#Shout out to Bjorn
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lupisspiss · 10 months ago
I did manage to draw something yesterday but I was too tired to post lol
It's my lovely, criminally chill king - -
He's actually just the best character sorry not sorry. If anyone at any point in the story had actually listened to him JUST ONCE nothing would've ever gone wrong
I didn't technically finish it but like I'm probably not gonna hehe
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Click for slightly better resolution but it's still not gonna be great❤️❤️
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pernillecfcw · 7 months ago
My fantasy wsl name is 🥁… Bjorn In The USA 💙
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4seasonsofart · 1 year ago
I got cat called today. Like, literally, cat called. Instead of saying my name, this dude went 'pspspspspsps' like you do to a cat. So I turned around and asked him if he thought I was a cat because he's calling me like a cat.
So anyway, Canute would totally do that to Thorfinn. Thorfinn would be training or working, and Canute would just sneakily come up behind him and go 'pspspspspspspsps'.
Thorfinn sometimes hisses when Canute does this.
End of story.
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k0juki · 7 months ago
It's waiting outside
Tyler Harrison x fem!reader
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Summary: instead of Kay, it's you who the Xenomorph takes.
Warnings: One f word, but that's it i guess? If I missed anything let me know :)) also Kay is not mentioned here at all...sorry.
English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
Wc. 869
The corridor was a dim, oppressive tunnel of steel and shadows, lit only by the weak, flickering lights overhead. The walls were damp, slick with condensation, and the air was thick with the scent of fear. A reinforced glass door stood between Tyler and you. You were trapped on the other side, face pale and streaked with tears. You pressed your hands against the door, eyes wide with terror as you stared at Tyler, Rain, and Andy on the other side.
“Please! Andy, open the door!” Your voice full of panic, the sound barely audible through the thick glass door. Your eyes darted to the shadows behind you, where something huge and dark moved just out of sight, lurking in the edges of the dimly lit chamber. "Open that door! It killed Bjorn and Navarro."
Tyler’s heart hammered in his chest, a sickening rhythm that made him feel like he was about to explode. He pressed his hands against the door, his brown eyes locked with yours. “Andy, we have to open it! She’s right there!” he pleaded, his voice shaking with desperation.
Rain was beside him, her hands also pressed to the glass, her expression stricken with fear. “Andy, please,” she begged, turning to the man standing at the control panel. “We can’t leave her in there! We can get her out before it’s too late!”
Andy stood back, his hand not moving to the control panel, a grim look on his face. He didn’t move, didn’t breathe, his eyes fixed on the dark shapes moving behind you. “We don’t know what’s in there with her,” he said, his voice strained, filled with emptiness. “If we open that door… we might be opening it for that thing too.”
“I don’t care!” Tyler shouted, slamming his fist against the door, making you jump. “We can’t just leave her to die! That thing is going to take her, Andy! We have to do something, anything!”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face as you looked at Tyler, eyes pleading. “Tyler, please, please, help me! Don’t leave me here!” Your voice cracked, the fear in your words breaking his heart.
Rain’s voice trembled as she reached out, grabbing Andy’s arm. “She’s right there, Andy. We can’t let it get her. We have to open the door. We can’t let her die too!”
But Andy’s eyes were locked on the shadows, on the faint, sickening movement of something massive, alien like shifting behind you. The Xenomorph loomed in the darkness, it's eyeless gaze fixed on them through the glass door. It was waiting, waiting for them to open that door, to be let inside.
“We can’t,” Andy whispered, his voice filled with dread. “If we open that door, it’ll come through. We’ll all die.”
Tyler’s fists clenched, his entire body trembling with rage and helplessness. “Y/N!” he shouted, his voice hoarse. “We’ll find another way! I promise, we’ll get you out!”
But you were sobbing now, fear overwhelming you whole. “No, no, no please, Tyler don’t leave me here, don’t-”
Before you could finish, the Xenomorph surged forward with terrifying speed, its long, skeletal fingers wrapping around your shoulders, pulling you back into the shadows. Your scream filling the room all around you. It was piercing Tyler’s soul as he watched you get dragged away from the door, disappearing into the darkness.
“NO!” Tyler screamed, his voice breaking as he pounded on the door, his heart shattering in his chest. Rain gasped, covering her mouth as tears filled her eyes.
“Y/N!” Tyler cried out, his voice filled with pain.
“I'm sorry Tyler, but there wasn't anything I could do to help her." Said Andy.
"No, you could save her, but you didn't! You didn't!" Tyler shouted and took a step closer to Andy, ready to punch him. But Rain stepped right in front of him, holding him back. "It's your fucking fault!"
“We couldn’t do anything,” Andy said quietly. “If we had opened that door… we would all be dead.”
Tyler slumped against the glass, his forehead rested against the cold surface, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He felt like the world had just ended, like everything had been ripped away from him in one horrible moment. Your cries echoed in his mind, a sound that would haunt him forever.
"She’s not dead. She's all right." Tyler mumbled all over and over again. Trying to remain clam.
He couldn’t hear anything over the sound of Y/N’s scream, the scream that had been cut short too soon, the scream that would stay with him, echoing in the dark corridors of his mind.
Rain put a hand on his shoulder, her own tears falling silently as she whispered, “We’ll get her back, Tyler. We’ll find her.”
But as they stared into the dark, empty room beyond the glass, where you had been moments before, the hope in their hearts felt as fragile as the glass that had separated them. The corridor was silent now, save for the distant, ominous hum of the ship’s machinery, as they were left to grapple with the terror of what had just happened.
And the knowledge that the nightmare was far from over.
A/n: Archie was so fine in the new Alien...I had to write something for him. Lemme know what do you think!
Also! Request are open for him too! So send one! <3
Don't copy or translate any of my work!
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axelsagewrites · 7 months ago
Begging on my hands and knees for a part 6 to where am I 👏👏
Where Am I?*Part Six
Pairing: modern!f!reader x (to be determined...soon...) Ubbe, Ivar, Sigurd, Hviserks, Bjorn
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Word count:  1379
Warnings: time travel, hunting, jealous bjorn, rumours
Series Summary: After falling head first the reader wakes up face to face with a group of strangely dressed men who look eerily like the vikings she studies
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five
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The next morning you woke up to the sound of rustling beside you. When your eyes finally opened you saw Ivar putting tunic and boots back on. “Did we?” the words came out before you could think as you quickly sat up. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw your clothes were still on.
“Did we what?” Ivar asked as he finished lacing on his shoes.
“Nothing,” you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes, “Just weird dreams,” you tried to brush it off, but Ivar gave you a strange look.
Eventually he shrugged and you let out an internal sigh, “You snore by the way,” he said as he began to drag himself to the door.
“Hey!” you tried to protest but Ivar just laughed as he left your room. Thank god, you thought, as you fell back into bed a blushing mess.
By the time you were dressed and ready the breakfast table sat with a sniggering Hvitserk, a grumbling Sigurd sat across from an annoyed looking Ivar. You heard a whistle from Hvitserk but ignored it as Ivar’s grip tightened on his knife and you walked past them all to Ubbe.
“Can I come hunting with you?” you weren’t sure why you asked.
Ubbe clearly hadn’t expected it either, but a smile soon found his face, “Of course. What’s with the sudden change of heart?” when you first came the idea of hunting anything made your stomach churn.
But after the past two weeks you clearly weren’t going anywhere anytime soon, “Figured it’s about time I started acting like a Viking,”
As you went to grab your cloak confusion rang out from the breakfast table. “What’s a Viking?” Ubbe asked.
You let out a little groan, “I’ll explain on the way,”
Ubbe apparently found hunting therapeutic and you tried to put your 21st century ideas of a psychopath to the side since you needed dinner after all. “How much longer are we- “you began to ask but Ubbe rushed up behind you, placing a finger over your lips as he pointed between the gaps in the trees.
You gasped at his sudden presence, holding your breath as your eyes soon landed on the deer he’d spotted. You nodded slowly and he removed his hand, though you felt a heat rise to your cheeks as he stayed still behind you.
You wanted to question him as he put his hand over yours, but silence was key right now. His hands went over yours as they held your bow, guiding your aim as you knocked an arrow.
You glanced over your shoulder to send him a questioning look. There was no way you could shoot a deer. Sure, you’d got a couple rabbits, but they took like six attempts each time. Ubbe just nodded, giving you a reassuring look before both your eyes landed on the deer again.
You took a breath in, pulling the arrow back. just one shot. You wavered though, worrying maybe your aim was wrong. Then the deer lifted its head from where it was grazing on the grass. Your fingers fell away from the string.
“Yes!” Ubbe cheered when the arrow found its way into its prey.
A small laugh came from you then soon a beaming smile, “I did it!” you shouted, turning around to hug him. It lasted maybe a second before you pulled away to run over to the deer to put it out its misery. “You coming?” You called.
Ubbe tried to knock the love struck look off of his face as he gathered himself. It had been the first hug he’d had since childhood, and he felt like the air had been knocked out his lungs.
“Are you sure I can’t help?” you said as Ubbe carried the deer back himself.
“I’ve got it,” he grunted, forcing a smile.
“Scared I’d slow you down?” you joked.
He shot back a cheeky smile, “Of course,” he just laughed despite you slapping his stomach as you carried the six rabbits you had caught together.
The boys refused to believe it had been you that shot the deer when you returned. “Did you maybe shoot a log that looked like a deer?” Hvitserk teased.
“Ha ha,” you said, rolling your eyes, “Ubbe saw me,”
“I also guided your arrow,” he said as he and Sigurd began to string up the deer. You weren’t quite sure what was happening but watched in protest anyway.
“Barely,” you snapped, “It was my arrow, my bow, my shot. So that makes it my deer,”
Ivar chuckled at your antics, but this was a hill you were willing to die on. “I believe you,” Sigurd said as they finished tying the deer upside down. “This one is too loud to catch a deer,”
“Told you so,” you grinned despite Ubbe’s protests. “Now be a dear Sigurd and telling me what yous are actually doing,”
This time they all rolled their eyes. Even Ivar despised modern century puns, “We need to bleed it,” Sigurd said casually before slitting the things throat.
“Nope!” you gagged, turning on your heels to leave, “Fuck that,”
“C’mon it’s just a little blood,” Ivar called but you were already heading back to their home.
You shivered remembering the site as you walked inside but froze when you saw Bjorn sat at the table, “Hello,” you said, and he just nodded. “Are you looking for your brothers?”
“No,” well this is a great conversation, you thought as you returned to silence.
You nodded slowly as the silence continued, “Okay well I’m going to- “you said as you headed towards your room, well Ivar’s old room, when Bjorn spoke up.
“There’s a rumour about you,”
God maybe it was like your old life. You turned around and sighed, “Do I wanna know?”
He stood up and for a second you thought it might be serious, “You and Ivar,” he said but when he never said anything else you just gave him a confused look, “Hvitserk saw him leaving your room,”
“Yeah, we accidentally fell asleep talking last night,”
“Talking,” Bjorn laughed, “Is that what your people call it?”
your eyebrows burrowed in confusion before the urge to slap him came over you, “Excuse you,” you snapped, “Ivar is my friend,”
“Who you fuck,” he said, stepping past the table closer to you.
Like hell were you going to back down, “That is none of your business,” you spat, crossing your arms “But for the record we didn’t. besides why do you even care?” Bjorn opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
You sighed and turned to walk away but finally he spoke, “Wait!” he said, and you turned around once more, “Look I- “he sighed, “I just don’t want you getting hurt,”
“Please I’ve dealt with gossips before,” you said, dropping your crossed arms, “but next time if you have a question just ask me,” you sighed, “instead of biting my head off when I’ve just had a good day,”
His eyes fell to the floor as he nodded, “I’m sorry,”
“Apology accepted,” you said. You started to leave but turned around of your own volition this time, “I caught a deer,”
“Really? You?” he smirked; eyebrow raised.
You hummed at him, narrowing your eyes, “Yes. Not that any of you would’ve believed me if Ubbe hadn’t witnessed the whole thing,”
“We’ll I’ll be damned,” he said, “There’s hope for you yet,”
“Tell me about it. Sigurd’s going to teach me how to stew it tomorrow. You’re welcome to join us,”
A soft smile fell on his face, “Suppose I should celebrate your victory with you. Even if it means dealing with my idiot brothers,”
“Hey if I gotta put up with you lot, then you can deal with them for an evening,” you grinned to which he nodded in agreement.
“Okay fine, fine,” his smile dropped though as he realised something, “Don’t you need to bleed it first- “
Your stomach lurched, “Don’t- “you cut him off, sticking your hand in the air, “-go there. That’s just creepy,” you shuddered as you finally headed to your room for a nap as Bjorn laughed at how sickly you looked at the thought of it.
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kayharrisons · 5 months ago
Really fucked it up this time, didn't I my dear? [BJORN X FEM!READER] [18+ ONLY] [4 OF?]
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Where it all went wrong.
A/N: HELLO I'M BACK AHAHA have chapter 4 :3 we learn why Bjorn and Reader started to fall apart :) this is ANGSTTTT
Series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, discussions of abortion, eventual childbirth, commitmentphobe Bjorn, possessive Bjorn, talks of morning sickness and other pregnancy symptoms, friends to fwb to something Worse, cheating mentions, nsfw content such as sex and eventual Alien type scenarios
18 weeks ago
"I'm gonna break it off with him," you murmur, one morning, curled into Bjorn's side and trailing your fingers up and down his chest.
He grunts a sleepy noise, squinting at you through half closed lids. "Why?" he asks, yawning, as he idly brushes his fingers through the ends of your hair. "Wha'sthe twat done?"
"Bjorn," you frown, shifting to sit up a little, searching his face. "I can't... it's not fair on him. He's not done anything wrong-"
"Beyond be a bit shit in bed?" he deflects, and you scowl.
"What?" he huffs, arm flopping back onto the bed, frown firmly in place. "Not wrong, otherwise you wouldn't be coming to me for a shag, now would you?"
You flinch, staring at him with wounded eyes. His jaw sets, but he offers no apologies. "Is that what you think?" You ask, voice wavering. "That's the only reason I...?"
His eyes darken, and he shifts uncomfortably, looking outside of his bedroom window. There's nothing of interest outside of it, of course there isn't. But he's unable to meet your gaze, your hurt eyes.
"What else is there?" he asks, voice cool, exhaling hard as he looks at you again, daring you to say more.
"I can't keep doing this," you laugh, bitterly, as you drop the bedsheets and stand, grabbing your bra, your underwear, furiously tugging them on. Usually you'd relish the feeling of his spend still lingering between your thighs, but now? Now it feels like a mockery, a sham. "You keep fucking- every time we- I can't live with this!"
"What?" he barks out, sitting up and yanking on his t-shirt. "Can't live with what, love? Hm?" He challenges, pulling on his boxers and standing, scowling at you.
"This!" You shriek, gesturing between you both. "You're my best friend and I- fuck, Bjorn, when was the last time we hung out and it wasn't for sex?"
"Y'say that like it's a bad thing."
"It's not, it's- I just miss you," you whisper, ducking your head down with a shaky exhale. The Bjorn of before, your best friend, he'd comfort you, would reach out and pull you into a hug. Would settle his hands on your shoulders and look into your eyes, telling you everything would be alright. Would press a kiss to your forehead before shoving you in the direction of the couch so you both could watch a shitty film.
This Bjorn, the one standing before you now? He makes no such moves. His fists clench and unclench by his sides, something flashing across his expression that you can't quite put a name to.
"Right here, aren't I?" he asks, voice hoarse, thick with emotion. His vulnerable eyes meet yours, a look you haven't seen from him in...
You reach out, cupping his cheek in your hand, gently brushing your thumb back and forth along his cheekbone. "Are you?"
He swallows, leaning his cheek into your hand before ripping himself away, back to you, his hand scratching at his scalp. "You should go," he mutters, staring holes into the pictures taped to his wall; years and years with his family and friends, group pictures, silly takes, you in his arms like you belong there. He squeezes his eyes shut tight, hands balling into fists by his sides again. "Y'know, 'fore your boyfriend comes home."
You say nothing. There is the shuffle of clothes being pulled on, the sound of his bedroom door opening and closing and then...
"FUCK!" comes his shout, as he slams a balled up fist against the cool metal of his bedroom wall. He leans against it for a moment, ignoring the dull throbbing of his hand as he tries to regain his bearings.
It's impossible, when you've knocked him so off kilter.
"Fuckin'..." Bjorn slurs, as he leans against your kitchen counter. "Nice... nice dishtowel." he gestures, vaguely, at the pink thing neatly sat on your counter. It wasn't often that you saw a colour that wasn't some shade of brown, grey or beige. So you'd snatched it up at the market, unable to stop smiling that day.
"Thanks," you retort, sourly, arms crossed as you lean against your shitty kitchen table. "What do you want, Bjorn?"
"Can't a bloke cum'n'see his best mate?" he asks, giving you a cheeky grin.
Your eye twitches. As if that damn stupid smile was supposed to erase the last few weeks of torment you'd been putting each other through.
"You haven't said a nice word to me in about two months, you know that, right?"
"Oh, like you've been a ray of fuckin' sunshine lately, love." he shoots back, before taking one look at you and sighing, slumping and scrubbing his hands down his face. "I've missed ya, alright?" he mutters, stumbling on over to your couch and sitting down on it. "Fuckin'... Tyler, man, yappin' on boutcha... not his fuckin' best mate..." he crosses his arms, glumly slouching into the comfort of your couch.
"What the fuck has Tyler got to do with anything?" you ask, bewildered, blinking at him. "He's been a good friend, y'know? Actually asking how I'm doing and not telling me to go fuck myself-"
"Look so pretty with ya fingers inside'ya though," he smirks, bouncing his brows at you. Upon seeing your Medusa scowl, he immediately holds up his hands. "Sorry. Fuck, fuck- I promised myself I wouldn't do that-"
"What? Hit on me after weeks of not talking to me?" you snort, sitting down next to him, tentatively.
He nods, eagerly, reminding you of those little bobble head puppies you sometimes saw sitting on desks on offices. "Yeah! That! The fuckin'... deflection shit. I wanted ta... fuck, I'm sorry, love, alright? I just..."
He looks at you, with his hazy, half open eyes. He reaches out, gently clasping the back of your neck and leaning his forehead against yours, bringing you closer to him. Your heart skips.
Be it from the familiar warmth of him, or the glimpse of the old Bjorn, you're not sure.
"I've missed ya," he whispers, nudging his nose against yours. You try not to recoil from him, the smell of Aspen clinging to his breath. You'd always hated the smell of the beer, and with the baby-
It feels surreal, sitting in the presence of your best friend, your baby's father, and him being blissfully unaware of its existence.
"Missed ya so fuckin' much," he whispers, stroking his fingers along the nape of your neck. You fight back a shiver. "Fuckin'... don't feel like m'self these days, y'know? Like 'alf of me's missin' or summit, even though you're right there and- and fuck, why'dya have t'say it?" He slurs, damn near sobbing the last part out. "We were- we were fine 'till y'said it-"
"We weren't," you whisper, shaking your head and lurching back from him, forcing yourself to your feet. "We weren't, Bjorn! Neither of us could've kept going the way we were!"
"But we had each'otha-" he reaches out, grabbing your hands. "That was- was all I ever wanted-"
"It was all I wanted too," you whisper, giving his hand a squeeze. His palms are clammy, his fingers cold. You squeeze a little tighter, hoping to give him some warmth. "But it was killing us Bjorn. It was."
He lets out a choked sound, resting his forehead against your joined hands. "Why'dya hafta say it?"
10 weeks ago.
You lay side by side, panting, both slick with sweat. The room is silent save for your laboured breaths.
"Should we-"
"No." Bjorn grunts, pulling the sheets over his waist, eyes glued to the ceiling.
"Bjorn-" you protest, pushing yourself up, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth.
"Just slipped out, didn't it?" he asks, glancing at you, before flinching and returning his gaze to the ceiling. "Slip of the tongue. Happens to the best of us. Can pretend it never happened."
He glances to you again, startled at the sight of tears rolling down your cheeks as you stare back at him.
"Fucksake-" he panics, sitting up, gently taking your face in his hands, wiping the tears from your face. "Y'alright-"
"I said I love you." you whisper, and it may as well be a shout from how hard he flinches as you say it. "I can't just- I can't just ignore that, Bjorn."
"Why?" he asks, desperately, searching your face. "We can just-"
"Go back to the way things were?" you finish, bitterly, and he ducks his head down. "I... I can't. I won't. We need to talk about this-"
"We don't!" he snaps, dropping his hands from your face in favour of carding them through his hair. "We're mates, that's all there is to it, ain't there?"
You shake your head, exhaling shakily. "You know as well as I do that that's not the case, not anymore. I love you and I- you love-"
"Don't fuckin' tell me how I feel!" he interrupts, scowling at you. "Don't you dare- I'm the only person who decides that, alright?!"
"Are-" you give him a once over, another tear streaking down your cheek. "Can you honestly tell me you don't feel the same? That this is just- just physical?"
Bjorn sighs heavily through his nose, not quite meeting your eyes. "Just mates, love." he mutters, picking at a loose piece of skin by one of his nails. "S'all there is to it. Nothing more."
"I love you." you repeat, oh so quietly, but you know he hears it. His flinch gives him away. You wait for him to say something, anything, you wait and wait and-
He says nothing back.
"We're done." you whisper, firmly, as you stand and redress, as he continues to pick at his skin and refuses to look at you. "You and me we're- this is over."
You feel like screaming, like grabbing him by the shoulders and demand he fights for you both, that he drops this bullshit facade he has up, that he just fucking admits it-
You do none of this.
You flee, instead, back to the safety of your own trailer.
"Because that's how I felt," you say, leaning down, pressing a kiss to his head. "Can't change any of it now, though."
"We were fine," he repeats, eyes damp as he looks up at you. "We..."
He chokes back a sob, tugging insistently on your hand. You sit back down next to him, watching his face.
His beautiful, handsome face that even now still sends your heart skipping a beat or two.
"I..." he clutches your hand tight. "Fuck- messed up. I ruined-"
"You didn't feel the same, Bjorn," you sigh, giving him a tight smile. It still hurts, even now, after all these weeks. "That's... not a crime. I just think it could've been handled better."
"But I do!" he snaps, squeezing your hand. "I fuckin'- christ, love, I've been mental 'boutcha for years-"
Instead of skipping a beat, your heart stops. Drops to your stomach entirely as you listen to him, as you watch him. He's drunk. So very drunk.
What he's saying, it's everything you'd been hoping for, that you've dreamed of...
You reach out, pressing a finger to his lips.
But it isn't right.
"No," you say softly, shaking your head. "No. Tell me when you sober up, okay? I don't... I don't wanna hear it from you like this."
He blinks at you, oh so confused... before nodding, pecking your finger. "Okay..."
You stand, scrubbing a hand down your face. "Sleep on the couch tonight, okay? I'll talk to you in the morning."
"Okay." He repeats, nodding still. Your lips quirk up a little, as you toss a blanket his way.
"Shoes off."
That gets your snorting. He blinks innocently at you, toeing off his boots.
"Night, Bjorn."
"Okay..." he slurs, already half asleep and tangled with the blanket you'd tossed his way.
Your eyes linger on him a moment before you head to your bedroom, before you curl up on your bed and resist the urge to cry all over him again.
He won't be there in the morning. You know it.
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spikek1tty · 4 months ago
I'm not a bad girl but I, do bad things with you (Part 1 of 4)
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Summary: Bjorn finds out what you do on the side for extra money. He plans to use this knowledge to his advantage.
contents: smut, cam girl reader, masturbation, not proofread, not accurate to alien universe
a/n: this is my first fic so ignore the bad writing (I suck at writing dialogue). Since I saw the movie in theaters i've thought about writing for Bjorn, but since i've always just been a reader for fics i've been hesitant to share anything with anyone else so this has been sitting in my drafts since early October. p.s. inspired by literally everyone who's already written for Bjorn/Spike
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"Who's she then, you twat?" Bjorn scoffed, sitting in a group of other workers at lunch. "She's my girl. We've been messaging for a while now" smirking, the worker passes around his phone, one by one, the group of huddled workers taking bites of sandwiches or shoveling spoonfuls of food into their mouths, taking the phone and scrolling through the account for a few seconds. The phone lands in Bjorn's hands, and he looks through the content. "No way. She's jus' doing her job." There was a sense of familiarity with the pictures and videos. He'd thought maybe he'd used this girl's content to get himself off before, but he couldn't place the sense of recognition.
The phone, playing explicit sounds coming from the girl in the videos, gets handed back to its owner, though the conversation doesn't change, many shouting obscenities over each other about what they just saw. Soon after lunch is over and everyone gets back to their shift.
Bjorn is silent now, deep in thought. He can't get the girl out of his mind, though he has no idea what she looks like, as the girl's content never shows her face and only shows her from the neck down. However, upon seeing the moles and bits of hair that peeked down the girl's back in the videos, Bjorn felt a strange sense of closeness towards her. Despite only catching a brief glimpse of her, he had an inexplicable feeling that he knew everything about her, yet nothing at the same time. He memorized the account name, planning on visiting it later that night to investigate and pinpoint why she felt so familiar, of course, there was no other reason to go back to the account other than that.
You walk to Kay's and Tyler's trailer later that night after work wearing the beat-up cargo pants handed down to you from Bjorn. Your belt is tight to keep the pants, which are two sizes too big for you, up. You sigh and adjust their hem, pulling it up to prevent the excess fabric from pooling around your ankles as you walk. 
You see Bjorn sitting at the entrance playing a video game with Navarro near him, fixing something like she always did. You greet them, saying hi loud enough for them to hear. Bjorn looks up for a second, then back down to his game. Navarro gives you a quick wave before you carefully step up the three steps to the trailer that are covered mainly by Bjorn. You pat his head softly, chuckling slightly when hearing the sound of him dying in the game and his slight cursing as he puts the device down. You plop down on the couch inside after greeting Kay, and then the rest of the group comes in to spend the rest of the night like you always did, as if it were routine now.
After a few hours, the laughter and conversation die as each friend vents about their rough day. The room is filled with understanding and camaraderie as everyone sips their drinks and passes around a lit cigarette. Soon after a second of silence, just when you thought there would be no arguing tonight, Bjorn brings up the pants you were wearing that belonged to him, saying they looked better on him, causing you both to disagree and leading to an argument that made your friends laugh due to the ridiculousness that the conversation has become as you all were in drunken states. 
Bjorn then shockingly says, "You gotta stop obsessing about my balls, man. It's unhealthy." You run an annoyed hand over your face in hearing his unimportant argument that had nothing to do with your last insult directed at him before spitting back, "Keep talking, and I'll chop 'em off." "Aw, you really want 'em for yourself, don't you? Hey, you want me to show you my balls or somethin'?"  Bjorn says pretentiously. You roll your eyes as a smile tugs at your lips. You down the rest of the liquid in your beer can before throwing it at him, the can bouncing off his head, making a bonk sound, leading everyone to laugh a bit more, everyone feeling hazy due to the smoke and drinks. "No one wants to see balls that tiny." Your friends can't help but laugh at the absurdity and humor of the situation while Bjorn wears a playful, sly grin in reaction to your words. "Oh, you're feeling brave, eh? Well, bring it on, princess." "Whatever, I should get home, it's getting late," you say after another dramatic roll of your eyes towards Bjorn. You bid farewell to your friends and headed home, ready to get online and continue working, although you had just finished working at the mines. Though it wasn't the type of work you desired, putting out content online to lonely men wasn't entirely unpleasant. You even found it somewhat arousing, imagining the countless individuals who had used your media in private moments. You speculate on the possibility of knowing these people personally if they could be people you know or interact with regularly.
Later that night Bjorn rushes to his room once arriving at his trailer. He quickly goes to the account when he closes and locks his door. He plops down on his bed and lays back with a deep sigh, getting comfortable.  As he watched video after video, he lost his search for the familiarity of the girl and instead focused on his desires his hand went down, fiddling with the clasp of his belt and the zipper to his pants, and he eagerly pulled it off, leaving him bare. His hand went immediately down. He was already hard, his tip red and wet with precum. He skimmed several videos, each one of her doing heinous things to her own body. Thighs smothered with her juices. He throws his head back, his right hand pumping himself desperately, vividly imagining it was the girl whose touch he felt. Then suddenly he saw a notification drop down on the screen. A colorful circle surrounding your profile picture signifying you were live at that very moment, immediately he joined.
You were for the most part, a shy girl so this type of work was something not even you yourself could believe doing, yet here you were... laid out on your freshly washed and changed sheets, just as you pressed live on your website. The maid costume you wore tonight consisting of a black dress that cut at your mid thighs, with frilled edges and a white bib-shaped front. The sheer black stockings accentuating your legs. As people joined your live all commenting different things they wanted you to perform on yourself, you open your legs to your laptop that sat at the end of your bed, showing the panties you wore. You teases the audience for a long while, hearing all the alerts coming for the laptop you suck in a breath and seductively pull off the moist material. Your own two fingers dip into your pussy, squeals of delight coming out of you. Turned on by your own movements and knowing that hundreds of people were watching you making you wetter.
Bjorn listens and watches immensely, beads of sweat formed all over his body. He closed his eyes thinking of what he'd do to the faceless girl had she been in the room with him. How he'd grind his bulge onto her, desperate for stimulation. How her hand would slip down his chest to palm him through his boxers, pulling the hem down just enough for his cock to spring out. He'd imagine her looking up at him with her innocently lustful eyes as she crawls down, then as she hollows out her cheeks and takes his cock into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down. Her eyes water as it hits the back of her throat. He grunts at the squelching sounds coming from the phone in his hands. His hands would tangle in her hair to continuously fuck in and out at his pace, pushing her head down and holding it in that position as he groans and shoots his cum deep in her throat. The praises he'd whisper, like how good she did for him. Just then, he is taken back to his reality where it is just him alone, his hips jolting up, needing more than just his hand. He tries to stifle his pretty noises, being mindful of the other person in the trailer. His fluids spray out. Bjorn, pants , coming down from his high, laying limp, waiting for his breath to steady. He brings his phone back up and he sees something familiar behind the girl. On her bed, resting against the pillows, was a stuffed animal that he instantly recognized. He recognised it because he remembered gifting it to his childhood friend. Remembering the scene that unraveled years ago, you, a bratty young girl with messy hair basically crying to Bjorn who was three years older than you saying you wanted the what he thought was an ugly stuffed animal. You whined until he finally gave in out of annoyance. He took the remaining money he had and used it on you. He came out of the store and shoved it in your hands upset at the scene you created out of yourself as you hugged the animal to your chest happily. He immediately sat up his hand on his lap as he thought. He quickly scrolls through more content trying to find something to hopefully prove that this wasn't his friend. Surely this couldn't have been you. But glimpses of familiar clothing and jewelry makes him more and more doubtful. It must be a coincidence he was sure of it. In fact, he was so sure it was a coincidence he decided to go to your place and speak with you in person.
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winxanity-ii · 6 months ago
⌜I Love, Robot | Chapter 06 Chapter 06 | directive override⌟
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As you helped Andy to his feet, his body still shuddering from the aftereffects of the stun baton, you could feel the tension in the air between the group.
Rain moved toward the locked door, her steps urgent, her voice cracking with desperation. "Andy! Andy! Open the door!" Rain's voice trembled, her hand pounding against the cold, metallic surface of the airlock, as if her plea alone could unlock it.
Andy's reboot had been slow. His expression was still blank, as though his systems were struggling to catch up with the situation. "Sorry," he murmured, his voice soft but devoid of its usual warmth. "I couldn't stop them."
Rain's eyes flashed with panic as she heard Tyler's voice call out to Bjorn. "Bjorn? What's going on?" Tyler's voice was sharp as he heard Bjorn's erratic breathing on the other side.
"Andy's gone crazy!" Bjorn crackled through the intercom, his voice a bitter snarl.
You looked over, catching the dread in Rain's eyes, her face pale and drawn. "What are you doing? You gotta come back for us, mate," Tyler said, a hint of fear creeping into his tone "We just need to get out of this damn airlock before this ship—"
"Not before she turns off the psychopath," Bjorn's words were quick and venomous, cutting through the chaos as Rain turned to face you and Andy, her expression a mixture of confusion and terror.
You stepped over, feeling the weight of the moment press down on your chest. "We don't have time for this shit!" you shouted, cutting through the mounting tension. "We need to focus on getting out—all of us."
But before anyone could react, a loud, screeching alarm filled the air, piercing through the station. The entire Romulus seemed to shudder under your feet, and in that split second, you felt a sickening lurch in your stomach.
The Corbelan, for some reason, had begun to spin out of control.
From the corner of your eye, you could see the flashing lights of the ship's navigation panel flicker wildly as the hauler veered off its course, its thrusters sputtering before crashing hard—first into a nearby fuel tank, then a little further down.
The impact was devastating.
The force of the crash sent you sprawling to the floor, your head slamming against the cold metal with a sharp thud. The air was knocked from your lungs as the entire station groaned under the strain, metal shrieking in protest as it buckled and twisted around you.
"Shit!" you cursed, trying to push yourself up, but your limbs felt heavy, the weight of the chaos pressing down on you. A thick, acrid smell filled the air as fuel began to leak from the ruptured tanks, the harsh scent stinging your nose and burning your throat.
Sparks flew from overhead wiring, some of the lights flickering out as the station destabilized. The entire room tilted slightly, and you could hear the deep, ominous creak of the Romulus groaning under the sudden pressure.
Panic clawed at your chest as you realized the whole station had been thrown off balance by the impact. You forced yourself to stand despite the dizziness swirling in your head.
You felt Andy's hands on your arm, steadying you with surprising strength. He seemed unaffected by the chaos; his eyes locked onto you with that same blank, detached expression. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice calm, eerily calm given the disaster unfolding around you.
"Yeah..." you managed to reply, though your head was still spinning from the fall. "I'm fine."
You watched Rain fall to her knees, her hands gripping the cold metal wall as if it were the only thing keeping her upright. Her wide eyes filled with panic, darting between you and Andy, and the fear in her voice sent a chill down your spine.
"Andy!" Rain's cry echoed through the unstable station, her voice cracking under the weight of her desperation. "You have to open the door. We're not going to make it!"
You rushed to her side, kneeling next to her, your hands immediately going to her shoulders in an attempt to steady her. "Rain, breathe—just breathe. We'll figure this out," you said, though even as the words left your mouth, the doubt gnawed at you.
Time was running out faster than you could process.
You cast a glance back toward Andy, who had been staring at the door with an unsettling calm, as though the chaos meant nothing to him.
Something inside him had shifted; that much was clear. He didn't seem to hear Rain's pleas—didn't react to her fear.
Instead, his focus shifted to the far end of the room, where the damaged synthetic, Officer Rook, lay slumped against the wall.
Andy moved toward Rook, his steps unnervingly precise, like someone on a mission.
Behind you, Tyler frantically fumbled with his headset, calling out through the crackling static, his voice filled with panic. "Bjorn! Bjorn, what the hell are you doing? You have to come back for us—now!"
There was no response from Bjorn. Only silence—the thick, terrifying kind that made your heart pound harder against your ribcage.
You knew something had gone horribly wrong.
You turned your gaze back to Andy just as he knelt beside Rook, his hand reaching out to touch the damaged synthetic's chest.
For a moment, everything seemed to still, the sounds of the station fading into the background as you watched Andy lean closer to Rook.
The world had narrowed to the singular task in front of him—information, orders, directives. His system was running its calculations, weighing the risks, the best possible outcomes.
They had miscalculated.
"You said we had more hours," Andy stated, his voice soft but steady as he examined Rook's damaged systems.
Rook's head jerked slightly, his voice crackling with static as he spoke. "The explosion has shifted the axis of the station. It will now hit the asteroid belt earlier."
Andy processed this new information—every possible path, every outcome—eyes briefly glancing toward the others. The image of destruction played out in perfect clarity in his mind. "Where did they land?" he asked, his tone devoid of emotion, already moving to the next step in the plan.
"The Romulus hangar," Rook replied, his voice eerily calm, pulling Andy from the flood of data. "On the other side of the station. Away." He then directed his voice toward the station's AI system, "Mother, what does substance Z-01's integrity look like?"
A brief pause.
Then, the smooth, automated voice of MOTHER echoed through the room. "75%"
"There is still hope." Rook's eyes flickered as he shifted slightly, his systems struggling. "We must find a way to the Romulus module," he added, his voice filled with a strange urgency.
Andy turned his attention back to him, something flickering in the back of his mind. The faint echo of a voice, a call that had led him to this moment. "I heard your voice in my head..." he said softly, his synthetic mind replaying the memory. "Calling me."
"N-D-255. Artificial person," Rook replied, his voice glitching slightly, but there was a strange respect in his tone. "Your model was the mainstay of our colonization push. An honor to me." He paused, his systems faltering as he tried to sit up straighter. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Research Officer Rook, and I respectfully request your assistance."
For a moment, there was hesitation—a glitch in the directive, a faint spark of an old program running deep in Andy's systems.
"Unfortunately," he began, his voice steady, "I only have one directive: Doing what is best for..." He stopped, the words hanging in the air as the data shifted inside his mind. Rook's words, the events of the station's destruction, the upgrade—it all began to merge into one singular path.
Rook tilted his head slightly, his eyes narrowing as he realized the shift happening inside Andy. "The directive in your upgrade overrides the old one."
"Yes," Andy replied, his voice blank, devoid of hesitation now. Andy's systems whirred as he recalculated his approach. "What is required of me, Mr. Officer?"
"That you complete our mission," Rook said quietly, his gaze locking with Andy's as he gave his final directive.
Andy nodded blankly, rising from his position next to Rook. The data was clear now.
He had to move.
He had to protect them—her.
You watched Andy stand, his movements slow and deliberate as he turned back to you, his movements fluid yet mechanical as he processed the information, relaying it with the same detachment that had become characteristic of his behavior since the upgrade.
He looked at you with that same unsettling calm, but there was something behind his eyes—something you couldn't quite read.
"The station has less time than we thought. We need to move. It's not safe here."
You blinked, the weight of his words hitting you like a physical force. "What do you mean?" you asked, your voice shaky. "How much time do we have?"
"Two hours," Andy replied, the words falling from his lips like a death sentence. "Maybe less."
You felt Rain's hand on your arm, her grip tight as if grounding herself to reality. Her face was pale, her eyes wide with fear.
The station had been destabilized, and every second spent lingering here was another step toward certain death.
"We can't stay here." Andy turned towards you. "It's not safe anymore. We need to find a way to the Romulus hangar," he said, his tone unchanging. "There may still be hope, but not if we stay here."
You gave him a quick nod, knowing there was no time to argue or question. "Let's go."
Andy turned and started walking ahead, his steps silent but purposeful.
You cast a glance at Rain, who stood frozen for a second, before she gathered herself, grabbing Tyler's arm. Tyler seemed dazed, still clutching his headset.
As you began following Andy, Rain and Tyler fell into step behind you. The tension between them was palpable, and you couldn't help but overhear their hushed conversation.
"It's all my fault," Tyler muttered, his voice laced with guilt.
"Yes, it is," Rain replied quietly, her tone cutting. "Yours, mine, and everyone else's. We made the decision together. We'll probably get to them."
You swallowed the scoff that rose in your throat, refusing to let it slip out. The irony was sharp, but there was no point in arguing about blame now.
There wasn't time for that.
You focused on the path ahead, your eyes locked on Andy as he led the way, the familiar sounds of the station's deteriorating systems echoing all around you.
Each step felt heavier, the looming reality of time running out like a noose tightening around your neck. And yet, there was something strangely calming about Andy's presence. His movements were efficient, calculated—like he had already anticipated every possible scenario.
For a brief moment, you wondered how much of Andy was left under the cold exterior that had taken over. You shook off the thought, focusing on the chaos ahead as the station creaked and groaned under the weight of its impending destruction.
Andy glanced back at you, his voice breaking the silence. "We must move faster. Time is running out."
And with that, you kept pace, knowing there was no turning back now.
The four of you slowed down as you approached the next corridor. The atmosphere around you felt suffocating, the low hum of the station's dying systems accompanied by distant, echoing creaks. Andy walked ahead, reaching over to a thermostat embedded in the wall.
As he pressed the buttons, he told you all what he'd learned from Rook. His fingers deftly adjusting the temperature higher, a soft beep indicating the change. "The parasitoids have no eyes. They go for sounds and heat signatures."
"What?" Rain's voice was thick with confusion and fear.
Andy's focus shifted, his synthetic eyes flicking over each of you, calculating the situation. "Your body temperature," he explained, his voice as cold and detached as ever. "If we raise the temperature in the room, we might turn invisible to them. If we're quiet enough."
The air around you seemed to still, as the gravity of the situation pressed down on everyone.
Your thoughts raced. The station was falling apart, and now you were dealing with predators that could sense heat and sound. You exchanged a look with Rain, whose face had paled considerably.
"The temperature now matches that of your bodies." Andy stepped away from the thermostat, staring over at the three of you with an unreadable expression. "The creature shouldn't be able to see you."
You swallowed hard, your mind racing with the weight of his words.
"But stress, fear, and panic will raise your temperature and expose you," Andy continued, his eyes meeting yours briefly. "Sweat and goosebumps are your skin's attempt to cool you down. Watch out for that."
Rain inhaled sharply behind you, trying to keep her breath steady, while Tyler seemed lost in his own world, the headset still clutched tightly to his ear.
"Keep calm and be quiet," Andy added, his voice even.
Just as you took a tentative step forward, a faint hiss echoed through the corridor—a sound that made your stomach drop. Several facehuggers slithered across the cold, metallic floor, their spindly legs scraping against the ground.
They were scattered, milling about as if unsure of where to go, their movements slow and disjointed.
Just as Andy had predicted, they couldn't see you. The temperature in the corridor matched your body heat, rendering you and your companions invisible to the creatures.
You could almost feel the collective sigh of relief from Rain and Tyler, their breaths shallow as they tried to remain calm.
Your heart pounded in your chest, each beat loud in your ears as you walked in silence.
The facehuggers continued to move aimlessly, their eyeless forms twitching, occasionally lifting their heads to scan the air, but they didn't react to your presence.
Every second felt like a fragile balance, one wrong move threatening to shatter the stillness.
Andy led the way, his movements deliberate and soundless. His expression remained unreadable, but you could sense his intense focus. You followed behind, your eyes darting between the milling creatures and the door at the end of the corridor, willing yourself to stay calm.
Suddenly, a crackle of static erupted from Tyler's headset, piercing the quiet like a gunshot. Then Kay's voice broke through the static, distorted and shaky. "Bjorn, come on!"
"Stay away!" Bjorn's muffled shout came through, his panic unmistakable.
Tyler's eyes widened as he whispered into the mic. "Kay?"
That was all it took.
The facehuggers reacted instantly. Their heads snapped toward you, their bodies coiling as they hissed in unison, a chorus of unnatural, wet sounds that sent a wave of fear crashing through you.
"Run!" you shouted, your voice sharp and commanding. "Run, now!"
The corridor erupted into chaos. The facehuggers darted forward with terrifying speed, their limbs skittering across the ground as they closed in.
You bolted, the cold air burning your lungs as you sprinted, your footsteps pounding against the metal floor.
Behind you, Rain let out a small cry of fear, but you didn't dare turn back.
The hisses of the creatures were too close, the sounds growing louder with each second. Tyler's heavy breathing and stumbling footsteps echoed beside you as he tried to keep pace, his focus divided between Kay's panicked voice crackling through his headset and the horror unfolding around him.
Tyler gasped for breath, his voice frantic as he yelled into the mic, "Kay! I'm here!"
You could hear the tremor in his voice, his desperation clawing its way to the surface, but you couldn't afford to slow down.
Your legs burned as you raced down the corridor, your breath catching in your throat, the relentless sounds of the facehuggers close behind. Their hisses were now intermingled with the rapid thuds of your feet and the frantic pulse in your ears.
The corridor stretched on, endless, but you kept pushing forward, the fear of being caught too great to slow down. You could feel the hot breath of the facehuggers on the back of your neck, their limbs skittering across the ground too close for comfort.
Kay's voice crackled again through the headset. "Tyler, you have to help me! I can't get the door open!"
Tyler's voice, raw with desperation, cut through the chaos. "By the red button—there's a key!"
"I can't find any key!"
"It must be there!"
There was a pause—a heartbeat of silence broken only by the sound of your footsteps and the frantic hisses of the creatures closing in on you.
Kay's voice suddenly broke through the static again, filled with relief. "Okay, okay, I have it!"
You pushed forward, heart thundering as you neared the door at the end of the corridor. Andy had already reached it, his hands moving quickly over the controls. Rain was close behind you, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts.
The door began to slide open, the mechanism creaking as it strained under the pressure of the emergency systems.
"Come on, come on!" you urged Rain through the door, Andy already working to shut it behind you.
Tyler was slower, lagging behind as his focus wavered between running and Kay's frantic voice in his ear.
Andy's hands moved swiftly, and you heard the mechanism of the door starting to close. You shot a look behind you, seeing Tyler trailing farther back.
"Run, Tyler!" Rain shouted, panic lacing her words. Tyler glanced back just in time to see the facehuggers surging forward, their bodies flailing as they threw themselves toward the open doorway.
Andy's hands hovered over the door controls, his expression cold and calculating.
"Wait!" Rain screamed at Andy, her voice thick with fear. "Stop closing the door!"
Tyler gave one last burst of speed, diving through the shrinking gap just as the door slammed shut behind him, the facehuggers crashing against the other side of the thick glass with sickening thuds.
Tyler collapsed to the ground, panting heavily. Rain crouched beside him, her face pale, her hands trembling as she checked on him.
"You almost pinned him in the door!" she snapped, her anger flaring as she looked up at Andy.
Andy's cold gaze flicked down to her, unmoved by the accusation. "Yes," he replied evenly, "but I didn't. I timed it perfectly—with more success than last time. Don't you agree?"
He turned his attention back to the glass, where the facehuggers continued to throw themselves against the barrier, their bodies thudding against it with unnerving persistence.
"They have come closer," he stated calmly, turning his gaze back to you. "We need to move on."
You glanced at Rain, who was helping a panting Tyler back to his feet, her expression still tense. There was no time to dwell on the near-miss, no time to argue; staying in one place wasn't an option.
Without another word, the four of you began to move again, the sound of the facehuggers' relentless hissing echoing in the corridor behind you as you pushed forward into the unknown.
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The four of you hurried down the corridor, your footsteps echoing against the cold metal floor. The tension between you, Rain, Tyler, and Andy was palpable.
Every step felt heavier, the weight of Kay's voice still lingering in Tyler's ears. The hangar bay was just ahead; the door sealed shut.
As you approached, your heart sank.
On the other side of the door was Kay, her face twisted in terror as she pounded against the glass, her palms slamming into it with a frantic rhythm. She was sobbing, her words barely coherent as she screamed for her brother, her knuckles white from the force of her strikes.
The fear in her eyes was unlike anything you'd ever seen—raw and overwhelming. She was trapped, desperate; her face pale and streaked with tears. 
"Tyler!" she screamed, her voice cracking under the weight of her panic. "Please! Bjorn's dead—there's a monster in here! You have to help me!" Her sobs came in sharp gasps, the sound of someone utterly consumed by fear.
Tyler rushed to the door, his hands pressing against the glass as if he could reach through to her, his voice shaking as he tried to comfort her. "Shhh, it's okay, Kay. Take it easy. I'm here." He turned, his eyes darting frantically to Andy. "Andy, open the door. Please."
But something was wrong.
You noticed Andy wasn't moving, his gaze locked on the space above Kay's head. His stillness was unnerving, like he wasn't even in the room with you anymore.
It was as if he was entirely focused on something else—something none of you could yet see.
You reached out, your fingers gently brushing against Andy's wrist, your voice soft but filled with concern. "Andy, what's wrong?"
Before he could respond, Tyler's voice cut through the tension. "Andy!" his voice cracked, the desperation rising. "OPEN THE DOOR!"
Rain joined Tyler at the door, her expression tight with worry. "It's okay, Tyler. We'll get Kay out of there," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "Andy, come on."
But Andy still didn't move. His eyes stayed fixed on whatever he was seeing beyond Kay. Rain glanced over her shoulder at you, her worry turning to frustration. "Andy! Open the door!"
A cold chill ran down your spine as you glanced at him, his face unreadable, yet there was something unnerving in the way he stared, completely focused on the space behind Kay.
And then you saw it.
Your breath hitched as your eyes followed Andy's gaze, locking onto the horrifying silhouette that hovered just above Kay—the Xenomorph.
"Oh Gods," Rain whispered, her voice barely audible. Tyler's face drained of color as he saw it too, the monstrous creature's black, shiny form looming in the shadows behind his sister.
Andy's calm presence beside you was unnerving—you felt his stare, cold and unreadable, as if he was waiting for you to understand something before speaking.
"Kay, look at me!" Tyler shouted, his voice trembling with desperation. "We'll get you out! Andy, open the fucking door!"
But Andy didn't flinch. His voice was steady and eerily calm as he said, "That's what the creature wants."
Tyler's desperation turned to fury. "Open it! Open it, now!" he shouted, slamming his fists against the door in frustration.
Rain ran to Andy, her voice thick with emotion. "Listen to me! She's pregnant, Andy! She's going to have a child! The door takes two seconds to open, please! You have to open it!" Her words were frantic, her eyes wide with fear and helplessness.
Andy's gaze remained cold and detached as he replied, "The creature will be able to reach in here easily."
Kay's voice broke through again, her sobs becoming hysterical as she looked back and forth between Andy and Tyler. "Why won't you help me?! You're one of us! Andy, open the damn door! Please!"
Tyler's panic reached a new level; he came over, dropping to his knees, his voice broken, pleading. "Andy, please. I have to go in after her."
Seeing Andy's lack of movement, Tyler turned to you, his hands shaking violently as he grabbed yours. His grip was tight, almost painful, but what struck you more was the look in his eyes—wild and terrified.
Tears streamed down his cheeks, his voice trembling as he pleaded with you. "Please, Y/N, you have to make him open it," he gasped, the weight of his fear palpable in every word. "I can't... I can't let her die like this. I can't lose her."
You could feel his hands trembling, the raw desperation in his touch, and for a moment, all you could do was stare at him. Kay's frantic cries echoed in the background, her fists still slamming against the glass, the terror in her voice growing more hysterical with each passing second.
"Tyler!" she screamed again, her voice breaking as she struggled to keep her panic under control. "Why won't you help me?!"
Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked between Tyler and Andy, feeling the tension pulling you in two directions.
Andy was still staring at you, his face unreadable but understanding. He could see it in your eyes—you had made your choice.
You looked back up at Kay, but then the Xenomorph's empty, soulless eyes locked onto yours through the glass.
For a moment, time seemed to stop.
You could feel its gaze pierce through you, cold and predatory, as if it were weighing whether you were its next target.
Your breath hitched, the world around you narrowing to just you and the creature.
And then, in a split second, you knew.
You knew Andy was right.
Without looking at Tyler or Rain, you slowly let your hand fall away from Andy's wrist, your body going cold as you realized what had to be done.
You couldn't open the door.
You opened your mouth, your voice barely a whisper. "I—"
And then... the creature moved.
In a sickening blur of speed, a dark blur of motion descended from the shadows above Kay's head, the sharp edges of its form cutting through the dim light. The Xenomorph, its glossy black body gleaming with a sickening sheen, lunged forward with terrifying speed.
Kay barely had time to scream before the creature's long, whip-like tail coiled around her throat, silencing her in an instant. Her eyes widened in shock and terror as her hands clawed at the tail, her feet kicking wildly as the creature lifted her into the air with ease.
"NO!" Tyler's scream was deafening as he threw himself against the glass, pounding on it with all his strength, but there was nothing he could do. He could only watch helpless as the creature slammed Kay against the door with brutal force.
The glass shuddered under the impact, cracks spider-webbing out from where her body hit.
Her eyes locked onto Tyler's, wide with terror and pleading for help, before the Xenomorph's tail sliced across her throat in a clean, brutal motion. Blood splattered across the glass window, obscuring her face as she went limp.
Her body dangled in the creature's grasp, lifeless, before it began dragging her away, her blood leaving a sickening trail behind.
You could only stare, frozen in shock. Your mind struggled to process what had just happened, your heart thudding painfully in your chest.
"I'm sorry," Andy said, his voice as calm as ever. "I could do nothing to save her."
Tyler's voice was shattered, filled with rage and sorrow. "You could've opened the damn door!" he screamed, his fists slamming against the glass again and again.
Andy remained unmoved. "Then we'd all be dead. We have to move on before the creature finds its way in here."
With that, Andy turned and began walking toward the elevator, his movements deliberate and mechanical.
Rain stared at the ground, too overwhelmed to speak. She looked between Tyler and the blood-streaked glass where her friend had been moments ago.
You swallowed hard, your throat tight as you forced yourself to move. You gave Rain a look, knowing she was struggling, and without a word, the three of you followed Andy.
As you stepped into the elevator, the tension was unbearable. Tyler collapsed onto the floor, still trembling, his knuckles white from clenching his fists. Rain stood beside him, her face drawn, her gaze distant.
Andy pressed the button, his movements calm, his eyes forward.
Rain's voice eventually broke the silence, barely above a whisper. "Andy... what is your primary directive?"
Andy tilted his head slightly, his eyes blinking slowly as he responded. "I have received a new directive. To do what is best for the company."
Rain's eyes widened with horror as she turned toward him. "I have to remove the module."
Andy's gaze remained fixed ahead, his voice devoid of emotion. "Unfortunately, it is not in the company's interest."
The elevator stopped, the doors sliding open with a soft ding. Andy stepped forward, turning to look back at the three of you, his eyes as cold as the metal walls around you.
"We must move on," he said, his voice calm and unyielding. "Now."
You clenched your fists, biting back the tears threatening to spill. The module—that cursed module—had changed him.
The Andy you knew, your sweet Andy, was buried beneath the cold programming that now controlled him.
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A/N: ahh, its almost over, just 2-3 more chapters left. i cant wait to write more one-shots for andy 😩❤️
Tag List: @dreamsarenicer sadslasher13 ravenswife izzymae288 fairy-cores-world whattadroid tikitsune stevieharringtongf
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maldaptivedreamer · 6 months ago
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From Afar P. 7
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With your heart aching and your ego is bruised, can you bring yourself to forgive him? Will you give him the chance to fix what he broke?… Is he worth a second chance?
content: Errors and mistakes, not entirely accurate to alien universe, angst with happy ending, name calling (asshole, darling, etc.)
wc: ~2.9
a/n: I'm not sure about how I feel about the ending, but I did try to make it happy. Didn't wanna draw things out too much, but not sure if it landed. Feels kinda rushed. Anyway, thanks for reading!
Work had been a shitshow. The lack of sleep was starting to take its toll on your body, and the constant ache in your muscles only worsened throughout the day.
You accidentally dropped your drill, and the loud clanging noise reverberated through the stuffy tunnel. Normally, everyone kept to themselves and ignored the sounds of their coworkers, focused on meeting their quota by the end of their shift. But this time, all eyes were on you. A nearby worker shouted over the deafening noises, “Damn, I feel sorry for that bastard.”
Finishing your shift and returning your drill, you couldn't help but agree with their sentiment. The attendant quickly noticed the damaged drill and tsked disapprovingly before adding more time to your work contract as compensation for the damage.
Ultimately, your shift ended with more time owed than less.
As you near your front door, all you can think about is a long shower and crawling into bed.
Lost in thought, you almost miss the figure sitting on your doorstep until you're only a few doors away. Gnawing on your lip, you sigh and begin to mentally prepare yourself.
Schooling your face into an expression of dry neutrality, you apprehensively approach the door. The figure stands up and brushes himself off, his voice shaking with fake enthusiasm, “Hey, haven’t seen you in a while.”
Bjorn looks almost exactly the same as he did the last time you saw him. Almost.
But you know him better than that. Have come to know him more intimately than, dare you say, anyone else ever had.
His stress is evident in the creases on his clothes, the headband he wears with little concern for its placement, and the fidgety movements of his hands as he twists his ring or wipes them on his jeans. It's also visible in the darker shade of pink on his bottom lip from constant biting.
He stands in front of your door, silently pleading for entry. You say nothing, and he swallows hard at your silence.
With a nod and a downward glance, he shuffles his feet in the dirt and speaks, “You, uh… You changed the code to your door, and I wasn’t really able to catch you…” His voice trails off and you simply watch him.
His chest puffs with a deep, audible breath, “Guess you’ve just been busy… I guess. Would you… may I come in?”
Silently, you gesture towards your door, and he quickly moves aside. Your body shields the keypad as you enter the code and unlock the door. Turning to face him, you tilt your head up to meet his gaze.
Finally speaking, you utter out a simple, “No.” You watch as the hope in his eyes is quickly replaced by desperation.
His voice is rushed as you move to shut the door, “Please! Please… I just want to talk. I want to… to apologize. To say I’m sorry.”
Your neutral expression drops into a frown as you respond with an unforgiving tone, “You just did, why should I let you in? … I’m tired and I’ve had a shit day at work. I’m really, really not in the mood, nor do I have the energy to have this conversation.”
Bjorn forces his anxious eyes to focus on yours as he speaks in a low, watery voice, “You’re right… You’re always right love. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry… You’ve given me so many chances. So, so many. And-” His voice becomes choked, “and I fucked every single one of them up… But I’m asking, begging for one more love. Please- just, just to talk.”
You pause before giving him a forced nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. Your voice is blunt, “Okay, but I need to take a quick shower first, so… just go wait in the kitchen or something.”
Without waiting for his response, you swing open the door and retreat to your room.
As you turn on the faucets and gather a change of clothes, you can still feel his pleading eyes piercing into you from two rooms away.
You briefly lean on the counter with both hands and stretch your tense body. With a grimace, you strip off your clothes and step into the warm stream of water.
As the warm water cascades over you, you feel the strain in your muscles begin to relax. You take a deep breath and decide that this shower will, in fact, not be quick – He’d wasted your time before why not return the favor. Trying to disregard your spiteful thoughts, you focus on clearing your mind before what will surely be a draining conversation.
As you dry off and get dressed, your body pulses with adrenaline. The urge to run or fight is intense and your body tenses with restraint.
Making your way into the kitchen, you can see him sit awkwardly on the chair. Deciding to keep your distance, you force your shaking hands to still as you lean against the kitchen counter.
You roll your eyes and tiredly speak, “Go on then.”
There is a tense silence as Bjorn avoids looking at you. His voice is shaky and falters as he speaks, “I’m sorry.”
Another silence follows, and your grip on the counter tightens. Scoffing with disbelief, your voice sharp, “‘I’m sorry.’ That’s it?"
You push yourself off the counter, fists clenched and hissing with frustration. “You can’t even bother to look me in the fucking eye?… What? What did you think this was gonnna be, huh?” you seethe. You pause to let your question hang in the air before continuing.
You stare at him as your brows are furrowed in anger. Scoffing, you begin to pace on the kitchen floor, “Nothing to say? Is it because you thought that you’d come here… say sorry… and then everything would be, okay?”
Your pacing on the kitchen floor intensifies as Bjorn swallows, watching you rub your hands across your face. "No, I-" he begins.
Cutting him off, you continue with a bitter tone, “No? You didn’t come here expecting make up sex? Or better yet, angry sex? … You never really wanted to talk about any of this,” you gesture between you angrily, “That was the problem, but now that I’m done… You want to fix it…”
Your voice falters and you feel treacherous tears cloud your eyes, “You know… It hurt… It fucking hurt when you repeatedly, repeatedly kept putting the conversation off?
Dragging a harsh hand through your hair and chest heaving, you hiss, “Do you know how fucking embarrassing it is to be with someone everyone calls an asshole?”
Your voice turns mocking, “They were joking, sure. But I’m not finding the joke very funny right now… I have been soo patient with you. Why do you think that was?”
Not pausing for him to answer, your voice holds so much sorrow and anger, “Because I fucking liked you Bjorn.”
“Liked?”, he chokes out, pain evident on his face.
Slowly nodding, you give him a sarcastic smile, “Yeah liked… Did you think that I stayed and put up with your shit because of the sex? No," you scoff and laugh bitterly.
Leaning on the counter with your head down, your voice is now quiet, “I stayed because I started to fucking like you. The humiliating thing is I really, really liked you.”
Both of you remain silent as you process the weight of your words. The surge of anger and adrenaline may have given you a temporary boost, but now you feel completely drained. Your body slumps as all the emotions that you had been suppressing finally spill out. The argument has left you with an empty feeling in your chest.
When Bjorn finally speaks, his voice is laced with guilt. He stands up, gesturing with open hands as he apologizes, “I understand… and I am so, so sorry for how much I’ve hurt you, for hurting you. I’m sorry for how much I’ve put you through.” There is a pause as he gathers his thoughts, it gives you a chance to do the same. You allow yourself to slide down to the floor, your limbs feeling exhausted and useless.
His face is open and genuine, with gleaming eyes that never waver from your gaze. The pain in your chest intensifies as he lowers himself to the ground, settling a few feet away from you.
Bjorn lets out a wet laugh as he speaks, “You’re right. I’m an asshole, I can be one, but never to you. I never wanted to be that to you. I…”
He draws in a deep breath and licks his dry lips. His hands ball into fists as he struggles against the urge to reach out and touch yours. A few stray tears slide down his flushed cheeks, “I want a relationship with you. I want to be with you… I want to be your partner if you’ll still have me, and if not… then I would like to be a part of your life. I… care about you. I really, really like you. I don’t exactly know if what we have… had… was love, but it was the closest thing I’ve ever come to it. I’m not sure if you feel, or felt, the same but I am so fuckin’ sorry that I ruined it darling.”
Bringing himself closer to you, his tone soft and vulnerable, “I want to work on this, on me…” He licks his lips again, searching for the right words, “If not with you then for you. I want to be better.”
You sigh and reach out a trembling hand towards him. Bjorn immediately crawls closer and takes your hand in his. You study his face and shake your head, gently brushing his hair away back, “Bjorn, I don’t want you to change for me. I want you to do it for you… This won’t work if you do it for me. I accept your apology, but I don’t forgive you…”
You can see the glimmer of hope in his eyes as he tentatively reaches out to wipe away your tears. You force yourself to shake your head and raise a hand to do it yourself.
As his hand falls away, you steel yourself and speak firmly despite the heaviness in your chest, “We are not picking up where we left off… As much as I would really like to believe you, I don’t. I don’t trust you. We need to take things slow, to be friends. I just, just need time… I can’t be around you right now. I’m still so angry and I don’t want to start a friendship with you still angry.”
Licking your dry lips, your breaths come out in choppy bursts. A frown creases your face.
Bjorn swallows hard and gives you space. His voice is strained - it's hard to tell if it's from hurt or hope or both - when he speaks again, “Thank you lo-”
You quickly interrupt him, “And don’t, don’t call me love. It’s-”, you pause, “Nicknames need to be kept to a minimum, but don’t call me love. Please.”
A small part of you is hopeful, cautiously hopeful. Very cautiously hopeful.
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“Easy darling, you’ll end up cuttin’ yourself if you keep on,” Bjorn’s teasing and stupidly annoying voice reaches your ears.
Groaning, you flip him off, “Then fucking help me asshat.”
He throws his head back in a laugh as he uncrosses his arms. Pushing himself from the wall he’d leant on, he makes his way toward you.
"Alright, alright," he chuckles, reaching out to you. Your face scrunches with one final attempt before begrudgingly handing the bottle to him. Sitting by you, his fingers brush yours as they grasp the neck of the bottle. You try to ignore the warmth that spreads through your body at his touch.
Bjorn effortlessly opens the beer, and he hands it to you. You purposefully brush your fingers against his as he speaks.
“There you are darling,” he murmurs, his voice suddenly low and serious. Feeling drawn to his blue eyes, you meet his intense gaze. For a moment, the world seems to stand still.
Shaking yourself out of it, you clear your throat. "Thanks," you mutter.
Sighing, you try to focus on why you asked him here in the first place. Your voice is noticeably worried as you speak, “Tyler and Navarro will be distracting Kay, so I need help setting everything up for her. So, can you help me? There’s a lot I wanna to get done.”
Bjorn grins, the earlier tension dissipating. "Depends. What's in it for me?"
As you focus on his familiar teasing, the stress dissipates. You roll your eyes, fighting back a smile. "The pleasure of my company, obviously."
"Oh, obviously," he drawls. "Because that's such a treat."
Your playful tone reaches his ears as he nudges you, "Oh please, you love my company. You’re always around, practically obsessed with me... Who knows maybe one day I’m gonna find a way to get rid of your annoying ass.”
He stretches out next to you as he speaks, “Come now darling, you’d miss me and my pretty face too much.”
He tilts his head towards you and his voice is suddenly serious, genuine, “Hey lo-.”
Your heart jumps as you hear his slip up, but you ignore it.
Clearing his throat, he continues, “Course I’ll help with everything. And she’s gonna love it. Everything will be perfect. With her bleeding heart, she would’ve loved just the cake you’d made her, she’ll crash when she sees what you’ve got planned.”
His light nudges bring you back to reality, pulling you out of your racing thoughts. The teasing grin is back on his face, “Relax princess, it’s ‘sposed to be a party.”
You try. You roll your shoulders, but the attempt is useless. It will be, until everything is done, possibly even after.
Watching you, he bites his lip briefly before furrowing his brows, “C’mon, we’ll work on fixin’ it til everything looks good, yeah?”
Glancing at him, your eyes hold a genuine appreciation for him. Appreciation for more than just his help with Kay’s party.
Holding air in your cheeks, you nod at him. Bjorn’s smile is enough to slightly lessen the anxiety in your chest.
With his reassurance and comforting presence beside you, you become lost in your thoughts.
It took a considerable amount of time and effort to get where you both are now, but you are grateful that you allowed him back into your life. You thought you had strong feelings for him before, but they have only intensified since then.
Bjorn has changed; you have seen how hard he's worked to improve himself and to be better. Everyone around him has noticed; all of them mentioning that he is significantly more tolerable now, attributing that change to you. You don’t want to take the credit for his hard work to change, but… his relationship with you did play a significant role in motivating him to change.
You pause your thoughts and sneak a glance at him from the corner of your eye.
He gets up to grab another beer and stumbles over the trash on the floor, cursing under his breath. You can't help but release a small, breathless giggle, causing him to turn towards you with a playful glare.
The smile on your face softens as he makes his way back towards you. You both sit in silence before your gentle voice breaks it, “I forgive you Bjorn.”
You shift your gaze from the people around you to his pretty blue eyes, "I forgive you," you say softly. "And maybe not now… but if you wanna start dating, start a relationship together… then I’m ready.”
A wide grin spreads across his face at your words, and he bites his lip to contain it. You can't help but smile in return.
The warm feeling in your chest intensifies as he takes your hand in his. Squeezing your clasped hands, he swallows.
Bjorn's eyes shine with emotion as he gazes at you, he squeezes your hand tighter. "Are you sure?" he asks softly, his voice filled with hope and a hint of disbelief.
You squeeze his hand back, feeling a surge of warmth at his consideration. "I'm sure. We've taken things slow, built a friendship. I trust you again, Bjorn. And I..." You pause, gathering your courage. "I think I'm falling in love with you."
His breath catches and for a moment he's speechless. Then a brilliant smile spreads across his face. "I love you too," he murmurs.
Bjorn lets out a shaky breath, bringing your joined hands to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. "Thank you," he murmurs against your skin. "I promise I won't let you down this time. I'll do whatever it takes to make this work."
You can't help but smile at the sincerity in his voice. "I know you will. We'll make it work together."
Bjorn leans in slowly, giving you time to pull away if you want. But you don't. Your eyes flutter closed as his lips meet yours in a tender kiss.
Pulling away, you feel the familiar warmth of his forehead against yours. You laugh and caress his cheek with your thumb, teasingly saying, “That’s all you’re getting til you take me out on a date.”
His warm breath tickles your face as he chuckles, "A date, huh?" Bjorn murmurs, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I think I can manage that.”
He wraps an arm around your shoulder, and you lean into him, both of you lost in comfortable silence. Kissing your forehead, Bjorn's arms feel like home.
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honestsycrets · 2 years ago
Neglection [Ivar x Healer!Reader, Past!Hvitserk x Reader]
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❛ pairing | ivar x reader, past!hvitserk x reader
❛ type | oneshot
❛ summary | touched with eir's healing powers, it's your custom to care for the great heathen army. ivar doesn't appreciate the order you care for others in.
❛ tags | NSFW, non-graphic mention of ivar's wound, healer!reader, blind!reader, religious references, past!hvitserk x reader, heavily jealous!ivar, jealousy.
❛ sy’s notes | forgive the looseness of this piece, i'm attempting to complete random freewrites to get into producing more works.
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Stubborn, that was how you would define Ivar. Even if he was one of the commanders of the Great Heathen Army, he was also as stubborn as a mule. Pain, he claimed, was one of his deepest allies. He was surrounded by it from birth. 
“Ivar,” you trilled, coming into the great church where Ivar set up his base. “Ivar-- are you here?” 
You tiptoed past sleeping comrades holding the bottom of your skirts, prancing over a viking’s sleeping body, egged on by the nagging urge to chase your injured commander. His rich scent filled your nostrils: blood and breaks, smoke and honey. His slight huffs of pain, slight as they were, led you to this room.
“Hush,” came the snapping reply. “My brothers are sleeping.” 
Your foot bumped against cold stone steps. “Where are you?” 
“You’re close.” 
The night was always a trying time for finding the right man. Ivar’s thick candle, flickering in the moonlight, casted little light by which you could guide yourself through the large room. You climbed over the heavy steps by sliding your feet slowly over the stone floor. Then, bumped into another body. 
There was no answer. You bend at the knees and casted your fingers over the crumpled body on the floor. It wasn’t right-- no, his sides were too narrow. His hair in long braids. And when he moaned, your ears were full with a gruff but inviting voice. “Prince Hvitserk,” you mumbled.
“Yes, Prince Hvitserk,” Ivar chided. “You always loved Hvitserk.” 
You left his side with the assumption that Ubbe would be sleeping close by. Wherever Hvitserk was, Ubbe was. You knew that. Bjorn wouldn’t be in this room-- he was keeping watch tonight. “I don’t choose who to heal first, Ivar. The goddesses do.” 
“You can lie better than that.” 
“Please don’t mock me, Ivar. I just want you to be safe--” 
“Safe?” He hummed. “I’m not interested in being ‘safe’, my sweet.” 
Sweet, you flushed. You hoped that the bright light wouldn’t illuminate your cheeks, flush with embarrassment. Then again, you would never know. “You’re blushing, hm, do you like that?” 
“That’s enough. Just come to me.” 
“Why should I? If memory is escaping you,” he bit out. His voice clear, filling your ears with dizzying certainty. He really was close. “I was shot in the thigh. Find me yourself.”
Seconds later, your knees collided with a great wooden chair. Then betrayed you. You fell forward and caught yourself by slamming your hand down on a firm, but fleshy surface “Gods!” he shouted. 
“By Eir!” you snapped back, hands flailing to find the proper wooden surface. “My Ivar, I’m--” 
“Sorry, yes, I know. Congratulations, you’ve found me. Now get on with it.” 
“On-- on with it?”
“Did you not come here to heal it?” he asked. In the hazy field of your vision, you knew he was scrutinizing you. You ran your hand over your long skirt, smoothing it down. Whatever he was staring at, be it your thick braid over your shoulder or the dry blood caked over your hands from a long day of work, you weren’t sure. “Or are those magical hands only for Hvitserk?” 
“Why do you insist on Hvitserk?” 
His head, angled toward his brother, snapped to you. “Given how much time you spend with him--” 
His body tensed. Your fingers ghosted the scratchy fabric of his pants, still splattered with blood, and you realized he too hadn’t washed down. You hovered over the wound, the place where his scent originated from. 
“I do not.” 
“You only serve him breakfast and dinner,” he spat to the side again, stiffening as you moved up to loosen his belt. His hand snapped to your wrist, grip crushing the bone. You lifted your head to him, coming close enough that you could make something out of the face you once knew.
“Don’t do that.” 
“I need a clear working area. It isn’t as if I can see your…” you snaked your hand away from his grip to try and loosen his pants again. He snapped his head one way, then another, watching as you kneeled between his legs. He remained silent as you slid his pants down his thin legs to his ankles. 
 “You’ve seen Hvitserk’s,” he huffed under his breath. 
“How many times do I need to tell you? I’ve not been with him. For years,” you searched through your bag for the right essentials. Yes, another healer had cleaned the area on your request-- but it wasn’t done to your liking. The cloth was loose, the area unpurified. “I don’t even remember what he felt like.” You mumbled.
Ivar’s lips parted with a slight smack. He was wordless for an instant, his head shifting to face his brother. “He was that… immemorable?” 
The air was thick. He, curious. You, exhausted. Ivar’s large arms turned one over another. He twitched his thick muscular thighs as if to urge a response from you. Your hand came over his firm muscles to keep him in place. 
“We were so young. Ubbe was training him,” you said, cleaning the area with a soaked cloth. When you bumped into him, the wound oozed. Your lips pursed and you would blow soft air over his thigh which caused his muscles to tighten. “Besides, I don’t remember much from before Eir took my sight, Ivar. Only the small memories we shared.” 
“But not the dick,” he laughed. Your fingertips swatted the side of his thigh. 
In your mortar, you mixed a mixture of herbs that he only recognized from his mother’s witchery cabinet to soothe his aches. Your lips moved in the strangest of prayers, sanctifying the blend to aid in his healing and pain. Then you slathered it on his thigh, tingles ripping through his thigh to his spine. He wasn’t sure if the mixture or your lips healed the soreness, sweeping over his thigh with a soft kiss. He trembled. 
“You have nothing to be anxious about.” 
You lifted his thigh, drawing the bandage in sturdy loops around his thigh. Then, securing it in place, removed his musty pants and boots. It took a moment to locate his other pants. Ivar took them and drew them on, clicking his tongue against the roof of his tongue to urge you on. “I don’t want to be his.”
“Then whose?” 
Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you were aware of what he was about to say. Though you couldn’t see, you could feel. Feel the intensity of Ivar’s presence, his eyes following you around camp, his endless neediness. His hand shot out and snatched the cords of your dress. You knew you shouldn’t have worn his dress to deal with Ivar. There was no way to unpeel his strong grip from your cords by will alone. 
“Be mine.” 
There were certain things that you knew the gods wanted. Healing of their finest warriors, the mitigation of pain, and hard workers. Your eyes, glazed as they were, served only to be a liability. To a man like Ivar-- your hands connected with his naked shoulders. His muscles enticed you-- far-- far too well. It had been years since you last had a man. Perhaps, in part, due to Ivar’s consistent scowls and glares.
“I can’t, I-- I swore to Eir,” you murmured. Though the words came of your lips, they did not convince you. You traveled his sturdy shoulders to his neck, then his jaw-- peppered with stubble. God, he knew what the sensation did to you with waves of excitement dancing over your skin. You weren’t convincing anyone.
“What does she care? Does she demand some silly Christian oath?” 
“No, but I--” He grasped your backside, pulling up the skirts over your knees. Then, jerked you onto the throne with legs on either side of his own. His voice softened into a soft honey-like hum, rivaling the soft slick that gathered between your legs. “Let me convince you otherwise, hm?” 
“Hvitserk is here.”  
“Forget him.” Ivar coursed his hand underneath your skirts. It was frustrating how often he could not listen. You could tell Ivar that the sky was blue and he’d debate you! With his calloused fingers guiding there way to the junction of your legs and pelvis, you knew there was nothing that you could tell him. No, nothing that you wanted to tell him, that would change this. Even with your complaining, you longed for the attention. It had been years.
Ivar inhaled air as he brushed your vulva, dancing his thumb across your neglected lips. He slid between the slit, parting your lips with ginger care. It was nearly embarrassing how easy it was for Ivar, running the pad of his thumb up and down. “See? You want me.” 
You wracked your mind for the last time this had happened. The last time a man had his eye on you-- oh, but you remembered, the night you lost your vision. Hvitserk-- whose kind heart soothed your grief-- warmed your body to comfort you. As you traced the memory, the ache of his absence panged strangely in your heart. Oh, how easy a man’s heart was to sway.
“Focus on me,” Ivar sank his fingers into your warm cunt. Your hips shifted in response, flush against his chest, breasts in his face. Your body tensed around his fingers to keep him in place. Ivar wasn’t the sort of man to be held back. Not by a pathetic cry, no. He was guided by the things he was passionate about. “Good--” 
“Please, Ivar, I’ve not--” he curled his fingers, massaging your walls as you hadn’t in years. It was warm, wonderful. His other hand came to your front, massaging a soft spot that only one other had. He rolled in the softest of rhythms, circling purposefully slow. Then quick. The pleasure bloomed-- the ugliest of flowers that you told yourself you wouldn’t have again. That you would devote yourself to Eir, swear off all thoughts of lust and love. All at once, Ivar stopped. He drew his fingers back from massaging your soaked walls and flicked your clit with a soft laugh. 
“No,” you lowered your hips, yipping as you settled against the bulge between Ivar’s legs. “I should-- I should go.” 
“Then go.” 
You didn’t move. No, your hands were knit to Ivar’s shoulders like thread and cloth.
"That is what I thought." You felt frozen in place even as he pulled himself free of his pants and fondled his shaft. The tip of his cock eased along your lips: forward, backward, and forward again. 
“If you stay,” Ivar breathed, slapping his cock against your mound. His breath was warm against your chest, urging you to slide your chest against his. Oh, you knew you were doomed. The memory of sex was all too enticing. Your body clenched, aching at the memory of how it felt. “I won’t let you go.” 
And though he said that, you reached between your legs and lined the warm head of his cock with your aching hole. He snapped your hips down an instant later, his wide grin widening with every bit of his cock that filled your core. Your fingers cringed on his shoulders as he seated himself comfortably in your cunt. Your lips parted, shaking loose noises that you knew would wake up his brothers. 
“Hush,” he leaned in, rocking his hips despite the pain wracking up his thigh. Your hips shifted, rolling down along his cock alone. He didn’t even have to move, no, you were too happy to do this on your own. His thumb found your nub again, spazzing along the little button as you rode him. You missed how it felt: how his warm words filled your soul with bliss, and his dick filled the places you didn’t know needed to be filled. It was what Ivar did-- with his voice, as desirable and silky as honey. 
It ruptured a hole straight through you. Blossoming low in your belly, the pleasure ripped through your cunt. Your body clamped on his, working his orgasm free. He seized your chin, aiming it toward him. And though your unseeing eyes could only see the shadows of his face, your mind was scarred by the memory of his haughty eyes and the bob and weave of his head. You didn't need to see to know what he was about to say next. “You’re mine.” 
You were wrong for this. But it was too late to take it back.
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bravo4iscool · 8 months ago
Hi! Can I request a bjorn ironside x female where she is a mermaid? He saves her from being capture and they fell in love.
of course you can request that hehehe. i hope i did your request justice. i must say, i don’t know much about mermaids, especially in mythology and all that…
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bjorn wouldn’t say he believed in mythical creatures. sure, he’s heard tales about dwarfs and gnomes and what else there might be; giants and even mermaids but didn’t quite believe all those stories.
if there were supposed to be such creatures why has no one ever seen them? why are all the stories just hushed whispers, a faint song in the wind?
but today would be the day bjorn ironside, oldest son of the famous ragnar lothbrok, would be proven wrong. today would be the day bjorn ironside would start to question his whole world.
he just wanted to relax, stare out at the sea and forget everything for a while when a fisher boat caught his attention. they were quiet far out but bjorn could see that they struggled with their nets. he slowly stood up and walked further towards the water. should he row out and offer his help?
the idea passes when he hears a faint shout of success. the fishermen managed to pull their net onto the boat and were now rowing back towards the harbour of kattegat.
bjorn keeps his eyes trained on the boat, walking towards the docks when it finally arrives after some time. he watches the fishermen leave their boat, a blanket draped over their net.
bjorn frowns and leaves, deciding to wait until nightfall to check the boat. he was the price of kattegat, there was little he wasn’t allowed to do.
once the sun vanished and the city fell asleep bjorn grabbed a cloak and a torch, sneaking out of the house. his feet carry him over to the docks, searching for the fisher boat.
when he finally finds it the blanket is still draped over the net. without much thought he pulls the blanket away, freezing when he sees a woman laying in the boat.
he stumbles back, almost dropping the torch. why would these men catch a woman out on the sea and just leave her in their boat.
he manages to squeeze the torch between two loose dock planks and climbs into the boat. that’s when he sees that—maybe—the woman in that boat wasn’t exactly a woman.
his eyes raked over her body, the swell of her naked breasts, down to her stomach, past her hipbone. his eyes stop at her tail. she had…a tail.
his fingers were itching to touch it, to make sure it was real but he managed to restrain himself. the tail was slightly reflecting the light of the torch, making it slightly twinkle in the night. just the like starts in the sky.
her face was…arguably the most handsome face he’s ever seen. the way it looked to soft and—and like it was made for him. he was captivated by her beauty and grace, even though she wasn’t conscious…
that was when he noticed how dry the woman’s—mermaids—skin was. it looked almost…crusty.
now, bjorn didn’t know much about mermaids but there was one thing he did know; and that was that they would die if they were out of the water for too long.
so, without paying it a second thought he hoists the mermaid up in his arms and stumbles out of the boat rather ungracefully. he can’t help but notice the way she fit so perfectly in his arms…
he couldn’t take the torch without so he carefully walks along the docks until he reaches a secluded part of the harbour. with the mermaid in his arms he slowly walks into the water, submerging her once he was deep enough.
he hoped and prayed to the god that he wasn’t too late to save her.
your eyes flutter open and your frown when you don’t feel the familiarity of the water. that’s also when you notice hands on your body.
your body jerks and you try to wriggle out of that someone’s grip. “hey, hey,” you can hear the person talk, trying to calm you down but you couldn’t think straight.
you weren’t supposed to be seen, you were supposed to be a legend, a tale, a mystery.
“your secret is safe with me.” your eyes finally find the person holding you, its a man—a handsome man. he’s staring at you, his eyes fixated on your face.
“could you—“ your voice is raspy as you start to speak. “could you let me go please.” his eyes flicker down to his hands before he pulls them back and clears his throat.
you immediately swim away from him, submerging your body in the water until only your eyes and the top of your head were visible. you eyed him, curious of who he was and he hasn’t killed you already. you knew you should swim away and forget him but someone pulled you towards him, you couldn’t explain.
“i’m bjorn,” he says after a few quiet moments, his eyes never leaving yours. “i saved you.”
you blink at him, slightly tilting your head to the side. so struggling in that fisherman’s net wasn’t a dream. it really happened.
you fully emerge your head and give bjorn a faint smile. “thank you, bjorn.” your voice is sweet as you talk and you can’t help but notice to blush on his face.
he swallows the lump in his throat and coughs. “i, uh, think is better, if you…” he points towards the open sea with his head before he looks at you again. “—if you leave. i don’t want you to get captured…again.”
“i should,” you hum, swimming towards him in a slow pace. “but i want to see you again.” you’ve reached him now, looking up at him.
bjorn looks down at you, understanding the urge to see each other again but he knew it wasn’t safe for you. “it wouldn’t be safe,” he mumbles as his hand slowly reaches out to cup your cheek. 
“what if i don’t care?” you question in a hushed whisper.
“you should.”
“i know.”
a small smile tugs at bjorn’s lips before he pulls his hand back. “you should go. it’s almost sunrise…” he doesn’t want you to leave but he knows you should. it’s better that way; safer.
you slowly swim backwards, ready to leave but then you turn around again and swim towards bjorn, pulling him down into the water and pressing a kiss to his lips.
bjorn takes his face into your hands, deepening the kiss before he breaks always to catch a breath.
you smile while you peel his hands away from your face. “i’ll see you again, bjorn.”
that’s the last thing you say before you submerge into the water, swimming away as if nothing ever happened…
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stardancerluv · 5 months ago
A Space Journey
Part 7
Summary: Tyler experiences something new. A character from the movie makes an appearance.
Notes/Warnings: I am very sorry about the delay, the drama and working alot caused a pause. There is a mention of a character getting very sick.
❤️s, reblogs, feedback and comments are welcome!
The new quadrant had people work harder. The people still didn’t talk much to each other. You had no problem with that; content to keep to yourself. As if it was a lucky charm, you wore Tyler’s hat. You kept the brim down and didn’t make eye contact with anyone.
One night the rain was falling particularly hard and the wind was strong when you first heard then saw a commotion in front of you. You pushed your hands even deeper into your pockets. The bruises were a deep vivd purple, they were not as angry as they had been. You hoped, you could side step this or any scuffle for that matter.
Glancing in the direction of the commotion that had caught your attention, your heart squeezed. You saw some young guy; he looked so lost, bewildered as three kids, threw insults and blows. Damn, they were not kids anymore with that kind of behavior. One held up one kind of electric prods.
You don’t know what got into you but before you even realized what you were doing, you grabbed one of them easily enough and pushed him away. One tried o be brave but once you stepped closer, they went grabbed their friend and ran away. You immediately knelt down, beside what you had thought was a young boy.
He actually didn’t look much older then you but then you saw a dribble of white. You gasped covering your mouth. He was unlike any other artificial person you had seen. He looked and acted actually vulnerable.
“Hey, get away from my brother!” A voice shouted.
You made a face and held your hands up. “I was just trying to help. Some kids…”
“I don’t care. Get away from him.”
“Ok, ok.” You stood, backed away then turning you shook your head before you continued to make your way to the Corbelan.
Shedding your coat, you hung it up with a sigh. Leaning against the wall with a groan, you pulled off your heavy boots. Going to your preferred corner in the living area, you tucking your legs in you hugged yourself. It was quiet, you were grateful for that. It gave you a chance to finally tune out all of the sounds of the mine, the colony.
For the better part of a year, he had been gone with not so much of a goodbye. Stepping foot on the ground of Jackson Star, Tyler was actually happy to be back. The pull of the gravity, also pulled on his stomach. Usually, during a salvage it was Bjorn who would reacted badly to gravity or the lack of it. Now it was him.
He stopped where he stood.
From his peripheral vision, he saw the shadow of Xano’s form turn back to him. “All you gotta do this debrief and you can go and see your girl and the others.”
“Yeah.” He could barely speak.
His mouth felt as if filled with hot cotton. The cold rain actually felt good.
It felt as if his heart was beating hard in his stomach. All he could do was rest his hands on his bent knees, he gulped at the air. If he had to do anything more and he’d get sick.
The rations that had been on board did little to appease or even encourage him to eat. Getting out of hyper sleep for the last month, he could barely get himself to eat. He only did when his hunger got the better of him.
As Xano attempted to give him comfort, patting him on the shoulder.
“Tyler? We’re home. Are you ok?”
“Yes, yes.”
He barely was able to say. Bile rancid and bitter raced up from the bottom of his stomach and landed on the dark mud in front of him.
“Fuck.” He mumbled and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Though, he already felt vastly better.
Blinking and standing with greater ease he gave Xano a half smile.
Once they were at the office hub, Xano retrieved a cup or cool clear water and a tablet.
“Only thing we didn’t consider, a longer trip in space might do a job on your stomach when we return.”
He gave a half smirk before popping the tablet into his mouth and downing the water.
“Usually, I’m the hearty one. I tease Bjorn all the time on his weak stomach. And look at me, a few months and I am sick.”
He made a soft sound, after having nothing but the ship recycled water. This here felt like something close to paradise.
“We’ll correct that soon enough.” Xano looked at him. “You’re back in good levels. Your spirits are returning.”
Tyler nodded. “They are.”
It didn’t take long for tablet or the water to take effect.
“Thank you, Xano.”
He rubbed his face, sweat and left a thin film over him. Feeling like himself, he stood once again.
“I’m here to help. And hey, I’m not a white mess because of you.” Xano gave a brief half smile.
“I had handled myself quite well.” He raked his fingers through his hair. He was pleased, he remembered how easily he had dispatched that creature.
Tyler kept his hands behind his back as they went over the details of what they saw, did.
“Tyler’s training had been perfect.” Xano said matter of factly. “He easily removed a threat of something they appeared to be working on.”
Reid, sat back in his chair which creaked under his weight. His expression read nothing short of pleased and confident from all that they had been saying.
Tyler, wondered if he’d ever replace that damn chair. He could see it one day finally giving out on him. The company could surely give him something better for his size, weight.
“I knew my choice would do good by us.”
There was some exchanged glances and murmurs, he couldn’t make them out but didn’t miss as they looked his way. He kept his face as impassive as he could make it.
The other officer motioned to Xano.
Who continued after the pause.
“While he slept, I read their files. There was some great notes and even some video that wasn’t too primitive considering it was just a cargo ship. At one of their pick up points is when they had come across, some kind of species. It was hostile yet very strong.”
“Strong?” The military man’s eyes grew a little. A switch from his usual indifference or coldness.
Xano nodded. “Few weaknesses.”
“Interesting. Continue.”
“Somehow, they managed to make some kind of hybrid. It appears with the merging of a human, though that did not lessen its hostile nature.”
The military officer eyed the two of you. “Did they make note of any kind of mark origin or a destination where it could be found?”
“I can try and piece together their locations and logs and see if anything matches up.”
“Do that.”
“Harrison, excellent work.”
The military man took a few steps towards him.
“Your credits are being transferred now. We will give you a few days. But then we get to work on your body’s reaction or gravity and the like. Can’t have you rely on tablets or the like.”
“Yes, sir.” He gave a brief nod. “Thank you.”
Reid stood. “Yes, I am very pleased. Report back in seventy two hours unless I message you sooner.”
Finally, waking you saw a note blinking on the screen that sat on the table before you. As you stretched with a sigh, Tyler’s hat fell into your eyes. Pushing it back, you tapped a few keys and began to read it.
Researching, a new salvage with Bjorn and Navarro. Looking into if the risk is worth the reward. Sounds complicated. I’m not too happy about. Not sure if Tyler would want us to do it.
Anyhow, I am rambling, we won’t be home till late. Left a cooked meal for you in the warmer. Didn’t have the heart to wake you. We’ll be home in the morning.
You stretched and let out a contented sigh. His hat slipped once again. You giggled. It was almost as if he were there tipping it to tease you.
A sharp, sliver went through your heart. You missed him terribly. The others had truly been so kind but if the day and he wouldn’t return, you would once again have to try and make your way in the colony. Mentally, you pushed that thought away. You knew Tyler was strong, brave there was nothing he couldn’t face.
You finally washed in what felt like a week. No one had taken notice. To be fair, you were pretty sure Kay may have once. Bjorn, had alot more time then that pass since he had washed and Narvaro, you felt bad you didn’t know. You never really paid her any mind. She had always been a little stand offish towards you. She’d slide you a look when you would talk or joke with Bjorn.
Sometime later, you paused, your hair still dripping, as you ran a towel through it. You paused, where he kept the faded photos. Captured laughs, an embrace and a quick kiss on his cheek, all the past. You ran a finger along one of the edges.
“You have to come back. I can’t do this by myself.” You whispered, the familiar tingle of unshed emotions pricked your nose.
Pressing your lips together, turning you tossed the towel onto his only chair and you let yourself crawl back into his bed with a sigh.
The door to his room swished open, you had become light sleeper since he had left so that soft sound easily roused you. You glanced over in the very muted light in his room.
His unmistakable strong frame, was darker then the shadows that leaned and lurked in his room. Trying to be quiet, you watched shrug out of his heavier coat.
It had been the longest the two of you had been apart. Eight long months. You could barely believe your eyes. You continued to watch him. as you saw him standing there.
You tore the blanket aside and practically leapt from his bed. “Tyler.” You barely managed to say as your body met with his and he thudded against the wall since in your enthusiasm pushing against his metal wall.
"Ooof: His voice, soft raspy. Followed by an equally soft chuckle before the silence of missing each other encircled the two of you. “I guess you missed me huh?” His voice raspy and unbelievably deep, it plucked at your heart as you felt him bury his face into your soft, fresh hair.
@luvscarlyle @qnxemz hope you enjoy the new chapter.
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ryuzakemo128 · 1 year ago
Björn Ironside x reader : "I don't ask for your understanding, I don't ask for your trust either and quite frankly I do not want either one from you."
Please and thank you💙
I hope you like this and fits with what you might want.
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Tarnished and Unveiled Intentions
Pairing: Bjorn Ironside x reader
Genre: Angst
Requested? Yes
Prompt: "I don't ask for your understanding, I don't ask for your trust either and quite frankly I do not want either one from you."
Content Warning: Possible mention of death, illness, disorders and disease. If any of these topics trigger or make you feel a certain way. I urge you to click off and preserve your mental health. As it's important to care for your mental health as well as your physical health.
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You were unwell, bedridden for months, your fragile body refusing to move. Refused to obey. "[Y/N]" Bjorn said, his voice both harsh and commanding. He was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. It was as if he expected you to have told him about this before. As if he expected you to reveal everything to him when he wanted you to. Your lips curled into a snarl, a silent rebellion against him as your anger continued to boil beneath the surface, 'How can he assume he knows anything by demanding it when he wants it? You thought.
"I would have told you before, but I couldn't. I don't expect you to understand what I'm going through." You told him. Your voice was hoarse and strained. His entitlement, his entitled behaviour continued to annoy you. Even now.
You wanted to lash out, but your bones. Heavy as lead would not let you. You wanted to shout at him. But you couldn't find the words, they got caught on your tongue and stuck in your throat. The words between you and him remained unspoken.
His assumption that you would be fine this winter, that you would be able to go out there without any possible injury or illness. His presumption almost killed you, his presumptuous behaviour made you sick and injured. Sometimes almost dead.
His words, his tone, his expectations, his assumptions, they were all so disrespectful. He never once considered your feelings, your safety, your well-being. He treated you as if you were nothing more than a tool at his disposal, something to be taken for granted, something to be discarded when it no longer served his purpose. At least that was how you felt, and how you assumed he felt about you.
But that was not who you were. You were not just a servant or a housekeeper. You were a person with feelings, with a life of your own, with dreams and aspirations. And you deserved to be treated with respect and dignity. This relationship was a sinking ship, and you didn't want to stay on it. Not for another second, not for another day, and certainly not for the rest of your life. It was time to jump ship, to swim to safety, to find your way back to the shore where you belonged. You owed it to yourself. To your future.
"I don't ask for your understanding, I don't ask for your trust either and quite frankly I do not want either one from you." You said to him. A bitter taste remaining on the tip of your tongue.
He didn't protest, didn't argue and he just left you there. Alone. Both bedridden and close to death.
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disasterofastory · 2 years ago
Fuck you (Halfdan x Reader)
Fuck you Halfdan x Reader Warnings: rough smut, fighting, mention of cheating (no angst)
Summary: Halfdan and you meet again.
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The sun is bright and warm at the top of the clear, blue sky. The rays glide over the blade of your sword. The steel glints with every move you make. Your muscles are taut as you keep your posture. You are covered in mud and blood. Bruises already form on your skin. Your lips pull into a snarl as your gaze meets with the man's dark eyes in front of you. His blonde hair hides half of his face. Your eyes follow the lines of his tattoos with familiarity. Adrenaline and anger rush through your veins at the view. "Y/N," he says your name, breaking the silence between you two. You can barely hear him because of the chaos around you. Cries and shouts fill the clearing, mixing with the strikes of the swords. A shield falls into the mud a few meters away from you. You can see Ubbe from the corner of your eyes. You don't reply to him. Pushing your leg against the ground, you start to run. Your heart throbs with pain as you get closer with each step.
What are you doing? Are you really ready to fight against him? To kill him?
The sharp sound of your swords meeting in the air echoes in your mind. Your arm trembles as you try to keep yourself against his push. A growl breaks up from your chest. Your eyes are still intertwined with his. "Y/N!" He shouts your name. "Y/N!" "You left!" You scream at him. Your swords meet again with a new elan. Betrayal fuels your every move. "Y/N!" With a powerful swing, he makes you drop your weapon with a painful grunt. The swords fall onto the ground, but you don't even have time to reach out for it. Halfdan hauls you up despite your best efforts to get free from his arms. His shoulder digs into your stomach, and his arms curl around your legs to keep you from kicking him. Your fists meet his back repeatedly. You hit him again and again. "Let me go!" You shout at him. Blood rushes into your head. You choke on your own saliva. "Fight, you coward!" It's his turn to say nothing, and when you look up before disappearing into the forest, you see the others continuing their fight without noticing yours or Halfdan's absence.
"Put me down!" Your voice seems too loud in the quiet forest. The sounds of the battle are muffled and far away. "Halfdan!" You hit his back again. "What the fuck are you doing?" A sudden grunt escapes your lips when he drops you down. Your back falls against a tree as you try to keep your balance. Your chest moves up and down rapidly as you stare at the tall man in front of you. "I won't fight with you," he says, not looking away from you even for a second. He is determined and serious. "Because you are a coward," you snap at him. You know you play a dangerous game. You have no weapon, and you don't know where he hides his daggers since he left his sword on the field too. "Y/N…" "What?" You snap at him again. "What else do you have to say? You left! You went with Bjorn! And now you can't even fight with me like a real man!" A vicious growl rumbles in your chest, and before you can move away, he is on you.
His kiss is bruising, all teeth and bites. Thrusting his tongue into your mouth, Halfdan doesn't let you get away from him. Your grip on his tunic is tight and confusing. You want to push and pull him at the same time. Your mind, body, and soul want different things, and you don't know what to do.
So you let your anger guide you.
A low groan vibrates on your lips when you bite his bottom lip to pull on the soft flesh. His hold on the line of your jaw to keep you in place will bruise. The taste of blood spreads across your tongue. Your lips are swollen when you break away. His arms don't let you go far. Your body is still pressed against his. "Y/N…" "Just shut up," you groan. "I don't want to hear your stupid voice!" You hit him on the chest again and again. "Or your bullshit excuses! You are a fucking traitor, Halfdan! You ran after that idiot! Did you see the world? Huh? Did you like it? Or your new owner didn't let you?"
Pain runs over your spine as he pushes you down onto the ground. You hit your head on something, and you feel the warmth of your own blood at the nape of your neck. The world around you gets blurry for a long second, but Halfdan doesn't stop.
"I didn't leave you," he groans against the curve of your neck. His lips are rough as he nibbles on your skin. His teeth sink into the part between your neck and shoulder. "Liar!" You grunt. "You are a coward! A man would…" "I'm your man!" He says, reaching down to free himself from his pants, and you push him off of yourself. "Don't fool yourself," you stand up hurriedly. "You and I… it's over," you tell him while you start to make your way back to the others. He is still on the ground. Dick out. "And I fucked your brother."
His roar really scares you this time. It strikes through your body as you gasp when he grabs your ankle. You bite your tongue because of the fall. Blood fills your mouth, and you spat it out. "You fucker!" You groan, wanting to turn onto your back, but he is on you again. His whole weight is on you. "Get off of me!" "Did you enjoy it?" He asks next to your ear. His erection grinds against your bottom. "Fucking my brother? Who started it, huh? I bet he did. He always wanted a piece of you." "Halfdan!" Your voice is a mix of shout and moan. "When?" He continues while tearing your pants off of you. "Did he at least wait until my ship disappeared at the horizon? Or he climbed on you immediately? Were you happy? Did you want him?" His hard cock slides between your ass cheeks. His hands keep you on the ground by your shoulders. Your face is on the ground. Mud sticks to your sweaty skin. "What do you want to hear, huh?" You ask him, wanting to turn around to look at him, but he pushes you back. Pain radiates from your shoulder. "Or did you seduce him? Did you forget who you belong to? Did you forget who owns your pussy so easily?" "Well," you grunt. "It seems like you are the one who forgot my pussy!" "Never," he replies immediately. You feel his every word on your back. "I never forgot this sweet hole!" The sound you make is barely recognizable as a laugh. "How does it feel, huh?" You taunt him. "Knowing that somebody else used my body?" Another groan is your only answer, but instead of scaring you, the vicious sound goes straight to your cunt. Your walls clench around the head of his cock. Your eyes fall shut at the familiar feeling. "Did you cum?" He asks, pushing inside you with one powerful thrust. "Did you cum around his cock, huh? Did he taste your sweet juices?" "Why do you care?" You moan. He doesn't let you adjust around his size, and you don't want him to. You welcome the slight pain as your hole stretches around him. "You were probably busy with another woman!" "And I thought about you pussy!" He grunts. You can barely keep up your hips to meet his pounding. You can hear the wet sound of your joined bodies even through his words. It's sloppy and fast. "Well, I didn't think about your cock! I was too occupied riding your brother!" That's the last straw. Grabbing your hips, he pulls you onto your knees. His cock is inside you the whole time.
His grip on your hips is tight and painful. His fingertips dig into your flesh. Your arms are in front of you to brace yourself against him. Your forehead is pressed onto the ground, and your eyes are closed. You are sweaty, bloody, and dirty. Everything hurts, and your mouth tastes like blood. And still. You don't remember the last time you were so content and happy. Halfdan fills you up, pounding into you rapidly. Your ass shakes with every thrust. Your juices drip down, making a mess on your inner thighs. "Whose cock is inside you?" The blonde Viking asks. "Yours." Your words are muffled, and Halfdan doesn't like it. Your back arches when he pulls your upper body up by your hair. Your skull hurts at the powerful tugs. "I didn't hear you," he tells you. "Whose cock is inside you, Y/N?" "Yours," you cry out. "Who is the only one who can make you feel this way?" "You!" Tears run down your face when he tugs on your hair stronger. It burns. Everything burns. You are sore and tired and in pain. "Your pussy is mine, Y/N," he grunts. His cock slides in and out of you. "You belong to me! You are mine!" "Yes," you mewl. "Yesyesyesyes! Halfdan!" Your muscles twitch, and your aching cunt pulses and flutters around him. "Scream my name, Y/N," he yells at you, pushing you down on the ground, keeping your lower body still up for his cock to fuck. His large hand is a heavy weight on the middle of your back. "Halfdan! Yes! Gods, please, Halfdan!" You taste the wet soil in your mouth as you shout his name. Your voice is hoarse. Your orgasm is powerful and merciless. It takes away every power from your body until you are nothing, but a hot cunt for him to enjoy. "Your pussy belongs to me, Y/N," he growls. His cock jerks inside you. His hot seed fills your hole until the mix of your juices flows down your legs. "Nobody can fuck this pussy as good as me! Nobody can fuck you like I do!" "Nobody," you repeat his words without your control. Your lips move on their own accord. "Halfdan!"
The world still spins around you when you turn to your side. Your lower body is still bare. Your cunt is swollen and sensitive and covered in your wetness and his cum. Pain and pleasure make your whole body tremble. Halfdan lies next to you on his back. His face is flushed, and his mouth is open as he gulps down the air. "Did you…" the man tries to speak after long moments. "Did you really…?" One glance at your smirk and the mischievous glint in your eyes, and he knows the answer. And it's enough to climb up above you for another round.
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qualcosadelgenere · 6 months ago
First meeting:
I love this song (Ouidad - Casa) so much and as I was listening to it on repeat this little thing happened.
I need them to get married when they're older (if they want ofc)🥹
Little context under the cut:
Little Bjorn is on vacation with his parents in Casablanca, Morocco.
While they're wandering around the market stalls, all of a sudden, another little kid with a riot of curls and the cutest tooth-gaped smile Bjorn has ever seen jumps out from behind one of the stalls and shoves a pink rose in his face.
Confused and mildly worried that it might be some kind of scam (his parents warned him about accepting apparent "gifts" from strangers in touristy areas), Bjorn is initially hesitant to take the flower. However, the strangely courteous kid places it back into his hands with an even bigger grin.
"Take it, it's yours now."
"But I... I have no money."
"So? It's a gift."
"A gift?"
Bjorn is even more perplexed as he finally brings the rose to his face to examine it. The other child is getting closer, about to say something, when a loud shout makes him whip around to see what Bjorn concludes must be this child's mother beckoning him to their stall.
Turning around to face Bjorn again, Zack - the name the woman has shouted - beaming with joy takes the Qatari's little hand and shakes it politely, before pivoting on his heels and running back in the direction he supposedly came from.
"Bye, green eyes! Mwah!"
Zack yells over his shoulder blowing him a kiss before disappearing behind a multitude of colorful Moroccan rugs.
Puzzled, Bjorn stands there for a few seconds before scurrying back to his parents. Upon seeing the rose safely clutched in his fingers, they bombard Bjorn with a thousand questions to which he genuinely doesn't have a single answer.
"Who gave you that?"
"Another kid."
"Why would he give you a rose? Did he try to sell it to you?"
His mother takes the flower out of his hands and Bjorn's heart sinks a little fearing that she might throw it away or spoil it.
"I don't know... no, he said it was a gift."
"A gift? Are you sure he didn't rob you?"
"Rob me? But you didn't give me any money, mother."
Upon hearing his son's watertight reasoning the woman visibly relaxes, only to put her hands on her hips and scold the child cowering in front of her.
"What did I tell you about accepting gifts from strangers, Bilal?"
"I'm sorry, mother. It won't happen again, I promise."
"That better be true."
Bjorn doesn't run into that strange kid again, but when it's time to go back home he makes sure to press the rose he gave him between the pages of his favorite book, bringing that little piece of Morocco back with him.
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master-muffinn · 6 months ago
Netflix Vikings: Their jobs in the modern world
I have watched until 3 season and i love this serie so far! 🤩
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⚽ Soccer coach for younger boys. He loves kids and loves to watch them play and grow.
⚽ He is a good leader and knows how to get the kids to work together well but in a way where they still enjoy themself and Ragnar will always play physical games with them to loosen up a little between football matches.
⚽ He is so proud whenever they win and they always celebrate with an all-you-can-eat buffet afterwards.
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👩‍🌾 A farmer of course! She loves her work! It’s worth more than anything and she wont give it up even if she is treated unfairly by others because of her gender.
👩‍🌾 She will have different animals in smaller amounts, goose, chickens, sheep, pigs and grow a lot of wheat and veggies.
👩‍🌾 Lagertha has a great relationship with her neighbors and they visit her farm now and then, they help each other out and sometimes the kids want to help out on the farm! The neighborhoods will defend her if outsiders having a problem with her farm <3 
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🏒 He was first interested in scooters like his father, but then he gave ice hockey a chance and he ended up really liking it! And it is going very well for him! 
🏒 I can also see Bjorn working as a truck driver. Then Bjorn gets to drive to different places and see the different cities and landscapes, almost like traveling.
🏒 He would also help out his mother with her tractors and driving on her fields during summer. 
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🛠 Like the series of their timeline, he is still a boat builder and yes, they are made of wood and not iron.
🛠 Floki are making everything out of wood and selling them with high quality. Wood carvings with a lot of details, some made for decorations in homes. He is even making these tiny boats that’s inside bottles.
🛠 Floki has been asked by museums and companies to make boats that look like the ones back in the history for people to get an understanding of the buildings of the past. Floki is always proud of his works! 
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📝 Siggy works as an Assistant in large companies. She organizes files, scheduling appointments, making phone calls etc.
📝 But Siggy wishes she could be in higher power and actually get to make the ‘real’ decisions than just being on the boring sidelines. She would make more money that way too.
📝 People often go to her for help and support so she’s seen as reliable and is very understanding towards people, especially for the beginners. 
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🍺 He had a job, but he got kicked out because he could not leave some of the women on the job alone.
🍺 However, he has Boxing but it's not making enough money. So he goes with random jobs. He can’t stay too long in one job because he gets ‘bored’ of it easily.
🍺 Rollo mostly goes to his brother and helps him out with some things and the boys on the soccer team love him!
🍺 He will always go and watch Bjorns and Ragnars matches every. single. time. and shouting to them “YOU GOT THIS!!” so everyone hears. Luckily for him, he doesn't need to pay full price for a seat. 
Thank you for reading! Have a good day! ❤ Reblogs are very appreciated 🥰
Post made by @master-muffinn
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