#She Lives in Kamino Ward
aheckinmess · 6 days
Hide and Seek -> Pt. 1 [Hawks] (Fluff)
(One-shot 25/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays - and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Keigo Takami, Takami Keigo, Hawks, Original Female Character(s), Ichijiku Aoki, Tigress, Fluff, Angsty Fluff, There's a Little of Both Okay, It's Bittersweet, Pining Hawks, Childhood Friends to Lovers, It's Actually So Cute, Takami - Keigo's Father Mentioned, Tomie Takami Mentioned, Bookstore is Mentioned, OC Works at a Bookshop, She Lives in Kamino Ward, The Bad Part of Town, Hawks Gets Protective, Pinky Promise, I'm Bad at Tagging, But I Blame That on the Fact that You Kinda Need to Read the Prompt Itself to Understand, What Else Do You Want from Me?
Word Count: 3,137 words
Summary: Hawks' childhood was not unlike that of Ichijiku Aoki, and she would know because she was his best friend. Ten long years after leaving her to train and be a hero, Hawks suddenly pops up in Ichijiku's life again.
Author's Note: This one-shot is a little different. Normally when I write multiple parts of a one-shot, I just include it in a separate series. However, this one just happened to run a little longer, so I decided breaking it into chunks would be helpful. I may end up deciding to make it its own series anyway, who can say? For now, you get part 1/2 of this tasty delicious prompt!
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
Mommy doesn’t like emotional brats. That’s why when she and Daddy fall asleep, I sneak out the back door and start running down the trail behind our house. I make it to the broken tree before I see a blurry house. 
I step closer, the house getting clearer until it’s obvious it’s more of a shack, wooden and decrepit. It looks like the perfect place to play House, or Superheroes, or even Tea Party! Looking over my shoulder, I crawl beneath a lonely window and peek in. 
A little boy with red feathers looks back at me and I crouch as my heartbeat makes it hard to hear. I look up after a moment to find him when his shadow hangs out of the window above me.
“What are you doing here? You have to go before you get in trouble!” He whispers, turning over his shoulder. “My dad will be really angry if he sees you.”
“My mommy can’t find me, or she’ll whoop me good.” I hiss back.
We stare at each other for a minute before his pretty red feathers swirl around me. My face slips into a smile as I reach for it.
“This your quirk? What are they for?”
“I can move them around and hear things with them, but…Mom and Dad say they’re pretty useless.”
“Can you fly?”
“I dunno. Never tried.” He shrugs. “They don’t let me leave our house.”
“You should see if you can–” A limb snaps and both of us freeze, eyes snapping towards the sound.
I wave at him before hopping into the closest hidey hole I see: a barrel. The loud voice inside reminds me of Mommy. I expect the yelling and the smack! that follows, as well as the sharp scolding about being respectful and listening to adults.
I’m not expecting the silence that follows to be tainted with soft sobs from the sassy little boy from the window.
It makes me sad.
I peek out of my barrel and climb out, before looking into the broken window. The boy - Keigo? - faces away from me with shaky wings. He sniffles every few seconds as I listen for footsteps, eyes latched onto the woman sleeping on a mat beside him.
When I climb through and pad over to him, I pat his shoulder and pull on his arm. He pulls back and shakes his head.
“You have to go–”
“Who are you?” A tired voice asks.
I whip my head around to find a lady and two extra eyes watching me. Those two eyes float and circle around me, coaxing me to move closer to Keigo. I swallow thickly and hide my trembling hands behind my back.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m Keigo’s friend.”
“I asked who you are, Keigo’s friend. What’s your name?”
“Ichijiku.” I answer, looking at the floating eyes. “What are those for?”
“None of your business, kid.” Dark circles line her eyes as she glares at me. “Why are you here? How do you know Keigo?”
“I just met him. I was playing Hide and Seek outside when I found this house.” I explain carefully, glancing away. 
“Well, you’re not welcome here, kid. Keigo doesn’t have any friends. And if you don’t move your ass, my husband will kick you out personally.”
“Can I come visit Keigo another time if I promise not to bring nobody?” I plead.
“Tch. You can certainly try, kid.”
“Okay!” I lock her pinky with mine. “I pinky promise I won’t bring no one next time. See you later, Keigo!” 
. . . . .
The next time I see Keigo, I make extra sure I don’t see any eyes as I sneak in. No one else is in the house as I tiptoe over the wooden floorboards. Keigo’s still curled up in the same spot he was before, red feathers fanned out behind his back.
“Hi, Keigo.” I whisper.
“Huh?” He turns over and his eyes widen as he jolts to a standing position. “Ichijiku?”
“What are you doing here?!” He hisses, squeezing a plushie against his chest. “I told you, my dad will kill you if he sees you here!” 
“He won’t see me.” I assure him. “Besides, you’re my friend! Do you wanna go play Hide and Seek outside?”
“I’m not allowed to go outside, ever.” He frowns.
“Oh.” I rub the back of my neck as I look around. “Well, do you wanna play Superheroes in here, instead?”
“What if my parents come back and you’re still here?”
“We can listen to hear when they’re coming and then I’ll go hide!” I say quickly, before I gasp and point at his feathers. “You said you can hear stuff with your feathers, right? Maybe you can listen for them?”
Keigo looks around the house one time, before he turns back to me with a smile.
“Let’s do it!”
It becomes our ritual to see each other at least once a week playing as the world’s greatest superheroes: Tiger and Birdie! Since Keigo can’t go outside and find me, I make the trek every Thursday to go visit.
Until one day I find the dilapidated shack empty.
My shoulders slump. My little legs scour the surrounding area and all over the house with no luck. No floating eyeballs. No loud, red-haired man. No Keigo. 
I return to my house feeling more lonely and worried than ever. Did he leave because he got in trouble? Did I get him in trouble? Will he ever come back? A few weeks pass and answer my question. As the little shack remains vacant, it becomes clear he's not coming back.
Mommy and I are waiting for the train when I spot it.
A small, red feather.
“What the hell are you looking at? Hurry up!” Mommy jerks me forward. “Pay attention so we’re not late!”
I see Keigo huddled up against the wall with his mom and my face smiles so wide it hurts! I look up at Mommy, scrolling on her phone, and get an idea.
When the train doors open and we make it to the platform, I duck and squirm between the people behind us to wiggle back into the train station. I dart over to Keigo as soon as the train doors close.
“Keigo-kun!” I call, sliding to a stop on my knees in front of him. “I found you!”
“Ichan?” His head lifts and his eyes sparkle.
I yank him into my arms, hugging him so tight. I don’t want to let him go. I want to take him home with Mommy so that he can stay with us forever!
“Where did you go?” I whisper, pulling back and wiping my face. “Your house is empty!”
“Endeavor saved us from my dad, Ichan! Endeavor’s real! Like…really real!” Keigo exclaims, holding out his Endeavor doll. “He helped us get away from Dad!”
“Yeah, and now we’re homeless, Keigo.” His mother scoffs, turning her head away. “We have nothing. Nothing to eat, nowhere to stay. Why do you have those feathers if you’re not gonna use them?”
 Keigo and I look between each other and then his mom. We remain silent. I turn back to the train to make sure my mom hasn’t come back for me yet. 
She’s going to be so angry.
“Where’s your mom, Ichan?”
“I hid from her so I could say hi.” I admit, rocking back and forth on my feet. “Is this where you’re staying?”
“For now, yeah. We move around Fukuoka to find places to stay warm or get food.” He pauses to look behind me before he adds. “You’re not gonna get in trouble are you?”
“Probably. But it’s okay. Maybe…maybe if I talk to my mommy you could stay with us! And then you wouldn’t have to look for food or blankets!” I offer.
“No way, kid.” Keigo’s mom snaps. “I’m not staying somewhere with another brat to take care of and a stranger. Get lost.”
I open my mouth to disagree, but Keigo’s eyes widen and he shakes his head. He uses a feather to turn me around.
“Ichijiku Aoki!” My mom snatches me by the front of my shirt as I flinch back with scrunched eyes. “What on earth did you think you were doing? What if I hadn’t found you? Now those bastards are looking into the custody case on the grounds that I’m not a competent parent. Get your ass back on that train!”
The following pop on my butt burns, but not as much as it burns to wave goodbye to Keigo.
. . . . .
“Pardon me, ma’am. Is your daughter home?”
“My daughter? What is this about? I’ve been getting her packed to move in with her father, you bastards. Why are you here?”
I peek around the corner of the dining table as I see men in black suits talking with Mommy. My stuffed tiger stays squished against my chest as I watch them.
“Ma’am, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. We’re not here to take your daughter. We’re here because a friend of hers would like to say goodbye.”
When Keigo comes into view, I gasp and pop out of my hiding spot, running over to him. This time, he’s the one that pulls me against his chest.
“Did you come over to play, Keigo? I’ve got–”
“I’m sorry, young lady, but he’s not here to play. He’s here to tell you goodbye. He won’t be speaking to you anymore.” A man behind him says.
Keigo stands there with his feathers looking sad. They drag on the ground as he tilts his head down.
“He…” I look at Keigo. “I won’t get to see you again? Never ever?” 
“Not never ever!” He says confidently, lifting his head. “Just…not for a long time. It’s like Hide and Seek. But this time, I’ll be the one to find you.”
“You pinky promise?” I ask, holding out a small digit while my eyes burn. Sticky tears dry on my face before he ever leaves, before he ever links his finger with mine.
“Pinky promise.”
. . . . .
“That was years ago, Sacchan, I doubt he remembers who I am.” I whisper to her over a crowd of fawning girls.
Years following Keigo’s abrupt removal from my life, I’ve walked the streets every day hoping for a glimpse of red feathers. By the time Hawks made his debut, I’d all but given up hope in ever seeing him again.
But now? Seeing the familiar floating feathers and the swarm of fangirls on a morning stroll with Sayuri could only mean one thing.
“There’s no way he’d forget you, Ichan! It sounds like you were his only friend as a kid. You don’t just forget that.” She presses, urging me forward against the claustrophobic hoard of warm bodies. “At least say hi. Don’t pass up the opportunity to meet #3!” 
At her insistence, I worm my way through the crowd; people scream his name and reach for his feathers. I know I have no shot, but I still raise my hand to get his attention when he looks in my direction.
Immediately, our eyes lock.
“Ichan!” His eyes widen and he surges forward, rendering me frozen. “Hey! Ichijiku, yeah?”
“Y-Yes. You…remember me?”
“Definitely! I told you I’d find you again, didn’t I? I’d know your face anywhere.” He smirks, red feathers circling around me. “Remember these?” How do I tell him that my every waking moment has been filled with the hope of seeing them again? That every thought in my mind has been tainted with his promise, with his smile?
“I do.” I grin, giggling as they tickle my face. “Did you ever figure out if you could fly?” I taunt.
“Haha! Sure did! Turns out you had the right idea.” His laughter settles in my bones and heals every ache. When he leans in close to me, the smell of springtime and cologne invades my nostrils as he whispers in my ear. “Meet me on the roof of this building in two hours.”
“Okay.” I breathe, exhibiting maximum self-control to keep from reaching for him when he pulls back.
“We’ve gotta catch up sometime!” He beams.
“For sure.” I nod.
As I’m shoved back into Sayuri’s side by the thronging mob, she gives me a knowing smirk while I pinch myself to see if I’m stuck in a dream.
“Told you he’d remember.”
“Shut up.” I flush. “We need to finish shopping quickly; I’m busy in 2 hours.”
. . . . .
Between my attention span and restless limbs, I simply can’t wait. I’m reclining on the roof well before the time I’m supposed to show up. For one lonely hour, I bond with the sky, voicing my insecurities and long-lost desires to the clouds as I gaze over the streets of Japan. 
“Breathtaking.” Keigo’s voice ricochets through every muscle.
“Y-Yeah.” I squeak, hopping onto my feet and rubbing the back of my neck. “I don’t often get a view of the city from this high up.”
He chuckles, warm and inviting, as he steps within arm’s reach of me. “I wasn’t talking about the city, Ichan.”
I don’t have time for this. I can’t have time for this. The feeling of home that saturates every limb with this bittersweet reunion clashes with the reminder that a year ago I’d given up hope. I’d given up hope and decided to try and move past my age-old crush on a childhood friend that I’d never see again.
Now, here he is.
And the man waiting for me at home is not Keigo.
Yet, here I am. I am on top of a building looking out over Japan with Keigo. He thinks I’m breathtaking. And even though I know Akuma should be getting off work in a few minutes and heading to the apartment, my temperature skyrockets as I laugh off the giddy feelings building in my bones. 
“You grew into a charmer, I see.” I nudge him. “At any rate, it’s really good to see you again, Keigo.”
“Hawks, please. At least in public. My real name has been scrubbed from existence.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “I’ve been looking for you since I became a hero, you know? I promised I’d find you, and I never forgot about you.”
“I never forgot you either, Birdie.” With every inhale, I get minutely closer to him until our arms touch. “I’ve missed you. I was starting to worry I’d never see you again.”
He envelops me in his arms and holds me against his chest. The warmth of his aviator’s jacket mingles with the heat of longing I’ve smothered over the years. 
“How have you been?” I ask.
“Busy.” Keigo loses a bit of his smile as he pulls back. “Being #3 calls for a lot of work. It’s exhausting.”
“I can imagine.” I peer up at him and focus hard so I don’t get lost in him. His smile. His eyes. His broad wings surrounding the two of us in our own little bubble. “You do an amazing job, for what it’s worth. I’m grateful for all the hard work you put in for everyone.”
“Heart of gold, just like I remember.” He pauses. “What have you been up to, then, Tiger?”
“Ugh…I’d hoped you’d forget that nickname.”
“Aw, come on! I’d never forget our first hero names. Tiger and Birdie fight for justice, remember?”
“Yeah.” I reminisce. “But I’m working at a local bookshop now. I’ve always enjoyed books. Being surrounded by them all day brings me a sense of peace that I’ve only ever found with you.” I turn away from him, facing the bustling view of the city.
“Nice! Following your dreams, yeah? Which bookshop do you work at? Which part of town?”
I stiffen and his feathers vibrate. 
“Honshiro, it’s a second-hand bookstore in downtown Kamino Ward.” I try to evade. “I’m also–”
“Woah, wait. You live over there?!” His wings stretch wide, large and captivating. “But it’s so dangerous over there! Why are you staying there, of all places? Why not further east where the neighborhood is safer? Isn’t there a Honshiro there, too?”
“Well, yeah. But, I mean, ideally we would have stayed in Fukuoka, but Akuma had a better work deal downtown.”
“Akuma?” Keigo’s feathers twitch and his eyes glow. “Who’s he?”
I look down, feeling my world crashing around me. What if I’d just waited? What if I had held out hope that Keigo would come back for me? Would I be living better than I am now? Would I be happier?
Would Keigo be mine?
“Akuma is my boyfriend.”
“Oh…” I don’t miss the way his wings droop. “Right. But, well, you can’t stay there. That place is crawling with villains. Fukuoka is my agency’s base of operations. You’d be safest there. I mean, even Kumamoto would have you in Ms. Joke’s territory.”
“I know, Birdie, but I can’t.” I sigh. “Akuma’s on the brink of a really big promotion. We’ll only be in Kamino Ward for a couple months tops. I’ll ask him what his position will be and if we can go somewhere safer, okay?”
“A couple of months?” He frowns before it melts into a little smile. “Well, I guess that’s better than nothing. But do me a favor and talk with him about it sooner rather than later…please? See if he can afford to move somewhere else.” “Hawks…” I sigh. “I really want to, but Akuma has a really good proposition there.”
“Is it a good proposition for you, though?” “Why does it matter so much to you, Birdie?” The distance between us suffocates me.
Silence stretches between us as he extends a gloved hand out to me. His lips part to say something before he clenches his hand into a fist and drops it to his side.
I deserve the pit. I deserve the lowest circle of hell. Because at that moment, I would do anything to make him reach out again and tell me he loves me.
“We both lived through similar childhoods. I was given an opportunity to be freed of it. I just want the same for you.”
“I know. I appreciate that you still care about me after all this time.” I look up at him, begging him with my expression to be mine even though I shouldn’t. He’s busy looking over the city, the collar of his jacket hiding his expression. “Can we keep in touch, then? If you give me your number, I can at least promise to call you anytime I think I’m in trouble.”
“Deal.” He taps his phone against mine and our contact information is swapped. “Promise me you’ll call me the second you’re in trouble.”
I hold out my pinky for him as a grin twitches on my lips. “Pinky promise.”
And with a crooked grin, he links his pinky in mine.
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Want More Hawks? Try: Elysium
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jedi-hawkins · 5 months
Callsign: Omega
post-s3 finale head cannons (spoilers, duh)
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Omega, she’s become one of the most famous pilots for the rebellion.
She names her x-wing “Havoc 5” for her brothers
Of course it has their ct numbers written across the back, right behind the cockpit, for they’re always watching her six. She can't see them when she's flying, and frankly doesn't look at the worn numbers there every day, but they're there always.
The belly of her x-wing is covered in tally marks. The blue ones are for each clone she’s helped free, an ohmage to a clone her brother Echo told her about, ARC-5555. The black ones are for every other being she's helped free. And the red ones, those are for the lives that have passed on and become one with the Force.
On part of her landing gear is a blue pawprint.
On her helmet she only has five things painted, a knife, a crosshair, a tooka doll, a handprint, and a pair of goggles.
On the shoulder of her flight suit, she adds another CF 99 patch, just like the one on her jacket.
She goes by callsign “Omega” for she is the last. The end. The final thing her enemies will see, the last thing the Empire will feel as it falls. She is the being that brings an end to the suffering that so many clones have faced as wards of the Empire when she shows up to liberate them. Omega.
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Bonus: The first time she returns to Pabu, Hunter immediately notices the nose art she's chosen to paint on her shuttle, the one built from the Marauder's salvage. It's a stark replica of the nose art that once adorned the original ship, back in the Clone Wars. His stomach plummets and he can't even find the words. As his daughter strolls down the ramp, she immediately bursts into laughter at the look on his face.
Her brothers, Crosshair and Wrecker stroll into the courtyard, the larger of the two asking loudly, "What's so funny, 'Meg?"
"I think that is what's so funny." The lankier one replies, gesturing to the nose of the shuttle with his left hand. He's forgone his prosthetic today. Some days he wears it, others he chooses to wear his cap with pride.
Wrecker scratches his beard and both his eyes widen, "WAIT- IS THAT?"
"So, it would seem." Crosshair says, placing a toothpick between his lips. "Breathe, Hunter." He says pointedly at his brother, who still looks like a deer caught in headlights.
"I-uhh. It's good to have you home, Omega." He finally stutters out.
He wraps his arms around her tightly as always, but his eyes are still glued to the hull of her shuttle. "Done some decorating, I see?"
"Yeah." She replies simply, giving Wrecker and Crosshair their own due hugs. "You like it?"
"It certainly is... something." Hunter gets out, stumbling over his words yet again.
"I found the image in some old Republic files we recovered, it reminded me of something I saw as a kid, but I don't remember where." She says, coming to stand beside Hunter again.
"Ehhh... Omega." Her father groans, running a hand through his greying hair. "Do you... Do you remember what the Marauder looked like when we first met?"
She turns to him. "No, why do you ask?"
Hunter finally peels his eyes away from the shuttle to face his daughter. "That picture you found... That was... That was the Marauder, that's where you know it from. You only saw it once. We scrubbed it off as soon as we decided to come back to Kamino for you."
"Really? I had no recollection." Omega tries to stop the grin from spreading across her face, but she can't help it, and Hunter, still perceptive as always scoffs at her.
"Why you little..." He growls at her, stifling his own laughter.
"I think she knows..." Crosshair chimes in, running his hand through his silver locks.
Wrecker's jaw drops, "Wait, you know where that's from?"
Omega shakes her head at her brothers. "Of course I know, I never forgot how awkward you all were when I asked about it. It didn't click exactly why until I found that old picture. Thought I'd bring it back for old time's sake, eh Hunter?"
Hunter's eyes widen as words escape him once again.
"Kidding," Omega teases. "I just wanted to see what your reaction would be."
Crosshair steps closer to the shuttle to examine the paint job. "Though this has been wildly entertaining, it might be best for you to scrub it, 'Mega."
Omega crosses her arms. "Why? You did it first little brother."
His eyes narrow at his sister, he's the only one she ever pulls that with and though he secretly loves it, she can't know that. "I mean it." He says sternly, pointing his toothpick at her. "Otherwise, Hunter is going to have an aneurysm every time you come home."
Omega looks to the clone beside her, just barely an inch shorter than her now. She places a hand on his shoulder, "Of course I'll scrub it. Echo thought the idea was hilarious. Plus, it gave me an opening to show you this."
She gently reaches into her bag and brings out a holoframe, turning it so Hunter can see. It looks just like any other quick photo taken in a Republic shipyard. Troopers are milling around in the back, by the looks of the landscape it might've been Ryloth. The focus of the photo, however, is a black Omicron-class attack shuttle and five clone commandos posed in front of it in red and black armor.
Their helmets are off, their faces young and confident, proud of their most recent mission. Though, the sniper has a rifle held in his right hand, and the one crouched in front doesn't have his goggles on. But it's clear who it is, all five of them. And on the nose of the attack shuttle behind them, is the striking portrait of the last senator of Naboo.
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isabeauwolf · 2 months
Since it's been days since we've gotten to see our beloved birdman Kai Chisaki one more time in the manga, we've all let our feelings out about his ending, either you hated it or not. Felts depressed and sad.
I gotta ask all of my fellow Overhaul, Kai Chisaki stans and fans: What made you pick Overhaul as your favorite character/ Villain in MHA?
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What made him draw you in?
Fascinate you?
Fall for him so hard, he drew you away from your previous anime/manga husband or wifu?
Where you a manga or anime only before his handsome villainous yakuza birdman came into your life?
Was it is character design? Mannerisms? His powerful quirk? His plan to erase quirks, his serum and determination to restore the Shie Hassaikai into power? His godly voice by both Kenjiro Tsuda and Kellen Goff?
(Pst, honestly, I love it all ;) His man's got my heart is a death grip; even if, he's competing with Trafalgar Law for my attention and affection, and now Dabi.)
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Instead of throwing around all the hate surrounding this man. Let's send him off with a bang! Love, support, the whole she-bang, even if, you still high disagree with his actions towards Pops and Eri.
(If every seems out of order or all over the place, I'm sorry! Please be, patient with me, and thank you!)
I've give my personal thoughts on Kai Chisaki, Overhaul. My yakuza birdman husband here! (huge breakdown/ summary, rant about this man; spoilers ahead!) Not like, I haven't been doing that the whole time, I've been on here XD I've talked with other Overhaul/Kai stans and fans on here, giving my two cents, which I love and appreciate to everyone who's talked and fangirled/boyed with me!
Be warned that I might to ramble, and this whole thing might now make sense, or is all over the place, again, I'm sorry! But if you don't mind, I thank you!
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I started off as an anime only, and watched on my own time. Even if I heard AFO's introduction, and All For One's and All Might's battle at Kamino Ward and All Might saying goodbye One For All in subbed first; my husband was watching it the living room while I was on my laptop watching a different series. The music drew me in and I couldn't look away, watching the whole battle with baited breath until it was over.
Then I watched the series by myself since I couldn't sleep months after. Cheering for Deku, smiling and crying with hm.
I watch in dubbed first, since it's hard to focus on subbed while having a toddler running around. XD Then rewatch it in subbed form.
Anyways, at the end of season 3 we get a tease of Overhaul's introduction. His voice, golden eyes drew me in, hook line and sinker.
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I've always been a sucker for bad boys and I love a man that wears a suit. lol So it gave Overhaul some brownie points. I know it isn't just me! Don't lie, haha.
The fact that Overhaul straight up challenged Shigaraki for the spot as the next King of the Underworld, pointing out his mistakes and lack of motivation once more; the same as Stain had in the previous hard, showing that Overhaul himself had been in the game a bit longer than Shiggy.
Overhaul while insulting the younger villain was indeed asking the right questions. Shiggy had misused and lost his powerful NPC's during the Training Camp attack with the Vanguard Action Squad, Muscular and Moonfish.
He had every right to question his motives.
Overhaul is blunt and spoke the truth about Shiggy's leadership skills, even if it ending with Magne's death. As sad as it was she did attack him first when if she was defending her belief's and the league, she didn't have to die. Compress didn't have to lose an arm.
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The confrontation and damage done on both side makes you see that Overhaul is a dangerous man, with an equally dangerous quirk on top of being able to bring someone back to life if he wanted to, showcasing the quirk erasing bullets. We hadn't really seen an onscreen death before then, or at least, not that I remember.
Overhaul is cold blooded and driven, but calm and calculated; he's a man who's not afraid to get his hands dirty when he needs to, despite his quirks drawback and hate of the aftermath.
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When we meet him again with Shigaraki at the Shie Hassaikai underground meeting room, and the bits given by Sir Nighteye, it's clear that Overhaul has the means to til the scales of Villain and Hero society, if he was given more time and wasn't fighting against the clock. He still needed more funding and man power to mass product both sets of bullets.
Had he succeeded and gotten away with his arms still intact, despite losing Eri to the Heroes, we might have seen him and the right bullets again down the line, but it wasn't in the cards.
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(We finally get to see Kai, our birdman unmasked and his poor man get's done soooo dirty! First it's his stoic and impressive, criminally handsome face, then Shiggy took his hard work, him and Mr Compress tag-teamed taking his hands away, leaving him quirkless, helpless, in despair and he's terrified! Not for himself, but because without his quirk he can't reverse the damage he's done to pop's, he can't wake him up or talk to him again.)
Underestimating the Heroes, The League, and being overly cocky and arrogant played a major part of his own fall. His isolation from others and seeing his subordinates and closest friend as pawns to be used and thrown away didn't help, yet the men closest to his inner circle were indeed the most loyal of his followers.
It wasn't outright said, but shown that Overhaul himself was forgiving and understanding when Chrono or Nemoto made mistakes, he didn't scold them or yell at them.
( If I missed anything in this summary, let me know. XD )
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He's a well written character and villain. A man possessed and obsessed with fulfilling his goals, repaying Pops, the man who took him in and gave him a home, a place to be himself.
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The way Pops found Chisaki as a boy, alone, covered in filth and I imagine he was hungry, always made me feel as if we were missing something from his past. He wanted more than anything to replay the man who saved him and rebuilding the Shie Hassaikai's former glory and reputation along with returning people quirkless.
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Might have saved so many lives who were eventually lost, but at the end of the day, he still choose the darkest route and solution.
If the Quirk Doomsday theory we've heard about and snippets we've seen so far. Different combinations of quirks are getting stronger and stronger, people like Touya who's bodies destroys itself while using his fire. There may come a time where not even support items could save a person from their overly strong and destructive quirk.
Could you imagine what he could have done with his quirk, if he was a doctor?! He could have replaced recovery girl's position as UA's school nurse or even a Doctor since healing quirks are so rare.
Of course, I'm not saying what he did was justified by any means.
Kai Chisaki, Overhaul is practically The Fullmetal Alchemist in MHA without the use of Equivalent Exchange! Yes, he threw away his human name, becoming, "a demon with no heart" as Pops says.
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As we see him fuse with Nemoto and Rikiya Katsukame, each fusion he becomes more monstrous, a much more darker version of himself; fulling giving into "Overhaul," his villain persona, not carrying who he has to hurt to get his way.
I will admit that I'm down bad for Kai/Overhaul and his Monsterhaul form, Nemoto version, but the giant monster form, lol
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Now, let's get down to the nitty gritty.
Knowing about him being in Dr Garaki's/AFO's orphanage and that Shigaraki has a copy of his quirk. They more they parallel each other so much more after that reveal.
It explains so much about his character!
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Kai Chisaki won't flat out say it or address it, neither has Horikoshi but its clear that he was heavily traumatized and abused as a kid before Pops found him.
Oh yes, the trauma bucket! Like our beloved characters in the series doesn't have enough trauma as it is. Let's see how far that habit hole goes for Kai? -_-
The lack of remorse for his victims, justifies his action, manipulative, lack of physical response to violence, deception, and hostel, his acts are usually well planned in advance, irritability and aggressive behavior when provoked, reckless disregard for safety of others - antisocial and sociopathic tendencies.
Lack of empathy, believes he's special and the only one who can cure the world, need for admiration from Pops, his abandonment and self-worth issues go hand-in-hand with his fear of his father figure throwing him out of the Shie Hassaikai with his final ultimatum of dropping his plan.
Out of everything, we only get sprinkles here and there that Kai had done before snapping.
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You can see it, the way he tenses and his hands ball into a fists, no doubt, surprised, shocked, hurt even before redirected into anger and violence.
Putting his father figure into a coma, and taking matters into his own hands. Become the villain, we all know and love, adore, praise, however you see him as.
Before becoming "Overhaul," Kai used to get into brawls with anyone who dared disrespect the Shie Hassaikai, and wants to help the boss; protecting the honor of the yakuza and protecting them from being called, "Villains." (Classic delinquent behavior, I imagine he did it in high school since we've seen him do it as an adult.)
We see him wear normal clothes: black dress pants, blazer and purple dress shirt, no gloves and a black duster mask over his face. (I'd honestly, love to see Kai in more civilian, classy outfits! More unbuttoned shirts and all, please!)
Even if Pops scolding him and explaining that they must protect civilians instead of hurting them, the old man still affectionately pets the top of his head and praises him for protecting their honor. Which in itself is a kind gesture, but something I think he took a little too much into his heart.
The scolding for doing something dishonorable, but praised for his intentions has overtime been taken form into the most cold and logical extreme actions.
Nobody can deny that Overhaul's got drip! XD
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Overhaul's more professional outfits: the red and gold plague doctor's mask, and white gloves. Borrowing inspiration from All For One, he uses his quirks name as his alias, his Villain name and quirk ability, the idea for his quirk erasing and serum, as "Overhaul", he can kill and wants to change the world.
To preserve the past, he must engage with the present and became a villain out of necessity.
What's the difference?
The differences between a young Kai standing up for his father's honor and the snarling demon he has become. All of it against a world that had clearly outgrown him and the old ways of the Yakuza, but he refused to accept it and to protect his only family and most precious person, Pops.
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As we've been in the latest chapter of MHA, without his quirk, without his arms and plague mask, and the last time we saw him. Kai Chisaki, inside is still a boy who wants to make his father figure proud and wants attention and praise.
As Pop's said before he took things too far again, shoving the older man's wisdom and wishes aside, taking action into his own hands, not only crossing the line between the gray that Pop's held against the Villains' and Heroes, Black and White, Kai instead, erased the line and jumped over it, making his own line and walked into a dangerous and dishonorable path.
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======= What I missed last minute, sorry guy's.... I'm almost done, I swear! =======
It's clear, that he's smart and well educated, he could have studied as a medical student, read medical journals during his free time or just because he was a huge science and medical geek, we will never know.
My bet's on the ladder, practicing how to control his quirk and for the fun of it. He's the type of person to obssess with something and run away with it, a concerting amount.
You can't tell me that Pop's didn't walk in to Kai's room or living room, seeing Kai asleep on the couch or floor with a book either on his face or on his chest! Or Kai geeking out over a first edition or rare medical journal he found or Pop's and Hari had given him as a birthday present!
The birdman is such a workaholic that he's no doubt forgotten about his birthday, if Pop's or Hari didn't plan something for him!
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If Kai is such a health nut and germ, wash your hands after every speck of dusk lands on your hands, then I need to know his skincare routine!
Do you think his hands is soft?
We know he works out from how jacked he is from his back and abs, fuck, I'd gladly claim him like a tree X////////////x
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I'm not the only one who wanted him to have those traditional tatts, right? Of course, it's optional and traditional, but come on! I excepted to see the Shie Hassaikai's embalm, sakura or at least, a raven something! Anything! Hell, all three! Well, in my fanfic he does.
Also, Lady Nagant, you lucky woman, getting to touch and dress Kai!
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Wish, I could trade places to pamper and comfort this man.
Screw you, AFO, Kai comes first.
I don't care if Kai comes off as stuck-up, spoiled rich brat, a bubble bath princess, narcissist and a asshole. If given the change to rock this man's world and fuck his brains out, you bet your ass I would!
If he could put up with my ditzy, clumsy, sassy, way too honest and smart-ass mouth, then fine. Baby needs to laugh more! I wanna see him smile!
Well, it's almost 2am and I'm going to be. XD If you've had to through my rant/rambling of Kai. Share your thoughts with me... again, sorry for it being too long and wayyyyy all over the place.
Of course, I always forget something...... XD
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varpusvaras · 1 year
Fox hated being cold.
Kamino was always cold. The temperatures inside were set to be comfortable for standard humans, but it didn't actually make the cold go away. The cold was white, sterile, indifferent and uncaring. The only thing that ever really managed to ward it off was sticking close to his brothers, especially during the night, when they had the chance to pretend that featurless halls and rooms outside were not there, waiting to shape them even further into beings that were just as featurless as them.
It was all for the purpose of making them into what they were created for. For making them live up to that purpose and only for it.
It was what he was made to be. Fox didn't complain. His brothers did, sometimes, while sticking their feet and fingers into Fox's skin, like they were trying to melt into him. Fox didn't complain.
Coruscant was just as cold as Kamino.
Fox had anticipated it. There was no place in the Galaxy for them to be warm, with their world's being contained inside their armors.
Coruscant was different from Kamino, but not in the ways that truly mattered to Fox. It was a place of colors and lights and billions of heartbeats. It was a place that wanted nothing to do with them but wanted everything from them.
Fox didn't complain. His brothers stopped as well.
For some reason it felt like they had stopped because they were not cold anymore.
The tall, nice Senator smiled at Fox. It was a small smile, polite more than anything, but it was still warm.
Senator Organa smiled a lot. It shouldn't have meant anything when he smiled at Fox.
Senator Organa's wife smiled a lot as well. It should've meant even less when she smiled at him. Fox was pretty sure that it was in the requirements of a Queen to smile.
It didn't meant anything.
Thorn called him a terrible liar. Fox didn't admit anything.
Thorn was right. Fox was a terrible liar.
Fox leaned closer to Bail. He thought that maybe Bail hadn't noticed him doing it, as Fox was trying his best to be subtle about it, but Bail turned to look at him anyway.
"Are you cold?" He asked. He put his arm around Fox and pulled him closer before Fox could even say anything, and Fox went, basking in the warmth that was given to him, even when he deserved none of it.
Fox couldn't sleep. He tried to stay still, to not disturb Bail or Breha, but then Breha's eyes were open and she was looking at him.
"Is everything okay?" She asked him, quiet. She reached out and rubbed Fox's arm gently, her hand almost scorching against Fox's skin, the warmth from it seeping through his skin all the way to his bones. "Are you cold?"
"No", Fox answered, and he meant it. "Everything's okay."
Fox laid still, listening to Even's soft breathing. He had fallen asleep ages ago, not fussing at all, and Fox had work to do that he had promised himself he would do during Even's afternoon nap, but Fox just couldn't make himself to move. He laid there, Even's little head pressed against his cheek, his tiny fingers grasping Fox's hair lightly even when asleep, and listened.
Even was the opposite of what Fox had been. He was warm and smelled like the pinetrees in the forest where they had taken him that morning, and Fox had to lay there and listen to him simply breathe to make sure that it was all real.
Bail came in at some point, his steps soft and his smile warm as he looked at them. He didn't say anything, only pulled up the blanket from the foot of the bed over Fox, pressed a kiss to his temple, brushed his hand gently over Even's hair, and picked up the datapad that had all of Fox's work in it on his way out.
Fox closed his eyes and listened to Even's soft breathing, and he let himself sink into the warmth all around him.
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herovamp · 2 months
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Gender Headcanons Part 1
Hi guys! I wanted to write up a post with my gender headcanons for Class 2A! I'll go in order of appearance on the chart and talk about my thoughts! This post has been a long time in the making (I've had to type out a lot of thoughts LOL), and it will be split into two parts, linked at the bottom—if your favorite character isn't on this half of the image, chances are they're on the other half. I really like finding themes of gender and identity within other stories so… enjoy :-)
Todoroki, I have a lot of thoughts about! I feel like the ideal of the hero her father wants her to be probably seems pretty masculine, and I think it's interesting to think of gender roles within the Todoroki family in general. Would this queer expression of gender correlate to her new, true to herself way of becoming a hero independently from her father's ideals? Would she still want to be a hero, or would exploring her identity give her something else to strive for? Would she want to settle into an androgynous form of expression or transition to something more feminine? These are all really interesting questions to me when I consider her gender, and overall, I think it's really interesting to explore her character like this.
Yagi and the All Might persona are really interesting. There's themes of identity there inherently. With how Yagi balances these two lives, these two halves of their identity. I like to think about Yagi as someone who discovers that there's this world of gender to explore later on—not necessarily because they're uncomfortable with their body, but perhaps because there's an identity there for them to explore, especially after Kamino Ward. I was talking about this with a close friend quite recently, and the idea came up of Yagi as someone who has always wanted to emulate Shimura Nana, perhaps for more reasons than they had originally known—perhaps because she's this shining light, because they want to be like her in more ways than just as the Symbol of Peace.
With Midoriya, I wanted to think about this like thematic parallel in a story about gender and a story about One for All. I don’t think there should be a sense of abject misery pre-OfA or anything, but I do think that acquiring One for All sets up a nice stage to allow her to really come into herself as a woman and feel comfortable in her identity—more so than before. She’s really a case of a character who I think could have such a strong, kind support system, who is strong and kind herself, and who helps others the way she has been helped before. I think it’s really nice to have her be this really hopeful story.
Jiro really makes me think of a transmasc femme—someone who defies gender roles in two ways. This headcanon makes me think of their relationships with other characters as well as with their own identity. Do they fall into butch-femme dynamics with anyone? Does being transmasculine, identifying in this more masculine way ever conflict with their more feminine or androgynous presentation? Do they want to medically transition? I really like this idea of a character presenting more femininely but, in some ways, desiring more masculine traits—I feel like it makes sense with the way we see Jiro appear in the series, and it's interesting to explore.
I like the idea of Bakugo as a transmasc character because of his obsession with success and his self-worth situation. I think, like with Midoriya, there's a good set of narrative parallels here. Does his gender tie into his self-worth? Is he determined to prove himself as an ideal of masculinity in the same way he is determined to be first in other aspects of his life? Or is this a part of him that he's accepted more? Is seeing other characters more open with their identities in contrast to his privacy a point of concern for him?
Kirishima's backstory in middle school, as well as his personality in canon are what draw me to the thought of him being a trans man! I feel like him being able to grow into his identity while at UA—reinventing himself from middle school in a way, rings true to a sort of trans experience of starting over. His focus on manliness and idolization of Crimson Riot bring me to this conclusion as well. He's trying to live up to this masculine ideal that he sees in his hero.
Sato, I found interesting to think about, because he's a character I admittedly don't give as much thought to usually—but I thought that his quirk and his interests were really interesting to explore through the context of headcanon! The main thing that interested me: one of the hormones that impacts muscle growth is testosterone, so I wonder, how did his quirk and it's effect on his muscles and strength affect his HRT prescriptions? His quirk is a really interesting one to me and I think it has the potential to be a great tool in a story about gender.
Ojiro’s levelheadedness as well as his sense of sort of dignity about his own abilities and work are two things that made me think of like… a sense of pride in accomplishing transition… this feeling of having created your own identity and gender and curating how you want your body to look. Especially because he’s a martial artist—someone who has to focus on this fine, body-centered athletic skill. How does he relate that feeling of hard work to transition? That’s interesting to me!
For Iida, this meme phrase has always seemed relevant to me. I don’t think he would really consider his gender in-depth, or at least assign it a lot of significance—at least not while the war is going on. He has such a strong sense of duty that it seems he wouldn’t place personal matters as that significant compared to becoming a hero and both saving people and carrying on the family legacy. But I do think he would consider his gender perhaps fluid or less binary than he originally thought—when he has more time to think about it.
I feel like Ashido would be more preoccupied at the moment with understanding and coming to terms with her aromanticism, with teenage life, and with the war! Because Mina is canonically coded aroace but wants to fall in love and is preoccupied with romance, I think it makes sense that this might be something she struggles with—and perhaps she doesn’t give her gender much thought at all until later on. How would these two aspects of her identity interact? Would she want to transition? She hasn’t given it much thought!
Shoji is a really interesting character! I think he most likely has had greater worries about his appearance as a heteromorph than with his gender presentation—for example the fact that he wears a mask to avoid scaring anyone. While he isn’t affected by people’s comments about his quirk, he has a really noble goal of changing society and it makes me wonder if he’s thought about gender like that. Maybe he has, but hasn’t considered it too important in the moment. I’d think that perhaps if as society changes and he stops wearing a mask as people grow more accepting he might consider gender more.
These are just my personal thoughts on the characters and my justifications and story-based reasons for these headcanons! I'm not like an expert on wording these things, but I am trans so I love making characters trans!! Hopefully these will resonate with someone! Feel free to send me asks about these or leave tags or anything—I'd love to discuss them more. I'll write up a part 2 with eleven more characters soon!
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candlecoo · 2 years
on our hands and knees begging for fic recs because I think we have read every “ Izuku gets adopted by X character “ fic .
Yeah I can give some recs for some adopted Izuku fics:
Hero's Shadow by feelingstabby: vigilante Izuku, living on the streets, running from his past that's out to get him and just trying to help all the people he can, Izuku finds himself unwilling to reach out when he's in trouble. But he really needs all the help he can get.
A lil angsty but so good. 10/10
Kopio by Epsiloni: the last thing Aizawa expected to find in a villain hideout was a baby, but that's exactly what he finds.
Just such a sweet story!!! 20/10 for fluff alone!
Sunrise: A Dark Reality by Demonic_fox6548: Inko had discovered her husbands dark secrets and ran away with her unborn child. Years later her husband finds them and tragedy strikes. Now it's up to the hero who found them to try to protect her son.
Angst and fluff in such a good package. 10/10
Hide and Seek by Renoki: Inko tells her son that they were going to play a game of hide and seek. He listens and hides and continues hiding even when she doesn't come to find him.
I adore this fic it's so good every update makes me so happy I cannot recommend this one enough!!! 100/10
All Might
Just Like You by SilveRanger: All Might expected to get revenge the day he broke into All For One's secret base, instead he meets his biggest fan.
This is a really fun read! 15/10
I was Reincarnated as the Villain's Precious Son by SilveRanger: Mikumo wakes up to find out he was reincarnated into the last book he read, as a tragic side character named Izuku Midoriya! But he won't let this tale have the same sad ending!
This one hits all the boxes for me!!! If I had to pick a fanfic that feels like it's just for me this is it, I love it so much!!! 100/10
Kamino's Ward by tunafishprincess: in the age where quirks first came into existence Izuku Midoriya worked hard and became known as the symbol of hope. But now he wakes up the future dazed and confused.
Basically a Captain America au and I love it! 20/10
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Illustration by sakura_rose12
Izuku's stomach churned. There was enough sake in that gourd to get twenty people drunk. Yet he downed it like it was water.
"Nnnngh… We're being watched, Maria." he growled, setting the gourd down.
Izuku's heart stopped. 'Black Maria…'
"Watched, my lord?" Black Maria made a show of looking around. "There's only us here. No one would dare intrude."
"It's something…small, weak," Kaido mused. "I can't quite place it."
Izuku was frozen stiff as he moved out of sight in the vent, floating so as to not make a sound; as he remembered what Yamato had told him. The Observation Haki, that let him sense all around him.
But why could Kaido sense him! He meant Kaido no harm! He had no intent to fight! And Kaido had drunk enough sake to get the JMSDF plastered! How could he still sense him!?
"Rats perhaps, my lord?" suggested Black Maria. Fortunately, she did not sound particularly concerned. "We could have Who's Who provide some cats."
"There are others here… in their lounges," rumbled Kaido. "I know them. But this one…no, not one… but many.."
"Many presences, my lord?" For all her courtesan manner, Black Maria still managed to sound dubious. "Perhaps men tending to the pipes? Or filling in the crawlspaces?"
"A single rat, but not alone," Kaido went on, as if she had not spoken. "Nine of them…"
Izuku almost cried out. Nine of them? Did that mean he could sense the Vestiges? Could Haki sense even the dead? He can't hear the vestiges… but he can sense the fear.
They knew as well. They were as silent as he. Even they who went up against and spoke back to All for One… were paralyzed in fear.
He felt his sense beginning to boil. His heart rate being the only thing he can hear outside of Kaido's lair.
It was deafening.
"A possum, perhaps," commented Black Maria. "They carry their young on their backs, or so I hear."
"Maybe…" the large man slurred, acknowledging her suggestions for the first time.
Izuku was terrified. Only once, long ago, had he been quite so afraid as this. That time in Kamino Ward, with All for One.
But there was no All Might this time, no fellow heroes and friends like Todoroki and Yaoyozoru to stand with him, to help him fight. Even then, his objective was to save Kacchan, not fight the Symbol of Evil.
He was utterly alone. Only the wall, and the pipe, separated him from Kaido; the Demon King of this living hell.
Izuku's mind ran wild, as his old nightmares returned; his horrified imaginings, and the memories the Vestiges had shown him in their combined mutual state of mind numbing terror.
Their memories of the world before, the world of chaos and darkness, as humanity lashed out in blind terror at the strange new power growing in its midst. Countless lives had been lost or ruined, cruelty piled upon injustice a thousand times a thousand times. Cities had burned, nations torn themselves apart, never to recover. Human civilization had fallen to the very edge of utter ruin.
Yes, Kaido was like those times. As if that era of destruction, chaos, barbarism and madness had been fused into a living form.
Kaido would have fitted right in. He would have made that world his own. No petty dictator, no Villain, and no Hero could have stopped him. Even One for All could not have stopped him. He would have made Japan his Onigashima..
No. Not Japan. A shadow king like All for One might have settled for Japan, but not Kaido.
The world would have been his sandbox. To create, change, and destroy as the mood took him.
He felt so cold. His soul shrank, his body faltered. His hands going to his hair as he tried to breathe. Reality seemed to fade around him, sinking into a morass of cold, black despair.
There was no power that could oppose that thing. Even One for All would not be enough! He was no match!
"It's annoying."
The sense began to flare.
The quakes. The quakes of his footsteps. The shuffling of metal that was Hassaikai being taken up from the floor, the surprised gasps and groans from the other courtesans.
He could sense it. It was only a shape in the low light, a shadow darkening the vent several meters ahead of Izuku, but he could feel that great and terrible presence, moving slowly towards him. It was… choking him. His head was beginning to burn.
Those horrible slitted yellow eyes bearing at his spot.
"The vermin…" the monster continued, "They're still here."
"Maybe it's paralyzed in fear, my lord."
"Maybe so…but it's irritating."
This was it. He was doomed. If he tried to flee, then Kaido would sense him, and rouse the entire island against him. If he didn't, then he would have to face Kaido himself.
He flees, he is almost certainly dead and the plan ruined.
He fights, he is certainly dead.
The vestiges were silent. No doubt paralyzed with the same fear as he.
With the same realization too.
"Come back to bed my lord. It's only a possum."
"Bwuh… *hic*, it'll give the newcomers something to do. And I… fancy having a window here."
Izuku heard the gust as Kaido drew back his club. He wanted to howl, to flee, to run and cower somewhere small and dark. His Danger Sense was blazing so hard he thought his head would split into two; his brain pounding with his heart inside his small, fragile body.
He was so scared. He couldn't move, or scream, or breathe.
He couldn't breathe!
Izuku clutched at himself, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't do it. He wasn't strong enough. He was nowhere near strong enough. He was going to die! He was going to die alone in this place, alone and unremembered! He was going to…
[Chapter 14, Heroes of the New World by Zaru]
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arctrooper69 · 2 years
The Last Mission
A/N: My first attempt at writing anything for my Star Wars OCs so please bear with me 😂
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Warnings: Death. Sadness. The usual.
Every clone trooper shipping out from Kamino for the first time eagerly awaited the glory of the battlefield. He awaited the story that would finally bring him into his own and the action that would replace his number with a name that had meaning.
Sitting in the mud at the bottom of a ditch, CT-7489 was hit with the reality that war wasn't all it cracked up to be. It was just supposed to be a simple snatch-and-grab; nothing too complicated, but the threat of Separatist occupation made the locals too damn paranoid and the battalion had lost several men to booby traps in the jungle.
"General!?" he called out to the unconscious Jedi crumpled in a heap at his feet. She didn't move. She didn't even groan. Not a good sign. Biting his lip to ward off the pain screaming from his side, CT-7489 crawled to her side. "Sir? Can you hear me?" He shakily brought his hand to rest on her shoulder to shake her awake. This was his first mission and he'd be damned if he lost a general on his very first day. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his racing mind.
No! He thought fiercely. I'm a clone. We don't panic. We don't feel fear. Clones followed the regulations. They lived and died by orders of the Republic.
If you don't feel fear, then why can't you breathe? His inner voice mocked him. It felt like there was a bantha sitting on his chest. Orders. Yes, orders. What were his general's last orders?
They had been almost home; just a few more miles to base through the thick jungle terrain. General Danika Gerrick - or Danger, as some of the men called her, was trudging ahead, carving a path with her lightsaber through the brush. The clones who'd worked with her the longest called her "Danger" off of the battlefield in reference to the first three letters of her first and last names. The moniker had become her callsign and his brothers loved it. The number of clankers she'd destroyed by saber and by hand had cemented the name in stone.
The explosion had caught them all off guard and CT-7489 had been tossed backwards into a pit. General Gerrick tried to reach for him but was caught in a second blast. He didn't understand what had happened. Why didn't she use the force to stop her fall!?
A soft moan escaped her lips, ripping the clone from his thoughts.
"General!" he gently turned her over drawing a pained exhale from her lungs. Her eyelids fluttered but still didn't open.
Okay, he thought, mentally going through the check list he'd memorized. They weren't actively in combat, so ABC would apply here. Airway. Breathing. Circulation.
"Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round. Anything that interrupts that is bad and you gotta fix it," his instructor had joked. She didn't seem to have an obstructed airway. Her breaths were fast and shallow - not great but for now that was fine. Okay, now check for bleeding. Feel, look, and observe. He began to feel along the back of her head when she brushed her hand against his wrist nearly giving him a heart attack.
"Oh! General, you're awake!" He gasped and sat up a bit straighter. His heart was beating rapidly and he felt slightly dizzy. I'm fine. Gotta focus on the general. "You had me worried there for a second, Sir."
She blinked at him slowly, eyes glassy and out of focus. "I..." she tried to speak. It came out in a whimper. Her voice was soft and hoarse. She tried to sit. The clone pushed her back gently, "Try not to move, Ma'am. You fell pretty far." He looked up at the slowly darkening sky. It was forty, maybe fifty feet up to the surface.
"I...I can't feel my legs," she rasped softly in a whisper. He looked down at her as a single tear made it's way down her cheek and fear hit him in the chest. She was crying. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't remember what to do next. All the manuals he'd studied on Kamino seemed to disappear from his mind.
"Hey, it... it's gonna be alright, General. We'll get you outta here and back on your feet in no time!" She chuckled weakly.
"What...what's your name, s-soldier?" Her voice was barely audible now.
"CT-7489, Ma'am"
"No, your n-name."
He shifted awkwardly. "I don't have one yet," he admitted. She smiled weakly looking up past him. "Sky," she whispered.
"Sky...cuz I - I - we can see the sky from here and it's b-beautiful and y-you saved me so you n-need a beautiful name." It was true; the twilight sky showcased it's blues and purples twirling around orange clouds with just a tinge of pink to hide in the golden glow of a single setting sun. The clone smiled down warmly, "I like that," he said softly, "Thank you."
She went silent closing her eyes tightly as a wave of pain rolled over her, taking her breath away. "Hey, hey stay with me, General. Just breathe. Keep breathing for me, okay?" She didn't respond with words but her eyes fluttered open and she took a shallow breath. She was shaking. Sky reached over and brushed a tear from her cheek and his heart caught in his throat - her skin was clammy and cold. She quietly slipped her hand into his. Sky froze for a fraction of a second, then seemingly gave up his professional demeanor and clasped both of his warm hands around hers.
"P-please don't leave me," she croaked. More tears slid down her face and he gently brushed them away.
"I'm not going anywhere, General." He gave her a reassuring smile.
"What's that?"
"Dani...it's m-my real name."
"Alright G- Dani." It felt weird calling his general by her first name, but he went with his instincts; she needed this. The informality brought her comfort. Right now she didn't want to be a Jedi. She didn't want to be a general, she just wanted to be a person.
"Are you in pain?" Sky asked gently.
A whimper softly escaped her lips, providing him with the answer. He squeezed her hand.
"I'm so sorry." He didn't know what else to say. What else could he say?
A small smile played at her lips. "Why? It's not your fault."
It was her turn to squeeze his hand. Her grip was weak. She opened her eyes with a shuddering breath, as though doing so took an immense effort.
"It's gonna be okay, Sky."
He forced himself to smile comfortingly down at her; anything to hide the dread creeping into his bones.
Her eyes fell closed in a tight grimace again as her fingers flexed around his, then went still.
She didn't respond.
No no no! Wrenching one of his hands from hers, he flew towards her neck searching for a pulse. A sigh of relief escaped the young clone. It was still there. Weak, but still there.
Sky gently pulled her up so that she lay against his chest.
"I'm sorry, General. I'm just trying to keep us warm."
"Master...." She called out softly.
"No, ma'am. It's just me CT-7489. It's Sky."
"Did I... Did I do good?"
"You did ma'am. You saved my life."
She smiled, her eyes still closed. "I'm...I'm so tired."
"I know, General. I know." Tears spilled down his cheeks. He made no move to wipe them away - there was no one here to care. There were no brothers to poke fun at him, no commanders to scold him, but CT-7489 would do what he was made to do. It was the only thing he could do. He held his General in his arms. "It's ok General." He paused, taking a shuddering breath of his own. "It's alright Ma'am. I'll watch over you; it's what I was made to do. It's going to be ok. You can rest now."
@zoeykallus @ttzamara @nahoney22 @merkitty49 @viva-la-whump @agenteliix @dumpsters-little-matchbook @nekotaetae @ladykatakuri @loverofclones @heyitsaloy @padawancat97 @jambolska-grozdova @flyingkangaroo @melymigo @rain-on-kamino @jiabeewrites
If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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sarahjtv · 11 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 403: The End of an Era and The Beginning
It's been a while since I did this mainly due to being busy with Grad School (which I'm almost done with thank god). But, I don't think a chapter has gotten me this hyped since Shoto Todoroki: Rising and Ochako's chapter where she saves Toga. Since the chapter is officially released, I can scream, cry, and kick my feet with you all in these bullet points. God, I love My Hero Academia, y'all.
• First off, HOLY SHIT KATSUKI BAKUGO IS ALIVE!!!!!! Apparently, it has been over 400 days since he was initially killed and brought every Bakugo lover to their knees in tears including myself. I still remember leaks night when that happened and pretty much everyone was in mourning. Then leaks night happens for his revival and everyone is celebrating like it's the second coming of Christ or something and I'm with them!
• We all knew that Bakugo would come back to life once Edgeshot started surgery on his heart, but it was the way his resurrection would be executed that I was wondering about. I can see why the whole "Edgeshot suddenly sacrifices himself to save Bakugo" would lessen the impact of his "death", but I really don't care much anymore because the way Kohei Horikoshi brought Bakugo back was SO good!
• Think about it: All Might is on the brink of death in the hands of All For One. All the red flags are there including the flashback of baby Toshinori (SO CUTE BTW LOOK AT THAT BIG LAUGH🥺) and his mother (whom he absolutely inherited his hairstyle from) in this very chapter. Gentle wants to help save him, but he's focused on keeping UA in the air. Every pro hero, UA student, and the Big 3 are either severely injured, passed out, or too preoccupied with something else to take on AFO. And even Izuku Midoriya, his protege, is busy dealing with Tomura Shigaraki in order to prevent him from turning Japan into dust. The only other person who can possibly save All Might now is Bakugo despite probably still being seriously injured himself.
• And this is great for Bakugo because this is his chance to save All Might. Not only is All Might his idol and his hero, but he is also the man Bakugo truly believes he destroyed after being kidnapped in Kamino Ward. I still believe Bakugo hasn't truly forgiven himself for that yet and this would be his way of redeeming himself. This reason alone is why I don't think All Might will die in this final arc. And if he does, I will be devastated because I really want to see him survive until the end.
• I am going to conclude this by commenting on how incredible Horikoshi is not just as a writer but as an artist because holy shit he needed that 2 week break. We got an incredible WSJ-colored Cover Page, a chapter-colored cover page, and then 15 pages of peak fiction. Those final pages once it's revealed that Bakugo is alive will live in my head rent-free for the rest of my days. ESPECIALLY THOSE LAST TWO PAGES HOLY SHIT! THE FACES, THE TEARS, THE WAY TIME SUDDENLY STOPPED WHEN THEY LOOKED AT EACH OTHER 💚🧡 The way Horikoshi draws All Might, Bakugo, and Deku is astounding and makes me cry. Those are his adopted sons. Those boys are soulmates in some capacity whether you like it or not. It may be the end of All Might's era, but it's the beginning of a new era; a new generation of heroes with Deku and Bakugo taking the lead. I can't wait for next week!
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Ask Game:
The Good Villain
afo has been keeping nana's body this whole time and would have kept the other users too if he hadn't destroyed them all beyond repair. she's sort of like a haunting museum piece of his, hooked up on medical equipment, never aging, and in a coma.
when he gets his hands on shimura tenko afo points him in the direction of his unconscious grandma and says that all might did that and that tenko not having the one last living relative he could possibly have is because of him. all might stole the quirk that she had from her and it did this, so tenko needs to get the quirk back from all might for afo.
tenko eventually learns that afo was lying, though not before causing a heck of a lot of destruction and causing all might to get a lot more hurt in the fight against afo at kamino ward, putting him in a coma. without afo to keep her asleep, nana finally wakes up and learns what her grandson has done under afo's influence.
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tatooines-ghosts · 2 years
Okay I had a dumb but silly idea just now when I was considering the No Jedi Allowed AU. And it's just cute enough for me to want to share immediately.
I was just in general thinking about chaotic gremlin child Shila (because she IS a Skywalker) and also semi-reluctant-dad Jango. And I had all sorts of fun ideas.
But this one in particular.
It's been a few years now. Jango lives, obviously, they're all still on Kamino. Anakin is idk where, taking a well earned vacation or something. She's not around.
It's the middle of the night. Jango's bedroom door opens, little bare feet slap across the floor, small fingers poke him awake.
Shila: Buir Jango. My tooth fell out.
Jango, half asleep: 😑 you've been wiggling it all week, adkia. Was gonna happen eventually. Put it on the 'fresher counter. I'll take care of it in the morning. Go back to bed.
Shila: doesn't move. Her silence is suspicious.
Jango, eyes still closed: what, adika?
Shila: Buir Jango... I swallowed it.
Jango, fully awake now: YOU WHAT? 😱
Cue one trip to the medical ward at 3am to get the child who thought she could put her tooth back and wait until morning for it to fall out looked over by the (only slightly horrified) kaminoan night shift interns. In their defense, Shila had quite a bit of blood on her night shirt and dried around her mouth.
("What do you mean human youngs' teeth just FALL OUT?" "Oh, you're new here, aren't you? Yeah it happens. They grow a new set, usually." "USUALLY?")
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stellevatum · 5 months
V: Foundling
Timeline :  43 - 32  BBY (Infancy - Age 11/12)
In the midst of the Mandalorian Civil War on Mandalore, Kaan Alor’ade, one of Jaster Mereel’s True Mandalorians finds a child left along in a ancient shrine in the deep jungle on patrol. Taking the child as her own, he brings her to his bondmate Juri Mirdalaan, who names her Kar in honor of the gods– the Kar'a. Kaan would soon begin to shape the heir to his legacy– unaware of what destiny truly lay for her. 
Her childhood in the domed city of Keldabe was the norm-- for the grandaughter of the last Mandalore. Until the looming specters of Death Watch razed their home, her mother a casualty of the blaze. Living in the camps in the jungles of Concordia in the middle of a civil wasn’t the exactly the most stable of homes, danger always loomed overhead, Death Watch a shadow over their lives, but it was home.  For a while.
Grieving, her father takes shelter with his wife’s clan in Concord Dawn to lick his wounds and entrust his daughter to her grandparents. During  that time, her Force abilities begin to manifest, bring Concord Dawn to the attention of the Seekers.
The Jedi came with promises of a better life for the girl were met with blaster bolts; the child’s father insisting they leave at blaster point. With no intention to further aggravate the Order’s tenuous relations with Concord Dawn, they departed. Soon after begins her training with her father, who decides to taker her with him for fear of the Seeker’s return.
His training eventually becomes harsh, even among Mandalorian standards; but few speak up for some reason or another. She is kept relatively isolated, under her father’s watch. Intent on making her a worthy candidate as a future leader.
Though Kaan’s leadership is still very much a moderate one, his brother believes this is taking their mother’s dreams of a free Mandalore to the extreme and takes openly accepting a Force-using child and encourages her talents as an affront to their ancestors and clan– who has been around since before the Sith and Mandalorian wars.
This leads to some consorting to Death Watch, offering a reward for his brother (and niece’s) death. This would lead to Death Watch’s massacre on Galidraan and incite Battle of Galidraan between the Jedi and True Mandalorians. Kaan dies on Galidraan. It is debated if he was killed by a Jedi, or by his own daughter. The answer is never known.
Following the death of Kaan, Ven, who manipulated the skirmish now is clan leader and (grudgingly) guardian to his young ward. Her time under his care is short, but by no means better than it was with her father.
Kar undergoes her verd'goten (a Mandalorian’s coming-of-age trial) on the jungle moon of Dxun. This causes much murmuring in the community due to her young age. It is unknown as her uncle had intentions for her to die in the process, or hopes for her be deemed an adult and free to be left on her own. She survives exceeding well, leaving her further with a rather colored reputation among her people. She is regarded with healthy amounts of unease, this child forced to be an adult, is exceptionally gifted but comes off rather distant and cold.
Jango Fett becomes the clone template for the Clone Army and recruits some of the best of Mandalore to follow him to Kamino. Either due to the machinations of her uncle, or as an attempt to keep her from them, she is offered a role on Kamino by Jango. Kar accepts the offer on the belief it would have been what her father wanted– her to serve the Mandalore. With that, Kar leaves for Kamino and subsequently forgotten more or less, her uncle content with even a bloodless departure of his niece. 
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ao3feed-tododeku · 6 months
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emotionalsupportrp · 1 year
He shoots a glance in their direction, but he doesn’t say anything as they head outside.
“That’s not too far.” He nods, following her lead as he drops her hand just to light up a cigarette before he takes it again. “Pizza’s fine with me.”
- 🔥
We eventually arrive at a small townhouse on the very edge of the Kamino Ward. It wasn’t the safest area, but the building itself appeared to be in good shape.
I continue holding his hand as I climb the steps to knock on the front door and the short brunette woman he’d seen me with at the bar answers a moment later. She was wearing jeans and a Halloween t-shirt with Michael Meyers on it. “Hey, come on in,” she says, smiling as she steps aside. He might notice that she gives him a quick once over and she squints in order to get a better look at his face, but she doesn’t seem to judge his appearance.
I guide him into the living room, which was full of plants and mostly black and red furniture, very gothic in style, with a large statue of Baphomet sitting on a table against the wall.
“My name is Jade, nice to meet you,” she says while moving to stand in front of him to shake his hand. “Can I get you something to drink? I have beer, whiskey, and wine.”
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 82, Replies Part 2
   (Vigilantes ch 70) 1) “There`s something going on, something I don`t like. He probably already knows where Koichi lives, he has no reason to not go there and kill him in person. While I thought he was another Nomu there was at least the benefit of the doubt of him not being strong enough for a direct confrontation, or at least not truly wanting to kill koichi, but no, McBee has no such excuse, which means that he was really aiming at Pop, and the fact he had no reason to lie to the fantasy boys that he wanted her to like her… This… This is not looking good. He really wanted her to like him, that`s why he infiltrated her workplace.
but why would he want that? What does he gain for liking him?”- He started using her as an ‘in’, but now he’s gotten to know her, he wants to make her a Star… an exploding star that burns out magnificently and fades away quickly.
   (Vigilantes ch 81) 2) “Ah- Now I get the cover page, that`s interesting.
But see, I just don`t feel beelievable Pop saying that out of her will. If it was the parasite saying that he would ruin everything for them out of spite, or that it was really another personality that is not Pop it would be impactful.
But Pop herself? I find it a bit absurd that those could ever be her darkest thoughts.”- But if it’s Nomura putting those thoughts in her head through the parasite somehow, so she can fit into the ‘tragic villain’ of his self-imagined ‘heroic narrative’ then it makes more since. Exploiting Pop’s insecurities to force her into a role she doesn’t actually fit just to tear Knuckle’s protégée down whilst propping himself up as the ‘superior’ version does fit with his focus on ‘directing’ events like they were a big production, as well as soothing his damaged ego after Knuckle shut him down cold in favour of Koichi.    (Vigilantes ch 81) 3) “huh- Wait- now I realized it
the bee is going to blow herself up?
The parasite is just going to fucking kill itself? HUH?
Why? Fucking why? I thought it would do anything to survive, they even said that the bees would just mess her up and flee if a Hero got her, when did that translated to “all the bees are just going to commit auto-kill”?”- Presumably Nomura overwrite whatever survival instincts it had to ensure it’ll follow the script he had in mind for it and Pop together, turning them both into a massive blast that’ll launch his hero career sky-high 4) “Honestly, from what we saw so far, nobody, because a hero that can`t save people isn`t that good in the first place. Even if you actually proved yourself later, if you decided to use this as the focal point of your story everybody would be like “yeah, O`clock two is kinda cool, but he`s not that good as a hero, his first deployment ended up a failure.””-  Koichi never really thought through his vigilante career himself, or considered how unfeasible it was to do it long-term despite the joy it brought him. Likewise, Nomura has put a lot of planning into starting his hero career, but his arrogant over-estimation of his own capabilities means that he thinks he’ll take to the role like a duck to water, so he also hasn’t thought through all the problems with would come with being a hero, and in fact comes off as more immature and unprepared than Koichi because of it, despite being more ‘serious’ about it. 5) “Yeah yeah, you`re fast, but can you keep up with the Crawler? I know you only work in short bursts, I doubt you`ll manage to catch him.”- He has the advantage in a short exchange, But Koichi can outlast him with his trained-up stamina and Quirk handling. In a way, it’s almost like an Inversion of where Midoiria and Shigaraki were after Kamino Ward, Izuku having the advantage of being able to instantly pulverise enemies with a massive attack and having to learn how to dial that back down, Tomura actually being weakened and held back by his repressed memories and lack of motivation until he lost his master and realised his own convictions. And whilst Izuku’s trained himself into being a bona-fide powerful hero without the massive attack as a fullback now, Tomura trained himself way harder, and is definitely the stronger one in a prolonged fight between them now.
6) “I bet Koichi is going to move away from him. I seem to recall something about this quirk being short bursts and sort of a “point and shoot” ability, you can`t change courses when you`re on the move, you need to stop and point again before shooting the other way, but Koichi doesn`t have this problem, he can travel all directions, including the 4th one, as Endeavor found out the hard way.”- Well, you sorta can, but you need a point of traction to move in a different direction from. Leaping mid-air at Koichi like that gives Nomura no options to push himself off of again to launch another attack, which is why Koichi can gain some distance once he dodges.
7) “Also, it seems like it wasn`t only Endeavor, but you also forgot that heroes don`t kill Villains, like, ever, even though sometimes it would be safer to do that. That ain`t gonna look good on your record if you managed to take down the mastermind by killing him.”-The killing of a villain is frowned upon unless in extreme circumstances where not taking such action leads to the death of innocents, and is generally seen as a judgement call left up to the hero themselves to make on the spot. Though dire, the situation is not so extreme as to warrant that kind of lethal violence, and Nomura would be bringing himself under a lot of scrutiny  if he actually siceeded in it- something that would be bad for him with his ties to the Villain Factory. 8) “oh that`s even better! He didn`t even side-stepped, he`s just naturally faster! McBee put his all into getting him, and Koichi just looked back and said “nope” before continuing his way”- Nomura’s faster than a car, but he’s still running to keep up, whereas Koichi isn’t even using his own muscles to go this fast, just the raw force of his own Quirk finely compressed and controlled to suit his needs, which again ties into him being able to outlast Nomura’s pursuit over a lengthy period of time, should he dodge long enough. “Oh ho ho… Hell yeah my boy is gonna show him the real meaning of speed. Time to see the lightning in action”-Nomura brings the lightning, but Koichi’s got the thunder, and he’s ready to rumble! 9) “HOLY SHIT KOICHI YES!
SHOW THAT FUCKER WHO`S THE REAL SPEEDSTER OF NARUHATA “- Running on a prior-generation’s Quirk is all good, but it also means that Overclock has limits to it that a newer-model Quirk will have evolved beyond. Nomura indicates his body has been modified to better handle the speed and length the quirk can be active for, but Koichi’s own power far outstrips Knuckle’s in terms of the sheer potential he possesses. 10) “And yeah, it was just like I remembered, his quirk is a “point and shoot” deal, while Koichi is not bound by that, he has a lot more freedom. This is not even going to be a fair fight, Koichi`s gonna obliterate him.”- In terms of a chase sequence, Koichi’s got him utterly trounced. In terms of combat, Nomura has the advantage, especially with Koichi’s reluctance to actually attack others. It all comes down to if Nomura’s able to pull Koichi out of his favoured battlefield and start fighting him on terms he better controls. 11) “Fuck off McBee, you pulled a gun on them, you are the one cheating in this shit”- He brought a gun, whilst Koichi’s packing an entire arsenal. He just isn’t willing to actually use it right now. 12) “Koichi is faster and he`s aware that you are going after him, do you really think that going a bit lower will do something to improve you odds? Even if he`s not seeing you, he already knows what he`s dealing with”- Going lower also reduces his wind-resistance, making him faster and less noticeable on approach when on a sprint. In a high-speed chase sequence like this, he only needs to tag Koichi once and his impaired performance would make finishing him off a breeze. 13) “BAHAHAHAHAHA-
OH MY GOD, THIS WHOLE PLAN IS GOING SO WRONG, McBEE IS SO FUCKED RIGHT NOW”- And since Endeavour had everybody clear out of the blast radius, the only people before him now must be villainous vigilantes, and therefore acceptable targets. By going off on his own, Nomura’s unwittingly appeared on the public stage as a villain instead of the troubled hero archetype he was aiming for. 14) “The last person I expected to see in this particular vertices of the hyperplane that we call this neighborhood, but I ain`t complaining this time, because that`s gonna be hilarious to see.
Murderdevor vs Koichi vs McBee, we finally are getting the three-way free-for-all that I thought we would get, oh now this is where the fun begins for sure”- Koichi and Nomura’s high-speed chase sequence just evolved into a race around a fire-themed Mario cart course, with Endeavour as the level hazard.
15) “Now, before anything else, don`t think that me criticizing McBee is me criticizing the story. I actually think that his plan is fine as a way to show case one particular facet of his character: He`s an absolute moron.”- He’s Koichi’s foil in many ways. Koichi is exactly as dumb as he looks, whereas Nomura tries to be smarter and more intelligent in how he goes about things, but keeps overlooking inconvenient facts that conflict with his envisioned narrative and failing to prepare adequately for them, resulting in him making similarly poor decisions and choices when confronted by an unexpected setback. @thelreads
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Mimic Chapter 21
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With the battle over, U.A. recovers but it doesn't take long for memories thought to be so hidden open and fester with danger.
Words- 7950
Reader x MHA (Platonic)
Warnings: Injury, angst, violence, (TW: Child Abuse)
Following Kamino Ward, All Might had to meet with Mr. Aizawa to talk to the class about implicating a new dorm system, and the building of the dorms and moving in was quite fast. While your classmates moved in you on the other hand were on campus with Recovery Girl and Principal Nezu. In her office sitting on one of the beds, you had multiple wires attached to you from your arms to some coming from your head connected to a monitor that was showing your brain waves.
“Her brain waves are looking normal Nezu, there seemed to be no connection with her to All For One.” Recovery Girl says before turning off the machine and beginning to remove the wires and patches off you.
“That is good news indeed, we were quite concerned when we heard the news that you had joined the League, Ms. Shimura. We still will need to be cautious in case there seem to be any changes in you that don’t seem normal.” Nezu says, hopping off his chair.
“Thank you, Recovery Girl…Principal Nezu.” You say once you’re all done fixing your clothes, not in your school uniform. There is a knock at the door and Toshinori enters looking at the three of you,
“Everything all good, you’re all done, Shimura?” He asks and you nod standing up and heading over to him.
“Everything’s alright with her should she show any changes that don’t seem normal with her quirk or her behavior she should come by and get it checked. Until we can find a way to create a block between her and All For One we’ll need to keep a watchful eye on her.” Recovery Girl says to All Might how nods and the two of you leave.
The cool night air chills your body but it’s also refreshing as the two of you walk to the new dorms you would be staying at. While you always had a place with All Might to come to this was where you would be permanently living and it didn’t seem that bad that you were with your classmates. 
“Are you excited to be living with your classmates?” Toshinori breaks the silence that you two shared.
You shrug looking up at the clear sky, “I think it will be interesting living with all of them, I guess I’m still so used to being by myself for so long so it will be a different change of pace.” You say your hands in the pockets of your pants as the dorms to Height Alliances get closer.
“I’m sure everything will be alright Y/n,” Toshinori says and the two of you arrive right before the dorm building, making your way up the stairs you turn to look back at Toshinori.
“Goodnight Toshinori.” You say and he nods a breeze causing the strands of his hair to move in the wind.
“Goodnight Y/n…” Toshinori bids goodbye as you enter the dorms.
All back to normal with your life at U.A. your friends were happy to see your safe return following Kamino with knowing looks from a certain group who knew what happened that night. Now back in class Mr. Aizawa stands in the front hunched over the podium,
“As I mentioned yesterday…our primary goal now is to get you your provisional licenses. Hero licenses are inextricably tied to the saving of lives, so one must be properly qualified for such heavy responsibility. Naturally, the test is incredibly difficult. Even for provisional licenses, on average we only see a 50 percent success rate.” Aizawa explains to you all.
“Even the provisional one’s that hard to get?” Mineta says. If just getting into U.A. was difficult the license exam was going to be impossible.
“That’s why starting today, each of you needs to come up with at least two…” Aizawa starts before the door swings open and Midnight, Cementoss, and Ectoplasm appear,
“Ultimate moves!!”
“Ultimate moves! These are your finishers. Your most unique techniques!” Ectoplasm says as you all speak excitedly to each other.
“Internalize these moves. Make them your own until thy become unparalleled. Combat is all about finding and making use of your particular strengths!” Cementoss says pointing at you all.
Midnight brings her hands up, “Your moves symbolize who you are! Nowadays, Pro Heroes without ultimate moves are a dying breed!” She says.
“Let’s move forward with a more detailed explanation and a practical demonstration. Change into your costumes and meet us at Gym Gamma.” Aizawa says and you all rush to quickly change.
Arriving at the gym gamma Cementoss leads you inside while showing you the large building that you’ve seen before but never been inside. “This is the Training Kitchen Lab or TKL for short! This facility was my idea. Here, I cook up the perfect terrain and objects to fit each student’s needs. Hence kitchen.”
Iida’s hand shoots up in the air, “May I please ask a question? Why must we create ultimate moves in order to acquire our provisional licenses? Please explain the intention behind such a requirement!” Iida practically demands confused beyond while Mr. Aizawa just shrugs,
“All in good time. Heroes deal with accidents, catastrophes, and disasters both natural and man-made..it’s our job to save people from just about any situation imaginable. In the licensing test, your ability to adapt to those situations will be observed, naturally. The contents vary from year to year, but applicants have always tested on a  variety of criteria.” Aizawa explains.
“Among the criteria, you can be sure that combat prowess will be heavily prioritized for potential heroes. Be prepared and you’ve got nothing t fear! These moves could have a big impact on whether or not you pass.” Midnight says and Cementoss smiles,
“If you can keep a cool head and act with decisive, stable moves, that means you have a high level of combat prowess.”
“There’s nothing that says your ultimate moves must be an attack, take Iida’s Reciprobrust,” Ectoplasm points out surprising the class president, “That sort of extreme speed boost on its own is intimidating enough to be called an ultimate move.” Iida is hit with the biggest pride knowing that his move is suitable for an ultimate move.
“Your summer camp was cut short, but the quirk training we began there…was part of the process of creating ultimate moves.” Aizawa says as Cementoss and Ectoplasm use their quirks to build large platforms with clones on each one, “In other words, until the second semester starts…you’ll be using the ten remaining days of summer vacation to enhance your quirks and put together your ultimate moves through some extra-intense training!”
You all are separated to face a clone of Ectoplasm your mind was running with a thousand thoughts, creating your ultimate move? What would your move be? What would you call it? A kick to your arm brings you back to reality, “Focus L/n! Now show me the ultimate moves you’ve come up with.” Ectoplasm says and you rub your hands together, you hadn’t really thought of anything ultimate move-wise. Before you even knew you had a quirk you never really thought of these things like hero names or ultimate moves.
Ectoplasm sees the hesitance on your face, “With the variety that is your quirk focus on each one you know and think of ways of making them into ultimate moves.” He says and you nod. You could do that, it would give you more time to think about how you want your ultimate moves to work and give your training for all the quirks you knew.
You had a feeling going against a clone of Ectoplasm wouldn’t be too hard or too easy either but damn he was a Pro Hero for a reason. Dodging a well-aimed kick to the face your right arm grows cold as you create a barrier or ice blocking the two of you before twisting your right foot creating a platform of ice to shoot you over the wall to get the jump of Ectoplasm. Sending an explosion that grazes him he jumps back sending a barrage of kicks that you dodge from him. You feel your center of gravity shift suddenly as you teeter on the edge of the platform quickly twisting your body around just for a harsh kick to the face. Your head snaps to the side as you feel your teeth scrape against your mouth, blood filling your mouth.
Leaning over you spit a glob of blood onto the ground, wiping your mouth stained red and looking over at Ectoplasm. “Be sure to pay attention to your surroundings or this will occur more often.” He says ready to continue fighting when you’re in front of him in a flash, surprising him.
Aizawa and the other teachers watch the students as they all work to form ultimate moves, Aizawa keeping an eye on both Midoriya and yourself but the arrival of All Might has him turning away.
“How are all the students doing Aizawa?” All Might greets his coworkers as he walks toward them,
“They're all working on creating ultimate moves…shouldn’t you still be recovering All Might?” Aizawa says almost annoyed at the still injured hero trying to be active. All Might waves him off transforming into his hero form,
“Miss the day they creative ultimate moves! I could never miss it and that is why I am here!” His loud voice and physique quickly disappear in a cloud of smoke returning to his weaker form and turning to look at the students, his eyes naturally drawing to Young Midoriya who seemed to be in conversation with Ectoplasm.
“As long as you don’t die during my class I don’t care what you do All Might.” Aizawa frowns and a loud explosion has them looking to see Bakugo grinning almost sadistically before yelling at Ectoplasm.
“Oi! I killed you, send me another one that I can blow up!”
“He sure is something.” All Might chuckles and Aizawa nods, “Yup. He’s sure to get even stronger.” The two heroes share a moment of silence before another loud explosion appears, thinking it’s Bakugo quickly defeating another clone but when they look to see, their blood runs cold seeing red sparks disappearing in the air.
Wiping the blood from your mouth you could see that Ectoplasm was speaking but his voice sounded muffled and you felt your hands twitch. You could close the distance with Iida’s quirk and finish him off with a mixture of Bakugo’s and Todoroki’s…maybe use One For All to do it. Your body acts on instinct and you quickly close the distance shocking Ectoplasm who barely dodges an explosion that swipes at him burning the coat he wears. Ectoplasm goes to jump back but you twist your right foot and ice travels quickly across the ground trapping him in place.
The clone of your teacher looks up from his frozen feet to see your hand reared back red sparks quickly appearing that make him fearful, this being one thing that they had been warned about with your return. This apparent power made you lose control and join the League of Villains. Your fist collides with Ectoplasm and he quickly vaporizes and the force cracks the ground that you stand on and the surrounding pillars of stone shaking your classmates.
The dust that gets picked up has you waving your hand to keep it away from your face. As the dust settles you hear voices getting clearer and you realize it’s your teachers, your arms quickly grab your spinning you around to face them and you see it’s Mr. Aizawa staring down at you, his hands clutching your arms forcing you to look at him.
“L/n it’s you right?!” He yells at you, shaking you as you look at him confused, glancing past him you see some of your classmates looking at you guys but they're stopped by the other teachers, you spot All Might and he’s giving you the most fearful expression.
“L/n! You’re in control right!” He says and you slowly nod and they all seem to sigh in relief as Aizawa drops his hands off your arms.
“We saw you use that quirk again and thought the worst, are you sure you’re alright?” Aizawa says and you nod before your gaze seems to drift past him seeing someone standing in the far back but they keep fading in and out of your vision almost as if there was a block. Your blood runs cold seeing the familiar mask figure seemingly staring at you before they disappear.
“l/n..L/n.” Aizawa brings you back to his gaze as he looks at your face and you bring your hand to touch your face when you feel something wet and warm on your face. Pulling back your fingers are stained red, your classmates still trying to look and your teachers watch as blood drips out of your nose.
“Mr. Aizawa!” Yaoyorozu calls out quickly, creating a handkerchief which is quickly passed to your teacher who gives it to you as you press it against your nose, the white cloth quickly staining red.
“Go see Recovery Girl L/n,” Aizawa says and you slowly nod and you are brought out of Gym Gamma by Midnight as your classmates and teachers watch you leave. All Might gaze is glued onto your retreating figure a million thoughts running through him. All For One is locked up and he can't take control of Shimura, she’s safe. She is safe, right?
It’s awkwardly silent in Recovery Girl’s office, covered in wires showing your brain waves that look relatively calm as the healer takes notes. The nosebleed had stopped just as fast as it appeared
“And you’re sure nothing happened when you used that power right, Shimura?” Recovery Girl asks and you nod moving the wires attached to your head.
“Yes, Recovery Girl. I didn’t even plan for it…it just happened.” You say and the nurse looks at you before writing more in what looks like a file.
“You’re using his power.” Nana’s voice fills the quiet room and you turn to see her sitting on one of the rolling chairs.
“Your connection with All For One has allowed you to use his quirk.” She says and you look down at your hands, but his quirk was stealing other quirks. You wouldn’t be able to use the quirks he has stolen that you’ve never seen before. How was he able to have a connection to you through One For All? If you could just go in your own head and figure out this connection. Wait…you could. There has to be a hero in Japan that has some sort of mental manipulation you could.
“Whatever you’re thinking of doing I suggest not.” Toshinori’s voice pulls you from your thoughts and he sits where Nana once sat. You give him a look and he frowns,
“I can see it in your face you're planning something.” He says and your jaw drops..how the hell.
“I was not planning anything!” You say shocked he would accuse you of something you were definitely planning but he didn’t need to know. He gives you a look.
“You’re not planning anything Y/n.”
“I’m not planning anything Toshinori.”
The door to Mina’s room slams open, scaring the girl as you frantically look at her. Arriving back from Recovery Girl’s office to the dorms you had quickly researched any hero with any mind manipulation or anything involving the brain. You had found exactly what you were looking for a hero by the name of Mind Breaker. Their quirk allows them to infiltrate a person’s mind having control of the person or alter memories or thoughts. With a quick video online seeing their quirk in action you rushed to the floor above you leading you to Mina’s room.
“So you want me to watch you use someone’s quirk so you control your mind to figure out a memory…” The pink-haired girl says slowly trying to understand and you nod. It definitely sounded weird but she was the only person you could trust to watch over you while you were in your mind.
“I know this sounds weird but it could really help me understand my quirk and the reason I’m losing control sometimes.” You say begging for her to say yes. You could see the hesitance in her face before she slowly nods.
“Thank you Mina only favor I ask I swear!” You say pulling her to her feet,
“Only Y/n!” She says pausing the two of you in your steps, “If I can bring someone with me…” Who the hell was she going to bring?
Turns out grab Kirishima from across the floor had caused a huge train reaction, agreeing just wanting to satisfy your friend as you head down to the common area you bumped into Iida who was confused about where the three of you were going at such a late time, and once adding him to the group you ran into Todoroki and Midoriya who quickly joined in once Kirishima had spilled what you were going to do.
“This does not sound like a good idea L/n. We should inform Mr. Aizawa or any of the teachers of what you’re planning to do.” Iida says trying to get you all to turn back as you reach the courtyard in the middle of the dorms.
“Y/n knows what she’s doing Iida she wouldn’t be asking our help if she needed us,” Kirishima says as the five students follow after you. You didn’t need all five of them Mina was more than enough for what you needed to do.
“I agree with Iida, if you’re going to use a hero’s quirk that you have no prior training on yourself we have no idea what the effects might be,” Midoriya says and you stop in the middle of the grass turning to face the five of them.
“I doing this whether you guys approve of it or not. If you’re going to keep bickering you can leave otherwise you can help me.” You say your voice steady as you look at the five of them. They’re all quiet before Todoroki steps forward,
“What do you need us to do?” You’re thankful for the dual-haired boy before bringing yourself to sit on the grass and they quickly follow around you.
“The quirk is called Mind Break the hero can control minds and view and alter memories or thoughts. What happened during summer camp and Kamino Ward was the cause of whatever quirk I gained that I have no control over. I’m thinking I can figure out where this quirk came from and what to do about it.” You say looking at the group and your eyes lock onto Midoriya. He was really the only true person who knew the underlying of what you were talking about. You were trying to figure out why All For One had a connection with you. One For All was created by him but there was another factor that caused you to use his quirk and have him take control of your body.
“Are you sure you’re going to be safe? You’re taking control of your mind what if something starts happening to you?” Kirishima says, he had faith you would be alright but there was still the possibility.
“Mind Breaker’s quirk can only be broken if the person under control is able to overcome it or if the user is distracted and the quirk cancels out. So if something starts to go wrong, do anything you can do to wake me up even if that means you have to hurt me.” You say looking at them and they slowly nod.
Taking a deep breath your right-hand twitches as a deep purple mist surrounds it and you prepare yourself bringing your hand up, “What if we’re not able to wake you up L/n. Did you think about that?” Iida says trying to get one last plead to get you to stop. You pause your hand still having the purple mist before you touch your forehead.
“If you can’t wake me up…then you can get the teachers.” You say and Iida sighs in defeat failing at getting you to stop. Looking at the rest of them you bring your hand up to your forehead glancing at your hand and then back at them.
“Thanks, guys.” Your hand presses against your forehead and the purple mist seep into your head purple veins surround your eyes stretching outwards as your eyes roll into the back of your head and you tilt back. The last thing you hear before you collapse is your friends calling out to you before everything goes dark.
You open your eyes finding yourself in the same living room in your dreams, pushing yourself up from the couch you hear muffled voices coming from down the hall. Heading toward the noise you see the almost never-ending hallway lined with doors on each side with voices and sounds coming from each door. Walking towards one of the doors opening it peering inside you see yourself and the others in the courtyard speaking to each other before you used Mind Breaker’s quirk. Looking down the hallway at the vast amount of doors each holding a different moment or memory of yours.
Heading further down the hallway peering inside some doors seeing moments of your time at U.A. from an outside perspective from just a regular day in class or spending the day with your friends. Opening another door you feel a chill come from the room it was empty no memory to look at but you could see yourself chained to a floor unable to fight back and the voices outside sounding muffled. This was from Kamino the feeling of emptiness and lack of freedom as you could only watch and listen as All For One had a hold of your body. Quickly closing the door catching your breath from the horrible feeling that disappears behind the door.
Footsteps coming from down the hall as you hear voices heading further down,
“Come on Y/n, Papa is going to be looking for us.” A boy’s voice echos down the hallway before you hear a much younger you respond,
“Slow down! Wait for me!” You hear two children run further down the hallway and you quickly follow after them you get a glimpse of yourself and the other child before they enter a room the door closing behind them. Getting to the door it looked old almost rotting the door was probably not in use for years, the doorknob being a rusty gold knob placing your hand on the handle you slowly open the door as it creaks opens entering the room. Finding yourself back in the backyard that you’ve seen in your dreams before, playing in the grass was two children a boy with black hair grabs a ball, tossing it out into the yard and a corgi follows after it while the girl sits beside giggling watching the dog.
“Can you believe it Y/n grandma was a hero! When we get older we can become heroes, we’ll be a brother-sister duo and save people.” The boy says and the younger version of you smiles nodding your black hair moving in the breeze. A pain enters your chest looking at the boy, you had a brother… Your memory of your childhood was so blurred that you couldn’t picture your parents' faces or the fact that you even had siblings.
“Y’know what, I feel like I could take on the world right now.” Your brother says a grin on his face as he tosses the ball, “OUCH!” He winces looking down at his hand. Stepping forward to look at him closer almost a sense of deja vu when the sliding door slams open starling the three of you outside.
“TENKO! DID YOU SNEAK INTO MY STUDY!!” Your blood runs cold hearing that name come from the man’s lips. That couldn’t be true…there was no way. The face on the man was clear and you could tell this was your father, he glares down at Tenko shaking with anger, “Did you see it…?!”
Looking past your father you see them, your mother with Hana, your older sister. How could you forget her, remembering the times she would play with your hair and dress you up in her clothes as her own personal doll though you didn’t care. Hana is crying in your mother's arms with your grandparents in the back, “Tenko, he…he said he wanted to go in there!!” She sobs and you see movement from the corner of your eye. Your father raises his hand and you rush to stop him, putting your hands in front of Tenko to protect him, your father’s hand goes right through your body striking your brother.
“KOTARO NO!!” “STOP IT!” You and your mother scream out as the younger version of you watches in shock as Tenko hits the ground.
“That wasn’t your grandmother in the picture,” Your father hisses at Tenko, “That was a monster who abandoned her child! Do you really want to know what heroes are?!” He raises his hand to strike him as you try pushing him back but your hands go straight through his body.
“Stop it! Please Papa stop!” You cry out as Tenko recoils in fear,
“They’re people who hurt their own families only to help complete strangers.” Your father says as you fall through him frozen in shock next to your younger self as you watch him beat Shigaraki…Tenko…your brother. Tears pour from your eyes as Tenko cries out to your mother for anyone to help him. You watch your younger self get up rushing to Tenko shielding him before the next blow stops your father in his tracks.
“Don’t hurt him papa please!” The younger you cry out tears spilling down your face as Tenko looks at you in shock his hands hovering over your body. Your father gazes down at you,
“Y/n get off your brother now.” He orders you but your shake your head burying your head into your brother's chest not moving. He frowns reaching down grabbing your as you start trashing and screaming out to let you go, “Nao take her now!” Your father yells as your mother rushes to grab you as you cry in her grasp as well.
“NO MAMA STOP PAPA! TENKO HELP ME!” Your younger self cries out and you feel yourself getting pulled away by some force as your father turns to Tenko.
“NO STOP PLEASE! STOP IT, PAPA! TENKO!” You scream as Tenko's cries fill your ears as your father continues what he started. This was your family, it was never this perfect image your thought it was. Thrown back into the hallway you hit the ground your tears falling to the ground as the door shuts behind you. Wiping your face and rubbing the tears from your face you push yourself to stand propping yourself against the wall to ready yourself.
“I know how you’re family died!” Shigaraki’s voice fills the hall and you feel drained by what you witnessed, the truth of your past coming together with things your mind had blocked you from remembering. A door a few feet away from yours creaks open coming from it you could hear cries coming from it that sounded like Tenko’s. Heading to the door you slowly enter it closing behind you and you find yourself back in the yard, it was dark only the light from the house, and one of the streetlights gave some light to Tenko sitting along the fence crying your dog in his grasp. But it didn’t make sense how were you viewing a memory of your family’s death if you weren’t even there? That was one thing you did know, you were at a friend’s house when your family died but it didn’t make sense.
“I hate it…I can’t take it...I hate everyone..” Tenko cries out petting Mon while scratching himself with his other hand. You feel a spark run through you to him as cracks appear on Mon as the two of you watch in horror as your dog decays blood and guts pooling next to Tenko as blood starts to stain him.
“Tenko!” Hana’s voice fills the backyard and you turn seeing your sister walk out fiddling with her hands embarrassed, “Sooo…umm. I’m sorry about that. I shouldn’t have done that. I was the one who said it had to be a secret…” She apologize oblivious of the dead dog and your brother panicking unable to warn her of what he had done.
“Tenko what’s wrong-” She seems to notice the distressed look on his face before looking at the mutilated dog lying next to him. Her screams fill the backyard as she tries to run away, Tenko cries out for her to help him his hands latching onto her dress, and you're forced to watch your sister decay in front of you. Tears well up in your eyes as Tenko grabs his face in horror vomiting from the shock, parts of his hair changing from black to the light blue you’re used to.
“Tenko..” Your mother’s voice echoes and you see her and your grandparent’s horrified faces having witnessed the death of their daughter/grandchild. Tenko reaches out his hand touching the grass and it instantly decays racing over to them. Tenko cries out as your mother tries rushing to him as they both reach out to each other but she disappears into dust as well as your grandparents.
This is how it happened, he gained his quirk and killed your family. Could you have changed this, if you were stronger you could’ve saved him.
“F…f..father...I’m sorry!” Tenko cries out his hair completely changed as your father looks in horror at his son seeing the remnants of his family. The ground beneath you shatters as you’re thrown up into the air, you see your father reach for some hedge clippers as Tenko tries to reach him and strike him across the face creating a scar on his lip. Your father reaches out his hand almost reaching him,
“TENKO! STOP!” In a flip of a switch, blood lust fills your brother as he reaches out his hand slamming against your father’s face as he decays,
“YOU DIE!!” He screams and the decay reaches the home you grew up in and crumbles to rumble as Tenko stands in the middle of the destruction. This was the moment you lost your family and your brother. Standing by side your brother he seems to leave this haze of hatred as he looks down at his hands before tears pour from his face as he cries out into the night.
“Mama...Papa...Hana...I’m so sorry!” He cries out falling to his knees when a snap of a twig has his head snapping up shock on his face as cough and soft cries get closer and there you were. You were in your pajamas clutching a blanket, you were covered in dust and rubble your black hair looking gray.
“Tenko…where’s mama and papa?” You say tears in your eyes as you try wiping away the rubble. You were there, the night your family died. You and Tenko were the only survivors but your mind had told you that you weren’t there and your entire family was killed in a freak accident, but it was Tenko’s quirk. Tenko and your younger self’s voices fade into the background as there is one door in the middle of the yard amongst the rubble that seemed locked up, but beckoning you to enter. Stepping closer, you cringe hearing your feet step into the blood and guts of your family as you bring your hand to the rest of the door. The door decays with the touch of your hand and you enter finding yourself on a rooftop rain pelting down on you as two figures stand towards the edge, their backs towards you an umbrella over them.
“Strange. I thought he’d lost his memories…” The shorter man says looking down to the street as you start to walk closer.
“Not lost-just shut away,” You freeze hearing All For One voice echo on the rooftop, “But they remain within him. His family’s hands will restrain him…keep him in check…with his memories locked away, it’s only his unstable emotions that float to the surface. And that unease…look. He’s keeping his own quirk in check subconsciously.” All For One says as you reach the edge a distance away from them looking over feeling bile rise up your throat seeing Shigaraki standing amongst a pool of blood, covered in the hands that he has now as the rain drenches him cleaning away the blood on him but not the sins that cling onto his body.
“I will cultivate him. Encourage him! He will be the Symbol of Fear who lusts for destruction! And we’ve just witnessed his first major step down that path!” All For One grins as the two look down at him.
The other man nods before bringing his hands to his suspenders and pulling on them, “What of the girl? You saw she lacks anything of use for us. We should just get rid of her.” All For One is silent looking out at the city of Japan as the rain comes down hard.
“She is Nana Shimura’s grandchild. Quirks nowadays had a possibility to transcend the fact we know now. She has One For All in her…she will be the perfect weapon to destroy heroes.” He says and the other man laughs,
“But it’s not the real one! Just some genetic mutation from it and you’ve seen her. Meek, practically a mute. We’re lucky she’ll even try to train instead of running off with Tenko.” The man says and All For One is still staring out at the city before bringing his gaze to his hand that he raises the hole in the middle of his palm from All For One.
“That girl will be the key to destroying the heroes. She alongside Tenko will find the true One For All and return it to me. Her connection with One For All no matter how weak it is now will bring her to the next user.” All For One says…One For All was like a beacon as well. Before you realized you had One For All you had already gotten close to Midoriya instantly being drawn to him.
“And how will we be certain when she finds them they won’t try to change her. You know how One For All is.” The other man says and All For One laughs.
“One For All is persistent it will see the good no matter what the situation is,” All For One says and the two stand in silence as the rain pours around them,
“Give her All For One.” He says and you feel your heart drop this is how...
“Quirks are known to mutate and the possibility of combining these two quirks to become something more powerful is a chance I’m willing to take. If she does try to resist I will have a link to her to keep in line. When Tenko is ready as well he will receive a copy of All For One.” The other man tries to protest saying that it’s too dangerous giving such a powerful quirk to a child but All For One ignores him.
“Tenko Shimura and Y/n Shimura will be the two that will destroy hero society and the world under my guidance. One For All will be no match for them.” All For One says and you look at him in horror. This was his plan. You had One For All and All For One inside you combing and growing stronger and Shigaraki was to receive it as well or did he already have it. You had to go warn Midoriya and All Might. You needed to tell everyone.
“Now where are you going Shimura.” His voice cuts through the air making you freeze in your step as you see All For One turn staring directly at you the other man next to you oblivious of your appearance. This was impossible this was a memory, probably not your own but he shouldn’t be able to see you.
“Infiltrating my mind…I’m surprised how much you’ve grown.” He says and you quickly raise your hand the purple mist reappearing, you were done you had to get out of her. He quickly raises his hand and your arm freezes in place and the mist disappears, “No running away now.”
Out of your mind, it had almost been 30 minutes with Iida pacing the courtyard, Todoroki sitting beside Midoriya and Mina, while Kirishima sat beside picking it the grass when movement catches the redhead’s eye. You twitched slightly the purple veins surrounding your eyes dimming before getting brighter, “Uh guys…” Kirishima calls out and they all look over at you seeing you twitch again before your body seizes and they all jump into action. Mina grasps your face slapping it slightly trying to get you to wake up as the others yell shaking your body.
“She’s not waking up!” Mina cries out and Todoroki raises his left-hand flames appearing on his hand, he hesitated slightly before pressing his hand against your arm cringing as the flames burn your arm but no reaction to waking you up.
“It’s not working!” Kirishima calls out and Iida stands up, “I’m getting Mr. Aizawa!” He yells before rushing out as the others try waking you up.
You cringe feeling your arm grow warm and a burn appears on your arm, that should work on waking you up but frozen by All For One stops you from leaving your mind and his as well.
“Now I’m surprised in you Shimura…you’re getting stronger. One For All and All For One has given you power beyond your imagination.” He says.
“I rather die than be forced with a quirk like yours.” You spit out at him and he grins the younger version of himself with the scars it was eerie seeing the similarities to yourself both of you having the same hair color and now knowing you shared the same quirk. The burning sensation on your arm grows more as start to hear voices almost surrounding you all.
“She said it would work! Why isn’t it working?!” “I don’t know how long I can keep burning her like this!” “Come on Y/n wake up!” “Where’s Iida with Mr. Aizawa!”
The sound of your friends’ voices is muffled but you feel your body twitch from the hold All For One has you in, “You should be thanking me for the power you have to reshape the world as we know it. All Might or One For All couldn’t give you the power I can give you.” He says stepping forward holding his hand out trying to lure you to accept him.
You spit at him it landing on his face your glare fierce as you both glare at each other, “You’ll have to kill me then.” You say as he wipes the spit from his face before looking back at you.
“Very well than Shimura…” He says raising his hand as rivets shoot from his fingers they dig into your chest and stomach, and fiery pain rushes through you as the invisible hold on you is released as you hit the ground. Ripping the rivets from your body blood quickly pools out from your wounds as you gasp for air feeling the puncture wound in your lung. Looking up at him you glare at him,
“Burn in hell.” You spit out raising your left hand the largest amount of flames released towards him. The heat from it burns straight up your arm as your other hand holds your stomach trying to stop the bleeding. The flames probably wouldn’t do anything to stop him as you push yourself to stand limping to the door on the rooftop that leads you back into the hallway. Pressing your hand against the wall leaving a smear of blood as you try to catch your breath as blood quickly fills your lung.
“YOU WILL NOT ESCAPE ME SHIMURA!!” All For One’s voice echos through the hallway shaking the doors as the ground beneath you begins to crack, the distant sound of your friends from the other end of the hall has you pushing forward. Your movements are sluggish and disoriented as you keep one hand pressed against your chest blood slipping through your digits staining your clothes red as it seeps down to the floor a trail of blood following behind you.
A sharp pain has you hitting the wall catching yourself almost slipping from your red-covered hand, wheezing trying to get air to fill your lungs coughing blood flies from your mouth the metallic bitter taste stinging your mouth.
Looking back dark shadows stretch from down the halls as the walls crack almost decaying towards your direction.
“Come on Y/n wake up!” The sound of your friends has you looking back toward the light at the end of the hall, calling out to you. Pushing yourself forward stumbling almost running to it about to reach it your hand almost grasping it when a hand grabs yours pulling you to turn around.
“Tenko…” Your voice echoes in the hallway as you look at him, he is older now the age you are used to as he looks at you taking in your disheveled and bloody appearance. He still wore the hand covering his face, your father’s hand.
“Y/n…” He whispers back almost in shock seeing you here before him, you could see behind him the decay getting closer and the chill of All For One’s presence getting closer. Reaching your hand to his face cradling his face still covered.
“I will save you, brother. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you before.” You say and between the fingers, you can see his eyes widen in surprise and almost what looked like joy. The bellowing from All For One and the cries from your friends each grow louder as you hold your brother in your arms as he holds your wrist in his hands. Moving your hand from holding his face to the hand covering his face, starting to pull it away.
“I’m sorry I forgot about you...Tenko.” You say right as you could start to make out his eyes a force grabs him yanking him into the shadows your hand reaching out to his as he tries to grab you.
“TENKO!” “SAVE ME Y/N!” You both cry out and it all goes black.
Gasping for the air you shoot upward bringing your hands to your chest and stomach trying to feel for the wounds that are not there. You quickly make out Mina and Kirishima who are on each side of you holding you as you try to catch your breath. Todoroki is shaking holding his left arm as Midoriya tries comforting him. Finally taking account of Iida with Mr. Aizawa, both looking out of breath from running here as Aizawa releases his quirk his hair falling to his shoulders.
Mina and Kirishima as speaking frantically trying to make sure you’re alright while your gaze is locked onto your hands, red doesn’t stain your hands anymore but the truth of your past and future was thicker than the blood once on your skin.
You sat in Mr. Aizawa’s makeshift office your arm was wrapped in a bandage from the burn Todoroki had given you but not healed at all. On the other side of the table are Aizawa and All Might the two of them staring at you, silence filled the room before Aizawa spoke up.
“Do you have any idea what you did was dangerous and incredibly irresponsible of you? You copied a hero’s quirk that you have no experience in and decided to use it on yourself to what? Figure out a quirk you couldn’t understand.” Aizawa says furious beyond belief as you just stare at the table while All Might glances between the two of you not sure when to step in.
“You could have endangered your classmates who you forced into helping you. I should expel you for what you’ve done tonight for your complete lack of responsibility or safety over your classmates!” Aizawa says and you shift in your seat your gaze still locked onto the table.
“Are you even listening to me L/n?!” Aizawa says putting his hands on the table and your gaze shifts from the table to him for the first time.
“I’m sorry what?” Mr. Aizawa says confused by the sudden drop of a random last name.
“My last name is Shimura…isn’t that right All Might?” You say your voice dripping with malice as your gaze shifts from your teacher to the retired hero. All Might seems to shrink in his seat from his gaze.
“And I wasn’t being reckless Mr. Aizawa. We all know I lack control over my quirk, especially what happened during the summer camp,” You say and Aizawa tries speaking but you continue, “I thought if I could figure out the source of my quirk I could gain better control of it.” You say glancing back at All Might and you know he understands the double meaning to it.
“That doesn’t excuse your behavior. Your lucky you didn’t hurt any of your classmates or yourself either.” Aizawa says pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, “You’ll spend the last of your summer until school picks up under a semi-house arrest. You will do your training and after that be in the dorms, with no interactions with your classmates in any way.” Aizawa states his terms and you silently accept your terms and he sends you back to the dorms with All Might to escort you.
The tension between the two of you is so thick it could be cut with a knife. “Y/n..” All Might calls out to you but you keep your gaze glued to the road in front of you. You didn’t want to deal with whatever bullshit lectures he was going to give you. Did he know? Was he keeping it hidden from you? No, there is no way he didn’t know when he figure out the truth about you.
He calls out to you again and you pause from the entrance of the dorms turning to look down at him, “Are you okay? You just have seemed out of it of sorts.” He says and you glance at the older man. He seemed almost anxious about the whole situation.
“I’m fine All Might,” You say and you could see him wince slightly hearing his hero name instead of his actual one, “I wouldn’t keep secrets from you…You’re someone I trust.” Your voice was calm and you could see how he stiffens and how his eyes widen slightly with what you said.
“As would I, Young Shimura.” He says he clenches his hands to keep them from shaking with nerves. He knows… The quiet night fills the silence between you two as you turn to enter the dorm leaving the former Number One alone, no goodbye or goodnight the weight of his betrayal strains your heart. Was there anyone you could trust anymore? Only one thing became a promise to yourself and to the boy you failed to save. You were going to find your brother.
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