#Sherlock/Original female character
katsucii · 2 years
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Holmes & Watson postcards
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queeringclassiclit · 12 days
Irene Adler
from the Sherlock Holmes series (A Scandal in Bohemia) by Arthur Conan Doyle
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ashbrat488 · 6 months
Ashbrat488 Fanfic Masterlist
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Chris Evans
Ransom Drysdale - State of Grace - Complete
Grace Carson was friends with Ransom Drysdale throughout school. Best friends actually, but only in private, their friendship breaking apart after graduation. She went to college, coming back to Boston to work at Harlan's publishing company as an editor. But when Harlan dies, she's thrown back into Ransom's life at the bequest of Harlan himself. Will they be able to get along well enough to carry out Harlan's wishes or will their differences just be too much, leaving Ransom without his inheritance.
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Henry Cavill
Henry Cavill AU - Foul Play - Complete
Millicent "Milly" Bailey loses her mother just before her high school graduation and decides to move to England with her newly found father, Darren, she didn't know about until she turned 16. Now she's an American from a small town in Iowa, thrown into a new country and a new culture at one of the most prestigious colleges in the world. She's quiet and mostly likes to keep to herself until she catches the eye of a handsome rugby player, Henry Cavill. Henry thinks it's funny to tease Milly, bullying her with the help of his friends. That is until his last year of school where he really needs to buckle down and obtain the proper grades if he wants to be scouted for the England Rugby Team. Neither of them are happy when the dean, Milly's father, puts them together in their last year for Milly to help him graduate. Can they learn to see eye to eye and get along or will everything fall apart before graduation?
Captain Syverson - Flower In The Desert - Complete
Violet Becker is the daughter of the Major General, and despite her ranking, she refuses special treatment when she gets sent to the middle east in the midst of war. Constantly underestimated her whole life, she finishes medical school and is itching to put her new skills to work. She is left under the command of Edward Syverson who has sworn to her father to protect her. Can he keep his promise or is having to take care of a woman in the middle of a warzone too much for even him?
August Walker - Candy - Ongoing
August Walker, the CEO of a renowned Security Firm located in the bustling streets of Washington DC. His life is a constant juggling act, burdened by the weight of stressful responsibilities. The strain on his marriage is palpable, with his relationship barely holding itself together. However, he remains tethered to his wife primarily for the sake of their son, whom he adores dearly. To find solace amidst the chaos, August forms a unique bond with an escort who goes by the name "Candy." Their clandestine meetings become a refuge for him, an escape from the pressures of his daily existence. For over nine months, their encounters grow in frequency, and August finds himself becoming increasingly possessive of Candy's time, although he strives to keep their interactions as casual as she desires. However, their relationship takes an unexpected turn when August accidentally discovers Candy's true identity. Intrigued by this revelation, he begins to interfere in her life and even meddles in the affairs of her boyfriend, who coincidentally works for him. As August's feelings deepen, he wrestles with the idea of whether he can make Candy choose him over her current life.
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Calahan Skogman (Baseball AU) - Sliding Into Home
Sebastian Stan AU - Hope In Love
Bucky Barnes - Torn Pages
Cole Turner (Chris Evans) - Codename: Turtledove
Ransom Drysdale - Speak Now
Steve Rogers - Happy Birthday Captain
Jake Jensen - Dessert
Ari Levinson/Steve Rogers MFM - Pure Smut
Lloyd Hansen/August Walker MFM - Pure Smut
Sherlock (Henry Cavill) - Sherlock And His Cane
Ewan McGregor - Better Than Revenge
Author's Note: I only write for readers over 18. I write a lot of smut. Please do not engage or read if you are under 18. I *do* take requests... I also have a lot more stories on Wattpad (including a lot of Chris Evans) if you would like to check them out there.
Also, all my female characters are always original. No, I do not write y/n or reader stories. I prefer to create actual characters. Just my preference
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gregorovitch-adler · 3 months
Title: Clandestine Meetings.
Fandom: ACD canon (and related).
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/Original Female Character (unrequited love from OC's side).
Rating: T.
Words: 19,539.
Chapters: 8/8
Devi Dey has moved from India to London, England with her husband Debashish Dey. Mr Dey has to face injustice at workplace, and that is how Mrs Dey ends up at 221 B Baker Street, asking Holmes and Watson for help.
Mr and Mrs Dey's marriage does not seem to work quite well, and Mrs Dey ends up falling for Mr Sherlock Holmes during the process of his crime solving with Dr Watson's assistance.
Mrs Dey has to deal with two things: the uncertainty of her husband's job, and the feelings that she has developed for the great detective.
Hello everyone! @nowiamcoveredinyou and I wrote a fanfic based on the original stories. It's a case fic, exploring a case adventure and the sentiments that Devi Dey develops for Holmes.
Check out the link! We hope you like it. 😊
Tags: @helloliriels @lisbeth-kk @calaisreno @keirgreeneyes @jamielovesjam @peanitbear @gaylilsherlock @totallysilvergirl , etc.
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darkwitch1999 · 5 months
☕🥱A Random Headcanon: How Marc Got The Coffee Part I 🥱☕
Collège Françoise Dupont: Boiler Room
Nathaniel: (visibly annoyed) So we’re really doing this, huh?
Nino: Yep.
(Down in the boiler room, Nino had set up a small desk with a desk lamp, a radio that played what sounded like the soundtrack of an old detective movie, a stack of books, and a manila file folder. The teen wore a fake mustache and an old-style detective costume. On each opposing side of the desk stood two chairs, the one on the right being currently occupied by an exhausted Marc Anciel. The poor, tired writer was suffering from the effects of his caffeine crash and could barely keep his eyes open. His make-up was a dreadful mess from when he had his breakdown earlier, his hair was a frazzled mess, the dark circles encased around his eyes looked as though they had gotten deeper and darker, and his body that had before trembled and twitched so terribly now struggled against the intense feeling of exhaustion. Out of earshot in a corner, Nino and Nathaniel discussed Nino’s plan, which Nathaniel found to be very unnecessary, and annoying, and he would have been against taking any part in this ridiculous plan if the artist was not worried about his partner’s well-being.)
Nino: I’m sorry, Nath, but this is the only way.
Nathaniel: There are more than one, much better ways we could handle this! I don’t think this is best for Marc’s well-being right now. Just look at him! (points to the exhausted writer) He needs sleep!
Nino: Look, I get it. Marc’s crashing down from the caffeine and needs rest. But we have to do this for his own good! We need to find out where or more specifically, who did he get that coffee from! (starts counting off his fingers) The first time this happened he asked you to buy the coffee for him because he knew you didn’t know he couldn’t have it. The second time he took advantage of Rose’s kindness and trusting nature to secure the coffee. This time, however, he must have gone to someone who didn’t know that he couldn’t have coffee, and since no one is fessing up, we will have to find out who the guilty culprit is.
Nathaniel: But couldn’t we just ask him after he’s had time to rest and recover? Interrogating him when he’s in this state just seems too cruel. It feels like we’re treating him like some dangerous criminal. 
Nino: (puts a reassuring hand on Nathaniel’s shoulder) Nath, I don’t want to watch him suffer any more than you do, but I’m afraid it has to be this way to prevent another episode from ever happening again. If we let him sleep first, he’ll have more energy and focus to come up with a lie or ID a scapegoat, and it will be even harder to get Marc to confess the truth. Marc may be more reasonable when he’s off the coffee, but he definitely wouldn’t give up his supplier willingly, especially if he knows that the rest of us don’t know who gave him his fix.
Nathaniel: (shoots Nino an incredulous look) “Supplier”? Really, Nino?
Nino: (defensively) Hey, technically caffeine is considered a drug! I looked it up!
Nathaniel: (crosses his arms) Not an illegal one. Hence why I feel like you are treating Marc like a dangerous criminal.
Nino: Oh come on, Nath! The last thing I want to do is treat Marc like a criminal! 
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow) Then what’s with the Sherlock Holmes cosplay?
Nino: Because we’re trying to solve a mystery and I thought it would fit the aesthetic! (sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose).
Nathaniel: (appears hesitant) I still don’t like this….this feels like torture.
Nino: Nath, please trust me. I swear we’re not going to torture Marc. Just give us thirty minutes or so to question him, an hour at most. If he doesn’t confess within that amount of time, we’ll back off and let him get some sleep. On the other hand, if he tells us who supplied him with the coffee before the time is up, we’ll let him sleep sooner. And I promise, I’ll back off if he reaches his limit. Whatever happens during this, I won’t make Marc suffer more than he already has.
(Nathaniel pondered for a moment, considering Nino’s plan and compromise. The artist still felt conflicted about putting his partner through an interrogation while he was so sleep-deprived. He knew how physically exhausting the combination of caffeine withdrawal and insomnia from the previous night was on the writer along with the mental and emotional exhaustion of the pressure that Marc was clearly under mixed in with the aftermath of his breakdown from earlier. Nathaniel wanted Marc to rest. He wanted Marc to get better. He wanted to see that beautifully contagious and unburdened smile spread across his partner’s face again and never to see that strained and unhinged smile or the exhausted frown again. However, as guilty as Nathaniel felt for even considering going along with Nino’s plan, he also knew that Nino made some truthful points to defend his plan. Nathaniel didn’t want to admit it, but Nino was right when he argued that Marc wouldn’t easily name whoever gave him the coffee. Rose and himself were willing to own up to mistakes those times they had given Marc coffee, but this time no one is willing to admit that they had given Marc coffee. And knowing the writer, he would try to play off that “everything was fine” and there was no need to worry about who gave him the coffee, desperately trying to avoid talking about what had been bothering him so much and what was causing all the stress and pressure that he was under in the first place. Marc was never one to be willing to talk about his problems with others and always tried to appear as if everything was okay as best he could because he didn’t want to make others feel worried about him. If they were going to have any chance of finding out how Marc got coffee, now was their best and possibly only time while the writer didn’t have the energy to resist telling the truth.)
Nathaniel: (sighs) Forty minutes. We’ll question him for forty minutes and no more. And when I say “that’s enough”, I mean that’s enough. We won’t push him any farther than he can handle.
Nino: (nods in agreement) Alright, deal! Now that that’s settled, let’s get to it. Get ready to assume your role, good cop!
(Nino took a deep breath in and out as he adjusted his usual demeanor into a more serious demeanor as he now bore a stoic expression on his face. As Nino started walking towards the desk, Nathaniel rolled his eyes in annoyance.)
Nathaniel: (annoyed) Right, forgot that Nino wanted to do “Good Cop, Bad Cop” too.
(The two boys approached the desk where the exhausted writer now had his head face down on the desk, moaning in discomfort. Nino sat in the desk chair opposite the writer while Nathaniel stood next to the cosplaying detective. The “detective” then reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a tube of bubble solution and a bubble wand.)
Nino: (blows bubbles from the bubble wand with a stern look) Rise and shine, Marc.
Nathaniel: (smiles nervously) H-Hey Marc…um…how are you feeling?
(Marc rolls his head to the side, revealing his dreadfully exhausted face to the other two boys.) 
Marc: (moans) My head…feels like it's going to split open…
Nino: (blows another bubble) Mhm. That would be the caffeine withdrawal hangover for you. Though we both already know that you are well familiar with the feeling.
Nathaniel: (shoots Nino a warning look) Nino…
Nino: (clears his throat, unfazed by Nathaniel’s glares) Anyway, enough beating around the bush. It’s time we all talk.
(Marc lifted his head off the table to give the “detective” an annoyed, tired look. His expression then turned into one of confusion as he took notice of the outfit that the young boy was wearing. The writer turned to look at Nathaniel with an eyebrow raised in confusion.)
Marc: Nath, why is Nino dressed as Sherlock Holmes?
Nathaniel: (sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose) I have asked the same question, Marc. 
Marc: Wait, does that mean you are supposed to be Watson?
Nathaniel: (shakes his head and glances annoyed at Nino) No, apparently I’m supposed to be “good cop”.
Marc: (tilts his tired head in confusion) Wait…(yawns)...I’m confused….(points to Nathaniel) If you’re “good cop”...(points to Nino) and you’re “Sherlock Holmes”....then who’s “bad cop”...or…what’s even going on here? What are you guys even doing?
Nathaniel: (smirks) Actually, Nino’s supposed to be the “bad cop”. The Sherlock Holmes cosplay is just Nino doing his own thing.
Marc: (gives Nino an incredulous look) You do realize your “Sherlock Holmes” cosplay doesn’t make any sense if you guys are doing “Good Cop, Bad Cop”, right? I mean, for one thing, Sherlock Holmes was far too intelligent and dignified to resort to such a cliche interrogation tactic that wasn’t even developed during his time! Not to mention that Sherlock Holmes didn’t even work for the British Police! Yes, they did work together on a few cases, specifically with Inspectors Lestrade and Gregson the most, but still-...
Nino: (slams his hand hard on the desk, startling Marc with a jump) That’s enough out of you! Nathaniel and I are the ones asking the questions here, Anciel!
Marc: (rolls his eyes) And I thought Jean was over dramatic…
Nino: (regains his composure and clears his throat again) Anyway, I hardly think that you’re in any position to judge my choices right now. After all, you’ve made some rather “questionable” decisions yourself recently, now have you?
Marc: Not more questionable than your choice of interrogation methods…or fashion…
Nino: Got nothing to say, huh? That’s fine, we’ll start things off then. (opens the manila folder) I don’t care to mince words with you, so I’m just going to come out and say it. (picks up three pictures from the folder) We all know that someone gave you coffee and we know that someone had to be someone who didn’t know that you couldn’t have coffee for reasons that we all know too well, i.e. one of these three prime suspects.
(Nino places all three photos in front of Marc. The first photo was of Zoé Lee, the second was a photo of Devin Nolan, and the third photo was of Noelle Odeja. Marc takes a brief look at the photos and averted his gaze away from the pictures.)
Marc: You don’t know what you’re talking about, Nino. You couldn’t even be more wrong. (smirks tiredly) That ridiculous hat you’re wearing might be too tight.
Nino: (smirks, unfazed by Marc’s remark) Seeing as though you still have enough energy to be cheeky, you’ll have no problem naming your supplier.
(Nathaniel rolls his eyes at Nino using the word “supplier” again.)
Marc: What makes you think that someone gave me the coffee? How do you know I didn’t just get the coffee myself?
Nino: You mean other than the fact that you’ve done this before?
Nathaniel: (places a hand gently on the writer’s shoulder) Marc, we know you didn’t get the coffee yourself. We know your moms won’t let you have coffee and for good reasons, too. (The writer shifted his eyes away from Nathaniel, but the artist continued.) We also know that the coffee you’ve been drinking is from your mama’s shop since you would never betray the family business by drinking coffee from a different coffee shop, which brings us to the ultimate reason why we know that someone bought the coffee for you. You would never even think of trying to steal coffee from your mama because too good of a person. 
(Marc remained silent, knowing he couldn’t argue with their reasons given that they were right. Marc was raised too well to steal anything and would feel like a traitor if he tried to buy coffee from anywhere other than his mama’s shop. Nino noticed how quiet the writer had become and smiled a satisfied smirk.)
Nino: (smugly) I’ll take your silence as proof that we’re right. Now then, as we speak, our three prime suspects are currently being interrogated by my lovely partner and her best friend…
Marc: (rolls his eyes in annoyance) Great…Alya and Marinette are doing this too, huh? Let me guess, is Alya dressed up as well? Is she Watson? Or maybe she’s that reporter from New York who always writes about Majesta?
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow) C’mon Marc, it’s Alya. 
Marc: Yeah, you’re right, Nath. (smirks at Nino) She doesn’t quite share the same flair for the overdramatic as other people do (snickers).
Nino: (slightly offended) Mock me all you want, Anciel. One way or another, we are going to find out the truth. We don’t care how long it takes. We’ll keep going all day and night if we have to.
Marc: (smiles smugly) We can’t stay on school grounds past five.
Nathaniel: And we’re not doing this any longer than forty minutes.
Nino: We’ll keep going till five if we have to.
Detective Nino is on the case (whether anyone asks or not)! Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed this continuation of the "Why Marc Shouldn't Have Coffee" saga. I was going to do a full headcanon, but I decided to split it into parts since it was getting rather long. Probably a bit out of character for Marc to be a sarcastic, smart mouth in this headcanon, but in his defense, he's exhausted. Stay tuned for part two when we read about Alya interrogating the three suspects. Who do you think did the crime? Share your thoughts, opinions, and theories about the guilty party.
@andromeda612 @artzychic27 @username8746489 @nerd-chocolate @imsparky2002 @msweebyness
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The Sitter
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Mycroft Holmes x Bethany Wheeler (OFC)
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI
Summary: Set a little before John and Mary's wedding, Mary's friend Bethany Wheeler is a student studying Chemistry and Mycroft notices her. Not just notices, but takes an avid and intense interest in her. Mycroft Holmes is not a man to dive head first into any kind of relationship, but to imagine for a moment that he might deserve to be loved, well, that is a far off dream, rivalling that of a fantasy. Can Bethany change his mind? Or will the Final Problem be too much to bear?
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 
Mycroft Holmes Fic List
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marvel-snape-writes · 2 years
I Don’t Usually Do This.
Benedict x original female character
Smutty 18+
When Natasha wakes up in a fancy apartment with very vivid memories from the night before, she doesn't expect the morning to take such a smutty turn, but she is the one with the bombshell to tell...🫢
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(Snippet below, link to full story in title above ♥️)
“How is your head this morning?” He asked, “I dread to think how much we had to drink last night. Would you like a paracetamol?”
“Have you anything stronger?” Natalie raised her eyebrows, gently grazing her nails against his neck.
“Uh, I’m not a chemist, but I believe I also have some ibuprofen?” Benedict spoke softly, shivering at the feeling of her nails as he leaned down to kiss her again.
“Stronger?” Natalie spoke against his lips.
“Whisky?” Benedict responded, inhaling shakily as she kissed him back.
“Stronger?” She added a little more pressure with her nails, working them soothingly against his skin as they kissed in between words.
“You can probably find the remanence of someone’s cocaine on the bottom of one of our shoes from last night…” He teased, chuckling when he felt her kiss him through a giggle.
“Stronger.” She continued to protest, her nails now at the nape of his neck.
“M–Mm…” Benedict felt his face beginning to flush from how much he was enjoying her taunting nails and placed a hand at either side of her head as their whirlwind of kisses began again, his words barely audible this time, “Wh–What do you suggest that’s stronger than that, hm?”
“These.” She whispered, moving her hands to his biceps as they tensed from holding himself up above her.
Tags! ♥️
@liliwandamoff @julyrogers @hellorachelmarianamorgan @sobeautifullyobsessed @cobe76 @icytrickster17 @strangelockd @curiousgalacticsoul @jasmarie2600 @hayden429 @benedict-cbe @palmerstrangedaily @withalittlehoney @cumberbatchbenedict @strangesgirl
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ashleykeetonart · 1 year
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Who are these cuties?!?! Why, it's Strudel and Sherlock! I drew this image as part of Art Fight 2023! I love @sadl040s character Sherlock, so I got permission to draw him with my bunny gal, Strudel! I wrote up a cute little story for this image below ~<3
Sorry for my inactivity. I've been through quite a lot in the few years since my last post, but I hope this is my permanent return to creating art!
After a long and tumultuous day, Sherlock makes his way to Strudel's house. She said she wanted to make a 'special surprise' for him, but that she needed his help. As he entered the kitchen he saw her busily gathering ingredients.
"Oh, you're just in time!" Strudel squeals with joy. She takes his hand and leads him towards the counter, quickly opening up a cookbook and pointing to a delicious mint-flavored chocolate cake.
The two spend their time together preparing a delicious cake, laughing and joking with one another. After hours of preparation, baking, and a couple of snack breaks, the two get to marvel at the fruits of their labor. Strudel makes the first slice into the cake, gently lifting a dollop of the handmade icing she crafted to his lips. Sherlock happily laps it up, surprised by how intense the flavor is.
"So, was this a nice surprise?" Strudel teases him.
"Absolutely!" Sherlock nods, a warm and genuine smile on his lips.
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savvy-devine666 · 1 year
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Sherlock (TV), Sherlock BBC Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mycroft Holmes/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Mycroft Holmes, Mary Morstan, Anthea, Mrs Holmes, Mr Holmes Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Friendship, wedding fic, Oneshot, How Do I Tag, what do i tag? Series: Part 14 of Roads Less Walked Summary:
While helping Mary make preparations for her wedding to John, Melody Holmes recounts her wedding to Mycroft
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tremendously-crazy · 2 months
"You can't hate on an entire Sherlock Holmes adaptation just because of how they interpret Irene Norton (nee Adler)-" SHUT UP.
I will hate on an adaptation if it does the following:
makes Irene a love interest for Sherlock Holmes (whether realized or not).
First of all, Holmes is NOT attracted to women, and never experiences a smidgen of attraction towards them in the original stories. ACD could have very easily written him a love interest, but CHOSE NOT TO because it went against the idea of his character. He was never attracted towards women.
Second of all, Irene Adler isn't even Irene Adler. Her name is Irene NORTON. Do you want to know why? Because she's LITERALLY MARRIED. TO A LAWYER NAMED GODFREY NORTON. She already has a husband who she loves very much! She does not love Holmes!
Thirdly, a man can feel admiration for a woman without being attracted to her. Watson literally says in the first part of A Scandal in Bohemia that he didn't feel any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler!!
2. makes Irene into some sort of femme fatalle/sexually appealing
This implies that women can only be smarter than men if they are attractive/hot. That, in order for a woman to be successful, she has to provide something for a man.
Edit: this doesn't mean that she ISNT attractive. She is beautiful and enthralling, which is what makes the king fall for her in the first place. What I mean is when Irene becomes a SEXUALIZED character.
Doing this means she can't just be a smart woman, but that she has to be sexually attractive and mysterious, too! DOING THIS REDUCES HER INTO AN OBJECT OF DESIRE!!!
3. makes her weak/makes her get outsmarted by Holmes
Im not sure if any adaptations have actually done this. But if so. Absolutely not. She challenges Holmes's misogynistic ideals and to reform his views. Because Holmes views women as softer, weaker, and less intelligent (when they are NOT!!) And Irene helps to teach him this. Her lesson is effective!! Because Holmes stops making fun of women. And he changes his ways. Why would you make her weaker? She's SUPPOSED to beat Holmes.
If it does this or anything else I will NOT view the adaptation. You can tell a lot about the adaptors, their respect and accuracy while depicting the original stories, and how they view women, through their interpretation of Irene Norton. She is the most famous female character in the series, after all. Do her RIGHT! READ A SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA BEFORE YOU ADAPT! And if you still make these amateur mistakes, you shouldn't be adapting Sherlock Holmes at all.
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pitviperofdoom · 4 months
Any book recommendations? That remind you of fanfics you write? That inspire you? Or you just plain like?
Pretty much anything by Tamora Pierce, she's the kind of writer I want to be. The Protector of the Small series is my favorite of the bunch, but you do kind of have to read Song of the Lioness and The Immortals first, which are both also extremely good. They're all four-book series but I race right through them.
Favorite Neil Gaiman books are: Good Omens, The Graveyard Book, and The Ocean at the End of the Lane.
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao is Pacific Rim meets Handmaid's Tale meets Hunger Games in a science fantasy version of China. Great book if you love it when a female character is also a rabid honey badger.
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzie Lee. Bisexual british lordling goes on his Grand Tour with his best friend/crush, hijinks and manhunts ensue. I haven't read the other two books of the trilogy yet but I intend to.
Currently rereading The Lord of the Rings and loving it.
Tailchaser's Song by Tad Williams: cat-based xenofiction, but tone-wise it's more Watership Down than Warrior Cats. Rich animal fantasy with a kiss of cosmic horror.
Big fan of Jane Austen, favorites are Northanger Abbey and Pride and Prejudice. In the same vein, Evelina by Fanny Burney came out before Jane Austen's novels but occupies a similar vein of romantic satire of 18th century British society.
The original Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories are genuinely so good, I need to reread The Hound of the Baskervilles.
The Redwall series basically raised me as a child. A lot of my feelings about how stories should go come from what I absorbed from Redwall.
If graphic novels count, Mouse Guard by David Petersen.
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katsucii · 2 years
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my female versions of Holmes and Watson! their names are Shirley and Jane :)
I created these designs earlier this year for my final degree project, but I hope I get to do something with them! perhaps some comics? 👀  we’ll see!
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fairy-writes · 4 months
fairy's fics for gaza
hello everyone! i'm not sure anyone would even be interested or care about this but i'm OPENING REQUESTS for @ficsforgaza !! by tossing my hat into the ring, i hope to help raise money and interest for this cause!
keep in mind i'll maybe close my requests if i get overwhelmed or can't fulfill a request. i am setting the donation limit for $5 for 500 words. ofc this is subject to change (e.g. you want a shorter or longer request)
how this works!
you (the reader): send me A DIRECT MESSAGE (not an ask pls, those are reserved for regular requests) asking for a request. i will start working on your request once you've provided proof to me (with any personal info removed) of your donation to a VETTED FUNDRAISER. DO NOT SEND ME THE MONEY
me (the writer): once i have vetted the fundraiser (there is a list to choose from HERE), i will begin work on your request. keep in mind i have other projects to get done (e.g. original stories, other requests still in my inbox, etc.) so it won't be published right away.
LIST OF FANDOMS/PEOPLE I'LL WRITE FOR (these are all x reader):
Arcane: League of Legends: Viktor, Silco, Jayce Talis, Vi, Vander, Caitlyn Kiramman, Mel Medarda
Bungou Stray Dogs: Nakajima Atsushi, Nakahara Chuuya, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Saigiku Jouno, Suehiro Tecchou
The Case Study of Vanitas: Vanitas, Noé Archiviste, Roland Fortis, Dominique de Sade
Demon Slayer: All the Hashira, Akaza, Kokushibo, Douma, Kibutsuji Muzan, Kamado Tanjiro (aged up), Agatsuma Zenitsu (aged up), Hashibira Inosuke (aged up)
Doctor Who: The Doctor (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th), Jack Harkness, River Song
Fullmetal Alchemist: Roy Mustang, Greed, Riza Hawkeye, Jean Havoc, Envy, Alex Louis Armstrong, Olivier Armstrong, Edward Elric (post-FMAB), Alphonse Elric (post-FMAB), Ling Yao (post-FMAB)
Grimm (NBC): Nick Burkhardt, Hank Griffin, Sean Renard, Drew Wu, Monroe
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo Satoru, Fushiguro Toji, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuuji (aged up), Fushiguro Megumi (aged up)
Moriarty the Patriot: William James Moriarty, Albert James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, James Bonde
Tokyo Ghoul: Uta, Kaneki Ken, Kirishima Touka, Kirishima Ayato (re: age), Nishio Nishiki, Tsukiyama Shuu
i write specifically SFW. no NSFW or dark content here folks. though there are plenty of participating authors who write either dark content or NSFW!
all writing is gender neutral but can be customized to a female!reader
absolutely no exclusionists welcome. that includes anyone who is or condones racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, aphobia, ableism, islamophobia, antisemitism, or anything similar.
things that WON'T be written: nsfw/smut/spice (implied or otherwise), abusive relationships, yandere, self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, mental disorders, incest, character x character, character x oc
if you have any further questions please let me know!! i've never done something like this and it's very probable i've left something unclear lol.
feel free to check out the BLOG for more information! they also have a FAQ here!
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ashbrat488 · 1 year
Henry Cavill Masterlist
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You will find all Henry Cavill (and his characters) related fics
Flower In The Desert (Captain Syverson)
Foul Play (Henry Cavill Rugby AU)
Candy (August Walker)
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sacchxrine05 · 7 months
Yuumori Characters as Disney Princesses (cus I’m bored :))
I’m gonna preface this by saying that some of these you’re just gonna have to trust me on cus I chose them just from pure vibes alone and went from there. I also haven’t re-read/watched Yuumori in a while nor have I watched any Disney movies as of late so again, just trust me bro lmao. I came up with most of these at 2am so sorry in advance.
Also, if someone has already done this, I’m sorry and I hope my choices aren’t just the same lmao.
Liam - Aurora/Sleeping Beauty
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So this one is mostly just cus they both ended up sleeping for a long ass time lmao. Liam was in a coma after the fall for x months and Aurora was cursed to an eternal sleep unless her true love kissed her awake (we won’t talk about the horrors of the original fairytale, I’ve tried to blank that out of my memory tyvm). They’re also both blondes…uh huh. Aurora doesn’t have much personality that I can remember other than being an animal lover and a good singer so…that’s just all I have lmao. I also just think Liam would make a very cute Sleeping Beauty lmao.
Albert - Jasmine
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I did consider giving Albert Rapunzel cus of the whole locked away in a tower thing, but outside of that and having shitty mothers (Mother Gothel wasn’t even Rapunzel’s real mother but still) there isn’t much similarity personality wise? Idk. I picked Jasmine just cus they both come from rich families yet have no patience for other rich people. Jasmine also disguised herself and went into the town/city to pretend she was a normal person and that feels kinda Albert-ish? They’re also both smart and sarcastic so Y’know.
Louis - Cinderella
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This one feels kinda obvious lmao. Both were raised by awful rich people who treated them like a servant, both were orphans and both tended to the upkeep of their homes. I do think Louis has more of a backbone than Cinderella, especially towards the end of Part 1 of the manga. Also again: both are blondes lmao.
Moran - Merida
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So…this one is mostly vibes but also not. I think Moran has a similar wild streak to Merida and accidentally turning a loved one into a bear because he didn’t watch his wording when asking a witch for a spell sounds like something Moran might do? Bear (hah) in mind I haven’t re-read Yuumori in a while so I may be wrong on that. Also I guess bows and arrows were the guns before guns were invented so…so there’s that lmao.
Bonde - Mulan
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Feels like another obvious one? They both disguised their genders to achieve a goal (although I did interpret James to be a trans man whereas Mulan wasn’t rly? Cus she went back to presenting as female after the war so idk). They’re also both pretty outspoken and don’t care for the roles society has put them in as women and actively break that stigma (Mulan by going to war and James by often dressing as men even before he transitioned). Idk I just like this one lmao.
Fred - Snow White
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Again, this is mostly vibes. I’m pretty sure Snow White is the youngest of the Disney Princesses at 14 (Don’t quote me on that cus I could be wrong), so I feel like that parallels Fred being the youngest of the Crime Gang. Snow White also has a connection to animals which can also connect to Fred’s love of cats and nature in general as he does most (all?) of the gardening. I think they’re both pretty quiet and shy and that’s all I really have lmao.
Mycroft - Megara
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Okay, okay, relax, I know Megara isn’t an official Disney Princess (she SHOULD be, but whatever), but she’s the only one I could really see as being similar to Mycroft? Ya’ll are really just gonna have to trust me on this one lmao. I just think they’re both pretty independent and cynical and sarcastic and just…I really don’t know the vibes just fit, I can’t explain it.
Sherlock - Ariel
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OKAY👏HEAR👏ME👏OUT. This is the only one I’m 100% confident on BSJDNKFS. They both have a niche obsession that they collect items from, Ariel with humans and Sherlock with Mysteries/Crime. They both make massive life changes for the man they love (a man which, by the way, they barely knew lmao), Ariel in becoming human and Sherlock by leaving his life, family & friends behind to live with Liam in New York. They also almost died to achieve this, Sherl from leaping off a goddamn bridge to save Liam and Ariel by her deal with Ursula. IT WORKS, I’M TELLING YOU.
That’s all I have, I was gonna do other characters but I just hit a brick wall with it lmao. (I considered John to be either Tiana or Belle, but I’ll leave that up to you 👀)
If you made it this far thank you for listening to my bullshit lmao.
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detectivejay · 4 months
Detective/Mystery Media List
Open to more recommendations if I’m missing any favorites I should check out, let me know! Particularly any other good Sherlock adaptations, but also interested in finding more female, PoC and/or queer-led detective media.
Sherlock Holmes (ACD canon)
Sherlock - Basil Rathbone adaptation film series
Sherlock - Granada, Jeremy Brett adaptation TV series (some episodes, need to rewatch) - shoutout to @thegreatandlovablespacedorito for reminding me to revisit this one
BBC Sherlock TV series
Sherlock - Robert Downey Jr movies
Enola Holmes (movies)
Moriarty the Patriot/Yuumori (manga and anime)
Ron Kamanohashi: Deranged Detective/Forbidden Deductions aka RKDD (anime, need to read the manga)
Hercule Poirot novels (not all but a large portion) - need to watch more of the TV show Spenser novels by Robert B Parker (not all but a large portion)
Auguste C Dupin - The Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe (short story)
The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett (book)
The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler (book)
Case Closed / Detective Conan (anime, some episodes/seasons)
Knives Out movies
Psych TV series
Only Murders in the Building TV series
The Dresden Files books
Brookyln 99 TV series
House MD TV series
Monk TV series (watched some episodes)
Murder She Wrote (a few scattered episodes)
The Clue movie
Anita Blake book series (up to book 10)
Some Nancy Drew books
Ace Attorney video games
Professor Layton video games (not all but I believe at least the first 3)
Sherlock Hound
The Great Mouse Detective
Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century
Inspector Gadget cartoon
Scooby Doo cartoons
The Boxcar Children
Detective Pikachu movie
The Case Study of Vanitas (anime/manga)
The Millionaire Detective - Balance: Unlimited (anime) - @prapo237 got me into this one x3 so silly
Currently watching/reading/playing/etc:
Sherlock - Elementary TV series (on 2nd season)
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (video game series, includes Herlock Sholmes)
Persona 5 recommended by friends on the JR Discord
To watch/read/play/etc:
Detective L - Chinese Sherlock-inspired TV series on Youtube recommended by @meg-pond
Miss Sherlock - Japanese series also suggested by @meg-pond
Bodkin TV series on Netflix - Irish, female-led, recommended by @rubycountess
Sherlock Holmes and Co - podcast (seen a lot of posts about this, but I’m terrible at following podcasts so TBD, going to try some suggestions from @wasabitheweirdo to help with this)
Columbo tv series
Murder on the Orient Express movie
The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes film
Bonnie MacBird Sherlock Holmes books recommended by @romanathree
Soviet made Sherlock Holmes film recommended by @imlostatau on Youtube
Baskerville play by Ken Ludwig suggested by @wolfyraged
Without a Clue suggested by @helloliriels
Young Sherlock suggested by @helloliriels
Charlotte Holmes books by Sherry Thomas suggested by @lej418
Miss Marple novels by Agatha Christie
Any other Agatha Christie novels I haven’t read (Sad Cypress recommended by @romanathree )
AJ Raffles books by William Hornung recommended by @romanathree
Dead Boy Detectives on Netflix
Elemental Masters by Mercedes Lackey
Holmes, Marple and Poe by James Patterson - curious to see how this book treats these original characters inspired by the greats, the new characters are Brendan Holmes, Margaret Marple (maybe related to Jane Marple?) and Auguste Poe (takes his first name from Poe’s detective, Auguste Dupin)
The rest of the Dupin stories
The rest of the Raymond Chandler books
More Arsene Lupin stories (including ones vs Herlock Sholmes)
Nero Wolfe novels by Rex Stout
Pet Shop of Horrors anime/manga recommended by @eden-falls
Otherside Picnic recommended by @eden-falls
Lonely Castle in the Mirror recommended by @eden-falls
Phryne Fisher's murder mysteries books and TV show recommended by @milenathebrave
The Angel of the Crows by Katherine Addison, saw this one posted recently by @seeingteacupsindragons and I'm curious so added it to the list
Magnus Archives horror/thriller mystery podcast recommended by @writingandwritten
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