#Shelldon Hamato
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chereshich · 2 months ago
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– Hey Sheldon, did you bring a hundred tons of explosives??
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qx3nz0xp · 1 month ago
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Cocky bitch
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the-lavender-clown · 1 month ago
Father son cozy time 💜💜
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Also new fic!!
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hasello · 4 months ago
About the cousins au, how did the other brother reacted to Sheldon?
Oh, they all love him! Although he would be a pain in the shell sometimes 😝 an annoying little bro, if you will - you love him but you’d also wouldn’t hesitate to sell him for a sock yk?
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also it’s all family love here!
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mintghostko · 1 year ago
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Oh look, it's Dee and Shelly hanging out in the lab again but now animated (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
they're still being perfectly safe of course :) any concerning noises you may have heard are just part of donnie's music :) promise :)
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ju1cyfru1t · 1 year ago
rise! donnie x reader
rottmnt x reader
Shelldon snitches on Donnie for yelling at him 😢
fluff? Idrk, gn reader, romantic (established relationship)
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“Oh sweet Galileo, help me..” Donnie muttered to himself before pushing his goggles up and turning to face you as you came in and stood in the doorway, “Yes, my dearest Y/N?” He smiled nervously.
“Did you yell at him?” You were holding a pouting Shelldon to your chest like he’s a toddler. Well, he basically is.
Donnie gasped and looked between you and his little drone, stammering, “I-…I- ok, yes, I may have. But- but he broke my-“
“No buts! He’s just a baby!” You huffed and patted Shelldon, who gave a fake sniffle and nodded in agreement, on the ‘shell.’
“A baby?! He’s on version 13!” Donnie crossed his arms.
“I don’t care!” You huffed again and turned your back to your boyfriend. “It’s ok, Shelly. He’s so mean to you, isn’t he?” You cooed, gently petting Shelldon’s head.
“So mean, dude.” Shelldon agreed and gave another fake sniffle.
“Oh, puh-lease. Spare me.” Donnie scoffed under his breath. “Y/N, you don’t understand-“
“Now, apologize. What do you say?” You narrowed your eyes and held Shelldon out to him, who glared at his ‘father,’ “Yeah! What do you say?”
Donnie’s jaw dropped as his incredulous gaze flickered between the two of you again, “You’re taking his side?”
“He doesn’t know any better, Donnie.” You hissed, but your gaze softened as you looked back down at the little turtle drone in your arms, “How can you be so cruel to my sweet little baby?” You purred, rubbing your cheek on Shelldon’s head.
“Yeah! How could you, Dee?” Shelldon agreed, nuzzling your cheek.
“Wh-?! I-..you-…” Donnie stammered in disbelief and offense.
“Have you learned NOTHING from Dr.Feelings?! Where is Mikey? MICHELANGELO-“ You turned and walked out, Shelldon making a noise like he was blowing a raspberry at Donnie over your shoulder.
Donnie jumped out of his seat to follow you, “NO, Y/N, please don’t tell Mikey!”
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nyxchipz · 5 months ago
I made a cute SHELLDON edit :3
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risestarkissomega · 8 months ago
[Master Post] [Previous] The Spring Collection: Part 2
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Sounds like a plan!
I also want to draw your attention to the fact that the sun has risen, meaning that Donatello has been jigging around in that "formally abandoned, but very nicely renovated, warehouse" at all hours of the night...while wearing a three piece suit.
[Next] The Spring Collection: Interludium II
○○○○ 💜 RiseStarKiss Studios on Youtube | My Kofi Tip Jar 💜
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tmntxthings · 11 months ago
YOU 🫵 *points directly at that mean y/n, you, and that anon that asked for ansgt against rottmnt Raph* how very dare you !!!!!!
(If you have time and if your asks are open (didn’t see any warnings that it was close)) can you PLEASE do something fluffy and that reader is ABSOLUTELY head of hells for raphie? I’m talking flowers, I’m talking spending hours on a claw machine to get a plushie he wants it, I’m talking admiring and tracing his features slowly with the most stupid and hopeless in love expression the turtles have ever seen, im talking speaking up for him against anyone that mistreats him, doing his fav dishes, preparing balanced meals, paintings, little love notes, lipstick marks, poems under moonlight, I want devotion!!!! I want that sweet Puppy love !!!!! EVERYTHING. 100% a simp and isn’t afraid to show it, until Raph returns their actions, then they get bashful/blushing up a storm lol
thank you and have a good day
∑一Wherever You Go・゜・。
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author’s notes: ain’t no way I’m doing that whole list we’ll be here forever, BUT don’t worry I’ll make sure he feels the love nonetheless
warnings: fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, bordering on a crack fic that’s purely just to show a character love ^ twas asked of me, unedited
Song: Never Getting Rid of Me by Christopher Fitzgerald
It was no secret that you adored Raph. And it didn’t bother you one bit that everyone, big red turtle included, knew that you had heart eyes for him.
Your love language for him couldn’t be restricted to just one kind. You exhibited all kinds of love for him. You hoped it wasn’t overwhelming. It was hard to stop yourself once you had an idea though.
One time you saw a beautiful bouquet of red roses. Instantly you had them in your hand, and a receipt in the other. They reminded you of his bandana. So bright, eye-catching! And down to the lair you went, shooting off an incoming text to Raph to give him a last-minute notice.
Earlier occasions where you hadn’t sent a text left you waiting around at a manhole cover forever. If Raph was asleep it would be hard to rouse him with just a notification. He’d need a full on blare horn. Or worst case scenario the boys weren’t even at the lair! Thankfully, most of the time they were home. Raph buzzed back with a text saying he’d be right up to open the cover for you. Sewer covers were heavy!
When the round slab of stone was lifted you offered up the bouquet to the darkness below instantly. It was quiet for a moment, before Raph emerged, cheeks tinted a darker green. “For me?” He questioned, his tone held a quality as if it was unbelievable for him to receive flowers.
But you didn’t chide him for it. In fact you only smiled warmly and nodded your confirmation. “I thought of you the moment I saw them. What do you think? Aren’t they pretty?”
His hands finally went out, accepting your gift. Holding them gingerly and away from his plastron. He seemed to not want any of the petals to snag on his sharp edges. “Raph loves ‘em” he murmured, his eyes entranced by the blossoms now that he could get a closer look.
This moment right here was picture worthy! You wished you had Donnie’s ability to just record everything, that way you could screenshot this later. Maybe put it as your screensaver. Instead you just watched, hands clasped as you waited for Raph to come out of his stupor. Which he did, and started asking you about your favorite flowers and invited you down to the lair.
You don’t know how they got the arcade machines down there. But it sure as hell beat going to Chuck-E-Cheese! Nothing against the place but it costs so much and all the games down at the lair are rigged to play for free! Which was awesome because you had finally decided, you weren’t leaving the claw machine until you won Raph’s dream plushie.
The poor turtle had played this game constantly ever since they mysteriously got the machine. He was able to get two plushies but they weren’t the ones he really wanted. The ultimate prize was a brown teddy bear with a little red bow tie. He was absolutely adorable. And Raph’s obsession with winning his prize was even more endearing. So when Raph texted you a picture of his defeated expression against the glass of the claw machine, you had to take matters into your own hands.
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 - [ <image> 🥺 it’s hopeless ]
Y/n - [ omw asap, don’t worry raphie i’ll get you teddy! ❤️💪 ]
Well, easier said than done is a term of phrase for a reason. You banged your head against the glass or you tried to at least. But Raph’s calloused palm was in front of the glass before your forehead could make contact. Still you drew back to bang it against his rough skin anyway. He knew your frustrations, the claw machine was merciless. You had been at the lair for well over two hours. The first thirty minutes in had been fine. You had chatted with Raph easily, confident that eventually you would get the hang of the mechanism.
But then an hour went by. And then another. Your concentration on the game had dried up the easy conversation between you and big red. The atmosphere was intense as if the two of you were in battle together. Currently you were both defeated. His other hand patted your back, knowing exactly how you felt. “It’s okay, maybe Teddy isn’t meant to join my pile of plushies.”
You took in a deep breath. Stopping your frustrated head thumps and turned to look Raph in the eyes. “You’re right, Teddy is meant to sleep right next to you! And I’m gonna make that happen!” You harrumphed as you turned back to the evil machine. It was your enemy. It was working against you. All you wanted to do was this one thing and make Raph happy! This time for sure, you thought to yourself as you hovered the claw over to where Teddy lay amongst the other plushies.
“Like a boss!!!” You yelled as you smacked the button that lowered the claw. Both of you watched anxiously as it dropped, its metal fingers enclosing around Teddy’s brown fur, and it started to rise. But you had been here before and didn’t dare to celebrate pre-maturely before the damn stuffed animal was in Raph’s arms. The grip the machine had on the animal was shaky at best. The claw swayed from side to side as it carried the plushie over to the drop box. You were sweating bullets and could smell Raph’s anxiety stink.
But before the claw reached its final destination, the plushie tumbled out of its hold. You turned to Raph who let out a breath he had been holding. You expected to see disappointment in his eyes but it was quite the opposite. He looked happy as his snaggle-tooth dug into his lower lip. “Nice try,” his eyes crinkled shut with his smile. “Wanna go play DDR?” You sighed, letting the claw machine have the win for now. Happy to see Raph’s eyes light up with a burning passion as he raced over to his favorite spot, the left side, for DDR. “Ready to face the master??” He goaded but it was pure excitement to play one of his favorites of all time. “So ready!” You laughed, hopping up on the dance pad to get absolutely demolished because you didn’t have any rhythm. But you played regardless because when Raph was having fun so were you.
And yes, later that night you did bribe Donnie with twenty bucks to replace that damned claw with one that would actually work. So next time you were able to win Teddy and present Raph with the ultimate present. It costed you another twenty to keep Donnie’s mouth shut about ever having any involvement so you could have all the credit and look like a hero in Raph’s starry eyes. He sent you pictures of him and the stuffed animal almost every night with his goodnight message.
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 - [ <image> Teddy says goodnight! ]
Y/n - [ gnight teddy, and goodnight raph-a-la 🤗 sweet dreams ]
“What did you say?!” Your voice raised as you stepped into the lair’s common room. Shelldon had just so kindly lifted the manhole cover, since no one else from the group chat was responding! You thought it weird since usually someone was on their phone *cough* Donnie *cough* but sometimes they were busy! Which you understood. Until you had seen Shelldon’s worried pixelated expression as he urged you on down the sewer system to the abandoned subway station.
That was when you heard it. Heated arguing. It was hard to listen to especially when it was Leo and Raph. You knew how much all of them loved one another, a love that even harsh words couldn’t damage. But sometimes, things were said in the heat of the moment that weren’t meant to argue a point. They were said to hurt the other person. That’s where you drew the line. That’s where you felt the need to step in, even if you weren’t family.
“Leo, if you’d just try, even a little, at accepting the role as a leader. It’s not that bad-“
“If it’s not that bad then why don’t you just take it back huh?”
“You know why. Dad said you-“
“Dad said this! Dad says that! What are you his little pet? Since when do we do whatever Dad says?!”
“Leo, c’mon,”
“Raph if you don’t wanna be the leader anymore. Then fine. But don’t push it on to me.”
“I never said that, Dad thinks-“
“For someone who’s catchphrase is ‘boss’ you really like being someone’s little bit—“
And that’s when you stepped into the room. Eyes hardened as you marched in between the two turtles. “What did you just say?!” You dared Leo to repeat. But as he studied your stance and the way you got in front of Raph, as if protecting him from Leo, the blue turtle started to duck his head into his shell. Feeling remorseful for getting so heated. He made a ‘tsk’ noise before heading off to his room. Mumbling sorries as he passed by.
You turned to Raph to check the damage. It seemed like just the two of you now. You wondered if they had started fighting because Mikey and Donnie weren’t around. Raph was rubbing the side of his head, looking drained and it tugged on your heart strings to see him that way. You knew brothers argued, sure they even fought sometimes. But it was hard to see them go at it like this.
“I know you’re not okay, so I won’t ask. But just know Leo didn’t mean any of that. I know he didn’t.”
Raph gives you a weak smile in return. Like he doesn’t believe you. But doesn’t have the heart to say it aloud. So you go to him, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards the couch. He goes without resistance. Once seated, you turn to him and he turns to you. Your hands go up and you cup his face now that he is within your reach.
“He’s scared. Just like you are. I know it’s hard to tell right now when he’s saying anything but that. But you know Leo, he’ll spew just about any nonsense to not say how he truly feels.”
The words turn over in Raph’s head as he thinks. He sighs, softening in your hold as he nods. He looks a little better now. But you don’t let him go. You trace the contours of his face. Lovingly. Letting the tension in the room ebb out until the early argument has left both of your minds completely.
“It’ll be okay. I know it will.”
You murmur. Your hands finally letting go as Raph’s breathing deepens. He fell asleep to your touch. Leaned back into the couch as his snores start up. You scoot over until your head can rest on his arm, pulling up your phone to text Leo to get his ass over here. A portal silently opens up on the other side of you and as Leo sits next to you, you pull him closer with your arm.
You chide the blue turtle as tears fall down his green cheeks. He huffs at the insult but knows you mean well. When you leave the lair that night the two brothers are tangled together in a pile that will surely be four later on, alls forgiven.
Raph eats just about anything. His stomach knows no limits. So you could char the meat on accident and he’d still wolf it down like it was the best meal he ever had. While that was kind of him, you wanted to really impress his palate. So on the topic of food one late night text session, you asked of his favorites. To which a long list was sent over. So you had to ask him again.
Y/n - [ Okay, that’s really cool that you have so many. But which one is your favorite among the favorites? 👀 ]
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 - [ that’s a hard one… uhmmmmm ]
With a lot of encouragement he managed to get the favorite list down to five choices. To which you just decided to hell with it, you’ll have a feast! It took a lot of preparation. And more time than you thought you’d ever spend in your kitchen. But five meals were cooked and prepared perfectly on your round table. Now, you wished you’d told Raph of your plan sooner and hoped to the moon above that he didn’t have plans tonight.
Y/n - [ >image< hungry? C: ]
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 [ 😱 always! headin ur way ]
Raphie 😍❤️😚🤗🥰 [ hereeeeeeee open ur windowwwww ]
And yes somehow he fit. He was good at wiggling around. He cleared each and every plate once you had tapped out after trying to keep up with him. Food comas hit the both of you soon after as he got up and claimed he would do the dishes. He was so cute as he wobbled up sleepily from the kitchen chair. Arms full of plates and platters as well as cups for not only water but various sodas/juices had been served that you knew to be Raph’s favorites as well. When he had asked what the occasion was you didn’t have any in mind.
“I just wanted to!”
You chirped. Happy to feed him. Happy to have made his day. Now he was as careful as one giant turtle could be with your plates, but to his dismay the bottom one from the pile ended up breaking due to the clatter when he placed them in the sink. He wouldn’t know it until he was practically done with cleaning, feeling so good about himself for not breaking any of the— oh there it was. The last one. In pieces.
“Raph is so so sorry! You made a nice meal only for Raph to break your plate!”
No matter how much he wished he could fuse the remains back together, he’d need glue. And you apparently didn’t have any in your apartment. He sighed to which you hushed all his worries away.
“Raphie! It’s just one plate, I’ve got more! Plenty more as you can see!”
You, who had been drying the dishes he washed. Gestured with the damp towel towards the pile of neatly stacked plates that were all dry. The force of which you whipped the towel was more than you had intended and you both watched as that perfect stack fell over, onto the counter and off on to the floor.
“Well. I may need to go buy some more.”
You admitted sheepishly. Raph didn’t know whether to be upset for you or laugh at the ridiculousness of the whole situation.
“Yeah, let’s go get some now!”
After picking up and sweeping to make sure all the shattered pieces were in the trash. That’s exactly what the two of you did. It was little things that Raph did, like worry needlessly over you accidentally cutting yourself with one of the broken plate pieces. Or him getting shy at every compliment and gift you had to offer him. His humble nature. How he readily takes on responsibilities. His love for his family. His diligence when it comes to crime fighting and working out. His carefree side. You loved it all. You told him all the things that enamored you to him. And the two of you were happiest, when you could just spend time together like this. Doing little things.
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caspersscareschool · 2 years ago
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fishsticksloser · 1 year ago
Digital Hearts
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Shelldon x reader's ai
Warnings: fluff, robots, technically not their kids but also their kids, slight angst, request at the end
A/N: robot playdate. Robot Playdate. ROBOT PLAYDATE! I wish we got more Shelldon... What if... What if...
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Donnie couldn't believe it when Shelldon talked about another ai like him. Who would even be able to do that? Kendra? The one who turned his dear son against him?
Kendra wouldn't think about getting that close again.
Jace? Jeremy? No, they followed Kendra.
From the way Shelldon was talking, itsounded like Donnie had never met the person who created the ai. Donnie was so focused on who the mystery inventor was that he couldn't even be mad at Shelldon for going out alone.
"And she like flew around like so elegant like." Shelldon hums, his LED eyes turning to slits showing he was 'closing' them. Donnie's eyes snap over to Shelldon, realizing something. Shelldon liked this ai.
"Well... Why don't you show me where you met this other ai. Maybe we can see her again." Donnie suggested, feeling this was the best way to find our the mystery inventor.
"Oh, Dee, you're the best!" Shelldon laughs and immediately zooms off. Donnie follows to come to a park, pulling his hoodie up to not draw attention to himself.
He keeps an eye on his drone, seeing no other drones in sight. There were kids with their parents, couples on blankets having picnics, but no drones. Shelldon didn't seem detured in the slightest, continuing through the park.
"Shelldon..." Donnie began when a purple blur flies right by his face, followed by Shelldon. Donnie turned and watched Shelldon chase after this other drone, hearing them both laugh.
"Isn't she amazing?" Shelldon stops in front of Donnie, his green eyes shining bright. The other drone stops next to Shelldon, her own eyes lite up as well.
"I'm Wisteria." The other drone introduces herself, Donnie noticing some similarties between Wisteria and Shelldon's designs. "It's so nice to meet you!"
"Wisteria!" Donnie and Wisteria both turn at the sound of her name, seeing you running up. "Wisteria, you can't just run off like that, what if someone came after you?"
Donnie watches you scold your drone a little, amusement dancing in his eyes. "It never ends." Donnie tells you, motioning to Shelldon. "He runs off all the time."
"So you're Shelldon's person." You say, holding out your hand. Donnie shakes it, nodding. "I figured you'd be... Different..."
"How do you mean?" Donnie asks, cocking his head a little.
"Well... Shelldon is... Amazing, I mean his design, his personality..." You say, both drones fly off, chasing and playing together. "I figured you were some loser, not caring where he went."
"Oh, no. I've grounded him many times for his escapes." Donnie shakes his head, brow furrowing. "The personality he curated himself. That's kind of the point of ai, isn't it?"
"You've got a point." You shrug, turning to watch Shelldon and Wisteria. "What made you create him?"
"To clean the house." Donnie answers simply, making you turn and glare at him. "I'm being serious. That was his original purpose. Then my brother's reprogrammed him because he showed favoritism towards me..."
"Your brothers... Reprogrammed him? What do you live in a family of geniuses?" You look at Donnie in shock and intrigue.
"Sweet Galileo, thankfully not." Donnie laughs, shaking his head. Donnie crosses his arms, watching as both drones stop. "Perhaps they just listen to my ramblings more than I believed. Either way... I fixed him before he killed me and here we are." Donnie uncrossed his arms and called for Shelldon. "We should get back home. Before he dies, he's been too stubborn to charge."
"Wait, take my number. I think both of them would like to see each other again... We can... Schedule playdates." You tell Donnie, grabbing his arm before he leaves.
"Fair enough." Donnie nods, taking your phone and putting in his number. He types it in quickly, handing your phone back. "Text me, I guess."
⋆。 ゚。☁︎👾。 ゚。⋆
"Dee! Did you see Wisteria today? She said she got an upgrade." Shelldon chirps, sliding under Donnie's arm as he tries to work. "She's now a 15.2!"
"Yes, Shelldon." Donnie sighs, managing to get his arm away from Shelldon and continue working.
Shelldon continued to gush about Wisteria, getting in Donnie's nerves. Sure, it'd been at least 6 months since the drones met, but just recently Shelldon has been non-stop talking about Wisteria.
"I just... I don't know what to do about him. He's driving me crazy!" Donnie groans, flopping back onto Mikey's bed. Mikey laughed, pushing his glasses up. "It's always Wisteria this, Wisteria that..."
"Did it ever occur to you that maybe Shelldon's feelings for Wisteria have... Progressed?" Mikey asks, pushing his glasses up.
"Progressed?" Donnie turns to look at Mikey, his brows furrowed. "What do you mean 'progressed'?"
"What if Shelldon has developed more romantic feelings for Wisteria?" Mikey explains, crossing his legs. Mikey likes at his brother, seeing the confusion on Donnie's face. "Let's face it, Shelldon isn't a little drone anymore. He's so far beyond that. Who's to say that he doesn't have these feelings."
"He's a kid."
"He's only version 16. He's too young."
⋆。 ゚。☁︎👾。 ゚。⋆
"Can we talk about Shelldon and Wisteria?" Donnie asked you one day when he went to pick up Shelldon. You smile letting him inside. "Has Wisteria said anything to you? Been acting different?"
"She's has been talking about Shelldon more." You muse, smiling a bit wider at Donnie. "It's cute."
"I don't think so..." Donnie shakes his head, frowning a little. "They're young and... They don't understand what they're feeling."
"They won't ever learn if we don't let them experience."
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charcoalsdestiny · 8 months ago
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this drawing may have taken all month, but its finally here!
These guys are all from my ROTTMNT AU, "Where There Is Hamato" (WTIH)
tumblr killed the quality, so closeups and headcanon breakdowns are under the cut! (though. my closeups are also a bit rough, tumblr hated how much this image was i guess.) please click for full saturation of colors!
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Some of this may be subject to change in the future as i work on this AU
in order left from right (approximately):
Sunita - Pansexual Demigirl (She/They)
April - Lesbian, Trans woman (She/Her)
Casey Junior (CJ) - Abrosexual (He/They)
El (future Raphael) - unlabeled sexuality (likes women) Trans woman. (She/Her)
Cass (future Cassandra/Casey) - Lesbian (She/Her)
Zero - bisexual, nonbinary/genderqueer. (He/She/They)
Donnie - Bisexual, Possibly demiromantic and nonbinary. (He/they)
Casey - Lesbian (She/Her)
Raph - Bigender (He/She) possibly pansexual.
Mikey - Aromantic, Asexual, Genderfluid. (Pronouns Change and Include Neopronouns)
Angie (Future Michaelangelo) - AroAce, genderqueer. (Any pronouns.)
Leo - Gay Trans man (He/him)
Artemisia - Lesbian. (She/her?)
Future Leonardo (nickname undecided) - Gay trans man. (He/Him)
Future Zero (no nickname yet.) - Bisexual, Genderqueer/Nonbinary. (They/He/She.)
Giovanni - doesn't know his sexuality, but he doesn't think he's cishet... (He/Him)
Don (Future Donatello) - Bisexual. might have more going on but doesnt care right now. (He/Him.)
Future April (nickname undecided) - Lesbian, Trans woman. (She/her)
Future Sunita (Suni?) - Queer, doesn't think about it much anymore. (they/she)
Baron Draxum - Gay, Trans man. (He/Him)
Splinter - Bisexual (He/Him)
Neither Version of S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. have a sexuality or gender identity because i honestly don't know what id give them?
Some of these may change eventually but. here's my guys!
BONUS! Relationship breakdown!
Sunita and April are dating.
El and Cass are married. (And CJ's parents)
Zero and Donnie are dating.
Raph and Casey are dating.
Zero and Don are married. (and Artemisia & Giovanni's parents)
Splinter and Draxum are... something.
Future April and Suni are married as well.
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trentsambuccus · 1 month ago
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Your actions will have consequences
Not what I wanted to do sadly but it looks cool so whatever😅. This took over 50 hrs cause I was sick af and couldn’t figure out posing for shit. Coloring failed me so that didn’t happen sorry. Triangle’s close-ups are under the cut
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the-lavender-clown · 7 months ago
POV: your dad got arrested again so now you’re on babysitting duty till he can bust himself out again
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lackablazeical · 1 year ago
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If anyone can figure out the movie this is Referencing. I have nothing to offer but congrats 🎉🎉🎉
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mintghostko · 1 year ago
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Just Dee hanging out with Shelldon in his lab :) nothing to worry about really :) they are definitely not creating anything dangerous :) promise :)
edit: made a little animation kinda inspired by this :)
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