ve had any marshmallow. They’re my favorite.”
“I haven’t had any since I was a child,” Jude admits, her eyebrows raising when you immediately scoop one out with the teaspoon and hand it to her with a smile on your face. “Oh, dear- I-“ She couldn’t say no to you when you looked so excited to share with her, the blonde shaking her head with a shy smile as she eats the marshmallow off the spoon. She was surprised by how sweet it was, the soft chew bringing back memories of when she was a child and would get them in her hot chocolate as a treat on holidays. How different her life would be if- She couldn’t dwell on that because one change in the past would mean she might never have met you, and that was a terrible thought. “Thank you, Yn. I think we might have to return to the grocery store to pick some up to have on the odd occasion, what do you think?”
“You’re welcome, Jude,” you smile and nod, sipping your drink before responding to her. “I think that is a wonderful idea. They’ll love it. Anything to make them feel a little more human.” You both enjoy your drinks and the remaining muffin before leaving, your hands itched to hold Judy’s but you understood how much danger that would put you both in, and how uncomfortable it would make her. You head to the camera store where you pick one you’d had your eyes on since before you were even a nun, taking it to the counter and getting a few extra rolls of film, “Just this, thank you.”
The man takes the money from you, writing your receipt before packing the items nicely in a well-protected box for you. You thank him again before leaving, a big smile on your face as you and Judy head back to the car for the last time- having already picked the marshmallows up on your way back. “I can’t wait for you to be the first picture I take, Judy,” you almost squeal when she starts driving back to the asylum. “Oh this is so excited! You’re going to look so beautiful even though we won’t be able to see the photos until the film is developed but I just know you’re going to look beautiful. I just know it, Judy.” You ramble for most of the car ride back, Jude doing her best to not giggle or chuckle at how cute you were.
Later that night, you were both getting ready for bed when you snap a picture of Judy running a brush through her hair, a soft smile on your face and if it were possible, you’d have hearts in your eyes, “Beautiful,” you whisper, “Absolutely beautiful.”
Jude’s cheeks go red and she shakes her head with a soft smile, “Sometimes I think you’re lying, dear, but with a smile like that- I know you’re not.” She puts the brush down and heads over to you, a soft chuckle leaving her lips when the click of the camera happens again, “I think that’s enough for tonight, honey.”
A new pet-name and your cheeks go bright red, quickly putting the camera down when she loops an arm around your waist to pull you close, a giggle escaping you, “Whatever you say, Judy.” You smile as she kisses you, your hands coming up to tenderly cup her cheeks. You let out a content sigh, nothing ever felt more perfect than her lips against your own, the way her fingers flex against your hip as she pulls you closer to her so your bodies pressed together.
When you two finally made it into bed, Jude pulled you firmly against her, her hands roaming over your curves, “I do wish you didn’t have to leave so early in the morning so we wouldn’t get caught. Just one morning I’d like to wake up with your head still on my chest- I want to see what your skin looks like with the early morning sun dancing across it.”
“Oh Judy,” you whisper, relaxing under her touch, “I wish for that too, and maybe one morning we can have that- I can stay in. Perhaps when the monsignor has gone away for work, I can stay. I just don’t want you to get in trouble, your job means so much to you and I’d feel terrible if it was taken away because of me.”
She moves a hand to gently stroke your cheek, her beautiful brown eyes meeting yours, “I may have been nervous about what I was feeling when we first started, honey- But now I wouldn’t change it for anything. If- If it meant losing my title, I would, as long as I knew we had somewhere safe to go- a roof over our heads and food in the cupboards, that is all that would matter to me. I have seen and done so many terrible things in my life, but I won’t let this one good thing be taken from me.”
“Judy,” you sniffle, leaning into her touch when she softly wipes your tears away, “We will save our money, okay? We will and- and we can find a nice little cottage in the countryside to live in. We will have chickens and goats, and grow vegetables to sell at market. It’ll just be you and me, Judy. You and me.” You meant it too, you would save every dollar, every nickel if it meant one day you and Jude could live peacefully without fearing you’d be kicked out on your asses. But for now, you two would keep things hidden, you would leave before the sun rose and the stars were still out so that no one could catch you. You would steal kisses in the hallways, stolen glances in the common area, and enjoy each other’s warm embrace in the evening once duties were done.
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cabensonsgirly · 2 years
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Content: Heavy religion, caning, sin, blood, pain, probably blasphemous
"This is what you get, sinner. Your wife, try as she did, was unable to guide you back to the path of righteousness. Of holiness. Back to God's embrace." She watches as your clothes are pulled from your body until you are in just your undergarments, "She thought a semi-firm hand would be enough. A carpet beater perhaps. But unfortunately it was not enough. No, for a sinner like you, a firmer hand is required."
She goes over to her cupboard and unlocks it, running her fingers across each cane until she comes to the one with barbs on it, "I will make you crave forgiveness, sinner. Make you beg for mercy and scream out that you promise to leave such sinful acts behind you." She plucks it from where it's held, turning to look at you, a faint smirk tugging on her lips at the look of fear in your eyes, "I know exactly how to handle sinners like you, Yn. A purifying beating will do it. This cane will correct you of your sinful ways. Your wife will bear witness to your breaking- your correction. She'll watch your back and ass split with each righteous swing of this cane."
"Sister Jude-" You're cut off by your own pained scream as she strikes your ass with her cane, feeling the sharp spikes of the barbs cut your soft flesh, "Sinners do not speak to me, girl. No, sinners beg. They beg for mercy. For forgiveness. That is what you will do. I don't care how long it takes. How much you bleed. It will be done." She strikes you again, "Look at the statuette before you, sinner. It's our Holy Mother, our Lady, Holy Mary. She wept for her son as he died, in absolute agony-" she strikes you lower, on a less fleshy part of your ass, the barbs cutting deep and hurting immensely yet you're powerless to move away, restrained too tightly to her desk. "For humanity," she continues, "to save humanity from its sinful ways."
Each swing she rains down righteousness, a cleansing power upon your tainted body and soul, "What do you think she would have to say about your sinful ways? For being so proud and firm in your sinful convictions?" Jude swings it against you again, your blood contrasting nicely against the deep bruising that is starting to form, "Would she pray for your soul? Pray for a soul that is so filthy and tainted? Corrupted by the devil himself?"
Her breath catches at her next swing, the sight of you being purified almost too much for the Holy woman to take; she clutches her rosary, willing herself to remain strong in the face of sin, "Would our Holy Mother give you a second glance, sinner? Spare you even another cursory look?" She brings the cane down again, splitting another set of gashes on your already wounded ass, "I do not. No. Someone as Holy and pure as her would spare you no glance. No thought for a sinner like you."
Your throat hurts form your cries, tears staining your red face, "Sister Jude- Let- Let me pray for forgiveness-" She smiles at that, nevertheless, she brings the cane down once more, "Repeat the verse your wife told you to."
"Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions. Do not present your members to sin-" You cry out as she hits you again, your ass becoming numb to the relentless nature of her purification, "-as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God-" You scream again before sobbing, barely managing to make it through the rest of the verse, "-as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness.-"
Sister Jude hums at that, "Yes, we are supposed to be instruments for His righteousness, sinner. Not instruments of sin for the devil. I, myself, and your wife, are instruments of righteousness, of holiness for Him. Just like this cane is by extension." She brings her cane down once more before you continue, "-For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. (Romans 6:12-14)" You heave in a breath before hissing as she runs her hands over your stinging, bruised, and bleeding ass, the cold a welcome contrast to the burn, "I- I will pray for forgiveness everynight and morning, Sister Jude. I won't stop- I won't stop until my knees are bruised and there are marks in the-" a cough, "in the wood from where I have knelt."
Sister Jude gives your ass a firm squeeze, making you whimper in pain, "I don't believe that you have fully understood the gravity of your actions, sinner... But it is a start. We will wait for these to heal before raining more down on your vessel of sin." She lets go, wiping her hands clean of your blood, of your sin, "We will get you cleaned up. You will return in a week. Until then, I expect you to pray everyday. The same verse. You need to remember what it is like to be pure."
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sturniluvr · 4 months
Meet the brother part 2 - meet the family
Jude Bellingham x Leclerc!reader
Leclerc Brothers x sister!reader
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word count: 1,927
warnings: possibly mistranslated French (I used google translate again😂), possible spelling mistakes, nothing other than that I don’t think
requested: yes/no {here}
summary: part two to MTB where Jude meets the rest of the Leclercs. Here’s part 1
A/N: Hope you enjoy <3 also most likely won’t do a part 3. Also my Matt one shot should be out in the next few days hopefully.
❗️semi proof read❗️
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To say Jude was nervous was an understatement, tonight was the night he was finally meeting the rest of Y/N’s family. Charles and Y/N had organised with their mum, Pascale, to have a family dinner when Y/N and Charles were back in Monaco after the Imola Grand Prix, and Jude would join them and finally meet his girlfriend’s mother and 2 other older brothers.  
The couple were currently in Y/N’s apartment in Monaco getting ready for dinner at her mum’s house. Jude made his way over to the bedroom, where he’s met with the sight of his beautiful girl sat at her vanity as she applied finishing touches to her makeup and her sister in law, Alex, stood behind her curling her Y/H/C locks for her. He smiles at the girls as he quickly grabbed a smart shirt of his that he left in her wardrobe the last time he was at her apartment and put on the shirt and spritzed some cologne on him and he left the girls to finish getting ready and headed downstairs where Charles was, filling up Leo’s food and water bowls that Y/N had in her apartment for when she’d have him for Charles and Alex. 
“Hey mate.” Jude called to the Ferrari driver. Charles looks up at the footballer and gives him a small smile as he replied to the younger man. 
“Hey, what’s up?” 
“Do you think your mum and brothers will actually like me? Mate I’m shitting myself." Jude lets out a small chuckle. Charles made his way over to Jude and gave him a quick bro hug before letting go and looking at the 20 year old. 
“Jude, you will be fine okay mate. If I approve of you, the other will. Arthur and Lorenzo will try and intimidate you by asking you loads of questions but don’t let them get to you. They mean well, like I told you, we’re just protective of Y/N and want her to be happy. As for my mother, she’ll love you regardless, she’s lovely. Just be yourself kid” Charles spoke gently in an attempt to calm Jude’s nerves. 
Charles made his way over to Y/N’s drinks cabinet, where he pulled a bottle of whiskey. He held the bottle up to Jude, silently asking if he wanted some, or which the younger man nodded and walked over to where the driver stood and took a glass from him, and the two men clinked their glasses together. 
“This’ll help put some hairs on your chest young man” Charles joked in what sounded like a posh British accent. Jude let out a laugh at the man and they drank their glasses of whiskey in a comfortable silence. 
Meanwhile, upstairs, the girls had now swapped spots and Alex now sat at Y/N’s vanity as she applied her makeup and Y/N stood behind her and straightened the older woman’s hair for her. The girls both had a dress each hung up on the door of Y/N’s 
Wardrobe, ready to put on (Alex’s dress, Y/N’s dress).  
After the girls had got their dresses on, Alex was about to make her way downstairs when Y/N stopped her. 
“Can you ask Jude to come up here quickly, I want to talk to him” She asked the older woman softly, Alex nodded and made her way downstairs.  
As per Y/N’s request, Jude made his way upstairs to his girlfriend, as he walked into the bedroom, he saw Y/N stood in front on the mirror making last minute touches to her outfit and makeup. He made his way over to her and wrapped his arms around her, placing a kiss to her shoulder.  
“You look stunning my love.” he spoke softly in her ear, his voice sending shivers down her spine, she blushed at the compliment and turned around in his arms so she was facing him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.  
“And you look very handsome baby” she smiled up at him, planting a kiss to his lips. 
“How come you wanted me to come up here baby, everything okay?” Jude asked his girlfriend, she nodded to him.  
“Everything’s fine, just wanted to see how you were? I know you were nervous even though you have reason to be, they’ll love you Jude, I promise” she replied. He nodded at his girl, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss to her knuckles.  
“Right, let’s get going. Don’t want to be late” Jude said as he led her out the bedroom and downstairs. 
“You two ready?” Charles asked as him and Alex walked over to the other couple and Charles grabbed his car keys and Y/N’s keys to the apartment and threw them to her. She swiftly caught them and put them in her little bag that held her phone and her lip gloss. The two couples then made their way out of the apartment and to Charles’ Ferrari and drove to the Leclerc household.  
*time skip to the house* 
The Ferrari pulled up outside the house and Charles turned the engine off. The two couples made their way up to the front door and knock on the door.  
Inside the house, Arthur and Lorenzo heard the door knock and immediately ran to the door, knowing it would be Y/N and Jude along with Charles and Alex. Arthur opens the door and moves to the side to let the couples into the house. 
“donc ça doit être Jude? (So, this must be Jude?)” The oldest brother asks, crossing his arms over his chest to seem intimidating, causing Y/N to roll her eyes at her brother. 
“Oui (yes). Jude meet Arthur and Lorenzo, Arthur and Lorenzo, meet Jude” Y/N replied to her brother. Jude held his hand out to Lorenzo to shake, the older man shaking his hand and Jude did the same with Arthur who also reciprocated the handshake. 
“What are your intentions with dear Y/N here?” Arthur asks Jude. 
“I just want to treat her the way she deserves. I love her so much, I promise I will never hurt her” Jude promises. 
Pascale makes her way out of the kitchen to greet her children and their partners. Y/N, Charles and Alex give her a hug each before Y/N speaks up. 
“maman, c'est Jude, Jude, c'est ma mère. (mom this is Jude, Jude, this is my mom.)” the older woman takes Jude into her arms, engulfing him in a motherly hug.  
“Don’t let these boys scare you dear, you seem just as lovely as Y/N said you were” Pascale spoke to Jude. The Leclerc brother’s jaws drop in shock.  
“tu savais qu'elle avait un petit ami?! (You knew she had a boyfriend?!)” Charles exclaimed, thinking he’d been the first family member to know about Y/N’s relationship with Jude. Pascale smiled at Y/N and looked over to her son and replied. 
“Oui Charles, elle m'en dit beaucoup plus qu'elle ne t'en dit trois. (Yes Charles, she tells me a lot more than she tells you three)” 
“Is there anything I can help you with in the kitchen at all Ms Leclerc?” Jude asked politely. 
The older woman smiled at the boys politeness and replied.  
“No dear don’t you worry. You stay with the boys and get to know them. Y/N and Alex can help me. I want to catch up with my two favourite ladies anyway”  
The three women made their way towards the kitchen to finish making dinner while the boys went into the living room and all sat on the sofa, the sky sports news channel playing on the tv in the background. A few moments after watching the tv, Arthur was the first to break the silence.  
“So Jude, how’d you and Y/N meet?”  
“We met at the Paris fashion week, we both got invited and we were sat next to each other and started talking.” Jude replied to the brown haired man next to him. 
“Now the most important question I’m going to ask you…” Arthur spoke mysteriously. Charles and Lorenzo looked over at their brother confused. 
“What is it?” Jude replied. 
“What came first. Chicken or the egg?”  
Charles and Lorenzo stared at their brother blankly and Jude let out a laugh at him before replying.  
“I don’t know mate, umm…the egg?”  
“YOU PASS!!” Arthur shouted, catching the attention of the youngest Leclerc in the kitchen. She quickly washed and dried her hands and walked through to the living room and was met with the sight of her three brothers and her boyfriend laughing. 
“What’s going on in here?” She asks suspiciously. 
“Jude passes the brother test. He said the egg comes before the chicken.” Arthur replied to his little sister. She slapped her hand on her face and shook her head before letting out a chuckle.  
“tu es ridicule Arthur (you’re ridiculous Arthur).” She replied and walked back to the kitchen and finished helping Pascale and Alex with dinner.  
*time skip to dinner*  
Everyone was sat around the neatly laid table, a faint heat coming off the few candles in the middle of the table that Y/N had lit up before dinner and the sound of chatter coming from around the table as they each asked Jude some questions about himself. 
“Do you have any siblings, Jude?” Pascale asked, looking over at the young man sat next to her daughter. 
“Yeah, I have one younger brother his name is Jobe. He’s also a football player.” Jude replied. The older woman took a sip of her wine and nodded her head before replying. 
“nous devrions tous prendre un grand repas ensemble un jour, ta mère, ton frère et nous tous ici. à quel point ce serait beau? (we should all have a big meal together one day, your mum, brother and all of us here. how lovely would that be?)” 
Jude didn’t understand what she said and looked at the woman with a slightly panicked expression. He then looked over to his girlfriend, silently asking her to translate for him.  
“Mum just said it’d be lovely for all of us to have one big meal together with your mum and Jobe aswel.” Y/N translated to Jude. He then smiled and looked back to Pascale.  
“I reckon that would be lovely, we’ll have to plan something when we’re all next free” he replied “sorry for not understanding what you said Ms Leclerc, my French isn’t the best” he added on. 
“That’s okay dear, sometimes I forget not everyone can understand French and I just automatically start speaking, and please, call me Pascale. Alex can, so you can too my dear” Pascale replied in a sweet motherly tone. 
*time skip back to Y/N’s apartment* 
The rest of the dinner had gone smoothly, Y/N and Jude were now back at her apartment, cuddled up together in bed, watching a movie, Y/N’s head on Jude’s chest. After a while of watching the movie, Jude broke the comfortable silence. 
“I’m glad dinner went well tonight Y/N/N.” She looked up at him with a sleepy smile on her face.  
“Me too handsome. I told you there was nothing to worry about, they all love you.” She replied. 
“You best get some sleep love, you got practice tomorrow” Jude spoke softly, looking down at his sleepy girl and placing a kiss on the crown of her head. She mumbled an incoherent reply to him as she got comfortable on his chest. 
“I love you, Jude.” she spoke before closing her eyes and nodded off to sleep. 
“I love you too my pretty girl.” he replied before going to sleep himself. 
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lunarzs · 5 months
I don't think Oak exactly understands that he's Dain and Liriope's child, and was raised by Oriana, Heather and Vivi, and not Cardan and Jude's lovechild. Boy, you do not go spying and manipulating and murdering in one breath and being 110% a simp for your monstrous love interest that terrifies you the next, you've got the wrong people.
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evan4ever · 11 months
hii, can i make a request about fem reader reassuring and comforting kit walker on all the scars and marks he got to his skin while he was in briarcliff, please? i think it would be pretty heartwarming to see someone finally caring for him and soothing his insecurities away yk... tysm
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Warnings: bit of a sad fic, talk about Briarcliff abuse/scars, just a short sweet fic for my baby Kit 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Months after Kit had finally gotten out of Briarcliff, he met you, the new warehouse worker at the mechanic shop he had started work at.
You were sweet, nurturing, humble, and oh so beyond kind.
Everything Kit could ask for in a woman and more. You were, quite literally, perfect for Kit. And he wasted no time in his attempts to make you his.
First subtly. He’d glance at you often while working together. Make up excuses for new parts he needed just so he could see you a few extra minutes of the day. But you caught on quick, not that you minded. He wasn’t too bad to look at himself, and you were flattered by his want to see you.
Then he got more confident, sharing some cheesy jokes with you, throwing a pick up line out here and there, anything just so he could hear your contagious laugh and see your beautiful eyes light up.
But soon, your eyes lit up at just seeing him walk in the room, as his did yours for the few months prior. He knew he had won you over and so, he took his shot. Asked you to supper which you happily accepted. One date turned into four, then you were spending most of your evenings with him. Before long, you were his girlfriend, you were staying the night, and you even brought some belongings to keep at his place.
Kit was a gentleman, though. The two of you hadn’t had sex yet. You’ve come close, but anytime you initiated anything further than making out, he would stop.
“I want our first time to be perfect, y/n. I want to be everything you could ask for and more.” He’d reassure you when you questioned why he didn’t want to. You couldn’t ask for a better partner, a better boyfriend. He truly cared about your comfort.
But you had no idea the deeper reason he hadn’t wanted to have sex yet. Of course, he wasn’t completely lying when he’d reassure you, but he wasn’t being completely honest. Of course he wanted to have sex with you, he couldn’t wait and sometimes it physically hurt to stop the intense make-out session. He’d, truthfully, take you then and there, if you were truthfully ready for that step. But, he wasn’t ready for you to see his scars on his body, and he wasn’t ready to have to dive into the terrible details that came with knowing he was ever in Briarcliff. You had no idea, and he wanted to keep it that way as long as possible.
He knew he’d have to tell you one day, he just wanted it to come very later in life.
But later in life wasn’t as far away as he thought it’d be.
Kit was currently in the shower. He was under the impression that you wouldn’t be over for another hour, so he gave himself the time to enjoy the hot water on his sore muscles while not having to worry about you walking in. He never showered when you were around, something else you wondered about but never asked. You respected his boundaries, always showering at your own home unless you were running late, to which you’d shower quick and careful not to be too revealing of yourself for his comfort.
But you had finished getting ready quick, and you had exciting news to share with Kit that you barely comprehended that he was half naked when you walked into his room without knocking. Your excitement overtook you, that your parents had sent two airline tickets to Florida to spend a weekend away with your current and most serious lover. You just wanted to share the news with Kit so he could share the excitement with you.
“Look what I’ve received in the mail, babe!!” You grinned wide, ear to ear, not even noticing his naked torso. Kit nearly fell over his bed when he heard your voice in his room, still having not expected you and given no time to prepare so you wouldn’t see his scars.
“Babe! Don’t ya know how to knock?!” Kit hissed as hurdled to the other side of his bed, reaching down for a shirt. You watched, confused. Seeing that he had a bare torso, you still didn’t understand the problem considering he had his jeans on. The most intimate of his places was completely covered.
“I… mean, yeah. I do. I’m sorry. I was just so excited that..” you trailed off as your eyes landed on his back when he stood to his feet to pull his shirt on. They remained there until his shirt covered the area, your eyes flickering to his face.
He didn’t look at you. He knew by the way your voice trailed, you had saw some scars. You noticed his clenched jaw as he looked down at the ground, silent.
“Kit? What were those?” You asked quietly, unsure of how to approach the subject but needing an answer. They weren’t even all of them and it made your stomach turn. You knew he had went through something traumatic and that hurt your heart. You needed to know so you could understand and be there for him the way he needed you to be.
“It’s nothin’. It’s… they’re just— they’re not important. Can we just go?” He decided to avoid the question, grabbing his nice jacket and walking past you, his hand taking ahold of yours to walk out but you stood your ground, pulling him back just barely. Kit looked straight, out into his living room, knowing you weren’t going to give this up. He also knew you deserved to know, now that you’ve seen them. He had avoided letting you see them for months on end now. It was only a matter of time.
“Kit, please” you said, your voice barely above a whisper as you were not turned towards his body, your hands finding their way to his biceps where you held him gently, your thumbs rubbing reassuring circles against his skin. “Please talk to me about this, babe.” You begged.
You felt his body sigh, relaxing in your comforting hold. You stepped closer to him, your front torso against his back and your arms falling around him in a hug. His head fell backwards against your shoulder, the side of his face leaning against the side of yours.
You both remained here, him silently preparing to explain everything to you while you just held him, silently letting him know you were there to listen, and love him regardless.
“It’s a really long story, y/n.” He sighed.
“We have all the time you need.”
Your dinner plans with each other were cancelled as he led you back into his room, letting you sit on his bed. You faced him while his back faced you, watching carefully as he slowly slipped his white shirt back off. You immediately took in the scars you hadn’t yet seen on his back and now, being up close, the severity of them. They, alone, brought tears to your eyes as you wondered what kind of monstrous human could do this to someone as sweet and kind as Kit Walker.
But your eyes widened as he slowly turned around, now facing you. You blinked repeatedly, as if trying to fix your vision in case you weren’t seeing clearly. But you were, seeing clearly that is.
His entire chest and abdomen were covered in more scars, just the same as the back. Kit still avoided your eyes, but you watched as he unbuckled his jeans and slowly pulled them off, revealing his scarred and burned legs.
Your breath was gone. You were winded. You didn’t know what exactly you expected, but it wasn’t this.
Kit stood now, nearly completely naked, in front of you. He adjusted his weight awkwardly as he still avoided your eyes, not that they were on his yet. You rose from your spot on his bed and approached him, slowly, Kit not moving giving you to O.K. to come close to him. Your hands carefully found his chest, tracing the deepest scar across from his chest to his abdomen, stopping right above his waistband of his whities. You truly couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
“Oh, Kit.. my love” you shook your head, your eyes now trying to find his though his remained on the wall to his left. Your hands found either side of his face, gently pulling him to align with yours which he hesitantly allowed. He looked down for a moment before his eyes finally flickered to meet yours.
They were glossy. You knew this was hard for him. You couldn’t even imagine. It scared you to find out what these were from. And you knew it scared him for you to find out.
“Nothing will ever scare me away from you. I promise that.” Your thumbs caressed his cheek. “Nothing you’ve gone through will make me love you any less.”
Kit studied your face, your eyes holding nothing but sincerity. You were telling the truth, and he knew you’d never lie to him. Not about this.
His hands met over top of yours that were still holding his face, he grasped them and carefully brought them down to between your chests, holding onto them for fear life it seemed.
“Have you ever heard of Briarcliff?” Kit finally spoke, his voice shaky. You thought for a moment, knowing the name sounded familiar but not quite sure where from.
Until it dawned on you.
Briarcliff, the insane asylum. You’ve heard horror stories about the place, but never actually believed the place was real. It was always told to you as a child that if you didn’t behave, your mother would drop you off and let the monsters inside teach you a lesson. You truly believed it was a made up place by your mother to keep you from acting out in public.
“I thought that place was just a myth.” You whispered, truthfully.
Kit just shook his head, sighing sadly.
Then you thought about the horror stories you’d heard as you grew up. Believing it was a place all mothers made up together. You had friends that talked about it, about the terrible things that their parents told them happened to their families there. It scared you, but eventually you had forgotten about it completely.
“So… it’s real. But, it’s an asylum, right? Why would you have ever needed to go there?” You questioned. Never once did Kit seem to have any “problems”. He was just too perfect to have had any kind of mental illness or to have done something so extreme that he’d end up in a place like that. You couldn’t believe it. You wouldn’t.
“I was wrongfully accused awhile back. About two years ago.” He nodded. You nodded along with him, letting him guide you both to sit back down on the bed, his hands remaining on yours. “I had an amazing life before. I had a wife..” he glanced at you, your eyebrows raising high in surprise. But you nodded, telling him to continue. “I can’t really explain it, something weird happened. My wife disappeared, and I was told later that she’d been murdered, and that I was the main suspect. I then was accused of being Bloody Face, killing other women in town.” Kit stared hard at your guys’ hands as he talked about this. “I was put in Briarcliff, beaten and burned daily to try to break me. They believed I did it, and that I was crazy. They almost had me believing them.” He chuckled lightly, your head tilting to the side as you just listened. “But I knew I didn’t kill no one. Especially not my Alma. Eventually, I was proven not guilty and released. And Y’know, I even forgave Sister Jude.” He met your eyes as you gazed at him. “She did the worst of it all, and I forgave her.”
“Because you’re a kind human, Kit.” You stated, giving his hand a squeeze. It didn’t surprise you that he’d forgive his abuser. That’s just the kind of person he is.
He smiled slightly, “yeah, I suppose you’re right.” He went quiet for a moment, then continued. “A lot of things about Briarcliff and even before are blurry. Some things don’t make sense. But I had to learn to stop questioning or it was gonna drive me mad. And that’s when I met you.” His eyes met yours again, lit up in a way you hadn’t seen since this conversation started. “You helped me stop asking questions and just let it be. You took my mind off of everything. Made it seem like nothing more than a bad dream. But then my scars… they had to be there to remind me that it all really did happen. And I didn’t want you to judge me, or think I was crazy. I was scared of losing you when you were the only thing to keep me sane.” He spoke, honestly.
You let out a small sigh, leaning forward until your forehead was against his. Your eyes closed, feeling him so close. His hands found their way to either side of your face, holding you to him, almost afraid to let go.
“I’ll never leave you, not for anything, especially not for this. I’m just so sorry you ever had to go through it, and that I couldn’t have been there sooner for you.” You felt him smile against your skin before bringing his lips to your forehead for a long, deep kiss.
“I should’ve known that sooner, suga. I’m sorry for keeping this from you.”
You pulled yourself back just enough to meet his eyes again before leaning into his lips this time. Your lips lingered on the others for awhile before parting.
“You don’t have to apologize for anything. Just know your scars are apart of who you are, they’re apart of your story, you know? They make me sad, but they don’t bother me or make me not want to be here with you. Don’t ever be ashamed of them around me, okay?” You looked at him hopeful, and he nodded with a small smile.
“I love you, so damn much.” He mumbled as he pulled your face back to his in another kiss, this time much more passionately, not that you minded at all.
When he pulled back again, he immediately pulled you to his chest, hugging you so sincerely, finally releasing all the stress he ever held onto now that you finally knew. You finally knew, and you stayed. He couldn’t be more grateful.
“I love you too. So damn much.” You smiled against his chest.
Tags: @evanpetersmood @witchsbitchestime @demxnicprxncess @yes-divine-ruler @shjjpm @evanpsrealwife @iruzias @jangsuzchap @quicksilversg1rl l @submissiveforahsmen @angelmenace @lovelizzie-blog1 @justa19 @daylas-life @simp4petermaximoff @totta69
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kittyamore0 · 2 years
hello! may I please request an angst for ahs about kit walker x female reader with them being in the asylum and the prompt "i'm sorry this was all my fault"? thank you ❤︎︎
𝐈’𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐮𝐥𝐭
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𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: ᴋɪᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪs ᴡɪꜰᴇ, [Nᴀᴍᴇ] [Lᴀsᴛ Nᴀᴍᴇ], ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ Bʀɪᴀɪʀᴄʟɪꜰꜰ ᴅᴜᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇʟɪᴇꜰs ᴏꜰ Kɪᴛ ᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀɪᴀʟ ᴋɪʟʟᴇʀ “ʙʟᴏᴏᴅʏ ꜰᴀᴄᴇ,“ sɪsᴛᴇʀ ᴊᴜᴅɢᴇ ᴛʀɪᴇs sᴛʀɪᴋᴇs ᴜᴘ ᴀ ᴅᴇᴀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ [Nᴀᴍᴇ] ɪɴ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ʜᴇʀ ʜᴜsʙᴀɴᴅ, Kɪᴛ ᴡᴀʟᴋᴇʀ, ʙᴜᴛ sʜᴇ ʀᴇꜰᴜsᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇᴄᴏᴍᴇs ᴀ ᴘᴀᴛɪᴇɴᴛ, ᴍᴀᴋɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀ ᴏᴠᴇʀᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴇᴀʟ. 
𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙖 𝙗𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙝 𝙤𝙛 𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙙𝙪𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙩 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 1 𝘼𝙈 
𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙖 𝙗𝙞𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙩 
“Get ya hands off of me!” 
“Search everywhere!” 
“Don’t let him go!”
“Im innocent!” 
You were awoken by loud crashes and multiple voices. “Kitty?” The warm spot where your husband laid was now cold. “Kit?” You flinched when you heard more shouting and banging.
You immediately got up and ran downstairs, only to see your husband, Kit Walker, being held down by some police officers. 
They all turned their attention to you and you noticed how the color drained from Kits face. 
“Darlin’ get out of here!” 
Suddenly, one of the police comes up behind you and tugs on both of your wrist, slapping on a handcuff. “Leave her out of this, shes innocent!” His struggle had gotten more intense. 
The police officer pushed you down, causing your head to come in contact with the hard floor. 
Black dots clouded your vision. You closed your eyes and left everything to drift away. 
A bright light clouded your vision, making you blink to adjust the setting. 
“don't touch her!“ 
You head shot up and you took in your surroundings. Your body was being carried by one of the guards while your husband was struggling to get to you. 
“kitty...?“ your voice was hoarse and dry. “leave her in my office.“ a middle aged woman with blonde hair grabbed Kit by the wrist and pulled him into the dark, brick building. 
“kitty?!“ you kicked at the guard. “Kit?! No, no, no, stop!“ your eyes build up with tears, your screams getting louder by the second. 
The guard had brought you into a dull office. He sat you in one of the chairs and tied you to it. “Fuck you.“ you spat in his face and he pull your hair in response, before taking had leave. 
After a few minutes, the wooden door burst open, revealing the same woman from earlier. 
“Please, please, let him go, he hasn’t-“ 
“Shush, child.” The woman cut you off. 
“You do realized why your husband is here, Mrs. Walker?” You shook your head. 
“Hes an innocent soul. He’s-he’s kind and sweet. He would never-“ 
“Quiet!” She shouted, causing you to flinch. 
“Enough of that Evil man, i came to talk about you.” She pointed her finger at you. “What…?” 
You’re face plastered with confusion everywhere.
 “You, my dear, are quite the pure soul, you are. So, lets say you were to work-“ 
She scowled at your quick rejection. “Then you wont get to see, take care, or be with your beloved husband, and you will stay here as one of our patients.” The color drained from your face. 
“You crazy bitch.” You spat in her face, but she only smiled in return. “Become one of the nuns.” You rapidly shook your head. “No, just leave us alone!” 
Again, the same question, following your same answer. 
She grabbed your wrist and slammed in on the wooden table. “You’re making a grave mistake, child.” You whimpered in bad, the hard, wooden desk leaving tiny scratches and cuts. 
She brought both of your wrist back up and slammed them on the table again, causing a bruise. “S-stop!” Tiny tears filled the brim of your eyes. 
“Now, lets try this again. Will you or will you not accept my offer?” You shook your head. She scowled and tugged on your wrist. “W-wait, where are we going?” 
She clicked her tongue. Your vision got blurry, as you got more dizzier. The unfamiliar but imitating faces leaving a stinging print in your mind. 
Nausea hits you hard, not hard enough to make you throw up though. 
She stops in front of a steal door. “You have 3 days to change your answer or else you’ll stay as one of our patients and get out whenever he does.” She opened the door and threw you in.
“Enjoy your lovers quarrel, while you can,” she hissed and slammed the door shut. 
“D-darlin?” A shaky, breathless voice that belonged to your dear husband called out.
“Kitty?” Tears that filled the brim of your eyes now streamed down your warm, soft cheeks.
“Oh, darlin, It is you,” he scurried his way to you, the cold floor shrieking as his skin hit the ground hard. 
His body collied with yours, bringing you both down to the ground. “Oh my god, oh my god, i-i thought id never get to se-see you again. I was so sca-scared,” he sobbed in your shoulder, his salty tears staining your dirty shirt. 
He stammered when he continued to mumble about how he was scared of losing you due to the Brarircliff. 
You put your index finger under his chin and lifted his head up, giving him a chaste kiss. 
The kiss was sweet, gentle, but hungry and eager. 
He pulled back, a slight grin on his face, but it quickly faltered as you noticed his eyes going back and forth between you and the door. 
“Babe, how did you get here, i thought they would release you?” You shook your head. 
“They didn’t let me go because im your wife, and they thought i might be associated with the murders,” his eyes widen and his mouth was agape. 
“W-what?” His breathing staggered, and his chest heaved up and down in a quick motion. 
“No, no, no, no, no…!” He tripped and stumbled in his footsteps when he tried to back up. 
“Hey, kitty. Its okay,” you tried to walk forward, but he had slightly pushed you away. “No, its my fault, my fault you’re here. Even if i didn’t do the murders, i should be here, not you,” 
More salty, warm tears fell from his glossy, and puffed up eyes. 
“Kit, it doesn’t-“ he let out a scream, begging for you to back up. “Get away from me, you cant be near me. I-Ill end up making things wor-worse for you,” his sobs had gotten louder. 
“No, no, no, Kit, please…” your eyes had returned to the glossy state they were in before, but more tears than before freed themselves. 
“Im sorry, this is my fault.“ 
“Kit, dont do this…” 
“Get out.” 
“Please, Kit, please…!” 
“I-I wont do you good, leave.” 
“N-no. I wont leave you-“ 
“I said, GET OUT!” 
“No, no…” 
“Stop it!”
Your sobs had gotten even more violent. Your back had came in contact with the steal door as it opened up swiftly. Your body was plummeting to the ground. 
“Im sorry…this is all my fa- fault…”
That was the last thing you heard from Kit before the door shut closed. 
“So, changed your mind yet? You become a nun, you take care of Kit until he gets out of here. He clearly doesn’t want you here as a patient, so why not a nun? Plus, it’ll benefit you and me, as you are a pure sou. A good addition to our asylum and you get to take care of Kit,” she chuckled. 
You looked up to sister Jude smiling down at you. “Lets try a again, do you accept my offer?” 
You slowly nodded. 
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inmyfxith · 2 years
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Pairing: Kit Walker x reader
OC: None
Warnings: Mention and innuendo of abuse, torture (nothing too graphic)
Words: 2k9
-> Requested
Part. II, Part. III
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Briarcliff Manor could change anyone who stepped inside, whether they wanted to or not. The horrors perpetrated there would drive the sanest man in the world mad.
Sitting in one of the dayroom armchairs, head tipped back, your gaze remained fixed on the decrepit painting on the ceiling. The world could be crumbling around you, nothing would stop your eyes from wandering up there. Not even the unusual screams that rose up like cries of madness across the room.
However, something did catch your attention. As you straightened up, the chair's legs hit the floor with a thud. Usually, this uncomfortable noise never reached your ears. It was muffled by the annoying voice from the old music player. But not this time. Taking a few steps into the center of the room, your mind attempted to understand what was out of the ordinary.
Deep groans rose up as two men fought. One of them was Spivey, a violent and dangerous man that no sane person would ever want to meet. You had dealt with him when you arrived, another memory from Briarcliff that would haunt you for the rest of your life. The mere mention of his name triggered a deeply unexpected reaction in you.
All around, a movement of euphoria possessed the other residents who were screaming and pushing you. The whole place seemed to be in the grip of a strange psychosis, before your eyes, the walls were getting dangerously close, the floor was shaking under your feet and almost made you lose your balance. The room collapsed on you at the same time as the shrill sound of the whistle that never left Sister Jude's neck. In response, you simply crouched down. Your hands holding your head, palms resting on the very spot where the electrodes had left a few burns on your temples. The saltiness of your sweat made the simple efflorescence even more painful.
The darkness of your closed eyes seemed to help your mind to sort things out. The time appeared to be very long until Sister Mary-Eunice came to get you.
"Y/N, it's time to go back to your room." Her hand, the antithesis of Jude's softness, stroked your back slowly. Seeing that you didn't respond, she made one of your hands come off your head so she could pull you, ever so gently, out of your slumber. Your room, what a ridiculous name they could use for the cell you were in. It had neither the comfort nor the security of a real bedroom. No. Briarcliff was a prison.
No sooner had the lights gone out than your cheek stuck to the cold, metal grate of the door.
"Shelley? Shelley can you hear me?" Your cell was relatively far from the door from which members of the administration would come to peek in from time to time. Therefore, chatting with your female neighbors was more than easy.
"Always, Y/N, always" Shelley liked to be noticed and, unlike you, she didn't bother to whisper knowing full well that someone would come up to her and demand silence.
"What happened?”
"Bloody Face got into a fight, and you freaked out!"
"Spivey started it!" In a cell a little further away, Grace had heard Shelley's words and was trying to defend her new best friend. However, what she didn't know was that the mere mention of his name was enough to trigger a new wave of panic that would overwhelm you from head to toe.
From then on, you could no longer hear your comrade's reprimands towards Grace. Your hands found their way back to your wounded temples and your back slid along the cold door until you found yourself in a sitting position. Breathing in and out deeply, your mind forced itself out of the horrors of Briarcliff and simulated the sunlight reflecting off the green waters of Lake Ontario. The night was just beginning, and it already promised to be a long one.
Whether a member of the administration or an inmate, everyone eventually lost track of time. During the first few months of internment, the image of your parents walking alone down the steps of the asylum would play over and over in your mind and haunt your nights. Soon, sadness gave way to fear, and fear to anger. Far from being mentally unstable, you had tried several times to escape. Through the kitchens, through the main door under a relatively convincing disguise but nothing had ever worked and the consequences of these multiple attempts had left marks that would probably never disappear. Reason had finally taken over your desire for freedom, you tried to cling to past images that were gradually beginning to fade.
In the dayroom, you found your place in the chair, your eyes still focused on the ceiling you had seen collapse the day before. Behind you, Pepper was stroking your hair on her own. The general atmosphere seemed less heavy. A few feet away from you, seated at a table, Grace appeared to be conspiring with the stranger everyone called Bloody Face. After a few minutes, the young woman's voice rose a little more as she began to introduce a few people. Pepper, Shelley, Daniel, Miles and... you.
"She's Y/N. She's pretty nice, very helpful. Her mom saw her kissing a girl, that's why she's here. The marks on her forehead? It's electroshock." From your seat, you could only perceive the sound of Grace's voice, but not the one she was speaking to. "At first it was to cure her, but then it became like a game to punish her. Yeah, the doc is kind of a sadist." Your last session was several weeks ago.
Grace was right. At first, Dr. Arden used electroshock to silence your pseudo same-sex attraction. At first there were a lot of sessions, but eventually they were spaced out until they almost disappeared from your schedule. But Sister Jude had found a more effective way to tame you than her cane. As Pepper moved your hair back, the marks were more visible than ever and Grace's comment brought out a sense of shame. Thanking the young woman for her attention, you eventually stood up to join the conspirators. Grabbing a chair as you passed, the sound of your feet scraping on the floor was muted by the music filling the room. Once within reach, you took your seat as if nothing had happened, resting your elbows on the wooded surface.
"Y/N, meet Kit Walker." Your gaze, filled with suspicion, had not left his face since you settled around the table. In an innocuous gesture, he held his hand out in front of you as visitors did when they came into contact with Monsignor Timothy or Dr. Arden. Your eyes fell on his hand, physical contact between patients was totally forbidden at Briarcliff, although some did not hesitate to do much worse than just shake your hand.
"I think he's waiting for you to shake his hand. Y/N?" For a few minutes, your mind had been lost in conjecture. He had been evaluating all the reasons why Kit might want to take your hand in his. Grace's words made you stop to think, and after checking that no one important was in the room, you finally let him take your hand.
"I'm not crazy, you know" you stammered after he let go. His eyes had finally met yours, and though he was a newcomer, he seemed different from the other residents. "It's this place that drives you crazy. The manor, and the people who run it." Naturally, your gaze had landed on the record player that continuously played the same song. A tune that penetrated your mind so well that even at night you could hear it tormenting you. Grace did most of the talking, asking questions here and there so that you could get to know each other without it seeming suspicious to either you or him. Although Shelley was your closest friend at Briarcliff, Grace was usually a pleasant person to have a conversation with.
As you began to slightly enjoy the conversation you were engaged in, a chill ran down your spine as the sound of Sister Jude's heels echoed in the distance.
"You should split up." You tossed before returning to your chair as if to make it a habit. As Jude entered the common room, her cold gaze swept the room, startling all the residents. Lowering your eyes, the sight of her nun's outfit meant that she stopped her walk in front of you.
"Get up, Y/N" As you complied, you desperately tried to figure out what you could have done wrong, but even as you replayed the previous days in your mind, nothing came up. For several months, your gaze had been avoiding Jude's, and it was obvious to all who witnessed the scene that she was the absolute master of this place. Those slightly dry, work-damaged fingers pushed your hair away from your face, allowing Kit, from the spot he had not left, to get a clear view of the scarlet burns left by the electrodes. Without uttering a word, or making a single additional gesture, Jude turned away to continue her inspection, finding the small detail that would allow her to vent the anger she had been repressing and dared not acknowledge.
Over the next few days, your chair remained empty. You and Kit seemed to have a lot in common, so the more you talked, the harder it was to believe the Bloody Face story. The vast majority of your exchanges were about life outside, all the things you had missed during your confinement. His garage, your lake, all the places you had both had the chance to visit were in the spotlight. Then quickly, the discussion turned to more intimate topics.
"I had tried to run away, to answer the call of the wind that was calling me through the windows of the common room. No doubt in the sheer spirit of defiance I wished to leave Briarcliff as I had entered it, through the front door." Kit and you were ensconced in a dark corner of the kitchen, during bread-making hours, the others working while you were able to wander away for a while without anyone knowing. Your knees curled up against each other's chests, you were bound to one another by the contact of your arms.
"A woman had walked in a few days earlier, her civilian clothes still lying on the floor of the laundry room where the poor woman had changed."
"The poor woman?" Kit interrupted you, he had made a habit of cutting you off to ask questions or react to what you were explaining to him.
"She died some time after she arrived, I think. I took her clothes and left mine in their place before walking as confidently as I could to the door. But Sister Jude was watching from her perch and as you can imagine she recognized me. As this was not my first attempt, she decided that her cane would do nothing to make me see reason."
"So it was Arden who carried out the sentence?" You nodded in response, before touching your temples to indirectly let him know which way his punishment had gone. Without looking at him, you noticed that Kit had lowered his head. His arm then wrapped around you in a gesture of comfort, and before you had time to think of anything, your head was resting on his shoulder. The silence, pleasant and expected, enveloped the place and made the scene even more enjoyable than it already was. But Kit broke that precious silence.
"They will not torment you from now on, I promise you.”
For you, this promise was just words in the wind. The same kind of words your mother had said to you the day she abandoned you at Briarcliff. And little did you know how far Kit was willing to go to help you.
A few days after your talk, you were on bread duty with Pepper. She wasn't the talkative type, but you got along just fine. Soon Kit joined you after he had checked into the common room and a discussion about the breads you were making began almost instantly. Even in front of the young woman you spoke freely. Finishing shaping the last loaf, you stored it on the cupboard where the others also lay next to the glass jars of flour and seeds never really used since your arrival. Back in front of your work surface you set about picking up the rest of the flour scattered on the work surface.
A debate about the afternoon's activities had just begun, you had in mind to learn to play chess, without a chessboard, and Kit wanted you instead to represent on the sheets of the common room the lake you had told him so much about. Bickering ensued under the amused gaze of Pepper, who couldn't help but laugh occasionally. To signify your childish reluctance, a small jet of flour arrived in his face and streaked his brown hair with whitish dandruff. Obviously, as a good player, Kit decided to take revenge and, in an attempt to dodge, your body backed up before hitting the cupboard which, aged by the years, almost crushed you by tilting forward.
The sound echoed throughout the room, and it was only a matter of minutes before Sister Jude was informed of your mistake. The loaves, shaped by Pepper and you over the course of the morning, were crushed into a shapeless dough that had become inedible from contact with the dusty kitchen floor. The pots had shattered, spilling rye, wheat, flour and the glass they were formed from onto the floor. Finally, the cupboard itself had not withstood the fall.
At this sight, your body became petrified. Your hands clasped against your mouth, your throat tightened, tears began to flow down your cheeks. She was going to kill you, you couldn't stand another session whether it was in her office with a cane or in the doctor's unsanitary office with electrodes. Briarcliff was going to be your final resting place. As if to prepare you for what lay ahead, your heart began to pound in your temples as if they were going to explode under the strain. The accelerated beats warmed your body and the sweat that beaded on your forehead stung your burns.
The wait seemed endless. Pepper hid under the table, aware that Jude's anger would be stronger than ever. Kit put his hand on the small of your back as a slight tremor began to set in. He tried to comfort you but you couldn't hear him, so his hands left your back to rest on your cheeks and force you to look at him.
“Remember, I promised you…"
When Jude arrived accompanied by a few guards and Dr. Arden alarmed by the noise, your back was to them, unable to sustain their stares. In her most threatening voice, she ordered Pepper to join the others in a hurry before inspecting what could be saved... which was almost nothing. The tears had stopped flowing, but your cheeks were rosy and left little doubt as to what had happened. Having no tangible evidence, however, the Briarcliff director asked the question anyway.
“Who did this ?” Her gaze fixed on you, she was only waiting for your confession to carry out her sentence and let the doctor express his sadistic side. You were ready to answer, the words would come out one after the other and you would accept your punishment... like the previous ones. But just as you opened your mouth, Kit's voice broke the silence again.
"Me. I lost my balance and hit the cupboard. I'm the one who knocked it over, it was an accident." From where he stood, his story didn't hold up and Jude knew it very well. Her face then seemed to close in more. She looked at you for a few moments, imagining that you would, in turn, confess the truth. But no sound came out of your mouth, nothing, despite your attempts. She then signaled to the two guards to take the young man to her office. Turning your head towards him, his expression betrayed concern, but he tried by all means to hide it. Jude took a few steps and stopped a few inches away.
"Well girl, you just added cowardice to your list of failings.”
She then ordered you to clean up the mess you had left behind, and as you did so, your mind could only think of Kit. And all the things she would do to him in your place. Guilt and sadness were now mixed together. Your return to the common room was particularly bleak until dinnertime when, with Shelley's help, you managed to sneak into the men's wing.
After a few seconds of searching, you finally found him. Lying in the back of his cell, his arms shackled by a straitjacket, his face swollen from abuse, Kit seemed to be trying to get some rest. Not wishing to disturb him, you decided to leave but his voice called out to you.
"Why did you do that?" You asked, already knowing the answer. The young man straightened up with difficulty, letting out a few groans of pain here and there. His eyes then met yours and no hard feelings were readable.
"I always keep my promises."
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anadiasmount · 8 months
not what you think - jude bellingham x reader.
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quick sum: a club filled with many girls but the one he wants is standing in the dance floor, his best friends little sister. he shouldn’t be thinking the way he does, but something about seeing you doing something he never thought and imagined has his mind racing with thoughts that were forbidden…
wc: 2.1k | masterlist | jude’s masterlist
psa 🗣️: another brothers bsf trope after a anon requested!! mostly will be jude’s pov being jealous and protective *winks* this is slowly becoming one of my fav tropes ngl :PPP but nothing will beat enemies to lovers🤞🏻 like always, hope you enjoy! 🤍
“didn’t know johnny’s little sis could move like that,” jude’s friend snickered, sipping on his drink as he stared out at you. jude twisted his head at him in confusion failing to comprehend his words before following his gaze to you. throwing your head back laughing as you moved your hips in circles going down.  
jude’s jaw locked in place, scoffing as he watched you come back being faced with your back. “yeah i always knew she wasn’t so innocent… there’s no way a pretty girl like her doesn’t have something besides her good grades,” jude’s other friend said, turning his head to the side as he watched you continue dancing with a sly smile on his lips. 
“if she wasn’t johnny’s sister, i would’ve probably already tapped that ass… i mean look at the way she’s doing that,” jude’s friend to the right said, gulping as you threw your ass back to your friend and rolled your hips back up. jude gripped his glass tightly, downing his drink in one go as he fought to urge to say something he shouldn’t. “so fucking sexy…”
“guys… she’s johnnys sister for god's sake. if he found out you were talking about her like this, he would have your head…” jude remarked, filling his glass once again still entranced as you danced with your friends, not caring about anyone else or anything around you. just your seductive and powerful moves. “johnny’s not here though, wonder if he knows she's here?”
jude’s throat ran dry, biting the urge to drag you out of the damn club and take you home, where you should’ve been. not here where every man in the room had their eyes on you, including him. watching the way you were dancing, laughing, being a careless y/n like he knew. 
you wore a short black dress that hugged your figure like a glove, drawing and tracing out your curves, ass, and boobs perky, legs longer as you wore high black valentino pumps, and hair perfectly silky straight. jude swore he died on the spot when he saw your red lip and lashes behind the smoky eye look. 
he grew up with you. knew when you got upset and happy. the y/n he knew who always said a quiet hello to him with a shy smile and wave. avoided him and his friends when they showed up to your home, quickly running up to your room. the quiet y/n who was always focused on her studies with glasses on and laid on her stomach with her legs crossed as she read. 
the quiet y/n who listened to music as she drew in her notebook. his y/n, the one he stole glances at when she wore small shirts and shorts wasn’t the one on the dance floor. the y/n who helped her mum in the kitchen and teased her brother to embarrass him when she wanted to be the annoying little sis she was. 
his y/n who couldn’t keep eye contact when he spoke to her, cheeks flushed as she stuttered over her words. his y/n always made sure everyone was happy before anyone else. his y/n the one who helped him and his friends come home after being left stranded wasn’t nothing like the one he stared at now. 
his y/n? when had that changed? his feelings for you? 
when did all of a sudden did he feel the urge to claim you as his? the need to hear your angelic voice? why did he feel a wave of anger and jealousy build inside him as you moved your hips slowly down like a pro? why did he want to punch his friends for saying they wanted you? when did all of a sudden had you grown up into a woman? had he missed something? where was his y/n, the one he fell for?
jude was anything but a saint, he unfortunately had a reputation that he could give less than a shit about, the only girl he wanted all along was here in the same club as him. he found you endearing, left wondering with forbidden thoughts of his best friend's little sister. how you would taste on his lips, if the act of innocence was just an act and not real, if you thought of him as he did with you. if there was more to this side you had, sexy and careless that he began to love. 
jude pinched the middle of his brows, sighing as you finally stopped dancing and now hyped your other friends up. it was killing him, everything you were doing was killing him. you were beyond perfect and deserved so much more than the men in this club. someone to treat you with love and tenderness, with love and respect. jude knew he could offer you that, he was left conflicted because you never showed an ounce of feelings for him. 
jude licked his teeth scoffing in denial, watching you move in slow motion again, hands roaming your sides seductively as you brought them up in the air continuing to move your hips and ass. he managed to look away and scratch his jaw when your friends cheered you on, giving you a shot of tequila and downing it in one go like he did as well not to long ago. 
jude almost jumped out of his seat as a tall man approached you, someone way older trying to get your attention. the man was obviously gawking at you, leaning down to your level to whisper into your ear, you shook your head displeased, hugging your friend and sticking with her. jude smugged cockily, downing his final glass before going over to you. 
“i'm gonna get her home you guys stay here,” jude said, picking up his wallet and leaving some change as part of the tab. his friends stared at him confused, stopping him by patting his chest and pushing him back. “are you crazy? she's here with friends just let her be, she’s fine,” one of his friends spoke. “it's not our problem to deal with,” his other friend reminded him. 
“it will be once johnny finds out she was here, especially if he knew we were here and we didn’t do anything about it,” jude said with irritation. he had to pull the “angry brother, looking out for his best bro’s little sis” card, knowing how much you hated being treated like a child. johnny could be so overprotective about anything, boys and your life, you sometimes resented him for that. jude knew this, but all he wanted was to get you away from here to your home because he was mad and jealous. 
he looked between both of his friends at you once more, who finally went and stood by the bar ordering a drink with your friends. he said his goodbyes again, charging between all the sweaty bodies to the front of the bar where your back faced him. with you much closer now he could finally see you face to face. your friend had stood up straighter almost choking on her drink when she saw jude approach you, standing white as a ghost, “uh oh”. 
you crinkled your brows in bewilderment, looking to your left where you saw jude looking down at you. “tired?” he humorously asked leaning down to whisper in your ear. “what?” you asked softly, hugging yourself at the thought of getting scolded by your brothers best friend. “i’ve been watching you for the past hour, dancing and drinking, does johnny know you're here?”
your face filled with mortification at jude’s words, knowing you were dancing and watched by him. how had you not noticed him? had he been here the whole time you were? “what he doesn't know won't kill him. plus, i asked my mom for permission, he’s not my father let alone anyone to control my life,” you clarified. 
jude gave you a knowing smile, shaking his head in amusement, still his innocent and feisty y/n. “we both know if that he was here, he would’ve dragged you out the minute he saw you,” jude challenges watching your eyes roll back in annoyance. “did you need something? or are you going to stand here and be annoying like him?” you ask with a small frown on your face. 
“we’re going home.”
“says who?” you fired back, it could be the tequila shots but right now jude was being like johnny and you hated him for that. you just wanted a night out with your girls and he was ruining that. “says me. are we going to do this the easy or hard way, y/n?” jude crossed his arms copying you, veins prominently guiding all along his forearms and hands. 
the way he said your name had your heart racing nervously. you hated being treated like a kid, you were an adult and jude was reminding you a whole lot of your older brother. he was his best friend, your brother’s hot best friend. there was no need for all this drama, why was he so bothered by the fact you being here? so you questioned him just that, “are you bugged by me being here or something?”
jude couldn't find the words to reply, watching your doe eyes look down and up at him. “this isn't a place for you to be at, how would your mom feel at you drinking?” he quickly lied, hiding the real reason. “i'm drinking responsibly jude. i'm not a kid anymore, i know what i’m doing,” you declare. “if me being here bothers you, then we can just find another club, easier said than done.” you grab your bag and prepare to walk out but jude grips your wrist.
you’d never had a problem with jude, but he was starting to give you the reason. there was many times your brother and his friends left you out, even in your own home. then as you grew up, you knew they were just boys being boys. with jude it was always different, wanting to include you, and make you feel engaged. even offering to hang out with you so you wouldn’t be lonely. 
where was this unexpected attitude and nagging coming from? you expected him to at least let you stay, wave you off with a ‘be careful’, and go on with his night. the jude you knew, who was charming and a gentleman, wasn't the one who stared right into your eyes currently. his brown eyes filled with not anger but almost jealousy? was he jealous or trying to look out for you because you were his best friend's little sister?
jude didn’t want you to go anywhere. he wanted to keep you safe along his side for the rest of the night. he knew you were pissed at him, but that would pass because he knew you couldn't stay mad for a long time. jude could see the anger rise in your eyes even with the club lighting. he could also see the hesitation and resistance in you, debating whether or not to go or stay. “we’re going home, y/n,” he remarks again. “i can take care of myself,” you say again with now a less confident voice. “really?” jude dares, scoffing and letting out a chuckle, pointing to the man who approached what seemed an eternity ago. 
“if you knew how to take care of yourself, you would know that man has been eyeing you,” jude's eyes roamed you up and down, watching how you crossed one leg in front of the other, “and your drink for the past half hour. who knows what his intentions are, but if you really knew how to take care of yourself you’d know better…” 
you looked down in humiliation, your thumb stroking your exposed skin in an attempt to comfort yourself. “i’m just trying to look out for you,” jude said softly his eyes drawn in trying to read you. “i know you are, but why does part of me feel like that isn't the only reason? that you're here for other intentions as well…” 
bingo. you caught him. jude stood up straighter, clearing his throat and clenching his jaw, tense. “good night, jude,” you smiled as if you’d won a trophy for the best detective in the city. you paid for the drink, almost returning to your friends when you feel a hand wrap around your waist and pull you into their chest. you could feel jude lean down and leave your body with goosebumps. 
“we’re leaving now. if you’re a good girl, i’ll tell you exactly what you want to know…” 
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amirasainz · 3 months
Baby!sainz when she’s in a secret relationship and no one knows about it and when she goes to a race everyone is trying to get her attention but she won’t cause she’s glide to her phone and when she takes a nap or goes to sleep they take her phone and find out she’s been in a relationship
(Hope that makes sense)
Don't woory love,it made 100% sense. I hope this is what you imagined. Enjoy reading and let me know if you have any requests.
For the boyfriendI went with Jude Bellingham.
No Part 2!!!!
The secret boyfriend
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It was a sunny day at the Barcelona Paddock. The atmosphere was electric, and the weather was perfect for wearing pretty dresses. While many might have assumed the fans were there to see local heroes Fernando Alonso and Carlos Sainz in action, a closer look revealed that most were members of the “I love Amira Sainz” club.
As Carlos and Amira entered the paddock that morning, they were greeted by enthusiastic cheers and the flashing lights of cameras. Carlos instinctively reached out to ensure his little sister was still behind him. When he didn’t feel her hand, his heart skipped a beat. He quickly turned around, searching for her, only to have Amira run straight into his chest. He grabbed her arms to steady her. Before he could ask if she was okay, she looked up and said, “Sorry, Carlito, I didn’t mean to run into you.” She then returned her attention to her phone, engrossed in texting her boyfriend, oblivious to the world around her. Carlos, ever the protective older brother, followed closely to make sure she didn’t trip or bump into anyone else.
What Carlos and the rest of the world didn’t know was that Amira Isabella Camila Sainz Vázquez de Castro had a boyfriend. Jude Bellingham, one of the world’s top football players, was currently competing for England in the Euro Cup. Since they couldn’t spend much time together, Amira and Jude made the most of every free moment by texting and calling each other. Despite his busy schedule, Jude couldn’t resist messaging the most perfect girl in the world. So, when he got hit in the face with a ball during training, while he was busy texting his girl, no one could blame the media team for turning his reaction into a meme.
Throughout the day, the drivers tried to gain Amira’s attention. The first one was Daniel. “Hiya, pretty girl. How ya doing?” he asked with a huge sunny smile. “Hi Danny. I’m alright, and you?” she replied quietly. Although she had turned her body towards him and stopped walking, her eyes remained glued to her phone. Daniel furrowed his eyebrows, noticing how distracted she was. “Hey, I’m good as well. I actually wanted to—” Before he could invite her for breakfast, he was interrupted by the ringtone of her phone. “Sorry, but I really gotta take this. I’ll see you later,” she apologized, giving his arm an apologetic squeeze. He watched as she picked up her phone, a huge smile appearing on her face. Daniel was left perplexed by the whole situation.
The second to give it a shot was Lando. He saw the perfect opportunity to spend some time with her when all the other drivers were busy with media duties. After one of the McLaren mechanics informed him that she was sitting on the pit wall by herself, he grabbed two cherry Cokes and went on his way. When he saw her, she was on a video call with someone. He couldn’t hear exactly what was being said, but he could feel her happiness radiating from her. He slowed down his steps, not wanting to interrupt her. When Amira turned and saw him standing there, she quickly ended her call, not without sending a kiss to the other person. Lando, confused by this gesture, stood frozen in his spot. Amira walked towards him with a little skip in her step. “Lando! I’m so happy to see you,” she greeted him with a sweet kiss on his right cheek. This sweet kiss made Lando forget to ask her about her phone call. Instead, he started complimenting her looks and led her to a more shaded spot, not wanting her to get a heat stroke.
The last one to try to find out who was catching her attention all day was Charles. Due to the heat, the race was delayed, and the drivers spent their spare time in their motorhomes. At the same time, England was playing against Serbia, and Amira was fully engrossed in the match. After hearing the other drivers talk about Amira’s unusual behaviour, Charles decided to see if he could figure out what was going on. He found her in front of the TV, the match already in full swing.
“Bonjour, jolie fille,” Charles greeted her. “Can I sit here?” he asked, gesturing towards the sofa she was sitting on. Her only reply was a distracted “Mhm,” her eyes glued to the screen, following her boyfriend. “So I’ve heard that you’re a bit distracted today. There’s nothing wrong with that, don’t get me wrong. But I just wanted to let you know that if you need someone to talk to, yo—” Before Charles could finish his sentence, Amira let out a joyous scream. “¡Vamos, carajo! ¡Gracias, Santa María! ¡Gracias, Dios! ¡Muéstrales quién es el jefe!” she shouted, flinging herself into Charles’s arms. A flabbergasted Charles held the ecstatic woman in his arms. Carlos, who also heard the scream, immediately ran into the room. “What’s wrong? What happened? I heard yelling, did you hurt yourself?” he asked worriedly. Amira ran into her brother’s arms, placing her hands on his cheeks and turning his face towards hers. “Un gol. Un gol fenomenal, Carlitos. Hoy está que arde,” was all she said before sitting back down. All Charles and Carlos could do was share a confused look with each other. While the two Ferrari drivers shared the look with eahc-other, Amira was over the moon by the goal her boyfriend shot.
The match took all of Amira’s energy. In her opinion, the only right thing to do was take a “short nap.” While the young woman had her beauty sleep, the drivers held a quiet meeting in the room next to hers (Carlos’s driver’s room). “What if something is wrong?” asked Lewis. “Why would she smile so much if something were wrong?” countered an annoyed Max. “Oh, so just because you’re the current world champion, you’re also the woman whisperer, or what?” Lando shot back, glaring at Max. Before a fight could break out, Carlos stepped between the two drivers. “Enough. If all you do is fight, you can pack your bags and leave. There’s the door,” Carlos gestured to the door. Charles took them all by surprise when he loudly said, “There’s the door, bitch!” For a second, Carlos and Charles shared an amused look. They truly had the best bond anyone could have.
“You know,” started Oscar, “when my mom feels like my little sister is behaving weird, she always checks her phone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s right. However, it helped her find some problems.” For a moment, all the drivers stopped talking. Before anyone could say anything, Carlos said, “Alright, let’s do it.” “Chilli, you can’t possibly do this. This is an invasion of her privacy,” Charles protested. “Charles, for all we know, she could be buying drugs from the black market. I have to make sure everything is alright.” With that, he and Lando quietly entered Carlos’s driver’s room, leaving a confused Charles behind.
Lando stopped in his tracks when he saw the beauty that is Amira Sainz. There was truly no situation where the woman didn’t look breath-taking. Lando, lost in his thoughts, stumbled when Carlos punched his shoulder. “Lando, if you’re only here to look at my sister, so help me God,” Carlos whispered a warning. His friend moved towards him, helping Carlos unlock Amira’s phone. At first glance, nothing seemed unusual. Her wallpaper was the usual picture of a baby sea otter. As always, there were millions of notifications from social media. After looking through her phone for several minutes, even going as far as opening Pinterest, Lando said quietly, “See, nothing is wrong, Carlos.” “No, there is one last thing I have to check,” Carlos replied. He opened her messages, seeing the usual texts from their mother and sisters.
However, the conversation with “Jude<3” caught his eye. When he opened the chat, he was met with a sea of red hearts. He saw messages from this Jude person saying things like, “Baby, I miss you so much,” “My love, you have my heart,” and “Darling, you look eternal.” The worst part was that his sister, his innocent little sister, seemed to thrive on the compliments. Carlos, feeling a thousand emotions at once, couldn’t stop himself from expressing his shock loudly.
“What the fu—”
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thejudeduarte · 6 months
Do you think Jude told her sisters about the whole knife to throat/other cardan situations? Like I can imagine Jude having some girl talk about it and everything but it might just be me
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lewisvinga · 5 months
the better team | federico valverde x fem! araujo! reader
summary; fede’s wife happens to be the sister of his teammate who also happens to play for his biggest rival
fc;various girls on pinterest
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03 @c-losur3
note; requested ! decided to do an smau style + reader as araujo’s sister lolll BUT FEDE IS SOOO UNDERRATED😫he is an insane player omg
masterlist !
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liked by fedevalverde, ronaldaraujo_4, and others !
yourusername: 😇😇😊😊
tagged; fedevalverde, brahim, ardaguler
fedevalverde: 🤍🤍
fedevalverde: pero mi amor, what the fuck is that?
yourusername: the better team😁
fedevalverde: oooooooookayyyy😂😂😂
fedevalverde: i assisted in a ucl final btw
yourusername: ok 🙄 that just makes you good not your team 🙄
username: man he’s losing it rn😭
fedevalverde: no chanel bag for you !
yourusername: federico valverde.
fedevalverde: … so we go to the mall today with beni???😁
username: imagine being pregnant for 9 months only for your child to come out looking like his dad😭😭😭
yourusername: his carbon copy😔
username: nahhh the barca jersey is soo😔😭
brahim: bbq🍗
ardaguler: 😁
ronaldaraujo_4: nice jersey 😉
yourusername: the best of the best😁
fedevalverde: stop corrupting my wife🤬
fedevalverde: also ronald answer my text
ronaldaraujo_4: she’s my sister 🙄
ronaldaraujo_4: on it🫡
username: my nt besties 😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
judebellingham: BENNIIIIIII
yourusername: come over w vini soon he’s been asking for you two😭😭
vinijr: we will be there tmrw #trust
username: i love y/n’s monthly photo dumps 🙈
username: y/n u are an icon
username: her being a culer while dating a man who said you’d have to kill him to leave real madrid is soooo funny to me😭😭
username: she’s so real for that bc i’m a culer but im weak for jude and tchouameni
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liked by fedevalverde, judebellingham, and others !
yourusername: felicitaciones, mi amor [congratulations, my love] on winning la liga and making it to the champions league final. we are so proud of you! we love you so much!🤍🤍
tagged; fedevalverde
fedevalverde: los quiero mucho🤍 [i love you so much]
fedevalverde: see how you’re wearing the jersey of the better team 😉
yourusername: you’re sleeping on the couch tonight 🫶🫶
fedevalverde: SJE DIDNT DENY IT!!
username: fede valverde is insane man
username: he’s lucky asf, his family is so cute 🥹
ronaldaraujo_4: congratulations, cuñado! [brother in law]
ronaldaraujo_4: this is as a nt teammate and as his brother in law NOT as araujo of barcelona
fedevalverde: gracias 😁😛
username: both her sons being js like fede and getting none of the araujo genes is hilarious 😭
yourusername: the next one will be like me i swear 😖
fedevalverde: so we can try for the next one?🤔
ardaguler: 😧😧😧
judebellingham: omg protect him
yourusername: drama queens
username: the jerseys 🥹
username: dad valverde>>
username: adding y/n to my wag vision board 💆‍♀️
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cabensonsgirly · 1 year
I had someone comment on a fic that they clenched reading it and- I love comments, don't get me wrong. I adore them. But I don't know how to react to being told this silly little religious smut fic made someone's 🐱 clench.
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judespoets · 2 months
hii could u pls write an imagine with trent x bellingham sister reader where reader is an f1 driver and gets into a crash and her brothers and trent get worried and when she gets home trent looks after her <3
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crash | trent alexander-arnold
pairing: taa x fem!f1!reader
warnings: mentions of crashing, hospitalization, wounds/blood
category: fluff/angst
a/n: i don’t know anything abt f1 so sorry if i did something wrong, also didn’t proofread yet maybe i will soon lol
it was a big day, maybe even the biggest one in your entire career. this race today is the opportunity to become someone great.
it was the day of your race today, and trent and your two brothers jude and jobe were all watching you for your big day.
Saying you were nervous was an understatement. You knew you earned your way here but actually being here with all the famous faces, it was just different.
As you stood on the starting line, you felt confident. You practiced a lot with your team for this and you were confident going into this race. But besides all, you were nervous. You really didn’t want to disappoint your boyfriend, trent was a real f1 fan and him watching you here was such an honor, you didn’t want him to judge you.
The first part of the race went good. Everything went smooth and you were living up to your and your teams expectations until you blinked for a second too long and in no time you accidentally left the road and your car flipped. Everything went so fast you couldn’t even comprehend what happened until you were feeling hot and tried to leave the car as soon as possible.
And you did it. But as you stood on the road, the adrenaline inside of you immediately vanished and you quickly felt your chest tighten, your breathing getting shorter and your legs giving out and everything went black.
The next thing you know is waking up in a bright, white room, monitors beeping in your ear with a loud sound, making you flinch immediately.
“Baby, oh my god.” You heard a voice from your left, scaring you slightly.
Looking to your left, you made out a face you knew all too well, a very worried Trent was all you saw.
He hurriedly stepped over to you from the chair he was sitting in, looking down at you with a very tired pair of eyes.
“Baby? How are you feeling?” He asked you, stroking you cheek with his hand softly.
“What? What is happening?” You asked him, obviously very confused about this whole situation.
“You had an accident, my love. A pretty bad one, i’m so glad you’re awake oh my god. You scared me, sweetheart.”
“I think I’m okay. What’s happened?”
“You came off the road and the car flipped. You got out luckily. But you fainted right after.” Trent spoke softly. “The doctor told me to get him right after you wake up. I’ll be right back, my love.” He said, placing a tender kiss on your forehead.
And he was right. It took him like two seconds to come back with a doctor, taking his place next to you again.
“Miss Bellingham, great to see you awake again. To calm you down a little bit, you didn’t get any major injuries even though the crash was pretty bad. You suffered a whiplash and a fracture to your right wrist which will take about six weeks to heal with your cast. The whiplash can have different effects on you, it’s common to feel it in your neck and head while also suffering from nausea and dizziness. If we treat it right and you rest enough, you won’t take any long-term consequences from it. I know this will be a hard pill to swallow but concerning your Formula 1 career, it will take at least two to three months for you to be starting training again. It will take a lot of time and patience, but you will be back, that’s actually a privilege for your situation right now.”
“Wow” was all you could say right now. The news were extremely hard for you to comprehend right now, and Trent noticed that.
“Thank you, sir. We will definitely rest enough.” You heard your boyfriend say while you just stared at the wall right ahead of you.
“We will talk about all the treatments later on, for now just rest a little more.” The doctor said before walking out of the door again.
The sound of the door closing and the feeling of the familiar hand touching yours was the trigger point. The tears started to flow out of your eyes uncontrollably making you a sobbing mess. You didn’t know what to feel, everything just felt overwhelming right now.
Just a few hours ago you were excited to start the first major race of your life and now you were lying on this hospital bed not knowing how and when your career will start again.
“Baby, please don’t cry. I know it hard to understand right now, but you had so much luck. You could’ve been dead.” Trent said to you, his voice also slightly cracking while he took you into his arms.
“I don’t know what’s happening, Trent.” You admitted.
“I know, it’s okay. We’ll get you home as soon as possible and then you will rest and you will be back in no time and even stronger, baby. I know it’s a major setback but this can make you so much stronger. I’ll be with you every step of the way, trust me, my love.”
And he was right. You were back home after three days of hospitalization.
Walking through the front door of your shared home, all you wanted to do was lay down on the couch after a long car ride with Trent. You were so glad it was summer right now and Trent didn’t need to be back in training for at least three weeks.
“Come on, lay down, baby.” Trent said while guiding you to the living room, propping the pillows up to make you comfortable. “Is it okay like this?” He made sure.
“Yeah it’s fine. Thank you.” You said to him, laying your head back feeling the exhaustion kick in immediately. You closed your eyes as you took a deep breath through your nose.
“I’ll bring you some water, babe. Jude and Jobe will also come in like an hour to spend a little time here.”
“Thanks, babe.” You told him as he handed you a cup full of fresh water.
“Do you need anything else? Some food maybe?” Trent asked you quietly as he noticed your scrunched up face showing your headache.
“No i’m good for now. I think i just need to sleep, i feel the nausea and the headache kick in, to be honest.” You answered him honestly.
“Okay, I’ll leave then.” Trent said as he got up and started to leave the room.
“Babe!” You called out as loud as you could right now.
“What’s up?” He said, turning around quickly.
“Can you please stay, i need you right now.” You admitted quietly, you were possibly feeling the worst you’ve ever felt in a long time and all you wanted was for your boyfriend to make it okay again.
“Yeah, of course. Come here.” You heard a voice whisper in your ear quietly as you felt the strong arms you knew all too well wrap around your fragile and exhausted body and a kiss being pressed to your forehead.
And that was what made the pain go away for some time.
And the next few weeks weren’t any different. You fought with nausea and headaches a lot but Trent and your brothers were there to help you. They made it all seem so much less painful and miserable, you were fast recovered and ready to go back to training to come back even stronger than you felt before.
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pedrithink · 1 year
better than the best ✩ jude bellingham
request: i have a jude smau idea, maybe you're the younger sister of vini jr and people have noticed jude has been liking your insta posts lately and vini kinda acts like an older brother and teases/ embarrasses you in the comments?
face claim: lame cobain
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Liked by judebellingham, vinijr, and 302.453 others
ynusername nochecita en madrid
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vinijr olhando assim nem parece que quase me faliu de tanto comer (looking like this it doesn't even seem like you almost bankrupted me from eating so much)
ynusername @vinijr você é meu irmão mais velho, é tua obrigação me sustentar!!!!! (you’re my big brother, it is your duty to support me.)
user1 imagine being that fine
user2 vini and u are the best sibling duo !!
user3 jude keep liking all of her pics I CANT
user4 @user3 ok but they would be a hot couple
user3 @user4 fr…
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Liked by judebellingham, vinijr, and 367.872 others
ynusername uhhh
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vinijr que roupa é essa 🤣 (what kind of outfit is this)
ynusername @vinijr SAI DAQUI (get out of here)
judebellingham 🤤
vinijr @judebellingham bro????? 🥹🥹
judebellingham @vinijr sorry, i can’t resist.
ynusername @judebellingham 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
user5 i love ur style!!
user6 when can we share wardrobes ma’am you make everything look STUNNING!!
user7 oh em geeee
user8 i’m like jude, we got u bro!!
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ynusername has added to their story
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ynusername has added to their story
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judebellingham has added to their story
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Liked by judebellingham, vinijr, and 502.347 others
ynusername having fun with handsome 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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judebellingham pretty 🤤
ynusername @judebellingham 😏
vinijr you’re so lucky @ynusername 😏🤤
judebellingham @vinijr nah bro 😳😵‍💫🥺
user10 i love you guys
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judeloverr · 2 years
presents- jude bellingham
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summary: jude being an annoying boyfriend, presents
jude belligham x reader
warnings: fluff. word count: 1k
authors note: i can imagine he is like this
“i mean is jude, piss off” you look at him, raised eyes bows due to the fact he had poked your waist again. non stop annoying you since you started to wrap the presents for your family.
“ow that was a bit hard” he exclaims and rubs his stomach with his other hand.
“what a baby” you mutter under your breath but luckily you didn’t hear you. you don’t reply and just glare at your boyfriend who was laying on the sofa. for the past 20 mins while you were trying to wrap presents for your family jude had not stopped poking and annoying you.
“it wasn’t” you reply.
“it was” he shot back with a cheeky smile on his face. you didn’t fall for it and went back to wrapping the book you had brought for your sister. you saw jude’s hand come out to you again but before it could get to you quickly move out of the way, further away from the sofa.
“oh come on baby, don’t be like that” he said, turning on his side now, fully focused on you. your eyes scan down his lean figure and focus on his patch of his stomach which can be seen but the way his hoodie has ridden up by him moving. his legs are on show due to him wearing shorts. “y/nnn” you snap out of your gaze and look up to jude who is now smirking at you.
“no jude, i have to wrap these presents, we need to drop them off to tomorrow and you are distracting me so-” you lift your hand up and flap your hand around signalling that he needs to go “-leave”.
“no i’ll stay here i won’t annoy you anymore. when will you be done?” he questions, he lifts his head up so he can rest his head on his arm.
“well if you helped it wouldn’t take long but you aren’t so a long ti- actually you know what you wrap your own presents” you exclaim and go to gather all your presents you have wrapped.
“no no please, i hate wrapping plus i’m so shit at it babe” he rushes out while sitting up and getting on the floor, he grabs both of your hands stopping you from getting your presents. you look down at your hands and take his hold out of yours.
“do i need to show you how to wrap jude bellingham?” you tease softly and take hold of his hands now.
“no i can wra” he shakes his head and argues back.
“see problem solved” you cut him off. “you wrap your own” you stand up with your presents gathers in your hands and walk off toward you shared bedroom. you run up the stairs quickly becuase you hear jude get up and race after you.
“y/n please in begging you”you hear him say while running up the stairs.
“begging huh?” you question and giggle, you place the presents in the corner of the room and turn around to face jude who is stood in the entry of the bedroom.
“yes literally begging” he replies, you can hear the brum accent seep through when he says it.
“give me kiss and i’ll think about it” you tell him. your heart skips a beat as you watch your boyfriend walk over to you and grab you face with his large hands and press his lips to yours. jude literally swallows your moan that escapes your mouth when his hands trail down your body. his cold finger tips and can be felt under your shirt when he lightly squeezes the flesh on your hip. you hand goes to back the of his head and you pull his hair lightly allowing him to moan into your mouth. you pull away slowly and bite his lip lightly. he chuckles and his hand travels down towards your ass, he grabs a cheek and gives your ass a firm squeeze.
“cheeky”you say against his lips with a smile, he keeps his hands there not moving them at all.
“says you “you replies with one last kiss against your lips, his kisses your cheek, jaw, nose, forehead, both eyes and lips lastly. by the time he is finished you are a laughing mess and you tilt your head back trying to escape his kisses.
“no come back i swear we don’t kiss that often” he says and puts his head in the crook of your neck. you scoff at your boyfriend knowing he gets so many kisses a day.
“jude we kiss so much it’s like we are attached, you don’t leve me alone” he tell him while you feel his lips kiss along your neck and bit your earlobe lightly.
“but you don’t mind do you baby?” he says and lifts his head up from your neck. you shake your head and wrap your arms around his neck bringing him down due to the quite large height difference between the two of you.
“no i don’t” you kiss him on the cheek.
“so about the presents?” he asks while you keep kissing his cheek.
“hm what” you ask.
“can you be the most amazing girlfriend in the whole wide world and wrap your boyfriends presents who you love very much?” he questions,
“hm okay”you tell him and look in his eyes.
“really?” he questions as his voice gets higher not expecting that answer from you. you unravel your self from him and leave his standing there.
“no” you state and laugh. you remove yourself fully from him and go towards the bed.
“oh come on” he complains and tilts his head back with a long groan.
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