#Sigle TV
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giapponetvb · 11 months ago
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robascoltayoutube · 2 years ago
Heather Parisi - "Crilù" [1984]
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pier-carlo-universe · 3 months ago
Grande successo per il concerto benefico “Sulle Note della Ricerca 6”. Raccolti 9.000 euro per sostenere la ricerca sui tumori del timo
Sabato 30 novembre, il Teatro Alessandrino ha ospitato la sesta edizione del concerto benefico “Sulle Note della Ricerca”, un evento che ha unito musica, solidarietà e speranza.
Sabato 30 novembre, il Teatro Alessandrino ha ospitato la sesta edizione del concerto benefico “Sulle Note della Ricerca”, un evento che ha unito musica, solidarietà e speranza. Organizzato dal FuckCancer Choir, il coro di Frascaro composto da pazienti oncologici, familiari e operatori sanitari, l’evento ha raccolto 9.000 euro destinati a TYME, il network clinico nazionale dedicato alla ricerca…
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persa-tra-i-miei-pensieri · 5 months ago
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🏴‍☠️ Il capitano Giorgio Vanni 🏴‍☠️
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kon-igi · 1 year ago
Ieri, oltre ad aver sistemato il problema al motore del mio fuoristrada appiccicando dello scotch davanti alla spia del guasto (si chiama Metodo Vorace Bestia Bugblatta di Traal), un tamblero ungherese mi ha suggerito di fare un upgrade e coprire i gemiti del motore ascoltando la musica a tutto volume (il mio motore emetteva gemiti? Non lo so... avevo la musica a tutto volume!)
Fatto sta che in un impeto di autolesionismo estremo, su youtube scelgo un collage della durata di 60 minuti - il tempo del viaggio di ritorno a casa senza fare i tornanti in derapata, sia mai che i gemiti del motore coprissero la musica - dicevo, un collage di tutte le sigle dei cartoni animati anni '70-'80, quindi Cristina D'Avena esclusa.
Ora, può darsi che i miei gusti musicali siano pessimi (lo sono) e che io abbia la sindrome di Munchausen a Stoccolma (mi avveleno da solo con cose che mi hanno reso psicodipendente da bambino) però è stato un viaggio davvero molto... istruttivo (che fatica non aver messo la D) perché mi sono reso conto che oggi i bambini non possono avere ciò di cui è stato fatto dono a chi guardava i cartoni animati sulle tv regionali.
Il trauma psicofisico di una violenza televisiva gratuita e improvvisa senza la minima censura o il minimo controllo della società.
E non sto parlando di Goku che frugava nelle mutande di Bulma chiedendosi cosa fosse quella cosa ma robe tipo Ninja Kamui, Kyashan o Judo Boy che AMMAZZAVANO DI BRUTTO LA GENTE CON TANTO DI TORTURA E SCHIZZI DI SANGUE.
Voglio dire, l'Uomo Tigre crepava di mazzate i suoi avversari ma non modello Goku Super Sayan AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!... una roba più tipo il poliziotto preso a rasoiate in Pulp Fiction
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E cosa dire di Bem il Mostro Umano?
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Cioè, non lo so... 'umano' perché lui dava solo bastonate, mentre i cattivi cavavano occhi, evisceravano pance e torturavano bambini. Letteralmente.
Ho in mente questa scena in cui Ninja Kamui sta meditando su un albero (?!) e a poca distanza da lui un brigante cattura una donna e le taglia la gola con un coltello... uno schizzo di sangue della vittima imbratta il volto del protagonista ma il narratore afferma subito che lo stato di meditazione del ninja era così profondo che lui non poteva accorgersene.
Avevo 9 anni.
In genere, però, anche nelle serie più kid-friendly c'era questo sottile filo di sado-masochismo per cui ok che il/la protagonista trionfava ma per riuscirci dovevano SOFFRIRE VISTOSAMENTE, preferibilmente assistendo alla morte atroce di parenti o amici di infanzia e subendo torture da Guantanamo (spesso autoinflitte, per quella storia di Nietzsche temo un po' sfuggita di mano al mangaka).
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Comunque - e qua so di citare un cosa praticamente irraggiungibile conoscitivamente dalla maggior parte di voi - la cosa che ancora adesso mi mette più angoscia è il ricordo di Madame Butterfly che durante gli allenamenti fa espodere con furia le palline da tennis contro al muro.
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Poi sono arrivati il MOIGE e il CODACONS, quindi ora i bambini vivono in uno stato di dissociazione mentale dovuto ai buchi di trama per i tagli censori e alle cugine assolutamente non lesbiche di Sailor Moon.
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dayslynthesix · 2 years ago
match point | jenson button x volleyball player!wife
for some dumb reason while i was watching the usopen i got this idea of jenson and here we are so lets goooo
ps: this is a agegap, jenson is 9 years older than the mais character and I made some adjustments to fit the character, all the team mentioned here do exist and are the ones i support in real life
2009, Monaco
It was my dad's favorite time of the year, the Monaco GP and the one and only that we always go to watch, since I was a child. I skipped class that week just to be there, and probably my volleyball couch would be very angry once i went back to college, but family traditions are here for something. My oldest brother, Jeremy, was very close friend to someone inside the Brown garage, so not only we were watching the grand prix but we were also watching the grand prix from the big tv inside the garage.
And Jenson Button, of course.
He was fighting for the championship, something no one thought Brown could do it, especially this year. Jenson and Jeremy were close in age and they had something in common, they really like to party, and that's how they became friends - and also how i got a crush on him.
Jenson won the Monaco grand prix, he was dripping champagne and sweat once my brother introduced us. We shaked hands and shared a polite smile, nothing more. He said hi to my dad and that's all. But he and my brother went partying together, that's for sure. And tomorrow my brother would brag about it, as he always did every once in a while when they went out.
After all, he was one of the Jenson Button friends.
2013, Italy
Main setter of the US national team.
Captain of the US national team.
Number 1 in the setters ranking.
Captain of VakifBank.
That's me. All me. I couldn't believe that i was here. Inside of a court. Playing pro. If you asked me how this happened, I wouldn't be able to answer. One day I was 7 playing beach volleyball with my friends and a few years later I was 23 playing pro in Turkey.
It was the finals of the European Championship, we were down 2-0, all they had to do was to win the current set, but we really wanted that title, and we were fighting for it.
We can do it. I know we can.
My dad's voice is echoing trough my mind. Play smart. Play safe. Don't risk. You can do it. Your team can do it. Trust them.
2x2 on sets.
We were goind the best of 5.
That title was ours. I had the best of the best. I trust my team. The title is ours.
I looked trough the court. I knew where they weren't defending. I knew those players.
I set the ball, my outside hitter put on the block.
I made the first touch.
The libero set to me.
That point was the 14x15 we needed.
Just one point.
We can do it.
We did it.
The court went insane. The cheering. The noise. The hugs. We did it. We won. We were European champions. I made it. I the middle of the noise, the crowd, the yellow jerseys I spotted my family, my mom, my dad, my brother. And him. Jenson was there too. He was there, he was wearing the jersey with my name and number.
Rossi. 1.
The award ceremony was always my favorite part of every competition. The warm. The love. The anticipation.
"And the MVP award is going home. Is going to Turkey, Yolanda Rossi, congratulations, you are the most valuable player on this tournament."
I don't know how I'm here today. I don't know what I did to deserve the blessing of be on court, doing what I love, with people that I love. But I was.
I don't remember how I ended up being held in the air, hugging Jenson Button himself, while he was wearing my name and my number. But i remember that day was the day that we finally had something in common. I remember how we talked about our lives, our family, about England, US, about formula one, volleyball, and I remembered the crush I used to have for him. And that he's an insanely good kisser. And that after that day, there wasn't one sigle day I wanted to spend without him.
2023, California
"We met in very different moments of our lives, Like, I was in college, Jenson was being champion that year. I was 19, I didn't knew shit of life, he was on the road far more time than I was. Looking back, it makes sense why we didn't get along in the beginning. 2009 was a very strange and very distant year. But when we met again in 2013, it was different, I mean, I was in a very different place, I was already in national team, playing pro, at that point, I was the best..."
"You're still the best." Jenson cut me halfway my sentence, taking a smile from the hosts of the podcast we were on.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm still the best... but like, 2013 made sense for us. I remember that final match when I saw him wearing that infamous yellow shirt with my name on it, one of my teammates at time had to hold me. And it sounds cliche, brother best friend and so, but I crushed him so hard and took him 4 years to notice."
"It didn't, I knew way sooner. The way you were looking at me on the Monaco podium? I knew it, babe, I always knew. But as you said, the first time it didn't make sense, but later i thought that, looking back, was the right moment, we didn't rushed things and they worked the way they should. Plus, your brother would kill me if I had asked you out in 2009."
"Yeah, he would, and at this point I wouldn't have a husband." The hosts just let us tell them the story. Asking questions once in a while, just letting us talk about it.
"Yolanda had for a very long time the most insane agenda. Like, the club season went from October to May, sort of, and than the national team season was about May to September, she was almost always on court, the free periods of time she had free was like, I don't know, once in a lifetime? And my agenda was also very messy, I was traveling around the world every week and when I was not I was in Turkey with her. At the same time she was a formula one master I was a volleyball master, I got myself thinking where the other team player was missing to defend a ball, how the block wasn't right and sometimes, during a grand prix, she was on the phone with my race engineer talking about strategy, thats why we worked so well together."
Jenson love to tell people about that, it happened twice but he was very proud about how those two times I made the right call.
"I thought about stopping after Rio Olympics, and I did, for a year and a half I was traveling with Jenson around the world, and it was magical, but I miss the court, and the game, and ny teammate so badly that i take myself out of retirement. Rio was the most amazing thing in my life, i achieved my goal, I was a gold medalist at an Olympics. I never thought I could do it twice you know? Winning the title is not impossible, but it is very difficult to hold the gold for the next Olympics."
The flashbacks from that day was on loop on my mind. That game was insane. That atmosphere were amazing. It was one of the best days of my life.
"She called me and she was like "I'm on the final" as if I didn't watched the game for the semifinal, the next thing I knew was McLaren very mad at me because I was going to the airport to see my girl play her first Olympics final, and once I got there, she was also mad at me because I was supposed to be on factory. I didn't care where I was supposed to be."
"He said that but he was also very mad because I lost a game to be there to his final race and imagine how surprised I was in 2017 whe he was racing in Monaco? But we made those sacrifices to be there for each other."
Our wedding was always on topic. Always.
"Yeah, my man of honor were Seb, Mark and Lewis. And Lan's friends kept looking at them with a very intrigued face, as my friends kept looking at that amout of volleyball players walking around. I think that at our wedding there was like 20 gold medals, or more, Lewis, Seb and I together we didn't have the amount of titles they had and that was insane."
"At the end of the night we were almost competitively showing our titles to them, especially Priya and Lewis, they were on each others neck about who was the most victorious and Priya would kill me if she listen to me saying that unfortunately for her, Lewis had more titles than her."
We took a break to have a coffee, take a few pictures, eat something and to finish the episode.
"Yeah, I'm retiring after Paris. I didn't think I was coming back for Tokyo but Karch called me and I went, it was worth the price, but I'm gonna be like 34 in Paris, and all the pre Olympics and VNL apart from the club season is taking the price very seriously, but after Paris I'm retiring, I have achieved all my goals, gold medal, won everything with my teams, world champion, like, I rather retire while I'm still considered the best than to put mediocre seasons in the future."
"She says that but she was on edge once I did that. But our bodies pay the price. Being a high level athlete is very expensive, the traveling, the training, the exhaustion, being away from home, our friends, family... it's difficult, I'll be there for her last set and I'll bring every friend of mine, Lewis said that he and Seb will also be there, and Mark is still believing that she's going to Australia 2028. And fun fact, every time she's at the paddock with me, the young drivers are surrounding her, like, yeah, I'm jealous."
We had amazing 10 years of just traveling around, playing and driving for a living and sharing more things that we could ever hope to. Jenson and I build a life together. We grew and learned things about love that I know I wouldn't lear from anyone in the world. A lifetime wasn't enough to the amount of happiness we share.
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, yrossibutton, aussiegrit and 987.354 others
jensonbutton were just going there to get married and we'll be back soon
yrossibutton cheers to miss and mister button (i still think jenson rossi-button would be insanely good)
jeremyrossi congrats to my favorite people
lewishamilton we still have more titles.
priyacaspari no, you dont
dahliabishop no, you don't
khill1 lol
august 13, 2017
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liked by jensonbutton, formulaone, volleybalnationsleague and 876.321 others
yrossibutton oops, we did it again. THANK YOU to my team, my coach, my family, my husband, my friends and all the support. after rio i find it very difficult to believe that i would be here again, but my people show me how wrong i was and it was a privilege to be on the highest spot on the podium with them one more time. congrats to the brazilian team, they did amazing during these olympics and im honored to play against them. thank you tokyo, you treated me very nicely and ill be forever grateful for these days.
jensonbutton insanely proud of you and the team. well done, girls, amazing volleyball as usual.
priyacaspari we did it! its a privilege to play with you
lewishamilton wow, two in a row? you're about to beat me
jeremyrossi my sister is a badass
maxverstappen1 number 1 for a reason
jensonbutton i know you're dying to make a comment about how the two of you are a perfect match, i know
yrossibutton yeah, i know it too, but maxie im already married
usavolleyball well done, girls. let's keep pushing.
august 8, 2021
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liked by vakifbank, jensonbutton, gg10, usavolleyball and others 678.877 others
yrossibutton last ride with this team couldn't be different. im wearing yellow and black for the past 8 seasons in my pro life, it was a great last ride. thank you turkey, im forever grateful for all those 10 years, thank you girls, i love all and each one of you. gabi, i know you'll be the most amazing captain this team could ask for, it was a pleasure to see you grow and become the amazing player you are. see you all outside the court.
vakifbank thank you, Yolanda. you are the best.
gabiguimaraes10 thank you! it was a honor all those years.
jensonbutton you did amazing, bae
maxverstappen1 i mean...
april 4, 2024
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liked by parisolympics2024, priyacaspari, jensonbutton, lewishamilton and 1M others
yrossibutton three in a row. wow. i dont even know where to start. the first time i put these colors on i was 22, i wear them for 12 years, i won and i lose with them. i was very happy and very disappointed too. 2016 was dream coming true. just to be there and play an olympics i was happy, and we won. 2021 was the "i made it", it was a dream i didn't knew i had it. that gold medal is more than i could have ever expected. this one i have no words to describe. i don't know what im feeling while i hold this medal. or how to say goodbye, but thats it, 12 years later and im resting that shirt, resting the captains belt and saying goodbye to the most memorable career i could ever dream about it. thank you, paris, you'll be forever in my dreams. thank you, girls, you deserved it. to priya and dahlia who are here since 2016, it was an honor and a pleasure to play with you and share more than the court with the two of you. thank you. thank you. thank you.
lewishamilton congrats yoyo, you deserved every second of that, im very proud of you
jensonbutton forever my number 1.
priyacaspari i love you, i love every second of the time we share in this sport
dahliabishop it was meant to be us against the world
gabiguimaraes10 congrats, yolanda. it was a pleasure to play with you and to watch you play. thank you for everything you did. you're a legend.
august 10, 2024
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liked by formulaone, yrossibutton, lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, dahliabishop and 788.988 others
jensonbutton longest pitstop ever.
charles_leclerc ferrari could say that
lewishamilton congrats to my favorite godson, both of your parents are world champion
sebastianbettel congratulations J and Yoyo, you'll be amazing parents.
dahliabishop this child will be surrounded by 3 different sports, make the beats of witch one they'll choose
jeremyrossi tennis, obviously, they uncle have 12 grand slams under the belt
maxverstappen1 they godson have 17 world championships
yrossibutton what kinda of math is that
maxverstappen1 i have 3, lewis have 8, charles has 3, sebs 4, so...
priyacaspari each of us have 3 gold olympic medals, 1 world championship, 3 club world championships and god know how manny leagues
january 14, 2025
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liked by mercedesamgf1, formulaone, lewishamilton, jensonbutton, vnl, priyacaspari, dahliabishop and 989.087 others
yrossibutton welcome to the team elise rose rossi-button, know that whatever tennis, volleyball or formula one you choose you be forever loved.
jensonbutton im the most lucky man in the world.
lewishamilton welcome little lis, we already love you more than you know
priyacaspari youll be an amazing outside hitter, i know that
jeremyrossi i just know youll break all the records
maxverstappen1 next redbull driver
charles_leclerc no
yrossibutton LOL not a chance
jensonbutton kids... no fighting (she's not choosing ferrari)
charles_leclerc i won with ferrari, 3 times ok?
maxverstappen1 after 5 years of suffering, she doesn't deserve this fate
july 14, 2025
i didn't liked this one at first but at the end i still don't know if i do but i hope you enjoy it
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corinneecrivaine · 2 years ago
Willow TV Show fanfiction story
Part 8
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Le roi Hastur faisait les 100 pas dans la salle du trône. Préoccupé. Comment ? Quel plan allait-il pouvoir mettre en place afin de répondre aux attentes du Wyrm, lui apporter Willow et Elora ?
Lorsqu’un garde entra, affolé, essoufflé, impossible de s’exprimer clairement : Mon Seigneur…. Je…. Il… Le… Prrrrr…
Hastur s’énerva : Parle !!!!!! Où je te mets aux fers !!!!!!
Le jeune garde n’eut pas le temps de s’expliquer que les portes de la salle du trône s’ouvrirent brutalement, ébranlées par une violente bourrasque. Deux êtres entrèrent.
Le roi reconnut la voix masculine et se retourna aussitôt.
Graydon : Bonjour père.
A la vue de son fils, se tenant devant lui, Zivian, fut stupéfié. Il prit quelques secondes avant de pouvoir répondre.
Hastur : Tu es mort !!!!
Graydon : Ho non je suis bien vivant, père, et plus puissant que jamais.
Son fils n’était plus le même. D’une personne effacée, manquant entièrement de courage et de confiance, Zivian avait devant lui, un être au regard obscur et maléfique. Tout vêtu de noir, les cheveux en arrière. Graydon portait un tallcoat gothique brodé avec des soieries, le col relevé, un gilet de satin noir et une chemise rouge sang. Des boutons dorés représentaient le sigle du Wyrm. Un pantalon de cuir noir, des bottes jusqu’aux genoux.
A ses côtés, Dark Elora, aux cheveux courts, oranges, vêtue d’une combinaison de cuir, noire, échancrée, ajustée, dessinant parfaitement les courbes de son corps. Elle avait le regard sombre, pernicieux, tout indiquait dans ses yeux, la froideur, le désespoir, les ténèbres et la haine.
Hastur : Non. Tu n’es pas mon...
Graydon : C’est ainsi, que vous accueillez le retour de votre fils. Ne suis-je pas devenu ce que vous vouliez que je sois !!!!!
Hastur : Ce que je voulais de toi, c’est que tu me donnes un héritier à Tir Asleen afin de me rendre ce que tu m’as enlevé !!!!!
Le rire sarcastique de Grayon raisonna dans la salle du trône, glaçant l’atmosphère et figeant de terreur le roi.
Graydon : Dermot, le fils prodige, l’héritier du trône, celui qui était voué à gouverner Galladoorn et Tir Asleen.
Graydon s’écria : Ce n’était qu’un faible !!!! Refusant les combats et les armes !!!!
Il s’exprimait avec un sourire diabolique : Ce fut si facile pour moi de le balancer de l’arbre. J’ai utilisé sa faiblesse, la confiance qu’il avait en moi.
Zivian ne put contenir sa colère et se jeta sur son fils afin de le frapper mais Graydon le propulsa contre le siège du trône, d’un éclaire rouge surgissant de sa main. Hastur s’écroula. Grayon se rapprocha de lui.
Graydon : Toute ma vie vous n’avez fait que me discréditer, m’humilier. Je n’étais pas le fils digne de porter le nom des Hastur. Je n’étais qu’une honte pour vous. Regardez-moi !!!
Il prit le visage de son père entre ses mains l’obligeant à le fixer droit dans les yeux et s’écria : Regardez-moi !!!! Je suis le résultat de vos attentes !!!!
A ce moment là, la reine Arianna, informée du retour de son fils, entra dans la salle.
Arianna : Graydon, mon fils, vous êtes vivant.
Heureuse de le retrouver, elle accourut vers lui.
Surpris, Graydon eut un geste d’hésitation et laissa sa mère le prendre dans ses bras. Mais Dark Elora, s’apercevant du changement, s’adressa aussitôt au jeune homme.
Dark Elora : Graydon, reste à mes côtés. Comment peux-tu oublier ce qu’ils t’ont fait ! Le sacrifice de ton corps, de ton âme !
La rage, la colère l’envahirent de nouveau et il repoussa sa mère toute affolée.
Arianna s’adressa à Dark Elora : Qui êtes-vous, qu’avez-vous fait à mon fils !
Dark Elora : Je suis… Votre impératrice Elora Danan (dit-elle sur un ton sarcastique) Votre fils s’est juste libéré de toutes ses peurs, il a tout simplement compris qui il pouvait être réellement. Je n’ai fait que terminer ce que vous aviez commencé à sa naissance.
Arianna, interloquée, perdue : Vous… Elora Danan… L’impératrice !!! De quoi parlez-vous !
Dark Elora s’adressa à Zivian : Vous ne lui avait rien dit, mon roi.
Hastur : Vous n’êtes pas Elora Danan.
Graydon : Mère, laissez-moi vous raconter.
Il existe dans les catacombes de notre château, une pièce dédiée aux sacrifices de l’Ordre du Wyrm. Le jour de ma naissance, mon cher père, me mena en ce lieu et me posa sur un temple de pierre. Des prêtres, 6 en tout, cachés sous leurs tuniques à capuche gris anthracite, l’un d’eux me déposa dans un baptistère rempli du vermiscus et commença une incantation en Pnakotic. Ce fut ainsi, tous les ans, à la date de ma naissance, je subissais ce rituel ignoble.
Lorsque j’atteignis l’âge de 10 ans, ce que père me fit subir fut un véritable calvaire. Régulièrement il me mena dans cette pièce aux supplices, enchaîné sur cette dalle des tortures, bâillonné afin de ne pas être entendu, les prêtres marquèrent mon torse des incantations inscrites dans le Malatrium tout en les fredonnant à haute voix.
Je suppliais père d’arrêter tout cela. Je pleurais. Je me mettais à genoux. Mais il ne m’écoutait pas. Il me traitait telle une offrande.
Les soirs, seul, dans ma chambre, j’implorais la mort de venir me chercher pour mettre un terme à toute cette abomination. J’étais sujet à des visions me représentant comme une personne démoniaque, assassin, voire diabolique. La seule force qui m’a permis de tenir fut votre amour, mère. Cet amour que vous me procuriez chaque jour. Je ne savais plus qui j’étais. Je sentais ce pouvoir, cette force grandir en moi. Me rendre invulnérable, puissant.
Puis vint cet instant maudit, où je poussai mon frère de cet arbre. Ce jour où je ressenti toute cette force et cette satisfaction de mon geste. Ce jour où je n’eus aucun remords.
Ce jour là, père me mena pour la dernière fois dans cet enfer. Il expliqua aux prêtes ce que je venais de faire subir à mon frère. De nouveau, enchaîné, bâillonné. Cette fois-ci, les prêtes firent une incantation afin de mettre en sommeil toute cette puissance qui grandissait en moi.
Mais lorsque je fut contaminé par le Lich et que Willow et Elora utilisèrent le Malatrium pour me libérer, des flashs de ces instants de tortures me virent à l’esprit. Je mettais cela sur la peur, le manque de courage, le faible que j’étais. Tout au long de cette quête pour sauver le prince, j’écoutais les enseignements de Willow à Elora. J’apprenais. Petit à petit je sentais toute cette magie s’éveiller, m’enivrer d’un intense pouvoir. Lors de mon sacrifice pour sauver Elora…
Dark Elora : L’autre Elora, la gentille pas moi.
Graydon : Tout me revint, tout ce que père m’avait fait subir. Tous ces cauchemars n’étaient en fait que mon passé. Un passé dissimulé par la magie mais que le Wyrm avait enfin libéré. Je compris qui j’étais réellement. Le Wyrm m’avais libéré de toutes mes peurs et croyances. Toute une vie de mensonge. Il me permit de découvrir ma nouvelle vérité. Mes peurs et les choix que j’avais faits.
Arianna était toute abasourdie par ses révélations : Zivian, je t’en prie, dis-moi que c’est faux.
Hastur : Tout ce que j’ai fait, je l’ai fait pour notre famille !!!!
Graydon : Faux !!!! Vous ne l’avez fait que pour le pouvoir. Vous êtes tellement assoiffé de pouvoir que vous n’avez pas hésité à vendre vos fils !!!!!
Dans sa fureur, Graydon attaqua son père avec des éclairs sortis de ses mains. Voyant son mari se faire torturer par son fils et toute cette animosité qui vibrait dans le regard du jeune prince, Arianna essaya de le ramener à la raison.
Arianna : Graydon, je t’en prie !!!! Arrête !!!!
Mais il ne l’écoutait pas.
Elle radoucit le ton de sa voix : Graydon, mon fils, je t’en prie.
Le jeune prince se retourna, vit le visage apeuré de sa mère et laissa son père, à moitié abattu par la force de frappe qu’il venait de subir. Le roi trouva la force pour appeler les gardes.
Hastur : Gardes !!!! A l’aide !!!!
D’un simple geste, Dark Elora, fit apparaître the Scourge, the Doom and the Lich accompagnés des Death dogs.
Les gardes entrèrent, un combat s’amorça contre les sbires d’Elora. Un affrontement meurtrier et épouvantable. Chacun des chevaliers de la garde périssaient sous les armes des Gales et les attaques des Death dogs. Les cadavres jonchaient le sol de la salle du trône. Des corps transpercés, déchiquetés, démembrés, décapités, le sang des morts s’écoulait sur le sol. Cet affrontement vit la défaite des chevaliers de Galladoorn et la victoire des Gales.
Graydon : Seriez-vous prêt à sacrifier tous vos hommes.
Zivian resta silencieux.
Graydon : Je te laisse la vie sauve, pour l’instant. Ramènes-nous le sorcier et l’Impératrice et je déciderai de ton sort. Désormais Galladoorn m’appartient.
Assis sur le trône de Galladoorn, Graydon se concentrait, les yeux fermés, ralentissant sa respiration. D’un seul coup il les ouvrit, brusquement et prononça le nom d’Elora.
Au même instant, la jeune impératrice, aux côtés de Willow pour parfaire son entraînement à la magie, eut la vison du visage de Graydon et tomba, déstabilisée.
Elora : Graydon.
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firewalksbymyside · 1 year ago
La notte abbracciati, la colazione e la Gazzetta, il Comicon, uno spritz, il concerto delle sigle dei cartoni animati, uno spaghetto veloce, Montalbano alla tv, le sue mani nelle mie mutandine.
Una domenica perfetta.
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cffabioblog · 2 years ago
Turning Red Characters visits The Prado Del Rey Studios...
Image ref. (© RTVE AND Google)
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Note: Reference to Prado Del Rey:  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prado_de… With Ocation of the premiere of the film, Mei and her friends (Miriam, Abby, Priya and Tyler),visits the most great Animation and Televisión Studios, The Production Centre of Radio, Film, Animation And Televisión, Sigle CPdRCATV) in Prado Del Rey, comunne of Vitacura. Here,in a sketches series, here, at the one of the doors to the Famous "Studio 1, Dir. Narciso IbáñezSerrador",  view yes comes an a famous character or TV Star for disturb.
2.- In front of 4K/8K Mobile Unit, how a panda form. 3.- Miriam advents to Mei for the precense of her mother (Ming, very angry) at inside of The Famous Studio 1. 4.- They in front a famous Maple of the old TV Cadanian Animated Series Carl Squared ofCarl2, front of the entrace of the Studios, or building of Prado Del Rey. The image scaaanp
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Various TV Cameras Are Model SONY/PIXAR CC5Plus 8K
Copyrights Prado Del rey© Corporación De Radio Televisión Española, RTVE. All Rights Reserved. Turning Red Characters© Pixar / Domee Shi. All Rights Reserved.
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gonagaiworld · 12 days ago
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Twins Hinahima: l’anime realizzato con l'IA di KaKa Creation e Frontier Works debutterà in TV il 29 marzo Svelate anche staff, cast e sigle. Read more:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/twins-hinahima-lanime-realizzato-con-lia-di-kaka-creation-e-frontier-works-debuttera-in-tv-il-29-marzo/?feed_id=20557&_unique_id=67c3298792a0d #Intelligenzaartficiale #TwinsHinahima
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missnikitadj · 5 months ago
SIGLE TV (Morositas, Tabù, Kinder Colazione Più, Super Classifica Show) ...
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latechlatam · 6 months ago
Llegó Bolt AX1800 a Ecuador, el nuevo Mesh con Wi-Fi 6 de Nexxt Home
El fabricante de soluciones de conectividad y domótica anunció el lanzamiento y la disponibilidad en el país de su nuevo sistema modular Mesh con tecnología Wi-Fi 6.
Se trata del modelo Bolt AX1800 que brinda altas velocidades de transferencias de datos y es capaz de ofrecer conectividad eficiente en todos los rincones del hogar y la oficina, permitiendo conectar más dispositivos de manera simultánea.
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Nexxt Solutions Home anunció el lanzamiento y la llegada a Ecuador de Bolt AX1800 (NCM-X1800 2PK), su nuevo sistema modular Mesh que integra tecnología inalámbrica Wi-Fi 6 y garantiza una amplia cobertura inalámbrica para extensas superficies en hogares y lugares de trabajo.
"La tecnología Wi-Fi Mesh está compuesta por múltiples nodos que permiten un gran alcance y aseguran que la señal llegue de manera sólida a cada rincón del hogar o la oficina. De esta manera, se eliminan los puntos muertos y la red inalámbrica goza de una señal ultrarrápida, estable y segura", explicó Cristhian Leal, Gerente de Territorio para Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela de Nexxt Solutions Home. Y destacó: "Nuestro nuevo sistema Bolt AX1800 brinda una velocidad de hasta 1201 Mbps en la banda de 5,0 GHz y de 574 Mbps en la de 2,4 GHz. Además, es una solución más abarcativa que un router y/o un extensor, especialmente en casas de grandes superficies, con más de una planta o con paredes gruesas que dificultan la cobertura de la red de un router convencional. Su combinación de las tecnologías Mesh y Wi-Fi 6 es una solución ideal en un contexto en el que, como producto del teletrabajo, el aprendizaje remoto y la difusión de los servicios de streaming, la conectividad simultánea de dispositivos en el hogar creció más que nunca".
"Según datos de Statista, el número de hogares inteligentes (smart homes) existentes a nivel mundial ha presentado un incremento constante entre 2017 y hasta 2023, situándose por encima de los 300 millones en ese último año. Asimismo, prevé que esta tendencia se mantenga también durante el próximo lustro, hasta el punto de que esta cifra podría duplicarse de cara a 2028. En la actualidad, con el auge de la Internet de las Cosas (IoT, por sus sigles en inglés), los hogares cuentan con un número creciente de dispositivos conectados a internet de forma simultánea, como notebooks y smartphones, pero también de TVs y hasta electrodomésticos y diferentes sensores, entre otros, lo que impacta negativamente en la eficiencia de la red Wi-Fi", indicó Cristhian Leal. Y afirmó: "En ese sentido, Wi-Fi 6 es un protocolo de comunicación inalámbrica de alta eficiencia diseñado específicamente para administrar mejor las redes de hogares inteligentes".
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"Nuestro Bolt AX1800 fue diseñado para integrarse perfectamente al hogar y para una implementación flexible en lugares de difícil acceso, ya que solo requiere enchufar cada nodo a la red eléctrica. El sistema Mesh Bolt-AX1800 también ofrece baja latencia para gaming y control por voz compatible con Alexa, Google Home y Siri. Además, es fácil de configurar y permite un control total de sus características mediante la aplicación móvil Nexxt Home, la cual permite crear una red independiente para invitados y administrar el control parental", Sostuvo Leal. Y concluyó: "Es Compatible con OFDMA y MU-MIMO, y viene con dos nodos, lo que le permite brindar una cobertura de 344 metros cuadrados y conectar simultáneamente hasta 250 dispositivos inalámbricos, streamers 4K y consolas de videojuegos. Por otra parte, los nodos también incorporan tres puertos LAN para conexiones cableadas Ethernet. Permiten conectar dispositivos cableados a velocidad Gigabit (1000 Mbps), lo que garantiza un tráfico de datos 10 veces más rápido que los tradicionales enlaces de 100 Mbps".
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Claves del sistema inalámbrico Mesh Bolt AX1800 de Nexxt Home
Modelo: NCM-X1800 2 PK
Mbps: 1800Mps
Velocidades de doble banda: AX1800
Número de antenas por nodo: 4 internas
Bandas: 5,0 GHZ y 2,4 GHz
Seguridad criptográfica: Sí
Control de voz: Sí
Material: Plástico ABS
Garantía: 2 años
Principales características
Cuenta con tecnología Wi-Fi 6 ultrarrápida (AX1800)
Cubre todos los rincones de tu casa con una red Mesh*
Cobertura de hasta 344 m2
Puede conectar hasta 250 dispositivos
Los puertos GB permiten una velocidad de descarga de hasta 1.800 Mbps
Mejora el gaming reduciendo la latencia
Manejo sencillo con la aplicación Nexxt Home
Control parental y red para invitados
Funciona también como router
Criptografía WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK y WPA3
Videos del sistema Mesh Nexxt Home Bolt AX1800
Cómo instalar el sistema Bolt AX1800 y conectarlo a la aplicación Nexxt Home: " target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DVdQioFfZWxQ&source=gmail&ust=1726836605863000&usg=AOvVaw1Xj6FXVQhk-Tq1ATQIXnT4" class="c13">https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=VdQioFfZWxQ
Cómo agregar un nodo físicamente a la red del Bolt AX1800: " target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v%3DrPwvmo4SKlw&source=gmail&ust=1726836605863000&usg=AOvVaw1LTc5TABssSHRyI4vH3xzL" class="c13">https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=rPwvmo4SKlw
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antennaweb · 9 months ago
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Miwa e i suoi componenti 🎷🕸️🎸
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schiusuramentale · 10 months ago
Dio caro che urto quando le sigle delle serie tv/anime fanno spoiler
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Cuccarini entra in scena ballando anche con Fiorello-Franjo
Un ingresso in scena spettacolare a passi di danza per Lorella Cuccarini, co-conduttrice della quarta serata del Festival, che inizia a ballare davanti al teatro Ariston, accanto ad una giovane ballerina piena di sogni che guardava Pippo Baudo in tv, prima di entrare con il corpo di ballo nel foyer dell’Ariston e salire sul palco sulle note delle grandi sigle di varietà.     Quando si passa da La…
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