ugc101 · 3 months
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nickgerlich · 8 months
Scan And Shop
Marketers are always looking for new ways to get their messages in front of our eyes and ears. It all began with print, broadcast, and outdoor in the analog world, and then, starting in the 1990s, evolved to include very modest forms of digital advertising. Banner ads caused all the buzz, because users could interact by simply clicking, and then were whisked away to a website.
This too evolved in a number of directions, from social media ads to in-store and gas pump ads. Recently, shoppable ads on sites like TikTok and Instagram have become all the rage.
And now Vizio and Home Depot have partnered to provide shoppable content on Vizio’s CTVs (Connected TVs) with a series called Merry & Bright. It’s another clever way to sneak in some ads when we might not otherwise be expecting it.
Of the US households with a television set, 87% have a CTV, which we have also called Smart TVs. They are connected via wifi to the internet, and are really just big computer screens with a browser. Unless you have an old-school cable or satellite box tethered to it, the only wires attached to the set are for power. We’ve gone wireless.
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When I first turn on my Vizio in the Man Cave, I arrive at a home screen. On that screen I find clickable icons for all the streaming services I have, some I don’t have, PPV movies…and now, the ability to watch 10-minute videos produced by Home Depot. See something you like? Scan the QR code, and you’ll be forwarded on your phone to the appropriate product page at Home Depot.
Even though our smartphone is a necessary component in both shoppable social media and Merry & Bright videos, the latter start with the TV set. Since we more than likely have our phone nearby, it is not a big ask for people to scan the QR code, which then sends them off shopping.
As I said, when the advert is coming to you in an unexpected format, it can catch you off-guard. That’s not to say I don’t have some concerns about it, though.
For example, success of these long-form ads depends in large part on the viewer even noticing it on the home screen, a place that is already cluttered with content. Vizio provides a number of free viewing options, but I have only looked at them once. I am not interested in “free” because to me that is code for old, tired, and just plain bad.
And then there is the matter of keeping people’s attention for 10 minutes. I instantly did a mental comparison to infomercials. Remember those from last century? They usually aired in the middle of the night, and if you weren’t careful, you could get sucked into a 30-minute program-length advertisement. Worse yet, you may have grabbed your credit card and phone to call in your order. (Remember, I said this was last century!)
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Buuuuut…since I am a marketing prof, and I do like to give everything a fair shot, I turned off The Weather Channel, went to my Vizio home screen, and clicked the Merry & Bright icon. It is slick, subtle, and very well done.
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This is slice-of-life in the purest sense, because the content series features three families and how they use Home Depot products to deck their halls for the holiday season. The shows are hosted by Jordin Sparks, a former American Idol winner.
And it is much better than those infomercials of old, which featured an announcer or two in front of a studio audience all being told when and how loudly to fawn over something. The tone is very conversational, and I saw how easy it is to visualize how these products could work in my own home.Like I said…this is clever.
I suspect we will see far more of this in the future. Thanks to COVID, we have (finally) embraced QR codes in our daily lives. That CoinBase ad during the 2022 Super Bowl caught everyone’s attention (and temporarily broke their website), unleashing a slew of ads using the same method. Taking the ball and running with it like Home Depot just did—and they have to pay Vizio for the privilege—is the wave of the future.
Imagine now, if you will, TV shows and movies with QR codes down in the corner. Paid product placement could suddenly soar to heights never before imagined. Actually, this was imagined nearly 20 years ago. They just didn’t have the means to do it. But now, if a company wants to pay to sponsor it on Hulu’s Only Murders In The Building, they could do so. The handy QR code could pop up at the precise moment their product is center stage.
I can see this becoming as pervasive as banner ads were 25 years ago. Get ready for it, and if you have a Vizio CTV, get on it to check it out. This old prof is impressed.
Dr “Ready…Set…Shop” Gerlich
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369ecommercenews · 11 months
Twitter is now X. Here's what that means.
Trend – The internet is abuzz as the app formerly known as Twitter announced a name change over the weekend. X.com now redirects to Twitter.com, although the social media platform still invites users to “tweet.” The rebrand is another step in the ongoing transformation of Twitter, an online watering hole for hyper-connected people that aspires to become an app that can do “everything,” according…
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plantanarchy · 7 months
today there was a) an annoying holiday event and b) a furnace failure that required the emergency evacuation of 550 poinsettias to the main greenhouses. i had some help but frankly not a clue how i got that done. the scooching for small amounts of space. extreme poinsettia tetris.
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piracyandpumpturns · 6 months
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skyseoroundtable · 1 month
Boost Your Online Boutique with Shopify Shoppable Video: An in-depth tutorial
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Boost Your Online Boutique with Shopify Shoppable Video: An in-depth tutorial
First of all, Success in the fast-paced world of e-commerce depends on remaining one step ahead of the competition. Introducing Shopify Shoppable Video, a revolutionary solution that combines interactive shopping experiences with video content in a seamless manner. With its ground-breaking Shopify Shoppable Video solution, Firework is leading this digital revolution. We'll cover all you need to know about Shopify Shoppable Video and how it can boost your online store in this in-depth guide.
Understanding Shopify Shoppable Video:
Shopify Shoppable Video is a cutting-edge technology that allows brands to create interactive video experiences directly within their Shopify stores. With this solution, brands can embed shoppable videos featuring clickable hotspots, product tags, and in-video purchasing capabilities, transforming passive viewers into active shoppers. By combining the power of video storytelling with the convenience of e-commerce, Shopify Shoppable Video enhances the online shopping journey, driving engagement, and increasing conversions.
The Benefits of Shopify Shoppable Video:
Enhanced Engagement: Shoppable videos captivate audiences and keep them engaged for longer periods, leading to higher retention rates and increased brand awareness.
Improved Conversion Rates: By seamlessly integrating product information and purchasing options into the video player, Shopify Shoppable Video streamlines the path to purchase, resulting in higher conversion rates and increased revenue.
Personalized Shopping Experience: With advanced algorithms and machine learning technology, Shopify Shoppable Video delivers personalized product recommendations tailored to each viewer's preferences, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Comprehensive Analytics: Firework's Shopify Shoppable Video solution provides brands with detailed analytics and reporting tools that offer insights into viewer behavior, engagement metrics, and conversion data, allowing for continuous optimization and improvement of shoppable video campaigns.
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How Shopify Shoppable Video Works:
Seamless Integration: Firework's Shopify Shoppable Video solution seamlessly integrates with Shopify, allowing brands to embed shoppable videos directly into their product pages or marketing campaigns.
Interactive Features: Brands can enhance their shoppable videos with clickable hotspots, product tags, and in-video purchasing buttons, providing viewers with a seamless shopping experience.
Personalization: Through advanced algorithms and machine learning technology, Shopify Shoppable Video delivers personalized product recommendations based on each viewer's browsing history and preferences, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
Analytics and Reporting: Brands can track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement metrics, click-through rates, and conversion data in real-time, allowing for data-driven optimization of shoppable video campaigns.
Best Practices for Implementing Shopify Shoppable Video:
Tell a Compelling Story: Create engaging video content that resonates with your target audience and showcases your products in action.
Keep it Simple: Avoid overwhelming viewers with too many product options or distractions. Keep the focus on a few key products and make it easy for viewers to make a purchase.
Optimize for Mobile: Ensure that your shoppable videos are optimized for mobile devices, as a significant portion of online shopping is done on smartphones and tablets.
Test and Iterate: Continuously monitor the performance of your shoppable video campaigns and experiment with different formats, messaging, and calls-to-action to optimize for maximum results.
In my conclusion, Shopify Shoppable Video is the e-commerce platform of the future, giving brands an effective way to interact with consumers, encourage purchases, and boost sales. Brands can realize the full potential of this game-changing technology and grow their online store with Firework's inventive Shopify Shoppable Video solution. Shopify Shoppable Video may completely change the way you sell goods online, regardless of how big or small your business is. With Shopify Shoppable Video, embrace the e-commerce of the future and watch your business grow.
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sky-seoroundtable · 1 month
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socialwall · 2 months
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hugueslouisrey · 4 months
Walmart doesn’t want to just sell groceries and t-shirts. It wants to be a media and advertising giant like Amazon. That's Why Walmart is buying Vizio (Source: CNN Business)
By Nathaniel Meyersohn, CNN  3 minute read  Updated 11:03 AM EST, Tue February 20, 2024 Walmart doesn’t want to just sell groceries and t-shirts. It wants to be a media and advertising giant like Amazon. Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/20/tech/walmart-vizio-tv/index.html Walmart announced Tuesday that it’s buying TV maker Vizio for $2.3 billion to shore up its advertising business…
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contextualadvertising · 6 months
Video Marketing Strategies for Education Industry
Innovation is spreading in every industry!
The once-ubiquitous booklet brochures and pamphlets of the education landscape have faded into the background. In their place, a vibrant revolution has taken hold: video content. This shift wasn't merely a stylistic choice; it was a strategic necessity driven by the evolving media consumption habits of generations.
A staggering 89% of Gen Z, 86% of Millennials, 68% of Generation X, and even 52% of Baby Boomers spend at least a week immersed in the world of YouTube videos. These statistics paint a clear picture: attention spans are migrating towards the dynamic and engaging realm of video.
For universities and schools, this shift presents a treasure trove of opportunities. By embracing video as a core marketing strategy, they can tap into a vast audience, forge deeper connections with potential students, and ultimately, shape the future of education marketing.
This blog delves into the transformative power of video in the education industry. We'll explore the reasons behind its rise, dissect the opportunities it unlocks for advertisers, and provide actionable insights to harness its potential. 
1. Campus Tour Virtually
At time of admission parents and students are curious to know what the campus looks like. From hallways to classrooms they want to know it all. Through virtual reality (VR) HEI can do campus tours, revolutionizing the way prospective students experience potential schools.
Instead of relying on static photos or flat videos, VR tours transport you directly onto campus, immerse you in its atmosphere, and let you explore its key locations in a way that feels almost real.
2. Personalized video content for student recruitment
In today's digital age, prospective students expect a personalized experience from the universities and colleges they're considering. Gone are the days of a one-size-fits-all approach to student recruitment. To stand out from the crowd and build meaningful relationships with potential students, higher education institutions (HEIs) need to embrace personalized video content
3. Shoppable Ads
Shoppable social media videos are a game-changer for higher education marketing. They combine the engaging nature of video with the convenience of e-commerce, allowing you to connect with prospective students in a whole new way. 
Shoppable ads have engaging call to action buttons in them which allows users to engage seamlessly without being redirected to numerous links. This cut shorts the long consumer journey and speeds up the process of decision making. 
Conclusion: Benefits of relying on Video Content
Here are some of the benefits of using video ads in education industry
Increased engagement: Videos are far more engaging than static images or text, so universities and institutes can capture the attention of prospective students in an effective manner. 
Improved conversion rates: By making it easy for students to take the next step, such as applying or downloading a prospectus, they can increase the conversion rates.
Positive Brand Image:  By creating targeted videos for different audiences, such as students interested in a specific program or those from a particular geographic location, they can create a positive brand image.
Measurable results: You can track the performance of your shoppable videos, such as the number of views, clicks, and conversions, this will help them in creating data driven strategies for the future. 
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seoanalystchennai · 1 year
Unlocking the Power of Shoppable Posts: How Social Media is Revolutionizing the Way We Shop
Unlocking the Power of Shoppable Posts: How Social Media is Revolutionizing the Way We Shop In today’s fast-paced digital world, convenience and instant gratification have become paramount. Consumers want to seamlessly transition from inspiration to purchase without any hassle. Enter shoppable posts, a game-changing feature that has taken social media platforms by storm. In this blog post, we’ll…
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deep-dark-fears · 1 month
Both my books are banned in Missouri!
The “Show Me State” is not living up to its nickname.
You can buy my sick, sick books here: The Creeps  Deep Dark Fears
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369ecommercenews · 2 years
Infographic - The Products Growing Online Sales Fastest
Infographic – The Products Growing Online Sales Fastest
Infographic – Products traditionally associated with e-commerce are still among the fastest growing segments in global online sales, but other product categories are also moving online in rapid speed. According to the Statista Consumer Market Outlook, online sales of consumer electronics and apparel were still growing fast as a share of total sales. Around every fifth household appliance is also…
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varunrajkalse · 1 year
8 Useful Instagram Tips & Tricks in 2023
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iconixdigital · 2 years
When it involves Instagram feed apps on Shopify Appstore, Instafeed can be your life-saver. This app is designed through Mintt Studio and similar to Socialwidget, Instafeed is a strong Instagram feed app that gives Shopify merchants lightweight, but robust equipment to make high-quality use in their Instagram feeds.
Simplicity is sometimes the ultimate sophistication, henceforth, if you need to make your storefront look extra classic and modern, the templates from Instafeed are perhaps the entirety you’ve been looking for.
With Instafeed, your feeds may be tailor-made to unique requirements and aware of all gadgets to make sure most usability. Plus, you may exhibit precise Instagram feeds on special pages of your store, displaying your posts or user-tagged posts with your products featured in them.
Similar to Socialwidget, Instafeed is likewise a savage app that helps the so-called “shoppable feed”. And that empowers you to produce your products in a unique and high-changing way. By reducing the stairs your clients take to test out, you may boost extra sales and earn extra profits.
 Highlight Features:
Display shoppable Instagram feeds for your store
Customize the widget to suit your theme
Tag products and kind through filters
Increase the follower count on your brand’s Instagram pages
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taggshop · 2 years
Content created by users can be uniquely transformed into Shoppable Instagram and showcased on e-commerce sites. In the posts, videos or stories all the products can be tagged and made accessible to buyers.
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