aithersattempts · 5 months
A Terrible Rat
My life is a labyrinth
And I am a terrible rat
Repeating the same wrong turns
Always and only obvious in hindsight
I can see the way out
But my mind always slips
And I am lost in the labyrinth again
My life is a labyrinth
And I am a terrible rat
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aithersattempts · 2 years
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This tiny squish has been making my room smell like strawberries for half a week.
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aithersattempts · 2 years
A fight
We had a fight
There was yelling
I can’t handle yelling
I started crying
I couldn’t control my breathing
The air just kept stuttering out of my chest
Every breath taken in was a struggle against my own lungs, a futile attempt at fighting against the sobs ripping all air out of me
Counting didn’t help
I fumbled with my headphones, found the calmest music I had, and continued to sob
I sobbed harder when she called me out of my room, away from my brief reprieve before the first song had even ended
My throat was so dry and sore as I shouted back at her
Still, I knew if I didn’t I would only be met with more noise and conflict
By the third song I still wasn’t fully calm……. But I was getting there
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aithersattempts · 2 years
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Another drawing! This started out as a random throwaway sketch, so the proportions and pose are shiiit. Still happy with it tho.
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aithersattempts · 2 years
Realizing What You’ve Lost
It’s finding something you don’t remember. An old jewelry box, the brightly colored cloth frayed, and the metal bottom dented and dirty. You pick it up, and even though you have no memory of it, you know it was yours.
You turn it around in you hands, and it’s like a part of you still remembers this small object. You already know how to open it, and even though you didn’t know what to expect, you are not surprised at what lies inside.
A few pressed coins, and some tokens from an arcade you hadn’t visited in over a decade. And a pin. The only thing in the box you have some vague recollection of. You had forgotten about that, too.
You cannot remember the box, though. You know it was yours, and can practically see it sitting on your old wooden dresser, but nothing tangible. You ask your family, but they don’t remember the box either.
It’s hard, realizing what you’ve lost, realizing how much about yourself you have forgotten. All you know is that the box was yours, and even long forgotten, part of you still loves it.
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aithersattempts · 2 years
Only now
it is only now, when I have finally worked up the courage to write down what I feel that I have realized how much I feel. I have always been content to let these thoughts die inside me before they can even start to breathe. How many thoughts, feelings, days, opinions, have I let die inside me simply because I couldn’t say them out loud or write them down. I think I know the answer. Countless. I have lost so much of myself simply because I could not say it, write it, tell my story. I don’t want to feel this way anymore. Even if no one ever sees these I will write them down because I want them to live.
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aithersattempts · 2 years
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aithersattempts · 2 years
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I decided to buy a cross stitch kit on a whim, and ended up having a ton of fun. The back looks like total ass though.
(Here’s a challenge! Spot the mistake.)
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aithersattempts · 3 years
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An attempt at digital art!
(I didn’t even try to shade it, lol)
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aithersattempts · 3 years
Foolish’s DreamXD Statue
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