#Short convo
dzzulingmin0614 · 2 years
ENFP x ISTJ things
Enfp: hey what do you say I come over to your place during school vacation?
Istj: No
Enfp: Why? Don't you like visitors?
Istj: No
Enfp: But visitors are blessings.
ISTJ: I beg to differ.
Enfp: What's that supposed to mean? Am I not a blessing?
ISTJ: You're not.
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gen-toon · 8 months
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nidbaesenpai · 1 month
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Dare you say this love could just save you
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blighted-elf · 1 year
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Baldur's Gate 3 - Karlach 2/?
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thelaurenshippen · 4 months
911 really is such a good reminder of the particularly kind of joy that is weekly, seasons-long shows with many episodes per season. every character gets a moment to shine even in a truncated season. the satisfaction of seeing characters grapple with stuff that happened YEARS ago. having multi-episode arcs and one-off arcs that are equally enjoyable. beach episodes (metaphorical). I know we're all saying this all the time but why can't more tv be like this
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infamous-if · 3 months
i've been rambling about infamous to my friend so much they're now actually invested in the plot. like the two of us usually don't gossip but when it comes to this game? we're having hour-long conversations, actually acting like these are real people. O is their favorite btw.
omg I love that! I was just telling my friend how crazy it is that there's people out there discussing Infamous...weird (in a good way!) how my writing is getting Perceived and getting brought up in convos I have no idea about hahaha
I'm glad you and your friend enjoy it <3 and O is always a great choice 🤭
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clairedaring · 3 months
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Just when the two of them were just about out of breadth, Ming let him go, falling onto Joe’s body weakly, gripping his waist and muttering, “You’re back. You really came back.” Joe suppressed the urge to touch him. He lay on the bed at a complete loss, allowing Ming to lean on top of him heavily. Ming adjusted his posture and essentially held Joe’s upper body in his arms. His gentle and hoarse voice rang softly in Joe’s ear, “P'Joe, go to sleep. I hope that I can hold you like this to sleep every day in the future. Don’t give up on me because I will never give up on you.” Joe closed his eyes tiredly. Ming held Joe as if he is holding his entire world. This is his entire world. - Chapter 92, Professional Body Double (Shui Qian Cheng)
MY STAND-IN (2024) | 1.10
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leviraaaaaa · 11 months
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“I hate it.”
You looked up at him, gritting your teeth through the words. You were angry, so so angry. Furious, enraged, aggravated. Who does he think he is, that fucking Jaeger?
Eren’s last letter finally came through. The one where he says he was going to raid Liberio and asked the scouts for help. Or did he? With or without help, he said. The audacity.
After all the shit you and the others had to go through, the huge reports trying to explain why he went missing, answering the higher ups about his disappearance, trying to justify it, seeking up excuses. Then he has the fucking nerve to send these letters.
You had stormed out right after Hange read out the words, not even bothering to ask to be excused. You were tired of dealing with that emo teenage brat.
But Levi gave no reaction to the sharpness of your tone, already aware of the cause of your temper. He was there in the room, his expression had tightened just as yours had. And he must’ve followed you right after.
He always does.
Without a word, he lowered himself down on the step beside you.
“This is filthy.” He scrunched his nose. “Couldn’t have found a better place?”
“I didn’t ask you to sit here.” You grumbled, rolling your eyes. You just kind of took the first isolated corner you could find. Sure, the stairs were filthy, but that was the last thing on your mind.
“Why did you follow me anyways?” You asked.
“I didn’t follow you.” Levi sighs, stretching his leg to kick a piece of rock. It flew all the way over to a wall, making soft little sounds on the pavement as it impacted. “I needed air. He pissed me off.”
You let out a noise in agreement. That’s one thing you can both agree on. Eren Jaeger was an absolute piece of shit with a talent to irritate like no other.
“Next time I’m seeing him,” You mumbled darkly. “I’m breaking a couple bones, I swear.”
“That was actually my plan, but I’d let you have the honors as well.”
“You should’ve hit him harder all those years ago, back in the courtroom.”
That made you smile.
But it was the absolute seriousness of his expression that made you crack. The stony face, with an even more stoic tone. He actually seemed to be considering the idea. As if you and him were merely discussing the weather instead of the best way to beat up an adolescent boy. Without even meaning to, you were grinning, a snort escaping you making Levi glance at you with the side of his eyes. He frowned.
“I’m serious.”
“I know you are.” You smiled. “That’s why it’s funny.” Poor Eren, he’s had it coming.”
Finally, you felt the anger go down.
It’s always like that. You get angry, you get emotional, but when you turn around, Levi’s always there, in his own strange little way, a hand on your shoulder and shooting you a look. Or times like this when you’re upset and pissed, and he just sits with you and goes along with everything you say until you feel better.
You leaned back, letting yourself fall back on your arms, kicking your legs and stretching them. Your shoulders hurt from how stiff they’ve been from the tension until now. You tilted your head to look at him.
“Look at us, making plans about how to beat up a kid half our age. What have we come to?”
“Our fucking limit.” Levi grumbled, but the scowl lessened, his brows straightening slightly at your calmer tone. His own shoulders relaxed. “He deserves it at this point.”
You grinned. Sure, you can’t really hit Eren right now, but the idea does make you feel better. For the time being at least, you’ll have to cope by daydreaming.
But you were so tired, you think. Very so.
Why is it that you could never stop running?
Eren’s shit was only the least of it, but it’s been so hard. Being a scout was never supposed to be easy. But ever since Erwin and the others died, nothing's been the same. You could hardly celebrate the success at retaking wall maria when the price to pay was the blood of everyone you knew. Even witnessing the wonder that is the sea for the first time hadn’t been as thrilling as you thought, how could it when you know there’s a whole other world beyond it, and that they want you dead? Stepping in Marley and realizing all that you’ve been kept away from, a life you couldn’t even imagine. It must be nice to live without being so terrified, scared for you and scared for your friends, you had thought. Must be nice to live without having the rest of the world label you as devils and to take the peace for granted.
You wished you could just catch a fucking break. Maybe forever.
You sighed.
He gave a lazy glance. “What?”
“Let’s run away.” You muttered softly under your breath. Eyes focused on the ground. “Me and you. And Hange, if they want to come.” You sighed, pausing a little. “I hate it. I hate all of it. I’m sure you do too.”
With that, you turned to look at him, right in those silver eyes of his. They looked almost blue here in the moonlight. Was it just you or was even the wind holding its breath?
“This isn’t what I signed up for Lev. I thought I was going to fight titans, not humans.”
“What..” He asked, staring at you unblinking, almost confused. And surprised. And something else you couldn’t quite place. “What are you on about?”
“So, let’s go.”
“I’m serious. Somewhere far away. We could just get up and leave right now.”
Levi gaped, struggling to find something to say. Your light tone indicated that it was a joke but yet, there was something in your eyes. A glimmer of something. That made him think that maybe it wasn’t a joke after all.
You grinned. “Leave this to the kids. They don’t listen to us either way. Let’s go and start another life.”
And for a moment, there was silence. You stared at him as he did the same, eyes boring into each other, unspoken words and unconfessed truths thrumming in the air between.
And just for that moment, you considered it. You really, really considered it. Just saying it out loud.
To tell him what you never did. What you’ve been hiding from him for so long.
Would that be so bad?
What if you did run away after all?
You sighed.
“Jeez, Levi.” You finally looked away, peeling your eyes off of him. “Relax. You look like I’m about to drag you from here at gunpoint. It was a joke.”
Levi was quick to duck his head away as well. “I know.” He mumbled. “I know. I’m not that fucking dense.”
“Were you hoping I was serious?” You pulled your knees up to his chest, letting your head rest on them to look at him, a grin forming.
He did. But he couldn’t say that, could he?
“You are the last person I’d willingly choose to spend my life with.” He scowled.
“That’s cruel.” You gasped dramatically, feigning hurt and giving him a mock glare. “We get along fine.”
“You’re missing the part where I want to choke one or two dozen times a day.”
“Fuck off.”
“Okay, but, think about it,” You pressed your lips together with the effort to hold the grin together, trying your best to look serious. How could you when he looked so incredulous? It only made you want to fuck around with him a little more. “You could be a farmer or some shit. I could be the pretty housewife. Some peace and calm.”
“You as a housewife?” Levi snorted, amusement gleaming in his eyes at the thought. “Peace and calm at the same place where you are?”
“Well,” You shrugged, “You could be the pretty housewife then. I won’t mind.”
“I think I'll stick to being a squad captain, thanks.”
"You're no fun."
"Shut the fuck up.''
The giggle finally escaped you, unable to hold it in any longer. And little after, you were laughing, clutching your sides, making the mistake of looking at his very offended face and then you were laughing so hard you could hardly breathe. Soon, even Levi’s face softened, the corners of his mouth quirking up just a little.
Hange yells, appearing out of nowhere and startling the shit out of the two of you, making you almost choke. They flopped themselves down between you, wrapping their arms around both of your shoulders, squeezing hard and letting their head drop. “Nice of you to leave me alone with those children. Gave me a headache.”
“You’re the commander after all.” You said coughing, trying to get your breathing back to normal.
“Next time, can you at least say hello before you proceed to crush us to death?” Levi grumbled, squirming under Hange’s grasp.
“No.” They reply to Levi. “But jeez.. I say one word and Mikasa gets all defensive. Why is everyone acting like it’s my fault?” Hange pouts.
“Aw Hange.” You pat their back, laughing.
“I want to smack Eren.”
“Don’t we all?” Levi muttered quietly under his breath.
“Me and Levi booked him first.” You said. “You can have the rest if anything remains.”
“Aw man. No fair.”
Hange pulled a face. And then they pulled the two of you closer, until all 3 of you were practically squishing against each other.
You let your eyes fall shut, soaking in the warmth. And Levi, even Levi— who’s always complaining about Hange’s very physical manners—didn’t complain anymore. And the three of you just stayed like that, leaning against each other in silence. The presence of the other was enough itself.
Then Hange spoke, so quietly you would’ve barely heard it if you weren’t so close.
“How long do you think until it’s over?”
You pondered over the question a little while, thinking about it. Then you sighed.
“Who knows? Will it ever really be over?”
Hange exhaled softly, pausing. They looked up, the moonlight glinting off their glasses. There were a lot of stars tonight.
“Think Erwin’s getting amusement watching us be miserable?” They muttered.
It was Levi to answer this time.
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littlenim · 1 year
how did the writers of DE make it so addicting to try and get Kim to like... smile near-imperceptibly at you in the flickering light of a cigarette glow. genuinely about to write a google docs page of word salad on this and how the way it's so irrelevant and almost certainly fruitless makes it so tantalizing
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
thinking bout hal and jake and how their interactions went in homestuck again. god, imagine having a best friend (who you also have a wild crush on) that youve known for years, talked to him about everything, from dumb shit to the deepest desires and insecurities youve ever had. then you decide to create an ai out of your own brain and suddenly its you whose got the short end of the stick and youre stuck, without a body, in a pair of glasses. and youd think, this fucking sucks, but at least i have my friends, right? but your friends dont think about you as "you" anymore. now you're just a program, ai created by the real deal to talk to them when he doesnt have time to do it.
and your best friend? he cant fucking stand you. he sees you only as an obstacle in his way to talk to the real you, but youre YOU too, right? all the parts are the same, the memories are the same, your feelings are the same, but youre not REAL YOU anymore. now youre just an annoyance they have to get through if they want to talk to the guy you were before and you still are.
god. id go fucking apeshit too.
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leulahart · 8 months
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Everybody's tough until the 6'4" guy comes along 🙄🙄
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tmos-time · 9 months
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yknow you would think id make them start paying rent after living in my head for this long lol
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Birthday Planning
SO! Fun fact. I was kinda running out of ideas.
Then I had THIS idea.
And well. After the last ride? We deserve cuteness don't we? ;)
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No edits we diving right in! (pppst. @spotaus I got the new installment get in here ;) )
"Horror! Wait up!"
Horror blinks as he turns back around and searches the crowd. It only takes him a moment to spot the excited bunny monster. He tries to give a smile while he waits for a moment for the other to catch up.
Ellie stops before him panting harshly as she leans against him "Oh god." more pants and weezes.
Horror tilts his skull as he keeps the other steady "Hello Ellie... something wrong?" Maybe she needed help or something?
Ellie manages to pull herself upright again adn smiles brightly "Nothing is wrong! It is just I had something very important to ask you guys and saw you so i sprinted all the way over here."
Horror nods and gives her a look "What did you want to ask?"
Ellie grins widely "When is Nightmare's birthday? Like. No worries! I get that you guys havent been here for quite a year yet and with everything going on especially the whole kidnaping thing. we get you guys want the first birthday to just be you guys but Dani realised we still had some of our better quality cherry jams left over and I got the amazing idea to use those in a birthdya cake but! Well.. you know... gotta know when the birthday is. and we both figured it hadn't happened yet as you guys hadn't mentioned yet... so... When is it? And all you guys birthdays for that matter."
horror needs a moment to process all the information she just dropped on him. When he realised what she was asking he realised a tiny problem.
They all come from different universes and the calanders were not the same.
Horror isn't even sure if Nightmare even has a birthday he celebrates. They never celebrated it as the castle.
Horror looks down at the groceries in his arms before looking at Ellie "Is it... okay I give an answer later?"
Ellie frowns before her eyes shoot up to his skull and hole and she cringes and rubs her neck as she looks abcka t his face. sheepish smile on her face "Right... sorry. That... that was a lot at once wasn't it? Just... think about it okay? And you guys got our number!" she takes a few steps backwards, almost bumping into someone before she disappears into the crowd again.
Horror sighs in relievve, crisis averted. Now.
When the fuck are their birthdays in this world anyway?
Horror returned home to his datemates and their kid. Horror still feels his soul pulse happily even at just the thought.
They sit together in the nest while their dinner cooks slowly in their oven. It is an old stone oven and Horror loves it. it is sturdy and takes up a lot of space but he love using it.
Killer frowns as he is still staring at his phone "I mean... We can just pick dates and call it a day? It isn't like I was still celebrating my own birthday back in my universe anyway. I only started that up again with you guys in the castle."
Dust hums his agreement and Cross nods too "True! XTale also wasn't big on birthdays unless it were the once which marked important ages. I am down to just pick one and call it."
Nightmare frowns as he looks between them before pushing closer to Dust "Not like it matters. It isn't like i am growing and stuff."
Dust nudges Nightmare's skull with his own and mutters softly "Hey... what did Fauna say?"
Ngihtmare doesn't say anything and just pushes clsoer to Dust.
Dust doesn't look like he is bothered by this at all as he just nudges Nightmare gently again "Come on... what did the nice deer doctor lady say?"
Ngihtmare grumbles but actually answers this time "That I won't grow until i am healed."
Dust nods "exactly. As long as you are healing you won't grow. Which, she told us is a normal response for children to have as their bodies and magic are much more fragile." he bonks their skulls together softly "Which means. You will stay our adorable six year old until you are healed fullly. Including physical, mental and magic health."
Nightmare looks down embarresed and mutters "should be healed by now... I am a god..."
Dust looks unimpressed "You are also a six year old who lived his whole life being abused and hurt and when you finally had the power to defend yourself you had to do an adult god's duty." he nuzzles him "Take your time. We aren't in a hurry and any monster knows what it means if a child isn't growing."
Nightmare relaxes a bit and nods. accepting Dusts words.
Dust looks content as he glances up before looking slightyl embarresed as he tubs his hood closer around his skull "what?"
Horror then realises he is staring and a glacne confirms to are Cros and Killer. Cross looks completely enchanted and Killer is straight up cooing. Yeah no wonder Dust is getting shy. He was the same when the four of them spoke about dating.
Horror smiles at Dust before taking his chance to say something "Well. We better pick a birthday for him." Horror smiles at Nightmare "Or do you have one we don't know about Night?"
Ngihtmare shrugs and mutters "Dream and I were born on the longest day of the year... I don't know which date it was in our universe and when it is in other universes."
Killer groans "Of course it was on the sunniest day of the universe- ugh." Killer shoots Cross a glare but Cross jsut sends him a warning look back.
Horror agrees. Killer would have no doubt said something about either Dream or Nim and neither of them matter. At all. Not when they have a babybones that probably never even had anyone celebrate his birthday.
Dust stays on task as he hums in thought "Well... we could figure out when the longest day is here... and say that is your birthday? usually those fall in summer."
Killer shoots upright "or! We can pick the day when the longest night happens! Go right to the other side of it all!"
Horror watches Dust and Killer debate the options while he watches their tiny charge think. and that is why he sees Nightmare blink and looks up a bit as he no doubt gets an idea. Then the doubt sets in wihtout him saying anyhting.
Horror speaks gently "Did you have an idea?" luckily Killer and Dsut shut up right away.
Nightmare shrugs and mutters "maybe... I thought... you know... I became six again... and you guys picked me up so second chance and stuff... so shouldn't that count as the day? Because it is the day this whole thing started?" he tugs himself clsoer to Dust.
Dust hums as he rubs his spine oh so gently "I think it is a great idea." he glances at Killer "Kills?"
Killer grins as he taps away on his phone "already on it! lets see..."
Horror smiles at Nightmare "I think we all agree it is a great idea."
Nightmare smiles a tiny bit and Horror sees a tine glimps of that confident monster Nightmare had been with his powers. Which is good. This means they are guiding him alright towards a future where he is confident in himself, and hopefully happy and healthy.
Killer sits up and holds up his phone in triumph "Figured it out! We got here near mid summer and we had Ngihtmare for two months at that point. Ngihtmare become his true self a month before we got him. meaning!" Killer grins at Nightmare "You are a spring baby!" Killer shows the date to them all.
Ngihtmare looks away embarresed and Dust nods "Sounds good."
Nightmare however looks a bit anxious "But that is so soon already?"
Dust nuzzles him "That is okay. We will just do a small party with us five. Well and Crop and Straw if they want to come."
Horror sees Nightmare looks surprised and just chuckles "It will be nice. Something nice to focus on and enjoy together." he rubs the tiny cheek and Nightmare closes his sockets to lean into the touch.
The five of them relax and eat dinner soon after that as they casually discuss when everyone wants their own birthdays. Horror makes a point of picking up their housephone and calling Dani and Ellie to give them an update on the birthday situation and to invite them the party if they want to and have time. Horror also gives Crop the same update and invitation.
They are together. They are healing. The are happy.
And they have a party to prepare. They have to make sure Nightmare enjoys his very first birthday party after all.
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This will be more of a vent post than it is a critique or review. It’s just something I personally find so agitating and I wanted to talk about it to just get the feelings of my chest.
I hate. And I mean hate. That they named her “Vaggie”
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More below cut/includes slight spoilers from released content and leaked audition sheets.
I just. And please keep in mind that this is all my personal opinion and you’re allowed to think whatever you want. You can love her name and think it’s the most creative beautiful name in the world and that’s fine. That’s your opinion, and that’s great!!
But this is my opinion—V’s name isn’t funny. It’s not creative or clever.
It comes off as trying to be “edgy” or daring, but it just flops. And it’s incredibly frustrating to be sapphic (I’m a lesbian) and to see one of only TWO sapphic characters be literally named after “female” genitalia.
And I wondered for a while if I was just being weirdly picky about this, but if this leak turns out to be real (and I am PRAYING it’s not):
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Then the exterminators, a seemingly entire female group, are named after genitalia. Like. Why? What is the point of having a group of characters being named after genitals??
I have a hard time describing why this makes me so angry and makes me feel so disrespected. I think it’s because:
1. Whether intentional or not, it comes off as reducing women characters to their genitalia.
2. It’s reducing a sapphic (possibly lesbian, but never confirmed) character to her genitals. Again, whether or not this is intended, the writers have made it so that everyone who hears these characters names immediately thinks “oh like Vagina”. This is even a joke in the prequel comics:
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Apparently the original character that V is based on was actually named “Vagina” just straight up. Oh but they used a Y. Because. That really makes it unique a cool. (Being sarcastic)
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3. Again. I don’t care if this was the intent or not. But it feels just so so reductive to name a whole GROUP of women characters after different female genital parts. It’s just disrespectful. And again, I don’t think it was meant to be this—but it just? It’s so reductive and just stupid.
Like. I also want to make it clear that I’d be saying the SAME thing as I am now if it was a male character named “Penissy” or “Scrothomas” or some stupid shit. If Angel Dust’s name was like… “Tainty” or “Schlong” or something I would also be frustrated and upset.
Because that would be the same thing. A gay man character reduced to his genitals. Anyway this is done, it’s disrespectful and feels gross and reductive to me.
But I don’t know what I expected because this is the same writing team that thinks a character referring to himself as “The Dickmaster” and saying “dick” 600 times in a row is peak comedy writing. Ugh.
Again, I’m sorry this is more a personal vent than any sort of review or critique. I’m genuinely hoping that the Lute audition sheet is not anything that will show up in the show, and that Clitorissa and Labianne will never see the light of day. It’s just.
It’s not funny. It’s stupid, and annoying, and I hate it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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And V deserved to be called by a real name, not a edgy unfunny punchline.
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bg3 modern!au idea where halsin is a conservationist, who mentions kind of despairingly to a younger colleague at a conference the way he's having such a hard time with outreach to get folks in his community aware of the wildlife around them and how important it is. the colleague makes an offhand reference to how tiktok is the way people seem to get connected to that sort of thing most nowadays, although hell if they have the patience to figure out the app, and wanders off to catch up with someone else. they will not realize until later (far, far later) the ramifications of this statement.
halsin is rather quiet for the rest of the event, makes his goodbyes, and then returns home to painstakingly research just how "tiktok" works, with the grim determination of a fighter entering the ring. if this is what it takes to raise awareness, then this is what he'll do. the cause is more than worth it.
the first roadblock he runs into makes him worry the venture will be over before its even started. the first few webpages he finds tell him patronizingly that his phone is too old to work for 'content creation'. and okay, so it's scuffed, and dented, and has maybe taken one or two tumbles into a mud puddle, but it ought to be more than serviceable! he goes outside and finds a patch of wildflowers, pulling up the camera function and shooting a shaky video. he returns to his kitchen table, squinting down at the results. he can see all of the distinguishing features of the plant that would allow him to recognize it in the wild, which means it's good enough to do its job. with a new resolve - that his family would have wryly labeled as stubbornness - he focuses his research efforts until he finally finds a webpage that will tell him how to make the app work with his phone.
when at last it starts up in a blare of sound and over-saturated colors, he grimaces, but presses on. it asks him to set up a username, and he types in his first name. the little circle spins for a moment, then tells him it's taken. he frowns, then adds a random number. 2. it spins again, same response. he frowns harder, then adds another. 6. it spins, spins, spins, then — welcome, new user @.halsin26! upload your first video to start using tiktok!
he decides not to overthink it. it'll either work out or it won't. he looks out the window, and judges there's still just enough light out. he returns to the little patch of wildflowers, and gives it a thumbs up. he starts a recording directly in the app, making note of the 60-second time limit with a grimace. to make the most of the time he has, he doesn't bother with an introduction, just kneels down next to the cluster of plants, careful not to compress the ground too close to their root system, and moves his hand just behind the flowering portion to visually distinguish it, and act as a scale reference. he keeps his voice low, since he doesn't want to overshadow the content itself, and quickly lays out where folks could run into this plant, its importance to its local ecosystem, and ways they could help its conservation. the most important things the average person can do, he states passionately as the timer begins its final warning, is to document the locations where they find said plants, so that the areas can be marked for oversight and protection.
he doesn't bother to look back over the video before he posts it. he knows what he said, after all. he stretches his arms up above his head, then massages the back of his neck where the muscles are growing stiff. as he heads back inside to start dinner for himself, he tosses the phone into a basket on the counter and forgets about it.
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the video languishes in the algorithm for the evening, until a random user gets distracted from scrolling away from the potato-quality wildflower video someone's grandma uploaded and chokes on their spit as forearms that very clearly do not belong to anyone's grandmother enter the frame, gently cupping the air around the flower.
god i wish that were me, they type before they can stop themself. debating whether to bother hitting send, they choke again as an absolutely unfair voice begins to narrate the ecological importance of this particular plant. the voice is smooth and deep, just above a murmur with a pleasant backing rumble. they have never given a moment's thought to plants in their entire life, but all of a sudden they are invested. they don't even notice when their thumb hits 'send' on their comment, too busy swiping over to the profile to see if there are any other videos. it's empty of literally everything, default user icon, only-barely-not-randomly-generated username, only one video posted earlier that day. they go back to the video and copy the link to send to their friends, needing someone - anyone - else to understand the experience they just had.
a few more interactions like that, and the algorithm takes notice. it bumps the video to a few more users outside of the current sphere, and those ones like it too. more importantly, they are very likely to share the video with others, increasing the engagement far beyond anything it had right to expect.
by two days later, when halsin remembers to actually check the thing, it is sitting at a comfortable 2500 likes, and there is a whole fleet of comments waiting for him to review. some of them - many of them, actually - don't seem that relevant at all, and he frowns, but then he sees a few that actually seem interested in more information on the plant he'd described, asking questions about how wide its range is, if it could be found in this or that coloration, etc. these he responds to swiftly, then grimaces as he runs up against a 'character limit'? who ever heard of such a foolish thing. after a moment of glaring down at his phone, he sees that it will allow him to answer by video, and does so, stepping onto his porch and zooming in on the plants. (this blurs them into barely discernible blobs of pixels, but he does not notice.)
still others are curious about what other plants and wildlife he might be able to share about, and he leaves short comments under each letting them know that he will plan to upload some more videos soon, if there is an interest. one user has left a comment that he almost files into his mental "ignore" category, but goes back to reread at the last moment.
not convinced this isn't one of those 'booktok bait' things again but i stg there's a big ass patch of those fuckers behind a parking lot somewhere around here?
halsin responds to this one with a video too. now that he's getting the hang of it, it's actually a bit more convenient than having to type everything out. he thanks the commenter for sharing, then asks if they might be willing to do him a favor sometime – only if it wasn't any trouble, of course! – and grab a video or two of the area they referenced, and share it with him — or their local wildlife foundation, at least.
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a few days later, he opens the app to check in to find that he's been tagged in a video by some user. bemused, he clicks on the popup, and it takes him to a slightly shaky but pristine quality video of an empty lot filled with tall grass. the person filming moves a bit closer, then zooms in, and halsin spots multiple cluster of that recognizable wildflowers, before the video ends and restarts. there's no narration to this one, only a barely audible music wheel spinning in the corner. the caption on the video says, @.halsin26 just in case you're not actually some weird account for a fetish i haven't heard of before, here's some of those plants you mentioned looking for.
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bcyhoods · 1 year
LOVEFOOL 💌 ─── send in a character and a prompt from these lists for a blurb
ohemgee what about eddie brock + ❛ how about a kiss before i go? ❜ I feel like that’s so him. giggles
same universe as this au because i’m obsessed, i fear. also rivals with benefits…and i don’t know if that’s okay but we ball! | 0.8k
warnings: suggestive themes, implied smut (nothing explicit but 18+ pls)
You aren’t so much angry as you are annoyed.
Because normal mornings in your apartment were relatively tranquil. You would usually wake up early enough to not feel rushed for work, sometimes you’d even get some writing done beforehand. The mornings were quiet and smelled of freshly brewed coffee while the rising sun kissed your skin.
This was not a normal morning. The shrill sound of a shattered vase was quick to remind you of such. And so was the half-naked man that produced the sound.
Eddie, with his jeans halfway up his legs, grimaces down at the broken porcelain and holds onto one of the walls in your bedroom for stability. “Oh shit. Was that expensive? Hope not.” He huffs and tugs his jeans the rest of the way up.
You roll your eyes at him from your bathroom doorway, also half-naked and with your toothbrush hanging from your mouth.
Your annoyance isn’t really about the vase nor about how you’re late for work, though you don’t doubt you’ll find time to be upset about that later. It’s more about the fact that he’s even in your apartment in the first place. Cunning as you are, you’d invited Eddie over in the guise of a truce of some sorts. You’re an amazing journalist blah blah blah I need your help on this article blah blah blah. You just needed him to give up some sources for an article that you’d both been writing.
And while it was a hit to your ego to compliment him even if you were only feigning sincerity, it was worth it if you got to publish the piece before he did.
It was going accordingly at first. Sure, you had to share some notes of your own to get him to trust you, but you kept the more relevant information close to your chest. You guys had actually been getting along.
Then the drinks came, and you guys were really getting along. He started throwing compliments at you, his eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips as you sat next to him on your couch, his large hand settled on your knee. He had such a soft smile. You pulled him in for what you thought would be one kiss.
Then he ended up in your bed. Which was not a bad time. At all. The memory makes something flutter in the depths of your stomach. You were annoyed about that, too.
You swipe his button down shirt from off the floor and fling it towards his broad chest. “Would you hurry up? Jesus…” you mutter, the toothpaste impeding your speech before you spit into the sink and run back to your room to get dressed.
Eddie watches with a sly grin as you hike up your own pair of pants, shamelessly letting his gaze wander over your frame. He lets himself remember the way your body felt underneath him and how your lips felt on his neck and how your nails dug into his shoulders and
You stare at him, dumbfounded as you finish buttoning your top.
He clears his throat and gestures to you. “Nothin’. You look good.”
“With or without the clothes?” You tease.
“They’re mutually exclusive?”
You’re trying really hard to bite back the smile that threatens to expose your smugness. You finally walk out into your living room with Eddie hot on your heels as he fixes his sleeves. Both standing by the front door, you take in the appearance of the other. His hair is disheveled, his shirt is wrinkled, and there’s a love bite peeking just below his collar. You’re sure you look the same.
“So…uh, that was a very informative business meeting,” he jests as he works to buckle the belt around his hips. You hate the way it makes you pause to watch his fingers. You have to remind yourself that you find him annoying.
“I agree. Very educational.” You stick your tongue into your cheek and rip your eyes away from his hands to his face which is a mistake. He’s smiling down at you and it makes you roll your eyes. You open the door and start to push him out. “Okay. Bye, now.”
Before you can close the door, he presses his hand against it.
“How about a kiss before I go?” His tongue darts out to wet his lips once his gaze drops to your own. His grip tightens on the doorway as he itches to touch you. Your face, your hips, anywhere.
A smirk graces your features as you lean up until your faces are centimeters apart. You see him close his eyes and part his lips, his breath fans across your face.
“I don’t think you’d be able to handle it.”
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