#She's so nonchalant. Total confidence
chicago-geniza · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about "I was a pyromaniac but I controlled the fires. I intimidated boys. I went to prom alone and acquired a friend's date by the end of the night. I had sex in the Reg as an undergrad"...unfortunately as you probably already know, nobody is doing it like Agnes
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zebuie · 3 months
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# ☆ PAIRINGS ☆ ;: teacher!ellie x teacherspet!reader
# ☆ SYNOPSIS ☆ ;: college student develops a small crush on her philosophy teacher—but is it really small? soon, one thing leads to another. as feelings grow, they grow a secret romance.
# ☆ WC/CW ☆ ;: 9.2k, smutsmutsmut! , age gap between reader and ellie ( r is 20 and ellie 24 ) , cursing / swearing , situationship? , kissing , fingering ( r receiving ) , eating from the behind ( r receiving ) , tit sucking ( e receiving ) , strap on usage ( r receiving ) , pet names ( princess , baby , baby girl , babe ) , aftercare , lmk if there’s more.
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You trudge into the school building, dreading the upcoming lecture. The hallway is packed with students milling about, creating a chaotic scene. "God I'm already fucking dreading this." you mutter to yourself as you try to make your way to the classroom.
Finally arriving at the door, you take a deep breath and enter the room. 
It's even more crowded than you expected, with people jostling for seats. As you scan the room for an empty spot, your eyes land on a woman writing on the chalkboard.
She turns to face the class, and you feel your breath catch in your throat. It's Ellie Williams, the notorious philosophy teacher. 
Her sharp jawline and piercing green eyes make her look more like a biker chick than an academic. 
She's got a fit, muscular build evident even under her tight shirt. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to today's discussion on existentialism," she says in a commanding voice that leaves no doubt who's in charge.
As you slip into an empty seat, you can't help but stare at Ellie as she begins the lecture. Her confidence and authority are undeniable, and you find yourself drawn in despite your initial reluctance.
You sit entranced as Ellie begins to expound upon the meaning of life, her husky voice and commanding presence washing over you like a warm bath.
 The way she struts across the front of the classroom, hips swaying, makes you imagine her strutting across your bed; demanding your total surrender. 
Her words echo in your mind long after the lecture ends - "existence precedes essence"...a fitting philosophy for a woman who seems to exist solely on her own terms. As the class files out, you find yourself lingering, drawn to Ellie like a moth to a flame. 
You clear your throat to get her attention, and she turns to face you, eyebrow raised in query. "Yes?" she asks, all domineering authority and sensuality. "I was wondering if you could...um...provide some extra guidance on the reading," you stammer, trying to play it cool. Ellie smiles - a slow, sultry curl of her lips. "Of course, I'd be happy to help. Meet me in my office after your next class." The way she says it, it sounds less like a suggestion and more like a command from your new mistress.
The rest of the day drags on in a sensual haze. You can barely concentrate in your other classes, your mind constantly wandering back to Ellie and the promise of her "guidance". 
Finally, it's time for your next class to end. You pack up your things with feigned nonchalance, all the while sneaking glances at the clock. 
As soon as the final bell rings, you're on your feet, eager to keep your appointment with destiny. 
Making your way to Ellie's office, you take a deep breath and knock on the door. "Enter," comes her response. 
Pushing the door open, you step inside the dimly lit room, the door closing behind you with a soft click - as if you're being locked into place. Ellie looks up from her desk, a gleam in her eye as she takes in your nervous figure. "Shut the door and come here," she commands. 
You obey, your heart racing as you approach her. She rises from her chair, looming over you with an air of quiet power. "So, you wanted some extra guidance, huh?"
"Yes, if you could just explain the chapter on existentialism in more depth, I'd really appreciate it," you reply, trying to sound casual despite your racing heart. 
Ellie nods, her eyes roaming over your face. "Of course. Have a seat." She gestures to the chair in front of her desk. 
You sit, suddenly very aware of how small and confined the space feels with the two of you alone. 
Ellie leans back against her desk, arms crossed over her chest. "Existentialism is all about taking responsibility for your own existence," she begins, her voice low and hypnotic. "It's about recognizing that, fundamentally, you are alone in the universe. No one else can live your life for you." Her gaze intensifies, boring into yours. "Does that resonate with you?" The way she asks, it feels more like a test than a question. You nod, swallowing hard. "Yeah, I think so. I mean, it's like, we have to choose our own meaning in life, right?" Ellie nods, a slow smile spreading across her face. "Exactly. And that's a scary thought, because it means you have the power to create your own meaning. But it also means no one else can control your life for you." She pauses, studying you intently. "Does that set you free, or terrify you?"
"It's freeing, in a way," you venture, trying to sound braver than you feel. 
Ellie leans forward, her elbows on the desk. "It's the most freeing thing in the world," she agrees, her voice dropping to a purr. "But it's also terrifying. Because if you're responsible for creating your own meaning, then you have to confront the possibility that you might get it wrong. That you might waste your life chasing things that don't truly fulfill you." Her eyes hold yours captive, searching. "So, what do you think you're doing with your life right now?" The question hangs in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. 
You shift uncomfortably in your seat, suddenly aware of how small and confined the space feels. "I...I don't know," you admit. "I mean, I go to class, I study, but is that really living? Is that what I want out of life?" Ellie watches you wrestle with the question, a knowing glint in her eye. "You seem like a smart girl," she says finally. "I think you have the potential to create something truly remarkable with your life. But first, you're going to have to take a leap of faith."
Just as Ellie is about to continue her line of questioning, her phone suddenly rings, shrill in the otherwise quiet room. 
She glances down at the screen, her expression unreadable. "Excuse me a moment," she says brusquely, grabbing the phone and stepping away from the desk. 
You sit in awkward silence as she takes the call, trying to ignore the sense of rejection that washes over you. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Ellie ends the call and returns to the desk, her eyes avoiding yours. "I apologize, but I'm going to have to cut our meeting short," she says stiffly. 
"I have another appointment." She stands, indicating that your audience is at an end. You gather your things in a daze, feeling the sting of dismissal. As you reach the door, you can't help but steal one last glance at Ellie - who is already focused intently on her computer screen, pretending you were never there.
As you trudge back to your dorm, your mind is a whirlwind of confused emotions. 
Part of you is thrilled at the prospect of getting to know Ellie better - but another part is terrified of the consequences. What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if you get hurt? Lost in thought, you don't even notice your phone buzzing in your pocket until several hours later. 
Pulling it out, you see a call from Lana - your best friend and confidante. "Hey, girl!" she greets you, her usual bubbly self. "How's the first day back going?" You settle in, ready to offload everything that happened with Ellie. 
As you recount the story, Lana listens with increasing amusement.
Lana's laughter echoes through the phone as the mysterious student recounts her tale of woe. "Aww, you've got it bad," Lana coos, her voice dripping with amusement.
 "Seriously, you need to loosen up! It's just a crush." You sigh, the sound carrying clearly over the line. "I know, I know. It's just...there's something about her, you know? The way she carries herself..." Lana snorts, cutting in. "Says the girl who's never had a real relationship. Trust me, I know the type. Ellie seems like a total fuckboy, anyway. You'd just end up getting hurt." There's a pause, and then Lana's tone turns thoughtful. 
"Although...we should maybe make you feel better. Go out, have some fun, get your mind off things. I say we hit up that new club downtown. You game?" You hesitate, uncertainty clear in your voice. But Lana's enthusiasm is infectious, and soon you've both made plans to meet up later that night. "Just relax and let loose, okay? Don't think about Ellie at all. We'll get you forgetting all about her in no time!"
You agree to meet Lana at the club later that night, hoping a night out will take your mind off your crush on Ellie. 
The rest of the day passes in a blur of classes and studying, but eventually it's time to get ready to go out. 
You meet up with Lana, who's already dressed to the nines in a tiny dress and heels. "Gorgeous, let's go!" she says, dragging you into the night.
The club is pulsating with music and lights. You and Lana make your way to the bar, ordering drinks as you scan the crowd. 
It's a sea of unfamiliar faces - until you spot a group of girls from your sorority waving you over. 
You make your way over, laughing and chatting as you down your first drink. 
Gradually, the worries about Ellie start to fade away, replaced by the thrill of the night and the company of your friends.
Hours pass in a whirlwind of dancing, gossiping, and letting loose. 
By the time the club starts to close, you feel rejuvenated - your earlier heartache all but forgotten. As you and Lana are getting ready to leave, a boisterous guy approaches, asking for Lana's number. 
She plays hard to get for a bit, but eventually relents with a wink in your direction. You smile, feeling happy for your friend even as you can't help but wonder what Ellie is up to tonight.
You take a seat at the bar, ordering a strong cocktail to help take your mind off things. 
The night wears on, and you find yourself getting lost in the music and the company of a friendly stranger who joins you at the bar. 
Her name is Jenna, and she's charming and easy to talk to. As the hours pass, you find yourself growing more and more tipsy, laughing and joking around with Jenna as the night wears on. 
At some point, you both decide to hit the dance floor, moving and grooving to the pulsing beat. You're having a great time, but as the night wears on, your inhibitions lower. 
You find yourself getting more and more suggestively flirtatious with Jenna, pressed up against her and grinding together as you lost in the music. Just as things are really starting to heat up, you feel a sudden jolt of recognition. Turning, you lock eyes with a pair of piercing green ones across the bar. 
For a moment, you wonder if you're hallucinating - but then you see the familiar fit physique and messy auburn hair. It's Ellie. Your heart skips a beat as you realize your philosophy teacher is staring you down...
Your heart races as you realize Ellie is watching you closely from across the bar. 
you consider waving her over, but then you remember how the night started - with you confessing your crush to your best friend. 
You also remember Lana's words of wisdom about not wanting to get hurt. 
But then you see the way Ellie is looking at you - like she's undressing you with her eyes. Your resolve weakens. 
Grabbing Jenna's hand, you pull her behind you, pressing her against the bar as you rub up against her boldly. 
You catch Ellie's eye, holding her gaze as you grind against the other girl. 
Jenna laughs, assuming you're just playing around, but you can't help the thrill that shoots through you at the prospect of making your teacher jealous. You lost in the moment, feeling bold and reckless. Who knows what will happen tomorrow - but tonight, you're going to enjoy the thrill of the chase.
As you and Jenna put on a provocative show for Ellie, the philosophy teacher's expression grows more and more dark. 
Her eyes narrow to slits, and her jaw clenches visibly. 
You can practically hear the steam coming out of her ears as she watches you. 
Finally, she appears to reach her limit. Tossing some money on the bar, she storms off into the night, disappearing into the crowd. 
You breathe a sigh of relief, assuming the coast is clear. 
Turning back to Jenna, you grab her face and pull her in for a deep, messy kiss. She kisses you back eagerly, and you lose yourself in the moment. 
As you make out with Jenna, you can't help but feel a thrill of excitement at having made your teacher jealous. 
But as the night wears on, things start to get a little fuzzy... You remember snippets of making out with Jenna, dancing, and doing shots with new friends. 
But by the time you stumble out of the club in the early hours of the morning, you can barely remember your own name.
The sunlight streaming through your window feels like razor blades in your brain. 
You groggily sit up, your head pounding. 
The events of the previous night come back to you in hazy flashes - dancing, drinking, making out with a stranger. 
You feel a wave of shame wash over you as you realize how far you went. Did you go too far? You try to piece together the details, but your memories are fragmented and hazy. 
Just then, there's a knock at the door. It's Lana, looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed despite the early hour. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead!" she says, bouncing into the room. "How are you feeling?" She looks at you with concern as you wince at the light. "I take it things didn't go exactly as planned last night?" You shake your head, feeling mortified. Lana sits down next to you, taking your hand. 
"Hey, it's okay. We've all been there. But maybe next time, drink more water and less vodka, yeah?" You manage a weak laugh. 
Lana helps you stumble to the bathroom to take some painkillers and splash some water on your face. 
As you're brushing your teeth, you can't help but wonder what Ellie is thinking this morning.
Lana helps you tidy up your room, putting away your clothes and picking up the remnants of the night before. 
As she works, she keeps you company, chatting amiably about everything except the previous evening. 
By the time she leaves you to get ready for classes, your head still throbs, but you feel a bit more human. 
You head to Philosophy 101 with trepidation, wondering how the day will go after your drunken antics last night. As you take your seat, you keep an eye on the door, waiting to see if Ellie will mention anything about your behavior. 
But she says nothing out of the ordinary, launching straight into the day's lecture. You breathe a sigh of relief, grateful that the situation hasn't become awkward. At least, not yet. 
As the lecture goes on, you can't help but sneak glances at Ellie, wondering if she knows about your encounter with her last night. 
Does she think you're just another cheap drunk? Or did seeing you with another woman make her question her own attraction to you? You try to focus on the lecture, but your mind keeps wandering. One thing's for sure - this is going to be an interesting semester.
As the days go by, you try to put the drunken escapades of the first day behind you. 
You focus on your studies, determined to prove to yourself and everyone else that you're more than just a party animal. 
But no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to get Ellie off your mind. In class, you keep stealing glances at her, wondering if she's noticed any changes in you. 
Sometimes you catch her looking at you, but whenever you meet her gaze, she quickly looks away. Is she avoiding you? Ignoring you? It's impossible to tell. 
You try to talk to Lana about it, but she just laughs and tells you to stop overthinking things. "She's your teacher. It's never gonna happen," she says, rolling her eyes. 
But you can't quite shake the feeling that there's still a spark there, no matter how much Lana denies it. 
One day, as you're packing up your things after class, you notice Ellie's door slightly ajar. 
Curiosity gets the better of you, and you peek inside. She's sitting at her desk, grading papers. Your presence must surprise her, because she looks up with a startled expression. "Can I help you?" she asks, her tone stern but her eyes revealing a flicker of—something.
You hesitate in the doorway, unsure of how to proceed. Ellie's gaze bores into you, expecting an explanation. 
"I just...I wanted to apologize for last week," you stammer, feeling a flush rise to your cheeks. "I was way out of line, and I'm really sorry." Ellie considers this for a moment, then nods. "Apology accepted," she says simply. 
You breathe a sigh of relief, grateful that the tension between you seems to be dissipating. As you turn to leave, Ellie clears her throat. "Actually— Can you stay after class today? I have something I want to discuss with you." Her tone is still professional, but there's a hint of something else in her eyes. Something that makes your heart skip a beat—lust. Pure lust in her eyes.
After class, you head to Ellie's office, your heart pounding in your chest. 
What could she possibly want to discuss with you? You knock on the door, and when Ellie invites you in, you take a deep breath and enter. 
The office is bigger than you expected, with bookshelves lining the walls and a desk in the middle. Ellie sits behind the desk, leaning back in her chair.
 "Close the door and have a seat," she says, gesturing to the chair in front of her desk. 
You do as you're told, trying to calm your nerves. Ellie studies you for a moment, her eyes roaming over your face. "I've been noticing you in class lately," she begins, her voice low and measured. "You seem...different. More engaged. More curious." She pauses, searching for the right words. 
"I have to admit, I was worried about how you'd handle last week's activities. But you seem to have handled it with maturity." You feel a flush rise to your cheeks at the memory of your drunken escapades. "Thank you," you manage to say, your voice barely above a whisper. 
Ellie leans forward, her eyes locking onto yours. "I think you have the potential to be an excellent philosopher, But it requires dedication, hard work...and a willingness to challenge yourself." She pauses, studying you intently. "Are you up for the challenge?"
You nod eagerly, determined to prove yourself. "Absolutely," you say, meeting Ellie's gaze with a fierce look of your own. "I won't let you down." A small smile plays at the corner of Ellie's lips, and she reaches for a pen and paper. 
"Good," she says, scribbling down her phone number. "In case you need to reach me...or want to discuss some of the ideas we cover in class." She slides the paper across the desk to you. 
You take it, feeling a rush of excitement. Before you can react, Ellie stands, indicating that the meeting is over. "Think about the ideas we discussed today," she says. "And feel free to call me if you have any questions." You leave the office in a daze, the slip of paper clutched tightly in your hand. 
As you walk across campus, you can't help but stare at Ellie's phone number. 
Should you really call her? What would you even say? But then you remember her words - she wants you to challenge yourself. To grow. 
And what could be more challenging than asking out your philosophy teacher? Taking a deep breath, you pull out your phone and dial the number. It rings once...twice...and then Ellie answers. "Hello?" her voice is smooth as silk. "Hi, it's me." There's a pause, and then Ellie laughs. "Of course."
"It's nice to hear from you." Ellie says, her voice warm and friendly. You can almost hear her smiling over the phone.
 "What's up?" You take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. "Well...I was hoping maybe we could grab a cup of coffee sometime and discuss some of the ideas from class. You know, challenge myself like you suggested." There's a pause, and for a moment you fear you've overstepped. 
But then Ellie responds. "I'd like that." You feel a surge of excitement, trying to keep your cool. "Great so um, when were you thinking?" How did you go from asking your philosophy teacher for coffee to making plans with her? You're not sure, but you can't help the thrill that shoots through you at the prospect of spending time with Ellie.
 "How about tomorrow afternoon?" she suggests. "There's a cafe just off campus. I know the owner, so we can get a quiet table if you'd like." You agree on a time, and hang up the phone with a huge grin on your face. 
You can't believe it - you're actually going to have coffee with Ellie. And who knows what might happen after that.
The next day, you arrive at the cafe early, nursing a nervous energy. You spot Ellie outside, looking even more finer than usual in a casual grey sweater and jeans. 
She smiles as she sees you, and you can't help but return it. 
Inside, the cafe is cozy and quiet, just as Ellie said. 
You take a seat at a small table by the window, and Ellie joins you a moment later, sliding in across from you. "So," she says, leaning back in her chair. "Tell me more about what you liked about last week's reading. What stood out to you." You launch into a discussion of the finer points of existentialism, surprised at how easily the conversation flows. 
Ellie listens intently, interjecting with insightful questions and comments. Before you know it, an hour has passed, and you feel like you've barely scratched the surface of the topics you want to discuss. 
Glancing at the clock, you realize you've been talking for over two hours. 
Ellie laughs as she catches you checking the time. "I guess we got a bit carried away," she says, smiling. "But I have to say, I'm really enjoying this. It's not often I get to have such thoughtful discussions with my students." You feel a flutter in your chest at her words. Is this a date? Or just a fun intellectual exchange? Either way, you're not ready for it to end.
As you finish up your coffee, Ellie glances at her watch. "I suppose I should let you get to your next class," she says, a hint of reluctance in her voice. 
You stand up, gathering your things, and Ellie does the same. Outside the cafe, she falls into step beside you as you begin the walk back to campus. 
The sun is setting, casting long shadows across the sidewalk. "I have to say, I'm impressed," Ellie remarks, glancing at you sidelong. "Most of my students wouldn't bother showing up to a coffee date dressed like that." You feel a flush rise to your cheeks as you realize you're wearing the same outfit you had on the first day of class. 
Ellie must have been checking you out. The thought sends a shiver down your spine. 
As you walk, the conversation continues, flowing easily between you. You discover shared interests and favorite authors, bonding over your love of philosophy. 
By the time you reach your dorm, the sky is dark, and stars are beginning to twinkle overhead. Ellie pauses at your doorstep, looking up at you. "I had a really great time today," she says softly. "Would you like to do it again sometime soon?" Her eyes search yours, and you can't help but wonder what she's looking for. With that, she leans in and presses her lips to yours in a sweet, brief kiss. It's chaste, but filled with promise.
The next few weeks pass in a blur of coffee dates, long walks, and deep discussions about life, philosophy, and everything in between. 
You find yourself falling for Ellie, hard. She's brilliant, passionate, and genuinely interested in you and your thoughts. 
You discover a sexy side to her, too - the way her eyes smolder when she's excited by an idea, or the way her hands move when she's gesturing enthusiastically. But even as you grow closer, you can't shake the feeling that there's something holding Ellie back. 
She's always quick to deflect when you try to get too personal, and there are moments when her expression shifts, just for a second, into something guarded. One evening, as you're walking back to your dorm after another amazing date, you decide to confront her. "Ellie—" you pause for a moment. "what are we?" you continue.
Ellie pauses, looking up at you with those intense green eyes. 
For a moment, you think you see a flicker of fear in their depths. Then her expression smooths into a mask of calm.
 "What do you mean?" she asks, her voice even. You take a deep breath and plunge ahead. "I mean...we've been seeing each other for weeks now. 
We have all these deep talks and go on dates. It feels like more than just a friendship to me. So...what are we?" Ellie looks away, staring up at the stars twinkling overhead.
 "I care about you, Really deeply. But..." She pauses, seeming to struggle with her words. "My job is to teach and mentor you. That's a pretty big power imbalance, and I don't want to compromise your academic experience." 
She looks back at you, her eyes searching yours. "I'm scared that if we keep going down this path, it will complicate things in ways I'm not sure I'm equipped to handle." Your heart aches at the vulnerability in her voice. 
But then Ellie does something unexpected - she reaches out and takes your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "But I enjoy your company more than anything else in my life right now. So...let's just see where this goes, okay? We'll take things slowly and figure it out as we go. Deal?"
You nod eagerly, not trusting yourself to speak. 
Ellie smiles, squeezing your hand once more before letting go. 
"Good," she says simply. As you continue walking, the weight of her confession hangs in the air between you. 
You're not sure what the future holds, but for now, you're content to enjoy each other's company. When you reach your dorm, Ellie walks you to the door, just like she has every night. 
But this time, instead of kissing you goodbye, she leans in close, her forehead pressing against yours. "I really like you," she whispers. "More than I should." You can feel her words vibrating against your skin.
 "I know it's not ideal, but I don't care. I want to be with you." With that, she pulls back and waits, looking up at you with those deep green orbs. 
You realize this is a turning point. You can walk away now, preserving the status quo. Or you can take a chance on Ellie, and see where this forbidden connection takes you.
You look into Ellie's eyes, seeing the sincerity and vulnerability there. You feel the same way about her - more than just likes and crushes. 
This is real. And as much as you know you should be careful, you can't bring yourself to let her go. "I really like you too," you whisper, mirroring her words. Ellie's face lights up at your response, and she leans in once more, her lips brushing yours in a sweet, tender kiss. 
It's not a chaste kiss this time - there's heat and promise in it. As you pull back, you realize that this is the start of something new. 
Something that terrifies you, but also fills you with exhilaration. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Ellie asks, her voice filled with hope. You nod, smiling. "Definitely." 
As you step inside your dorm, you can't help but glance over your shoulder at Ellie, who's still standing there, watching you. 
You know that you're taking a risk by being with her. But right now, you don't care. All you can think about is the fact that the woman you've fallen for wants you too. And that's worth fighting for.
It's the week before finals, and you're running on fumes. 
Between classes, work, and your blossoming relationship with Ellie, you're stretched thin. 
You've been putting off studying, hoping you could somehow magically absorb all the material through osmosis. 
But as the pressure mounts, you know you need to buckle down and focus. 
The problem is, you don't know where to start. You consider hitting up Lana, but you know she'll just tell you to chill out and study with her later. 
You need help - and fast. So who do you turn to? Your philosophy teacher, of course. 
You're nervous about asking Ellie for help, but you're more desperate than ever. 
You send her a nervous text. "Hey...I know this is last minute, but would you be willing to help me study for my exams? I feel totally overwhelmed and I know your class is key to understanding a lot of the material. I really appreciate you, and I know this is a big ask..." You wait with bated breath for her response.
You nervously wait for Ellie's response, your phone glued to your hand. 
After what feels like an eternity, you see her name pop up on your screen. "Heyyy, no worries at all, Of course I'd be happy to help you study. 
When were you thinking? How about tomorrow afternoon, we could meet at the library and go over some key concepts together?
also how are you holding up, honestly? Finals week can be really rough. lemme know if u need help with anything else:))" You feel a rush of relief and gratitude at her response. 
You quickly type back a thanks and a confirmation of the study session. 
As you set your phone down, you can't help but smile. Even when you're being a mess, Ellie is there for you. 
She's not just your teacher or your girlfriend - she's a true friend. 
The next day, you meet Ellie at the library and dive into your studying. 
Having her guidance and support makes all the difference. As you work together, you can't help but steal glances at each other, both aware that this is more than just a study session. 
It's a moment of intimacy, of teamwork, of shared goal-oriented effort. And it only serves to strengthen your bond. 
By the time you wrap up your studying, you feel confident and ready for your exams. Plus, you got to spend quality time with the girl you love. It's the perfect outcome. 
As you finish up your studying, Ellie glances at her watch. "We've been at it for a few hours," she remarks. "How about I walk you back to your dorm?" You agree, gathering your things, and Ellie leads you out of the library and onto the quiet campus streets. 
It's a chilly evening, and you can see your breath misting in the air. 
But as you walk alongside Ellie, you don't feel the cold at all. You're too busy stealing glances at her, admiring the way her hair falls in loose waves around her face. Eventually, you arrive at your dorm. You pause at the door, unsure what to do. 
Do you invite her up? Do you kiss her goodbye? Before you can decide, Ellie leans in, her lips finding yours in a searing kiss. 
One moment you're standing there, the next you're wrapped up in each other, hands exploring, tongues entwined. 
The kiss deepens and lengthens, until you're both panting, pressed up against each other. 
Ellie breaks away, her eyes dark with desire. "I want you," she whispers, her voice husky. "Right now." You don't need any further invitation. You lead her inside, your hands roaming, your hearts racing.
Ellie steps inside your dorm room, her eyes adjusting to the dimmer light. She looks around, taking in the scatter of books and clothes, the general chaos of a student's space. 
But her attention is quickly drawn back to you, as she takes a step closer. "Can I...touch you?" she asks softly, her fingers hovering against your cheek. 
You nod, your heart pounding. Ellie's fingers trace the line of your jaw, your neck, slipping beneath your shirt to feel the curve of your shoulder blade. 
Each touch sends shivers down your spine. As her hand explores your body, you can't help but touch her in return - running your fingers through her hair, tracing the shape of her breasts through her hoodie. 
The air between you crackles with electricity. Ellie steps closer still, until her body is pressed up against yours. 
You can feel every curve, every ridge - the swell of her hips, the jut of her collarbone. 
It's like fitting together two puzzle pieces, so perfectly do you mesh. Ellie's head dips down, her lips finding the sensitive skin of your neck. She kisses you there, and then suckles gently, sending a jolt of pleasure through you. 
One of her hands slips under your shirt, fingers splaying across your stomach. You can feel her warm breath on your skin, her heartbeat pounding in time with yours.
As Ellie's lips trail down your neck, her hand slides further under your shirt, her fingers teasing the waistband of your pants. 
You can feel your heart racing, your breath coming in short gasps. The sensation of her touch, so soft and feather-light, is driving you crazy. You want more. 
Need more. With trembling hands, you reach down to grip Ellie's coat, pulling her closer still. 
Her body presses up against yours, and you can feel every inch of her, from the curve of her breasts to the line of her thighs. It's overwhelming, in the best possible way. 
Ellie's head dips lower, her lips finding yours in a searing kiss. Her tongue slips inside your mouth, tangling with your own. You can taste yourself on her, musky and intimate. As you kiss, Ellie's hand slides further down, fingers brushing against the front of your pants. 
She cups you there, her thumb swiping over the sensitive head. You arch into her touch, a needy little moan escaping your lips. Ellie breaks the kiss, her eyes dark with lust. "Clothes off," she whispers, her voice rough. "Now."
Ellie's words send a jolt of electricity through you. Without breaking eye contact, you reach back and pull your shirt over your head, tossing it carelessly across the room. 
Ellie's gaze rakes over your bare torso, her eyes lingering on your nipples, hard and betraying your arousal. She takes a step closer, her hands coming up to palm your breasts, feeling their weight in her hands. 
You let out a shaky breath as she leans in, her lips finding yours once more. 
The kiss is deep and hungry, tongues tangling, breaths mingling. With a strength you didn't know she had, Ellie pushes you back towards the bed. 
You fall onto the mattress, Ellie looming over you, her hands still on your breasts. She leans down, her lips brushing your ear as she whispers, "I've wanted to do this since the first moment I saw you." With that, she claims your mouth once more, even as she reaches down to start undoing your pants.
As Ellie undoes your pants, you realize you haven't asked her to undress yet. You reach up, grasping at the hem of her hoodie. 
"Take this off," you manage to gasp out between kisses. Ellie nods, breaking the kiss to pull the hoodie over her head, revealing the sports bra beneath. 
Your eyes are immediately drawn to her nipples, visible through the thin fabric, straining towards you. You can't help but lick your lips, the sight arousing you further. 
Next, you work on the drawstrings of her pants, pushing them down along with her underwear. 
Ellie steps out of the puddle of fabric, now wearing nothing but her sports bra and socks. You drink in the sight of her, from the toned curves of her arms and shoulders, to the flat plane of her stomach, to the juncture between her thighs. She's beautiful. Perfect. 
You sit up, grasping at the back of her head, pulling her in for a deep, devouring kiss. As you kiss, your hands roam - tracing the lines of her muscles, feeling the dips and curves of her body.
As you kiss Ellie, your hands explore her body, mapping out every dip and curve. 
You can't get enough of her, and you pull her down onto the bed with you. Ellie lands on top of you, her weight a comforting pressure. 
She shifts, straddling your waist, her sex aligning with yours. You can feel the heat of her, even through the thin fabric of her sports bra. 
Ellie breaks the kiss, her eyes dark with desire. She reaches back, deftly takes off her bra. It falls away, revealing her breasts - full and heavy, topped with pink nipples. 
You reach out, taking one in your mouth, suckling gently. Ellie throws her head back, a soft moan escaping her lips. 
As you kiss Ellie, her hands start to roam over your body as well - slipping her hand under your panties to cup your pussy.
She breaks the kiss, her eyes dark with desire as she pulls you back down onto the bed. "On your hands and knees," she orders, her voice husky. 
Obediently, you flip over, presenting yourself to her. Ellie settles between your legs, her hands spreading you apart. 
You can feel her hot breath on your most intimate areas, making you shiver. Her tongue dips out, licking through your folds, finding your clit. 
You let out a choked cry, your back arching off the bed. Ellie laughs, the sound vibrating against your skin as she continues her ministrations. 
She pays special attention to your nipples, rolling the sensitive buds between her fingers and sucking them deep into her mouth. You're lost to the sensation, your hips rocking against her face as she brings you closer and closer to the edge. 
Just when you think you can't take anymore, Ellie stops. She flips you over onto your back, her body looming over yours. "what d’you want princess? hm?” she whispers, her eyes burning with need.
You look up at Ellie, your lips parted, your chest heaving. 
You can't form words, not even a whimper. All you can do is point to your pussy, pleadingly. 
Ellie gets the message. She settles between your legs once more, her hands holding you open. 
This time, she doesn't tease - her tongue dives in, licking up your wetness, circling your clit. 
You feel yourself getting close, your walls clenching around nothing. 
Just as you think you're about to tumble over the edge, Ellie stops again. This time, she's got a finger poised at your asshole. 
"Like this?" she asks, looking into your eyes. 
You nod, too far gone to form words. Ellie presses her finger against you, pushing past the initial resistance. 
You feel her digging deeper, curling her finger inside you. It's a weird sensation, but not unpleasant. 
As she fingers you, Ellie leans down, her lips finding yours in a deep, hungry kiss. 
She tastes like you - musky and intimate. You can feel yourself getting close again, your body tensing. 
This time, when you crest, Ellie is there with you. She licks into your mouth, swallowing your cries as she brings you both to climax. You collapse back onto the bed, Ellie half on top of you, both of you panting. Ellie pulls her finger out of you, licking it clean. "Fuck,"
As you catch your breath, Ellie starts cleaning you up with gentle, soothing touches. 
She wipes the sweat from your brow, the saliva from your lips. Her fingers trace patterns on your skin, calming you. 
You feel like putty in her hands, pliant and relaxed. Eventually, you're both clean and comfortable, curled up together in a tangle of limbs. 
Ellie presses a soft kiss to your forehead. "Goodnight princess." she whispers. You smile, feeling happy and sated. Ellie pulls away, slipping out of bed. 
She gathers up her clothes, stepping into them one piece at a time. As she leaves, she turns back to kiss you once more, her lips soft and warm against yours.
 "I love you," she murmurs. Then she's gone, closing the door quietly behind her. 
You're left alone in the dark, a satisfied smile on your face, her words echoing in your mind. You love her too. More than you ever thought possible.
The next morning, you wake up feeling refreshed and happy. 
You can't help but smile as you remember the previous night's events. 
You're still on cloud nine when you head to philosophy class. But as soon as you walk in and see Ellie at the front of the room, 
all your good feelings evaporate. You feel a blush rise to your cheeks as you realize how inappropriate your relationship is. How could you do this with your teacher? You take your seat, keeping your eyes fixed on your notebook. 
But as the class progresses, you can't help but sneak glances at Ellie. She seems distracted too, her usual enthusiasm dampened. 
Eventually, class ends, and you file out with your classmates. Ellie hangs back, waiting for you. 
As everyone else leaves, she steps closer. "Hey—about yesterday... I know this is complicated. But I care about you so much. I don't want anything to ruin what we have. Can we just pretend class is cancelled today? Spend some more time together?" She looks at you with those earnest, hopeful eyes. 
You feel your resolve crumbling. What could a few more hours hurt? "Okay," you find yourself agreeing. "Let's go for a walk."
As you walk with Ellie, you can't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. Isn't this just repeating itself? You're just delaying the inevitable, aren't you? But the warmth of her hand in yours, the sparkle in her eyes when she looks at you, make you forget your misgivings. 
For the moment, anyway. You walk and talk, enjoying each other's company, trying to ignore the fact that you're alone on campus on a weekend day. 
Eventually, you find yourselves at the edge of the woods. A path stretches into the trees, dark and inviting. 
Without a word, Ellie takes your hand and leads you down it. The canopy of leaves blocks out the sun, casting the forest floor in cool shadows. 
Ellie pulls you into a clearng, the center of which is taken up by a small pond. In the center of the pond is an old stone fountain, dry and cracked. 
Ellie lets go of your hand and walks over to it, running her fingers over the worn surface. "I used to come here a lot when I was a student," she says softly. "It was my escape." She looks at you then, her eyes dark with emotion. "I know this is wrong, I'm your teacher, and you're my student. But I can't help how I feel. And I don't want to lose you." She takes a step closer, her hands reaching out.
As Ellie steps closer, you can see the desperation in her eyes. She wants to touch you, to hold you, but she's holding herself back. "I think... I think we need to take a break," she says softly.
 "Not from each other, from all of this. From the secrecy, from the taboo. It's eating away at me, wondering when someone is going to find out. 
When this is going to blow up in our faces." She takes a deep breath, her shoulders slumping. "I don't want to lose you, but I also don't want to do something that could ruin your life. You're too important to me." You feel a pang in your chest at her words. 
She's right, of course. But the idea of giving up what you have with her is impossible. You reach out and take her hand, squeezing it. "No," you say firmly. "I don't want to give up what we have either. We'll find a way to make this work." Ellie looks at you, her eyes searching. "How, How are we going to make this work when everything is against us?"
Ellie's eyes darken with emotion at your words. She wants to believe you, wants to think that you can overcome all the obstacles in your way. 
But she knows, deep down, that it's unlikely. She pulls her hand away, rubbing her temples as if to ward off a headache. "I think... I think we need to stop seeing each other. Until we can figure out a way to make this work, we need to stay away from each other. For your own good, for both of our sakes." Her voice cracks on the last word, betraying the pain she feels. 
She looks at you then, her eyes pleading. "Can we do that? Can we stay away from each other for a little while, until we can come up with a plan?" You feel a lump rise in your throat at her words. 
The idea of not seeing her, not touching her, feels like a death sentence. But she's right, of course. You both need to take a step back and regroup. With a heavy heart, you nod. "Yeah," you say softly. "Yeah, I think you're right." Ellie exhales shakily, some of the tension leaving her body. 
"Okay, then. We'll do that. We'll stay away from each other until we can figure this out." She looks at you one last time before turning and walking back through the woods, leaving you alone by the pond.
It's been a few days since you and Ellie decided to take a break. The last few days have been a blur of sadness and loneliness. 
You've been lying awake at night, staring at the ceiling, missing her more than you ever thought possible. 
Just as you're starting to drift off to sleep, you hear a soft knock at the door. You stare at it in surprise - who could it be at this hour? You shuffle over and open the door, finding Ellie standing there, looking pale and exhausted. "Can I come in?" she asks softly. You nod, moving aside to let her in. 
As she enters and closes the door behind her, you can't help but notice how different she looks from the vibrant, energetic Ellie you know. 
This version looks defeated, her eyes shadowed by lack of sleep and worry. "I've been thinking a lot about us, about this situation. And I think I know how we can make it work." She looks at you, her eyes pleading. "But we're going to have to trust each other completely. Can you do that for me?"
As Ellie finishes speaking, you feel a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, you can find a way to make this work. "Yes," you find yourself agreeing. "I can do that." Ellie's face brightens at your words, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Good. Because I don't want to live in a world without you in it, princess." She reaches out and takes your hand, pulling you towards the door. "Come on, let's go for a walk. We need to get out of this room." You follow her quietly, enjoying the feeling of her hand in yours. As you walk, Ellie talks, explaining her plan for how you two can be together. 
It's ambitious, and it won't be easy. But with Ellie by your side, you're willing to try anything. 
The walk eventually leads you to a quiet neighborhood, one you've never been to before. Ellie pauses in front of a small, cozy house. "This is my house," she says softly. “come inside with me?” You feel a blush rise to your cheeks, knowing what will likely happen once you're inside. 
But you want to be with her, no matter what. "Okay," you agree.
As you follow Ellie into her home, you feel a sense of nervous anticipation. You know what's likely to happen next, and a part of you is thrilled, while another part is terrified. 
Once inside, Ellie locks the door behind you, turning to face you with a serious expression. "Listen, princess," she says softly. "What happens next is up to you. If you want to stop, if you want to leave, just say the word. But if you're willing to take a chance on us, then...then I want to show you just how much I care." She takes a step closer, her eyes burning into yours.
 "I want to make you feel so so good baby girl. I want to show you that we can make this work." As she speaks, she reaches up and cups your face, her thumbs brushing against your cheeks. 
You feel a shiver run down your spine at her touch.
Ellie's words send a jolt of electricity through you, her touch setting you ablaze. 
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest, your breathing growing ragged. "Show me," you manage to whisper, your voice barely audible. 
Ellie smiles softly at your response, her eyes darkening with possessiveness and desire.
She guides you further into the house, leading you upstairs to a small bedroom. 
It's simply furnished, with a large bed taking up most of the space. Ellie walks over to it and sits down, patting the space beside her. "C’mere baby," she invites, her voice low and husky. 
You hesitate for a moment, your hands shaking as you remove your clothing. 
But as you climb onto the bed and settle beside Ellie, you feel a sense of rightness, of coming home. 
Ellie pulls you close, wrapping her arms around you and holding you tight. Her lips find yours in a soft, sweet kiss. 
 she kisses you, her hands start to roam - tracing the lines of your back, the curve of your hips. She rolls you onto your back, looking down at you with those earnest, adoring eyes. "I love you, princess, so so much.” she whispers.
As Ellie's lips meet yours, you feel like you're melting into her embrace. Her touch is electric, setting every nerve ending in your body on fire. 
You kiss her back with all the passion and love in your heart, your arms wrapping around her waist, holding her close. 
As she rolls you onto your back, you feel a sense of vulnerability wash over you. 
But it's a good vulnerability, a trusting kind. 
You look up at her, seeing the love in her eyes, and you know that everything is going to be okay. 
Ellie's hands start to explore your body, tracing patterns on your skin, tugging gently at your clothes. 
She undresses you slowly, reverently, each article of clothing eliciting a soft gasp from you as it's pulled away. 
Once you're naked, Ellie settles between your legs, her eyes feasting on your bared flesh. 
You feel her warm breath on your most intimate area, making you shiver. 
And then her tongue touches you, sliding through your folds, seeking out your clit. You let out a soft cry of pleasure, your hips arching off the bed as she begins to lick and suck at you.
After a while, Ellie slows down her ministrations, her tongue dragging lazily through your wet folds. 
She looks up at you, her eyes dark with desire. Without a word, she climbs off the bed and walks over to the closet. 
You hear her rummaging around in it for a moment before she returns, a long, thick strap-on dangling from her hand. 
Your eyes widen at the sight of it, a mixture of excitement and nervousness washing over you. Ellie looks at you, her expression serious. "ready princess?" she asks softly. 
You take a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. You nod, your mouth too dry to form words. 
Ellie helps you move into position, her hands guiding your hips as she presses the thick head of the strap-on against your entrance. You feel a moment of hesitation, of doubt, but then the head begins to slip inside, stretching you in ways you've never been stretched before. 
You gasp, your body tensing as Ellie works the strap-on deeper inside you. Finally, it's all the way in. 
You feel full, so very full. But in a good way, like you're being filled with potential, with possibility. Ellie leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips. "We're gonna take it slow," she promises.
As Ellie begins to move the strap-on inside you, you feel a mixture of pleasure and discomfort. 
It's a lot to take, being stretched and filled in ways your body isn't used to. 
But Ellie is patient, letting you adjust to the sensation. 
She starts off slow, her hips rocking in a steady, rhythmic motion. You feel yourself relaxing into it, your body starting to crave the sensation. 
As Ellie picks up speed, you start to feel a building pressure inside you, a sense of anticipation. 
It's like your body is getting ready to explode, to release all the tension and pleasure that's been building. And then, suddenly, you're coming. 
Your whole body seizes up as your climax hits, your fingers clutching at the sheets, your toes curling. Ellie keeps thrusting through your orgasm, riding it out with you. 
Finally, she slows to a stop, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
You collapse back onto the bed, spent and satisfied. Ellie lies down beside you, pulling you close. "That was amazing," she murmurs. "But I know it was a lot. Are you okay, princess?"
You nod As you lie there, caught on the wave of afterglow, Ellie tends to you with gentle, loving care. 
She takes the strap-on out of you, cleaning you up with soft cloths and warm water. Her touch is soothing, calming any lingering discomfort. Once you're clean, she sets about filling you up with soft, sweet kisses. Her lips trail across your skin, dotting your body with tiny pecks. She pays special attention to your breasts, your hips, your inner thighs. Each kiss feels like a promise, a seal of love and affection. As she kisses you, she wraps her arms around you, holding you close. You can feel her heart beating against your own, a steady, reassuring rhythm. "I love you," she whispers, punctuating her words with more kisses. "So very much."
“I love u too Els.”
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tag list— @youfoundheavenn @gaylittleellie @xaaaavleg @sleepy-sheep-things
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willowcried · 3 months
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18+ MDNI. just random thoughts/hcs of mine at 3am. english is not my first language.
⠀✶⠀ shauna is messy. she gets pussy drunk in seconds. holds your hips down and my girl doesn’t stop until she’s had enough. physical contact can soften her up though. caress her hair and face and you can convince her to slow down for a little bit, but she will take the chance to slide her fingers inside you just to still them immediately. you groan in frustration, "dont be such a tease." your fingers tighten around her brunette locks. she rolls her eyes, hiding the fact that she loved when you called her out like that. "or what? you’re gonna beg?"
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⠀✶⠀ jackie is shy, hesitant. even if she’s done this a couple times already, she’s still going to take her time. kitten licks? oh, yeah, a bunch. but just when she’s getting started. once she’s confident enough, worked up due to your quiet whimpers, she will slowly wrap her arms around your thighs and make sure to rub her nose against your clit as she plays with your entrance.
“like that?” she looks up at you, a cocky smile in her pretty face.
“oh, god.” your head falls back, not being able to bare the eye contact.
“not god, baby. just me.”
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⠀✶⠀ lottie is careful. she studies you. what turns her on is knowing how to press her buttons. she’ll never say it out loud but she’s so proud of herself when you writhe beneath her. you feel her lips curling up against your sensitive skin, it makes you smile too, the wet sounds she’s creating as she slides one hand up, reaching for yours.
she will hum, moan and groan against your cunt just to feel your thighs squeezing around her head.
“you okay up there, princess?”
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⠀✶⠀ nat is hungry. she hasn’t stopped thinking about it since the first time she tasted you. she can be demanding at times, but, boy, she will beg you to let her eat you out.
she tilts her head, eyebrows raised, as she steps closer to you. “come on, doll—i’ll do that thing.” she tries again to convince you, sounding nonchalant, even though you can see how she slides her hands into her pockets to hide their shaking from you.
“you wanna eat me out at 9AM in the fucking changing rooms!?”
she shrugs, looking around. “well, i don’t see why not. no one here.” she smirks as the realization comes to you.
you crossed your arms around your chest, leaning your back against the lockers. “you drove us here earlier on purpose, you little shit.”
also, she totally leaves marks on your thighs and hips.
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whorediaries-09 · 4 months
hey I love your writing. I’d love if you could do like a James potter x reader where James is smoking and reader finds it really hot and has maybe there in public so she’s just sitting there really turned on and can’t do anything about it ??
hello, love! do you mind if i take a piece of your mind because this idea had me reeling. hehe, thank you for sending in the request!
can't you see, you're meant for me?
pairing- bsfdad!james potter x reader warning(s)-suggestive content, cigarettes. a/n- i'm a sucker for dilf james...sorry not sorry.
ps- this is very short :p. lmk if ya'll would like a part two hehe.
little train
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you shouldn't be thinking about his biceps. not when you're out and about in public. but still, your mind doesn't stop reeling. you watch the sun rays reflect on his brown skin, reflecting the stretch marks he's got on his arms. they're beautiful, you think, as the veins pop from within his skin. he inhales another puff from the cigarette, watching as the smoke ascends into the sky.
'want one, love?' he asks.
'no mr. potter,' he huffs.
'i've asked you so many times to not call me that. you know you can call me james,'
'ah-okay, james, i don't want a cigarette.' he laughs.
'i don't think i'd be able to handle two stoners either ways.'
you're listening to him intently. at least that's what he thinks.
your mind however in occupied in the idea of having his hand wrap around your throat, as he'd push you to the wall, kissing you harsh. you imagine his fingers exploring every bit of your bare skin, with his rough calloused hands. you'd let him, happily. and even if deep down you know it was wrong to be fantasizing about your best friend's dad.
god, you couldn't help yourself.
'love, are you listening?' he asked, apparently caught up on the way you'd zoned out. you'd been practically zoned out, mesmerized by his biceps. he threw the cigarette on the ground, crushing it with the sole of his shoe.
you'd been caught. fuck.
'you seem lost, are you okay?' he said, moving towards you. he was wearing a compression sleeveless shirt paired with gray sweatpants. the ultimate outfit to get you reeling and drooling over him.
'i-ah- i zoned out, james. i'm okay,'
he didn't buy your lie. instead, he offered you a wicked smile.
'you are?'
'totally,' you answered, overly cheerful.
'and i totally believe you.' you blushed, cursing yourself internally.
'now tell me, what is your pretty mind thinking about?' he said, moving closer. you stammered, taking a few steps back.
'i-i'm just thinking about-'
'about?' he knew what you'd been thinking about. you could see it in his eyes. in his soft hazel eyes there was a twinge of malice, a twinge of mischief which you could recognize so well. and god forbid it made you so weak in the knees. you closed your eyes, trying to let your heart stop before you spoke the next words,
'you know what i'm thinking about, james.' he smiled lopsidedly, as if greatly amused, running his tongue over this upper row of teeth.
'do i now, love?'
'i think so, yes.' even if you're faking your confidence, he can right see through your act. he can see you crumbling from within as he towers over you, asking you mundane questions. and god does he love the effect he has on you.
he tests the waters, his palm coming closer to your face. you lean towards it, but just as your face is about to touch the crevice of his palm, your best friend shouts,
'oi! papa! i'm coming,' you jump away from him as harry comes running towards james. in your head, you hate how harry came in and ruined the moment. but you're also grateful because you didn't think you'd be able to control yourself if he held your face. however, it was safe to say the ride back home was more torturous than ever.
he kept tapping his fingers on the passenger's seat while he drove, seemingly nonchalant. but boy both of you knew it drove you fucking crazy.
taglist - @reggieisfit @siriuslycaptainofthedawntreader @jamespottergf @eternallybipanicking @fictional-magic @iamgayforyourmom1510
(if you want to be tagged please send a request through my inbox.)
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amymbona · 2 months
thinking abt perv bff Tashi ugghhh
like during movie night, she kicks a pillow off the bed and makes you get up to get it and when you bend over she has a nice view of your underwear
makes you take off your bra before playing tennis because "it's hot outside" (it isn't, she just wants to see the bounce)
makes you wear her shirt and only her shirt because 'its more comfortable"
and also because she wants to steal your panties
If she did this to me, I'd probably go crazy for her 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
She basically teaches you to feel comfortable in as little clothing as possible, writing a slogan "free the titties!" on one of the stickers on your laptop. And you're kinda grateful for it, because you used to be really insecure and afraid of showing too much. Like the little spandex shorts you'd wear under your skirt for tennis. You'd be sweating your ass off in them, itching your butt hastily, the same uncomfortable feeling applying to your bra, squeezing your tits and allowing for too much sweat to pool around them.
Now, she's made you her little doll, basically (un)dressing you up to her liking. And you are so compliant, willing to walk around your shared dorm just in your panties. Literally. Not joking. You leave the small bathroom attached to your room almost naked, not caring that you've forgotten your (her, she literally makes you sleep in her clothing) shirt folded on the bed. Your tits are free, lightly bouncing as you walk, a few remaining droplets of water hanging from your nipples.
Tashi can't resist herself. She makes a little come here gesture with her hand and has you sit on her bed. "You've got a little something on here," and with complete nonchalance, she begins wiping the remaining water (literally just a few drops that would dry within the next few minutes or get soaked into the shirt) off of your breasts, her soft thumbs brushing over your nipples.
You can't hold back a moan, eyes widening, not only at the way she touches you, but mainly the indifference in her expression. This is the first time she - anybody - has ever touched you like that, so intimately.
"Tashi," you whisper shakily, "What are you-"
"Shhh. It's okay," she shushes you, a firm tone contrasting the soft smile on her face, as her palms move to cup your breasts. "Do you like it?"
You gulp, staring down at where her tan hands keep lightly holding your tits, testing how the feel against her hold. "I don't know."
"I can make you like it," she states with total confidence.
The response is nonverbal. Instead of an explanation, Tashi kisses you, the soft press of her glossed lips against your making you whimper lightly. If you were standing right now, your legs would probably give up under you. She overpowers you easily, and yet there is a certain gentleness to her movements, because she knows you're so innocent and inexperienced. She can basically feel you tremble as she holds you, loving the way she's turning you into a little shy mess in her hands.
With easy precision, her lips travel over your cheek and down the line of your jaw to settle under your ear, where they latch onto the soft, never kissed before skin. She's gonna be the first person to ever give you a hickey, to mark you and make you hers.
With her help, you're lowered onto your back, bare body hitting the mattress. Tashi settles between your legs, allowing them to wrap around her hips. You do that whole thing yourself and she smiles into your skin, knowing you must have seen that in some movie, squeezing your breasts in return.
"You're so pretty," she whispers as the kisses slowly move towards your chest, your sensitive and, up until now, untouched breasts. "Such pretty tits."
"Tashi," you're a moaning mess as your friend's lips latch onto your nipple, sucking the air in and pulling it between her teeth. Your body jerks, afraid she might actually bite your nipple off, eyes snapping open as you stare at the ceiling.
She keeps running over your nipple with her tongue, teasing the other one with her thumb to keep the stimulation even, and poor you, you're trembling under her like a lamb, back arching to push her breasts closer to her face.
Tashi moves onto your other nipple, leaving a thin trail of her sweet saliva to drip into the valley between your breasts, sucking and licking like she's trying to get a sip of some milk that you've never had any chance acquiring. She teases your sensitive breasts and nipples with her hands and mouth, enjoying the way you moan under her. Successfully, she's turning you into her little doll, showing you all the ways a woman can be pleasured.
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exilethegame · 9 months
For pure angst and evil purposes, how easy would it be to make ROs cry?
Alright, here's them rated hardest to make cry to easiest-- and keep note, this is specifically in the context of someone trying to hurt their feelings (and them knowing). Because the order would change in so many ways for so many different things (who cries most under stress, who cries most if someone they care for is hurt, etc, etc)
Hardest to easiest: Sabir, Jost, Nikke + Syfyn, Amilia, Vethna
Freedom (is their own thing)
Sabir: Sabir, in general, is a vulnerable person. He likes being honest when he's not in "politician mode", likes sharing his feelings, feels comfort in openly showing his emotions which includes crying. But if for whatever reason someone starts really trying to hurt his feelings, that man can just... shut them off. I mean really turn off his emotions. It's honestly unsettling, and probably very disturbing. You won't be able to make him cry. Like... you just won't.
That being said, there are some people I don't think Sabir could ever muster the strength to do that to. It's not that he's not capable of it, it's that he'd rather be open and allow himself to be hurt by the person he loves than ever shut them out. (Looks at evil MCs nervously...)
Jost: Jost is pretty similar to Sabir, except she's always on the emotional defensive. She doesn't let people in ever, and because of that, it's hard to get a sad reaction from her. That being said, Jost is like... hilariously easy to piss off but that can go from being funny to being really upsetting to witness real quick. Because of that, I think it's possible, if you keep pressing hard enough, to make Jost cry from anger and rage. But you'd have to keep her cornered, cause she'd try to make a run for it before that could happen.
Nikke + Syfyn: They're tied! They both have pretty strong brave faces, but at their core, they're both such loyal and dedicated people that their strong face would crack, inevitably. Seeing someone they care for lash out at them, use their weaknesses against them, would be enough to make them start breaking down. But it wouldn't be soft crying. It'd be angry, defensive, confused. And they'd both probably storm off at the end and retreat into themselves. The only difference is Syfyn is terrible at holding a grudge and keeping a cold shoulder (MC snapping is a *cough* exception), and Nikke is a little too good at it.
Amilia: Amilia, honestly, is probably equal to Nikke + Syfyn in terms of how much you'd have to throw at her to make her actually start crying, but she's a lot more vulnerable. She won't hide the fact she's becoming upset, she'll beg for the other person to just stop, and when they don't... she'd just start crying. Not ugly crying, not breaking down, but she'd make no attempt to hide her tears as she sniffles. I think Amilia is comfortable in that sadness in a way the others aren't, and she has no problem being blunt in that sadness-- asking the other person if they're happy they made her hurt (and genuinely asking, not just saying it to spite them). It's hard to explain... maybe I'll get the chance to write it... in game... (*looks at camera dramatically*)
Vethna: Don't. Please don't. If someone close to Vethna, at this point, just straight up turned on them and started throwing shit at their face in a fight to purposely hurt them and was just outwardly downright malicious, Vethna wouldn't even put up a fight. They'd probably try to look indignant, nonchalant, and unfazed, throwing a witty, sharp retort your way... but that would probably last a total of ten seconds before they just start crying. I get this image in my head of Vethna almost seeming child-like when they cry-- pouted lips, huffing breaths, avoiding the other person's gaze. I think Vethna has too many "sore spots" in their self-worth and confidence to be able to handle something like that with any sort of grace. But the worst part is I think that leaves them very susceptible to manipulation. Vethna craves approval from the people around them, so it would be easy to use their vulnerability against them.
Freedom: Okay, Freedom is just hovering all around because emotions are so wonderfully bizarre and strange to/for them. I don't think you could make Freedom cry if you were just like... "I'm gonna be a dick because I'm annoyed or angry" and started insulting them. They'd just look at you with a raised brow and vaguely amused expression. But if someone was close to them, and genuinely upset by something Freedom did, and that person was hurt and fighting back tears and lashing out as a response... then I believe that would make Freedom cry. MC + Freedom are very innately connected, and I think feeling the weight of those emotions on them if they're close would be enough to make Freedom start crying... and then become incredibly confused by it. They're definitely a pretty crier though-- like, their face is all stone-still and then their tears run down all dramatically...
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
hello hello, aaron thought incoming: i just KNOW aaron would destroy every single one of the team members during a game of beer pong, which leaves them all standing there like 😦 and reader finds it incredibly hot (bonus if reader and aaron are a couple and flirt throughout the entire evening)
if you don’t want to write something about this, it’s totally fine!!! just wanted to share this thought with one of my favorite writers <333 hope you have an amazing day!!!
thank you for thinking of me and for sharing!!!!!!! and omg yes yes YES
i feel like in college, aaron went to the occasional party, BUT in high school, he went to parties weekly. if someone was throwing a house party on a friday or saturday night, he was 100% there. all his friends frequented parties. like he had just gotten back from military school, and while it shaped him a ton, he still wanted to rebel a bit - his bad boy tendencies hadn't gone away completely, he just had a bit more control over it. like in his high school, he was the guy who was a bit nerdy and followed the rules and all, but he got along with everyone. and so he was always invited to numerous things, and he wasn't afraid of letting loose at such. he was one of the cool not-so-cool guys, if that makes sense. AND everyone totally had a crush on him 🤭
when he and haley got together, he mellowed out a bit and stopped partying as much, but when they would go to the occasional party together, she was always his beer pong partner 😭 UGH just the vision of a young aaron at a party >>> 😵‍💫 with haley glued to his side, his arm around her waist at all times </3
and so, he's had a ton of practice and experience when it comes to beer pong:
SO now, you're all having a get together at penelope's apartment - like one of her day of the dead parties - she and derek set up the beer pong table. it's a few games later when aaron's asked to play; he agrees but mentions how he "may be a little rusty" and everyone thinks he's saying that simply as a cover - like oh he's going to be shit at it but that's his excuse why 🙄 BUT clearly they're wrong and HE destroys everyone.
and while everyone else is dumbfounded and questioning everything they thought they knew in life LOL, you just can't pull your eyes away from him 😮‍💨 aaron's wearing a short sleeved shirt, so you can see his muscles flexing every time he raises his arm to toss a ball. or you can't help but stare at his neck every time he raises his head to drink a cup 😵‍💫😮‍💨🤤 he's just oozing confidence, he's cocky in a nonchalant attractive kinda way - like he knows he's good and isn't afraid to show it <33333333 and he's showing off for you, to impress you and he's just glowing every time you cheer him on, it just urges him on 🥰 he's laughing and smiling and just looks relaxed for once, simply enjoying himself.
hehe i love to think this would take place when aaron and you are just in the very beginning of your relationship too 🤭 nothing is labeled just yet, but you know he has a thing for you, and he knows you feel the same 🥰 the two of you have shared some kisses, spend your weekends together, AH hehe and all the beginning-of-relationship nervous jitters are still there 💓💕💓💓
he's driving you home (he didn't drink too much and isn't tipsy or anything - don't drink and drive 🫵🏻) and you turn to him, all flirty, amused, still a bit in shock, and say, "i didn't know you were a master at the art of beer pong"
he chuckles a bit, eyes shift from the road to you for a moment 🦋, a small smirky smile tugging at his lips and he responds, "there's a lot you don't know about me" 🤭 <33333333333333
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mustainegf · 3 months
ok so, i’ve been listening to teenage dirtbag all day and i got this silly little idea that i can’t get off my mind
which is like 80s james having a crush on popular reader? and he thinks she’s so out of his league, but in reality she has always liked him and later they find out they have so much in common
btw i love you’re writing, thank u so much for giving us so much good content! 💘
THIS IS ADORABLE I’m gonna cry this is so cute
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At seventeen, I loved only once, and she was way out of my league. Her name, so gorgeous, and she had everything I wasn't; popular, outgoing, filled with friends everywhere.
There was something so perfect about her, not to be underestimated, while I was merely one of the faces in the mass that made up my high school. I was the shy kid who kept tucking his head into his shoulders and always wore his guitar hung over his shoulder.
I'd watch her from afar, thinking surely someone of her caliber would never notice the class loser. Yet I couldn't help myself.
Every time she came down the hallway, her giggles echoing off the lockers, this strange longing would come over me. It was stupid, really. Why in the world would she ever look twice at me? She probably wouldn’t even look once…
One day, after a real long and tedious history class, I stood at my locker, just sort of fiddling with this combination lock. The bell had rung, and students who were rushing to their next class had started emptying the hallway.
But me, I was in no hurry. Already, in the head, I was mapping out the evening: go home, crank up my guitar, learn that new Diamond Head riff.
I was lost in thought and therefore didn’t notice her coming. It was only when she reached my side that I looked up to find her standing there. I froze, my heart somersaulting in my chest as she stood so close to me.
"Hi, James," she said, her voice warm and friendlier than usual.
I blinked. She knew my name. "Uh, hi," I stammered, trying to sound nonchalant but probably failing utterly.
She smiled, and it was almost like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. "I've seen you around. You always seem to be carrying that guitar. Do you play a lot?"
I nodded, my mouth suddenly dry. "Yeah, pretty much all of the time. It's, uh, kind of my thing”
"That's really cool," she said, and she sounded like she meant it. "I play a bit too. Mostly just for fun, though. What kinda music you like?"
It took a second for what she had just said to set in. She played guitar? I couldn't believe I had stumbled into a goldmine. Not only did she play just like I did, but she was so beautiful… and that’s all I could focus on. "I'm really into metal," I replied, now with a little more confidence creeping into my tone.
"You know, bands like Diamond Head, Iron Maiden, Misfits. Stuff like that."
Her eyes lit up, shocking me that she recognized of the names I’d just thrown out. "No way! I love Maiden!“
I smiled, and a something began to form that I'd never expected. "Yeah, totally..." I mutter through a wide smile, just staring at her gorgeous face.
We just stood there talking about the music, discussing our favorite bands and songs. I realized it wasn't all about popularity with her, she just plain loved music as much as I did. She was no longer this unreachable figure but a real person into all the same things as me. It was unreal. I just felt like I was in a dream.
Before that really good conversation had barely hit its stride, the bell sounded again, signaling the end of that break before the next class. I didn’t want the conversation from that point to be over, but before I could say anything, she gazed at me hopefully.
"Hey, wanna walk home after school together?" she asked.
I could hardly believe what I was hearing. "Y-Yeah, I'd love to," I said trying to keep my cool, but failing miserably.
"Okay! Meet me at the front entrance after last period," she said with a smile before bouncing off toward her next class.
I let my jaw drop, watching her as she practically slipped down the hall, her beautiful hair bouncing over her shoulders.
The rest of the day just seemed to melt. Nothing could hold my attention as my mind replayed our conversation over and over again. I couldn’t help my minds from thinking about the most mushy and gushy things.
I thought about kissing her, gently and loving, running my fingers through her hair, cuddling with her, whispering sweet things to her while I set sweet pecks along her cheeks.
For the very first time, I felt that maybe, just maybe, she liked me too.
As soon as the last bell rang, I had sprinted towards the front door.
I was leaning against the wall, trying to look casual, waiting. A few minutes later, she finally came around the corner.
"Ready?" she asked.
"Y-Yeah, let's go," I smiled, falling in beside her.
We walked in somewhat comfortable silence for some time, the autumn air coating my lungs. I felt a bit nervy but in a good way, you know, like the feeling that could convince you that you're alive.
As we walked through familiar streets, glimpses of her kept surprising me, and I couldn't still believe this was happening in real life.
"So, what got you into metal?" she asked, finally breaking the silence.
I shrugged, flipping the memory switch to when those first fist pumping riffs and pounding drums had grabbed hold of my ears.
"I guess it i related to it, being different and all. My brother leaves his drum Kit unlocked for me to play and I raid his records sometimes. What about you?
She smiled, her eyes very far away. "My older brother too. He's a huge metalhead. I used to sneak into his room and listen to his records when he wasn't around. It just kinda stuck with me, you know?"
I nodded, in awe at how similarly we’d come to this music. "Yeah, Music's got a way of getting under your skin.”
We just kept talking, there wasn't even a single awkward moment. We learned about more and more common ground, favourite bands and guitarists we admired, even some really obscure tracks we both loved from cassette trading.
By the time we came near her house, I didn't want our time to end at all. She turned toward me with a soft expression and looked a little shy. "Thanks for walking me home, James. I had fun with you."
"Me too," I said again, a feeling of warmth spiking inside of me once again. "Maybe we could do it again sometime?"
"I'd like that," she said with a broadening smile. "See you tomorrow?
"Yeah, see you tomorrow," I replied, and my heart felt like it was flying as I watched her walk up to her front door.
I couldn't stop grinning all my way home. Then I knew, maybe I was wrong the entire time. Maybe we weren't so different after all.
→ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 4 months
Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x reader
Word count: 4.3k
Notes: I don’t put safe sex warnings because if you’re old enough to be reading my work you’re old enough to know how irresponsible it is NOT to practice safe sex. That being said 🤣🤣🤣 don’t share makeup. That’s my warning, especially face makeup.
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Chapter 4: Strawberry Crush
It is a lot harder to hide the fact that Buck is going on a date than he thought it was. 
Hen is the first to notice he’s wearing his good cologne to work, Chim notices he got his hair trimmed and Bobby notices that all too telling little strut he gets when he’s feeling himself 
Eddie points out he totally got a manicure, just to not seem suspicious. 
“Who is she?” Chim asks as they’re restocking the truck together 
“Who’s who?” Buck pretends to be nonchalant, not even turning to face him 
“The girl. You’ve been way too giddy the last couple of days… there has to be someone” 
“Oh, so a guy can’t be happy?” He scoffs and Chimney rolls his eyes 
“You don’t get like this unless you’re going on a date, Buck. Face it, we all know it!” 
“Even if I was going on a date, which I’m not!!! I wouldn't tell you guys. You’d have her checked out every which way by Athena!”
“We just want to make sure they’re good for you okay?! We care about you”
Buck sighs, looking down at the floor before turning his head to look at Chimney 
“You have to promise you won’t tell” He whispers, there’s no point in not telling Chim… he knows for a fact Maddie probably already has 
“I can’t tell you who she is, I just can’t. But I am going on a date okay? And she’s everything I’ve ever wanted in my entire life and I’m so nervous I’m gonna screw this up”
“Y/N is a sweet girl, Buck, I highly doubt you’re going to mess anything up. Just be yourself okay? Just be the sweet guy we all know you are and it’ll be okay” 
“Are you sure?” He’s starting to wring his hands now and Chim rolls his eyes, putting his hands on Buck’s shoulders and making him look at him 
“I was this scared when I started dating your sister… and look how things turned out for us! Uncle Buck” 
It’s reassuring to hear from someone else and not just Eddie that things will go smoothly, he kinda wishes he could tell Bobby, he’d love some advice. But it’s also just the tiniest bit exciting to be hiding it from him. Which is bad he knows but it’s fine it’ll work out, or Bobby will light him on fire.
He takes a deep breath, relaxing into the truck. He leans his head against the cool metal and looks at Chimney 
“She couldn’t have not told you it was Y/N” 
“My wife and I thoroughly enjoy the tea Buck, especially if it’s big about us!” 
May is helping you get ready, you both tore the room apart trying to put together the perfect outfit. Now she’s got you sat down at the vanity as she helps finish up your makeup 
“I was so confident with him in the beginning, but like… he likes me, likes me. And he’s so flirty-“You sigh and she holds your head still 
“Yeah that sounds like him,” She says as she carefully draws a white wing on your eyelid 
“Do you remember what I told you about what he said about the closet?! I should have said bet” You watch her grab another pen from the table 
“He literally would have died, he’s dramatic as hell I would have loved to see that” She chuckles 
“I know! I should have…” You start to pout and she smirks, spraying setting spray for you 
“I don’t know. What if I mess things up? I’ve never….I’ve had dates before you know?… but none like him”
“Do you like him that much?” 
“I think so” You blush and she smirks, stepping backward and handing you a pretty mirror to look into 
“I think you’re going to have that chance to knock him dead” She turns you around in your chair to face the mirror and you gasp, squealing and hugging her to you
“This is perfect”
Buck hates that he has to pick you up down the street. He wants to come up to your door, ring the doorbell, and hold your hand as he walks you to the car. But he’ll have to settle for leaning against his jeep and waiting for you to come down the sidewalk 
You’ve both agreed…Bobby doesn’t need to know about this just yet. 
He’s messing around on his phone, frantically texting Eddie when he hears you coming. Your black Mary Jane’s are tall. They make your legs look so long, he could just stare at them forever. His eyes trail up the black tights you’ve got on, to the tiny little mini skirt with a small slit in the thigh. Your red shirt is so romantic, the material is so soft and pretty. The sweetheart neckline just does things to him. Your collarbones are highlighted and he loves that, he loves the light glittery sheen on your chest again, it catches the moonlight perfectly, really all of your makeup is nice. And that sweet white bow in your hair sends him. You’re too sweet for him, it's official. 
He’s literally delirious… okay maybe not literally but he’s close. 
“H-hi” His voice cracks and he internally groans. So glad that’s back 
“Hi” You give him a little wave and he pushes up from his spot on the jeep. He walks up to you and hugs you, taking a deep breath just to calm down. It’s not helpful in the least, he knows that scent, he’s smelled it before when Maddie’s dragged him to bath and body works. It drove him crazy just from the bottle… and now his favorite girl is wearing it. 
“You uh- you ready to go?” He asks as he opens the door, taking your hand and helping you in. He carefully shuts the door and takes his time walking to his side, just trying to gather his thoughts. 
“I’m sorry we have to meet like this,” you say shyly and he shakes his head, leaning in and kissing your cheek 
“I’d meet you at the restaurant if I had to… me wanting to drive you is just me being selfish. I want as much time with you as possible” 
“I know what you mean,” you say, your cheeks flushing when he kisses you. He pulls your seatbelt a little tighter and you’re off, he keeps one hand on the steering wheel and the other in your lap, you hold onto him, playing with his fingers and he’s trying not to crash the car because you’re too cute. 
He makes small talk on the way, most of it’s just him rambling awkwardly because he’s so nervous, but it’s making you laugh and he loves that sound so he doesn’t mind. Okay well, he does mind the part where he let it spill that he had to take two showers because he was so nervous the first time he showered he forgot to wash like half his body. But the rest he can deal with 
He pulls into the parking lot of a fancy restaurant, it’s a nice place and your eyes widen for a moment 
“We’re eating here?” You ask and he takes your hand and helps you from the Jeep 
“Yeah? I-is this okay? We can go somewhere else if you want. I probably should have okayed it with you first I’m so-“
“No! No Buck this is perfect. It’s- I'm just” 
You’re starting to get nervous and that kind of calms him down a bit, he puts his hands on your shoulders and smiles softly 
“Hey, what’s wrong…is this too much for you?” His voice is soothing as he watches you 
“I…I feel kind of underdressed” You gesture to your outfit and he scoffs, taking you inside anyway. 
“Reservation for Buckley,” He tells the maitre’d and the man nods, grabbing two menus 
“Mr. and Mrs. Buckley if you’ll just follow me” he leads you both to a more secluded area, It is quieter over here, away from the majority of the chaos of the restaurant, and its calming
Buck pulls out your chair for you and you smile, sitting down. He sits in his chair and bites his lip 
“You look…” he gestures awkwardly and you smirk, your nerves finally quieting a little. He knows he should have complimented you earlier when he first saw you. But you just kind of… broke his brain 
“I look?” You trail off and he shrugs, his cheeks are so flushed and he can feel his palms sweating 
“G-good. More than good, so crazy, wonderfully, deliciously, good. Please don’t worry about if you’re underdressed because you’re not… Mrs. Buckley” 
You giggle and shake your head, kicking at his shin lightly under the table 
“Not gonna correct him huh?” 
“Oh hell no, I quite enjoy hearing “Mrs. Buckley” don’t you?” 
You raise an eyebrow and grab your menu, purposely holding it in front of your face so you can’t see him
“Hmmmm how does chicken Alfredo sound?”
You don’t get an answer from him at all and you put your menu down 
“Buck I was just-“
He’s giving you the biggest, sweetest, saddest, puppy dog eyes you’ve ever seen and your heart melts instantly for him 
“Oh come on!!! That’s not fair!! You look so cute oh my god” You reach across the table and cup his face in your hands and he snickers while you baby him 
“Chicken Alfredo sounds delicious, baby,” he says and you kick his leg again 
“I hate you!!”
“Hmm no you don’t” he winks “I kiss you too good”
You roll your eyes at him, putting the menu back up in front of your face so he can’t see how badly he’s making you blush
“You um…. You don’t look so bad yourself you know” You’re mumbling and he’s smirking
“Oh?” He bats his eyelashes playfully and picks up his menu. He can tell how frazzled it’s making you to compliment him and he’s over the moon 
“Maybe I’ll get a steak,” He says, peeking over his menu, he can just see your eyes… you pretty, pretty eyes. There’s glitter there too, your red eyeshadow looks expertly done and he even notices little white hearts dotting your eyelids 
“Steak sounds good,” you say, as he watches you nervously biting the inside of your cheek. 
“You look really pretty, did you do your makeup?” 
Your eyes shoot up to his and you realize he’s been staring at you the entire time 
“M-May helped with the finer details, she’s got a very steady hand”
“Oh, did she do the hearts? I like those” 
“Actually it was a stamp!” You tell him excitedly and he loves the way your eyes widen 
“Wait I have it-“ you do through the small white purse May lent you and pull out the little stamper 
“See?” You hand it to him and he grins, looking it over 
“Can I use it too? So we can match?” 
You nod eagerly as he opens it, twisting the bottom and testing it on his hand 
“Oh this is cute, maybe you and May can do my makeup someday” He chuckles and holds it out to you
“Do it for me?” 
“R-right now?” You look around, and there’s only a couple other people seated where you guys are 
“Yeah, why not?” He waves the pen in front of you “Please?” 
You get up from your chair, your cheeks burning as you stand in front of him, he opens his legs, pulling you closer to him and you blink rapidly, stumbling a little. 
“Careful…” He mumbles, looking up at you. Your hands are a little shaky as you put little hearts all over his face and he hums softly, his eyes closing. 
“Feels nice,” He says his eyes flutter open when you’re done. You bite your lip and put the cap on the little pen
“Looks nice too” you mutter and he grins, smoothing his hands over your hips 
“Can I have a kiss?” 
You nod, your cheeks burning and bend down, cupping his face in your hands and kissing him. He lets out a gleeful little sigh and kisses you back, his hands slide up your back, pulling you closer to him 
“Tastes nice” He purrs, his head is spinning and he just wants you. He’d take you right now if he could. “Like strawberries”
“It’s the lipgloss” You pull away from him some and he pouts, still holding onto you 
“Buck, behave” you scold him playfully and he whines quietly, letting you go reluctantly. You sit back in your seat, put your makeup back in your purse, and look at him, he’s covered in little white hearts and the glitter from your makeup, and he looks heavenly. His eyes are slightly dazed from the kiss and he looks absolutely smitten 
Dinner goes smoothly. Buck is asking so many questions, he just wants to know you inside and out. He seems to hang from your every word and eagerly answers all of your questions. He tells you all about Maddie and gushes about being an Uncle and about how much he loves Jee-Yun. He wants you to meet her so badly, he wants you to meet Maddie too 
“As just a friend thing!! Not like… a girlfriend thing” He blushes and takes a bite of his steak “I want you to have more friends! And Maddie is the best friend you could have! And you know maybe I’m a little biased but she’s really amazing”
“I’d love to meet her, and Jee-Yun!!” You say eagerly. You’re almost as excited as he is about the whole thing and it makes you kind of giddy about things with him. 
Buck pays and you fight him to leave the tip at least, literally fighting him off to leave the money on the table. 
He takes your hand as you two walk out, swinging them playfully 
“The night is still young, do you wanna do something else?” 
“Yeah, sure! Whaddya have in mind?” You ask as he pulls you along, towards his jeep. He’s walking backward, just staring at you with a cute smile on his face. He loves to look at you, to experience you. 
“Well… maybe we can head back to my place?” He opens the door for you and helps you in and you give him a skeptical look, he chuckles and shuts the door, walking around the jeep to get in on his side 
“It’s not like that! I swear! I’m just trying to beat this one level of Super Mario Odyssey and I really need a Cappy… Will you be my player two?” 
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Buck comes down the stairs with an old t-shirt that he….may or may not have sprayed cologne on. He’s changed into a pair of sweats and a cropped T-shirt
“There’s a bathroom over there” he points while handing you the shirt and you look at him, your eyes widening at his bare torso…
“Are you sure you don’t want anything more?” 
“Yeah, I’m sure! It’ll be long enough don’t worry” You scamper off to the bathroom and Buck whips out his phone, speed dialing Eddie 
“What?” Eddie answers, putting him on speaker 
“Did you clean my house??” Buck gets busy setting up the switch, grabbing the extra Joycons for you… he may have gone out and bought the special princess peach pink just for you
“Maybe…” Eddie shrugs “I just sort of…guessed? it would end in you taking her home and I wanted to make sure everything was good” 
“Eddieee” Buck whines, fake sniffling and Eddie chuckles “Thanks man, I saw you uh changed my bedding” 
“I doubt it’ll go that far,” He says, and Buck can hear him washing dishes “But if it did, I just thought it would be nice”
“You think she’d ever wanna go that far with me?” Buck asks quietly, looking at the bathroom “And I mean in the future… not you know our first date” 
“You don’t want to score on the first date?” Eddie asks, he sounds like he doesn’t believe it 
“No…for once I don’t. I mean I want to tease the hell out of her, I love watching her blush… but no I want to take my time with her”
“That’s really romantic Buck” 
“I love you too Eddie” Buck grins widely as they both laugh, Buck hears Eddie close the cabinet door and sigh 
“I’m still gonna ask her to be my girlfriend though haha” 
“There’s the Buck I know”
Buck hangs up, promising to call Eddie back as soon as he drops you off at home. He sits on the couch, waiting patiently for you to come out. He starts up the game, nervously chewing his lip, you were taking a bit… should he come check on you?
He stares at you as you walk towards him, you had said you were gonna keep the tights on but you didn’t. He’s drooling, he knows he is as he watches you fold your clothes nicely and put them in the corner of the couch. You stand in front of him, your hands on your hips
“T-tights?” His voice squeaks out the word, Sabrina was right again. He’s definitely talking nonsense 
“Oh I figured I’d get too hot in them, it’s still long enough though” You look down at the shirt, pulling at the hem of it
“Are you cool with this? I can totally put them on anyway”
He could scoop you up and run you upstairs so easily, he knows it. He could pull you down and take you right there
“Uh-huh,” he says rather dumbly and you bite your lip, looking away from him and then back, just like he does to you 
“You okay?” You ask, stepping forward between his legs and he leans back slowly onto the couch 
“You ready to play?” You nod at the joycon's on the table and pick them up, sitting next to him on the couch and propping your feet up on the table like he did 
Oh, your toes match your nails. That’s cute, that’s really cute.
You lean back against the couch, putting your head on his shoulder 
“I can wait” 
It takes a minute, but he finally snaps out of it, his cheeks flushing deeply as he shakes his head
“I’m good, sorry. You- you’re just… you’re really pretty”
“I’m just wearing a plain t-shirt Buck” You laugh lightly and he groans 
“Yeah, I know! That’s the embarrassing part” 
“It’s okay. I think you’re really pretty in that shirt too”
You may be on a team together but that doesn’t mean Buck isn’t going to shove you off a cliff just to laugh about it after the fourth time you start to fight him 
“I can’t stand you,” You say, laughing as you push him over and he pushes you back.
“Then sit on my face” 
Your heart stops completely when he says that and you freeze up, your hands gripping the controller as your mouth drops open
He’s giggling a little as he looks at you 
“I’m a slut for a dirty joke”
“I can tell,” you say biting your lip 
“I can stop, if you want” He looks at you with a sincere smile, he pokes at your thigh playfully and you shake your head 
“No it’s okay, they’re funny…” 
“Good. But just let me know if you want me to stop…. You know since we’re on the topic, I want you to know I’d be happy being smothered by your thighs”
The two of you play together for a couple of hours, getting him past a lot of stuff he didn’t want to do alone, and he promises to not play without you. You yawn a little and settle back into the couch, you look cute when you’re sleepy, he thinks. He pulls you into his arms for a moment, rubbing your back. You nuzzle into him and pull your legs up into his lap and he smiles, kissing your nose. 
“Can we talk?” He asks softly, and you look up at him, a little smile on your face 
“Yeah sure, what’s on your mind?”
“Trust me when I say, I know that… that it’s so soon” He whispers as he pushes you gently back onto the couch, you let him, opening your legs for him to lay on you. 
“But… will you be my girlfriend?” He asks sweetly, his heart clearly on his sleeve. His eyes are so wide and hopeful. Your heart pounds in your chest as you look at him, those pretty blue eyes shining just for you. He lays his head on your chest and your cheeks flush. Of course, he’s a cuddle monster, he’s a little hesitant before he turns his head, placing soft kisses along your breast before putting his head back down. Oh, he’s definitely trying to butter you up and it’s working. 
“Four dates” You card your fingers through his hair, enjoying the way he melts into your hands and chest. He nuzzles his head into you more and you giggle, hugging him to your chest “Four more dates and then I’m all yours. We gotta get to know each other you big baby” 
“Deal,” He says excitedly, leaning down to kiss you, his body settles between your legs, he’s heavy and warm and you can feel those little butterflies flutter underneath him. He takes his time with you, enjoying the way your lips feel against his. You blush as you feel his hips push down into yours slightly, your thighs tighten on the sides of his waist and he grins 
“You good?” He asks. 
He’s such a little shit too with that cutesy little smirk like he doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing to you, what's currently happening to him, what you can feel between your legs. 
“Yeah I’m good” you mutter shifting your hips a little nervously, you feel his cock twitch against your panties and you squeak. He chuckles into your neck and props himself up on his arms, looking down at you 
“Are you ready to go home?” He’s biting his lip so playfully, appreciating the way you’re squirming nervously underneath him 
“Uh huh…I should go change” He falls to your side, letting you sit up for a minute 
“You could just go home in that, like seeing you in my clothes” He kisses your shoulders where the shirt has slipped down 
“Yeah I can go home and walk through the front door in just your t-shirt,” you tell him sarcastically, leaning into his chest. He nuzzles your neck, nipping at it “Bobby would love that” 
“Sorry I can’t understand your accent” He bats his eyes sweetly and you elbow him in the stomach before getting up 
“Take it home with you, please? You can use it as a sleep shirt or something”
“That I can do,” you tell him, grabbing your clothes from the corner of the couch 
“Anddd maybe you can send me pictures in it sometime… if you want!” He looks down at his hands, twiddling his thumbs 
“Buck, did you just ask me to send pics??” You scoff as you walk towards the bathroom, biting back a little smile.  He sighs behind you, shamelessly watching your ass as you walk. Those hips he just can’t get enough of 
“Maybe. But you know, in a classy kinda way” 
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Buck pulls up to the same spot he picked you up at, he takes your hand, kissing the back of it 
“Can I walk you home?” 
“If you don’t mind parking here, you’ll have to leave me a couple of houses down”
“That’s not a problem”
He gets out of the car, comes around, and opens the door for you. 
“Who knew you were such a gentleman?” you tease as he puts his arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his chest. You put your arms around him as you two slowly walk back to Athena’s 
“I uh…. I have an extra key to my apartment” He says, toying with the keys in his pocket “And I know like…. It’s probably not easy sharing a room with May” 
“Okaaay…?” Where the heck was he going with this? 
“I’m just, I’ll send you my work schedule…I have to anyway, you know in order to plan four more sweet dates” he chuckles nervously and you look up at him 
“I’m just… offering you a place to hang out if you ever need space okay? It can’t be easy having the share a room, like you’re both adults with your own lives” 
“Buck you don’t have to do that,” You tell him, hanging onto the front of his shirt “I don’t want to impose” 
“I swear it’s not a problem! I want to do this for you… I mean me and Eddie have keys to each other’s houses! This is just like a cool friend helping a friend, okay?” 
You stop two houses down from Athena’s and he reluctantly lets you go. He takes the keys from his pocket and takes it off the ring, handing it to you
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to…. I just want you to feel like you’ve got a place to go, okay?”
You stand on your toes and he smirks, bending down to your height and tilting your chin up towards him. He kisses you, letting his tongue slide over your teeth before dipping into your mouth, you moan quietly against his lips and his arms snake around your waist. He pulls you up a little taller, your toes just barely touching the ground, 
He’s strong and he wants you to know that. 
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow okay?” He pulls away slowly, that little dazed look in your eyes turning him on. He wonders what else would give you that same look 
He sets you back down and pats your butt, giving it a little pinch
“Go on, go home”
You squeak and put your hands over your ass, turning around and glaring at him 
“Goodnight, Buck”
“Goodnight, Doll” 
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HI! Sorry, first time doing something like this, I just really liked your fic of the yandere neko cafe!
I was wondering if you could do this request, just if you feeling like it, of course, is just how some of your ocs (anybody really, I like them all, lol) would react to Reader getting gifted some cat ears and actually putting them on?
tysm, keep up the work, u're doing amazing!
Damn even Donut (jk I love him too)? It melts my heart that you like my characters and I think this would be cute. Thank you for requesting from me, I find it very sweet.
Yandere Cat Cafe's Reactions to you wearing cat Ears
Totally ecstatic:
Macchi loves cats and you, combining them makes you all the more irresistible. She doesn't care how you get them because this girl is buying you more. Ooh maybe she'll buy calico ears so you're matching! Maybe even matching outfits too! Wait where are you going, she's just getting started!
OMG! You look totally fabulous! She has to take some pictures of you and two and post them! Just two cute besties, #purrfectpair! You will be sore from smiling as Cocoa gets different photos from different angles. How can she not when you both look so cute! Wait you know she saw a few items in the mall that would look fab with your ears. She's got coupons! You end up being dragged away on a shopping spree with a very happy Burmese.
Cookie and Muffin:
The twin terrors and fooling around behind the counter (under Shopkeeper's watchful eye) trying to make sweetest drink possible. When it's to their satisfaction they run to get you to try it. Baba look what they ma-Oh my gosh you're just like them! They knew you were perfect for their little family! They drop the drink forgetting all about it, instead asking why you were hiding your ears from them before. You try to explain that they are fake, but the twins are so happy you fake some story about not feeling confident with them out. Good luck getting out of this one because now you'll be wearing cat ears 24/7 to keep up the lie.
Bro's your biggest supporter (bro but gender neutral), you could walk in wearing a trash bag and Matcha would think you were the most ethereal being to walk the planet Earth. You walking in with cat ears makes them want to cry, you look so heavenly. You panic a little bit as they grab onto your ankle and weep while singing your praises. They just want to worship you as you deserve. Definitely wants you to buy a cat collar, not for yourself but for them. They just want to be yours and seeing you looking so cute eggs them on.
Shopkeeper finds it amusing that you prance into their cafe wearing cat ears. Do you want them to serve your coffee in a saucer for you to lap at? Don't look so frustrated it will only egg them on further. Besides that, Shopkeeper is neither ecstatic nor completely hating the idea. They love you for you and cat ears will make no difference.
Espresso is pretty nonchalant about the cat ears, if it makes you happy and doesn't harm anyone go for it. If anyone talks bad in public about you wearing them, you get scary cat privileges as Espresso looks more like a panther behind you. Glaring as he shields you from the offending party. He will probably be more into them when he starts drawing pictures of you with cat ears. Besides that, no big reaction.
So, you still going to cuddle them? Okay then they don't care. Cap don't give a single fuck, definition of apathy. Only reason they are slightly interested is because they are on you. If you were to do things that cats do to show affection like bring Cap gifts or nuzzle them. You won't be leaving the cafe without being dragged off to a secluded area and being thoroughly marked. Sides that lazy kitty don't care.
Confused Croissant activated. Are you trying to court him? He's flattered immensely but don't you think this method is a little unorthodox? Croissant flushing like you kissed him in public. He isn't used to people going out of their way for his affections, so give him some space. He will accept your silent confession just try not to do something like this in public again please.
Hates it:
Don't get her wrong, she thinks you're cute, but she can't help but find the display childish. She wants you to be happy but at the same time she wants to have sway over how you look. If you wanted accessories, you should ask her. Sugar is a well-known rising actress because of her hardworking attitude and alluring figure. She's got money to spoil you with any accessory you want, as long as she approves. Preferably a nice little pure silver chain she can hold onto.
Cats. It's always those fuckers. He works at a cat cafe and such but that doesn't mean he's a cat lover (bro you literally like Shopkeeper stfu). Bares his teeth at this display, you really love riling him up and pretending that you did nothing wrong. He'll rip those disgusting things off your head and get you a proper pair of dog ears. Wait what why is he saying this, he doesn't like you like that?!
Darling why did you accept some scoundrel's gift so easily. He'd adore them he bought them but some mangy person, that's too far! He's a model and Shopkeeper pays extremely well he can buy you anything you want. Pouts and complains about the ears getting in the way of snuggle time. Gets more jealous if you refuse to let him replace them. If you insist on cheating on him so openly there will be consequences.
41 notes · View notes
queenshelby · 1 year
Our Little Secret (Part Seven)
Pairing: Dark! Cillian Murphy x Virgin! Reader
Warning: Smut, Age-Gap, Daddy Issues
Notes: This will not be a love story. It will be dark, twisted and kinky. Cillian is portrayed as totally off cannon.
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Several days later...
The somber air in the church gradually dissipated once the ceremony concluded. You stood beside Cillian, watching as mourners filed out, many offering condolences and sharing memories of the deceased. Although still dressed in black, an undercurrent of sexual tension simmered beneath the surface, drawing the two of you closer together.
As the last of the guests departed, the group gathered in the reception hall attached to the church. Cillian offered you a glass of wine, which you accepted hesitantly just as your stepfather approached.
"Don't give her too much to drink or I will be in the doghouse with Sarah," Frank said, trying to lighten the mood after the saddened events took place.
"You worry too much, man. Last, I have checked, she was already nineteen. Besides, we're here to celebrate the life of our dearly departed, so I am sure Sarah will understand," Cillian retorted, chuckling.
Frank shook his head, knowing well that there would never be a perfect balance when it came to dealing with a stepfamily dynamic like this.
"She is nineteen, but she is still my stepdaughter," Frank exclaimed while Cillian raised his brow in mock disapproval, sipping his wine just as his brother disappeared into the crowd to spend some time with his parents.
"I fucking hate funerals," Cillian muttered, casting a longing glance at the bar.
You looked down at your glass, still not quite sure if you should continue drinking it. But the mood had changed slightly from solemnity to resignation, and it seemed fitting to carry on with the day's activities.
Seeing Cillian's discomfort, you offered him your glass, suggesting he could finish it instead. He flashed you a grateful smile and took a swig before placing the glass back on the table.
"I have never been to a funeral, you know," you pointed out to him
casually, your tone light-hearted as you attempted to break the awkward silence that had settled upon the two of you.
Cillian shook his head in response, taking another sip of his wine, the glass of which was almost empty. "Funerals can be depressing affairs," he muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "But then again, they serve as a reminder of our own mortality and they most certainly become more frequent events as you get older," he explained while staring into the crowd. 
You nodded, understanding that he was struggling with the loss of his aunt, who had played a significant role in both of his and your stepfather's lives.
"So, we will be staying at your holiday house tonight," you then mentioned to him casually, changing the subject back to less somber matters.
Cillian raised an eyebrow at you, slightly surprised by your forwardness. "Well, yes..." he replied, his voice a mix of curiosity and apprehension. 
 "Don't you think that this will be weird, us being in the same house together for the weekend, with your wife and my parents?"you questioned Cillian with a hint of concern in your voice.
Cillian shrugged casually, appearing unfazed by the idea. "It won't be a problem. We all know each other, and no one knows about us. We just need to make sure that we keep it that way," Cillian pointed out and, despite his seemingly nonchalant attitude, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of nervousness.
"So your wife has absolutely no idea that you are sleeping with me?" you asked, testing the waters.
"No, she doesn't," Cillian confirmed confidently, taking another sip of his wine. 
"That's good," you nodded, thinking of the consequences if anyone were to find out. It wasn't something you wanted, but somehow, being with Cillian felt wrong yet irresistible.
"Do you mind me asking though, are you still being intimate with her seeing that you are having sex with me almost every second day now?"
he blurted out suddenly, his voice lowered, almost as if he was afraid someone might overhear. It was almost like you had too much to drink which, considering that this was your third glass, was probably the case.
Cillian chuckled softly, his eyes darkening with lust and desire. "Why do you ask? Are you jealous?" he wanted to know, and you shook your head, biting your lip nervously.
"No. I am just curious," you said as you felt a warm sensation rush through your body.
"I just want to know how you manage to juggle your relationship with Danielle and our affair, at the same time," you pointed out, causing Cillian to sigh.
"Truth be told, it's complicated," he admitted quietly, his gaze piercing yours. "We still have sex occasionally, but we barely talk anymore. Our marriage is just going through the motions," he admitted you nodded slowly, processing the information. 
"It's like living with a stranger sometimes," he continued, his eyes boring into yours and you understood that their marriage was a facade, a front put up for appearances. And it made you feel a mixture of pity and arousal for Cillian, caught in a loveless union while pursuing an illicit affair with you.
"I don't want to lose my family," he said softly, a pleading note in his voice. "But I also can't stop myself from wanting you," Cillian then explained and you took a deep breath, understanding the complexity of their situation.
"You see, you make me feel alive in a way that Danielle doesn't anymore," he confessed, his voice filled with desperation while you felt the heat rising within you. You leaned closer to him, your heart pounding fiercely in your chest.
"Then why don't we go somewhere private, where no one will disturb us?" you suggested in a low voice, daringly bold.
Cillian glanced around, making sure nobody was nearby. Satisfied, he smiled, his hand reaching out to brush the hair away from your face gently.
"I know just the place. Come on," he whispered, a spark of desire burning brightly in his eyes.
You nodded, feeling the butterflies in your stomach take flight as you followed him towards the back entrance of the function hall. 
"Where are we going?" you asked, your heart racing wildly in anticipation. The thrill of secretly meeting your lover behind closed doors was exhilarating, leaving you craving more.
Cillian led you through a maze of corridors, the dimly lit walls adding to the sense of intrigue and desire. He stopped outside a door, its keyhole marked with a sign that said, "Staff Only".
"This is a place I used to hide in during Sunday mass, especially when I was too hungover to face my parents," Cillian chuckled as he opened the door, revealing the small space within. With a slight laugh, he turned on the lights, illuminating the small, dimly lit room.
"Goodness me, you are such a naughty boy," you teased him, causing him to laugh some more.
"I've always had a thing for this place," Cillian explained, leading you inside. "It used to be a storage room for the church with a ton of books inside," he pointed out as you stepped inside the dark room, letting your eyes adjust to the dim lighting.
Intrigued, you looked around, noticing a dusty couch against one wall, a small wooden table, and various storage boxes scattered across the floor.
"Come on, take off your panties. We have to be quick," Cillian said, his voice husky with desire.
Shaking with anticipation, you swiftly reached beneath your skirt and pulled them down.
"Give them to me," Cillian ordered, taking them gently from your trembling hands. He inspected them intently, his eyes lingering on the delicate lace covering your private parts.
"Why am I giving you my panties? Am I going to get them back?" you wondered aloud, referring to your lost panties.
Cillian laughed softly, his eyes dancing with mischief. "No," he said before trailing his hands over the soft skin beneath your skirt.
"No?" you asked surprised and Cillian chuckled again, a wicked smile playing on his lips.
"No, because I want my cum to leak down your thighs for the rest of the evening," he replied, his voice deeper than ever.
"You do realise that we are still at church, right?" you giggled as his words sank in and a shiver ran down your spine, your heart racing faster than ever.
"Yes, but we've already sinned, so none of this matters," Cillian told you as he pushed you gently toward the storage box closest to the door, encouraging you to sit down on it. He followed suit, positioning himself between your legs, his hands gently cupping your hips.
The air in the small room was filled with tension, almost palpable. Your body felt alive with excitement, your breath coming in shallow gasps.
He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his suit pants revealing his hard cock.
"Spread your legs like a good girl for me," he demanded confidently, his eyes piercing into yours. You complied eagerly, lifting your skirt to expose your bare ass, while your heart raced with excitement.
Gripping your waist, Cillian pulled you closer, bringing your mouth to his ear. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, his voice deep and commanding.
You nodded frantically, your cheeks flushed with anticipation.
Without further ado, Cillian lifted your leg, positioning it over his shoulder.
He expertly guided your foot with his strong hands, spreading your legs even wider, leaving you completely exposed.
As his hard cock pressed against your wet entrance, your whole body trembled with anticipation. "Tell me how much you want it," he commanded, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I want it so bad!" you cried out, your voice quivering with need.
Cillian chuckled darkly, his gaze burning into yours.
"Good girl, now you need to be quiet, hmm. Your parents are just next door and so are mine," he whispered, his lips inches away from yours.
Your heart hammered in your chest, the anticipation building as he leaned in to kiss you gently. His tongue teased your lips, enticing you to open for him.
Your body responded instinctively, opening up to him as he explored your mouth with his tongue, moaning softly when he slid his fingers between your labia, finding you wet and ready.
"That's a good girl," he whispered hoarsely, his voice full of lust. Your heart raced wildly, but you couldn't help but revel in the feeling of being wanted, desired, and touched in ways you'd only dreamt of.
Slowly, Cillian lowered his cock towards your entrance, his movements purposeful and controlled. As he began to penetrate you, your body tensed with anticipation, feeling the first thrusts deep within you.
You moaned softly, welcoming his cock into your tight passage. Cillian held your hips firmly, his eyes locked onto yours, giving you all the control you needed.
"Fuck, that feels so good!" you cried out, unable to contain your excitement.
He grinned wickedly, increasing the tempo of his thrusts. "That's right, let it out. You feel so tight, just like I imagined," he whispered, his breath hot against your neck.
"Oh, God! Don't stop," you pleaded, your body arching into his. The intensity of the pleasure was unlike anything you'd ever experienced, and the knowledge that Cillian was the source of such ecstasy left you yearning for more.
"I am sure God can hear you baby," Cillian groaned deeply, driving his cock harder into your body. "Your cunt is so hot and wet, it feels amazing," he growled, his fingers digging into your hips, holding you down. Your own fingers dug into his shoulders, desperate for any semblance of control.
Cillian held your hips, pushing himself deeper into you, making you moan loudly in pleasure. His breath came in short, sharp gasps, mirroring your own.
"You are taking me so well, even in this holy place" he growled, gripping your hips harder, plunging his cock deeper into your wetness. You clenched your muscles around him, eliciting a low moan from his throat. Your entire body tingled with the exquisite sensation of being filled and claimed by Cillian.
"Now, are you going to take my cum like a good girl?" Cillian murmured against your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
"Yes, yes, please! Please, fill me with your cum!" you whimpered, your body writhing in sheer ecstasy.
Cillian growled, his thrusts becoming even more forceful. "That's it, you're such a dirty little slut!" he whispered harshly, his voice gravelly with passion. Your pussy gripped him tightly, your cries growing louder as your orgasm approached.
"Please, don't stop! I'm so close!" you begged, your fingers digging into his shoulders. Cillian growled, picking up the pace, his thrusts deeper and faster.
"Take it all, baby! Let go!" he groaned, filling you with his cum.
You screamed out in ecstasy, your body trembling with pleasure as he emptied himself into you. Cillian continued to hold you tightly, kissing you tenderly, his hot breath caressing your cheek.
"Thank you, baby. I think I needed this," he whispered softly, a soft smile playing on his lips as he helped you to stand up.
As you stood, your knees slightly wobbly from the intense experience, you couldn't help but marvel at the way Cillian had taken control of the situation. His dominance had been both exhilarating and incredibly arousing, leaving you craving more.
Gently, he helped you pull your skirt back into place before tucking your underwear into his suit jacket. 
"Now let's get back to the wake, shall we?" Cillian suggested, his voice deceptively casual. "You wouldn't want your family to worry about you," he then teased, and you nodded, still somewhat shaken from the intensity of what had just happened.
As you walked through the gathering, your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you indeed felt Cillian's cum run down your thighs It was an odd mix of shame and thrill that coursed through your veins, knowing that your parents were mere steps away. Your heart raced, and you found yourself glancing discreetly at Cillian by your side, who looked equally smug with satisfaction.
"Where did you go?" your mother asked, standing next to Cillian's wife Danielle, her brow furrowed with concern. She glanced subtly at Cillian, who gave her a reassuring smile.
"We just got ourselves a drink," Cillian explained smoothly, his tone nonchalant while you tried to deal with the stickiness between your legs. 
"Really? Then what took you so long?" Sarah questioned curiously; her eyebrows raised.
"Well, you know how it is. The bar tends to get busy," Cillian answered lightly, giving you a sidelong glance and, luckily for you, this was enough explanation to satisfy your mother's curiosity while Danielle leaned in and gave Cillian a tender kiss.
"You don't have a silly little crush on my husband, do you?" she then asked bluntly, seeing how you were always somewhat smitten by Cillian's presence.
"Me? A crush on Cillian?" you stammered, trying to hide your embarrassment. "Oh, I... It's nothing like that. He's family and more than twice my age," you forced a laugh, feeling your face flush with heat. Danielle narrowed her eyes, studying you closely while Cillian furrowed his eyebrows in dislike of your comment.
"Relax Y/N. I was just joking," Danielle told you, a small smile curling her lips and just as Danielle and her mother had a quiet chuckle, your cheeks flushed once again, remembering the intimate encounter you had with Cillian just minutes earlier. 
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kpopjust4u · 2 years
Kinkmas - Day 22: Corruption W/ DPR ian
Post Date: 22nd December 2022 Content: Smut - Christian Yu/ DPR ian x Reader WC: 1.2K TW?: Friends with benefits/ Corruption/ Fuckboy!Chris/ Inexperienced Reader/ Reader has vulva/ Princess/ Bondage (Rope)
Summary: Of course, he couldn’t help himself from tainting you with his deepest and darkest desires when it’s a season to be good.
Masterlist               Kinkmas Masterlist                     Prompt list
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Another friend-holiday Christmas. 
Yet this time, it’s just you and Chris, as everyone is all coupled up and being sickly cute with their significant others. Leaving you and Chris to spend the date that was planned, alone together. 
This would be a totally innocent friend Christmas date. You're friends - yes, both single but nothing could ever possibly happen, right? 
What else better to do on the day than to watch Christmas films that you’ve both seen multiple times before, and try your absolute best to find another to watch that you haven’t seen. 
Regardless, none of the options were standing out for you both. 
"Fuck this," Chris sighs, throwing the controller onto the coffee table in front of you both after pressing play on a random Christmas film. 
You couldn't help but laugh at his sudden frustration, making him side-eye you. Very unimpressed by your reaction to his outburst but that pearly white smile breaks free when he softens up, acknowledging that there was a little comedy to how he went about it. 
"So what have you done this week?" You break the ice first after staring into his eyes for a little longer than you expected to, almost getting lost in them as you try and hide your sudden attraction to your friend but this doesn't go a miss by him.
"Oh, nothing really. Just the usual, but I, unfortunately, won't see that girl again. She thinks I was weird for asking her to try something," Chris replies with the most nonchalant face ever. 
This was a regular occurrence and you have to be honest, you're never phased when he talks about his experience with girls but you were always curious how he manages to get around like that. 
Being relatively inexperienced yourself, you always wonder what it was like to have the chance to be laid by him. It was evident that your interest peaked, fully facing him as you rest your hands in your lap, being ready to fully listen to him whilst the TV plays in the background, "What was it?".
With wide eyes, Chris wasn't expecting you to ask that but is more than happy to share anyway, "I just wanted to try to see how things would pan out if I was in complete control, giving instructions and tying her to the bed. But I guess she wasn't into that stuff". 
With every single hair standing up on your body from the slight shyness you're feeling after hearing it, your core starts to ache for attention. 
Although, you try to keep yourself composed because you didn't know where you stand with him, "That sounds pretty fun, though!".
Your reply was to sound playful, but the more you look at him, the more you realise that you found yourself being sexually frustrated with him, practically a virgin wanting to be ruined by him.
"Oh yeah? I think it does, we should try it," The teasing in his voice makes your eyes widen to the size of plates as you swallow hard, heart racing until he finishes his sentence, "I'm only joking". 
Feeling slightly better but now you feel as though you missed your chance. 
It was now or never, make or break the moment as you gain a bit of confidence to get cheeky and playful, "I'm not joking though". 
He doesn't even react in a bad way at all, just a smirk extending on his face as he inches closer to you, closing the gap until he's practically hovering over you, "Are you sure you're not joking? Once we start, I don't think I could stop," Chris growls lightly, making you whimper at the sudden change in your friend. 
Despite how shy you were, you push through with your confidence, letting him guide you to his bedroom and wait for him to start giving you instructions, just as he'd want.
But not before his lips attach to yours, biting on your bottom lip that gets caught between his teeth and his tongue swipes against yours. 
The way he kisses you makes you feel like you're on cloud 9, never would've imagined for it to feel that good but you're in store for the rest. 
With gradual movement, his hands slip under your shirt and swiftly removes it from your body. 
Remembering what he wants to try, he stops in his tracks as he leans back on his heels, eyes like a predator on you as the smirk just grows even bigger, "Take your clothes off, real slow for me princess". 
Doing as you're instructed to do, you can't help but get even hotter to the touch, with slight hesitance in your actions as you remove the items of clothing off of your body, playing them on the floor whilst you await further instructions. 
"Turn around, face down and ass up with your hands behind your back, let me see you like that," He growls in a whisper so seductively into your ears, nipping at it before letting you move your body around. 
Tying your wrists behind your back and connecting them to your ankles, you hiss at the tightness of the rope, whimpering when he only tightens them a little more and gives your ass a huge smack.
"Look at you, innocent inexperienced you getting tied up. Never thought I'd see the day," He quips, the cocky and teasing voice in full swing as he leans over your back to whisper into your ear again, "You're all mine now, princess". 
"Let's see how much of me can you take, huh?" He continues, making you whimper and beg for him to do something with you other than tease you. 
But in reality, that just adds more fuel to the fire, making him want to drag this out as long as possible to see how badly you break for him.You sure are innocent, and he knows that. 
He knows the very little experience you have, but by god does he want to ruin that innocence that for some reason, you've always tried to hold on to until now? And now, you're never going to want anything, or anyone else. 
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Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007
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yankstrash · 6 months
will was never one for jealousy
he rarely got jealous, and on the rare occasion that he did get jealous he never showed it
he was very confident in himself and in his relationship, there was no reason to be jealous
except maybe when his girlfriend was working on a project.. with another boy
rylie told will she would meet him outside conte after practice
when 10 minutes passed after practice ended and there was still no sight of her, will went to the one place she was usually at
the art studio
and there she was
head buried in her art
and a male figure sitting next to her
rylie began to say something to the boy, but paused when she caught sight of her boyfriend
"hey" she said as she turned herself slightly so she was facing will
"hey" will said as he walked into the room "i thought we were meeting after practice"
he spoke softly as he approached his girlfriend
he put a gentle hand on her back as he dipped his head down and placed a kiss on her head
"shit.." rylie closed her eyes as she realized "i'm sorry, it totally slipped my mind. we were trying to get some work done before this weekend" she said as she looked at the boy sitting next to her
will eyed the boy for a few moments, letting his eyes linger before looking back at his girlfriend
the boy noticed wills gaze, and knew what to say to fill the silence
"i'm gonna head out.." he said as he gathered his stuff
he smiled as he stood up, "see you tomorrow, ry"
will gave him another look at his use of her nickname
rylie returned the smile and waved as he walked out
will took the now empty seat next to rylie
"friend of yours?" he asked in a nonchalant tone
"yeah, that's owen. we've had a few classes together this year"
will nods at her words
"so you have a partner project?"
"she gave us the option to work alone or with someone and there was just no way i was doing this all myself, so.. we decided to work together"
"nice, nice.." he says as he looks down, taking one of her hands and fiddling with her fingers
a small smile played on rylies lips
will notices the smile as he lifts his head
"what?" he asks
"what? you're smiling"
rylie shrugs, "nothing, nothing."
her smile grows a bit
"jealous." she says barely above a whisper
will blinks a few times, trying to hide his own smile
"jealous." she repeats herself
"no. i'm not."
rylie giggles as she stands up before planting herself in wills lap, loosely wrapping her arms around his neck
"you know you have no reason to be jealous, right?"
"i know, i'm not."
"mhm. it's okay babe, you can admit it."
will shakes his head, releasing a sigh as he can't even hide his feelings
rylie laughs as she notices his flustered state
"don't worry," she says as she puts a hand on the back of his neck and moves his head towards hers to give him a kiss "you'll always be my favorite project partner, smitty."
will smiles against her lips
"oh i better be. promise?"
"i promise."
she kisses him again
and again
and again
until suddenly will stands a bit with rylie still in his lap and sets her down on the table, standing between her legs as he moves his lips to her neck
"will.." she can barely get out
"we cannot do this here."
"yes we can. who says we can't?"
all movements are stopped when there's a voice from the door
it's owen
"i-uh.. forgot my.. my notebook" he stutters at the sight he just walked in on
he speed walks to the table that rylie is now sitting on with her boyfriends hands on her thighs and grabs his notebook fast
rylie can't even look at him as he's grabbing his stuff
and will is just smirking to himself
"s-sorry" owen stutters again before rushing out of the room
rylies cheeks are bright red as she puts her head in her hands
"that. that is why we cannot do this here." she says
will chuckles, rubbing her thigh
"no, that is exactly why we can do this in here."
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be-my-ally · 1 year
Splashing Around
for the prompt "Quit splashin' me.”
can you tell i’m that annoying girl wanting to play mermaids in every pool?
Now, this is pretty much my first foray into writing early Elvis... it's very much a little fic with no background that is part of a larger story that is growing every day in my head, and also in my computer. It's also my first ever OC ever so please, bear with me with it + my suddenly terrible dialogue.
Silly as it might sound about an Elvis fanfiction, thank u to @whositmcwhatsit and @thatbanditqueen for cheerleading me to try the different style. and also, ofc, @vintageshanny @ellie-24 @missmaywemeetagain @from-memphis-with-love
wc: 3k
This is sweet and fluffy and boring but! I have another fic Wet Bikini which is, uhhh, just pure smut, with a similar 'fun in the pool' premise which I've linked in case anyone is missing the smutty sexy fun times.
c. July 16th 1957.
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It’s surprisingly early when the phone rings, Louise’s parents having only just left for work, and she rushes to pick it up - hoping it would be the call she was waiting for. 
“Hey little Lou-Lou,” The familiar voice rings out, perfectly confident that it would be Louise who answered. 
“Hi, Elvis is that you?” She asked excitedly, perhaps a little stupidly she thought after, no-one else would call her little Lou-Lou. 
“Who else is callin’ you up?” She giggles in response and can hear the smile in his voice as he continues, “I’m at home darlin’, but I’m all alone - and it’s so hot today,  and I was just thinkin’ how maybe a ride on the Harley would cool me down,” he pauses while she takes a sharp breath in, was he - was he about to ask her to go for a ride? “And I was thinkin’ maybe you’d like to come with me?” 
“Oh yes, yes - of course!” She takes a second to collect herself, “That sounds like fun, yes Elvis, absolutely!” 
“Pack a swimsuit, hon, you’ll need it when we get back - I’ll pick you up in an hour.”  
“Ok - I’ll meet you outside.” She’s aiming for nonchalant but she thinks it might just be coming across breathless. 
“Alright darlin’ I’ll see you later - bye now.” He hangs up and Louise stands there for a moment, still clutching the receiver as she does an excited little hop in place. She hurriedly puts the phone back on the cradle and runs back up the stairs to her room - rushing to get herself ready. 
As she’s brushing out her curls, styling them as tightly as possible in preparation for the wind on the motorcycle - she’ll wear a scarf she decides, she considers if she should call any of the other girls. On the one hand, she already felt a little guilty, as if she was stealing him from under their noses, and she didn’t know of anyone else who had been picked out for a totally private date from the group. On the other, she somewhat selfishly wanted to be the only one who knew he’d asked just her. Besides, she thought to herself, it’ll only be for however long they were on the motorcycle for - by the time they get back to Graceland he’ll be surrounded by all the guys and girls. 
An hour and a half later and Louise can hear, out of her bedroom window, the unusual sound in their quiet dull suburb of the roar of the motorcycle. She hurries outside where he's waiting, assessing him for a second; He’s not really dressed for the occasion, a light jacket over top of what is clearly a sleeveless vest, and soft white trousers, silly little cap atop his head. But he is dressed for the weather, and as always, he looks good.  He pats the seat behind him. 
“Hop on then darlin’,” She doesn't have to be told twice, immediately clambering on behind him. She comfortably wraps her arms around Elvis, glad that this wasn’t the first time she was going for a ride.
“Where are we heading E?” She takes the chance before he starts the engine properly to talk to him. 
“I don’t know baby -  just around.” He pauses, “We won’t go far but isn’t it just nice to be out? Nice to spend the day with one of my favourite girls,” She grins against his back, thrilled to be given such a title. A second later Elvis is kicking the bike into action and tearing off down the street. 
It was a pretty drive as he somehow, amongst all his other skills seemed to have a knack for picking the best and least busy routes. Louise was enjoying herself, the scenery was pretty, Elvis felt solid and sturdy, and the breeze was helping to cool her down. Although, the burning engine underneath their legs, and the heat of the sun from above rapidly made it less effective. He pants a little jokingly when he pulls off the quiet country road a little way out of the city. 
“I don’t think this is working out huh?” She shakes her head against his back, 
“It’s too humid for it to help I think, it feels like I’m suffocating out here.” She can tell he’s suffering too, his shirt sticking to his back - damp patches clearly evident and hair curling on the nape of his neck. She’d been concerned at first - weren’t they meant to be wearing leather? Or helmets? Or something? But as the day warmed up even the thought of an extra layer, or of heavy plastic and metal on her head, was terrible. 
“Hang on then, hon, I’ll get us home.” He barely gives her enough time to regain her hold before he’s zipping off and away. His desire to just be home right now making him drive even faster than before, although from the way he lets out a little whoop every now and again he must also be enjoying the additional speed. 
Louise on the other hand, was terrified, he had to be going close to a 100mph and she could feel it in the way the air was whipping past them and in the way his turns were getting wider and wider on the corners. “Slow down El! You’re scarin’ me!” She shouts at his ear, he laughs, but nonetheless the speedometer (if she could see it) indicated he was slowing, albeit not by a lot. It’s under ten minutes before they’re zipping up to the newly-installed gates of Graceland. They’re waved through quickly, and Elvis doesn’t so much as park as much as he simply kills the engine just inside the carport. 
Louise climbs off the bike shakily, Elvis holding out a hand to help her balance. 
“You weren’t really scared were ya Lou?” 
“No, no, course not!” She shrugs her shoulders back, shaking off the last of the fear and undoing the headscarf from under her chin, pulling it down her shoulders. She can feel her hair stuck to the back of her neck from the sweat - probably formed by both the heat and the terror. 
“Good.” He steps towards her, fiddling with a now loose lock of hair, “Promised I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt ya didn’t I?” She nods back at him, almost shyly, as he tucks the wave back, resting his palm on her shoulder briefly before patting it and moving away. 
“It’s so hot out here, must be almost a hundred degrees today!” He wipes at his brow, over-exaggeratedly flicking it as if wiping away dripping sweat. Louise gives it the appropriately polite giggle, “The pool’s ready for action though, had them fix it up before we moved in.” He seems to forget she was in it only last week, “It’ll be nice to get in that water!” She nods in agreement, 
“Oh yeah! Is -“ She stops herself from asking who else was invited, that’s no-ones business but his. From where they’ve stopped in the carport she can’t see anyone else’s car but, as she well knows, that doesn’t mean there isn’t people in the house.  He doesn’t notice, instead gripping her hand and pulling her with him into the house. He rushes them up the stairs once they’re in, 
“C’mon you can get changed in the dressing room!” 
It’s hot and humid as hell and Louise is sure her hair’s already been wrecked by both the weather and the motorcycle ride, but still - she’d spent hours on it the night before, and taken such care to keep it looking as good as possible despite the conditions that as much as sinking into the cool water of the pool sounded like bliss - she was determined to keep her hair dry. 
So, she sits demurely on the edge of the pool, her legs dipped in, splashing her feet about and feeling her skin start to tan as she leans back while watching Elvis play and dive around. She’s been here before a few times, in the past couple of weeks since Elvis returned and moved in, with the others but never by herself - and while they typically spent much of their time watching him, gushing and gossiping, it felt far more intimate to be the only one around. The only one today to titter at his tight little black trunks, or the way that he still hasn’t learnt to remember to take his watch off until he’s already in the water. She smiles down at his grinning face when he swims a bit closer. 
“You having fun, E?” He nods, brushing his hair back off his forehead and looking shyly back down at the water, 
“Uh-huh, you gonna watch me dive?” She nods, happy to be his adoring audience for as long as he wants, until that is, his enthusiastic diving down causes a splash. He comes bobbing back up, a mischievous look at the sound of her shriek, intentionally moving closer and causing a wave to rise up and knock against her knees. “See if I can get the whole way across on my belly!” She laughs at his boyish behaviour, shaking her head fondly as he forces his body under the water. When he surfaces again he comes up with a splash that carries up and over onto her lap, the spray catching her chest.
“El- Stop it! You’re gonna get my hair wet! Quit splashin’ me!” He frowns, swimming closer to where she’s still sat, resting his elbows on the edge of the pool on either side of her legs. 
“Awh doll, ain’t no fun just watching me!” She nods as if to say actually yes it is, but he ignores her, “No-one around here but us, c’mon honey, come and have a splash around,” She shakes her head, protesting, 
“It took me hours -  and I have a busy d-“ Elvis interrupts, imploring her to join him,
“Oh c’mon - I’ll, I’ll help dry ya hair if it gets wet!” She looks down at him, considering it for a moment, but before she knows it his hands are sliding up under her thighs where she was sat. He digs his fingers in as he tries to wedge them under and around her legs, and she giggles in response - somehow he was getting her exactly where she was most ticklish just above and behind her knees - and she thrashes around a little, but is trapped by his hands and the pool.
“No Elvis! You stop that rig-ight now - oh stop it!” She manages to get out between bouts of shrieking laughter, “You’re gonna make me - you’re gonna make me pee myself! Or, or,” He doesn’t stop but instead he seems to dance his fingers around even more at the threat, laughing himself, “or, or make me fall -“ He grins in sheer delight, tickling her once more before gripping her thighs tightly and tugging. She falls in with a splash, clutching at his arms and wet, soft, chest. She comes bobbing back up to him, gasping a little at the shock of the submersion. 
“Oh for goodness’ sake Elvis. It’s gonna take me hours to reset this; I’ll charge you the bill from the salon.” She sounds exasperated but she is, nonetheless, smiling. He just looks back at her, blinking, cheeks swollen like a chipmunk. “Don’t you dare - don’t even thi-“ The water shoots out his mouth, arcing up into the air before splashing down between them, his cheeks deflating as she squeals, backing away from the spray. He laughs joyously - boyishly, the kind of irrepressible giggle small boys seem to have while chasing someone - gripping her to him and pulling her close. 
“You wanna be my little bitty baby dolphin?” He offers her his back, “Wrap your arms round my neck and climb on.” She sighs a little resignedly but still enthusiastically clambers around to wrap her legs around his middle, the water’s natural buoyancy helping her to stay up, holding onto his neck and shoulders. “Go on then, hold tight!” She nods, tucking her head into his back,
“I’m ready!” He dives under the water, travelling for as far as he could with one breath before bopping back up just long enough to take a deep breath in and diving back under. As childish as Louise would find it to admit or confide to anyone else, she does close her eyes, pretending to be a little dolphin on the back of it’s mother, feeling the way the water seems to stream past in a way distinct from if she herself was doing the swimming. They come back up for the second time, this time to the sound of her gentle, giggling, breathless laughter matched to his own. 
Elvis turns her in his arms, pulling her around to be facing him but keeps a hand on her thigh, holding her legs still hiked around his waist. His other wrapping around her middle, to rest his palm on her back. She leans into his hold, her arms still wrapped around his neck holding him close, their faces practically touching. She takes a moment to examines his face. It’s funny, in some ways you’d have expected that by her frequent proximity she would have gotten over her tummy flipping every time she noticed something tiny, like the start of a pimple on his jaw, or the way his pores lay on his nose and yet still she feels almost giddy with being this close. 
“You wanna…” She’s sure he’s about to say kiss, and her eyes fall closed in permission, but before she knows it he’s pushing her to the side, “wanna race?” By the time she’s even registered what he’s said she’s a second behind, and he’s already swimming ahead. Louise rushes forward, grabbing his ankle and tugging him back, 
“Hey! Where d’ya think you’re going! You’re such a little cheat!” He laughs as he goes with his foot, hopping back to end up close to her again. He shakes his head, vehemently denying her accusation, 
“No - No! I was just gettin’ into position! Gonna go from this end to that end.” He points down at the curve of the pool. She drops his ankle,
“Hmm, well, if you say so…. So from here then?” She swims to the spot indicated and he joins her, agreeing. She nods at him as she gets into position, “You can call it.” 
“Ok.” He takes a moment to get himself ready before calling, “Ok, on your marks! Get set! Go!” He shoots off from the wall, Louise trailing behind for a second before catching up to him pretty closely. She could see, as she hit the wall on the other end, him coming towards her but she was pretty certain it had been a tie. He’s doing a victory pose, arms up, his tummy out, fake crowd noises coming from his mouth, “I won!” She shakes her head at his bragging, 
 “Nu-uh! I totally won!” Elvis turns, hair flicking back, 
“No, darlin’.” She goes to protest again but he steps closer, backing her against the wall of the pool, his tone lowering - crooning,  “No, I’m pret-ty sure I won and, that means I get a prize.” Louise has no desire to do anything but agree, his arms crossing behind her, his wide palms spanning across the small of her back. She leans forward, it’s not like they haven’t kissed before, but it had always been a brief thank you, or a stolen moment - and her tummy is suddenly aflutter with butterflies at the knowledge they were by themselves, in no rush nor with any other eyes on them, 
“What do you want for your prize?” He looks at her, eyes bright with the fun of the games and the anticipation of what was to come He just shrugs, waiting for her suggestion. She bites her lip, looking sideways for a second, trying for bashful but perhaps just coming across a little shy. “Hmmm, how about a kiss?” His eyes crinkle as he smiles fondly at her, almost as though he found her offer of a prize endearing. Louise blushes, immediately, as soon as she meets his eyes after saying it and for a brief moment panics that he might refuse. 
“Oh, I think that’s exactly what I deserve.” She pulls him closer, arms winding around his neck again, and her legs coming up to wrap around his waist as he stumbles forward to support her back against the pool wall. Their lips meet and she can’t seem to stop herself from gasping a little at the contact, at the feel of his full lips catching hers between them and the distinct taste of the chlorinated water still clinging to his lips. She tries to act casual, like she’s unbothered by the way the privacy of the moment feels like a revelation or in the way he catches her lip in his teeth causing a warmth to spread from her hips and stomach. 
He brings a hand up to cup her face, thumb lightly brushing her face, but as he tries to brush it down further to her neck it gets stuck - his pinky ring snagging on her now limp wet strands of hair. For some reason even after getting himself untangled the heavy atmosphere remained and she arched her chest into him, mouth opening as he pressed his lips back against hers. It feels like pure sparks crackling in the air when they pull apart, the air seemingly thrumming with it. It only takes a second, however, for them both to realise it wasn't just in reaction to their kiss, as a sudden crack of thunder and accompanying downpour explains the atmospheric change - humidity suddenly breaking.
“C’mon!” Elvis grabs Louise’s hand and pulls her around to the steps of the pool, pushing her up them before climbing out himself. He bundles up their towels, grabbing her hand and dashing for cover. 
They both end up in the kitchen, dripping everywhere, and tripping over themselves,  laughing as hard as they can as lightning cracks overhead. 
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ryanwrites05 · 11 months
November 7 - Work
A/N: so this ended up being longer than a microfic (~1200 words). Whoops. I’m not sorry.
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She was determined. Years of being overlooked - stealing rides on her brothers’ brooms in the quiet night. Learning how to live and love flying again after Tom made her believe she would never amount to anything.
But flying saved her. Healed her. Became a part of her and wove itself into the piece of her soul that Tom tried to take.
And now it was her time. She would prove to everyone that she is a quidditch player, not just a substitute. Someone who deserves it. Someone who earns it.
Suppressing a groan from the soreness building in her legs, she climbed through the portrait hole. It was dark, and had been dark for some time now. So it was a surprise that the Common Room wasn't totally empty.
She smirked as she observed him alone in the room, sitting on the sofa facing the fireplace. His head was draped over the back of the sofa, his glasses askew on the bridge of his nose, soft snores emitting from his mouth.
Her eyes snagged on his mouth and she resisted the old urge to think about what it would be like to snog him. It was a silly crush, from a long time ago. She was different now. They were friends after all. Weren't they?
She plopped down next to him on the sofa, and he let out a startled "oof", pulling his wand and immediately scanning the room.
She opted for humor to hide the sadness of the truth that he probably did that for good reason. "You know, you would be a lot more convincing if you hadn't just been snoring louder than a hippogriff."
He immediately turned to her and dropped his wand - a lopsided smirk playing on his lips. "Because you're the one to talk, I'm fairly sure loud snoring is a Weasley trait at this point. What with your mid-summer pond naps."
"I do not snore!"
"Oh, so it was Ron who suddenly grew long bright red hair and started wearing bikinis by the pond?"
She refused to blush, not because of the fact that she may have been snoring this summer, but more his subtle admission that he had been watching her then, and that maybe she possibly considered that potential outcome when she chose napping locations.
"Could have been," she said, trying to sound nonchalant and playful as she settled back against the couch.
"What were you doing out here?"
Something passed across his face, and he looked at the fire, trying to sound normal. He wasn't fooling her. "I had stuff with Dumbledore earlier. I just couldn't quite go to sleep yet."
"Until you did, you mean."
He smirked at her. "Yeah, right." He eyed her for a minute, him just now registering her broom and clothes. "What were you doing anyway?"
"Flying - getting practice in for tryouts," she said, trying to appear as confident as possible. "I'm determined to be the best chaser Gryffindor has ever seen." She played it off bravely, but the doubt simmered under the surface.
He hummed and appeared thoughtful for a minute. "You know, I think you could be."
"Be serious," she said, playfully shoving his arm with her forearm. He let out a chuckle that warmed her instantly.
"I am," and his brows pinched more thoughtfully. "I mean look, Katie is good, real good. But, you have better vision than she does, and you are probably faster. I know that from experience this summer. You can fly circles around people. I don't see why you could not be the best. And it's not like you aren't working at it. We played quidditch all summer."
She smiled at the memories, warm summer days on end with flying, and Ron complaining.
A thought bubbled to the surface in her mind. And Harry. She looked for anything to say to get her mind off of that particular thought. They were friends now. Just friends...which was absolutely and totally fine with her.
"It's what I want to do for work you know...after Hogwarts and everything." She set her gaze on the dancing embers of the fire. She wasn't sure what made her say it. Divulge her deepest, most personal secret. To him. Now.
She felt his eyes on her again and fought the urge to blush. She didn't do that anymore. Worked too hard not to.
"Yeah...I can see that."
Her eyes snapped immediately to his, and she almost lost herself in them. His face was thoughtful, like she was some puzzle he couldn't quite work out.
"You mean that?"
His brow furrowed, not understanding her uncertainty. As if she hadn't spent every waking day questioning whether she had enough, would ever have enough.
"What do you mean? Of course, I do."
It wasn't possible to hide the smile that erupted across her face, or the warmth that filled her. Like he hadn't just been the first person who told her she could do it. Like it was obvious.
Not noticing this, Harry pressed on. "I mean, look at it this way, Gin. If you're this good now, imagine how good you will be in three years. And no one works harder at it than you. And you weren't even on the team full time last year. They would be crazy not to take you when you get there."
She ignored the nickname, and the unmistakable truth that she wouldn't have let anyone else get away with calling her that. "I don't know, got to make it past the new Gryffindor quidditch captain first to get on full time. I heard he's a bit barmy at times."
He pinched his eyes and let out a bark of a laugh that made her stomach flip.
"Well, if Wood and Angelina are anything to go by, I think that's part of the job description. I'll try to be less of an arse this year than last, but no promises."
"I'll hold you to that, then," she said, the smile still playing on her lips. Merlin, she was borderline flirting now. Friends...they were friends. And she had Dean - she liked Dean. She quickly scanned the room for a change of subject.
"So, what about you? Planning on putting your expert diving grabs to the professional test?"
He let out a small laugh before his face fell, back to the serious and determined look. Her heart sank at the loss of the warmth his smile provided. "Haven't really thought about that to be honest. Tonks is an Auror and Kingsley, so I think, maybe..." he trailed off shrugging, his eyes back to finding the fire. "It just seems right."
Neither one of them spoke for a moment. She knew he was thinking of Voldemort, and broken prophecies, and destinies. She silently kicked herself for not expecting it.
She picked up her broom and got up, feeling his eyes on her again. "Well, I am knackered, so I am off to shower and bed."
He gave her a brief smile. "Yeah, okay. See you."
She was about to turn, but something made her pause. "You know, whatever you decide to do...Auror...quidditch star...moody potion master...". He snorted, and she smirked at him. "It's your choice. And you aren't alone."
She felt it then again, his eyes holding on her, something burning behind them. Something she had just started to notice recently. Something different.
"Thanks, Gin."
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paddockbunny · 2 years
Here's a fun trope
Charles' sister X Pierre
Like they used to hang out a lot before Pierre and Charles got busy with F1. Both of them had a thing for each other but never acted on it. They didn't keep in touch much either. So they are both a bit pissed at each other but like crave each other so much.
So like both of theirs birthday is almost around the same dates and the families were on a vacation so decide to celebrate them together. So the reader goes to call Pierre downstairs. Knocks in but no answer so she gets in the room to see Pierre come out of the shower with only his sweatpants. Awkward tension.. smug Pierre because he loves to make the reader nervous..
"Uhm Pierre are you okay? Feeling well"
"I am feeling well, yes"
"You look a bit flustered, out of breath"
"That's because I was a bit busy before you so came in"
"Busy wanking, right there you are sat right now"
"Swooning over me?"
Summary : A continuation of THIS wonderful prompt! Rating : 18+ Pairing : Pierre Gasly x Reader ft Charles Leclerc Word Count : 1,227 Trigger Warnings : 18+, NSFW, male masterbation mention, tension, implied sex *Authors Note : I LOVE THIS!!!!! Just going to make one small adjustment and put them on a yacht instead of a villa, purely because the small confines of a yacht play so well into creating tension as they could get caught easier.
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You stared back at him. But his blue eyes gave practically nothing away. He always did shit like this because he knew it would get to you. He knew it would make you nervous. He knew HE could make you nervous. In that moment you didn’t know if he was playing one of his usual games with you or was indeed telling you the truth but the thought of him taking care of himself right where you were now seated made your stomach do a little excited flip. This whole week was turning into a game of who could withstand the torture each of you was inflicting on the other. Tiny bikinis and orange shorts sprung into your mind.
“Behave.” You decided he was playing with you; it was safer to believe that. He smirked and you watched as he turned and went to the closet. Your eyes couldn’t leave the expanse of his broad, tanned back. You wanted to touch, run your hands over his soft beautiful skin that was so inviting. And in his sweatpants you couldn’t help but lower your eyes so they were now firmly fixed on his round, perfect ass. You could imagine what it would feel like to have your hands on it as he was fucking you into oblivion. The thought alone had your heart rate racing and a sigh teetered on the tip of your tongue threatening to give you away. Before it came free flowing out of you you managed to cover it with a clearing of your throat. It was totally the opposite of nonchalant of you. So may no wonder Pierre’s head whipped round to look at you.
“Enjoying the view?” He was so frustratingly cocky and confident. He flung clothes on the bed and you registered it was best to leave now to let him get changed so arose from the seat – the same one he had only moments ago told you he had been masturbating on. You made your move toward the cabin door. The motion of the water was rougher tonight so when the yacht suddenly moved rather unexpectedly to the left your balance was flung off and you grabbed hold of the dresser so you remained upright. It drew out a little chuckle from Pierre behind you, which you wanted to snap at him for. But as soon as you turned round to do so he had somehow miraculously crossed the floor and was standing closer to you. You stared nervously and then he reached down to your side and your mouth fell open. He wasn’t seriously making a move now, here, of all times and places? Everyone was already upstairs waiting for dinner. Your brothers, his brothers, everyone was probably waiting for you. Even though there wasn’t anything you wanted more than for him to kiss you right now.
But fuck him. He didn’t kiss you. Instead the motion was to remove a white disposable tissue from your dress. “Did you think I was lying about what I was doing before you came in?” He smirked and flung the used material into the wastebasket. He really was getting himself off before you arrived and interrupted him. You barely registered it because of the space Pierre had closed so quickly. He was practically against your body now. So close you could feel the heat radiating off of him. You were eye to eye and you swallowed nervously. Your breathing was shaky and you mentally cursed him because he seemed so effortlessly calm.
“Pierre…” His name came out of you as a whisper when his hand found its place upon your neck. His eyes flickered down to your lips and it was as if he was mentally willing you to give in to him. As if he needed to beg, you were already putty in his hands. This was actually about to happen. Finally.
His mouth was hungrily devouring yours as he pushed you against the wall of his cabin. This was actually happening. You felt like you should pinch yourself to make sure. But you didn’t want to focus on why now and why it had taken him soo long to make a move. You just wanted to focus on his hands, which were currently pulling up the silk of your dress and trailing gently over the skin of your thighs. You just wanted to focus on how his tongue felt as it glided over yours and the soft moans that escaped his mouth as you gently tugged on his hair. You had fantasised about this moment many, many times and somehow it was more than everything your mind was able to conjure. “Let me fuck you….y/n….” He pulled his mouth off of yours and was staring into your eyes. His whole soul was on display in those azure blue eyes. You were about to nod and give him the permission he was asking for when there was a loud banging on the door only a few feet away.
“Gasly, hurry up! We’re starving.” It was your brother Charles. You had been so caught up in the moment as soon as Pierre kissed you that you forgot where you were and who was waiting on you. And then Pierre dropped you instantly and grabbed the handle of the door after he saw it slowly begin to depress and Charles was about to come waltzing into the room. “I’m naked. I’ll be up in a minute.” He covered well but you had no other option than to stare at him and will Charles to fuck off. A few seconds past and just when you thought Charles had actually, indeed fucked off. He spoke again; “Have you seen my sister anywhere?” “Uh no.” He sheepishly glanced round at you. “Funny, Loz and I both thought she would have been in there with you. She’s been swooning over you all week.” Pierre’s eyebrows raised and a smirk danced upon his lips but you were ready to charge out of the room and tell your older brother that you hadn’t been mooning at all. You wanted to give him a piece of your mind and tell him and Lorenzo they were blind because it was in fact Pierre that was the one acting like a love sick teenager and you were just indifferent to him. But you chose to pick your battles.  “She’s not here…. but if I see her I’ll bring her upstairs with me.” Pierre answered and it seemed to satisfy Charles enough that he finally traipsed off.
“Swooning over me?” Pierre was going to be insufferable now. He would use that word all the time just to wind you up. “You better hurry up and get dressed or you will miss me killing him over dinner.” You rolled your eyes and straightened your dress out but as you went toward the door he stopped you.
“Hey…” He caught your wrist “After dinner, will you come back here with me?” He suddenly didn’t seem so cocky and arrogant now. Was Pierre Gasly nervous? “Finish what we started?” He most certainly was and you felt a rush of enjoyment wave over you. All the frustration and tension between you two seemed to dissipate in that second as you stared at him and smiled. You didn’t need words, a smile sufficed as a yes you would gladly come back with him and finish what you started.  
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