#Shiny Alolan Geodude
pikapaints · 9 months
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A ✨SHINY✨ Alolan Geodude appeared!
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AND here's my Shiny Alolan Geodude that I caught in Pokémon Scarlet just two days ago!
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bugpysforge · 3 months
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Shiny Dump before I start posting Shinies again.
Feel free to send me a DM of any shiny pokemon variants you want me to add to the list. New Shiny Variants will be shared around Wednesdays.
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congratsashiny · 4 months
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i caught these guys like not even a minute apart from each other ill get the videos another time but wtfffffffff??????
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bella-shiny-log · 9 months
Shiny Alolan Geodude
Violet - December 23rd 2023
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I was just kinda wandering around and found this lil' orange freak. She fucking exploded one me! Luckily I saved beforehand for once and was able to catch him the second time around.
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shinypokemonshowdown · 7 months
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Normal [left] - Shiny [right]
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appoarsin · 9 months
oh my god my heart skipped a beat trying to do BBQs
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twilidramon · 4 months
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"Its body is a magnetic stone. Iron sand attaches firmly to the portions of its body that are particularly magnetic. If you accidentally step on a Geodude sleeping on the ground, you'll hear a crunching sound and feel a shock ripple through your entire body." -- Pokemon SM
"If you mistake it for a rock and step on it, it will headbutt you in anger. In addition to the pain, it will also zap you with a shock. Geodude compete against each other with headbutts. The iron sand on their heads will stick to whichever one has stronger magnetism." -- Pokemon USUM
If you like my work please consider commissioning me! Also, consider supporting me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi!
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magicmalcolm · 4 months
How much orange is too orange?
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noiivvern · 8 months
I'm so mad I wanted to go use my free destiny mark to get a joltik with it but I walked into a shiny geodude on the way to the cave 😭
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shinymolleon · 1 year
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my-shiny-pokemon · 2 years
074-076 - Geodude Line
So for the Geodude line's normal form I thought "what if I just made em crystalline?" and for the Alolan forms I thought "what if I made them more red?"
I was not overwhelmed with ideas for this line.
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Old Sprites
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"What if I made them crystalline?" is a common thought I have with rock Pokemon. This will not be the last time.
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pokecolours · 6 months
Porygon2 and shiny Alolan Geodude
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apollos-boyfriend · 5 months
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i just randomly hatched a shiny alolan geodude huh
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sword-reborn · 3 months
A recorded match of a gym battle. Watch it? ----
[VIDEO: The footage is taken from a camera hanging above the room. A large battle court is displayed, with flashing glass tiles that light up yellow in a moving pattern. A green-haired girl in a cheerleader costume stands at the back, under an array of hot pink banners that spell out "KABOOM!!!" in bold, sparkly golden letters. She bounces back and forth on her feet as the camera rotates to show Blake walking through the double doors, pink hair a bit frazzled.
"Hihi, Blake!" Julia greets the challenger eagerly. "Welcome to the Super-Duper Ultra-Hyper Electro-Dazzle Happy Boom Time House of CHEER!! You liked the gym maze I set up back there?!"
"It was certainly... explosive," Blake replies, pushing bits of their hair back into place.
"Course it was! That's what I'm all about!" she said proudly, then did a quick glance around the room. "You can just ignore all the super lame machinery junk. I need more banners! And streamers! And, hm... FIREWORKS!"
"That-" Blake knitted their brows a bit in concern. "Isn't that a safety hazard?"
"Wait, is it?" Julia slumped a bit, but then shook her head dismissively. "Oh, who cares! Anyways, don't think I'm gonna go easy on you just cause you helped us out with those Team Meteor bozos earlier! I've got pride to uphold! As former captain cheerleader, the Onyx Trainer School's honor depends on me!"
She pulls a set of yellow pom poms out, and begins to chant as she kicks her legs up and down in what looks like a cheerleader routine. "OTS, we represent! We pack a punch and don't relent!"
Without any further ado, she reaches for a Pokeball on her belt and smiles excitedly. "Alright, alright, alright, I'm wired so let's fight!!!"
The battle kicks off fairly quickly, with Julia leading in with her Minun, and Blake with Ruben. Even with a lower leveled Pokemon, Blake's long history of battle experience shines through the first few match ups- with their trusty Combusken Flame-Charging three opponents down in a row without so much as a sweat.
Eventually, a shiny Alolan Geodude comes out, so they switch to Viper. This one takes a bit more of a struggle, but the Ekans manages to narrowly slither around the rock monster's punches and wither its health down with Bite. After that, Oricorio follows- and unfortunately, Viper fumbles from the exhaustion of the last fight and gets taken down by a swift Air Cutter. Ruben's up next, though, and yet again steals the win with another Flame Charge.
Her last one up is Electrode. While Ruben's still going pretty strong, his opponent is buzzing with double the energy from the electric field affect. Ruben gets the first move from his prior speed boosts, but Electrode tanks it again and retaliates with a brutal Charge Beam.
"Hang in there, Ruben, almost done!" Blake calls out to their starter, before calling another Flame Charge.
Ruben rushes in coated in flames, landing the hit, but after getting rolled into a nearby wall Electrode still stands. It fires off another Charge Beam, and you see a flash of panic cross Blake's face- but Ruben manages to slide across the tiled floor and out of the way just in the nick of time. This time, he goes in for a Double Kick- and just like that, the match is over.
"Huh?" Julia blinks a bit in surprise as her defeated Electrode rolls pitifully past her, as if she's snapping out of a daze. "Aw, I lost already?"
"YEAH!" Blake exclaims, jumping up in triumph before rushing over to envelop their Pokemon in a hug. Ruben lets out a small coo of surprise as they pick him up and spin him around. "That was awesome, buddy! You kicked ass!"
Once the excitement of Blake and Ruben's victory settles down, Julia rubs her eyes sleepily as she recalls Electrode to its ball. "Mrrr... Whateverrr, I'm gonna go take a power nap."
"Wait-" Blake stops her just as she tosses her pom poms aside to a nearby bench and starts to trundle off. "What about my badge?"
"Hm? Oh, right." She turns towards them, then raises her head a bit in realization before digging into her pocket and flicking it to them with her thumb. "Fiiiine, take your Whatchamacolit Badge."
Blake manages to catch it, but then looks up at Julia like they were expecting there to be more. "The Thingamajigger Badge makes stuff happen," the Gym Leader mumbles on, snapping her fingers a few times like she's trying to remember something. "Aaaand it allows you to use the thing. I need coffee..."
She seems to doze off while standing for a split second, but before Blake can comment on it, her eyes snap back open. "Oh! Also, it allows you to use the move Cut outside of battle!"
"It does? How?"
"Well I mean, I think it lets ya use it legally around here, I mean," she clarifies. "Means yer a responsible enough trainer to not go chopping someone in half or somethin'. Also-also, it lets Pokemon up to level twenty-five obey you."
Blake mutters something about having already completed three gym challenges before and not needing to worry about any of that, but Julia doesn't seem to hear. "Also-also-also, take this!" She suddenly turns on her heel, extending a yellow disc sealed in a plastic container to them. "Consider it a thanks for your help earlier. Your sister can use it too, if she wants! It doesn't go boom, but it IS a useful move!"
"Oh, thanks," Blake says, looking over the TM for a moment. "Charge Beam, huh? Could come in handy if I catch an Electric-type later..."
"Aaanyways, sleepies. Good night..." Julia yawns, before collapsing onto the bench she threw her pom poms onto earlier. "Zzzz...."
Blake stares awkwardly at her for a moment, seeming perplexed at just how fast she conked out. They share a look with Ruben, before shrugging and turning around to make their exit from the gym.]
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jadeazora · 1 year
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Niantic have announced the details for the Team GO Rocket Takeover in the Solstice Horizons event!
Runs from 12am on Jun21 thru 11:59 (local times) on Jun25. Adds Shadow Regirock and Shiny Pancham into the game
Shadow Alolan Geodude, Ledyba, Hitmontop, Glameow and Gible are added to the game
Team Rocket will appear more at PokéStops and in Balloons
You can use Charged TMs to remove Frustration from Shadow Pokémon
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The trailer for Eusine's event! Somebody (Kris) already beat him to the punch in befriending Suicune. This event starts Thursday!
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Psyduck's One-Minute Cooking Challenge event begins today, along with Porygon2 in Deliveries.
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Some upcoming Takara Tomy merch. The rings release this month.
And lastly, the first episode of Advanced has been added to the Classic episodes playlist. Unfortunately you would need a VPN or to live in Japan to view it:
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Round One
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[ID: Two images of shiny pokemon. On the left is alolan geodude who is orange. On the right is galarian darumaka who has neon green hands and face mask. End ID]
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