#Ship: Dustin x Steve
kitchen-spoon · 2 months
Steddie camping.
They do it for the kids. They begged for months and Steve knew the minute they asked the first time he would be going. What he didn’t know was that Eddie would be there.
It’s awkward at first. Sure they saved the world together but after that Eddie was holed up in a hospital and then in a hotel with Wayne until the government money came through. All Steve knew beyond how Eddie acts in a crisis (heroic and stupid) came second hand through the kids.
But Eddie isn’t a bad guy, he’s funny, sweet and ridiculously considerate, going so far as to offer sleeping in his van when they found out they would have to share a tent.
Steve was starting to like Eddie like actually really like him. He looked forward to staying back and talking with him while the kids trudged ahead with sticks poking at shit. Steve’s newfound fascination with Eddie is exactly what gets him in trouble though.
The boys are ahead like usual, towels and backpacks on their shoulders sticks in hand. The plan was to head to the lakefront but instead Steve is so distracted staring at Eddie’s big beautiful brown eyes that he misses a root growing through the path and trips on it rolling his ankle.
The rest of the weekend trip is spent with the kids back at home grumbling. Mike is especially vocal about how Steve ruins everything but Eddie is quick to point out they would have had to leave earlier if Will hadn’t pointed out the thick branch Mike almost whacked his head into. He also stays with Steve.
“Its okay, you must be sick of hospitals by now.” Steve tries to insist.
“Maybe but I also know how scary they are too.” Eddie says turning to look at Steve. “And I also know you stayed with me when I was in one so I wouldn’t be alone while we waited for the others. So consider it repayment.”
“Oh…” Steve blushes, “Who told you that?” He says to his lap.
“A little birdie told me.” Eddie winks. “Doesn’t matter I would have stayed anyway. Its like I said before you’re actually…really cool.”
“Not anymore according to the kids.” Steve sighs.
“Hey. Mike is a bit of an ungrateful shit but all the others worship you Steve. Including Mike even if he tries to act like he doesn’t.”
“Thanks Eddie.”
“Anytime Stevie.”
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plistommy · 4 months
Steve and Eddie just combine so well.
Steve with his pretty colored polo shirts and tight mom jeans and Eddie with his metal band shirts and handcuffs as a belt buckle…. They’re so different but also very similar.
The way they understood and even respected each other once they got to talking and the way they slowly started to realize that the impression they had had of each other wasn’t the truth. The love they both have for Dustin and their little shared parallels with running away and shitty dad’s.
They just match so well together. Steve has so much love to give, which you can never have enough and Eddie deserves it like Steve deserves it too. I really think that Eddie would be the one. He’s a sweet guy and Steve deserves to be treated well and be loved.
Steve deserves to be called a ’sweetheart’!
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schrijverr · 2 years
Honestly, I'm a bit in tears, thinking about Jonathan going on to be a famous photographer, bringing out a book of his early work (late 80s/early 90s) in, like, the 2010s or something and it's just full of queer joy and the queerplatonic family they all made together with the Upside Down gang.
Like it starts with Steve giving Robin a piggy back ride, both laughing their asses off. It's 1989, they had just moved to the big city bc most of the kids had graduated. It's late at night and they went to a Rocky Horror screening. Robin is dressed as Brad, Steve as Janet.
There's a full spread of Eddie on stage, he's shirtless save for a leather harness, sweaty and alive, hankerchief hanging out of his pocket. The next page is him with Steve is his normal clothes in his lap, the rest of the band and Robin around them, all stuffed in a booth in a diner. Nancy and Argyle hadn't been able to make it, but that's okay. It was Coroded Coffin's first big gig.
Argyle has a page dedicaded to him, most of them in the early mornings, sharing the bed with Nancy, the place where Jonathan is supposed to be obvious.
One is Jonathan's favorite, Eddie and Argyle are sharing a joint. They're on the roof, Eddie is gesturing with one hand, holding the joint Argyle is taking a hit from in his other hand. They often had these late nights on the roof, before their lives took off, when insomnia got too band and company was needed.
Nancy and Robin are pictured, they're kissing. They had a short fling in 1987, before Nancy got back with Jonathan and Argyle, and Robin found her current wife.
The wife, back then a girlfriend, is more femme than Robin and there are pictures of their 'wedding'. It wasn't legal, but they didn't care. Robin wore a suit, her wife a dress. There is one page dedicated to the most traditional wedding pictures they took as a joke.
Then the following pictures are more like them, posing with their collection of garden gnomes and taking goofy pictures with everyone, as well as more serious ones.
Jonathan's favorites are the one where Steve is dancing with Robin, her second dance, both having been disowned by their parents. It's obvious they're both crying. The other one is Robin covered in lipstickstains, both her and her wife grinning like madmen, clearly a little tipsy.
There are also pictures from that first summer after Hawkins split open. Nancy on Argyle's shoulders, Steve's on Eddie's, the four of them fighting in the quarry. Robin floating nearby on a floaty along with Max. In the background the boys are jumping down, only held in posed in the air like that by El, who had taken an interest in photography after she realized how easy it was to forget.
There is also thanksgiving at the Hopper-Byers, 1986. Murray is there as well and they're all pushed together on the table, far more people than they thought would survive. Everyone is laughing, because Jonathan is sprawled over Agryle, having tripped in his haste to get seated for the timer.
It's the intimate domesticity that Jonathan has gotten good at capturing that makes the book pop.
Steve, dead asleep, head resting on Eddie's chest, legs thrown over Robin's lap. Eddie is pressing a kiss onto his forehead, Robin is holding his hand. The photo is called: Nightmares
A picture taken by El is in there as well, properly credited. It was taken when visiting Nancy, Argyle and Jonathan in 1991, the three of them are all half asleep, sitting at the table, all wrapped up together, but doing their own thing. Nancy is making notes on a notepad, Jonathan is rolling film and Argyle is doing the crossword in the paper.
There is also one of Coroded Coffin sitting around, crammed into the tiny apartment Eddie, Robin and Steve shared when they first moved out to the big city. They're writing lyrics, obviously mid argument about something. What is noteble is Steve in the background, leaning against the doorframe, looking very fond, dishtowel slung over his shoulders.
Naturally there is also one with all the kids around the table, dice scattered about, Eddie in the midst of a dramatic narration, seemingly oblivious to Steve, smiling dopily and nearly sleep, from where he is draped over Eddie's lap.
There are also pictures of Robin painting Steve's nails, because while Steve knew he'd had to take it off before work, he likes the way it looks.
As well as Steve doing Eddie's eyeliner, because Eddie used to be baby about it, before he got used to doing it before shows.
Will is also in there, alseep in the backseat with Mike, draped over the other guy. They're both in the remnants of cosplay, on the way back from a convention.
All the kids are, though they feature less, having been younger and in different phases of life.
There is a picture of Max and El asleep in Max's dorm when she went to college. Her skateboard is leaning against the wall along with her crutches. Max's hands are in El's hair, it's half braided like they fell asleep before finishing it.
Lucas is pictured with Steve, sweating on a basketball court, what is more obvious is Eddie and Max in the foreground. They're both leaning on their knees, oggling the two players. Max's eyes peer out through thick lenses, but that doesn't hide the moon eyed expression that matches Eddie's.
Another intimate moment that Jonathan captured was Steve, Eddie and Dustin, the three of them in front of a mirror, shaving. Eddie is just dry shaving, but Steve and Dustin both have foam beards, by the looks of it, Steve is teaching Dustin how to shave.
There are also just a few pages dedicated to cheek kisses, both platonic and romatic. They have big grins, soft looks, tears and blood in them. All of them look meant.
One double page is Argyle, Eddie, Nancy, Robin and Steve painting protest signs. There is laughter, but a somber atmosphere too. A heartbreaking point in history to be alive.
The next page is Eddie, Steve and Nancy, the three of them black eyes, Steve even missing a tooth. They're on the steps of a police station, Eddie is giving it the finger, his other arm slung around Steve. Nancy is getting checked over by Agryle, looking determined. Robin is running towards Steve.
Furthermore, it's filled to the brim with pictures of them doing dishes, playing games, backstage with Eddie, Nancy interviewing leather daddies at pride, hands twined together on the dashboard.
Nancy has provided the writing, telling their stories of those times. They might not be able to say it all, but they can say more than back then and their stories deserve a space too. Their interlinked dynamics, their ups, their downs. The family they built together.
Just Jonathan's queer photography of the late 80s/early 90s y'all.
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harringroveera · 1 year
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Well, Erica is right
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devondespresso · 2 months
Wiggy Wednesday🧠🪱 - A Robin (Buckley) Hood au
tagged by @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @shares-a-vest and @hotluncheddie Thanks guys!!! 💕🫂💝
continue-the-game tags at the bottom, you guys absolutely don't have to read this whole thing for it, it won't hurt my feelings cause this thing got long sgnxgnxnh
💚>> EDIT: @carolperkinsexgirlfriend expanded on the aro robin thing and its literal perfection!! <<💚
tbh the past few days ive felt like i was loosing my spark a bit (could be a medication thing now that i think about it) so the plans for today are to rewatch some really damn good motion pictures, feel some emotions probably, and go from there.
having said that, i was able to put together a fun little idea about Robin Stranger Things as Robin Hood, Steve and Little John, either Vickie or Chrissy as Maid Marian. Chrissy would fit the secretly badass princess type very well, thinking princess peach in the mario movie, while vickie would be slightyyy more tough girl princess, thinking fiona from the first shrek. I'm not like a huge fan of slapping character names into roles just because, so i think most antagonists would be of the robin-hood-world and some might get left out. Dustin and Erica would be there, possibly as merry men, or i also think itd be cool to mix another vaguely-medieval story that fits the kids group better, have it be something in the backstory or future or something like a story living in the edges of this one. Eddies also an easy fit as the minstrel and could be tied to chrissy's story too if you want
im not planning on writing anything for it, but the story ideas that are jumping out to me rn are mostly characters meeting/origin stories. Steve and Robin meet early on in her outcastery, Robin in jail for stealing and Steve also locked up close by either for something outrageously stupid or something definitely illegal but for the sake of his little brother and friends. They swap stories and then swap even more jokes and fun banter. Either Robin loops him in on her plan to break out, or Dustin and Erica come to break Steve out during her escape and they all team up. Maybe a little part where they visit Dustin and friends, let him know Steve's fine even tho him and Robin are fugitives, maybe Dustin tries to follow them but they have to send him back until he's old enough to move out, an emotional "we're not gone forever" talk, concluding with Robin and Steve heading off to camp in the woods and figure out what's next. maybe robin comes out here, maybe steve had confessed and whatnot similar to the show, maybe robin just needed to establish that she's not into him before they started adventuring just the two of them. Maybe she mentions her future plans, to stay firmly on the laws bad side, maybe to reunite with the lady she found at the edge of palace gardens, something that would make the road alongside her rougher than his already will be, and Steve chooses to join her anyway.
also a romantic subplot with Chrissy or Vickie.
if its chrissy, i think itd go similarly to the disney movie (relative to vickie's anyway), chrissy has her princessy life and through circumstance (maybe an archery contest, maybe they run into each other, probably a combination of run-ins) they meet and are into each other, maybe Robin crossdresses and after she's revealed to be a girl Chrissy's head over heels, maybe Chrissy runs away, maybe robin wins her favor, lots of fun princess tropes to play with.
with vickie, i keep leaning into the Fiona-style angle where she very much doesn't care to be in a royal setting, not rejecting femininity just spinning the princess archetype on its head. So maybe she's a runaway, maybe she rescued herself, or maybe she faked her death or something extreme, and she runs into robin (maybe robins disguised and she looks extra rougish, maybe vickie had only heard bad stories about her) and they fight. if vickie wins she notices in her victory robins actual personality, realizes shes not aggressive like expected and they talk, and if robin wins she does a mercy thing, maybe disarms her to get enough time to run off and vickies like 🤨mysterious🤨 or they spark up conversation. Maybe part of Robins group comes in either ready to defend her or diffuse the situation and their appearance soon splits the fight. lots and lots to play with. one way or another vickie tags along or joins the group, she and robin fall in love, yippee
aaaand third option: polyarmory, where chrissy joins the group first, they run into vickie second, and the three of them fall in love.
fourth option: aro robin (lol get it. cause. arrows.) who picks up princesses (plus steve too) like its her job and those princesses fall in love
r*nance (* for search because this isn't exactly abt them, NOT to be a dick about it) could work too ig but its not my jam so im not diving into that angle
i also love the idea of expanding robins relationship with any of the kids (Dustin and especially Erica, because scoops troop has solid character dynamic potential thats barely touched. Robin and Max too, and it'd make sense to bring in Lucas too with his ties to both Erica and Max)
if this gives anyone else brainworms and you want to write it, absolutely go for it, i know im definitely not going to sit down and write scenes or anything for it, and if you're comfortable tag me so i can read it!!
for Wiggy Wednesday im tagging (no pressure ofc): @starry-eyed-steve @marvel-ous-m @lightoftheseraph @pearynice @puppy-steve
@tinytalkingtina @dreamwatch @flowercrowngods @withacapitalp @writing-kiki
@queenie-ofthe-void @carolperkinsexgirlfriend @eriquin @hairstevington @sunflowerharrington
@imfinereallyy @sourw0lfs
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Look I am weak for AU's
One AU I love for Steddie is Pirate AU and all I can think about is Eddie, captain of the ship Hellfire boarding a royal boat looking for treasures maybe a captive. He gets both!
He finds Prince Steve.
Eddie the Banished (who used to be a Prince who was accused of false crimes thus banished from his own kingdom) is just like: "You'll do Big Boy."
The crew is totally expecting Steve to start pleading for his life or to maybe try and convince them to take someone in his place but he just gets up and starts to get dressed with an excited smile because this was the first time he was allowed out of the kingdom and now he gets more adventure!
Steve: "Okay! Can I pack a bag? Is that allowed? How long do you think I'll be with you because I have to be honest, I will need to take my bathing supplies if you think it's going to be long."
Eddie who had been checking out the royal "assets": "Hm? Oh uh...yes? Yes you can bring a bag. Whatever you want Your Highness "
The crew is just staring at Eddie like, you useless gay, really now? As we're doing the job? But they know once Eddie's interests are piqued it's a done deal. Eddie's, and maybe some of the crew's hearts melt when Steve asks them for a favor.
Steve: "Can we please also bring my Personal Attendant? He is young and not like the other men in the castle. I fear if I were to leave him, the others would not be as kind to him as they are with me here, which if you ask me is not as kind as they could be. His name is Dustin, he should be in the quarters down below. Oh and also Robin, she is a Minstrel and I know if I were to leave her she would not make it back to the castle."
And like...how can they refuse? Like they are pirates but that does not make them bad people and the Prince seemed desperate and sincere so what the heck? They also kidnap Dustin and Robin along with Steve.
Steve when he sees Robin and Dustin on the Hellfire: "My friends!!"
Robin: "You had us kidnapped."
Steve: "Yes."
Dustin: "You are unbelievable!"
Steve: "Would you have preferred to stay on the ship with Thomas and all the others?"
Dustin and Robin grumbling but shaking their heads.
Steve: "Besides! Look at it this way, we get to go on a better adventure than visiting Prince Jason and convincing his father that continued trade with our kingdom is beneficial to us all."
Steve, Dustin and Robin really bond with the crew and Captain Eddie keeps "forgetting" to send out the ransom note everytime they port and pillage if that's what they decide. Eddie literally is head over heels for his little prince so fast it's not even funny, like he let's him sleep in his quarters, he makes sure he and his friends are well fed. He does not tie any of them up or put them in cells. He'll when he and Gareth were trying to make sense of a new treasure map they had gotten their hands on, that Dustin kid was the one who solved the first riddle for them. Now he, Robin and Steve were basically helping Eddie and his inner ring solve the map. Steve always said he had nothing to tribute to the group but it was his little thoughts and comments that really helped from time to time and he solved one of the riddles all on his own.
Basically Steve, Robin and Dustin get adopted by a pirate crew and just become pirates!
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redlegumes · 1 year
(Season 4 spoiler)
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Bonus: Steve
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Prologue? Pilot? IDK Man I Just Work Here
(part 1.2)
{hey so uhhhh
i have finals coming up and its the last week of classes and im lowkey failing two of mine right now, so unfortunately im going to have to go on hiatus for a bit- even though i literally just started, ugh- while i try to catch up and deal with... all that
that said, ive decided to split the prologue up into three parts instead of two and just go ahead and give you what ive got so far of the rest of it
this and the third (and hopefully final) segment is where we really start setting up/contextualizing the "full house" premise of the fic
link to part 1.1 here}
So, over the next several weeks, they come up with a plan.
Most of them aren’t exactly happy about the plan, but… oh well.
The parents are determined to move their children- who have proven themselves to be prime targets for the supernatural- out of town, to relocate them somewhere they’ll be well-removed from the apocalypse unfolding in Hawkins. Caught up to speed about the history of Hawkins Lab and Owens’s involvement in everything, they all but order him to help with the arrangements.
And he delivers. Calls are made, blueprints are drawn, and before they know it, a plot of land has been secured two thousand miles away in California for a house to be built on. And it’s going to have to be a pretty big house, considering it’ll be home to six teenagers and a pre-teen.
The kids are dead set on not being separated again; it’s one of their conditions for agreeing to leave. Steve can’t blame them, honestly. After everything they’ve been through together, he doesn’t want to be apart from them either. In fact, he’s been feeling a bit paralyzed by the thought, has had a little trouble breathing since the move was decided.
He’s sort of out of it the next time everyone gathers at the hospital to hash out the details, to be honest, but in his defense, his head isn’t quite what it used to be before all the hits he’s taken in recent years.
But then the ongoing discussion turns to who will look after the kids, and well, that certainly gets his attention.
There’s a military blockade taking shape around the area, keeping the threat contained- but also the citizens. It’s only through Owens’s connections and influence that they’ll be able to sneak the kids out, and just that in itself is going to be risky. As much as they’d like to, they can’t take everyone.
The parents have agreed to join the resistance that’s starting to form, a force of townsfolk who have finally realized what’s really happening and are banding together to find a solution, or at least hold off the Upside Down from taking over for as long as they can. Hopper and Joyce have taken it upon themselves to teach everyone as much as they can about what they’re up against, and a few of the others are helping out with pooling resources and organizing community childcare.
For various reasons, their families won’t be coming along.
“Who’s going to take care of you all?” Sue asks, her question directed more towards the room at large than the kids themselves. “None of you are older than fifteen; I don’t want you out there on your own with no adult supervision.”
Karen starts to say something, probably about how she doesn’t intend to let Nancy stay behind either, that there will definitely be at least one person over fifteen present, but Steve cuts her off in his eagerness. He practically jumps out of his seat, actually, but he’s held in place by his desperate grip on the sheets of the hospital bed he’s still stuck in until he’s done recovering from the demobat bites.
“I’ll do it!”
Once again, all eyes are on him, and they’re broadcasting confusion, surprise- in the case of the parents, that is. The kids mostly look relieved. None of them will say it- the little shits- but he’s pretty sure they were just as worried about leaving him behind as he was about sending them away.
Claudia tilts her head at him in question. “You? What, by yourself?”
Steve figures the faintly bitter disbelief in her voice has less to do with him and more to do with Dustin’s deadbeat dad, so he chooses not to take it to heart. But before he can make a remark about how some men are actually interested in fatherhood- although he’s not entirely sure what his brain even means by that- Karen Wheeler speaks up.
“Not by himself, no. What I was about to say a moment ago was that Nancy is going too. I don’t want my daughter staying here after being involved with all this pretty much since the beginning. But, Steve, even then, you’re hardly adults yourselves- Nancy only just graduated high school last week. I don’t think you two should be left to basically parent seven kids all alone; it’s too much responsibility.”
(While she does have a point, and he’s certainly not opposed to having Nancy out of harm’s way, it’s also important to note that the daughter in question is currently busy giving shooting lessons to a sizable portion of the resistance. Nancy is no stranger to responsibility, but she isn’t exactly the motherly type, either. Regardless, Steve wants both roles for himself- at least on a subconscious level. He’s not quite aware of it yet, his rightful place as both mom and dad to the party, but… he’ll get there. He thinks of himself more as a glorified babysitter, really, but it is a position he takes very seriously nowadays.)
Mistaking Steve's spacey expression for something else, Dustin mutters smugly beside him, “I bet you would looove that.”
Steve rolls his eyes and shoots back, “Can it, kid. We’ve been over this. Nance and I are not getting back together.”
Nancy and Jonathan broke up after her graduation, for reasons which Steve has decided are none of his business. In some ways, this made the idea of rekindling their relationship- something his friends insisted he should try to do- more of an actual possibility. And yet, somehow, that in itself helped him realize that he doesn’t really want to get back together. And he knows she feels the same, even if there are some weird lingering feelings on both sides of the issue. They simply aren’t compatible, and that’s okay. It took him a while to get here, but now he’s happy just being her friend.
Thankfully, Robin joins in, interrupting that awkward train of thought and providing the solution to a problem Steve hasn't even considered yet.
“They wouldn’t be alone, Mrs. Wheeler. I can help out, too.”
“You would do that? Move across the country and play house with me and these brats?”
“Of course I would, dingus. Where you go, I go.”
The fondness in their exchange prompts some raised eyebrows from the others, but that’s irrelevant. Steve is just massively thankful that Robin is offering to come along. Having to choose between the kids and his platonic soulmate would have torn him apart just as badly as the bats did.
“And I’d say the same about Will and El,” Jonathan says as he joins the group. “So I hope there’s room for a couple more.” He glances questioningly at Argyle, who came in with him.
Argyle just shrugs. “I’m sticking with you, man.” Apparently, his parents turned him out to fend for himself when he hit eighteen, so he doesn’t have much to go back to, and he’s been content staying with the Byers until the blockade is lifted- or for the long haul, it seems.
Karen nods in Jonathan’s direction. “Good, I’m sure Joyce will feel better knowing you’ll be there.”
So that makes five of us. Considering I’ve wrangled most of these guys on my own plenty of times by now, that should be totally manageable. I guess it will be nice to have some guaranteed backup for once.
It looks like the gang is staying together after all, plus at least one new-ish addition.
But, speaking of "new-ish additions" to the group, there is still a six-foot deep hole in the entire plan, which is the question of what to do with a dead man when all his remaining friends are ditching town.
“What about... Eddie?”
{well folks theres the second installment of the prologue. as for the rest of it... youll get it when you get it. hopefully ill be able to start updating more regularly once i go back home for the summer. things are just kinda crazy right now hahahahaha <-(the deranged laughter of a person whose ass is not passing all their courses this time and is very seriously considering becoming a college dropout)
oh and yeah so eddies dead i guess. not what i had planned but sometimes the plot just does what it wants. you know how full house basically starts off with dannys wife dying in a car accident (offscreen and prior to the events of the actual show anyway)? and steve is like, very loosely the au's parallel of danny? well you might not have known that actually but i just told you. so. yeah. you get where this is going
also, to my unofficial beta readers and lovely mutuals @moreover-clover and @redley-of-many-noodles: i have seen your comments/messages and i appreciate your input, but ive decided im going to try not to take this project too seriously and just have fun with it rather than worry about how polished it is, so i think this is going to be a no beta project from here on out. thank you for the thoughtful commentary/critiques on part 1.1, and i do hope you continue to enjoy it <3
having said that, if anyone happens to notice glaringly obvious/simple typos that i could easily fix, or if any parts are just genuinely incomprehensible, feel free to point it out/ask for clarification if you want to}
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wenclairlover4life · 6 months
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kitchen-spoon · 4 months
God I need a Steddie gilmore girls au.
Steve as lorelai and Eddie as luke.
Its my first watch so i’m at the start of their on again off again. But even just a one shot of their first fight.
They have only been together a few months after being friends for years and having so much tension and love built up between them. Steve’s parents are renewing their vows they are on good terms because of Dustin or maybe Eleven? She would fit better but I know their relationship isn’t explored often (could do sibling steve got custody of) I’d love max but she is so not at all like rory.
Anyway. They go Eddie comes everything goes to shit. Tommy shows up because Steve’s father went to him. He wants Steve with someone ‘propper’. Both of them have been sort of awful to him. But Eddie loves Steve so he goes. Tommy realizes he cant get Steve from Eddie he gets drunk and sloppy with a last ditch effort.
Eddie’s had enough because Steve felt bad for Tommy because his father died and they had a bad relationship but he’s inherited the company. (Another reason why Steve’s father pushed Tommy). They drank and talked about old times. Nothing happens! It’s innocent! But Steve feels guilty and ignores Robin’s advice and doesn’t tell Eddie until that night.
Eddie leaves, Steve chases him but Eddie says he needs time. Steve feels like he is dying, he cant wait. He could fix it all if he could explain it! He was stupid so stupid he knows. But he pushes too hard and Eddie draws the line. He had said months back he was in. All in for all of it. He wanted to do this seriously. But it had become too much. Steve was too much and always would be.
They are both heartbroken. Steve is devastated, Robin worries and tries to help but Steve just forces himself to focus on the salon. Meanwhile Eddie is snapping at people at the garage he inherited from Wayne who had to retire because of his hip.
Steve cuts his father off in the process. So does eleven or dustin. Neither of them will speak to him but they are polite and kind to Steve’s mother. Eventually it breaks his father who goes to Eddie and admits he is wrong. He gives not so much a blessing but a admittance of defeat, knowing he truly cannot do anything about Eddie.
Eddie doesn’t even close and clean up properly. He just flicks the lights off and rushes over to Steve’s. Steve who was previously watching sad 80’s breakup movies in his old high school gym shorts and a swim team t shirt a few sizes too small is shocked to see him. But Eddie doesn’t wait and surges forward connecting their lips in a kiss Steve instantly melts into.
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drops-of-june · 3 months
Crimson Trails
List of Episodes:
SEASON ONE: CHAPTER I - Highway to Hell
CHAPTER II - D'yer Mak'er
CHAPTER III - Rebel Yell
CHAPTER IV - Sympathy for the Devil
CHAPTER V - Breaking The Law
CHAPTER VI - Barracuda
CHAPTER VII - (Don't Fear) The Reaper CHAPTER VIII - The Trooper
CHAPTER I - Changes
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Steve: Every hero friend group eventually turns into a polycule to some extent
Dustin: Can confirm
Murray: And that's exactly why I'm never joining one
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harringroveera · 1 year
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It remains a mystery for Steve
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Ok, who would read a story where the reader is Steve Harrington’s younger sister and part of the party. She’s like really close to both Mike and Will, but has a crush on Mike. Then like all the stuff happens with the Upside Down and once they get to Season 3, the reader kind of realizes that Mikes a jerk and then starts to move on and fall for an oc. Then like in Season 4, Mike and the reader go to California and Will confirms the reader’s suspicion that he had a crush on Mike. Basically just a lot of best friend shit with Will and the party, but specially Will.
Any takers? Lmk <3
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arian-thedreamer · 1 year
[Dustington headcanon/concept]
Steve, wanting to do something special for Dustin's birthday, and most of all impress the boy he adores, decides to do a guitar solo he practiced with Eds all month long. Dustin had practically been stuck to Eddie's hip all year long and Steve thought it had somethung to do with his rock esthetic.
So why not try it himself?
Steve is so corny about it that Dustin thinks it's lame. Still, it's the hottest and sweetest thing he's ever seen.
Steve is lame but he's still Dustin's. Who wouldn't love a guy that does an entire crappy guitar solo for you.
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cursedbabysitter · 2 years
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Billy is lactose intolerant, but still comes into scoops ahoy everyday to buy ice cream, just to see and talk to the pretty dumb brunette he has a major crush on.
Eddie and Dustin had a bet going, Eddie believing Billy in fact was only coming to see Steve, but Dustin refusing to believe that.
Dustin lost the bet.
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