#She held elegant savagery(Headcanon)
historias-multorum · 1 year
See her?
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Hinatsuru is a ThunderCat fan
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starikune · 1 year
Tag Dump Part 3.
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eclipsecursed · 5 years
discussed this in a server. but regarding renfri’s anger, because yes she is still angry underneath it all. that anger is her outlet for her feelings. it’s the only way she knows how to express and vent what she’s feeling without showing how vulnerable she really feels. for her vulnerability means opening herself up to be hurt, abused, or used, and she’s gone through so much of that in her life that she does all she can to avoid being vulnerable in front of others. so yes, while she is capable of showing other emotions, and putting on a face as if she’s not angry, please trust that just under the surface there is a lot of anger just boiling there. 
also the world should be glad that renfri is in a place now where she doesn’t simply react in anger 24/7 bc a lot of people would suffer. 
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phoenixscythe · 5 years
phoenix physiology
listed below are all the headcanons i have for phoenixes / phoenix faunus, specifically for cinder & her mother, electra. please do not steal as it did take me a very long time to come up with these. please do not reblog either unless you have permission from me to do so! @ironbirthed & @starkbirthed are the only ones i’ve given permission to use these specific headcanons for their muses as well. PERSONALS DO NOT REBLOG!!!
hollow bone structure  —  a phoenix’s bones are hollow, in turn making them lighter & faster.
phoenix transformation  —  phoenix faunus are able to transform into their bird form at will. in this form, they are slightly bigger than a hawk with a colorful plumage though the main color is red, almost burgundy with long tail feathers of gold, violet, and other shades of red. this form is rarely used due to poachers & others who want to capture the phoenix for themselves.
phoenix aura / glow  —  while their aura appears to be like that of another faunus or human, in moments of intense feelings (usually rage, more often than not), their aura makes them appear to be on fire & takes the shape of a phoenix. in other moments (intimacy, etc.), a phoenix’s body can glow depending on their emotions.
phoenix lament / warcry  —  these are two types of cries phoenixes can have, depending on feelings, circumstances, etc. a lament is cried that can be heard over long distances, usually when a phoenix is heartbroken over the loss of a loved one, including friends or those who have had a significant impact on them. a warcry is used in dire situations to bolster courage among those the phoenix sides with, helping rally everyone together against their enemy.
good luck —  phoenixes have an air of good fortune around them, though the luck is actually in their feathers. their feathers were sought after all over the world, giving good luck to those who had them. however, if a feather is willingly given to someone by a phoenix, it carries the most luck of all.
regenerative healing factor  —  they can heal faster than normal if wounded. small cuts & bruises heal completely shortly after they’re inflicted, but other more serious wounds can still take time to heal, just not as much as a normal human’s aura would take to heal them. healing tears can also help the healing process, further explained in the next bullet.
healing tears  —  phoenix tears were known for their ability to heal most, if not all types of wounds, even being able to get rid of poisons in one’s body. just a couple of drops can heal nasty wounds or cuts but anything serious or fatal would take more to fully regenerate.
slowed aging / semi-immortality  —  the first cycle of a phoenix’s life is the only one when the phoenix starts as an infant, aging normally until their prime (usually anywhere between 22-32 years old) when their aging slows dramatically to the point where even after hundreds of years, they hardly appear to age at all until they near the end of that cycle.
fire invulnerability  —  phoenixes cannot be harmed by fire since it is a very integral part of their being, their body temperature even being higher than normal so they are always warm to the touch. the only time fire does have an effect on them is when they die & their bodies burst into flame, turning them into ash until they resurrect.
self resurrection through ashes  —  upon death (usually within moments), their bodies are ablaze until all that’s left of them is ash. their soul & very being remain in the ashes & as long as the ashes are all together, the phoenix resurrects three days after dying. if the ashes are disturbed in any way or spread apart, it can take longer to resurrect, anywhere from days to months, to years if they’re spread over long distances. when they resurrect, their ashes catch fire & the phoenix comes out of them, back in their prime. while memories of past lives / cycles are there & do carry over, sometimes they take time to come back to the phoenix, but in the end, the phoenix will eventually remember everything.
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pxppybaratheon · 6 years
tag dump - Poppy!! 
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shinderaarc · 7 years
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with v5 currently airing , i wanted to make this post to remind my followers  (new & old)  about what makes my portrayal of cinder canon divergent. the full story can be found here  (it’s linked on her main verse tab in the ‘verses’ popup).
she is a phoenix faunus. she has burgundy wings & is able to shift into bird form  (about the size of a hawk). she did not know she was a phoenix faunus until halfway through v4 but found out when stumbling across a file with information about phoenixes. unless your muse has knowledge of phoenixes or is told by cinder what she is , they won’t know she is one until she admits it to them. i will make a post about phoenix physiology soon that will go into more detail about this.
cinder still has both of her eyes , but does have scars on her face from ruby’s silver eyes’ blast at the end of v3. the night beacon fell , she was able to escape though not without getting hurt in the process. the scars cover quite a bit of the right side of her face , including most of her cheek , below & beside her eye , down her neck , & partially extending across the bridge of her nose & under her left eye. she doesn’t always cover up her scars unless she’s wearing a hood to hide her face from anyone who might recognize her, but has since started covering them up with makeup.
in cinder’s main verse , she left to join qrow  &  ruby early on in v4.  (after finding out the truth regarding her parents , tribe , & lineage.)  at this point in time , she’s staying with them in mistral & the rest of -jnr & -w-y. not everyone is happy that she’s there after what she did at beacon , but she usually stays inside the house and hidden away so her former master doesn’t know where she is. she’s under supervision most of the time. she does tell qrow & ozpin/oscar what she knows when they ask , though she doesn’t tell them  (or at least not ozpin)  everything right away. only the most important & time sensitive information just so she’s able to fight back with them against salem. the details about her own past , however , she does share to further explain why she left.
main verse cont.  upon finding out that they had talked to leonardo , cinder realized it was only a matter of time until her former colleagues would make their way to the branwen tribe’s main camp & left one night in an attempt to beat them there & warn raven about who would be coming for them. when raven chose to stay , cinder stayed behind to keep an eye on her best friend/sister-in-law while remaining in the shadows for as long as possible. cinder knows that the moment she does reveal herself , that’s when her former leader will learn of her betrayal.
for all other verses: cinder continues to work for salem until the night of the attack on haven (end of v5). she leaves the fortress  (for the last time)  at the beginning of v5 with emerald & mercury to acquire the spring maiden to get them the relic of knowledge in haven’s vault. before leaving , she found out that salem was the one who had her parents & her tribe killed in order to push cinder towards joining her group.  (she learned this in the beginning of v4 but forced herself to keep the appearance of being loyal to her master.)  cinder hates salem with every fiber of her being for taking away everyone she ever cared about & wants to fight against her , though she would rather kill salem herself if the chance arises. she gives mercury & emerald the choice to leave or stay with her the night they plan on going to haven , but cinder will fight back & foil salem’s plans that night, revealing her betrayal to her former master & associates then.
details in other verses are subject to change depending on plotting with partners , etc. , but this is all the important information you need to know !
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evils--reign · 7 years
                 beacon hills.     her memories of what used to be home are vague and fleeting. she recalls the woodland, where her coven would perform rituals from the family grimoire. regina was far too young at the time to participate, let alone remember in detail     --     she was only young when the hale’s perished in fire, and the mills had fled in to the night, fearing that they would be next. witches and wolves were allies, to a degree. but self-preservation had kicked in and she recalls, her mother’s vice-like grip, fingers curled around a wrist hard enough to bruise. absentmindedly, regina rubs her hands together, thumb brushing over unblemished skin.
                                                  wandering their old clearing, overgrown and off-the-track, regina walked the perimeter in heels that have no business on woodland floor. she’s been here less than a week and she’ll start school come monday     ...     this might be the only chance she gets to explore sacred ground until the next moon, when her magic is at it’s peak and she’ll be able to tap in to the family bloodline, and complete the circle.     ‘    revelare,     ‘     latin murmured under breath, her hand waves out and fingers curl in to the air, palm slowly turning from ground to sky. she continues to walk, unfaltering step strong and precise. the same word repeats on her tongue, blood beginning to sing with the familiar call of magic in the air. as she moves, the wind at her feet gathers fallen leaves and loose grass, brushing it away     --     drawn in to the earth itself, a stone circle the colour of night. 
                       ‘     praesidio,     ‘      nails scratch at the soft skin of her palm as fingers curl inwards, a fist forming. the air around her thickens, the skies above beginning to darken as clouds start to form, angry and grey. regina grits her teeth, brow knit in concentration. this would be easier with another to help channel the magic regina conjures, but she’d come to beacon hills of her own free will, leaving her monstrous mother behind and, consequently, the coven. 
                                                  storm gathers overhead, and regina’s eyes are drawn to the sky. a whisper passes her lips,     ‘     pluviam,     ‘     and rainfall. light, and brief, but it draws a satisfied smile. it doesn’t last, this peace and quiet. a howl catches her off-guard, her head turning quickly and her hand falling to her side. the rain soaks in to the soil under heel, the air thinning as her magic recedes and regina blinks owlishly at new company. 
                         as far as she knew, the hales were the only pack in beacon hills, and she was under the impression that they had all died years ago.     ‘     i know you’re there,     ‘     despite the thundering of her heart     (     regina’s never faced a wolf alone     )     she murmurs her acknowledgement, following the tilt of her head. braid over shoulder, regina’s steps bring her closer to the tree line.     ‘     i’m not going to stand out here all night, i have better things to do.     ‘
🍎     *     sc     --     @howlgrief     !!
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marnamaii · 5 years
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Tag dump.
❪ ⋅ ◆ — if she was anything it was violence. ┊ headcanons. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — she was destruction given form && purpose. ┊ reflection. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — she'll swallow her blood before her pride. ┊ musings. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — she wanted a storm to match her rage. ┊ aesthetics. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — she beats her knuckles into other people’s jaws. ┊ ic. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — tragedy exists because she is full of rage. ┊ prompts. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — how do I stay tender with this much blood in my mouth? ┊ ships. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — the world quakes beneath his feet. ┊ achilles. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — go after dreams, not people. ┊ hector. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — fire in her bones && honey in her soul. ┊ atalanta. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — she wore darkness well, like a crown fit for a  queen. ┊ medea. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — he was a chaos of contradictions. ┊ paris. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — too hot to handle. ┊ explicit. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — I miss the war. ┊ queued. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — punish the insolence. ┊ messages. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — only the strongest will survive. ┊ p. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — will actually step on you && destroy you. ┊ ooc. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ — α verse: she sins to forget she has a heart. ┊ berserker. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ —  β verse: she held an elegant savagery. ┊ lancer. ❫
❪ ⋅ ◆ —  γ verse: she held an elegant savagery. ┊ archer. ❫
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historias-multorum · 1 year
If you think Hinatsuru doesn’t peg Tengen you’re wrong. She pegs him.
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eclipsecursed · 5 years
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REGARDING RENFRI AND HOBBIES/INTERESTS personals do not interact or reblog. this is a personal headcanon for my rp
renfri does have a few hobbies beyond training, and sparring. she enjoys dancing (though it’s not something widely known, you’d have to spend time with her to know it was something she enjoys), attending plays/shows/concerts, reading, drawing (more specifically sketching), and spa time. i elaborate more on each under the cut.
as a child when she was still living as a princess her father made sure to hire the best dance instructors for her. while younger it was something she simply enjoyed as a bit of fun, as she grew older her experience with dance started having more practical uses in helping to improve her already considerable agility and keeping her light on her feet. 
in regards to reading, renfri does enjoy a good book. she is not a fan of romance or fairy tales as they often prove to be sugar coated and full of falsehoods. she’s also not a fan of the repeated themes of girls needing to be rescued by men that comes along with the romance and fairy tales. renfri does enjoy books that are more adventure and thrilling. renfri also enjoys books that make the reader think and consider what the exact message is. memoirs and biographies are interesting to a point, and unless it benefits her in some way to read them she doesn’t tend to reach for them. strangely enough (or not so strange all things considered) educational books are something she enjoys as it often leads to her to learning something new or expanding on her current knowledge. she also enjoys poetry though this is something she keeps a secret as she has a certain reputation to keep up. 
plays/shows/concerts and things such as that, are simply momentary means of escape from her day to day life. it gives her a moment to simply enjoy something that takes her mind elsewhere. 
with sketching is something she does when she finds herself feeling tired yet still restless, it helps focus her mind on a task and stops her thoughts from going a mile a minute. sketching also allows her to express what she’s feeling and attempting to cope with things that have happened to her in a way that isn’t harmful to herself or other’s and because of this she likely won’t show anyone her sketch book unless she’s extremely comfortable with that person. if she has someone she has feelings for it’s more than likely that she has sketches of them in her sketchbook. 
spa time aka visiting bathhouses is the one thing renfri will attempt to make time for above all of the things listed above. she does not like the feeling of being dirty, which in her line of work is something that is inevitable. this is something renfri prefers to remedy as soon as she can, even if that means jumping into a river to hold her over until she can find herself a bathhouse in whatever town/city she travels to next. it’s also a small luxury that she refuses to deny herself, she is still a princess despite the cards she’s been dealt and renfri will treat herself like one even if it’s only for a few hours while visiting a bath house. (note that renfri does have a signature scent, it is listed on her about page) 
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phoenixscythe · 6 years
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when cinder made her plan to leave salem after finding out that she had orchestrated the deaths of her parents & subsequently her tribe being wiped out, she knew she’d have to do something about the grimm beetle inside her. there was no way the maiden could escape salem with the grimm being a part of her so when she left in the guise of following her duties, cinder did the only thing she could think of & burned hotter than she ever had before. (for example, when cinder went what i like to call ‘supernova’ in the vault against ozpin, but this time with far more intensity.) 
she kept a far enough distance away from everyone & everything that could possibly catch on fire (finding an empty cave a fair distance away from her tribe’s ruins, nowhere near any villages or prying eyes), raising her body temperature enough in the process that she successfully burned out the grimm with no trace of it left. the ‘tattoo’ on her back between her wings is faded as a result, but it’s not the only thing: because of the grimm having been a part of her for so long, it caused irreparable damage to her nervous system to the point where cinder is constantly in a state of pain from overactive nerves.
some days are better than others, though it’s still taking time for her to adjust. she can take things to alleviate the pain but even phoenix tears are only temporarily able to dull it, leaving her with having to fight through the pain no matter where she is. it’s made her slower when it comes to getting out of bed every morning & doing certain things, but she powers through it & does what she can. cold temperatures never used to bother her before, yet now they can cause flare ups & make things more difficult in day to day life. until this cycle ends, she’s stuck living with chronic pain.
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ladyfreyah · 6 years
tag drop !
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imogenadani · 7 years
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tag dump
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shinderaarc · 7 years
cinder’s  that  person  who’s  secretly  a  gamer  but  never  lets  anyone  else  know.  qrow  found  that  out  the  hard  way  when  the  enemy  team’s  s.ombra  kept  hacking  the  hell  out  of  him  so  he  couldn’t  use  his  ult   &.   he  heard  uncontrollable  laughter  in  the  other  room  while  raging  /  trying  to  kill  them.  that’s  when  he  found  out  that  his  wife  is  actually  a  gamer   &.   now  they're  always  teamed  up  so  that  doesn’t  happen  again.
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sophlcs · 7 years
✧*:・゚tag dump ↯ part i.
#♡ ◜˚ —「 she's made of silk rose water & glitter » headcanon. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 her eyes said more than words can say » interactions. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 she held an elegant savagery » musing. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 mood: not in the mood » moodboard. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 blackjack & classic vinyl; tough girl is what she had to be » extra. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 the girl has always been half goddess half hell » vanity. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 she wears darkness as a queen wears her crown » attire. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 you’ll find me in the lonely hearts » literally. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 i was so much younger yesterday » younger. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 but hollywood legends will never grow old » older. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 i am mine before i am ever anyone else’s » male. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 don’t do love; don’t do friends; i’m only after success » crush. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 my only friend was the man on the moon » featuring. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 it’s hard for me to communicate the thoughts that i hold » thoughts. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 i desire the things that will destroy me in the end » desire. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 she craves the balm of beautiful & soft things » things. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 everything interests me but nothing holds me » interests. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 her aesthetic is money & fighting with people » aesthetic. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 running on the music and night highs » playlist. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 ain’t you ever seen a princess be a bad bitch? » entj. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 i’m an angel with a shotgun » aries. 」#♡ ◜˚ —「 i’m covered by nature & i’m safe now » pets. 」
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