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inactive blog unfollow pls xoxoxoxo
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"How are you doing?"
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fatedmagica started following you
“Hello, Homura-chan” the pink haired girl smiled at the ebony.
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Madoka Magica Valentine’s Day cards! :D  ♥
original idea for the lines (c) Neg! 
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It was unfortunate that, out of all people, Sayaka Miki had so decidedly cross her path at that particular moment. The ebony turned to face the sword wielding magi, a cold look piercing through her as she did so, her expression remaining the same--blank, devoid of any emotion. It was hard to read Homura, to detect a trace of mercy in her endless gaze--almost impossible, really. Emotionless violet hues scanned the source of the voice calling out for her. Did Homura have time for this? No, she didn't. But there was no use running away from Sayaka. She knew how little the blue magi trusted her, but that wouldn't stop her from achieving her goals...Was there hope for amending any sort of errors, of finally putting aside their differences and forgetting all the countless ordeals they had gone through? Only time could tell. 
"Is there something you want, Miki-san?" 
disorder ✧ heartovertime
The blue magi twitched at the familiar face, hands balling into fists with little thought. It was never hard to tell what Sayaka Miki was thinking— each thought flickered over her features for all the world to see, even if she tried to hide it. Was there any point in trying to disguise what she thought about the other puella magi? Both of them knew — one of the few similarities they probably shared was their feelings toward one another. Perhaps there was some irony in that fact… though the girl didn’t dwell on it, her posture tense and guarded,
She didn’t trust this girl at all.
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“Akemi-san.” The smallest of jabs at Homura’s own stifling politeness — if it could be called ‘polite’.
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fatedmagica started following you
"Greetings, Kaname Madoka." 
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"Valentines Day is coming.." 
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So uh puellamasterlist is open again!
If anyone wants the link, here it is! I need a co-runner, so if you’re interested please leave an ask! We’re running once again (for the third time! This time we’ll stay active since I’ve set stricter rules regarding activity.)~
Almost every character is free, plus you have different timelines to pick from which gives you more to pick from. 
If you could spread the message, that would be great!
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"I suggest you disregard any sort of plans you have stored in for the future regarding 'entropy', I've figured out you'd arrive sooner or later to this peculiar network site and as such I've gotten won't allow you to get close to anyone. You will be under my constant supervision...Don't think you'll be able to escape this time.
On the other hand, how did you pass the human test?" 
“What is this ‘liking’? Such a peculiar human activity.
What would one gain from ‘liking’ a post on Tumblr? How does one even come to or define ‘like’? It’s quite fascinating, really.
Entropy seems particularly strong on this social networking platform.. Perhaps all these young girls would prefer their time be fulfilled fighting Witches in a life of battle than facing their seemingly awful lives.
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In the end it doesn’t matter to me.”
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"My recent activity? You'd have nothing to gain by finding out about my whereabouts, that I can assure you." The ebony replied coldly, her expression steeled. Her tone was, like usual, lackluster and bland; barely above a sigh, really. The last thing Homura wanted was for Kyubey to gain knowledge of her bearings and future plans so she would obviously attempt to hide them from the Incubator. 
keiyakyubey started following you
“Ah, Akemi Homura! I’ve been wondering as to your recent activity. You wouldn’t mind filling me in now, would you?
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Of course if you are for some reason unwilling it shouldn’t be too hard to find that information for myself.” The Incubator peered innocently- were he capable of it- at the purple Puella Magi. Even if Homura were something of a mystery to him, numbers were numbers.
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+ by とおの
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keiyakyubey started following you
"...Tch." Extreme contempt illustrated Homura's graceful features, intense violet irises meeting the contractor's emotionless gaze.  "Is there something you want, Kyuubey?" She asked, a serious aura engulfing the time traveler. 
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