#Silver 92
unoriginalgangsta · 5 months
Oh no
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This will drastically effect fishing season
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ecliintlu · 2 months
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Some designs of characters for my au:33
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littlewestern · 4 months
Who are some IRM guys we haven't met yet? Like how you did with the planes but at the other museum.
Oh, great question! Yeah we have about a million guys at the IRM, most of whom we haven't even touched on publicly. Unfortunately, because there are so many, it's not going to be quite as in-depth (or artistically rendered) as the one about Texaco and Jenny, but I can give you a pretty good sampler with pictures and the power of imagination!
The Silver Interlopers: Birmingham and Loch Sloy
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Occasional guests on the Nebraska Zephyr due to their streamlined silver appearances (even though Birmingham is actually Pullman-Standard, a great affront to the Goddesses), these two fill out the train nicely for special occasions and film shoots and are always pleased to butch up the prettiest train at the museum when called upon.
Birmingham in particular has a great story. From 1986 until his arrival at the IRM in 2004, he could be found in Lansing, IL serving as the local ice cream parlor! His interior layout as a diner made for a perfect transition into a seasonal shop. While many old railcars find new life as buildings (usually places to eat), Birmingham is very proud that he was in good enough condition to return to his original function, even if a lot of other cars make fun of him for it. Venus has to work extra hard to keep them in line when he's on the train, or Vesta will be leading the charge against him. "We already have a dining car" ain't gonna fly when you're supposed to be showing off all the silver equipment. Plus Birmingham is very well-behaved when he's guest-starring alongside them, and Venus appreciates a gentleman, even if his origins are a little humbler than her own. The rest of the Goddesses accuse her of having a soft spot. Maybe she just likes ice cream.
Loch Sloy is a Budd sleeper car, something the Goddesses do not object to quite as strongly. Since their train was never an overnight and has never had a sleeper, he's not treading on any toes. He's pretty quiet and reserved, if a little dopey looking with all those windows. That he doesn't exactly fit in visually would have been cause to give him a hard time as well if Birmingham wasn't already taking most of the heat. If anything, he gets a little bit ignored. He and Birmingham are pretty tight though, and having a name helps a lot in standing out, even if he doesn't like to draw attention to himself.
The Other Santa Fe: SF 92
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One of my personal favs and definitely an engine I think deserves more of a spotlight, SF 92 was originally built as a passenger diesel in 1967, but was later overhauled to pull express freight trains as well.
The idea of an exclusively passenger diesel engine is one that was eventually phased out of use, but 92's history as one gives him a unique perspective on his role at the IRM. It's something he and Pilot have in common, and as a result the two have a relatively good working relationship. 92 is a little younger and peppier than Pilot is, and takes a less old-fashioned approach to the work, but Pilot thinks their different approaches lend a nice variety to what visitors to the IRM get to experience. Having 92 pull the Nebraska Zephyr on Diesel Days is eye-catching and a special treat for everyone. Not even the Goddesses complain too much. At least he's got silver on him!
Really though, I like the idea that 92 has a great deal of admiration for 2903. Not just because they're both AT&SF, although that's part of it. They both did mixed traffic work, which is something that 92 feels is not appreciated enough, and he thinks the wartime build of the 2900s is unique and cool! 92 underwent mechanical alterations to keep up with the changing times, and 2903's modified construction feels similar, in his opinion. Also, 2903 is cool! I just like the idea that the guy who had trouble finding his wheels at the MSI gets to come to the IRM and not only fit in but be admired and appreciated for the things that make him different is fun. I like giving 2903 nice things.
The Shunting Buds: CRI&P 4506 and IT 1605
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There's a lot of shunting to be done at the IRM, so it's important to have a good lineup of switchers. Not to be outdone by CE 15's charming presence or Shay's incredible moving power, these two are the pretty faces of the shunting team and love to play it up for guests.
4506, has a sweet demeanor and bubblegum disposition, but enjoys the surprised look on people's faces when she drags a whole line of cars across the yard without breaking a sweat. It's not easy looking this good when you're also trying to get everyone into position for a busy day of work, but she makes it look like a cakewalk.
1605 is equally charming, if a bit more of a showboat. Maybe he's making up for being more citrus than sweet. 1650's been at the IRM longer and did his work efficiently alone for the better part of two decades, but when 4506 arrived he readily stepped into the spotlight alongside her. It makes the work more fun!
The two together make an extremely efficient team, being a similar class but built one year apart. They work from the same playbook and make shunting work look like it was choreographed ahead of time. Since they look so cute together with their similar but contrasting liveries, people assume they're "together" but it's more of an act for the visitors than anything. 1605 has designs on setting 4506 up with 92. He thinks the red and blue would look real cute together.
Imagine living in Ohio: SHRT 18 and CTUSU 19
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A pair from the (now defunct) Trolleyville museum who were then sold to the (also now defunct) Lake Shore Electric Railway in Cleveland, these two have been through a lot together! 19 in particular has a very interesting history that I think is ripe for characterization.
CTUSU 19 is a transplant, first built in 1914 by Brill and lived out his service live south of the border in Veracruz. This in itself would be enough for me, because I love the idea of a Mexican streetcar immigrating to Ohio, but it gets better! The JG Brill company only built 18 of this particular open car, so this one being numbered 19 is interesting in and of itself! The IRM website suggests that 19 was cobbled together out of spare parts from older or wrecked cars. I love this concept, I think the idea of a mysterious foreigner hiding his pedigree because of that unsavory little detail is fascinating. Of course, now it doesn't even matter because the IRM thrives on strange little misfits. Maybe 18 tries to convince him it's a good detail to share, but 19 is steadfast in preserving his mystique. Can't say I blame him.
Like Spitfire learning German for his bestie, I like to imagine 18 being a fluent Spanish-speaker in order to keep his bestie informed and engaged with the visitors, though I expect by now 19 is no slouch when it comes to speaking English, unlike some warplanes.
The Green Hornet: CTA 4391
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This little lady got a mention in the letters, so it's only natural that she's on the character roster as well. I'm particularly fond of the postwar PCCs for their gorgeous colors and elegant design, and when DJ suggested that she might make a good match for 40B given their shared even-tempered dispositions and desire for timely, sedate transit, I was 100% game. It's nice that they're both green, too!
There's a few others we're looking at characterizing in the future, including a sommelier car and his milk-carrying companion, and the remaining Oscar Meyer Reefer Cars, four of whom live at the IRM now but several of whom were traded in exchange for a CB&Q engine. More on that story another time, perhaps. Thanks for the ask!
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Joe Jusko
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tsvai · 1 year
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i... see.
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crown keepers my beloved. I have missed my precious idiots
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astercontrol · 1 month
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The treasury update on the "Mpls in 2073" Worldcon newsletter is something else, lol
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craft2eu · 2 years
ControVersia- Gabi Veit: München bis zum 15.04.2023
Gabi Veit stellt in diesem Frühling als “Portrait im Laden” des Bayerischen Kunstgewerbevereins in der Pacellistrasse aus. Sie titelt ihre Präsentation  herausfordernd “ControVersia” und ködert damit unsere Verwunderung. Was soll das ein? Die Südtirolerin, auch im Italienischen Zuhause, kredenzt uns (k)eine Kontroverse, (k)eine Streitigkeit? Unsere spontane Stutzigkeit hofft  wohlmöglich das…
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marxism-transgenderism · 10 months
I've mentioned this before but as I learn more about Indigenous history here I can't help but see more and more problems with how land acknowledgements are done. Like they're already bad cause they're so often simply a way for insititions to acknowledge that the land was stolen without actually doing anything to give the land back. But with that, they also create this false impression that only one Indigenous nation lived in any one area or state prior to colonization, isolated from the others.
Like I can't speak to other areas but here in what is now the "midwest" that is just laughably untrue. For one, trade links both between Indigenous people and with Europeans brought thousands of people together living in the same area. With that, the creation of the original 13 colonies sent dozens of Indigenous peoples fleeing their genocidal efforts westward. People like the Shawnee and the Lenape would settle alongside, intermarry, and trade with people who already lived here like the Miami and the Potawatomi. And far from some dystopic flood of peoples, the Indigenous nations here would build some of the most prosperous Indigenous communities that we have documentation of.
In Kekionga (what is now Fort Wayne, Indiana) Miami, Lenape, Shawnee, Kickapoo, Potawatomi, Odawa, Chippewa, and many others grew miles upon miles of crops which fed all. Incomprehensible amounts of high value trade goods from silver to dyed cloth to luxuries like cookware all flowed in in exchange for the furs Europeans sold back across the Atlantic. And it was far from an outlier. From the northern tip of Michigan to the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, these communities thrived even in the face of growing colonial threats.
And it was specifically because of this prosperity that Kentucky raiders to the south and large land speculators like George Washington back east so desperately wanted this land. Indeed when the US invaded this land in 1791 and 92, it was these communities which built a huge confederation which dealt the colonizers the largest defeat they would ever face at the hands of an Indigenous army (nearly 3x the number of American casualties as in Custer's famous defeat) led by the Miami Little Turtle, the Shawnee Blue Jacket, and the Lenape Buckongahelas.
And so, from what I have seen, when land acknowledgements are done here, this multicultural history is erased in favor of only mentioning the Miami. But of course they often make no mention of how the Miami Indians of Indiana are still fucking here and are fighting to regain their federal recognition that was illegally stripped from them in 1897. Or how they even have a gofundme you can donate to which helps to restore the facilities they currently have and pays for the attorney fees in their fight for recognition.
Instead, land acknowledgements made by institutions like Miami University in Ohio or by individuals at places like Indiana University only mention the Miami, or sometimes briefly also mention the Shawnee. Thus, even in an effort to acknowledge Indigenous history, they erase this multicultural history and sidestep the issue of actually supporting and returning land the the actual Indigenous people who still live here.
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bebemoon · 2 years
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vivienne westwood 'sun-wheel' gown, from 'dressing up' collection, autumn 1991-92, “voluminous cut, the white muslin stencilled and printed in red and silver with cherubs, with ruffle to neck edge, full sleeves, tie belt” .
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starrystevie · 2 years
obsessed with the idea that eddie is just dying to propose to steve. he’s thought about it since ‘87 when they moved in together for the first time, eating cold pizza on the only old ratty couch they could afford, sweaty and tired but home. in ‘92 when steve graduated with his education degree and already had an offer on the table from the local elementary school. in ‘01 when steve grinned over his shoulder with teary eyes at eddie as he held the newest member of the party in his arms with a flash of red hair peeking out over his elbow. 
eddie has wanted to drop down on one knee at some point every single day that they had been together. the sterling silver ring he bought a few months after they started dating had been burning a hole in his sock drawer or jacket pocket or guitar case or wherever else he thought it’d be safe. steve just had to flash him that smile and those eyes one time back in ‘86 after they had saved the world and he had eddie hook, line and sinker.
they had moved to boston in ‘94 to follow nancy and robin because of course they had, and it was in 2003 when eddie got his shot. there had been murmurings for weeks before it happened, newscasters and friends and random people in coffeeshops all seemed to talk about it possibly happening. eddie kept that little black box in his coat pocket everyday until it was announced just in case the perfect moment came. 
when it did, when the ruling was announced and steve turned to eddie with tears in his eyes and determination on his face, they both fell on one knee at the same time. it was like it happened in slow motion, eddie fumbling in his pocket as he bent down and steve mirroring his movements until they both were laughing wildly with out-stretched hands holding onto the small pieces of jewelry. 
“what the fuck, steve?!” eddie shouted through a laugh, the tears on his face a mix of elation and from laughing. “i’ve had this planned for years, don’t ruin it!” 
and steve looked back with a matching grin, wide and open and so full of joy that it blinded eddie. “and what do you think i’ve been doing, sitting on my ass just waiting for you?” he wiped at his face with the back of his hand and pushed out the ring the tiniest bit further. “i’ve had this thing for damn near 20 years!” 
it was perfect, it was messy and it was so intrinsically them to both have been planning to propose to each other only to end up doing it at the same time. eddie couldn’t even be mad that the speech he had memorized for years would go to waste. maybe he’d just repurpose it for his vows instead.
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unoriginalgangsta · 7 months
Stupid baby (I tried a new art program)
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deedee-sims · 5 months
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Hairs again (requests by anons)
Rosalie is TF-EF only.
6 natural colors, gray linked to black. Meshes and bodyshop swatches are included, enjoy! :)
Credits: Leahlilith, Microscotch, Platinumaspiration, Celestialspritz, Anto/Coolsims, Evoxyr, Minicule, Umi/Silver Leaves, Simgaroop
Download Leahlilith Rosalie (11.4K polys) - Alternate
Download Coolsims 92 (20.7K polys) - Alternate
Download Evoxyr Evangeline (12.6K polys) - Alternate
Download Anto Helium (15K polys) - Alternate
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kairiscorner · 1 year
i have a thing for 5 o'clock shadows babes, i'm admitting it now.
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
his five o'clock shadow. — miguel o'hara x reader imagine
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whenever you kiss miguel, it feels ticklish sometimes–a little prickly, a little tingly–but that isn't because you're getting first love jitters all over again kissing the love of your life... it's because miguel's forgot to shave yet again since he's been so busy saving the multiverse from possible, utter destruction. you don't mind that your beloved is preoccupied with saving innocent lives, you don't mind that he might not be as clean shaven as he used to be; you're okay with being the one tending to him and reminding him to do basic things sometimes, and you love it when you get to help him personally take care of himself–it's the best way you know how to love him and let him know you love him.
and sometimes, miguel's just so much hotter having the gray and slightly silver stubbles of a five o'clock shadow on his beautiful, chiseled cheeks, chin, and underneath his slightly pointed nose that sometimes would poke at you whenever he'd miss your lips when kissing you.
"lo siento, cariño–guess my beard's just really... hard to... tame." he said in a faltering whisper as he felt your warm palms rest on either sides of his face; his eyes gazing into your own, so lovingly that he can't bear to look away from you, can't help feel his face heat up so quickly as you giggle that bewitching laugh that makes him get even more flustered and excited–waiting for the feeling of finally locking lips with you. "i don't mind one bit, miggy." you reassure him with a raspy whisper as you smile and press your lips against his, taking him by part-surprise as he kissed you back and hummed in surprise. "you don't, mi vida?" "not one bit, mig. it's a sign of aging, which is... pretty hot, to me." you admitted all bashfully, with miguel chuckling and wrapping his arms around you waist and pulling you close again for another kiss. "then i guess i'll try growing a beard out for you, since you like seeing me all aged like fine wine, querida." you giggle as he smiles wider, him brushing his nose against yours all lovingly, you pecking a kiss on his nose as you hold his face in your hands again. "i'd love to see that, get tickled by you all over again when we kiss..."
a/n: ik that d*na d'*ng*l* said that in the '92 run, but it's more romantic here bc we are not her 🏃‍♀️💨💨💨
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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planesawesome · 3 months
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F-4J Phantom BuNo.155743 of Fighter Squadron 92 (VF-92 "Silver Kings" photographed aboard the USS CONSTELLATION (CV-64) on 9 December 1972. Note the crew is no longer aboard, courtesy of their Martin-Baker seats! The crew (Lt. J. R. Brooke & Lt. G. B. Bastian) was able to hook up the cable, but the plane at a certain point ‘swerved’ suddenly left to the left of the bridge. The two men were able to eject and were recovered shortly after an SH-3 Sea King, but the poor "Rhino" was hanged as a crooked painting until the return to the port of San Diego.
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twilghtkoo · 2 years
hiii can i request prompts 92 and 111?? :D tysm i love ur series
love foolish
pairings. haechan x (f) reader
genre. fluff if u squint, smut
warnings. gamer!haechan needs it's own warning, cum eating, face riding?, cunningulus, fingering, biting??? tit play kinda, a mortal kombat reference
prompts: #92 “you’re so dumb” and #111 “just let me beat this level and i swear i’ll give you the best orgasm ever”
prompt list | series masterlist | taglist
“hyuckie,” you call out to him. waiting for him to push one side of his headphones away from his ear. but he doesn’t hear you.
“hyuckie,” you repeat his name louder, dragging out the last vowel.
he whips his head to face you, pushing off the left ear, you giggle at his befuddled expression.
“i’m horny.” you whine out loud.
he smirks, turning back to face his screen but keeping his left ear open for you. it’s normal for you to occasionally want him while he’s sitting on his gaming chair, too occupied in whatever game he’s playing. but he never denies you, not when he sees you clenching your thighs together to barely relieve yourself. you’re not sure why you’re craving him right now, but you are.
“just let me beat this level, and i swear i’ll give you the best orgasm.” he promises you.
“uh… the fuck?” renjun speaks up, his voice only audible through haechan’s headphones.
which is why you were confused when haechan chuckled too himself, before saying ‘don’t worry about it.’ and you assumed he was online with one of his members. a look of determination on his face as he effortlessly continues with his game.
a triumphant smile stretched your lips, succeeding in grabbing your boyfriend’s attention. while he was busy fighting a character in his game, you were undressing yourself, tossing the discarded clothes on the floor at the foot of the bed.
you sprawled yourself on your bed, preparing yourself as if you were haechan's last meal on earth.
"alright renjun, i'm logging off. duty calls," he speaks into the mic, already closing out of some tabs and apps.
renjun lets out a huff. "don't care, bye."
with that, haechan chuckles before sliding off his headphones and putting them on the stand that you had bought him from the store. the amount of times he just leaves them on his keyboard bugged you.
when he turned around to face you, he did not expect for you to be full on naked. you lied on your back, the curves of your breast looked so perky and he so badly wanted to run his tongue all over you. your collarbones holding nothing as they made a dip into your skin. yet, the silver necklace with his initial on a small heart shaped pendant shimmers from the ambient lamp in the room. the way your legs looked so soft and smooth, and the way your thigh was hiding your center from his view made him feel stiff. he thinks if you heard the way he imagined you, as if he's describing a renaissance painting, you'd hide your face behind your hands and tell him he's lying. but you are truly so beautiful to him.
haechan is momentarily speechless. he eyes you up and down, open-mouthed.
the way he was staring at you had your cheeks warm up.
"can you stop staring and just come here?"
and he does just that, filling in the empty space between you two, remaining in his clothes.
"if you saw how i saw you in my eyes you'd stare too." he smirks, his eyes travel from your chest to your eyes, briefly stopping at the necklace before to your eyes. "so pretty." he whispers.
you tug at his hoodie, knowing he's wearing nothing under it. it was just something he threw on when he crawled out of your bed this morning. "take it off." you mumble.
you swallow involuntarily at the sight of haechan's toned chest.
"oh, fuck me."
haechan giggles shyly at your hushed comment, not paying his reaction any mind, you lean onto your elbows to place soft feather-like kisses along his stomach up to his chest.
he carefully leans back to give you room to sit up, haechan practically sitting on your lap, your hands brush up and down his abs before roaming towards his back, feeling the taut muscles.
he sighs above you, your kisses adventuring up to his face.
small, lingering smooches pressed gently on his jawline, then to the corner of his lips and to his mouth.
his tongue immediately darts out to dance with yours, you begin to push yourself onto him making his back hit the sheets. his palm smooths over the expanse of your ass.
with a moan you pull away as haechan pushes you onto your back, switching places, inserting himself between your thighs.
"fuck," haechan curses at the view of you below him. "i want to eat you out but i love your tits."
you giggle at his confession, his hands kneading your boobs roughly before he presses his face into the soft mounds of your breasts. his tongue swirling around on the perked buds. you run your hands through his fluffy hair, gasping when you feel his other free hand sneak in between your thighs. his finger tips barely grazing your glistening pussy.
"shit, you're wet." he sucks on your skin, continuing to play with your pussy, each touch making you whimper.
the pad of his middle finger runs over your clit and your hips buck into his hand. "mmm, gonna make you feel so good." he pokes his tongue out to run over the freshly made mark above your nipple.
you groan, "hyuck." not being able to withstand his teasing, needing more.
haechan's face leans up to your ear. "sit on my face." he pulls his hand away from your heat, plopping himself next to you and tapping your thigh.
"c'mere baby."
"hyuck, what if-"
his hand wraps itself around your arm as he pulls you towards him. "i'll be fine, promise. i just want you to sit that pretty pussy of yours on my face."
it's not his assuring words that pulls you to throw your leg over him, but haechan's dirty words that he easily spewed out his mouth.
with your leg threw over his body and pussy just above his face like he wanted, he doesn't let much time pass before his tongue dives in between your folds and your clutching onto your headboard. one of his hands are on your ass to spread you open for his delight and the other is exploring inside your aching pussy, coating his fingers with your juices.
"oh fuck!" you cursed, head tilt back.
"so fucking delicious," he murmured, voice low. "always so sweet."
his tongue circles your clit, waves of pleasure hit you throughout your entire body. your head hangs low, as you scream out praises, telling him how good he's making you feel.
your bottom lip is tugged between your teeth, the sloppy, wet noises of him eating you out is filthy, but watching his mouth do so makes you clench around his fingers.
haechan moaning against your pussy sends you closer to the edge.
"shit, i'm gonna cum." you whimper, your hips grinding desperately against his mouth, haechan lifts his hand and smacks your ass.
"god, you're so sexy." he groans against you.
"fuck, fuck, fuck!" you screamed.
you can feel him smirk underneath you.
"finish her!" haechan mocked, trying to imitate the godlike voice from mortal kombat.
"you're so dumb." you gritted through your teeth. of course, he uses a gaming reference while eating you out.
chuckling at how desperate you are to release yourself on his tongue. when his teeth run over your throbbing nub, you come undone, your eyebrows scrunch together as tears pool around your waterline. legs are shaking as you slowly rise yourself off of him, not missing how his fingers slid between your folds up and down.
"no," you whine, you turn around to find comfort in your boyfriend who's cheeks are a warm red, nose, lips, and chin glistening from your wetness.
"i love you." haechan kisses you, letting his lips linger on yours, tasting a bit of yourself.
"i love you- oh my god, it's all over your face." you point out, your hand coming up to hide your face. but he just grins, his tongue messily pokes out to get the rest of your juices, freezing as his eyes widened.
"wait, what time is it?" he asks eagerly.
you turn your body to grab your phone off the nightstand, tapping the screen to wake it up.
"almost five, why?"
"baby! we have dinner with doyoung and johnny in like thirty minutes." haechan lightly slaps your ass before he's running to the bathroom.
you just sit on your bed, your chest still heaving up and down from your orgasm, trying to recall if you had any planned events today.
oh crap, you did.
taglist @n0hyuck @matchahyuck @neosdaisy @m_1kaellUh @haesqt @waitcries send an ask or message to be removed! or fill out the google form to be added :D
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