#She is a cruel mistress
rooolt · 2 years
Math is literally my girlfriend but she’s literally so toxic to me. I hate her but I adore her, like probably what I’m smartest at but literally I never want to engage with her. So easy and soothing on my brain and yet at the same time she comes in and takes a baseball bat to my peace of mind
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
when will ao3 return from the war
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writing-for-soup · 13 days
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made this for you
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One thing I find very interesting, as a learner of German, is Isolde's usage of du when speaking to Kakania. In German, there are three main second person pronouns: du, ihr and Sie. The first two are mainly used in informal and casual settings or when talking to people you're close with (with du being singular and ihr being plural sorta similar to english's y'all) while Sie is used in more formal situations (or situations which require some form of formality) such as talking to strangers, customer service or when you're talking to a doctor/patient. Kakania abides by this and uses Sie when talking to Isolde (such as in her speech at the end of chapter 6) but interestingly, Isolde doesn't reciprocate this and instead uses du when conversing with Kakania in German.
This is super fascinating to me because it implies different levels of closeness within their relationship. Isolde's usage of du implies a level of closeness and intimacy to Kakania as Isolde herself saw Kakania as a close friend (most likely due to the fact that Kakania was once of the few people in Vienna who actually sympathized with her and saw her as a human being) but Kakania's siezen suggests a certain level of estrangement or distance between her and Isolde. Of course. this could just be her maintaining her professionalism as doctors normally use Sie when talking to patients but with how things turned out after chapters 6 and 7, I'd like to think this goes deeper than just formality standards.
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phantomarine · 1 year
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don’t read Phantomarine
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pissditching · 1 year
gone off a blinker watching two people deadname me in a discussion board response assignment worth 20% of our final grade where they both failed to meet the response prompt requirements so miserably i can’t even find it in me to care about getting deadnamed
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evilsanlang · 2 months
I hate mediating things man what do you mean I have to tell this gorgeous businesswoman with a temper that she isn't allowed to yell at and threaten people🙄she should be meaner
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i love that nina isn't quite girlboss or girlfail but instead girltrying. girl trying so fucking hard to just run her coffee shop in peace and live her life but unfortunately she lives across from the weirdest gay couple of all time who won't stop trying to put her in a coffee shop au fanfic with a woman who sells records. nina doesn't even like records. the only reason she stays in the bookshop for the final confrontation is for answers and she doesn't even get those. maggie's having a category 7 main character moment after being an extra her entire life and it is backfiring so hard and nina just wants to know why the hell the nice old gay "man" who tricked her into attending a jane austen regency ball just has a pentagram on his floor ready-made. pour one out for the most normal character in the show who really really doesn't want to be a central player in Gay Bible Two but is anyway
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araneitela · 6 months
Even in terms of violence, there's an inherent romanticism to Kafka. There, I said it. /sticks out tongue
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hella1975 · 7 months
i miss the days when you’d turn the telly on in the morning and allison hammond would be doing some fucked to hell shit and the camera would cut back to everyone in the studio watching like
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plaguedocboi · 2 years
you give have a lot of scared-of-the-ocean posts, I'm not complaining but I love the ocean and I just felt obligated to do some ocean love posting for contrast sake. the ocean is full of lovely things, like:
-water! -Fish! -crabs! -squid! -whales! -turtles! -coral! -shipwrecks! -hydrothermal vents!
once I was in Florida walkin' on the beach after nightfall and I saw a little crab and ran after it because I love the little man.
also I think we can both agree that adding the Bermuda Triangle to Civ 6 as a natural wonder was a awful choice and I hate it.
I think you misunderstand me; I love the ocean. It is like a deity to me. I’m strongly considering going into marine biology. I need to live by the ocean because it is the only place where I truly feel happy and at peace. Also every ocean creature is Great and funky and if I could spend every day roaming around on the beach looking for Little Beasts I think that would be my ideal life.
However, none of this changes the fact that the ocean is a uncaring and terrifying force of nature that is fundamentally inhospitable to humans, and she wants nothing more than to swallow me up into her cold abyssal embrace and someday she likely will. These two opposing facts about the ocean are what makes it so excellent.
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mistress-light · 11 months
The absolute shock and sheer terror in Cinta's eyes when she realizes Sussures just went after her newborn daughter. ;-;
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years
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A statue of Joan of Arc in a local church, Durfort, France
Photographed by me
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ssspringroll · 10 months
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kind of love this color combo its so chocolate covered banana
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lunaechaos · 3 months
immensely wanda&agatha coded but i won't elaborate further
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weebsinstash · 2 years
I mean at least when I publish my works it's always at least inherently implied that I am writing fetish/kink material and that whatever abusive dynamics are for entertainment only, not to be condoned, but then some of these light novel writers who explicitly label their stories as ROMANCE say with their whole chest "ok so the male lead, after already breaking her heart, tells the female lead to prove she loves him by having sex, which she does because she loves him immensely, and after she's already had sex with him, he tells her he never loved her not even once, but it's ok because later on he apologizes and he helps raise the kid she gave birth to after he abandoned her for another woman" like are you for real right now, I would tear out his throat with my fucking teeth, are you actually fucking kidding--
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