#Simon Curtis RA
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Znałam piosenki Simona Curtisa jako nastolatka, jednak minęło sporo czasu, zanim
podjęłam decyzję o odpaleniu na jednym z serwisów muzycznych albumu "RA" i
przesłuchaniu go w całości. A mówiąc 'sporo czasu', mam tu na myśli kilka ładnych lat,
bowiem album został wydany 7 czerwca 2011 przez wytwórnię artysty - 'BoyRobot Records'.
Ciekawe jest to, że zawsze miałam, jak się niedawno okazało, błędne wrażenie, że Simon w
swojej twórczości bywa zbyt dziecinny i prosty, mimo, iż słychać, że stać go na dużo więcej.
Przeczucie takie zdecydowanie kreowała u mnie słaba znajomość jego twórczości, bo po
zaznajomieniu się z tym materiałem... cóż... Można powiedzieć, że doznałam objawienia
Niezwykle rzadko zdarza się, że po przesłuchaniu albumu w całości stwierdzam, iż jest
jednym z tych niewielu, na którym dosłownie każda piosenka jest według mnie na tyle dobra,
że mogłaby być singlem i nieźle sobie radzić z popularnością. Drugi krążek Simona i
zarazem pierwszy komercyjny (jego poprzednik bowiem został udostępniony przez samego
artystę za darmo), zalicza się do tej kategorii. Niewątpliwie jest to jego najlepsza praca i, jak
dotąd, szczyt w karierze muzycznej.
To wydanie z gatunku Elektronika i Dance-pop zawiera w sobie 14 utworów, które znawcy
nowoczesnego popu mogliby określić mianem: 'kawał dobrej roboty'.
Dla kontrastu warto wspomnieć tutaj o debiucie artysty na światowej scenie pop, czyli krążku
"8Bit Heart", nawiązującego swoją tematyką do poszukiwania miłości, wytwarzającego
dosyć lekki klimat. Tak samo jak w przypadku "The Fame" i "The Fame Monster" Lady GaGi,
w stosunku do albumu "RA" jest on jak yin-yang. Dlaczego? Właśnie dlatego, że "RA", w
przeciwieństwie do swojego poprzednika posiada ciężki, emocjonalny i wręcz mroczny
klimat. Tak jak na pierwszym albumie artysty mamy do czynienia z poszukiwaniem miłości i
zatapianiu się w nią, tak tym razem możemy wyczuć wściekłość, ból i niechęć do związków i miłości, które Simon chciał nam przekazać nie tylko przez słowa, ale również przez idealnie
dopasowaną do nich muzykę. Jeśli nie spotkałeś się jeszcze z określeniem 'dark pop'
polecam wypróbować ten album.
Jak na 14 utworów w tym wydaniu znajdziemy dość mało singli, a dokładniej mówiąc
doszukamy się jedynie dwóch.
"Superhero" jest pierwszym singlem promującym ten album i zarazem moją najmniej
ulubioną piosenką w całym zestawieniu jakie oferuje nam "RA".
Tym drugim okazuje się być niezwykle zmysłowy utwór "Flesh", którego słuchając odnoszę
wrażenie jakbym oglądała sensualne gejowskie porno. To właśnie jedna z tych piosenek
Curtisa, jakie znam od niepamiętnych czasów. Prawdę mówiąc niektóre jego utwory były na
tyle dobre i wpasujące się w mój gust muzyczny, że odtwarzałam je przez te lata na tyle
często, żeby na ten moment stwierdzić, iż mam ich już dość :D. Ich lista nie kończy się na
wspomnianym przed momentem singlu. Innymi takimi ścieżkami pochodzącymi z tego
albumu są robotyczne i brutalne "I Hate U" oraz według mnie nadający się na trzeci singiel
A skoro już jesteśmy przy utworach, do moich ulubionych, których słucham na okrągło i
które zapewne za kolejne kilka lat dołączą do mojej listy pt. 'słuchałam ich tak często, że się
już nimi zmęczyłam' są: otwierająca piosenka "Laser Guns Up", "Pit of Vipers", którą wprost
uwielbiam śpiewać pod prysznicem, "Chip in Your Head" oraz oczywiście "Get in Line",
według mnie będąca najbardziej emocjonalną pozycją w całym wydaniu, co słychać w głosie
Simona, kiedy śpiewa.
Zanim poruszę część liryczną, nie wypada mi nie napisać, że Simon Curtis jest geniuszem
jeśli chodzi o pisanie tekstów.
Obfite metafory, niebanalne rymy oraz gry słów są wszechobecne nie tylko na tym albumie,
ale także w całej jego twórczości. Przy tym albumie bardzo zagłębiłam się w teksty wszystkich piosenek i to co zauważyłam
delikatnie mnie zaskoczyło, pomimo tego, że już wcześniej byłam świadoma olbrzymiego
talentu Curtisa do pisania tekstów.
Zacznę od początku, tak jak właściwie zaczyna się cała przygoda z tym albumem: pierwsze
słowa, jakie usłyszymy to hipnotyczna epifora "The name is S I M O N, the game is P O P,
you see". Słowa te powtarzane w kółko brzmią bardzo chwytliwie i przykuwają uwagę i
właśnie w tym miejscu, chwilę potem słyszymy pierwsze wersy zwrotki: "Mam już twoją
uwagę, to teraz ją zachowam, lepiej mnie wysłuchaj". Taki zabieg na samym początku
sprawia, że słuchacz chce pozostać dłużej i odkryć więcej i Simon doskonale to wiedział.
Zwróciłam również szczególną uwagę na to w jaki sposób artysta bawi się słowem.
Zazwyczaj układ rymów w zwrotkach i refrenach piosenek pop prezentuje się tak:
co oznacza, że wyraz, kończący wers pierwszy, rymuje się z tym, który kończy kolejny. Jest
to powszechnie stosowany układ w dzisiejszej muzyce, jeśli chodzi o rymy, również
wykorzystany przez Curtisa na tym albumie. Jednak brawa należą się za to, że oprócz tego
w niektórych wersach pojawiają się słowa, ukrywające rym do tego, które kończy tę samą
linijkę. Przykład:
"Callin' out my NAME the FAME
The FLAMES are one and the SAME
So sign me up to love you, cuz I'm ready for the GAME" ~ "Soul 4 Sale".
Skoro jesteśmy przy rymach, w piosence "Chip in Your Head" wykorzystany został ciekawy
zabieg na zasadzie sugestii. Już tłumaczę: słowem kończącym wers piąty drugiej zwrotki
jest 'BASS', zatem na końcu kolejnego wersu powinno pojawić się takie, które będzie
odpowiadało do niego rymem. Owo słowo wcale się nie pojawia, jednak za pomocą tekstu
go poprzedzającego ( "you shake your ....") odbiorcy jest ono zasugerowane i tak oto w
swojej wyobraźni słyszy on jedyne odpowiadające tutaj słowo (Ass).
W utworze "Flesh" natrafimy nawet na wyrazy dźwiękonaśladowcze, dodatkowo
wzbogacone o odpowiednie dla nich brzmienie ("...feel the pulse beat beat beat beat..." )
Na "RA" najbardziej bezlitosnymi utworami pod względem leksykalnym są według mnie
"Chip in Your Head" oraz "Soul 4 Sale" .
W wielu innych niektóre wyrazy są mocno zaakcentowane poprzez muzykę.
Część liryczna tego albumu jest wybitna i pomimo korzystania z prostego i nowoczesnego
języka, zasługuje na miano poezji.
O tym jak wiele figur stylistycznych możemy doszukać się na tym albumie i twórczości
Curtisa w ogóle, można by właściwie napisać odrębny artykuł.
Ale nie tylko styl jest tu ważny, a jeszcze nie wspomniałam nawet o tym, jak Simon łączy
tutaj teksty swoich piosenek z muzyką.
Po pierwsze: wyrazy dobrane są tu niezwykle ostrożnie i inteligentnie, tak by ich brzmienie
odpowiednie było do ciężkiej muzyki i często szybkiej 'nawijki', bowiem z wokalnej strony
albumu pojawiają się elementy rapu. Muzyka i słowa idealnie współgrają ze sobą i tworzą
Można powiedzieć, że wydźwięk niektórych słów traktować się powinno jako instrument.
To co możemy wyciągnąć z połączenia muzyki i tekstu to oczywiście wyrażane emocje a
najciekawszymi piosenkami pod tym względem są według mnie najsmutniejsze i względnie
delikatne "This is How You Start a War" (Simon wykorzystał tutaj swój wokal w wysokiej
skali, by brzmiał jak płacz) oraz prawdziwe, zagrzewające do walki o samego siebie oraz
dodające powera "Get in Line" (w której artysta pewnym siebie, chwilami agresywnym
głosem krzyczy do naszych głośników). Piosenkarz nie mógł zinterpretować ich lepiej niż
właśnie w taki sposób.
Gdybym powiedziała, że na tym albumie każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie, skłamałabym.
Krążek posiada bardzo jednolity styl muzyczny a piosenki brzmią podobnie.
Nie doszukamy się tutaj prawdziwych instrumentów, a zastąpią je za to ciężkie elektroniczne
dźwięki, ogłuszające basy i wyrazisty bit. Słychać też ograniczenie do jednego wokalu -
artysta zdecydował się nie korzystać ze wsparcia innych wokalistów. O chórkach można
zapomnieć. Jeśli chodzi o muzykę, dominuje pewnego rodzaju astetyzm (tylko w rozumieniu
wykorzystywanych dźwięków), którego jednak nie odczuwa się słuchając albumu, przez
mroczny i przytłaczający wręcz klimat tej popowej bomby oraz dynamikę utworów.
Simon Curtis jest niezależnym artystą, co oznacza, że promocja albumu nie odbyła się z
pomocą żadnej słynnej wytwórni. W rzeczywistości promocja była minimalna, wydanie nie
posiada wersji Deluxe, do żadnej piosenki nie powstał nawet teledysk a i tak album dotarł do
ogromnej ilości odbiorców i ich serc. Oprócz tego pojawił się na 20 miejscu w zestawieniu
Billboard Dance/Electronic Albums. Młody piosenkarz zebrał w nim tłumiące w sobie przez
ostatni rok przed jego wydaniem uczucia i doświadczenia. Szybko wpadające w ucho
piosenki i profesjonalne teksty sprawiły, że odbiór tego dzieła był dla mnie nadzwyczaj
przyjemny, a "RA" zaklasyfikował się do listy moich ulubionych albumów.
Polecam wszystkim zagorzałym fanom muzyki pop oraz ludziom przykładającym ogromną
wagę do tekstów.
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shine your light with me and chase all the dark away
#yugioh#my art#yugi mutou#pharaoh atem#puzzleshipping#blindshipping#yami yugi#yami x yugi#i started rewatching season 0 and have been listening to simon curtis's RA and my brain decided i needed to try something
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Violent and obsessive love songs.
My playlist is called dearly detested (link to Apple Music)
✨ means it’s a favorite, 🖤 means it doesn’t fit the theme (this is a writing playlist and some are here for characterization)
Please reblog with your favorites or additions!
Teeth - 5 seconds of summer
Jet black heart - 5 seconds of summer
These are the lies - the cab
Animal - the cab
Temporary bliss - the cab
Animal - neon trees
Irresistible (feat. Demi Lovato) - Fall out boy
The good in me - Jon Bellion
NFWMB - Hozier
It will come back - hozier
Cherry wine (live) - hozier
Ultraviolet - au/ra ✨
Serial killer - moncrieff & JUDGE
Make me (cry) [feat. Labyrinth] - Noah Cyrus
Power - isak danielson
Horns - Bryce fox
Tag, You’re it - Melanie Martinez
Gingerbread man - Melanie Martinez
Cake - Melanie Martinez
Play date - Melanie Martinez
Teddy bear - Melanie Martinez
DNA (unplugged) - little mix
The chain - Ingrid Michaelson
The chain - Fleetwood Mac
Every breath you take - the police
Every breath you take - chase holfelder
We don’t have to dance - Andy black
Ribcage - Andy black
Diablo - Simon Curtis
Super psycho love - Simon Curtis
I hate u - Simon Curtis
Flesh - Simon Curtis ✨
Eat you alive - limp bizkit
Nicotine - panic! At the disco
Sarah smiles - panic! At the disco
Nicotine (feat. Joanna Jones) - unlike Pluto
Her - Tyler, the creator
IFHY (feat. Pharrell Williams) - Tyler, the creator
Puppet - Tyler, the creator
Bust your kneecaps - pomplamoose
Next contestant - nickelback
You give love a bad name - Bon Jovi
I wanna be yours - Arctic monkeys
R u mine? - arctic monkeys ✨
I hate everything about you - three days grace
Troublemaker (feat. Flo rida) - olly murs
Arms tonite - mother mother
Meant to be yours - heathers cast
I don’t care - fall out boy
I’m like a lawyer with the way I’m always trying to get you off - fall out boy
Heartbeat - childish Gambino ✨
Wonderland - caravan palace
Tainted love - soft cell
Devil inside - INXS
Need you tonight- INXS
I come with knives - IAMX
Animal impulses - IAMX
Hellfire - annapantsu
Sociopath (feat. Bryce Fox) - StèLouse
Sucker for pain (with logic) - lil Wayne, wiz khalifa, & imagine dragons
Hunger - Florence + the machine
Kiss with a fist - Florence + the machine
This is love - air traffic controller
Poison - Beyoncé
I once had a heart - nomy
The drug in me is you - falling in reverse
Love me dead - ludo
The horror of our love - ludo ✨
I love you like an alcoholic - the taxpayers
Love the way you lie (feat. Rhianna) - Eminem ✨
Sex with a ghost - Teddy Hyde
Stalkers tango - autoheart
An unhealthy obsession - the Blake Robinson synthetic orchestra ✨
Bad habit - Ben platt ✨
Gravity - Sara bareilles
Bruises - Lewis capaldi
Beggin’ - måneskin
Carnivore - bear attack ✨
Irresistible - temposhark
Bruises & bitemarks - good with grenades
Strange love - simple creatures
Pet - a perfect circle ✨
The outsider - a perfect circle
Thinking of you - a perfect circle
Physical (you’re so) - nine inch nails
Closer - nine inch nails ✨
The hand that feeds - nine inch nails
Dangerous woman - Ariana grande
Kiss me you animal - burn the ballroom ✨
Crazy - burn the ballroom ✨
Threnody - burn the ballroom ✨
Biohazard (feat. Nikki Nailbomb) - CALYPSO
Creature - CALPYSO
Jaws - sleep token
Soul sucker pt. 2 - Ellise, DeathbyRomy, & MOTHICA
Dangerous - DeathbyRomy
Vicious bliss - DeathbyRomy ✨🖤
No mercy - deathbyromy
Nails - call me karizma✨
Hell and you - amigo the devil
My bloody valentine - good charlotte
A little piece of heaven - avenge sevenfold
Obsessed with you - the Orion experience ✨✨
I want to destroy something beautiful - Josh Woodward
Ex lover’s lover - Aurelio Voltaire
Smoke and mirrors - jayn
System - Chester Bennington
Kiss - London after midnight
Begging for mercy - bullet for my valentine
Six feet underground - lord of the lost
Please don’t leave me - p!nk
Love, hate, love - Alice In Chains
The game - disturbed
Rid of me - PJ Harvey
Pain - boy harsher
I put a spell on you - screamin’ jay hawkins
Girlfriend - badflower ✨✨
Stalker - badflower
X Ana X - badflower
Under my thumb - The Rolling Stones
Gallery piece - of Montreal
Worked up so sexual - the faint
Crush - Jennifer Paige
Hatef—k - the bravery
In my mouth - the black dresses
Kute - Alex g
Mary - Alex g
Spit - show me the body & princess nokia
Body and blood - clipping. ✨✨
Violence (feat. Angelspit) - implant
Hatchet - archive
Step on me - the cardigans
Lovefool - the cardigans
The wolf - SIAMES
Whore - in this moment
Desire - MEG MYERS
You are the apple - lady lamb ✨
You are the apple (still need you version) - lady lamb
To play hide and seek with jealousy - famous last words
Left handed kisses (feat. Fiona Apple) - Andrew bird
I want you to love me - Fiona Apple
Under the table - Fiona Apple ✨
No one else - weezer
Voices carry - ‘til Tuesday
Mascara - deftones
Red thread - Lisa germano
Siren song - bat for lashes
True love - thoushaltnot
Missed me - the Dresden dolls
Kamikaze - Susanne Sundfør
Yandere - Jazmin bean
Writer in the dark - lorde
Dog walk - pity sex
Soft stud - black belt Eagle Scout
Daddy issues - the neighborhood 🖤
The enemy you need to- blameshift
Begging to bleed - 8 graves
Mind games - sickick
Blindfold - sleeping wold
Murder - mako
Why do you love me - charlotte Lawrence
To the end - my chemical romance
Honey, this mirror isn’t big enough for the two of us - my chemical romance
Hate me - Nico Collins
Ouch - N-dubz
She wnna (feat. Kaneda7) - SUICIDAL-IDOL
Right next 2 U - SUCIDAL-IDOL
Porcelain - better than Ezra
History of lovers - calexico & iron & wine
So goddamn alive - toehider
Mercy - Duffy
The killing kind - marianas trench
Fire up the night - new medicine ✨
Horror movies - huxlxy
Vanilla - huxlxy ✨
Tell me lies - huxlxy ✨
Tied down - Jaymes young
Devil in a dress (live) - Teddy swims
Slowly spilling out - saint motel
Fucked up - young rising sons
The suffering - coheed and cambria
LUNCH -Billie eilish
Shut me up - mindless self indulgence
Butcheress - rabbitology
Silvertongue - young the giant 🖤
Ma meillure ennemie (from the series arcane league of legends) - stromae & pomme
The main character - will wood 🖤
Vampire reference in a minor key - will wood
Your body, my temple - will wood
The ballad of Lucy gray Baird (from the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds & snakes) - Rachel zegler
Allies or enemies - the crane wives
Take me to war (live) - the crane wives
Go get your gun - the dear hunter 🖤
Tear you apart - she wants revenge
Rule #34 - fish in a birdcage
Familiar - Agnes obel
Sunburn - muse
Terrible thing - AG
Losing my religion - R.E.M.
#music#playlist#alastor#alastor hazbin hotel#alastor x reader#love#obsessive love#actually obsessive#violent love#possessive#possesive love#burn the ballroom#my music#apple music#yes I know this is like 200 songs#let me live
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downward spiral or RA simon curtis... no decision has ever been harder than this
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Since I have a massive 170+ song playlist for my Tav, Efenity and Astarion, I decided to gather the most "important" and relevant ones, for my own reference/index mostly, but also if anyone else's Tav has a similar dynamic with him maybe you can swipe some of these songs :P Maybe it will give you ideas or help expand your TavxAstarion playlists idk! (Obviously I have a lot more for Efenity vs just Astarion, but that's because I'm always inside her head lmao Also, all links lead to Youtube btw. And it's mostly electronic music)
For context of my Tav: Efenity Kelmorn is a half high-elf, Storm Sorcerer (mostly lightning), and criminal. Neutral Evil, ESTP. More about her here.
Here are songs about them falling in love:
⚔⚔⚔ Astarion's POV ⚔⚔⚔ ⚔ Only Want to Be With You - Volbeat ⚔ Love - Simon Curtis ⚔ Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - Ra ⚔ Electric Blue (Extended) - Icehouse ⚔ Everywhere (Babsy. Flip) - Fleetwood Mac
🌩️🌩️🌩️ Efenity's POV 🌩️🌩️🌩️ 🌩️Misery - RUNN 🌩️ One Look - Jason Ross (ft Heather Sommer) 🌩️Anything You Want - HYDEE & MOONZz 🌩️Dangerous (ft Danyka Nadeau) - Televisor 🌩️ Sounds Good To Me - Hanne Mjøen 🌩️ Toes - Lights 🌩️Feels Right (ft RUNN) - Crystal Skies 🌩️ Confetti - Hilary Duff 🌩️ Are You That Somebody? - Aaliyah 🌩️Tension - Dagny 🌩️ Butterflies - Medina 🌩️ Quit U - Tritional
🌩️⚔🌩️ BOTH ⚔🌩️⚔🌩️ 🖤Strange Magic - Evan Rachael Wood & Alan Cumming
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On: draft Deposit Scheme for Drinks Containers (England and Northern Ireland) Regulations 2024
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Day's business papers: 2025-01-21
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Labour (330 votes)
Abtisam Mohamed Adam Jogee Adam Thompson Afzal Khan Al Carns Alan Campbell Alan Strickland Alex Ballinger Alex Barros-Curtis Alex Mayer Alex McIntyre Alex Sobel Alice Macdonald Alison Hume Alistair Strathern Allison Gardner Amanda Martin Andrew Cooper Andrew Gwynne Andrew Lewin Andrew Pakes Andrew Ranger Andrew Western Andy MacNae Andy McDonald Andy Slaughter Angela Eagle Anna Dixon Anna Gelderd Anna McMorrin Anna Turley Anneliese Midgley Antonia Bance Ashley Dalton Baggy Shanker Bambos Charalambous Barry Gardiner Bayo Alaba Beccy Cooper Becky Gittins Bell Ribeiro-Addy Ben Coleman Ben Goldsborough Bill Esterson Blair McDougall Brian Leishman Callum Anderson Calvin Bailey Carolyn Harris Cat Smith Catherine Atkinson Catherine Fookes Catherine McKinnell Charlotte Nichols Chi Onwurah Chris Bloore Chris Bryant Chris Curtis Chris Elmore Chris Evans Chris Hinchliff Chris Kane Chris McDonald Chris Murray Chris Vince Chris Webb Christian Wakeford Claire Hazelgrove Claire Hughes Clive Betts Clive Efford Connor Naismith Dan Aldridge Daniel Francis Daniel Zeichner Danny Beales Darren Paffey Dave Robertson David Baines David Burton-Sampson David Pinto-Duschinsky David Smith David Taylor David Williams Debbie Abrahams Deirdre Costigan Derek Twigg Diana Johnson Diane Abbott Douglas Alexander Douglas McAllister Elaine Stewart Elsie Blundell Emily Darlington Emma Foody Emma Hardy Emma Lewell-Buck Euan Stainbank Feryal Clark Fleur Anderson Florence Eshalomi Frank McNally Fred Thomas Gareth Snell Gareth Thomas Gen Kitchen Gill Furniss Gill German Graeme Downie Grahame Morris Gregor Poynton Gurinder Singh Josan Harpreet Uppal Heidi Alexander Helen Hayes Helena Dollimore Henry Tufnell Hilary Benn Ian Lavery Imogen Walker Irene Campbell Jack Abbott Jacob Collier Jade Botterill Jake Richards James Asser James Frith James Murray James Naish Jas Athwal Jayne Kirkham Jeevun Sandher Jeff Smith Jen Craft Jenny Riddell-Carpenter Jess Asato Jessica Morden Jessica Toale Jim Dickson Jim McMahon Jo Platt Jo Stevens Jo White Joani Reid Jodie Gosling Joe Morris Joe Powell Johanna Baxter John Grady John Slinger John Whitby Jon Pearce Jon Trickett Jonathan Brash Jonathan Davies Jonathan Hinder Josh Dean Josh MacAlister Josh Newbury Josh Simons Julia Buckley Julie Minns Juliet Campbell Justin Madders Kanishka Narayan Karin Smyth Kate Osamor Kate Osborne Katie White Katrina Murray Keir Mather Kenneth Stevenson Kerry McCarthy Kevin Bonavia Kevin McKenna Kim Leadbeater Kirith Entwistle Kirsteen Sullivan Kirsty McNeill Laura Kyrke-Smith Lauren Edwards Lauren Sullivan Laurence Turner Lee Barron Lee Pitcher Leigh Ingham Lewis Atkinson Liam Byrne Liam Conlon Lillian Jones Linsey Farnsworth Lisa Nandy Liz Twist Lizzi Collinge Lola McEvoy Lorraine Beavers Lucy Powell Lucy Rigby Luke Akehurst Luke Charters Luke Murphy Luke Myer Luke Pollard Margaret Mullane Maria Eagle Marie Rimmer Marie Tidball Mark Sewards Mark Tami Markus Campbell-Savours Martin McCluskey Martin Rhodes Mary Creagh Mary Glindon Matt Bishop Matt Rodda Matt Turmaine Matt Western Matthew Patrick Matthew Pennycook Maya Ellis Meg Hillier Melanie Onn Melanie Ward Miatta Fahnbulleh Michael Payne Michael Shanks Michael Wheeler Michelle Scrogham Michelle Welsh Mike Reader Mike Tapp Mohammad Yasin Natalie Fleet Natasha Irons Naushabah Khan Navendu Mishra Naz Shah Neil Duncan-Jordan Nia Griffith Nicholas Dakin Nick Smith Nick Thomas-Symonds Noah Law Olivia Bailey Pam Cox Patricia Ferguson Patrick Hurley Paul Davies Paul Foster Paul Waugh Paula Barker Paulette Hamilton Perran Moon Peter Dowd Peter Lamb Peter Prinsley Peter Swallow Phil Brickell Polly Billington Preet Kaur Gill Rachael Maskell Rachel Blake Rachel Hopkins Richard Baker Richard Quigley Rosena Allin-Khan Rosie Wrighting Rupa Huq Rushanara Ali Ruth Cadbury Ruth Jones Sadik Al-Hassan Sally Jameson Sam Carling Sam Rushworth Samantha Dixon Samantha Niblett Sarah Champion Sarah Coombes Sarah Edwards Sarah Hall Sarah Owen Sarah Russell Sarah Sackman Sarah Smith Satvir Kaur Scott Arthur Sean Woodcock Sharon Hodgson Shaun Davies Simon Lightwood Simon Opher
Siobhain McDonagh Sojan Joseph Sonia Kumar Stella Creasy Stephanie Peacock Stephen Doughty Stephen Kinnock Stephen Morgan Stephen Timms Steve Race Steve Reed Steve Witherden Steve Yemm Sureena Brackenridge Tahir Ali Taiwo Owatemi Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Terry Jermy Toby Perkins Tom Collins Tom Hayes Tom Rutland Tonia Antoniazzi Tony Vaughan Torcuil Crichton Torsten Bell Tracy Gilbert Tristan Osborne Tulip Siddiq Uma Kumaran Valerie Vaz Vicky Foxcroft Warinder Juss Will Stone Yasmin Qureshi Yuan Yang Zubir Ahmed
Independent (13 votes)
Apsana Begum Ayoub Khan Ian Byrne Imran Hussain Iqbal Mohamed Jeremy Corbyn John McDonnell Mike Amesbury Rebecca Long Bailey Richard Burgon Rosie Duffield Shockat Adam Zarah Sultana
Green Party (3 votes)
Adrian Ramsay Carla Denyer Ellie Chowns
Social Democratic & Labour Party (1 vote)
Claire Hanna
Liberal Democrat (1 vote)
Richard Foord
Alliance (1 vote)
Sorcha Eastwood
Ulster Unionist Party (1 vote)
Robin Swann
Traditional Unionist Voice (1 vote)
Jim Allister
Conservative (67 votes)
Alan Mak Alex Burghart Alicia Kearns Alison Griffiths Andrew Bowie Andrew Griffith Andrew Murrison Ashley Fox Ben Obese-Jecty Ben Spencer Bernard Jenkin Bob Blackman Bradley Thomas Caroline Johnson Charlie Dewhirst Chris Philp Christopher Chope Claire Coutinho Damian Hinds Danny Kruger David Davis David Mundell David Reed David Simmonds Desmond Swayne Edward Argar Gareth Bacon Gareth Davies Geoffrey Clifton-Brown Graham Stuart Greg Smith Gregory Stafford Harriet Cross Helen Grant Helen Whately Jack Rankin James Cartlidge James Wild Joe Robertson John Cooper John Glen Joy Morrissey Julia Lopez Katie Lam Kemi Badenoch Kevin Hollinrake Kieran Mullan Lewis Cocking Lincoln Jopp Mark Francois Mark Garnier Martin Vickers Mel Stride Mike Wood Neil Shastri-Hurst Nick Timothy Nigel Huddleston Patrick Spencer Peter Bedford Peter Fortune Rebecca Harris Rebecca Paul Richard Fuller Robert Jenrick Saqib Bhatti Steve Barclay Stuart Andrew
Democratic Unionist Party (5 votes)
Carla Lockhart Gavin Robinson Gregory Campbell Jim Shannon Sammy Wilson
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Rupert Lowe
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Alex Easton
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Perception Check by Tom Cardy (but specifically the Vicious Mockery part) Your Stupid Face by Kaden MacKay (this is like THE Radioapple song) Not Another Song About Love by Hollywood Ending Love Again by Dua Lipa (I heard this and thought of Lucifer recovering after Lilith) Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner A Lovely Night from La La Land (I more think of this as a RadioRose song, but it works either way) Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home) by Usher (SOLELY because Amir Talai is a chaotic gremlin and had it on his Instagram stories with 📻🍎)
for a little spicier... Villain by Bella Poarch Teeth by 5SOS (tbh probably also works for Lucilith) Flesh by Simon Curtis
For toxic/unhealthy Radioapple, Cannibal by Naethan Apollo Living Hell by Bella Poarch Attention by Charlie Puth
Individuals beneath the thingy
You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile by Donald Craig (basically his theme song) Happy Face by Jagwar Twins (absolutely perfect but there's also a great animatic) GOSSIP by Maneskin (mostly because of the bomb animatic but it does actually fit him) Friends on the Other Side from Princess and the Frog (because duh) Down in New Orleans from Princess and the Frog phony by Will Stetson and/or Trickle (it's two different translations of the same song) Gives You Hell by All-American Rejects (the words are perfect but the original doesn't fit his vibe but Django Wallace has an acoustic cover that's nice) Shadow by Livingston Nightmares Never End by JT Music Fais Do Do by Ann Savoy (a New Orleans lullaby I found when researching the city) FRIENDS by Marshmello (@ Vox) NO by Meghan Trainor The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid Killer in the Mirror by Set It Off Killer by The Ready Set Choke by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME Fences by Paramore Sad by Bo Burnham (You cannot tell me he wouldn't sing this) Party Like Its 1929 by TAPE FIVE Sinners by Nahu Pyrope Demon Lord by Sena Kiryuin Demons Banquet by Will Stetson Signed & Sealed by HalaCG Whisper Whisper Whisper by Himuimo PSYCHO by AViVA
The Greatest Show from The Greatest Showman (definitively His Song) A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman Fairytale by Alexander Rybak (tbh a Lucilith song but it's so perfect for him with the violin and everything it's His Song in my head) All Eyes on Me by OR3O Look Who's Inside Again by Bo Burnham Shit by Bo Burnham (depression!) Don't You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia Hell's Comin' With Me by Poor Mans Poison The Mask And The Mirror by Poor Mans Poison overwhelmed by Royal & the Serpent (Anxiety: the Song) I'm a Mess by Bebe Rexha I'm Gonna Show You Crazy by Bebe Rexha Panic Room by Au/Ra I Should Have Stayed at Home by Ryan Mack I'll Sleep When I'm Dead by Set It Off Dear Theodosia from Hamilton Daughters by John Mayer Wherever You May Go by The Calling Demons by Imagine Dragons Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol In the End by Linkin Park Numb by Linkin Park Unknown Mother Goose by rachie My Nightmare by Get Scared Sarcasm by Get Scared Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy Heartbreak Feels So Good by Fall Out Boy Song of the Caged Bird by Lindsey Stirling Miss Murder by AFI Circus by Britney Spears INFERNO by Sub Urban and Bella Poarch Lucifer by Trickle House of Memories by Panic! at the Disco Crazy = Genius by Panic! at the Disco Say Amen (Saturday Night) by Panic! at the Disco For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic by Paramore Polkamania by Weird Al Yankovic (I saw somewhere that he likes polka and now I'm stuck with This) Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab (obligatory for any angel character) Angels by Vicetone (more a Vaggie song but also works for him) The Devil Went Down to Georgia (obligatory) Violin Sonata in G minor (aka The Devil's Trill Sonata) composed by Giuseppe Tartini
a couple Lucilith songs because it feels very integral to Lucifer's character
100 Years by OR3O Take Me to Church by Hozier Somebody That I Used To Know by gotye Hopelessly Devoted To You from Grease Church by Fall Out Boy This Love by Maroon 5 Horns by Bryce Fox
And maybe some electro swing to dance to?
Betty Boop by Charlie Puth Posin by Glenn Gatsby Picolo and a Cane by TeknoAXE Tangled Up by Caro Emerald Puttin' On the Ritz by Betty Booom She Wants Me Dead by Cazzette Lone Digger by Caravan Palace
This is all without including fansongs, of which there are...a lot for Alastor in particular. And the lists are still growing lol
asking for a friend does anyone have songs that remind you of radioapple? songs for just lucifer or alastor work too
#Hazbin Hotel#Radioapple#Lucifer Morningstar#Alastor the Radio Demon#does this count as a playlist?#song recs?#not sure how to tag this one lol#this is so long oops
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So this was losely themed on antiheros, but eh
#Catra#She-ra#Zuko#Atla#Avatar the last airbender#Janus sanders#Deceit sanders#Sanders sides#simon curtis#Antagonist#Loki#Marvel#Peter nureyev#The penumbra podcast#Tpp
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Well... out of curiosity and nostalgia (from when we had quarantine and more free time), I listened again to some songs from Lordi, the rock n' roll band which won Eurovision with the "Hard Rock Hallelujah" and again I liked them so much, but two of them standed out.
I don't know for you, but I think Catra could have written something sort of like this. But it would be for the princesses of power, not the masters of the universe.
And with this, I can easily see Zarya, Piper and probably my OC, Seren from the mysticons singing it to Creed, because of how much they love to hate that Snakie, viperious, slithering evil entrepreneur, created by Strife667 (or in tublr: verminator-rex). Hope I'm not the only one who thinks it. Oh, also, this is another song for him I had in mind.
#lordi#She-ra#Catra#rock n' roll#mysticons#Zarya#Piper#OC#Creed#let's go slaughter He-man#Devil is a loser#pit of vipers#simon curtis#Spotify
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“Flesh” - Simon Curtis
#music#simon curtis#flesh#pop#pop music#scotty's playlist#band: simon curtis#song: flesh#album: ra#[ queue me up scotty ]
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@rockthebeatbro asked for my tastefully bass-boosted edit of flesh by simon curtis so here it is. for anyone else still listening to simon curtis in 2018 who also thinks the original song just didn’t have enough body to it. (watch out it might be a bit loud)
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Time to Commit Crime Brûlèe:
A playlist
Graveyard; Halsey
Partners In Crime; Set It Off, Ash Costello
Play With Fire; Sam Tinnesz, Yacht Money
Middle Finger; Bohnes
you should see me in a crown; Billie Eilish
Despicable; grandson
Devil On My Shoulder; Faith Marie
If I Killed Someone For You; Alec Benjamin
Twisted; MISSIO
Angry Too; Lola Blanc
Sociopath; StayLoose, Bryce Fox
Saints; Echos
Redemption; Besomorph, Coopex, RIELL
Serial Killer; Moncrieff, JUDGE
Who Am I; Besomorph, RIELL
It's My Party; Obey Me! Boys
Angels Like You; Miley Cyrus
Disturbia; The Sequence
Therefore I Am; Rain Paris
This Little Girl; Cady Groves
Panic Room; Au/Ra
Darkside; grandson
Bordeline; Nico Collins
Cry Baby; American Avenue, Kaile Wolfe
HARLEY FVCKING QUINN; Sarah de Warren, Biometrix, Marcus McCoan
Joke's On You; Charlotte Lawrence
Killer; Valerie Broussard
vicious; Tate McRae
I Did Something Bad; Taylor Swift
This Mountain; Faouzia
Savage; Bahari
Animal I Have Become; Three Days Grace
Boss Bitch; Doja Cat
I'm Gonna Show You Crazy; Bebe Rexha
Nightmare; Halsey
Born Without A Heart; Faouzia
The Best; Future Royalty
jealousy, jealousy; Olivia Rodrigo
Control; Halsey
Walls Could Talk; Halsey
Nightmare; Besomorph, RIELL
Queen; Loren Gray
Dandelion; Gabbie Hanna
Mad Hatter; Melanie Martinez
Like A Vampire; Catrien
Tag, You're It; Melanie Martinez
Super Psycho Love; Simon Curtis
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things; Taylor Swift
Wasabi; Little Mix
brutal; Olivia Rodrigo
One Woman Army; Porcelain Black
good 4 u; Olivia Rodrigo
Bad Bitch; Bebe Rexha, Ty Dolla $ign
Class Fight; Melanie Martinez
Alone; Nico Collins
Liar, Liar; Peyton List
Butterflies; Zendaya
Killing Butterflies; Lewis Blissett
Burned; Grace VanderWaal
Pit Of Vipers; Simon Curtis
Sorry Not Sorry; Demi Lovato
Bad Enough For You; All Time Low
Therefore I Am; Billie Eilish
Dance In The Dark; Au/Ra
Everything Black; Unlike Pluto, Mike Taylor
House Of Memories; Panic! At The Disco
parents; YUNGBLUD
Sarcasm; Get Scared
Bad Word; Panicland
Not Afraid; GJan
Blood // Water; grandson
Let You Down; NF
Bad Child; Tones And I
Kill This Love; Social Repose
Take You To Hell; Ava Max
Wolf In Sheep's Clothing; Set It Off
Cradles; Sub Urban
Vulture, Vulture; Of Monsters And Men
break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored; Ariana Grande
IDGAF; Dua Lipa
Queen of Mean; Sarah Jeffrey
Siren; Kailee Morgue
Teeth; 5SOS
Like Lovers Do; Hey Violet
Paranoia; Neoni
Bad Blood; Taylor Swift
Dead Girl! (Shake My Head); Au/Ra, Faith Maire
no body, no crime; Taylor Swift, HAIM
Anxiety; Besomorph, The Tech Thieves
Hostage; Besomorph, RIELL
Here Comes Trouble; Neoni
Lie To Me; RIELL
Reaper; Glaceo, RIELL
Not Your Baby; Cadmium, Jex
Lost In Translation; Besomorph, Veronica Bravo
Eat You Alive; Cadmium, Skrybe, RIELL
Burn The House Down; AJR
Sweet Dreams; Besomorph
Monster; Besomorph
Shameless; Biometrix, Bolshiee
all the good girls go to hell; Billie Eilish
Heaven; Julia Michaels
Lovely; Midsplit, No-One, bhea, A-SHO
Dancing With The Devil; Alter
STFD; TeZAtalks
911; Ellise
Keep It To Myself; Ellise
On Accident; Nico Collins
Crash; Neovaiii
Ghost; Nic Collins
Venom; Icon For Hire
Burning House; Nico Collins
That's the playlist! Thank you for checking it out! Feel free to send in an ask with a suggestion for this playlist, as I feel it might be missing something.
#spotify playlist#playlist#villain vibes#spotify playlists#good vibes#enimies to friends to lovers to enimies#then back to lovers#on again off again relationships#Spotify
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I would kill for that playlist. Maybe you could share a handful of songs. 🥺 Also, your writing is so good it gives me heart palpitations. Not sure if that was ever your intention when writing but your succeed either way.
aaa ty so much! that’s absolutely wild that it affects you so much ty!!
okay my playlist is kind of roughly divided into sections (they blend a bit) and long (ive added more since that last ask lmao), so ill do some highlights from each section below the cut. i have a separate playlist for adora and a separate catradora playlist but my catra playlist is by far the longest and has some catradora sections on it too. sorry if any of these are locked to people without youtube red but you can just search the song if so.
some of these I’m going to highlight lyrics for because I just have Thoughts ok but ill mostly do it for the lesser known artists. EDIT: added a few more songs 2/8/21
Horde days:
White Lies - To lose my life (It’s just..... Catra/SW about Adora ok)
He said to lose my life or lose my love/That's the nightmare I've been running from/So let me hold you in my arms a while/I was always careless as a child
Adora leaving:
How - The Neighbourhood
All You Had To Do Was Stay - Taylor Swift (I think I’m funny)
Good For You - Dear Evan Hanson
The Tech Thieves - On My Own
Enough - The Tech Thieves (I MEAN HOLY SHIT it’s the thaymor song!!)
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?/Throw another of your right hooks/Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Beth Crowley - Gone (oh it’s how She-ra took Adora from her Cool)
XYLØ - I Don't Want To See You Anymore
Don’t Blame Me - Taylor Swift (I mean COME ON)
I thought we were meant to be/Thought it'd be you and me/Standing together at the end of the world/I guess that's not what you want
This is not how you make love/This is not what we signed up for/This is not how it's meant to be/This how you start a war
Nothing More - Go To War (Another season one catradora song)
I don't know what you had in mind/But here we stand on opposing sides/Let's go to war/We arm ourselves with the wrongs we've done/Name them off one by one/Let's go to war
True Friends - Bring Me the Horizon
No one’s here to sleep - Naughty Boy ft. Bastille
Rising the ranks:
Krewella - Calm Down
Anna Akana - Pick A Fight
Just One Yesterday - Fall Out Boy
Halsey - Castle (Oh it’s the SW fight, oh it’s sitting on Hordak’s throne, oh it’s being “favoured” by Prime, it just fits so often so well)
Halsey - Control (Season four Catra.... you go bby)
Runaway - Felix Cartel
Alpha - Little Destroyer
Born Without A Heart - Faouzia
I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
KSHMR - Do Bad Well (Replace “daddy” with SW as “mom” and oop)
Icon for Hire - Blindside
Halsey - Nightmare (I mean I could highlight like the entire song but I won’t)
Spiraling out:
Curse or Cure - Icon For Hire
DeathByRomy; Sleep At Night (the DT takedown at the end of season four in song form)
Beth Crowley- Too Late for Me
I wanna be a hero/But the villain's having more fun/Which one of us will wear the bigger bruises/When the war's done/There is no wrong or right/When you're fighting for your life
PVRIS - Gimme a Minute (if ur a lesbian and not listening to pvris then what are you doing. lesbian-fronted band that fucking kills it. this is mostly here because i love them so much and they have a bunch of catradora songs)
Meg Myers - I Really Want You To Hate Me
Heaven - PVRIS (OKAY I MEAN COME ON “You took my heaven away”? It’s so Catra)
Tegan and Sara - Don’t Believe The Things They Tell You (They Lie)��(This song and Catra makes me fuckin cry alright I could highlight ummm every line)
Claire Wyndham - Kingdom Fall
Seeing the light/Regret:
Gabrielle Aplin - My Mistake
Sir sly - Too far gone
Taylor Swift – this is me trying
Afterglow - Taylor Swift (I don’t know why there’s so much Taylor Swift on this playlist okay she just has a lot of catra/catradora songs)
Arrested Youth - The Kid I Used to Know
Relient K | Who I Am Hates Who I've Been
K.Flay - Giver (oh its THE season five catra song cool!!!)
I'm learning to live/I'm trying to be better/I'm learning to give/But I don't know if I'm a giver
Ghosts - PVRIS (I exactly why there’s so much PVRIS they’re incredible and have a ton of good Catra/Catradora songs).
Finding Adora again:
St. Patrick - PVRIS
Fall Out Boy - The Last Of The Real Ones
Delicate - Taylor Swift
sorry this is so long but i have a lot of fucking feelings about catra songs alright. i have a “classic hits” playlist i save every song ive ever liked to and whenever a new character possesses me i go trolling through it for songs that fit them and make a playlist lol
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Could I get a playlist for todoroki/bakugou please.
Bakugou Playlist - 1 hr 45 minutes
The King (Conan Gray) - Bakugo! (Kamil!) - Victorious (Panic! At The Disco) - Centuries (Fall Out Boy) - The Phoenix (Fall Out Boy) - Natural (Imagine Dragons) - you should see me in a crown (Billie Eilish) - Bakugo (GameboyJones) - Bakugo Vs Todoroki (Daddyphatsnaps, None Like Joshua) - Headstrong (Trapt) - Only One King (Tommee Profitt, Jung Youth) - You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid (The Offspring) - Emperor’s New Clothes (Panic! At The Disco) - Legend (The Score) - Stronger (The Score) - Bang (Rustage) - Unstoppable (The Score) - Bakugo (None Like Joshua, Tyler Clark) - Bombing King (94stones) - Glory and Gore (Lorde) - 18 (Anarbor) - Afraid (The Neighbourhood) - Confident (Demi Lovato) - Born to Lead (Falling In Reverse) - Bully (Shinedown) - Bang! (AJR) - Popular Monster (Falling In Reverse) - Circus (Britney Spears) - High Hopes (Panic! At The Disco) - Hey Look Ma, I Made It (Panic! At The Disco) - King of The Cloud (Panic! At The Disco) - Viva La Vida (Coldplay)
Todoroki Playlist - 1 hr 53 Minutes
Daddy Issues (The Neighbourhood) - Play With Fire (Sam Tinnesz, Yacht Money) - Fire and Ice (Rustage, OzzaWorld) - R.I.P 2 My Youth (The Neighbourhood) - Boy In The Bubble (Alec Benjamin) - Panic Room (Au/Ra) - No Roots (Alice Merton) - Devils Don’t Fly (Natalia Kills) - Bakugo Vs Todoroki (Daddyphatsnaps, None Like Joshua) - I’m Gonna Show You Crazy (Bebe Rexha) - Crossfire (Stephen) - Freaks (Jordan Clarke) - Blown Away (Carrie Underwood) - Pit of Vipers (Simon Curtis) - Dollhouse (Melanie Martinez) - Silent Scream (Anna Blue) - Narcissistic Cannibal (EarlyRise) - Broken Crown (Mumford & Sons) - Mind Is A Prison (Alec Benjamin) - Emotional Machine (MARINA) - Kill Your Heroes (AWOLNATION) - On My Own (Ashes Remain) - Human (Rag’n’bone Man) - Soldier (Fleurie) - The Greatest (Sia) - Kids In The Dark (All Time allé) - Todoroki (Spaceboykey, Black Sensei) - Run Boy Run (Woodkid) - A Mask Of My Own Face (Lemon Demon) - Dear Dad (Bmike) - PYRO (Shinedown) - special (Shinedown)
#bakugou#todoroki#playlist#spotify#bnha#mha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#mha playlist#bnha playlist#music#boku no hero academia playlist#my hero academia playlist#todoroki playlist#bakugou playlist#shouto todoroki#katsuki bakugou#katsuki bakugo playlist#shouto todoroki playlist
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Saturday Spectacular #19
Happy Saturday!!! So this is me thanking awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and all the time they put into their fics. ♥️ I want to recommend spectacular fanfic stories I read this week! ♥️ All posts will be tagged #saturday spectacular fic rec
Hello friends, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these. It’s been a crazy few months. This semester I started college and am getting an associate's degree in one year that means I’m taking 23 credits this fall term. It’s been a bit crazy but I’ve still been read fic so this what I’ve read since September 21. It’s not going to be in order.
light upon darkened dreams by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: After the events of 8x04, Oliver remains awake long into the night, getting lost in his thoughts about his children and Felicity. It's a good thing he isn't asleep, because he catches Mia suffering from a horrific nightmare. How can a father comfort his daughter from the future from a bad dream when they're still practical strangers to each other?
Artemis by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When the Queen’s Gambit sank, two people were stranded on Lian Yu. Five years later, four came back.
Daughter of the Demon by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: What if in 1988 while traveling through Las Vegas Ra’s al Ghul bumps into a nice waitress named Donna Smoak and they have one-night stand together? A little bundle of joy named Felicity Smoak is the result. In 2014, the Demon Head becomes aware of his youngest daughter’s existence.
The Ravager by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Slade Wilson’s plan for revenge against Oliver took time, money and no shortage of lives to pull together. His plan didn’t anticipate Felicity Smoak. How will his plan change now that his lost-lost daughter is working with the very man he’s trying to destroy?
Felicity of Themiscyra by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Years ago, Donna Smoak left the island of Themiscyra and her sister Queen Hippolyta behind to live in man’s world. She never told Felicity the truth about where she came from. As a result of the Undertaking, Felicity discovers some of her Amazonian abilities and makes an interesting new friend: Diana Prince.
The Daughter That Was Left by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Before the Gambit, Oliver Queen met QC intern Felicity Smoak. When he boarded the Gambit, he left something behind. Now, five long years later someone is waiting for him.
I Scream But No Sound Comes out by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When Oliver returns from Lian Yu after five years, he comes back different. What happened there damaged more than just his body. How will his friends and family deal with this new Oliver?
The Point of No Return by @oneofthosecrazygirls-fics | Arrow | Completed
Summary Oliver and Felicity prepare for their first date. This fic is part of the What Should’ve Been ‘verse, but can be read as a stand-alone fic.
Can’t Help Falling in Love by @smoaking-greenarrow | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Collection of fluff fics based on Tumblr prompts! Some are angsty, but most of this is fluffy. Enjoy!
Let the Light Shine Through by @griever11 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Your heart starts healing and it’s a slow process. After all, it’s been in shambles; sharp, cruel pieces of rubble lying on the bottom of your rib cage for so long. Wounds heal, as they say. They’ll scar, and they hurt, but they heal.
Baby Daddy by more0rLessJess | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Bartender Oliver Queen was living his twenties to the fullest, he lived with his best friend John Diggle, and his brother in everything but blood, Tommy Merlyn just moved into their apartment as he started his professional baseball career for the Starling City Rockets. On top of that, his childhood best friend Felicity Smoak, who was no longer goth and instead blonde and beautiful, was back in town and they were hanging out again. Oliver thought his days were going to be filled with partying, one night stands, and boys weekends while also spending quality time with the girl everyone kept telling him he was in love with. Until his ex girlfriend dropped a baby on his doorstep who turned out to be his son. After a lot of thought and Felicity Smoak peptalks, Oliver decides to keep and raise his son with the help of his friends. Or the Freeform sitcom Baby Daddy AU that no one asked for but I needed to write. Aka Oliver and Felicity are childhood friends and are hopelessly in love with eachother and everyone knows but them, oh and now they're raising a baby. What could go wrong?
call me my love, day or night by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: As Mia and William are enjoying their Monte Cristos, Oliver receives a phone call from somebody who is not Curtis. Somebody who is far, far more important.
and you'll blow us all away by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver desperately tries to connect with his daughter but it seems all he needed was a photograph and the memory of a woman both of them love more than anything. [Post-8x04 Oliver & Mia moment]
Fight To Live by CSM | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Post 803. Oliver's conversation with adult William and Mia does not go as planned and there is only one person that can help him. Takes places directly after the episode.
New York's Finest (Supernatural) Detectives by BillCipherpines | Brooklyn Nine-Nine & Shadowhunters | Completed
Summary: Jake Peralta is 100%, without a doubt, definitely sure that his friend Simon Lewis is a vampire. But when he sets out to prove it to his friends they get sucked into the world of Shadowhunters and realize that petty drug dealers are the least of New York's problems. But not to worry, New York's finest Shadowhunters are on the case
The Unlikeliest Places by @griever11 | Arrow | Completed
Summary: 'It all starts on an unassuming Friday evening. Or rather, if she’s being honest with herself, everything else in her life ends on that Friday.'
An AU meeting fic where Felicity Smoak accidentally-on-purpose stumbles upon some shady activity as an IT tech for Queen Consolidated and realises that she really isn't being paid enough for any of this.
In Another Life (I could be your man) by angelicmisskitty | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Their lives couldn't be more different - and yet Oliver can't take his eyes off the beautiful blonde woman that leaves the subway every morning at 7.43am. There is something about her that makes him look up every morning - something that also makes him aware he'll never be good enough for her, or that she'd even notice him.
He had no idea how much his life would change the day he rushed over to help her...
Olicity AU - no Lian Yu, no saving the city (at least not in the way we know from Arrow :D )
Here At Last by thecomebackkids99 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: A 8x04 spec fic of what happens right after Mia, William, and Connor are transported to the bunker.
Against All Odds by CSM | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Post 3x14. Time Travel. Going back in time. Changing the future is not an exact science but he knows if anyone can do it, it’s her. If there is one thing Eleanor Queen can do, is be a hero. After all she has heroes’ blood pumping through her veins.
Lucas' Adventures by CSM | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Post 2x07. One late night in the foundry Oliver finds an abandoned baby, who he later finds out is his biological son, the only thing is the baby seems to think Felicity is his mother, which is impossible. Or is it? aka, Mia Smoak gets tired of her baby brother and sends him to 2013 where their unsuspecting parents find him. Companion piece to Impeccable Genetics.My contribution for the Olicity Summer Sizzle
“Time for a story” Drabble Series by @smkkbert | Arrow | WIP
Summary: This fic shows Olicity and their life as a (married) couple with family. Although Olicity (and their kids) are the protagonists, other characters of Arrow and Flash make appearances. It started as a drabble series, but developed more and more into a full domectic AU. Although some chapters are still drabble-like, there are longer storylines by now.
With You by @griever11 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Post 8x03 Leap of Faith. Oliver, William and Mia have a lot of feelings and in classic Queen fashion, have somewhat of a hard time expressing them. Oliver learns about the future and his kids try to make sense of the past.
in the here and now by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Set immediately post-8x03. “Dad?” Oliver stares in utter disbelief at the trio who have appeared on the bunker platform along with him in a blinding flash of light. For a good couple of seconds, his brain just… stops functioning. He’s so astonished that he can’t think, he can’t breathe, he can’t feel anything but shock.
The Blame Game by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: After they recover from their sudden appearance in the past, what's left of FTA still need to deal with what happened before they left. Mia and Connor both seek a moment of peace and Mia's brother and father are the guiding hand she needs as she feels like she's drowning.
There Are Two Sides to Every Story by @oneofthosecrazygirls-fics | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Susan Williams and Bethany Snow are two of Starling City’s most prominent journalists...but their styles are very different.This is a series of articles written by these two journalists from the time of the sinking of the Queen’s Gambit to the present day.**set in the What Should’ve Been ‘verse**
Campfire Stories by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Samantha has finally agreed to allow William to spend a month of his summer vacation with Oliver, Tommy, and Felicity. William asks to spend his first weekend with Oliver camping - alone. Oliver is more than a little nervous to spend time alone with his son when he still feels like a stranger.
The First Time by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Every love story has a beginning, theirs started with a death.
Home Is Where You Are by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity is away on business and missing home. Tommy surprises her with an unexpected visit.
The Italian Restaurant by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity, Oliver and Tommy go on their first date which leads to other firsts.
Cobble Hill by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Tommy surprises Oliver and Felicity with a proposal that will mark a milestone in their relationship.
Up All Night by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: After a close call in the field, Oliver and Felicity reconnect.
Will You Still Love Me, Tomorrow? by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Donna arrives for an unexpected visit and Felicity must decide if she is going to reveal the truth about her relationship with Oliver and Tommy.
Wherever You Are, There I Am by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: The history of Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn's relationship.
Burgers & Lies by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Tommy confronts Felicity about a secret she has been keeping.
Welcome Home by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity has been away for two weeks and missing her guys. Oliver and Tommy are very happy when she returns from her trip early.
Twenty Questions Over Brunch by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Thea has a few questions for Felicity about her relationship with Oliver and Tommy.
Look Me In The Eye And Make Me Feel The Truth by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: A night out in the public eye might be more than their relationship can take.
Three by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity hasn't been acting herself all week. Tommy and Oliver finally confront her and they aren't prepared for what she tells them.
Practical Jokes and Other Misunderstandings by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver and Tommy tell Thea about their relationship.
House Warming by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Oliver, Felicity and Tommy celebrate their first night together in their new home.
Perfect by @realityisoverrated-fic | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Felicity receives a call in the middle of the night from a distraught Tommy.
Nine to Five by @griever11 | Arrow | Completed
Summary: The new receptionist at Oliver's office is weird, quirky and really cute but totally not his type. At all. Or so he tells himself. An Arrow/The Office AU.
keep this love in a photograph by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: An alternate 8x01 scene.Moira suspects that there is more to her son than meets the eye when Oliver returns home from the island after twelve years.When she catches him with the photo he's carrying around of him with Felicity Smoak and a baby, a confrontation and an emotional conversation ensue.
Mothers know best by @smkkbert | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Since they have been kids, they have been best friends. Since they have been friends, their mothers wanted them to be together.After coming back from the east coast, Felicity takes over a position at Queen Consolidated, the company her best friend will soon take over from his father. Their mothers still push for them to be together, and they seem closer to that goal than ever because wedding bells are ringing. The only problem is that they both plan to get married to someone else.
The Legacy of a Queen by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Series of one-shots from a future AU where Oliver and Felicity are able to raise their children after they defeat the Ninth Circle and Oliver hangs up the hood
A Brother in Arms by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | WIP
Summary: “I just… she really found me and sent you here?” He asks quietly and John’s face morphs from concern into a sad smile as he nods.“Oliver, you know she’d be here herself if it weren’t for Mia.”“I… it’s been a week. She said she’d find me but I didn’t expect…” Missing moment from 8x01 where John and Oliver discuss Felicity finding Oliver and sending John to Earth-2 to help his brother.
Providence by @so-caffeinated | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Will Queen has struggled in silence in the year since he was shot. But when a shadowy crime lord known as Domino targets the only woman Will’s ever truly loved, fate forces him to confront his demons in ways he never could have imagined… Whether he wants to or not. Amelia Prescott has fought to take control of her life since learning two years ago that her personal and professional worlds were manipulated by others. But nothing can prepare her for just how hard she’ll have to fight to set her own course, especially when her heart belongs to a damaged man and a crime lord threatens her every professional move… And her life. Destiny brings them together, but as chaos reigns and personal demons haunt Will and Amelia both, it may also threaten to tear them apart.
What Are You Doing Here, Miss Queen? by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | WIP
Summary Sara Lance prides herself on knowing people, she gets them in a way a lot of others struggle with. So when a mysterious blonde shows up to help with the fight of their lives, Sara is surprised when there's something about her that she just can't put her finger on. That is until she figures out that this supposed 'Green Arrow from another earth' is actually Oliver's time-displaced daughter. [Sara sees straight through Mia's Crisis disguise, confronts her about what she's doing in the past, and forces father and daughter into a conversation that is clear they needed to have]
the true meaning of sacrifice by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Around five years after Crisis, Felicity is surprised and angry when a group of three heroes show up at her door demanding help from her.
i will find you again by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: a short-introspective on oliver in s8 inspired by the scene in the trailer as he takes a moment to remember the reason he's fighting. his wife, his children... they give him the strength he needs to be the hero the universe requires
Paging Dr. Smoak by @laxit21 | Arrow | WIP
Summary: When Oliver Queen gets into a car accident, he meets Dr. Felicity Smoak. He had no idea how much a chance meeting would change his life.
little wonders (twists and turns of fate) by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | Completed Summary: Oliver and Felicity's drunken mistake of a hook-up in the bunker comes with unexpected consequences in the form of a... souvenir.Deciding to remain romantically uninvolved, the two of them will have to battle all the trials and tribulations of maintaining a platonic relationship while Felicity is pregnant and the two of them are living together, coping with all the emotional baggage that they both bring to the table - and dealing with the fact that they are still very much in love with each other, but scarred by the events that broke them apart in the first place.
time falls away (in these small hours) by @alexiablackbriar13 | Arrow | Completed
Summary: Missing scene and side-story oneshots and drabbles set within my S5 post-bunker sex AU little wonders (twists and turns of fate). (Will contain spoilers) Summary for little wonders: Oliver and Felicity's drunken mistake of a hook-up in the bunker comes with unexpected consequences in the form of a... souvenir.
Must be what I need by Nerdofmanytalents | Arrow | One-shot
Summary: Thea gets to meet the reason for her brother's preoccupation of late. Its both exciting and terrifying.
Hawkins: The Upside by allonsysilvertongue | Stranger Things | WIP
Summary: A collection of one shots featuring Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper.Recent Update: "I think you're beautiful."
Welcome to Starling Prep Elementary by inlovewithimpossibility | Arrow | Completed
Summary: When William Clayton and Adalyn Smoak bond over being the two new kids in Starling Prep Elementary's first-grade class, their parents are not prepared for what comes of their children's friendship. Plus, it doesn't hurt that both Oliver and Felicity are single.
Our Version of Events by @machawicket & @geneeste | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Action star Ollie Queen is trying to clean up his image and land parts that require him to do more than appear shirtless while fighting stuntmen. Pop star Felicity Smoak wants to be seen as an adult in time for the release of her new, grittier album. And talent manager John Diggle’s got an idea about what coverage of Oliver and Felicity’s brand new (and totally fake) romance could do for them both.
Workouts and Babbles by @elasticmonk | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Oliver comes to the rescue of one cute blonde at his gym just as Felicity stumbles upon one handsome mayor at her gym. They both have something in common, but will it bring them happiness?
Bodyguard by originalhybridlover | Arrow | WIP
Summary: Felicity needs a new bodyguard and Diggle referred her to an old friend, Oliver Queen. Unknowingly she meets the man she would one day marry.
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@hope-for-olicity @emdee8907 @malafle @laxit21 @icannotbelieveiamhere
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