#Sidekicks of Skyrim
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dynamite124 · 1 month ago
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Can't convince me otherwise.
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nighting-crow · 3 months ago
Me, starting another Skyrim play through with mostly follower mods: What could go wrong?
What went wrong:
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classicteacup · 1 year ago
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them :-P
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rabbittwinrithings · 1 month ago
Okay, Context time!
Context for this post: https://www.tumblr.com/rabbittwinrithings/767780169766322176/oh-dear-oh-no-i-tripped-and-fell-and?source=share
Pulling the band aid off, I drew this during the time I was Brainstorming/writing Vigilant dialogue for the SOT followers.
With this post I do have a disclaimer that all of this will never come to SOT since I have stepped away. None of this stuff was ever finalized (writing was also in first draft phase,) especially act 4 stuff as I was speaking with some VAs to make sure the contents were alright with them. I know Vigilant is a taxing story, and to build reactions to it would take a lot of work to make sure everyone involved was comfortable with the content the included. So yea, none of this is canon. (Also, poor Gabrielle is missing her thy, thee, etc, for first draft reasons. Tragic.)
(PS. sorry if I get details or events wrong, I haven't played this mod in a hot minute and may misinterpret my own notes on when things take place.)
With all that said, spoilers below for the mod, Vigilant (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11849)
Long post starting now!
The Vigilant reactions involved dialogue not only by each SOT follower (Khash, Caryalind, Varrick, Disnel, and Gabrielle,) but also dialogue with one another. Though I only wrote Act 1, I tried to write dialogue that was pretty dynamic so if you didn't have one or two of the group, the others would still hold conversations over the varying subjects with one another. But, the best way to play it would have been with all of them.
Each follower had their own thoughts upon joining the Vigilants. For example,
Khash: Was very excited. To fight daedra and all. Sounded really cool to her.
Caryalind: As well enjoyed the idea. He brings up the Vigilants in the summerset isles and what good work they were doing.
Disnel: Doesn't really know the Vigilants, but the idea of them interested her.
Gabrielle: Found them noble enough. She has a history of aiding them, and this felt no different.
Varrick: Is where the joining took a turn. He even has a conversation with the player about if he should be worried about getting a knife in the back. During the whole first Act, Varrick would be a character who worries about his safety amongst the Vigilants, and talks shit from time to time.
This quest would also mark the tension between Varrick and Gabrielle. (Scene belows take place inside the Vigilant's HQ)
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Gabrielle also was very cautious of Khash's saftey. She knows what Daedra would be like and wants to make sure she is safe.
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Some additional dialogue I like after finding and fighting the vampire who tried to lure you in by talking about "her sweetrolls."
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Cary also caring for Khash:
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Once far enough into the Act, Gabrielle would bring up concerns with the player:
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There was also a legend in development to keep track of the player's choices in this dialogue:
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Then a conversation with Khash:
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That's a lot of player conversations. But Gabrielle and Varrick still butted heads.
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They also all say "Fuck Windhelm!"
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In Riften there is a conversation about the mess in the sewers. However, I didn't really post it here as it's basically everyone being horrified and the DB can tell them about their vision or not.
Varrick being there for Jacob during the trek under the Vigilant tower:
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Everyone take care of the scared daughter:
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Another Varrick conversation regarding the "witches:"
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Fighting Altano:
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More fun freak outs!
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PSA: Don't bring your lizard daughter on this quest:
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More conversations
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By the end of Act 1, each companion gets there own prophecy from Molag Bal
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Each companion would have conversations with the player to discuss these prophecies they heard in their head. Below are just fragments.
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So this marks the end of Act 1 and everything that I had written for the reactions.
I had a feeling Act 2 wasn't going to be as extensive. Just them reacting to the vampire stuff. However, there would be a bigger focus on Caryalind for... reasons...
Act 3 was where things were gonna be easy, but go downhill.
At the start of Act 3, the Player goes to the manor, but the companions are said to have to stay outside as they are not officially Vigilants of Stendarr. Sadly, when the player enters the manor, they hear the screams of their companions and friends through the door they just walked through. Act 3 then continues on like normal.
Okay! That is the end of this post. HOWEVER, I will be posting how ACT 4 goes tomorrow in a separate post as I hit the image limit and have some screenshots of stuff I said during brainstorming on Discord. Trust me, it will be more in depth than Act 2 and 3 as I had a ton of plans for Act 4. Just didn't have exact lines like Act 1. So, keep an eye out for the final part of this post tomorrow!
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jenivere2 · 1 year ago
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little prince
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dragonheartwolf · 1 year ago
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Varrick and Cary busts :D
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auntphibian · 1 year ago
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Caryalind Thallery The Aldmeri Prince
One of the skyrim sidekicks my sister made. I'm so insanely impressed by what she comes up with. It's just amazing to see the things she creates, I'm so proud of her.
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peachyhoneyadventures · 1 year ago
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Got bored so I decided to sketch some hunky sleepy dudes
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leopardmuffinxo · 2 years ago
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Here to tell me how amazing I am?
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gate-of-the-archer · 1 year ago
has anyone considered the amount of angst one could stir up if we took the followers and then threw them into a big boiling pot of a zombie apocalypse. Trying to figure out who would get bit first because we do have some pathetic wet socks in the group but also idiots who would throw themselves at a horde so the others could get away.
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dynamite124 · 1 year ago
Suppose that Caryalind is traveling with the PC when the two of them find Taliesin. Would Tally be as quick to trust either of them as he does the PC alone? How much does he know about Cary?
Caryalind's presence might have Taliesin suspicious at first. He's yet to meet someone who's just as much done with the Thalmor as he is, so he would probably assume Caryalind was sent undercover by his father to weed out naysayers. But Caryalind's ambition and lack of combat prowess would ease Taliesin's nerves and he'd loosen up around the Prince.
As far as how much Taliesin would know about Caryalind; Taliesin would know who Caryalind is and has probably seen him but never had the opportunity to formally introduce himself. Depending on if Caryalind took it upon himself to know members of his father's regime, Caryalind could possibly know Taliesin's real name as well as what Taliesin has accomplished while in the Thalmor.
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nighting-crow · 17 days ago
Being in multiple fandoms got me imagining Skyrim Modded Followers to the Queen's Fight from Six the Musical but it's them talking about their trauma and backstories.
I dont know who would be who...but I just see Gabrielle crashing out as Jane Seymour's "Oh Boohoo! Baby Mary had the chicken pox and you didn't get to hold her hand? You know it's funny, cause when I wanted to hold MY newborn son I DIED!"
Maybe she says it about how Val when he escaped jail he was essentially stuck on an island with no way back after his crew mutinied (is that the word? Idk) and was only freed when the ldb rescued him.
Or, even funnier to me, it's to Kaidan. Him talking about how he his love at the time (Blooded Dawn) nearly killed him because Kaidan turned away from Dagon.
But Lucien 100% is "Guys I have the plague!!!" "Lol just kidding my life's amazing"
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classicteacup · 1 year ago
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those little creatures that lives on Nirn
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rabbittwinrithings · 1 year ago
New Follower Title Cards Used In Their Descriptions
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These four sidekicks now have new looks to their mod descriptions! Real happy with how they all turned out!
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belladonnaisrunning · 2 years ago
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got off my lazy ass and finally put this in a replacer for all to use
uses high poly head and bnp skin (altmer) and tries to stay true to the og design
thank you rabbittwinri for creating this silly little guy
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reagan-the-saunders · 1 year ago
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| Two Lovely Elves
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