#Shin Joo-ah
k-star-holic · 9 months
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Shin Joo-ah, Thailand chaebol and marriage newspaper on the front page ⁇ How much divorce alimony? (Dollsing4men)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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kdramaladies · 4 days
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I spend time with you because I love you. NO GAIN, NO LOVE (2024) dir. Kim Jung Shik
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smittenskitten · 1 year
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nunafilms · 19 days
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Are you still writing beautiful children's books?
No Gain, No Love 손해 보기 싫어서 (2024)
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bitchsleep · 12 days
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NO GAIN, NO LOVE (2024) - Episode 3
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sunset-sprinkles · 11 months
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Viva la Vida 🍉✨
"The charm of youth is never about getting what you want but about every unexpected tomorrow and every person you meet by chance" - When I fly towards you (2023)
“Nothing lasts forever. Everything is momentary. They all flow away. And that’s not always a bad thing.” - Twenty-five Twenty-one (2022)
Youth dramas always leave a deep impression specially when you are in your mid 20s and even early 30s. I think we tend to enjoy and feel nostalgic about things we probably never enjoyed in our youth. But we surely have been through that phase right? Some are already matured , some are too casual , some extremely emotional and some too carefree. It all wraps around the fact that youth is the best time of your life when you unapologetically learn and experience the best moments in life. Starting from 2521 to When I fly towards you and now Twinkling watermelon - the best part about youth dramas is that they flow they teach you touch you and then just create magic!! 🪄
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psalm40speakstome · 3 days
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Gif Source
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dead-end-street · 2 years
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OH MI JOO & SEO DAN AH 😒😎 RUN ON (2021) dir. Lee Jae-hoon
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vallen-bell · 2 months
Multicouples | Somebody to die for
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hearts4yawnzzn · 1 year
Only His // Lee Rang
Lee Rang x Siren!oc
Warnings!: this will be exactly written as the kdramas first season after 3 parts, so there will be mentions of; gore, death, murder, suicide, and torture.
Word Count: 2182 words.
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My mom has always refused for me to get into any physical contact with anyone else, although the reason is still unknown, she gets weird and tenses up whenever I ask her about it, I never knew why.
Yes, I could ask my dad, but he's always been dismissive about the subject, especially when I ask about it every single day. And honestly, I grew tired of it. I'm sick of hearing the same words when I ask about something so negligible.
"Miyeong-ah! Come down for dinner!" My mom calls out as I hear the clanking of pans from the kitchen, I hurriedly dismiss what I'm doing and speed out of my room and down the stairs.
If I'm being honest, I've always thought I've lived a fake life, ever since I was born, I would only get treatment from 'special' doctors. I'm sick of being different.
Miyeong's father was helping her mother set up the table, it was always four, not three. As Miyeong Ascended down the stairs, she rushed to kiss her father on the cheek and sat down across from him, her mother soon presented herself by carrying a big pot and placing it on the table, everything else was set beforehand.
"Eomma, why are you always forgetting that three people live here? You always put an extra set as if someone is going to randomly join us." The girl didn't waste a second waiting for her parents as she dug in, starting by eating some kimchi with her rice.
Her mother didn't have anything to say to her, frankly because she had no idea as well. The lid of the pot was open, and everyone was greeted by the mouth-watering smell of the cooked meat.
"The food tastes as amazing as it always is, honey." Her father complimented his wife, but Miyeong was sick of it, she was sick of living in such a fake ass family. Her metal chopsticks drop from her hand as she let out a loud scoff, sitting back in her chair.
"Eomma, Appa, are we going to keep doing this? Tell me why I can't communicate with people like a normal person!" she was enraged, the girl has said this many times before, but she never continued, now is her chance to finish.
She pushed her plate back aggressively, her parents looking at her in disbelief like their daughter had just gone insane.
Her mother slammed her hand down on the table, but her daughter didn't falter, she has learned to stand up against her mother, ever since day one. All by herself.
Miyeong wouldn't dare to show anyone around her that she was terrified, her parents never hit her, but still, she was scared of that possibility.
"Yah! Have you lost your mind!? Sit down and eat your food!" they were both yelling at each other, while the father stayed silent, he has endured this for the past 23 years, ever since they found her.
"No! Do you think I'm dumb!? You don't even treat me like your own daughter anymore!" tears were threatening to spill from her eyes, but she needed to hold back, just a little bit longer until she can leave this place.
The place she used to call 'home'.
"You're giving me so much stress! You don't even respect your own mother!" the girl stared at her in disbelief, she let out a scoff that soon turned into a laugh, was the woman in front of her serious right now?
Miyeong had planned it all.
She planned to pester them every day for the last 23 years.
She had planned to get into a big fight with the woman sitting across her, just a few days before the lunar eclipse.
Her bag was already waiting for her at the door, all she had to do now was make a dramatic closing to this argument, take her bag, and leave.
"I've been asking you every fucking day for the past 23 years! You didn't even say shit to me!! You think you can call yourself my 'mother' just because we both live under the same roof!?" she sat up from her chair and roughly pushed it against the table.
The entire table rocked as some of the empty glass cups were shattered onto the floor.
"I have had enough of dealing with you, and your husband." her tone was low, but you could feel the venom seeping through her words as her fists were balled, knuckles turning white.
It was time for her dramatic exit, Miyeong nodded her head one last time before taking out something that she was sitting on, papers. She gave one last look at the papers, then to the woman in front of her before finally throwing them to her face.
The old couple sitting at the table was stunned, they had never expected that their 'daughter' was capable of doing something like this. They had always thought of her as someone weak and emotional when facing herself or others.
Miyeong didn't dare to look back, she walked away from the table and headed towards the front door, as expected, her bag was on the floor, right beside her shoes. The brunette hurriedly put on her shoes and slung her bag over her shoulder, she didn't even know if she ore her shoes right, but that was not important.
Her hand made contact with the doorknob, and without even thinking back, she twisted it and opened the door, walking out of the darned house before slamming the door shut behind her.
Now all she could do is run, even though she might have planned this for 23 years, she didn't know she would get this far, she didn't know where to go.
She wanted to get lost, so she wouldn't get found by them ever again.
She will never go back.
Miyeong made sure, throughout planning her escape, that she wouldn't get caught by them again.
And nothing will stop her from getting what she wants.
The 23-year-old kept running through the streets, she was running for only a couple of minutes, but it felt like hours.
Her throat was becoming dry and cold, she wasn't taught to build her stamina. Ever since she was young she was homeschooled, her 'parents' haven't even bothered to give her PE classes.
The brunette kept looking back, she was terrified of them following her, she needed to look back to make sure they weren't there.
The bag on her shoulders was very heavy, it was putting so much weight on her, but that was not going to stop her.
Miyeong took the first left she saw, it looked like an apartment complex for rich people.
The people who kept her isolated for 23 years were definitely rich, the man who called himself her 'father' used to come home wearing suits every day, while the woman who called herself her 'mother' would always wear designer bags, shoes, clothes... Anything that she can get her hands on.
She diverted her sight to the main entrance, two bodyguards guarding the front while two other bodyguards were situated near the main gate.
Without placing any suspicion upon herself, the girl managed to swiftly walk over and sit on the bench. She took her bag off of her shoulder and placed it beside her, the heavy pressure she felt on her shoulders was instantly lifted, and she sighed in relief.
Miyeong didn't expect any company, she knew no one, she wasn't allowed to own any type of electronics, and she wasn't allowed to go outside.
Communication was definitely not her strongest skill.
The sound of the main gate slightly screeching open caught her attention, her head instantly turned to observe the vehicle approaching. The brunette raised her head to take a look at who was inside, the windows were very tinted. She barely saw their faces, but they definitely saw hers.
A woman was sitting in the driver's seat, she had long dark hair and an almost petite figure. On the other hand, a male was sitting in the passenger's seat, his hair was obviously short, and he was biting the nail of his thumb while resting his arm on the window. He looked really annoyed about something.
But other than that, Miyeong was curious to know more about him. By just barely looking at him once, she felt like she has known him for centuries, but maybe even then, he could be a rich clueless dumbass that she could rob. After all, aren't all rich people clueless and dumb?
The white car was heading for the garage, Miyeong stood up from the bench and approached the main gate, in order not to look suspicious, the brunette approached the secretary's desk and asked her if she could borrow her phone to 'make a call', while giving the secretary and excuse that her phone 'ran out of battery'.
The secretary didn't think anything of it and gladly handed her the phone, Miyeong smiled followed by a short bow.
She pretended to dial someone's phone number and placed the phone to her ear, "Hey Unnie! I'm in the building right now but I forgot what number your apartment is..." she proceeded to walk towards the elevator, nodding, and humming a few yeses. Miyeong averted her eyes and stared at the floor number above the elevator going up.
"Unnie, which floor are you on again?" The number above the elevator stopped, "Ah the 6th floor? Alright I'll be right there!" she 'hung up' the phone and returned it to the secretary. The girl quickly walked over to the elevator, and pressed the 'up' button several times, as soon as the elevator opened, she hurriedly walked inside and pressed the number 6 button.
The elevator closed and started to travel up, she tapped her foot against the floor anxiously, she was overthinking the situation now.
The brunette had no fighting skills and extremely poor communication skills. A 'ding' sound reached her ears as the elevator opened, she peaked her head through to make sure no one was in the hallway, once she confirmed that the coast was clear, she walked out of the elevator and proceeded to look for the guy's apartment.
It's like he knew she was going to rob him, or that he forgot to close his own door. Maybe he is that stupid.
Miyeong quietly approached the open door and she made the open gap a little bit greater so she could fit through.
Once she was through, she looked around his apartment, of course, it was very modern, and everything looked brand new and spotless, this man owns the latest models and versions of everything!
Out of her own curiosity, Miyeong slowly started heading for his kitchen, looking around in awe. She stared at his fridge, opening it slowly as she put some of the stuff inside in her bag, carefully closing the fridge, Miyeong stalked towards the living room.
It had two pairs of sofas, and a big TV against the wall, and a table in between with a vase full of red roses.
The apartment itself was very quiet and dark, the only source of light was coming from the kitchen. How could he just disappear after going inside, was he pranking her?
Miyeong made her way to the bedroom, she looked to her right to find a closed door with the light on.
'He must be taking a shower or something, I should probably hurry.' she shrugged and walked inside his room, she looked for anything that might contain some money or anything she could sell.
She stopped in front of a closet, extending her hand out to open it, but she felt a strong grip on her shoulder, turning her around and grabbing her by her neck, placing her in a chokehold.
The girl's hands immediately gripped the person's wrists, trying to pry their hands off of her, she looked up to see them.
Of course, it was him.
"Why did you break into my house?" his glare could burn a hole between her eyes as he spoke with a harsh tone, his grip slowly tightening on her neck.
Miyeong let out a small yelp as she coughed out her answer, "You left— your door open—" She was trying so hard to loosen his grip, but he was too strong.
His strength was abnormal, possibly too strong to even be human.
The man was raging, his question wasn't being answered and he definitely didn't seem like a patient type of person.
Miyeong was slowly losing air, she could barely breathe with the grip he had on her,
She had tried to speak, to give him an answer, but it was of no use.
The girl harshly closed her eyes as the grip on his wrist lightened, and when she opened her eyes again she felt lightheaded.
When their eyes met the male widened his in shock, his lips slightly disconnecting from each other.
And he immediately let go of her.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 | Tale of the Nine Tailed Season 2, Episode 4 | Favorite scenes
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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Shin Joo-ah: Why did Kim Eana choose "Dink"?
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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mugglebornstuff · 2 years
Fantasy kdramas 🍂🌿
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an-onyx-void · 2 months
The Korean drama "Run On" has been in my watch list since it premiered on Netflix. I'm so excited to watch it now! Oh Mi Joo gives me courage to be a captionist and interpreter. 🥺
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stuff-diary · 10 months
Twinkling Watermelon
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
Twinkling Watermelon (2023, South Korea)
Directors: Son Jung Hyun & Yoo Beom Sang
Writer: Jin Soo Wan
I loved Twinkling Watermelon so so much. This drama made my Mondays and Tuesdays for eight weeks. The story might not be groundbreaking, but it's incredibly well-written and fun. I was afraid the plot would be too simple to make it through 16 one-hour episodes, but it never dragged at all. There was always something to look forward to, and many of the twists caught me by surprise. On top of that, the writer gave us two fantastic love stories. Seriously, both of them are among the best I've seen in a K-drama. But the real focus of the show is the friendship between all the main characters, and its portrayal of youth was really heartwarming and nostalgic. And the whole cast was incredible too, they absolutely delivered at every turn. The only flaw I can point out is that the representation wasn't perfect, and they should've hired at least some deaf actors. Besides that, I don't have any complaints. I might go as far as saying this is one of my favorite dramas of all time, and I'm gonna miss it so much.
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mezbeleyer · 2 years
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I shouldn't even dream of us
I shouldn't even keep us in my heart
But yet
Why do I keep.... 
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