maguro13-2 · 1 year
Legacy of Shinra ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 1 Pt.2
[Fishing Vibes - Tomoya Ohtani]
[Cellphone ringing]
Kimial Diehl : (answers the phone) Ohayou-gozaimasu! (Clears throat) Hello, Ashley! Yep, I just got off from work in Massachusetts! Hey, I heard that both companies Square and Enix are going to merge into one company on April fool's day! Yeah, it's a holiday for pranks and stuff, I know it's the day that these two companies are going to merge into one. So that's where I am heading to after finding the Gorgon Sisters is such a pain. This new series by Ohkubo is going to be debuted once the merger is a success. I'll meet up with one of the Characters named Geno. Okay then, so about that incident in New York--
[phone Beeping]
Kimial Diehl : Great, hang up by disconnecting, huh? That's okay, I'll meet her up in about a year or two. Or probably I'll meet up her at Salem one day. Now let's see here. (Looks at the map) It should be around here somewhere. What street this merger's located? Eastside Square of Shinjuku. [Stops and thinks for a moment] Well, this is Eastside Square and i'm in Shinjuku, then the merger should be right...[turns and sees the Square Enix building in front of her] here. Huh, this must be the place.
(scene slides)
Cloud Strife : Hey, you must be new here. The name's Cloud Strife. Welcome to our newly merged company, "Square-Enix".
Sora : Where we companies of two merges and fused together into one company to become a success! Not to mention the spoils for myself!
Cloud Strife : Right. We are a merged company that make games and manga coming to join forces together, but the author of Fullmetal Alchemist had this planned out for the merger. Now you wouldn't happened to be...
Maka : Maka...Maka Albarn.
Cloud Strife : You're new here?
Maka : Yes, I am new here.
Sora : Let me give you a quick look of your passport.
Maka : Actually I have two passports. (Shows two of her passports; one is Japan and the other is U.S)
Sora : Since when did you started living in America?
Maka : Umm, probably in San Francisco I think?
Sora : Seems fair enough.
Cloud Strife : Hey, wait a sec. You're...
[Leonard's Past - Masamichi Amano]
Cloud Strife : [in mind] So that's her. That's the one whose mother has been spreading truth to the world. Makami. Just what on earth are your involvements with the Kusakabe anyway?
(Cloud reached out to Maka, but Sora firmly hand shakes her)
Sora : It is a pleasure of you joining our company. Welcome!
Maka : Ah, yes, a nice pleasure of being here. I don't mind if would be popular enough bringing me here to be that famous. If that's what I meant
Sora : Nonsense! You're welcome of being here! You just got to meet and make new friends in the company. And I heard you're great at athletic skills at school! Since when did you become so skillful to join Square Enix.
Maka : To make myself a trust worthy scythe wielder, I learned this from someone that is a scythewielder.
Sora : Really who?
Maka : You don't want to know.
Cloud Strife : I Hope you didn't get that from legendary martial artists like Son Goku, he's a Shounen Protag. You see, Shounens are demographics manga that are targeted for boys only. Every Shounen hero is a boy or a girl, but you, uhh, you could be on the other hand as being capable of fitting into a Shounen Manga. You hadn't given to any chances to be the main character.
Sora : I think it would rather to be giving you a headstart of becoming a Shounen Protag or you'll just be like one of them Shoujo mangas.
Cloud Strife : Kagome was already a Shounen Protag.
Sora : Well, the Gangan Editors did say that they chosen her as the Shounen Protag, but I'm not thinking that your author is making you the Shounen Protag. (Sighs) It shouldn't been a Shounen male protag by now. Come on, I'll take you where Edward is in the Manga section. (The two walks off to the right)
Maka : Right! Lead the way.
Cloud Strife [v/o] : Just what's she superstitious about after not hearing the truth from her Mother. It's best that there's something fishy bout Ohkubo's new series or the mysterious Ohkuboverse itself. Wonder what's the point of making her a Shounen "Hero"? It might be lucky that this friendship of ours might be the clue of her whereabouts. To think that you, Maka Albarn, a girl who couldn't face the truth told by your own mother. And you must face it.
Truth : Unfortunately, it shall be the one that will unravel the secrets of the Ohkuboverse and this time, Real World AU will be safe and sound from the king of all lies. The person who gave all those from the Ohkuboverse, is Shinra Kusakabe!
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captainseamech · 2 years
"The nickname alone though."
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             “.... What about it? It’s a friendly nickname, we’re old friends.”
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littleblackqrow · 4 years
@flightofaqrow @sunlitfeathers @unluckyscythe @scythewielder @unfourtune​
There appear to be enough crows around for
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starkbirthed-a · 5 years
tonight’s dbd shenanigans
me: he wants to sell you cookies ! (talking about boyscout hillbilly)
ryan: (who was staring at a dumb gif of the doctor) proceeds to start wheezing
jade: listening to both of us dying and being completely done with us
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extortus · 5 years
scythewielder replied to your post:                   a anyone here like s.ilent hill?
I have a RWBY verse where he’s a photographer (no surprise) and his Semblance is basically a shield that goes over him like a turtle shell so he can take pictures in dangerous situations but not get into confrontation. 
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courtedclover-a · 5 years
Gods Starter Call || @scythewielder
Qrow’s little winged messengers are great company. they bring Clover odd yet very unique little trinkets. he’s received metal caps and pieces of glass, twine and twigs, and the pretty autumn leaves. Clover shouldn’t favor one species of bird as the entire avian class is adored under his divinity, but, well, they are just too adorable to deny. 
“ hmm? oh. none for me, thank you.” Clover turns away sheepishly a gift of bugs in a crow’s beak. 
“ oh? i don’t think i have met you before? come here, beautiful bird.” Clover smiles as another crow comes, eyes as red as crimson, and Clover extends an open palm to it.  
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fourtune · 5 years
Someone who's totally not a brave soul even if he makes everyone thinks he's up there has managed to get courage to get the other a bouquet of red... and green colored roses. What an interesting combination right? "H-- Here, I got these for you."
                   considering the weather, roses don’t come through atlas very often; unless they’re cultivated, made in a green house. he knows right off the bat they must not have been an easy find. that, and the color...something about dying the water as they bloom. did...did qrow go to great lengths for this? or is he thinking too much into it? was this what friends did? he hopes not. either way, captain is touched when corvid presents him with the bouquet that is unmistakably relevant to them both; red and green. valentine’s day. roses. it’s poetic, almost. 
                  they’re wrapped to save from the thorns so clover is nestling the bouquet in the crook of his arm only after taking a few inhales of the sweet smell. his free arm reaches out to take qrow’s wrist so he can guide worn knuckles to his lips. a soft kiss is placed on them as an equally soft blush of pink blooms across his face, “thank you, qrow. these are beautiful.”
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artificialrebirth · 5 years
@scythewielder​: con
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There’s a faint rise to the corners of the knights lips, as he gives a small incline of his head. “I did take a castle.” 
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compatiissante · 2 years
@scythewielder​ | crying screaming more crying
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just presses her entire face flat against his arm with a nod. but she can breathe a little easier now, as well. she’s totally not trying to be clingy, but--  “too long. much, much too long.”
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mysteryprof · 6 years
Percyyyy I've been helping new and old Hanzo players when I can! Our boy is PLAYABLE and we gotta help!
I love being able to give folks tips and advice for him, and it’s great to see other people doing it too
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azura1810 · 2 years
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ribbonscythed · 4 years
♫   lyric starter   /   @scythewielder​
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‘ there's no crying wolves now cause the truth has settled in, hiding under goose down for your nightmare to begin. ‘
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shinderaarc · 7 years
cinder’s  that  person  who’s  secretly  a  gamer  but  never  lets  anyone  else  know.  qrow  found  that  out  the  hard  way  when  the  enemy  team’s  s.ombra  kept  hacking  the  hell  out  of  him  so  he  couldn’t  use  his  ult   &.   he  heard  uncontrollable  laughter  in  the  other  room  while  raging  /  trying  to  kill  them.  that’s  when  he  found  out  that  his  wife  is  actually  a  gamer   &.   now  they're  always  teamed  up  so  that  doesn’t  happen  again.
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littleblackqrow · 4 years
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@scythewielder replied to your post: @flightofaqrow @sunlitfeathers @unluckyscythe...
((I dont remember what that is after tumblr gets done mangling it lkjdflkajdf, 
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glyphblade · 5 years
"... I kinda wanna tell you something but I don't know how you'll handle it."
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‘ i suppose that depends on what exactly you want to tell me but i’m all ears, qrow. ‘
unprompted.   always accepting.   /   @scythewielder
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extortus · 4 years
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                Ah ... Caught. Camera still in the air and pointed at the Huntsman during the final swing of his scythe he had indeed gotten the shot he wanted. It was his intention all along to ask if he could use it but that came with the caveat that he had the time to work himself into approaching him to ask -- preferably off the battlefield Henry did not belong on in the first place, “    Uh... Sorry.     ” Was all he could think of in the midst of a fuzzy mind as he lowered the camera. @scythewielder​
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