#Sheila Jacob
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zerounotvadri · 2 years ago
¡LOS HÉROES DE ACCIÓN REGRESAN ESTE 2023!   ¡Este 21 de septiembre regresan con una nueva batalla!
ESTRATEGIA: Regreso a la pelea Después de 10 años de su última entrega, está implacable franquicia regresará a la gran pantalla para conmocionar a los amantes del cine de acción con su muy esperada cuarta parte: LOS INDESTRUCTIBLES 4   Este legendario grupo de aguerridos lanzan su primer golpe para preparar a los fanáticos  para la próxima batalla con un nuevo póster:  
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ESCUADRÓN: Las leyendas del cine Hábiles, fuertes y expertos en enfrentamientos, LOS INDESTRUCTIBLES retornan en esta cuarta entrega con un elenco repleto de memorables figuras del género:    Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren y Randy Couture; con la participación de Curtis James Jackson “50 Cent”, Megan Fox, Andy García, Tony Jaa, Eddie Hall, Sheila Shah, Jacob Scipio,  Levy Tran y Iko Uwais, como el voraz villano.   MISIÓN: Estreno en cines Dirigida por Scott Waugh, LOS INDESTRUCTIBLES 4 se preparan para superar un brutal desafío. Liderados nuevamente por el veterano de guerra Barney Ross, estos icónicos combatientes afilan cuchillos y cargan armas para pelear contra un nuevo enemigo en compañía de un batallón de cinéfilos de élite especializados en el cine de acción.   ATAQUE: 21 de Septiembre 2023 Explosiones, disparos, combates y una peligrosa dosis adrenalina anticipan este emocionante estreno programado para finales de septiembre con el lanzamiento del primer tráiler:
DATOS CLASIFICADOS Producida por Millennium Films, Campbell Grobman Films y Nu Boyana Film Studios, LOS INDESTRUCTIBLES 4 llenará de emoción la cartelera nacional la segunda mitad de este 2023 en salas cinematográficas.    Una inigualable franquicia estadounidense que rinde homenaje a los éxitos ochenteros y noventeros del cine de acción está de regreso. Sigue el rastro de la nueva aventura de estás rudas figuras del cine y como diría el protagonista de esta saga, Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone): “Llegamos juntos, y nos iremos juntos”.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year ago
The book list copied from feminist-reprise
Radical Lesbian Feminist Theory
A Passion for Friends: Toward a Philosophy of Female Affection, Jan Raymond
Call Me Lesbian: Lesbian Lives, Lesbian Theory, Julia Penelope
The Lesbian Heresy, Sheila Jeffreys
The Lesbian Body, Monique Wittig
Politics of Reality, Marilyn Frye
Willful Virgin: Essays in Feminism 1976-1992, Marilyn Frye
Lesbian Ethics, Sarah Hoagland
Sister/Outsider, Audre Lorde
Radical Feminist Theory –  General/Collections
Freedom Fallacy: The Limits of Liberal Feminism, edited by Miranda Kiraly and Meagan Tyler
Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed, Renate Klein and Diane Bell
Love and Politics, Carol Anne Douglas
The Dialectic of Sex–The Case for Feminist Revolution, Shulamith Firestone
Sisterhood is Powerful, Robin Morgan, ed.
Radical Feminism: A Documentary Reader, edited by Barbara A. Crow
Three Guineas, Virginia Woolf
Sexual Politics, Kate Millett
Radical Feminism, Anne Koedt, Ellen Levine, and Anita Rapone, eds.
On Lies, Secrets and Silence, Adrienne Rich
Beyond Power: On Women, Men and Morals, Marilyn French
Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law, Catharine MacKinnon
Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression, Sandra Bartky
Life and Death, Andrea Dworkin
This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, Gloria Anzaldua and Cherrie Moraga, eds.
Wildfire:  Igniting the She/Volution, Sonia Johnson
Homegirls: A Black Feminist Anthology, Barbara Smith ed.
Fugitive Information, Kay Leigh Hagan
Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black, bell hooks
Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, bell hooks
Deals with the Devil and Other Reasons to Riot, Pearl Cleage
Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes, Maria Lugones
In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens, Alice Walker
The Whole Woman, Germaine Greer
Right Wing Women, Andrea Dworkin
Feminist Theory – Specific Areas
Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, Rachel Moran
Being and Being Bought: Prostitution, Surrogacy, and the Split Self, Kajsa Ekis Ekman
The Industrial Vagina: The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade, Sheila Jeffreys
Female Sexual Slavery, Kathleen Barry
Women, Lesbians, and Prostitution:  A Workingclass Dyke Speaks Out Against Buying Women for Sex, by Toby Summer, in Lesbian Culture: An Anthology, Julia Penelope and Susan Wolfe, eds.
Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution, Jan Raymond
The Legalisation of Prostitution : A failed social experiment, Sheila Jeffreys
Making the Harm Visible: Global Sexual Exploitation of Women and Girls, Donna M. Hughes and Claire Roche, eds.
Prostitution, Trafficking, and Traumatic Stress, Melissa Farley
Not for Sale: Feminists Resisting Prostitution and Pornography, Christine Stark and Rebecca Whisnant, eds.
Pornland: How Pornography Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, Gail Dines
Pornified: How Porn is Damaging Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families, Pamela Paul
Pornography: Men Possessing Women, Andrea Dworkin
Pornography: The Production and Consumption of Inequality, Gail Dines
Pornography: Evidence of the Harm, Diana Russell
Pornography and Sexual Violence:  Evidence of the Links (transcript of Minneapolis hearings published by Everywoman in the UK)
Against Our Will, Susan Brownmiller
Rape In Marriage, Diana Russell
Secret Trauma, Diana Russell
Victimized Daughters: Incest and the Development of the Female Self, Janet Liebman Jacobs
Battering/Domestic Violence
Loving to Survive, Dee Graham
Trauma and Recovery, Judith Herman
Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men, Lundy Bancroft
Sadomasochism/”Sex Wars”
Unleashing Feminism: Critiquing Lesbian Sadomasochism in the Gay Nineties, Irene Reti, ed.
The Sex Wars, Lisa Duggan and Nan D. Hunter, eds.
The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism, edited by Dorchen Leidholdt and Janice Raymond
Sex, Lies, and Feminism, Charlotte Croson, off our backs, June 2001
How Orgasm Politics Has Hijacked the Women’s Movement, Sheila Jeffreys
A Vision of Lesbian Sexuality, Janice Raymond, in All The Rage: Reasserting Radical Lesbian Feminism, Lynne Harne & Elaine Miller, eds.
Sex and Feminism: Who Is Being Silenced? Adriene Sere in SaidIt, 2001
Consuming Passions: Some Thoughts on History, Sex and Free Enterprise by De Clarke (From Unleashing Feminism).
Separatism/Women-Only Space
“No Dobermans Allowed,”  Carolyn Gage, in Lesbian Culture: An Anthology, Julia Penelope and Susan Wolfe, eds.
For Lesbians Only:  A Separatist Anthology, Julia Penelope & Sarah Hoagland, eds.
Exploring the Value of Women-Only Space, Kya Ogyn
Witches, Midwives and Nurses: A History of Women Healers, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English
For Her Own Good: 150 Years of the Experts’ Advice to Women, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English
The Hidden Malpractice: How American Medicine Treats Women as Patients and Professionals, Gena Corea
The Mother Machine: Reproductive Technologies from Artificial Insemination to Artificial Wombs, Gena Corea
Women and Madness, Phyllis Chesler
Women, Health and the Politics of Fat, Amy Winter, in Rain And Thunder, Autumn Equinox 2003, No. 20
Changing Our Minds: Lesbian Feminism and Psychology, Celia Kitzinger and Rachel Perkins
Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution, Adrienne Rich
The Reproduction of Mothering, Nancy Chodorow
Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace, Sara Ruddick
Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence, Adrienne Rich
The Spinster and Her Enemies: Feminism and Sexuality 1880-1930, Sheila Jeffreys
Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution, Sheila Jeffreys
Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman, Michele Wallace
The Sexual Contract, Carol Pateman
A Radical Dyke Experiment for the Next Century: 5 Things to Work for Instead of Same-Sex Marriage, Betsy Brown in off our backs, January 2000 V.30; N.1 p. 24
Intercourse, Andrea Dworkin
Transgender/Queer Politics
Gender Hurts, Sheila Jeffreys
Female Erasure, edited by Ruth Barrett
Testosterone Rex: Unmaking the Myths of Our Gendered Minds, Cordelia Fine
Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference, Cordelina Fine
Sexing the Body: Gender and the Construction of Sexuality, Anne Fausto-Sterling
Myths of Gender, Anne Fausto-Sterling
Unpacking Queer Politics, Sheila Jeffreys
The Transsexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male, Janice Raymond
The Inconvenient Truth of Teena Brandon, Carolyn Gage
Speaking Freely: Unlearning the Lies of the Fathers’ Tongues, Julia Penelope
Websters’ First New Intergalactic Wickedary, Mary Daly
Man Made Language, Dale Spender
Feminist Theology/Spirituality/Religion
Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women’s Liberation, Mary Daly
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, Mary Daly
The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe, Marija Gimbutas
Woman, Church and State, Matilda Joslyn Gage
The Women’s Bible, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Pure Lust, Mary Daly
The War Against Women, Marilyn French
Backlash, Susan Faludi
Surpassing the Love of Men, Lillian Faderman
Going Too Far:  The Personal Chronicles of a Feminist, Robin Morgan
Women of Ideas, and What Men Have Done to Them, Dale Spender
The Creation of Patriarchy, Gerda Lerner
The Creation of Feminist Consciousness, From the Middle Ages to Eighteen-Seventy, Gerda Lerner
Why History Matters, Gerda Lerner
A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft, ed.
The Elizabeth Cady Stanton-Susan B. Anthony Reader: Correspondence, Writings, Speeches, Ellen Carol Dubois, ed., Gerda Lerner, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Suffragette Movement, Sylvia Pankhurst
In Our Time: Memoirs of a Revolution, Susan Brownmiller
Women, Race and Class, Angela Y. Davis
Counting for Nothing: What Men Value and What Women Are Worth, Marilyn Waring
For-Giving:  A Feminist Criticism of Exchange, Genevieve Vaughn
Fat/Body Image/Appearance
Shadow on a Tightrope: Writings by Women on Fat Oppression, Lisa Schoenfielder and Barb Wieser
Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices in the West, Sheila Jeffreys
Can’t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel, Jean Kilbourne
The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf
Unbearable Weight:  Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body, Susan Bordo
The Invisible Woman:  Confronting Weight Prejudice in America, Charisse Goodman
Women En Large: Photographs of Fat Nudes, Laurie Toby Edison and Debbie Notkin
With the Power of Each Breath:  A Disabled Women’s Anthology, Susan E. Browne, Debra Connors, and Nanci Stern
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keenenthusiastinfluencer · 1 month ago
Since I’m in the spirit of the season I thought I’d gift some of my audios from this year feel free to trade and gift as normal
Evita Leicester Curve January 11 2024
Martha Kirby (Eva Peron) Harry Chandler (u/s Che) Gary Milner (Peron) Dan Partridge (Magaldi) Chumisa Dornford-May (Perons Mistress)
Harry’s only performance as Che
Evita Leicester Curve January 13 2024
Martha Kirby (Eva Peron) Tyrone Huntley (Che) Gary Milner (Peron) Dan Partridge (Magaldi) Chumisa Dornford-May (Perons mistress)
A Chorus Line UK tour July 13 2024
Adam Cooper (Zach) Carly Mercedes Dyer (Cassie) Jocasta Almgill (Diana) Lydia Bannister (Bebe) Bradley Delarosbel (Greg) Archie Durant (Mark) Joshua Lay (Al) Katie Lee (Kristine) Mireia Mambo (Richie) Kanako Nakano (Judy) Manuel Pacific (Paul) Ashley Jordan Packer (Paul) Kate Parr (Maggie) Rachel Jayne Picar (Connie) Chloe Saunders ((Val Clarke) Toby Seddon (Bobby) Amy Thornton (Sheila) Louie Wood (Don)
Zach calls on Bobby first instead of Mike leading to the song that I can do being cut
Phantom of the opera West End July 20 2024
Jon Robyns (the Phantom of the opera) Chumisa Dornford-May (alt.Christine daae) Joe Griffiths-Brown (Raoul vicomte de chagny) Kelly Glyptis (Carlotta) Samuel Haughton (u/sAndre) Matt Harrop (Firmin) Simon Whitaker (u/s Piangi) Francesca Ellks(Madame Giry) Maiya Hikasa (Meg Giry)
les Miserables West end August 2 2024
Chris Jacobsen (alt. Jean Valjean) Jordan Simon Pollard (u/s Javert) Katie Hall (Fantine) Amena El-Kindy(Eponine’) Luke Kempner (thernardier) Bonnie Langford (t/r Madame thernardier) Jac Yarrow (t/r Marius) Lulu Mae Pears (Cosette) Djavan Van de Fliert (enjolras)
Les Miserables west end November 2 2024
Ian Mcintosh (Jean Valjean) Stewart Clarke (Javert) Anouk van Laake (Fantine) Amena El Kindy (Eponine) Luke Kempner (thernardier) Clare Machin (Madame thernardier) Jacob Dachtler (Marius) Annabelle Aquino (Cosette) Robson Broad (Enjolras)
Phantom of the opera West End November 2 2024
Dean Chisnall (The Phantom of the opera) Colleen Rose Curran ((u/s Christine Daae) Joe Griffiths-Brown (Raoul Vicomte de Changy) Joanna Ampill (Carlotta) Samuel Haughton (u/s Andre) Martin Ball (Firmin) Hywel Dowsell (u/s Piangi) Helen Hobson (Madame Giry) Millie Lyon (Meg Giry)
My Fair Lady Leicester Curve November 23 2024
Molly Lynch (Eliza Doolittle) David Seddon-Young (Henry Higgins) Minal Patel (Colonel Pickering) Steve Furst (Alfre P. Doolittle) Djavan van de Fliert (Freddy Eynsford-Hill) Cathy Tyson (Mrs Higgins) Sarah Moyle (Mrs Eynsford-Hill Mrs Pearce) Jonathan Dryden-Taylor (Harry) Ying ue Li (Jamie) Damian Buhagiar (Zoltan Kaparthy)
During get me to the church on time cast members run down the front row which is caught on the audio causing some disruption
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holly-natnicole · 8 months ago
the Bats 'n' Birds in my 'D.C.' (1937) franchise Alternate Multiverse rewrite timeline:
transgender polyamorous homoromantic asexual female Leslie Maurin Thompkins (deadname Samuel Xolani Thompkins) is a(n ethnically mostly white) South African through Mary Thompkins (who has an ethnically black biological father) and Thomas Jameson, her vigilante name (which she uses extremely rarely since Leslie almost never commits vigilantism) being Doctor (often shortened to Doc);
cisgender monogamous panromantic pansexual fem Julia Irene Alice Pennyworth is an Englishwoman through Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth (who is ethnically white) and Irene Rivers (who is ethnically black), her vigilante name (which she extremely rarely uses since there aren’t many situations where Julia would need to wear a mask to protect her identity) being Agent J;
cis aromantic ace male Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth is an (ethnically white) Englishman through Alice Pennyworth née Crane and Thaddeus Jarvis Pennyworth, his vigilante name (which he somewhat rarely uses since there aren’t many situations where Alfred would need to wear a mask to protect his identity) being Agent A;
trans mono gay homosexual male Cullen Row (deadname Holly Farrell) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Miranda Farrell née Row and Marcus Farrell, his vigilante names (which he somewhat rarely uses since there aren’t many situations where Cullen would need to wear a mask to protect his identity) being Duckie & Mallard;
cis poly omniromantic omnisexual male Bruce Thomas Wayne is a Gothamite who is Jewish through Martha Wayne née Kane and ethnically white through Thomas Wayne, his vigilante name being Batman;
cis mono gay fem Katherine “Kate” Rebecca Kane is a Jewish Gothamite through Gabriela “Gabi” Kane née García and Jacob Kane, her vigilante name being Batwoman;
trans mono gay fem Mary Elizabeth “Bette” Kane (deadname Matthew Gilbert "Bert" Kane) is a(n ethnically white) Englishwoman through Matthew “Matt” Kane née Benett and Jewish through Miriam Kane, her vigilante names being Batgirl & Flamebird;
cis mono biromantic demisexual fem Barbara Joan Gordon is a(n ethnically mostly white) Gothamite through Barbara Eileen Johannes (named Barbara Eileen Gordon during her marriage to Jim) and James “Jim” Gordon (whose bio maternal grandfather was an African American), her vigilante names being Batgirl & Oracle;
cis mono gay demi male David Zavimbe is Congolese through Laura Zavimbe née Davids and Isaac Zavimbe, his vigilante name being Batwing;
trans mono bi demi fem Araunya “Anya” Grayson (deadname Richard “Rick” John Grayson) is Romani & Welsh & French through Marie Grayson née Lloyd (who was born in Wales) and Romani & an (ethnically white) Englishwoman through John Grayson (who was born in England), her vigilante names being Robin & Renegade & Nightwing & Batman;
cis mono demiromantic omni fem Jade “Jay” Todd (also known as Jason “Jay” Todd, Jade “Jay” al Ghūl, & Jade “Jay” Head) is a(n ethnically mostly white) Gothamite through Sheila Haywood and Willis Peters (whose bio paternal grandmother was a Chinese American), her vigilante names being Robin & Red Hood;
cis mono gay ace fem Cassandra Wǔ-Sân (formerly Cassandra Cain, originally nameless) is Chinese through Shiva (at birth named Sandra Wǔ-Sân) and a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through David Cain, her vigilante names being Orphan & Batgirl & Black Bat & Batman (Cassandra Wǔ-Sân is written as 擦涩伞得拉 伍 莘 in Chinese);
cis mono bi fem Harper Row (formerly Harper Farrell) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Miranda Farrell née Row and Marcus Farrell, her vigilante name being Bluebird;
mono bi Stephanie Brown (deadname Charles “Chuck” Brown) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Crystal Brown née Bellinger and Arthur Brown plus she’s a demigal, their vigilante names being Spoiler & Robin & Batgirl;
cis poly bi male Timothy “Tim” Jackson Drake is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Janet Drake née Lynn and Jack Drake, his vigilante names being Robin & Raptor;
agender mono bi Duke Thomas is an African American Gothamite through Eileen Thomas (whose bio mother was also a metahuman) and an African through Gnomon (who is also a metahuman), their vigilante names being Signal & Robin;
agender aro ace Damian al Ghūl (deadname Athanasia al Ghūl, used the name Tallant al Ghūl for several months at age 8 when believing ze’s male before at the end of it realising zir lack of any gender, got often called Ībn al Ḫfāfīš [إِبن الخفافيش] & Ūṭwāṭ [وطواط] by other Shadows in the League of Assassins) is Arab, Chinese, & Pakistani through Talia al Ghūl and Jewish & ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, zir vigilante names being Robin & Heretic & Redbird (Damian al Ghūl is written as داميان ال عهوول in Arabic, 㙮面 腌乐 乌勒 in Chinese, & ڈیمین الغول in Urdu);
cis mono pan fem Helena Alfreda Kyle is Cuban, Nigerian, Italian, and Somali through Selina Kyle (who is a Gothamite, but gave birth to & for 8 years raised her bio daughter in Metropolis) and Jewish and ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, her vigilante names being Hunter & Robin;
genderfluid mono bi ace Maxine "Max" Gibson is an African American Gothamite through Sarah Gibson née Edwards and Evan Gibson, his vigilante name being Huginn;
cis mono heteroromantic heterosexual fem Dana Tan is a Chinese American Gothamite through Daiyu Tan née Zhìhuì and Paul Tan (originally named Bao Tan), her vigilante name being Muninn (Dana Tan is written as ���娜 坛 in Chinese);
trans mono het male Terrence “Terry” McGinnis (deadname Winifred McGinnis) is a Gothamite who is a Korean American through Mary Mun (named Mary McGinnis during her marriage to Warren McGinnis) and Jewish & ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, his vigilante name being Batman (Terrence McGinnis is written as 테렌스 맥기니스 in Korean);
trans mono het fem Caroline “Carrie” Keene Kelley (deadname Jonathan “John” Keene Kelley) is a(n ethnically white) Gothamite through Lynn Keene and Frank Kelley, her vigilante names being Robin & Batwoman;
cis mono gay male Matthew “Mattie” Mun is a Gothamite who is a Korean American through Mary Mun (named Mary McGinnis during her marriage to Warren McGinnis) and Jewish & ethnically white through Bruce Thomas Wayne, his vigilante name being Robin (Matthew Mun is written as 매튜 문 in Korean).
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world-of-wales · 1 year ago
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The Princess of Wales with Dame Sheila Hancock and Jacob Collier at Westminster Abbey for the 'Together At Christmas' Carol Service || 8 DECEMBER 2023
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lettersfromthewindmill · 2 years ago
Coptp by @motswolo illustrations continued... started looking at how they might integrate with the text in book format and realised I needed more early illustrations so back to the start again:
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Chapter 5: Sirius reclaims his records and posters from James' and Peter's luggage. I hope it's the right Mick Jagger poster!
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Some bits and pieces from various chapters I'm imagining as small ones: Chapter 8 - Sheila's metronome and Sirius' harmonica. Chapter 9 - Marlene's copy of Jacob's Room. Chapter 10: Diamond Dogs gives Remus an idea.
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drchenquill · 5 months ago
Character Profile Tag~
Thank you @willtheweaver for the tag!
Here I present to you Daisy!
Full name: Daisy
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Species: Werewolf (Omega)
Appearance: Short with big round blue eyes and long, wavy blond hair that reach her hips. She looks very frail and petite. She has a rather round face, making her very doll like. She wears mostly sundresses or summer dresses. She keeps her hair open unless Sheila ties it up for her. She walsk around barefoot because she loves feeling the grass under her feet.
Occupation: None
Family: None (All deceased)
Pets: None
Best friend: Sheila
Describe her room: It's a small room where she just recently moved into, so there isn't much yet (She had been living with Sheila for a while before she got her own place). There's a bed under the window, a nightstand and a closet. She still has to give it her personal touch.
Items in her bag/purse: She doesn't carry bags or purses with her
Hobbies: She really likes to take walks in the big forest surrounding the pack.
Favorite sport: None
Abilities/ talents/ powers: Can turn into a wolf.
Relationships: Sheila (another omega that basically adopted Daisy), Izrail (a packless Alpha, her mate), Jacob and Joshua (twin betas. They found her and took care of her for a while. Are like brothers to her)
Fears: Being left alone, her old Alpha finding her again and forcing her to become his.
Faults: Fearful, doesn't trust easily, very insecure.
Good points: Gentle, caring. If she trusts someone, she will try to see all the good points in them, which could also count as fault.
What she wants more than anything else: To find a place where she feels like she belongs.
Tagging with no pressure @inseasofgreen , @satohqbanana , @orphanheirs , @theink-stainedfolk and open tag~
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cloveroctobers · 1 year ago
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A/N: the way I always had something in the drafts to write for my beloved man like back during the summer time. The universe had other plans and what better time than to revisit this episode on Halloween! I think this is my first time ever writing on the day of this superior season?! Happy Halloween people 🧡 🪄
WARNINGS: language + hints of sexual tension 😅
PROMPT is from HERE + I’m using: “I love you, I swear I do but we’re not wearing matching costumes.”
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[~October. 2000’s~]
Oh the wonders of being a big time celebrity during the month of Halloween. That’s right, a whole entire month! Which felt like so because you were constantly in the limelight with people not only dissecting your love life but also your roles which consisted of either being the lead scream queen in a thriller series, supporting actress in horror movies, and also being the star drummer (on some Sheila E shit!) and backup singer of a Alt-Pop girl band on the side.
So yes, you stayed busy and were worth talking about.
“Whatever you decide to be this year has to be big. I mean Destiny’s child, Britney Spears, Zac and Vanessa, and Halle Berry are all gonna be here at your party this year.” Your manager/publicist ranted as she paced the floor in your open concept closet.
You’re lounging on your studded chaise lounge chair, texting away on your blackberry while chewing on some gum, half listening, “Halle’s my god-mom, of course she will be here to support but who else is on this list exactly?”
“I invited pretty much everyone, the hottest stars even those who may or may be in your age range. It doesn’t matter! As long as you get good pics that brings fresh press.” Natania voiced as she began flipping through a notepad.
You hum knowing the deal, considering you’ve been in the limelight since you were fourteen so this was not anything entirely new. “I’ve got the perfect outfit for Hector and I.”
Natania glances up from writing, “funny you mention him after I say press.”
“Him has a name and who also happens to be my boyfriend?”
“Don’t remind me,” Natania mutters, “and just to think you could still be with Taylor Lautner right now. His stats are only climbing after ‘Breaking Dawn Part I,’ dropped and I can only imagine how much more attention he’s gonna get.”
Shrugging your shoulders you say, “I’ve got more than enough attention with and without a guy by my side. It was fun while it lasted but as soon as he booked the role for twilight, the distance just grew. It was all only a matter of time.”
At sixteen and seventeen years old you got into a relationship, naturally with who everyone may know as Jacob Black but he was just Taylor to you. You met way back in a martial arts class that your uncle actually taught but you didn’t end up sticking with it thanks to a tv series you booked. You met again not long after at a audition for “Sharkboy and LavaGirl.”
“Well the both of you could have at least faked it for a little!” Natania almost stomped her feet before sighing, “I mean Taylor still talks highly about you although you decided to pick a old paparazzi instead as your new fling.”
“I wouldn’t expect him to say anything less,” you blinked, “wasn’t a bad break up anyway and I don’t pay you to make judgements on who I date. I pay for you to manage my career, not my personal life, sooo mind yours.”
Natania rolled her eyes beneath her glasses, “whatever, you’re right. I’m just saying you could have done better. There’s just something off about him—Hector and not the whole follow people like you around for cash either.”
“Nat!” You hissed, “shut up already, hector’s coming over, he’s gonna be at that party with me and that’s that. When’s the stylist coming over?”
Natania puts on a forced smile and glances at the watch on her wrist, “in about a hour.”
“Great! Hector says he’ll be here in fifteen so that gives us a little down time. You can let yourself out whenever you’re ready.” You state laying back to rest your eyes.
You’ve been up since six thirty this morning doing a extreme workout routine you didn’t like with a trainer who took it too seriously. You were more of a cardio person than juggling ropes, jumping and squatting, and flipping over tires.
Soon the door bell rings and you pry one eye open to see the monitor by the door glowing, making you aware who it could be. Groaning you took your time getting closer to the screen, seeing no one there. Shrugging to yourself, you plopped down on the lounge just as your closet door budged open revealing your stylist and no other than your boyfriend, Hector.
Lounging on your elbows you smile and wave at the two.
“No, please. Don’t get up, I got it.” Your stylist wheeled in a rack while you laughed at the usual sarcasm.
“Hey, baby.” You craned your neck to meet Hector’s lips as he leaned over you in greeting before sitting next to you, “what happened to fifteen minutes?”
Hector laughs, rubbing at the back of his neck, knowing that he was late, “traffic? Even on my bike and Hunger…”
You hum at this.
“Just burgers.” Hector whispers as you shrug your shoulders.
You knew what it was like, actually dating someone in the supernatural world. It could always go one or two ways and of course there were heavy rumors surrounding Hector since he was there at the time of Mazey Day’s death. He should have been dead—especially with the amount of damage done to his body, you knew what he and Bo were up to and the pictures Bo showed you was not something you would forget.
However Hector was meant to live and see it through…and he did with the help of your family.
They got to him first.
That’s right, a long history of, “werewolf or wolf training,” depending on which form. You had more experience with simply wolfs while the higher skilled like your parents and siblings dealt with the werewolf’s. Due to your involvement with the spotlight you didn’t have much time for…family activities but you weren’t completely clueless.
If you were able to get to Mazey Day in time, perhaps things could have been different. No one really knew and some still didnt accept what it was.
Werewolves were fucking real and you so happened to be dating one.
“Soooo,” you drag pushing yourself up once more to face Hector with a tired smile, “I’ve got an idea of what we should be for Halloween.”
“Aw but you didn’t see what Freddie brought yet.”
“Oh it’s in there alright,” you push off the chair to head over to Freddie who has measuring tape draped over his shoulders.
You do the honors of taking the protective cover off the clothes and run your fingers over the various fabrics, “we have DoubleDare contestants from the 90s, or you can be Cupid and I’ll be a large fuzzy heart, or my personal fav: little red riding hood and her werewolf of a grandmother.”
Hector blinks after briefly studying the costumes and says, “I love you, I swear I do but we’re not wearing matching costumes.”
“Uh oh,” Freddie mutters while you frown at the curly haired man.
“And why the hell not? The last option is the best one.”
“I get that one,” Hector replies with a knowing look in his dark eyes, “but don’t you think it’s a little…corny?”
“We’re supposed to be corny! You’re my boyfriend and I’m your girl.” Digging your fists into your hips and peer at Hector who snorts.
“Yeah but—
“At least try it on! I mean if we’re gonna be at my party together shouldn’t we at least match?”
Hector lightly grips your wrist to pull you from Freddie’s ear shot, “it’s gonna be a full moon that night.”
“Even better.”
“For who? Not me.”
“It’s been a year already,” you slip your hand down to squeeze his, “you’re gonna be fine.”
“That’s not what your mom believes.” Hector’s shoulders almost slump, which irritates you, the fact that your mother was always getting into his head was not something foreign to you but when she started to do it to people you cared about, that’s when it became a problem.
“Newsflash, she doesn’t know everything like she claims.”
“I mean I should listen to her since…”
“Since she’s more skilled than me? Ah alright well I get it. Look, I’m not gonna peer pressure you. I just know I wouldn’t have you here if I didn’t think you could handle it. We’d take all the proper precautions a few days before just like I planned but if you really don’t feel comfortable…we’ll just make sure to take the pictures in advance and we’ll go from there.”
Hector studies you then. He knew that it was hard to be around each other sometimes whenever the moon shifted. He was thankful he got another chance at life…sure but life just become a whole lot more difficult now with this new lifestyle and being legit involved with someone in the public eye. No doubt he’s thought about it before but never pictured it happening and Bo also told him it was a bad idea after figuring out that he basically resurrected and could transform into a hairy ass creature!
You lived one way and he lived another, there were contrasts to you just like the sun and the moon, the pair of you worked taking turns to let the other breathe separately. Space was efficient when it came to your relationship but when you were together? That opened up a whole new feeling. A scary one. He wasn’t sure if this relationship would be long term but he had the chance to see you for what you are beyond the lights and that was a treat in itself.
He exhales, lifting a hand to cup the side of your face, “…let’s try these costumes on then.”
And you squeal, hopping into his arms and he holds onto you as you lock your legs around his hips, his beaming smile meeting yours as you peck all along his handsome face.
“We look foolish,” Hector comments as he readjusts the gingham hat on top of his head while you stand side by side in a full length mirror.
You laugh as you wrap your arms around the curly haired man in the floral green nightgown, “correction: we look fine as hell.”
“Fine enough to where I don’t need to spend two hours sitting in a chair having ass cramps and getting wolf prosthetics on?” Hector slips on his circular glasses and peeks over them at your reflection.
Red was certainly your color.
You snort, “you could always let the moon do it’s thing.”
“That’s not even funny.”
Pressing your chin against the back of his shoulder you say, “Wanna give me a little snarl or something?”
Hector sends you a pointed look as you trail one hand up to twist one of his damp curls, “Oh Granny, what pretty curls you have.”
“All the better for you to tug my dear,” Hector begins to play along.
A smirk makes its way onto your red painted lips, “Oh granny, what a beautiful face you have.”
“All the better for you to,” Hector starts before quickly twisting his body to yank you tight against his body, “sit on.”
You see the specs of ember swirling in Hector’s ink eyes now and you know you were pushing it as the length of his nails began to poke at the fabric of your red hood.
He then places a open mouthed kiss to your beating throat, “you didn’t say anything about my teeth.”
Standing up some with your hands locked around his neck now, you lean just a bit closer so that your forehead presses against Hector’s; you reply just as some knocks sounded at your closet door, “Now that’s satire.”
Hector let’s out a small laugh as you untangle yourself from his grasp to get the door, making a show of pointing the makeup artists in his direction only.
With your confidence in him and against the full moon, Hector can’t help but to shrug his shoulders and take a seat peeking at the face he got used to over the years. Somehow even this skin felt different and not just the scars embedded.
He just hoped you were right but knew he wouldn’t hear the end of it.
Well…here’s to a new change of course for Halloween! That might actually be terrifying but as long as he had you on his team, his doubts and speculations from outsiders—which he used to be—didn’t seem to matter as much anymore.
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Continue along with my fall anthology prompts here.
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StarCanWrecked Tumblr Sexyman Bracket Round 4 Matchups!
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Infected!Paul Matthews Vs Sheila Young
Posion Ivy Vs Junior
Human!Wiggly Vs Wilbur Cross Vs Professor Hidgens
Ted Spankoffski Vs Aladdin
Steph Lauter Vs Boy Jerry
McDoon Vs Jacob Marley
The Devil Vs Esther
DMA Vs Owen Carvour Vs Elmo Keep
Gauguin Vs Kalfu
Printing Press Plate Vs H.G Wells
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dear-indies · 8 months ago
Do you have any dark skinned fcs you’d like to see gif packs of? I’m very faceblind and not as up on media as I should be but I’m practicing my work and would love to help those resources
Lori Tan Chinn (1948) Hoisan Chinese.
Nandita Das (1969) Indian.
Sendhil Ramamurthy (1974) Indian.
Grace Park (1974) Korean.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui (1974) Indian.
Dominique Jackson (1975) Afro Tobagonian - is trans.
Trevor Jamieson (1975) Pitjantjatjara / Kukatja, Noongar.
Florence Kasumba (1976) Ugandan.
Sterling K. Brown (1976) African-American.
Danai Gurira (1978) Shona Zimbabwean.
Konkona Sen Sharma (1979) Indian.
Nonso Anozie (1979) Nigerian.
Tannishtha Chatterjee (1980) Indian.
Yetide Badaki (1981) Nigerian - is bisexual.
Lupita Nyong'o (1983) Mexican Luo Kenyan.
Gabourey Sidibe (1983) Senegalese / African-American.
John David Washington (1984) African-American.
T'Nia Miller (1985) Afro Jamaican - is a lesbian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Radhika Apte (1985) Indian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Jodie Turner-Smith (1986) Afro Jamaican.
Chai Fonacier (1986) Bisaya Filipino - has spoken up for Palestine!
Susan Wokoma (1987) Nigerian - has spoken up for Palestine also has donated to an auction for Cinema4Gaza!
Lashana Lynch (1987) Afro Jamaican.
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ritesh Rajan (1988) Indian.
Anna Diop (1988) Senegalese.
Daniel Kaluuya (1989) Ugandan.
Andrea Bang (1989) Korean.
Lolly Adefope (1990) Yoruba Nigerian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Stephanie Hsu (1990) Taiwanese.
Varun Saranga (1990) Indian.
Shaunette Renée Wilson (1990) Afro Guyanese.
Antoinette Robertson (1990) Afro Jamaican.
Paapa Essiedu (1990) Ghanaian - has spoken up for Palestine and donated an auction to Cinema4Gaza!
Nyma Tang (1991) Sudanese.
Denée Benton (1991) African-American - has spoken up for Palestine!
Shamier Anderson (1991) Afro Jamaican.
Sheila Atim (1991) Ugandan.
Melinda Shankar (1992) Indo-Guyanese.
Clarence Ryan (1992) Unspecified Aboriginal Australian.
Haiesha Mistry (1993) Gujarati.
Kim Adis (1993) Bisaya Filipino.
Stephan James (1993) Afro Jamaican.
Nicole Kang (1993) Korean.
Baykali Ganambarr (1994) Yolngu.
Kofi Siriboe (1994) Ghanaian.
Simone Ashley (1995) Tamil Indian.
Mouna Traoré (1995) Afro Haitian and Malian.
Duckie Thot (1995) South Sudanese.
Brandon Soo Hoo (1995) Chinese - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ashton Sanders (1995) African-American.
Zuri Reed (1996) African-American.
Micheal Ward (1997) Afro Jamaican - has spoken up for Palestine!
Magnolia Maymuru (1997) Yolngu.
Jasmeet Baduwalia (1998) Indian.
Lovie Simone (1998) Ghanaian / African-American.
Olly Sholotan (1998) Nigerian
Hope Ikpoku Jnr (2001) Black British - has spoken up for Palestine!
Gerrard Lobo (?) Indian.
Jacob Junior Nayinggul (?) Yolngu.
Natassia Gorey-Furber (?) Central Arrente.
Jimi Bani (?) Wadagadum Torres Strait Islander.
Sasha Morfaw (?) Cameroonian.
Karim Diane (?) Mandingo.
Hey anon! I wouldn't consider these all to be dark-skinned but they're definitely considered dark in their respected industries. Please send in any suggestions and I can add them!
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 years ago
Arigale Series Free Reading
Since around the release of the first book I have been sporadically dropping free side stories for some of the lesser developed characters. I still have two more planned, but book two has kept me busy enough for a while now. You can see my writing style, learn about some characters prior to the start of the main story, and glean some world-building with these shorts. You can find the free short stories for Arigale at these links: Judith’s Parents Short Story Abigail Short Story Jacob Short Story Illene Short Story Chinea Short Story Sheila Short Story (TBA) Drake Short Story (TBA)
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Series info like worldview, character bios, synopsis, and more can be found HERE. Here is the synopsis for book one:
Judith and Chit are called to the lonely tower outside their city with little explanation. The one who summoned them is an old, elven wizard named Maleth, who will send them on a quest to lower their floating city of Arigale to where it once resided. Maleth is intrigued by Judith’s strange form of necromantic magic, yet he is also certain of the anxious young man in training to be a spear-man and scholar.
Judith, a bubbly yet mysterious young woman, is eager to accept. Chit remains withdrawn and cautious, a remnant of being raised by the Order that presides over their land. Soon, both discover their meeting with the wizard carried dire consequences. Can they accomplish what has been asked of them and save Arigale by exploring the land below, no matter the lengths they must go to?
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You can also read the first five chapters of book one here on Tumblr for your convenience! Chapter One - Bonds Chapter Two - Blood Chapter Three - Beseeched Chapter Four - Brazen Chapter Five - Betwixt
If you like what you see the book is available as an ebook, paperback, and hardcover at these links on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Indiebound, and Kobo.
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claudia1829things · 1 year ago
"INTO THE WEST" (2005) - "Jacob Wheeler and the Awareness of Self"
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Many people would usually consider the topic of Self Awareness when discussing New Age religions or Eastern mysticism. Characters from a Western television miniseries seems like the last thing anyone would think of when discussing the meaning of Self. Yet, a major character led me to consider this very topic, while re-watching Steven Spielberg’s 2005 miniseries about two families – Lakota and western Virginia - called "INTO THE WEST".
"Self" has been described as the essential self or the core of an individual. A person who has learned to live one’s life with a strong sense of Self is considered as someone who has achieved or come close to a level of self-actualization - namely, achieving personal growth through accepting the true core of oneself. If there is one character in "INTO THE WEST" who seemed to personify self-actualization, it was Thunder Heart Woman (Tonazin Carmelo and later Sheila Tousey), the Lakota woman who had married into the Wheeler family. I am not saying that Thunder Heart Woman was a person with no insecurities, personal demons or anything of the sort. But of all the major characters, she seemed to be more in tune of what and more importantly, who she was.
In the miniseries’ second episode titled, "Manifest Destiny", Thunder Heart Woman had seemed impervious to the Wheeler family's attitude toward her, during her immediate family’s short stay with her in-laws in Virginia. Even when faced with the disapproval of a German minister and fellow wagon immigrant called Preacher Hobbes (Derek de Lint), she remained impervious to his bigotry. At least according to her husband’s narrative. But this essay is not about Thunder Heart Woman. It is about one of the men in her life – the one love in her life, who managed to catch my attention. Namely one Jacob Wheeler (Matthew Settle and later John Terry).
The third of four brothers from a Virginia wheelwright family, Jacob Wheeler seemed very similar to his Lakota wife – the type of person that seemed to know his own mind. The miniseries’ first episode, ”Wheel to the Stars” revealed that Jacob’s Virginia family seemed to view him as a non-conformist . . . or oddball. He, in turn, regarded his hometown of Wheelerton, Virginia; his family and its profession with mild contempt. In short, this young Virginian was a fish out of water in 1825 America and he knew it. This would explain Jacob’s longing to see the world beyond his hometown and the eastern United States. He did not hesitate to express his enthusiasm for the West. After meeting mountain man James Fletcher (Will Patton), he immediately set out to achieve his desire to leave Wheelerton.
Possessing a talent for persuasion, Jacob managed to convince two of his brothers – Nathan (Alan Tudyk) and Jethro (Skeet Ulrich) – into joining his trek to the West. Jethro turned back at the last minute and Nathan ended up accompanying him. After Jacob and Nathan parted ways in St. Louis, the former caught up with Fletcher and famed mountain man, Jedediah Smith (Josh Brolin) and convinced the latter to allow him to accompany Smith’s expedition to California. I could probably list a number of examples of Jacob’s talent for persuasion, along with his exuberant and non-conformist nature. What I had failed to mention was that he possessed a strong and stubborn will to achieve what he desired. A perfect example of this was his determination to return to California after he, Smith and their fellow mountain men had been kicked out of the province by Mexican authorities. Not only did Jacob manage to achieve this goal, he did so at a great price. And yet . . . one of the interesting aspects of the Jacob Wheeler character is that despite possessing a strong will and extroverted nature, he also had certain vulnerable characteristics and insecurities. Especially insecurities. In both ”Wheel to the Stars” and ”Manifest Destiny”, Jacob’s relationships with his Wheelerton family and Thunder Heart Woman revealed just how insecure he could be.
Jacob seemed to have a rather peculiar relationship with his Virginia family. Despite regarding them with contempt for their provincial attitudes, he had also allowed their attitudes to bring out his own insecurities. His grandfather Abraham (Ken Pogue), his father Enoch (Serge Houde) and his three brothers – Nathan, Ezra (Joshua Kalef) and Jethro – either derided or teased him about his lack of interest in the family’s wheelwright business. And all of them viewed Jacob as a daydreamer with no sense of family duty or any common sense. The Wheelers have never hesitated to express their low opinion of Jacob’s desire to experience life beyond Wheelerton. I cannot help but wonder if the Wheelers’ contempt toward Jacob’s non-conformist ways had bred a sense of insecurity within him. Or if this insecurity was one of the reasons behind his desire to escape Wheelerton for the west.
It is possible that I may have stumbled across one result from Jacob’s less-than-ideal relationship with his Virginia family. I do not know if anyone else had noticed, but it seemed to me that whenever any of the other Wheelers teased, ranted or expressed contempt toward Jacob or his views on the West, he rarely bothered to defend himself. Jacob did not defend himself whenever his brothers mocked him at the dinner table.; when Jethro made the "tail tucked between your legs" comment, following Jacob’s return to Wheelerton in "Manifest Destiny"; and when Enoch accused him of luring both Nathan and later, Jacob to the West. Instead of defending himself, Jacob merely remained silent in an effort to ignore the hurtful comments.
However, there have also been moments when he did defend himself. Jacob made a snarky comment about his grandfather Abraham’s penchant for rambling on about his past as Revolutionary War veteran and the family’s business. And the elderly man reacted in such a vitriolic manner that I found myself wondering if Jacob had ended up with a new hole in his backside. When Nathan raged against him for helping an escaped slave named Ben Franklin (Sean Blakemore) in Tennessee, Jacob insisted they had done the right thing considering that Ben had earlier released Nathan after holding him hostage with a knife. And when Nathan lost his temper over Jacob’s refusal to follow him to Texas, the younger brother merely insisted upon continuing his intention to join Jedidiah Smith’s expedition.
One could only wonder why Jacob had rarely bothered to defend himself against his family’s scorn. Did he share Thunder Heart Woman’s talent for imperviously ignoring the scorn and prejudices of others? I rather doubt it. Whereas Thunder Heart Woman had seemed unconcerned by others, Jacob’s face tends to express his pain or embarrassment caused by his family’s attitudes. I suspect that deep down, Jacob longed for not only his family’s respect, but their acceptance of his true self. But unlike many people, he was not willing to change his nature for the Wheelers or anyone else’s acceptance.
Why did Jacob decide to return to Wheelerton with his pregnant wife and daughter after eleven years in the West? In his narration, Jacob claimed that he wanted Thunder Heart Woman and his daughter Margaret Light Shines (Elizabeth Sage, later Irene Bedard) to meet his Virginia family. Perhaps he was telling the truth. Yet, a part of me found that hard to believe. The moment Jacob began to enjoy his Lakota in-laws’ hospitality, he felt certain that his own family extend the same kind of warmth to his wife. And yet . . . he had insisted upon returning to Virginia. Why? Had Jethro hinted the truth in his "tail tuckered between his legs" comment – that Jacob encountered nothing but failure in the West and returned back to Virginia for a livelihood? Or was it something deeper? Perhaps a last chance for Jacob to seek final acceptance from his family? Who knows.
Whatever Jacob had sought in 1836 Virginia, he did not find it. His father Enoch revealed that the family’s wheelwright business had suffered a setback, due to the economic depression that struck the United States in the mid and late 1830s. And the Wheelers seemed no more closer in accepting Jacob for himself or his Western family. His cousin, Naomi Wheeler (Keri Russell) viewed Indians as non-human. His brother Ezra regarded Thunder Heart Woman as a mere "squaw". Naomi’s sister, Rachel (Jessica Capshaw), viewed young Margaret’s hand as a piece of dung. And Enoch seemed to act as if his new daughter-in-law and grandchildren did not exist. No wonder Jacob ended up complaining about the Wheelers’ treatment of his Lakota family.
Eventually, Jacob decided to take his wife and children and return to the West permanently – preferably Californa. It seemed the Wheelers’ continuing disregard toward them – along with news of his idol Jedediah Smith’s death – led to this decision. He almost seemed cold and distant toward his parents and Ezra. But he did not count on Jethro and his three female cousins’ decision to accompany him to California. Apparently, not all of the Wheelers viewed him as an oddball for his preference for the West. Jacob seemed heartened by Jethro’s decision to join him. And although Naomi, Rachel and Leah’s (Emily Holmes) decision to join the trek West took him by surprise, Jacob readily accepted their company. In the following narration, he came to this conclusion:
"I hope that I would prove equal to the responsibility I had undertaken."
I found this comment rather odd. Jethro and the three cousins had been determined to follow Jacob and Thunder Heart Woman on the trek to California, regardless of anything the couple would have done or said. Even Jethro had later pointed this out.
The next three years (1837-1840) must have been the best Jacob had ever experienced with any of the Virginia Wheelers. The three cousins – Naomi, Rachel and Leah – finally began to view Thunder Heart Woman as a member of the family and cherished her and Jacob’s three children (Abraham had been born in Wheelerton in 1836 and Jacob Jr. was born in Missouri sometime in late 1840). Jacob’s close relationship with Jethro seemed like a far cry from the conflicts with Nathan that marred his trip to the west back in the 1820s. One would begin to think that Jacob no longer suffered from any insecurity by this point. And yet . . . they only remained buried inside him, waiting for the right moment to manifest.
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In the end, it took the wagon train journey to California (dubbed "the Wagon Train of Doom" by me) featured in "Manifest Destiny" for Jacob’s insecurities to get the best of him. Upon their arrival in Independence, Missouri in the fall of 1840, the Wheeler family remained there during the winter before joining a California-bound wagon train led by one Stephen Hoxie (Beau Bridges) in the spring of 1841. Surprisingly, only Thunder Heart Woman seemed reluctant to leave Missouri. I suspect she had enough of being constantly on the move for the past several years. But the rest of the Wheelers, especially Jacob, seemed determined to head for California.
Once the Hoxie wagon company began their westward trek, everything seemed to be faring well. The weather seemed beautiful. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits – including the black family from Illinois named Jones that managed to join the wagon train without any opposition. Both Naomi and Rachel attracted the romantic attention of the train’s two scouts – 'Skate' Guthrie and James ‘Jim’ Ebbets (Ryan Robbins and Christopher Heyerdahl). This contentment finally ended when Thunder Heart Woman spotted wolves feeding off the corpse of a buffalo and when the train later crossed what I believe was the Big Blue River. The incident proved to be the first of two disagreements between the couple. Thunder Heart Woman viewed the wolves as a sign that the wagon train would come to a bad end. She insisted that the Wheeler family return to Missouri. Jacob dismissed her worries as superstition on her part. But the expression on his face clearly indicated his doubts on the wisdom of the trip.
Then the first disaster struck. One of the emigrants, a German-born minister named Preacher Hobbes (Derek de Lint), lost control of his wagon during the crossing. Distracted by the Hobbes family’s situation, Jethro nearly lost control of his wagon. Leah fell out of the wagon and drowned in the river’s fast flowing water. Although Hobbes received an angry response for his carelessness from Captain Hoxie, the Wheeler women’s anger seemed to be directed at Jacob for leading them to this western trek. The expression of guilt seemed very palpable on Jacob’s face, as Naomi demanded that he take the family back to Missouri. Leah’s death proved to be just the beginning.
The further west the wagon train traveled, more disasters followed. The emigrants were forced to deal with a severe thunderstorm and a cattle stampede that left the only son of a black emigrant named Absalom Jones (Neville Edwards) dead. Not long after the storm and the stampede, both Naomi and Rachel married two of the wagon train’s scouts, Skate and Jim. But that brief period of happiness failed to last when the wagon train attempted to travel through a pass. While traversing a pass, a wagon broke free, knocked Rachel down and ran over her leg, causing a severe compound fracture. The leg eventually became infected. Hobbes, the closest thing to a doctor available, tried to amputate Rachel's leg; but his efforts turned out to be clumsy and Rachel died before he could finish. Although no family member angrily demanded that return to Missouri, the expression on Jacob’s face obviously conveyed his feelings of guilt.
The final blow to Jacob’s disastrous return to the west occurred when Mrs. Jones died from cholera. Since the Wheelers’ wagons had been traveling with the Jones’ wagon at the back of the train, they had been exposed to the disease. Hoxie and the scouts forced the Wheelers and the remaining members of the Jones family (Mr. Jones and Sally Jones) to remain behind under quarantine while the main body of the wagon train carries on. Only Naomi was able to continue with the train, since she had been with her new husband. Jethro became afflicted with symptoms of cholera but recovered. Both Jacob and Thunder Heart Woman drifted into a serious quarrel, when he suggested that she take their children and attempt to find her Lakota family. Needless to say, Thunder Heart Woman took the suggestion badly and reminded Jacob that he should have listened to her warnings about the journey.
No new outbreaks occurred after Jacob ordered that all drinking water be boiled. The Wheelers and the Jones rushed to catch up with the wagon train, but discovered that it had been attacked by Cheyenne warriors. All of the emigrants had been wiped out, aside from Naomi, who first became a captive and later, a wife of a Cheyenne chief Prairie Fire (Jay Tavare). The Wheelers and the Jones families were also attacked by Cheyenne warriors. They managed to repulse the attack, but Jacob ended up seriously wounded by an arrow in his chest. The surviving emigrants tried to move on with a wounded Jacob, but the juts and bumps of the trail made it impossible for him to endure the pain. Instead, he insisted that Thunder Heart Woman, Jethro, Mr. Jones and the children continue west to California without him, since he would only prevent them from crossing the Sierra Nevada Mountains before winter. They left him behind with great reluctance.
Thanks to a fortuitous encounter with one of his brothers-in-law, Running Fox (Zahn McClarnon), Jacob survived his wound before continuing west. The period he spent east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains allowed him to wallow in loneliness and grief over the separation from his family. But he remained determined to find them. And it took him another four to five years before he finally did. Becoming a member of John Charles Frémont’s California Volunteer Militia during the Mexican-American War allowed Jacob to scour the region for signs or news of his remaining family. Five years passed before he finally came upon the ranch that Jethro and Thunder Heart Woman had settled. Jacob also discovered that in the intervening years, his brother and wife had considered him dead, began a relationship and had a child – a little girl named Cornflower. Devastated by this turn of events, Jacob decided not to reveal himself to his family. At least not openly. Instead, he left the wooden medicine wheel necklace that Thunder Heart Woman had given him when they first met to his youngest child, Jacob High Cloud. Another five years passed before Jacob finally reconciled with his family, due to the efforts of his daughter, Margaret Light Shines.
Ever since I first saw "INTO THE WEST" and especially the above mentioned scene from "Manifest Destiny", I have found myself wondering about Jacob’s actions. I understood why he decided not to intrude upon the family that Jethro and Thunder Heart Woman had formed upon their arrival in California. But why did he leave the medicine wheel necklace to young Jacob? Surely, he knew that his family would be aware that he was alive . . . and knew about their situation? Looking back on his action, it struck me as a very passive-aggressive on his part. He lacked the courage to face Jethro and Thunder Heart Woman. And yet, he seemed determined to thwart the happiness they had created . . . as if he was punishing them for continuing their lives without him. Or perhaps Jacob felt a great deal of envy toward Jethro because the latter turned out to be the one who successfully led the family to California, and not him.
Perhaps Jacob had always a passively-aggressive personality from the beginning. His relationship with his Virginia family struck me as being marked by a great deal of passive-aggressive behavior from the start. Jacob seemed determined to be his own man, whether in his enthusiasm for the West, his decision to leave Wheeler or join Jedediah Smith’s expedition over following his brother Nathan to Texas. And yet . . . he never defended himself in the face of their criticism. Instead, he resorted to resentful silence. Why did he constantly fail to defend himself? Was he merely trying to keep the peace? Or did some small part of him fear that his family may have been right about him? It seemed strange than many fans and critics of "INTO THE WEST" seemed to adore Jacob for his seemingly self-assurance and outgoing personality. At the same time, they derided Jethro for being an insecure loser in their eyes. I got the feeling that they were so busy either scorning Jethro or adulating Jacob that they failed to detect the latter’s personal insecurities and darker traits. And Jacob certainly had them by the bucketful.
Did Jacob ever overcome his insecurities? Perhaps. Perhaps not. I wonder if many are aware of this, but it usually takes an individual to overcome his or her faults during an entire lifetime. A good number of people never succeed in overcoming all of their faults. And since "INTO THE WEST" focused more on his and Thunder Heart Woman’s children in the last three episodes, audiences never discovered if he had overcome all of his faults and insecurities. Jacob certainly seemed more at peace in his old age than he did during his first forty years. Perhaps those years of solitude near the Sierra Mountains foothills helped him finally achieve some inner peace.
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onekisstotakewithme · 5 months ago
🎀 [Bow] How many named characters are in this WIP? How many do get a POV? 🐁[Mouse] Name three reasons why this WIP is horrible at being a whodunnit.
🎀 [Bow] How many named characters are in this WIP? How many do get a POV?
Uhhhhh. Three people are actually in the fic [CJ, Danny, Josh] plus a few more (The President, Sheila Jacobs) get namedropped!
The only POV is CJ's 😋
🐁[Mouse] Name three reasons why this WIP is horrible at being a whodunnit.
we know whodunnit (Josh) and are told whodunnit within the first five hundred words or so 😋
we know what he did (talk to the press when he shouldn't have)
he did not have a motive
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agentoli · 3 months ago
previous alpha member suggestion for balance: Jacob J Jenkins
NEW SUGGESTION: SHEILA (Maybe her full name could be Sheila Filyss (works with the FILSS acronym but replaces the 'and' between Logistics and Security with the Spanish 'y' meaning 'and') and her armor would be a blueish grey)
I love the suggestion, however the reason Team Alpha only has 3 agents is due to it being the newest 'squad'. Originally only agents from what we now know as Bravo and Charlie made up PFL. However in recent years, The Director has formed a new specialized force with their 'best' agents.
Church has, though, been in the program for longer than Tucker or Caboose, and just sort of showed up one day with no real explanation. (Think of how Tex arrived in the OG timeline)
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Ohhhh it's canon?
Ohhhh traveling on moonbeams very magic girl vibes.
Lol insuferably handsome. 😂
Why are all Garrett's character a little less than 6 feet?
Why does a werewolf need a two handed sword?
They all have a lot of titles, I cannot remember them all. I do wanna know what they all mean though.
Noooooo 😂😂😂 not a werewolf named Jacob and then Jacob braun instead of black. Stop right now 😂😂😂that is too funny.
Shadowlord? And a gauntlet? Edgy and badass I love it!
Werewolves have a king?
Orangy spongy flesh??? Oh no!!!! This is bad. 😬
I love sibling relationships.
This is kind of different from Dan and Jesse. It just proves I really know nothing about all of this. I'm sure there's all kinds of hints to lore that are going completely over my head. 😂
Wait what??? She is 12????? And has only spoken for 5 years? That is wild. Did we know that she was so young? Was this said at the introduction and I just totally missed it? She's a little kid!
What the heck are all these rights??
Noooooooooo not Zantosa??? Not again. Will he always torment us??? 😭
Rebecca, the most polite power gamer there has ever been.
Okay what's the deal with this worm stuff??
That's gotta be Ramirez and one of the other hunters
Omg garbage pizza!!!
Is this Sheila? I hate that I don't know the name.
Omg what Ramirez's daughter??? Wtf???? Now I'm even sadder Ramirez is dead.
These people are so serious. Which kind of make sense since they're facing the end of the world and all that. But I've been listening to Ashville and those guys are a bunch of silly billies.
So wait if these werewolves kill the hell house shit that would be really helpful.
Eeeeewswww Lex stop!!! Why is hell house so grossssssss????? 🤮🤮🤮
Okay but a vampire with silver claws that hurt himself, that's badass.
They've hardly even started and it's already going bad and So So gross!!
Wait what she will die???? Thank fuck for 3 successes!!
Nico is such a cute nickname.
No matter the system, hearing they can roll 18 dice damage is always such a rush.
Strength 16?? Wtf? 25 dice? That's insane, it might be illegal.
Tim going all put describing how badass his attack is and what happens and then ending with "I assume" is very endearing.
Don't describe Jacob as a bulge in an intestine so casually!
Even though I am enjoying this oneshot greatly I don't know if I can relisten to it. There's just so much gross description. Though it probably doesn't help that I'm now listening to this early in the morning before having eaten breakfast.
Ohhh interesting, I know we already knew about the eldest, but it's still interesting to get confirmation from the source.
Home wrecker lmao.
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jack-kellys · 2 years ago
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ONLY SO FAR: whos' who above ground.
the world
who's who underground
and of course there are those that reside above the tunnels of below...
David Jacobs: 23. The son of an architect and a museum curator, he’s currently studying law at a top university in England. A bit too quick for his own good, David often knows his opponent’s next move before they do, making his cross-examinations seem more planned ahead than they already are. He’s usually ready for anything, and it’s reasonable for him to chalk it up to precise preparation. But when his father is one of the most precise architects in New York, and his mother answers tourists' questions before they’re even asked, it’s easy to call the Jacobs’ heritage into question. 
Sarah Jacobs: 24. Recently broken up with Sheila Conlon. Up and coming fashion designer in Manhattan, usually anticipating what her superiors will be looking for design-wise for whichever season she’s crafting for.
Les Jacobs: 13. A nuisance. 
Katherine Plumber: 22. A young reporter who has started to pick up on a pattern, at least in NYC. While she hasn’t started reporting it from an investigative angle, she’s been breaking most of the stories covering heists, break-ins, and stolen items. It’s rare when she’s able to know what exactly was stolen, and she wants to find out why. 
Joseph Pulitzer: 60. The publisher in New York right now. Multiple popular news outlets have to go through him and his company to get their paper distributed. Also has a major hand in broadcasting as a news producer. He can control much of the information that the public receives, and knows nearly everything about everyone he controls. One thing he hasn’t figured out yet is whoever has been trying—and failing—to steal from his collection. 
Jonah Wiesel: 50. Head of Pulitzer’s security, and has been dealing with the brunt of the attempted heists. 
Oscar and Morris Delancey: 25. The twins. A prime example of Inclined being used as hired weapons. Both normally work under Pulitzer and with their uncle, but take on outside hired gigs for a pretty penny. Good with enhancement spells. 
Eric Snyder: 56. Either Inclined, or quite talented at squeezing the truth from all those who cross his path. Frequently hired by any elitist asshole desperate to hide or hoard something away from those it belongs to. Often a mercenary security head, always with brutal tactics.
but there's only one player in it all who you'll be following specifically: jack kelly, known as the outlaw to the elites and cowboy amongst his friends.....
our protagonist (1 hour.)
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