So I have watched Salaar only once (can't watch it again for some time), but I am so so obsessed
But I have some questions
At the end of movie, Deva is revealed to be Dhaara Raisaar's son, who would have become the 'karta' of Khansaar. And I don't understand how he couldn't have known that
He is clearly well versed in Shouryaangas' customs (that sword ritual he performs at the end of movie, same as others), and his and his mother's association with Dhaara was known, given the fact they came for her after Dhaara was assainated
Considering the royalty Mannar siblings grew up in and the fact that the Shouryaangas know about him, they look at him as their leader (Bhaarava and his men recognis him, were Looking for him), the possibility that both Deva and Vardha are/were unaware of his parents and supposed destiny is not sitting right with me.
Even if the possibility that Deva's parents were estranged, how could he or anyone else around him, not have known
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zici · 5 months
Right The Wrongs
Hey everyone, this was just supposed to be a hc, I thought up in the server(https://discord.gg/qAu8tqTjfQ) but it evolved into a fic(?). Please don’t mind any and all grammatical mistakes and typos, for I’m not proofreading the whole content. And a big thank you and love you to all the peeps from the server for live reacting❤️‍🔥😭🏃‍♀️✨
Part 1
So varadeva divorce happens and vara is with a baby. Now the baby is old enough to walk by the time deva breaks the seal. Now deva is brought to the court and he’s presented with two choices either hand over Aadhya as she has khansaars seal and take over his previous position of being the Salaar or yield his rights of being the Salaar, the shouranga heir and to cut off all ties with any Khansaarian until death. 
Relinquishing his right to the throne, Varadha and lastly unbeknownst to him, their daughter also. Jus when he puts the pen down. He hears a kids laugh from outside the room. He takes one look at vara. And starts sprinting towards the door. Vara quietly commands baba. And baba exits through another door. Deva is already out when he sees baba hiding someone from his view and walking to a room opposite to him.  A small hand peeks above babas shoulder. And deva let’s out a silent gasp and tries to reach for them. To turn baba around look at that someone. But before he could do that he’s being overwhelmed with men pushing him away. Any other day he would flick them off of him but today he’s mentally unstable. He sees baba getting inside the room. And vara appears at the doorway. Looks at him bitterly eyes red and closes the door. Deva is shouting at the top of his lungs. 
He’s pushed out of the Mannar mansion. He slaps his forehead for making the stupid decision of signing the papers. He’s not worried about a stupid piece of paper but what he’s worried about is vara will now have a reason to send his armies against him in case he tries to meet their kid breaching the contract. And armies he can handle, but their kid wouldn’t have a home to live in if their parents are at a war against each other. It starts to rain heavily and his tears disappearing in the rain droplets and walks and walks without any direction in mind he’s forgotten abt Aadhya Bilal and amma murmuring I’m sorry Varadha over and over again.
For next 7 years, Varadha is dealing with rebellions against his rule. And he can’t even bring deva back cause of the contract. Also his loyalists wolves in sheep clothing are waiting for a moment karta lets up and makes a mistake. One night vara with heavy heart goes to his daughter’s bedroom talks about her father, the Salaar of Khansaar, his husband and the only love of his life.  She’s very angry at deva and badmouths him but Vara admonishes her saying please don’t get angry at your father he loves appa so much and he loves you the double but she goes as if! he doesn’t even know me vara chuckles sadly brushing her hair out of her eyes bids her good night with a kiss on her forehead to behave good until he’s back attend classes and her training. The very next day she hears about Appa’s death as his tent had been ambushed by vedha, finally Radha Rama wins.
The entirety of Khansaar is thrown into chaos as karta Varadha is no longer alive. They know of the princess but she’s too young to get be installed as Karta. And all of Khansaar is eyeing the throne and they want the princess to be eliminated. Baba quickly absconds the Mannar mansion with the teenage princess without as much as mourning for Varadha. The shourangas welcome them with scorn for the one and only reason that the princess has shouranga blood flowing in her. Baba tries his level best to contact deva but in vain. The princess develops hatred against deva. For abandoning her, appa and baba.
It’s been seven years since then, baba has died, Radha Rama has claimed the throne and the princess presents herself as alpha on the fateful night they took up shelter in the shouranga territory. She’s 21 now and she’s craving for revenge, with deep rooted hatred for her Appa’s murderers and her father Deva. She’s 21 now and she’s craving for revenge, with deep rooted hatred for her Appa’s murderers and her father Deva. But it’s not as easy as it seems to be with them on the losing side so the princess descends into madness, and ambushes the dinner Karta Radha Rama schedules as a celebration for almost winning the battle effectively weeding out rebellions, alone.
She slashes all the pigs seated for a feast, throat parched with war cries, eyes red body drenched with the blood of her Appa’s murderers and murderers of her kin back in shouranga territory, bile rises up her throat to look at people ready to bite into flesh when their men are laying down lives in vain, ready to kill their siblings, ready to separate a daughter from her father. She finally goes up to Radha Rama, who looks up to the princess sneering still very much regal, white hair peeking out from her long braid and opens her mouth to talk but the princess slices her neck dejectedly saying You don’t have the right for last words, Auntie.
She walks out of the hall drenched in blood looking like Kateramma herself, setting fire the whole way to the throne room, she stands in the middle looking at the throne as her surroundings are engulfed by fire, lifts her sword up pointing to the throne and turns around slowly her sword now pointing to Deva who is now running towards her as she drops dead onto the floor. Deva runs into the fire holding the princess close to him wailing at the Gods standing tall in the throne room. The princess strictly commanded her army and kin to never let Deva know about Khansaar and most importantly Appa’s death , she said That man, who is not worthy to be called a father didn’t think twice before signing a stupid paper over a woman very much aware he would lose the right of calling Appa his husband, so why would he now run back when he hears about Appa’s death?! I don’t want his false show of tears nor his fake concern!
Deva has never looked back fearing Varadhas wrath and he first hand knows the evil reality of war and he doesn’t want his kid to grow up in a war ridden society and prays everyday for his husband and kid to live happily far away from him and the deaths he brings. He runs away to Ladakh drowns himself in alcohol and construction work. He had become a recluse. His only stops were home, work and the alcohol shop. He stares at the wall in his house replaying his last bitter farewell with his family time and again, how things would’ve been different if he hadn’t signed the papers, if he hadn’t stopped the seal and if he hadn’t left Varadha but nothing changes he’s still here in the dark about to doze off to a alcohol induced slumber instead of hearing his husband and kid calling him for dinner. One day, fourteen years later he gets a letter from Khansaar.
And it’s addressed to Devaratha Raisaar Shouryanga-Mannar, surprised he still has his birth and martial surnames intact. Hope glimmering in his eyes, thinking hundreds of possibilities that his husband has forgiven him and ready to have him back or their kid might be have been installed as a Dora or as Karta!? And he’s been invited for the ceremony but his racing mind suddenly stops at the first sentence; Karta Varadha Rajamannar had died 14 years ago. Radha Rama is now Karta. Your daughter had been leading us shouryangas and whatever traditional faction of Mannar is remaining to dethrone Rama. But victory is bleak. And she’s now determined to burn along with the entirety of Khansaar. She never listened to reason, it didn’t matter when it came avenging her Appa. We are not sure if anything of Khansaar will remain before this letter reaches you. Oh, her name is Devi.
Deva is on auto pilot, grabs his keys to his jeep, while covering his mouth and shouts into his palms muffling his angry wails, tears running down his face never blinking and starts his road journey to Khansaar, not stopping for sleep or food but only when the jeep is out of fuel or is broken down. His face swollen because of tears, not letting his mind think fearing he would break down and die in an accident before meeting his daughter their daughter it physically hurts him to even think about his love, he doesn’t deserve to.
He reaches Khansaar after 2 days of travelling which is splattered in red and covered in smoke, not a single soul around. He climbs the stairs leading to the sacred halls of throne room only to witness his signature sword pointed at him by an young woman with long black hair in tresses, and face streaked with kohl and covered in blood and starts sprinting towards her but then she drops onto the floor making his heart stop and legs to speed up not caring his for legs catching fire. He gathers Devi into his lap and finds that she already is dead. He loses his mind and cries and wails and beats his fists to the ground. Cursing Khansaar for their plight. Devi, you shouldn't have been named after me, says Deva regretfully.
He has lost both his husband and daughter at the same time. When exhaustion and lack of sleep catches him, he deliriously starts talking to Devi as if she were a baby. You have Varadhas nose! And my feet and hands! You will be inheriting Varadhas entire library filled with ancient scrolls and scriptures. And my weaponry! Everything belongs to you. I’ll take you to my favorite place tomorrow, it’s our secret place! Your Appa must be running late, but let’s first go to sleep? Then he closes his eyes clutches Devi tightly against himself as the flames are drawing in…
Deva opens his eyes, his cheeks wet with tears, finding himself back in their bed clutching Varadha tightly.
To be continued...
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spookypeacephantom · 7 months
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The thing just got real y'all
we are so back
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magicaldragons · 9 months
it's ok to admit
we all googled "salaar part 2 release date", knowing it wouldn't be anytime soon
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ulaganayagi · 7 months
At some point I feel like either varadha or deva is going to die. imagine if it ends just like Nandini and Adita Karikalan in PS-II where nandini just screams to hold adita karikalan's body just one last time again while she was being dragged away?? What if Varadha dies by the hands of his own salaar, deva who is avenging the shouryaangas, his hands having the same blood of the one who he took a vow to be the hunted or the hunter just for him?
(I want someone to sketch this </3)
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thsist · 3 months
The salaar brainrot is getting a bit too real so im going to dump some ideas here
1) It's salaar 2, Varadha and Deva have killed Rajamannar. Varadha is sitting on the Kartha's Throne and Deva, covered in blood and the traditional Shouryaanga colours and outfit, takes the necklace/bracelet off Rajamannar's body, puts it on Varadha infront of all of Khansaar, and kneels by his side
2)(based on the historical varadeva au post) bahubali x urumi, where mahendra is being chased by the royal guards, and just when he think's he's about to die a masked man (Kelu) comes and saves him. Timeskip and both him and Kelu are in Mahishmati for different reasons (maybe Kelu wants to kill the ruler 🤭) and they both end up saving Devasena (maybe enemies to lovers???)
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sometimesbrave · 9 months
Happy AU where Bhaarava and Deva were friends and in love with the Mannars: Radha Rama and Varadha
Radha Rama **angrily yelling**: BHAARAVA
Bhaarava: It's okay. She hasn't yelled my full name.
Deva laughing his ass off: Dude, you are so screwed.
Varadha **angrily yelling**: DEVARATHA SHOURYAANGA RAAISAR
Bhaarava: We are both screwed, bro.
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carminavulcana · 4 months
What happens when the truth becomes the impenetrable wall between two souls sewn to each other?
Missing scene- Between when Varadha expresses his desire to rule Khansaar and the Shouryaanga sword ritual that Deva performs on the cliff while Varadha and his kin watch.
“I could kill you, Deva,” Varadha said quietly. “And finish what my father started.” 
“Then do so, Varadha Rajamannar. Finish what your father started. I told you long ago that I would be prey or predator on your command. I am willing to be the kill tonight if it will bring you peace. Go on, do what you need to do.” 
A red haze settled between them as something primal stirred in the blood of Rajamannar’s disgraced son. A visceral desire to eliminate this last beacon of Shouryaango hope; his eyes roamed the soft vulnerable expanse of his own salaar’s wounded skin. How easy it would be to extinguish his life with a single, methodical cut just across his throat. 
Or, he could make it messy. Take his revenge for years of hurt and humiliation on the unresisting flesh of the strongest man he knew. 
Note- Please let me know what you think. I really appreciate all feedback on my fics
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deadloverscity · 4 months
dropped new fic and it's angst lmao
He hates himself for it, his god probably hates him for it. But everything be damned, why must they be created like this–to love only once, even if they are from a family of sinners and killers. To find peace in eyes that witnessed deaths without remorse?
Deva hates himself for it
(Or, Deva is unaware of Varadha's role is saving him and misunderstands him to be complicit with his father action resulting in 25 years of feeling betrayed but the shouryaangas only love once)
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rambheem-is-real · 9 months
I saw some people confused over timelines so wanted to mention that the movie states:
-Varadha was 10 when the Shouryaanga were massacred and Deva and his mother had to escape. This was in 1985. I guess Deva must have been similar age
-2017 is the current story with Aadhya, so Deva and Varadha would be around 42
-2010 is the past story with Deva reuniting with Varadha and returning to Khansaar after 25 years, so they would be around 35
Also if people haven't watched the Prashanth-Prabhas-Prithviraj interview with Rajamouli, I highly recommend! Especially for when Prabhas says he "fell in love with Prithviraj more than Shruti 100% for sure" lol
oh that makes so much sense thank you!
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businessnewsupdates · 9 months
Salaar: Part One - Ceasefire" Sets Box Office Ablaze, Surpasses 'Animal' and 'Pathaan' Openings
Prashanth Neel's directorial venture, 'Salaar: Part One - Ceasefire,' starring Prabhas, Prithviraj Sukumaran, and Shruti Haasan, has made cinematic history with its unprecedented box office debut. The film outshone 'Animal,' 'Jawan,' and 'Pathaan' in opening day collections, emerging as the biggest blockbuster of the year.
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Salaar Box Office Triumph
Following the disappointment of Prabhas' 'Adipurush,' the anticipation around 'Salaar' was met with immense enthusiasm from fans. Early estimates suggest the film has set a new benchmark, raking in an impressive Rs 95 crore on its opening day.
The film's stellar performance was particularly noteworthy in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, where it amassed Rs 70 crore with an overall occupancy rate of 88.93%. It also garnered substantial success in Karnataka and Kerala, securing opening day figures of Rs 12 crore and Rs 5 crore, respectively.
Outshining the Competition
'Salaar' has reportedly eclipsed the first-day collections of 'Pathaan,' 'Jawan,' and 'Animal.' While 'Pathaan' earned Rs 57 crore, 'Jawan' and 'Animal' reported openings of Rs 75 crore and Rs 63 crore, respectively.
The film's success is even more significant considering its release in multiple languages, including Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. As it continues to dominate the box office, 'Salaar' is poised to make waves as the biggest opener of 2023, competing with Shah Rukh Khan's 'Dunki.'
Salaar: A Two-Part Saga
As previously announced, 'Salaar' will unfold in two parts, with the first titled 'Salaar: Part 1 - Ceasefire' and the second as 'Shouryaanga Parvam.' The cast features Prabhas as Deva/Salaar, Prithviraj Sukumaran as Varadharaja Mannar, Jagapathi Babu as Rajamannar, and Shruti Haasan as Aadya.
As 'Salaar' continues to make waves at the box office, it not only signifies a cinematic triumph but also sets the stage for a compelling two-part saga that has captivated audiences across diverse languages.
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magicaldragons · 7 months
family dynamics.
– Devaratha –
We know that Deva is someone who feels emotions strongly, he's very reactive to things that happen in his life.
However, from what we can tell, his family is the exact opposite:
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Deva's father, Dhaara, was next in line to the throne, which implicitly means that the Shouryaangas saw Dhaara as someone rational, trustworthy, and 'brutal' enough to lead them. We also know that Dhaara was strict.
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and Deva's mother is someone who – even though she is capable of warmth – is very blunt when it comes to her display of concern & approval (or it's lack thereof). For her to accept Dhaara's death so rationally, and not go into an emotional spiral, (including not seeking vengence for his death) shows that even she is predominantly very practical.
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Deva, for his whole life, was a boy full of very big emotions in a family that operated through & handled most situations with logic.
Even though both his parents must have cared for him, Deva must have felt very alone before Varadha came along, trying his best to hold all of his overwhelming emotions inside himself – especially with a family that may have understood his violence, but not the place it came from.
— love, a definition: part one [part two / part three]
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magicaldragons · 8 months
In an alternate universe where Deva and Varadha never meet as kids:
Dhaara is killed, and Deva and his mother are forced to go into hiding with the other Shouryaangas. Deva is raised by his tribe, and for his whole childhood, he is trained to be a leader – a killer – so that the Shouryaangas can eventually reclaim what is rightfully theirs, but it tires him, fighting for this abstract, vengeful idea.
Until one day, he meets Varadha – a quiet, graceful boy who is just as lonely and burdened as Deva, cast aside by his own family.
And Deva can't understand why. The boy is smart, and beautiful, and kind, and there's something about him that draws Deva in.
The more time they spend together, the more Deva finds himself falling in love, and as he gets to know Varadha, he feels his allegiance to the Shouryaangas and their goal start to fade.
Till the day he realizes that Varadha isn't just a Mannar, he's Rajamannar's son, and Deva must kill the royal family for his tribe, Varadha included.
Will he follow the purpose he's been headed towards for his entire life, or will fate show him an alternate path? One that leads to what his heart truly desires?
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magicaldragons · 7 months
they're gonna start filming for shouryaanga parvum in a month.
a month.
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carminavulcana · 4 months
Who was Devaratha Shouryaanga Raisaar?
To some, he was their savior. To some, he was a benevolent demon. To others, he was death personified.
But for Bujjima, he was the embodiment of love and cuddles and all things warm and alive.
A story about Deva rescuing a dog.
“You will need someone,” he had insisted gently. “Even you cannot walk this path alone. If not for yourself, take me with you for your amma’s sake. I will not add to your burdens. But I will protect you and her from harm.”
“I can take care of myself,” Deva had retorted. “You don’t have to tear yourself away from the only life you have known.” 
“I do so willingly,” Bilal had said and placed himself at Deva’s feet. “Take me with you.” 
And so, here they were, packing away their peace, their existence, the last shreds of normalcy they would know. There would be no goodbyes said to the neighborhood families that had become their friends over the years. There would be no explanation left for the children his amma had taught all these years. As for himself, well, Bharuch was going to lose its best mechanic and its most talented wicketkeeper. 
All things considered, it was a small price to pay in exchange for safety; theirs as well as their own. 
“I’m going to keep him. I always wanted a dog. And you never allowed me to have one when I was younger. Well, now I have one. And I didn’t find him. He found me.” 
Amma made a face. She didn’t think it was a good idea to have a dog in the house, especially such a small, weak, runty little thing. 
But even her stone-cold heart could not deny the flicker of childlike joy in her son’s eyes. It made him look younger, more innocent, almost like someone he could have been in a different time and place. 
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magicaldragons · 7 months
I am really interested in the fics you are writing for salaar! they are amazing! wondering what are your hcs or fic ideas that you want to write or see written?
hello! and first off, thank you so much ♡
ahh, so! headcanons, damn. my headcanons are mostly psychology based, and i usually type them out as they come to me, but the ones on my mind lately have been:
Varadha admired Radha Rama as a child, and made an effort to get her approval, but it never worked out because she was entirely apathetic
Bharava seduced Radha Rama (because he wanted a seat in court and to be an insider) and once it happened, they gradually grew distant, and Radha Rama didn't completely understand why, till she learnt of his betrayal
Varadha is basically a "princess Diana" character, fucked over by those closest to him, but adored by most of those among the kingdom [this isn't even a headcanon, it's plain canon]
Khansaar definitely has some beaches to the Southwest, and the Rann of Kutch extends into Khansaar, so there's these salty marshes too, but the Ghaniyaars occupy most of that territory, with the Mannars mostly inland, and the Shouryaangas centered towards the east, which would leave them at a disadvantage, but since they're the stronger tribe, it all works out.
Baba is closer to Varadha than he is to Baachi (i've got an upcoming analysis on this + baachi & varadha's relationship)
Varadha lost Mahara in a fight/challenge of some kind (not necessarily physical), and all he has left is Pathran.
there's more, now that i think about it, but for now we'll leave it at that xD
as for fanfics:
• so, before any of my other fic ideas, i had this visual of deva, brought to khansaar after stopping the seal, and with shackles that he could easily break out of at any point. everyone in the room knows he might be armed after the whole gun show and the dozens of bodies they have to show for it. varadha asks his men to search deva, but they slink back, terrified of the consequences. varadha, irritated, sends them all out. cue a quiet, guilt-ridden deva – and an exhausted, seething, varadha, just verbally tearing into him: each. deliberate. word. dripping with hatred. while feeling deva up for weapons. yeah. guilty pleasure. it might end up being part of s&o or a standalone fic if i feel like it
• after i get to a comfortable place with s&o, there's another fic almost ready to see the light of day: comprising royal assassin! deva & prince! varadha (ask me if you want a summary/teaser, oof, it'll make more sense, if you'd like to know more)
• an au with twins! deva & devaratha and dancer! varadha (this one's plot heavy, and also involves magic)
• there's a futuristic au that i'm working the plot out for currently
• this fic
• and of course, the extension of 'distance' that i'm still hashing out the details for
(and regarding fics i want to see written, i will eat. up. anything, though i do have a fondness for angst)
but yes, that's most of it! if you read through all of this, then thank you xD i did not know it would get this extensive
much love, rey <3
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