#Sick Wonwoo
fairyniceyeah · 16 hours
💎 I love my team, I love my crew (Part 7/7)
Title from Super (SEVENTEEN)
Summary: The decision is made. And, consequently, Jeonghan falls apart.
CW: emeto, mentions of diarrhea in the context of illness, fevers, IVs
Sickies: S.Coups/Seungcheol + Woozi/Jihoon + Wonwoo + Jeonghan Caretakers: Dino + Jun + Jeonghan + Hoshi/Soonyoung
Dino had found the medic easily enough, tending to the poor noona who had made the juk with Mingyu earlier. When he heard about Seungcheol’s condition he jumped up, agreeing it was the right decision.
What Dino had not anticipated was to run into Jun on the way back, who recoiled when he saw them.
“What happened?”, he asked.
“Hyung’s fever isn’t going down and he is refusing to eat”, Dino explained, “he needs an IV.”
Jun mumbled what sounded suspiciously like a curse in Mandarin. “Jihoonie has thrown up everything he’s eaten. I came to ask about the IV as well.” 
Dino didn’t understand why he was so worried. It wasn’t like they didn’t have medication. In fact they had a whole medic right with them.
“Do you think there is a way he doesn’t need it?”, Jun questioned. Dino frowned.
“No. He’s burning up, hyung. We need to get his fever down. What’s the problem? You make it sound like hyung shouldn’t get an IV.”
Jun ran his hand through his hair, looking stressed and finally he said, voice trembling: “I wish I didn’t have to tell you, baby. The thing is: We only have one IV available now. An antiemetic. Cheollie needs it so he can try to eat a bit and take an oral fever reducer. But Jihoon needs it too because he can’t keep anything down. He even fainted earlier.”
Dino felt tears run down his cheeks before he knew it. “What do we do, hyung?”, he asked shakily. 
“I don’t know. Let’s talk to Jeonghannie-hyung.”
If Dino had thought that Jun looked exhausted, Jeonghan was much worse. He looked like he would rather cry than make a decision and the few minutes Dino had been gone had seemingly aged him. He looked so drained and tired. Dino wished he could help them better. 
“Wha…? Jihoonie?”, Jeonghan asked as they entered. Jun nodded.
“He threw up again and fainted.”
“Damn.” Jeonghan’s voice broke on the word and he ran his hand over his face, wiping at tears he refused to let fall. 
“I don’t know what to do with Cheollie. If he can’t eat due to the nausea he can’t take a fever reducer and while his temperature has gone down a bit with the shower I don’t doubt it will rise again.”
Seungcheol chose that moment to wake up again, turning to his side and staring at them with glassy eyes. Then his attention went to Jeonghan and even despite his own state he seemed to know that Jeonghan was not doing well. It was beautiful to see the close friendship between their oldest hyungs. 
“Hannie?”, Seungcheol rasped and reached out to him. “Why are you crying?”
He seemed much more conscious than earlier, causing Jeonghan to smile at him.
“I’m really worried about you, ddadu”, he explained, “you’re really sick.”
Seungcheol nodded. “I feel bad. How are the others?”
It was the most Seungcheol he had sounded since his earlier collapse. 
“Minghao, Joshua, Seungkwan and Vernon are asleep and okay. Much better than you are”, Jeonghan said, purposefully leaving out Jihoon.
But that seemed to catch Seungcheol’s attention. “How is Jihoonie?”
Dino stepped forward, ignoring the warning look he received from his second oldest hyung.
“Woozi-hyung is really sick, hyung”, Dino explained, “he can’t keep anything down and he fainted just now.”
Seungcheol’s eyes went wide and he tried to push himself up from the mattress. Jeonghan pushed him down and hissed: “Cheollie, stay where you are! Lee Chan, stop talking.”
“Let him”, Jun said and placed a hand on Dino’s shoulder, winking at him and told him to continue.
“He needs an IV to get some medication. But, we have a bit of a problem and I think you can help us with it, hyung.”
“He’s scared, isn’t he? Let me go to him”, Seungcheol asked and despite his slowly vanishing strength and Jeonghan’s hand holding him down, tried to get up again.
“No, that’s not it”, Dino continued, “the thing is that we only have one IV left. The choice is between you and Woozi-hyung.”
“Give it to Jihoon”, Seungcheol said immediately, “I don’t care, give it to him.”
“That’s the plan”, Dino lied - well, it was not really a lie, was it? They had considered it. “You see how worried Hannie-hyung is, hm? We all are worried. We’d feel much better if you ate something and took some fever reducers, hyung. That would make the choice much easier for us.”
Finally understanding dawned on Jeonghan’s face and he turned to Seungcheol again, caressing his face. “Please eat a bit for me.”
Despite looking like he wanted to do anything but eat, Seungcheol nodded reluctantly. “Okay.”
“If it helps Jihoonie, I’ll eat.”
“Thank you, hyung”, Dino said with a bright smile and took the bowl and spoon he had prepared earlier to feed it to the leader. When he turned around, Jun and the medic had already left.
“It’s going to be okay, baby”, Soonyoung promised again, holding Jihoon’s hand tightly. The younger had blanched when the medic had walked in - something that Soonyoung hadn’t even been aware he was able to do considering his normally pale skin and the ashen look he had sported all day - and looked like he wanted to burst into tears any moment.
It was just the two of them and the medic in the room now, as well as Minghao who was so deeply asleep that Soonyoung was sure not even a cannon going off by his ears would wake him. It was a nice change to his normally anxious and light sleep.
Jun had gone to accompany a blushing and exhausted Wonwoo to one of the bathrooms on the upper floor which hopefully were a bit more private. Wonwoo had been so exhausted and pained when he had exited the bathroom, cheeks flushed red. It was probably good to remove him from the situation for all their sakes.
“I’ll be careful”, the medic said, “and the medication should help your nausea so you can hopefully just go to sleep. If you stay asleep long enough I can just remove it before you wake up.”
Jihoon nodded. “Just do it, please.”
He winced as the needle went in, resolutely refusing to look at it. His hand squeezed Soonyoung’s tightly and there were tears in the corners of his eyes that Soonyoung wiped away with his thumbs.
“It’s okay. You did it”, the dancer whispered, “you’re gonna be okay, baby. Don’t worry anymore.”
“Thanks, Young-ah”, Jihoon said, “for everything.”
“Don’t worry about it, idiot. We got each other, you know that.”
The medic banaged the arm, even using more stripes than probably necessary to hide the whole apparatus in his arm from accidentally being seen. Soonyoung appreciated it a lot - he knew that as much as Jihoon insisted that he just didn’t like the proximity of strangers when sick he also was a bit squeamish about this kind of thing. He winced a bit as the IV seemed to move under his skin but he seemed to not be able to care anymore. Soonyoung was glad - he didn’t want to admit it but he was tired too after that night and the sooner Jihoon slept the sooner he could sleep. It would benefit them both more than anything now. The medic hung up the bag on the railing of the upper bunk, as he had with Minghao’s, and nodded.
Then seemingly remembering at the same time as Soonyoung, the medic turned around to see that Minghao’s IV was empty. “I’ll take it out and then I’ll go.”
While the older man was occupied, Soonyoung sat down on Jihoon’s bedside and stroked his hair away from his face again. “Sleep, Jihoonie. I’ll wake you up in a bit when the medicine had a chance to help so you can get a bit rehydrated, okay? Maybe even eat some of the juk.”
The young producer nodded, eyes already falling shut. His hand sneaked to hold Soonyoung’s wrist in a tight but not hurting grip. “Don’t go.”
“I won’t.” Somebody would wake them if needed he decided and fluids could wait a little longer.
Soonyoung slipped under the covers with Jihoon, letting the younger choose how much space he wanted. The answer seemed to be none. Within seconds Soonyoung had a warm ball of asleep human curled up on his chest. He was asleep soon after.
Seungcheol was medicated and had been able to keep down the juk. Seungkwan and Vernon were asleep. Even Dino had gone to sleep in on the air mattress after Jeonghan had convinced him that he should get all the rest he could.
Seokmin and Mingyu were asleep in the other room, on top of one another. Joshua too was fast asleep.
Jeonghan had even peeked into the last room only to find the medic shushing him as he exited, gesturing towards the three sleeping members. 
If Jeonghan now has seven new pictures saved on his phone, nobody needed to know.
On his way upstairs he met Jun, who had his arm wrapped around Wonwoo’s waist. The rapper looked pale and sick but Jun waved Jeonghan’s concern off, citing he would get Wonwoo to sleep and then join Jeonghan on the deck.
Jeonghan stepped towards the railing, grasping it into a tight hold. He had managed to hold it back all day, but now that everybody was asleep, he was trembling. It was like his body understood that he wasn’t needed at the moment and now pressured him to fall apart.
And fall apart Jeonghan did.
A loud sob rang through the silence, even straddling Jeonghan himself. Then he fell to his knees, crying his heart out. He had been so scared all day, all through the night. It was nearly morning and he hadn’t eaten since lunch, hadn’t slept a wink and had been running around to care for sick members for hours. He had never wanted so much responsibility and still he was scared that they had made a mistake.
What if Seungcheol couldn’t keep the food and the fever reducer down? What if he got worse again despite it?
What if somebody else needed it? 
What if somebody else fell sick or one of the members got worse and they had no medication left?
He was so scared. 
Jeonghan pressed his hands to his lips, hoping to stifle the cries and be able to get a grip on himself before Jun found him like that. He couldn't burden the younger any further.
But his prayers weren’t heard. Footsteps came into his direction and soon Jeonghan was gathered in a warm embrace. “Breathe, hyung. You’ll make yourself sick.”
Jeonghan knew that, he could actually feel his stomach sloshing badly, but he couldn’t calm down. He just cried.
In the end he had no idea how long they sat there like that, Jun holding Jeonghan as he cried but when Jeonghan finally managed to stop sobbing and lift his head, the sun was peeking out from the ocean. 
“Look, hyung”, Jun whispered and pointed out into the vast sea.
A ship was on the far horizon. 
Jeonghan pushed Jun away and hauled himself over the railing, vomiting up bile. His stomach was so empty it hurt. Before everything went black, he heard Jun shout his name but he couldn’t respond. He was too tired.
Jeonghan woke up in a hospital bed. He blinked until his eyes adjusted to the light. A warm weight was on his lap and as he looked down he saw a mob of dark hair sprawled over him.
“Cheollie?”, he rasped.
The leader gasped as he woke up but when he saw Jeonghan awake he burst into a smile.
“How are you feeling?”, Jeonghan asked, confused. What was going on?
“I feel like I should be asking the question, seeing that you are on a hospital bed and I am not”, Seungcheol answered lightly. “I am fine though. I haven’t puked in over twenty-four hours and the fever has been gone for twelve.”
Hot and cold shock went through Jeonghan’s body. How long had he been asleep? What about the members?
“Don’t worry about the kids”, Seungcheol said as if he had read Jeonghan’s mind, “they are fine. The medical ship arrived shortly after you passed out, I’m told. Minghao-yah was up and happy in the morning, he’s just a bit tired still. Kwan-ah is feeling much recovered. Vernonie is still not eating much but he is well enough. Wonwoo-yah isn’t looking anybody in the eyes but fine. Jihoonie is able to keep food down now after the IV. Channie and Soonyoungie started getting sick on the evacuation boat but the medics all around did a good job, they are fine too. Now just you need to get better.”
Finally Jeonghan felt like he could breathe. It was over.
Notes: Thank you so much for reading and sticking with this fic for so long! Thank you for all likes, reblogs and comments! I love you!
Special thanks and a big hug to my amazing beta-readers @dudadragneel and @sickiecloud!!! I love you, guys!
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - SEVENTEEN
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wonustars · 3 months
wonwoo bf texts (pt.2 here)
♡ pairing: wonwoo x f!reader.
♡ genre/warnings: mostly fluff/crack, slight suggestive text in the first one, they’re just goofy tbh
♡ a/n: i got this app to make filo au’s but i did this instead cuz i miss my man frs 🙏 please don’t take me seriously i just felt silly it’s literally 2am rn. nothing is real at this time ☺️ (the pogi typings wonwoo agenda is real btw)
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wonijinjin · 1 year
warm covers, sick cuddles
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synopsis: you managed to get sick in the summer, what would be better than your dear boyfriend comforting you?
word count: 0.7k | genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship | pairing: wonwoo x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of symptoms of a common cold, wonwoo calls reader ‘sweetheart’
it was early in the morning when wonwoo woke up in your shared bed, the rain from a few hours ago still present on the sidewalks and trees. after sitting up he checked the time on his phone - 6:34 AM - then projected his attention in the direction of the other side of the bed; towards your sleeping form. the crisp morning evident on your skin in the form of goosebumps alarmed him to pull the blanket further above your body, as it had slipped away during the night. he was getting ready to leave the bed to make a surprise breakfast for you, but not without kissing your forehead. his lips touched your skin, and he halted his movements, furrowing his brows. your skin was too warm despite the chilly morning. he brushed away the hair which stuck to your face during your slumber, then placed his hand on your forehead properly, to his dismay sensing the same warmth he hoped was a fluke of his imagination.
when you awoke the sun was already up and shining, the emptiness of the bed next to you making wonwoo’s absence settle into your sleepy brain. you felt shivers run up your spine despite being under multiple layers of covers. just when you thought of getting up a tall figure appeared in the doorway. it was wonwoo, in his hands a fuzzy blanket; the one you bought together and loved the most, holding so many memories of cuddling while watching a movie, or draping it over each other when you waited patiently late into the night to welcome the other home, falling asleep on the couch in the process.
”good morning baby” you said, noticing how your voice sounded hoarse and strained. he left you without an answer, instead walking up to the bed and spreading the fuzzy material on the already existing layers of covers, crouching beside your tired form. “how do you feel sweetheart? you were cold weren’t you?” he asked in a gentle tone.
“how did you know?” you whispered, surprised.
“oh sweetie” he placed the back of his palm on your burning skin again “you are still quite warm, i think you are coming down with something, perhaps a flu. you were shivering when i checked on you, but i thought it was because of how early it was. guess it wasn’t the case judging by your voice and fever.” he stroked your hair gently, the way your face relaxed not going unnoticed by him.
“i don’t feel well wonwoo.” you said with a frown on your face. his eyes softened; he hated seeing you be so unwell. “my poor, sweet sweet baby.” he pouted, worry and care written all over his features. “i will bring you some medicine to help okay?”
“i should’ve expected it, i mean my immune system is not really resistant to the amount of ice cream i eat nowadays.” you joked, the pain in your throat getting stronger.
“i already set up some tea, it is still boiling hot, but when it cools down a bit i will bring it to you. what would you like for breakfast? i didn’t know if you would be up for it, but i made scrambled eggs and toast. i can make something different if that is what you would like.” he smiled, kissing your hairline. you grinned at this; he was so considerate, always taking such good care of you. “it sounds good, thank you.” it could’ve been anything he made for you, you still would’ve said yes. “then just wait here sweetheart, i will bring it to you with the medicine in a moment.” he was getting ready to leave when you grabbed him by the hand. “please, can you stay with me in bed for a bit before that? it can wait.” he kissed your hand and got under the covers, opening his arms, motioning for you to get closer. you landed in his arms, getting sleepier already, the sickness wearing your body out after being awake for such short amount of time. it didn’t take 5 minutes and you were already asleep, being protected by him and the blankets. he looked at your face, kissing your warm cheek, smiling to himself.
“i guess breakfast will be for lunch then.”
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leenaur143 · 2 months
if anyone was wondering, i'm doing fine after finding out our two fated individuals are dorming together i'm like so so okay, okay? 💚🩷 like totes fine definitely everything is good like no one is surprised but ohmygODDDDDDDDDDDD
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dizzysvt · 25 days
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Hes just sooooo my boyfriend it actually hurts
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hansolz-moved · 2 years
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heartthrob <3
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yoonrimin · 1 year
One more pxrn account that starts following me and I'm gonna cry. I've blocked like a thousand of those I'm sick and tired dude SICK AND TIRED
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viewvuu · 5 months
I caught a flu :(
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eoieopda · 11 months
that “god of music” choreo video was the most boyfriend coded shit i’ve ever seen in my life.
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eunhos · 3 months
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hobismorning · 8 months
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vcrnons · 1 year
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these men. THESE. MEN.
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wonijinjin · 11 months
seventeen members with a sick s/o
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author’s note: wrote this because everyone seems to catch the flu going around (including myself), hope this gives you all a bit of comfort:)
synopsis: what the title says
word count: 2.2k | genre: fluff, comfort | pairings: seventeen members x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of illness, throwing up, headaches, sneezing, fevers, coughing, fainting, food, a few curse words
cheol and you had been cuddling on the couch when he noticed how warm you were in his hold and how fatigued you looked. “my love is everything alright? you feel too warm.” you didn’t have the energy in you to reply properly so you whined in response, him not needing it after he felt your cheeks. “you are burning up, let’s get you to bed, love.” he said while wrapping you in a blanket and carrying you in a princess hold back to the bedroom.
- overall he would be very attentive when it comes to your wellbeing, quickly noticing how your energy levels have changed (mans has 12 kids, he can detect these things from miles away, parental instincts)
- you are his top priority; he would be running around to get you medication and everything else you need
- bonus points for babying you and sweet talking because he knows how sensitive you get when not feeling good
hannie had always been a light sleeper, so it wasn’t a surprise when he woke up to you coughing during the night. “angel, are you okay?” he would ask, worried if you chocked on your own saliva in your dreams or if you were sick, which was the case sadly. “do you want me to stay up with you till you fall asleep? you can take cough drops in the morning.” he would offer while soothing you, and you would gladly accept.
- he is known to be playful, but he immediately becomes serious if he sees you feeling unwell
- would want to cuddle with you all day, it gives him an excuse to be lazy and rest aswell (which he needs btw, being so handsome is tiring)
- bonus points for singing a sweet melody to help you fall asleep, his giggles are so cute they would cure you in a heartbeat
joshua got a text from you saying that you were sent home because you fainted at work, so he called you in a rush. “darling what happened? did you not take care of yourself? i need to look after you more since you cannot do it yourself.” after you explained the situation to him he would be joking around a bit to lighten the mood if he knew you were alright. “wait for me, i’m on my way home with your favourite tea.” he said before hanging up, your heart warm due to knowing he was on his way.
- he would be sooo gentle, kind of being afraid of disturbing you in any way since he knew how tired you were
- you can expect all the kisses, smooches in the world from him (he says this will cure your illness faster, but in reality he just wants to kiss you continouosly)
- bonus points for getting you a new plushie since he couldn’t leave his baby without an emotional support toy if he needed to run to the store
jun knew you were sick the moment he saw you drinking a warm cup of tea; you weren’t the biggest fan of it, you preferred coffee. “dear what hurts? is it your throat?” he asked immediately, already on his way to the kitchen to make you some ginger shots which are well known to be full of vitamins. you followed him, mumbling about how you felt achy all over to which he kissed you on the forehead. “don’t worry dear, i will take care of you!”
- he is quite calm on the outside but he is freaking out on the inside for sure, being afraid of messing up something and making you feel worse
- he pulls up the chinese remedies he knows and hopes for the best, honestly a bit lost about what to do, thinks your immune system just needs enough time to recover
- bonus points for not being afraid to kiss you because you really crave physical affection and need him to cuddle with you
hoshi didn’t realise you were feeling under the weather until you actually sneezed on him, hard. “oh my god baby tiger are you okay? are you dying???” he would be shouting in a worried tone, making your ear ring so much you had to shush him to be quiet. he goes out to buy you tissues and nasal spray to help with the congestion and on the way back he would buy snacks which you would appreciate a lot.
- very scared tiger, doesn’t know how to help properly other than suggesting taking vitamins
- calls his mom for help on making soup and cooks a delicious nutritious meal for you thanks to her which he will brag about for years saying how well he took care of you
- bonus points for following your orders very well, he does everything you ask him to
wonwoo knew something was up with you when you were more clingy than usual; climbing into his lap and resting your head on his shoulder while he was gaming, heat radiating off of you. “are you tired sweetheart? you feel a bit clammy, are you coming down with something?” he would ask in a deep concerned tone to which you just nodded into his shoulder. “why don’t we get you under those warm sheets while i make you a tea, hm?” he would scoop you up gently, bringing you to the comfort of your bedsheets.
- one of the best caretakers in seventeen, he is not too suffocating but will be by your side in a heartbeat if you need anything
- would not let you do any chores; his top priority would be keeping you in bed to sleep off the virus you managed to catch
- bonus points for reading to you at night when you can’t fall asleep due to the symptoms and keeping you on his chest to calm you down
while being in his studio you decided to take a nap on the couch which was a warning sign to woozi, because you never took naps during the day, only when feeling unwell or upset. when you woke up his face welcomed you. “let me take you home, you are clearly in no condition to nap on a couch.” he would insist, picking you up and motioning you towards the door. “i will take a break aswell, on the way home we will buy you some medicine, okay?” he would assure you that you are in the best hands, letting sleep overtake you in the car.
- he is not the type to be overbearing and extremely worried, although he knows how you tend to overwork yourself, so he will make sure you don’t overdo things, but won’t forbid anything
- however, when you are asleep and he sees you in pain his heart aches so he would be quietly whispering to whoever is up in the clouds to make you feel better soon, because he can’t bare seeing you be so weak and fragile
- bonus points for tucking you in when you fall asleep and frequently checking up on you while he works
minghao found out you are sick through your friend whom he accidentally bumps into on his way home. “y/n you didn’t you tell me you were sick? stay put i will be there in a few minutes.” he would rush to your apartment, a sad smile taking place on his face when he saw you wrapped up in a blanket and surrounded by tissues on the couch. “ahw, you really got that bug, didn’t you? i know just the right ways to fasten your recovery.”
- he is very calm when he handles the situation, quickly assessing the damage done to your immune system and brainstorming ideas to solve it
- his tea-lover self will surely make you some which will taste really bitter as it is probably some chinese remedy, but you will drink it anyway, because he insists
- bonus points for cleaning up your apartment and making you dinner to have something in you while taking your meds
mingyu woke up in the middle of the night to the shuffling of the bedsheets and you telling him you just threw up. “my poor baby. you must feel horrible. let’s get you into a nice bubble bath, yeah? then while you relax a bit i will bring you a few crackers and start making a delicious soup.” he would say while wrapping you into his arms; no matter how late it was he wanted to help.
- he is basically a chef so you would have all the food you crave, or if you don’t have an appetite he would try to get something really light into your system
- he may be more whiny than you since he is very worried, but he will gladly shut up about it and talk to you about random stuff so it takes your mind off of the sickness
- bonus points for cuddling you every minute, the man is so clingy you could not escape his hold even if you wanted to
when you were watching a movie a coughing fit took over you and dk started patting your back without hesitation. “sunshine, are you sick? wait, let me get you a glass of water, okay? stay here, your new nurse and fantastic boyfriend will take care of you!” he went to the kitchen for the drink, returning with a blanket from your bedroom, draping over your half asleep, trembling form.
- this baby would be so worried he would literally start crying if he saw you get worse despite taking care of you, and would think his efforts were not enough (which is of course a lie, he is doing more than expected)
- would cancel all his practices and any meeting he has so he could take care of you, monitoring your temperature and consulting with you doctor via emails
- bonus points for making you laugh even when you feel like absolute shit with his funny and silly faces and bad jokes
when you woke up in the morning seungkwan was already all over you, asking so many questions all at once you hardly understood any of them. “did you take your vitamins last night as i told you? are you feeling better? did you take your temperature yesterday? we should take it now actually.” he would say while getting you breakfast in bed along with the thermometer.
- he would be handling you like a child and would be caring for you like a mother hen, he is just worried about you to be honest
- best at having all the medicine and vitamins you need, not just in literal meaning, but in food too; he would have so many nutritious fruits and bone broth soup for you to eat, he knows it helps restore your energy
- bonus points for letting you do whatever you want after recovering since he feels guilty about you gettng sick (even though he had nothing to do with it)
vernon stepped into the bedroom and was greeted by darkness and your form laying on the bed, curled up, shivering. “you okay there, babe?” he moved closer to you, moving the covers above you, tucking you in nicely. “do you need me to get you some tea?” he asked, brows knitted together. “you know what, i will get you some anyway.” not even waiting for your reply he disappeared into the kitchen.
- kinda malewife material, he cares about you so much and knows how bad being sick can be so he babies you (which is very rare for him to do tbh)
- a silent lover and his actions talk more than he actualy does during the period of your illness, probably does things like asking mingyu to make you some soup (boy cannot cook to save his life)
- bonus points for making you a relaxing playlist while he makes you a warm bath to loosen your muscles and clear your sinuses because he read that steam can help a lot with congestion and overall stiffness
even though he is the youngest in seventeen dino worries about you a lot, and he wants to check up on you every minute while you are unwell. “hi darling, did you take your medicine for the fever? did you sleep well? no? don’t worry i am heading home in a few minutes, my sweetheart needs me.” he would rush home to you if he sensed you missed him and would be taking care of you for weeks if needed, puffing up your pillows and buying you the most expensive tissues so it won’t hurt your nose.
- so soft when he feels needed, he would spoon feed you the porridge he makes and pat your head in bed until you fall asleep
- he just loves babying his lover, since he has received the baby treatment from his hyungs he would be pretty good at knowing ways to make you feel better quickly; like putting a cool cloth on your head
- bonus points for buying you a whole new closet of warmer clothes since he insists you keep warm after you caught a nasty cold in fall, he does not care about the price if it is about his precious baby
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lizziexmeow · 7 months
[ Wonwoo Posted 🌟 Weverse ]
240223 - 10:15 KST
> Fighting today too!
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[ Wonwoo Comment 🌟 Weverse ]
240223- 10:16 KST
> I feel like I caught a cold while working.😂
CARATs, be careful not to catch a cold.
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wqnwoos · 1 year
i have had enough
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wonuumelody · 4 months
Guess who's sick as hell lmao
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