stepherscorner · 2 years
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meet jake sharkley
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i-am-trans-gwender · 2 months
Batman: Why are you dressed as a blahaj, Harley Quinn?
Sharkley Quinn: It's Sharkley Quinn now. Joker hasn't been the same since she dyed her hair blue.
Batman: She?
Joker: It's too late! I've already poisoned the water supply with estrogen and now all of Gotham will be force femmed. There's nothing you can do about it Batman!
*Joker pulls out a comically large estrogen needle*
Joker: Or should I say Batwoman!?
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overtrred28 · 10 months
Stargirl | matildas x original character fic [part ten]
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Words; 3.1k
Pairings; matildas team x astrid taylor (OC)
Warnings; none (that im aware of, if there is something lmk)
A/N; hope you are enjoying these xx
The team headed straight to the media room after breakfast for their pre match chat. The team filed into the room, chatting or laughing amongst themselves before sitting down. Once everyone was settled Tony walked up to the projector. 
“Hi. It’s so great to see the team together again.” He smiled brightly at the group. “It’s been more than four months. It’s now putting the national team hat on, right? Remember what we are doing here.”  Everyone focused on what he was saying. “I want to thank you for the patience that you’ve had ‘cause we’ve played the toughest schedule in the history of this program in terms of top-ranked teams this year. And at the same time we introduced 17 debutants.” Kyra nudged Astrid’s shoulder at this, Astrid smiling at the girl beside her.
“So, sometimes the result on the scoreboard might not have been what we wanted it to be. But package everything that we learnt up until now and start getting more consistency, cohesion, chemistry, we got the foundation now.” Everyone dodded along to Tony’s words. 
“323 days. That’s the number of days left until the first game in the world cup.” Tony pointed at the screen which then revealed a ‘46’. “What’s that?” He smirked as the room stayed quiet. 
“Days we’re in camp together?” Astrid spoke softly in the room. Tony nodded while making eye contact with the young player. 
“Days we’re in camp together. About three days per camp goes to travel and recovery. That means 32 days of football together before we announce a roster and come here and prepare for the World Cup.” Tony looked around the room again. Astrid’s heart dropped at the mention of the World Cup, it seemed so far away but it was officially less than a year.  “That’s 11 games. That’s what we got. Before announcing the World Cup roster, 11 games. That means we can’t waste one single minute.” The room was silent with the heaviness of the conversation. 
The team made their way out to the bus to take them to the stadium. Everyone always sat by themselves for the ride to the stadium, playing their own music and getting in game mode. 
Astrid wanted to focus on the game ahead but her mind kept drifting to the earlier mention of next year's FIFA Women’s World Cup on home soil. She knew that if she wanted to be even considered for that 23 roster then she would have to work damn hard at both club level and national level before then, especially because so many senior and regular players were already a shoe in. 
They finally arrived and made their way to the changeroom, putting on their boots and making their way to the pitch for pre-match training. After everyone made their way out, Kyra, Astrid and Charli being the last like always, Jack Sharkley the head sports scientist clapped for everyone to join him. 
“Alrighty, let’s go for a jog shall we?” He looked particularly to Astrid who always had something to say about that first warm up, usually groaning and complaining every time. 
“Let’s go.” Astrid simply said and left everyone shocked. 
“You feeling alright there, kiddo? You didn’t groan or complain.” Sam remarked as she ran alongside Astrid who rolled her eyes at the captain. 
“Piss off.” Astrid laughed and shook her head.
After their warmups, drills and skills practise it came time for Astrid’s favourite part of training; scrimmages. Normally Sam and Steph would have separate teams but today they were on the same one, Astrid taking Caitlin’s usual position who was over on the bikes with Chloe. 
The game began and Sam’s side was taking good control, once again having both Kyra and Astrid together on that right side. 
“Kyra.” Astrid called for the ball, the midfielder sending it directly to Astrid in free space. Astrid kept the ball with her, dancing around the defenders to find Sam in the centre. 
“Good, kid, over here.” Sam yelled praise to the young player, catching the ball from her and heading for the goal. A little while later Steph walked off the field, hurting her hamstring after clearing a corner, very soon after Tameka had come off too.
“We’re a man down. Kyra, drop.” Sam called out after noticing Steph missing from her defender spot. “Astrid, move it back and I’ll come out here.” Astrid and Kyra followed her instructions and the game continued. 
The game wrapped up and everyone was tired and/or sore. 
“We’re dropping like flies here.” Astrid commented softly as she saw a few players with ice packs on muscles and the physios watching with caution. 
“Your ankle holding up?” Charli stood beside her, looking at Astrid who began rolling it around and testing it. 
“Yeah it’s good. Promise.” She looked up at the older girl who was still concerned it wasn’t 100% just yet, but it was feeling better than ever. 
A few short hours later and the game had kicked off at Suncorp Stadium against Canada. 11 minutes in and Canada secured a goal from distance after a free kick. The halftime whistle had blown and the score was 1-0 to Canada and Alanna had come off a few minutes prior with a hamstring injury, Aivi taking her place. 
Play restarted and after some substitutions in the midfield, Tameka and Cortnee coming on with fresh legs, it seemed a little more promising. Astrid was told to get ready to sub in for Emily Van Egmond, shuffling their previous 4-4-2 positioning to a 4-3-3 and have Astrid take that left position alongside Sam and Mary up the front, like they discussed at halftime.
A break in play and Astrid keeps her legs moving as she waits for Emily to come off, the players exchanging a double high five before running to her position at the 78th minute. Play resumed instantly and even with many good shots at goal from so many players, nothing seemed to be working for them. Official full time had ended and 4 minutes of extra time was added.
At 93 minutes the ball had been kept in possession by the Matildas, Gorry stealing it and shooting it over to Kyra on the left wing. Kyra darted with it between the Canadian defence, spotting both Sam and Astrid near the goal but the latter had a lot more free space, sending it over her way. She was at the edge of the box when she caught it, no room to run but could spot a narrow spot between her and the goal. 
She struck with her right foot, aiming for the top right corner and as the ball approached the keeper jumped high, but not high enough. It was close to hitting the bar and missing the shot but as it came in it curved ever so slightly, touching the net, rippling as it stayed in. 
The home crowd was up on their feet, all 25,000 fans erupting in cheers. Astrid took off running to Kyra in the midfield, jumping into her arms screaming, everyone else coming to pile on top. 
And in the 93rd minute Australia equalises with Canada. Number 31 Astrid Taylor in her return to the pitch after an ankle injury last time playing for the Matildas against the Philippines. 18 years old, recently joined the Swedish league and then scored that beautiful goal against Spain a few months ago in that tough friendly. What a return to the game. 
Astrid was beyond happy after the ball fell into that net, finally bringing them equal with Canada. Two minutes later and the final whistle blew, and a draw 1-1 with the Olympic Champions. 
The team was very happy they were able to leave the game with an equal scoreline and very grateful Astrid was able to score that last minute goal. Astrid had been beckoned over for a post-match interview, wiping the sweat from her face before appearing on camera. 
“How was it scoring that goal so close to the end of play?” The producer of their ‘Behind the Matildas’ youtube series asked.
“Yeah it was crazy. I mean I was very much expecting it to bounce off that post or for Sheridan to push it away, but it was a big relief when it did go in.” She laughed softly. “I think at that point a lot of people thought it would end in Canada’s favour, but I knew we had a few more minutes in us. And keeping our spirits up so late in the game can be hard but when you’ve only been on the pitch for like 15 minutes, there’s a little extra fight and determination to turn it around so late.” She smiled at the camera. 
“Thanks.” The filming stopped and the crew nodded at her, indicating she was done. She muttered a quick thanks and walked off to be with her team. 
“You owe me a coffee.” An arm fell onto her shoulder and the voice of Kyra got close to Astrid. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll get you one tomorrow.” Astrid rolled her eyes at the older girl, bringing her own arm to rest on Kyra's shoulder as they walked down the tunnel. “But you realise I was also right.” She turned to her with a smirk.
“About what?” Kyra asked, confused to what she was talking about. 
“I told you last night that you would start today. And I was right.” She crossed her arms over her chest. 
“I guess you were then.” Kyra smiled at the younger girl, pulling her into her side as they headed for the change room. 
Only two days later and the team had touched down last night in Sydney for match day-1, currently heading to the newly rebuilt Allianz Stadium for their training session. Astrid’s parents had secured tickets to come see her play in person for the first time since her final Sydney FC game and she could not be more excited to see them again, this now being the longest she’s been away from them.
The team piled into the changeroom and began to get ready for their warm up, all watching as Alanna set up a speaker in the middle of the room, confused as to what the defender may be putting on. 
The intro to ‘My Heart Will Go On’ begins to play and the room erupts in laughter at the song choice. Instantly everyone begins singing along, Alanna beginning a piece of interpretive dance to the song.  
“Once more, you open the door!” Their captain sings into a water bottle in front of the camera. 
“YOU’RE HERE! THERE’S NOTHING I FEAR.” The room sings, the loudest singing now coming from Astrid who was standing on her cubby bench, gesturing with passion to Kyra next to her who was laughing at her antics. 
“Get down child.” Macca yells at Astrid who pouts and jumps down, putting her cleats on as the song dies down and their regular playlist begins to play, Sam dragging the speaker with her as they leave the room to walk to the pitch. 
Training had concluded, Alanna was already ruled out from the last game and now Steph was a worry too, her hamstring issue from the other day still not 100%. 
“Let’s bring it in everyone, staff as well.” Tony called and the team had now assembled into a small circle at the edge of the pitch, some sitting and stretching, others having a drink break after a scrimmage. “Er, have to say, I love what I saw out there today. How you took ownership for your performance, how you communicated. I loved what I saw.” He smiled at the girls. “Let’s show what we’re about tomorrow in that game. And to make sure we have memory from that, let’s get together really quick so Ann can grab a photo of us all in the sun on the pitch. Just a quick picture.” Everyone began standing up and moving to open space on the pitch. 
“Viney, help me please.” Astrid looked up at Cortnee with her arms out. 
“Fine.” The older girl grabbed her hands and pulled her up fast. 
“Thanks.” She put her arm over the forward’s shoulder, walking with her to where the group had gathered, both plopping down to the ground where there was a gap between Lydia and Kyra. “Ooo I get to be next to Kyra!” She placed her head on Kyra’s shoulder with a smile. 
“Alright, everyone in.” Ann shouted to catch everyone's attention. The shutter of cameras going off. “Thankyou.”
“Ann, get in on one.” Tony called out. 
“Run!” Astrid yelled and everyone laughed, cheering Ann on as she ran over to the group quickly. 
“Yes, Ann!” Sam clapped as she slotted in. More photos were taken and as soon as the photographer gave them a thumbs up they all jumped up. 
The next day rolled around quickly and before they knew it, the starting line ups were making their way onto the pitch. The energy in the stadium was crazy, so many people were there to watch the Matildas and you could feel their passion radiating down to the players. 
The game kicked off with Emily Van Egmond and although Canada took possession pretty easily, it didn’t take long until it was back to the Matildas. A magical passing sequence between Cortnee, Sam and Mary and within two and a half minutes Mary had opened the scoring with a magnificent goal. The girls on the pitch and the bench cheered, the crowd was maybe the loudest it’s ever been. 
They went into halftime, up 1-0 and spirits a lot higher than the last game, having a stronger defence and the forwards plenty of shots on target but just falling short or being stopped by Canada’s goalkeeper. 
“Astrid.” Tony called her over as the players made their way to the changerooms for the break, she ran over to him. “Come with me, I’m putting you on for Vine, we need fresh legs.” She simply nodded and followed him to a small room, immediately hopping on a bike to warm up while he spoke about the next half. 
The second half began and Astrid was already on the pitch in the right wing position, ready for the next 45 minutes. It’s not a position she normally plays in but she had to take every chance to be on that pitch and making her mark, especially with World Cup talk looming over their heads.
The whistle blew and they were on. Although the Australian defence was strong it didn’t seem strong enough in those first 10 minutes, Leon scoring two goals within minutes of each other and taking the lead 2-1. Astrid fought hard on that right side, connecting with Charli, Gorry and Mary for shots at goal but again nothing wanted to go in or slot past Sheridan. 
It’s finished here at Allianz Stadium. Matildas 1, Canada 2.
Everyone stood still on the pitch, looking around at the crowd before them, seas of green and gold filling the stands. Astrid was exhausted, that was the longest game she’s played for the Matildas and she could feel it, but she made her rounds and congratulated the opposition and found Kyra, Courtney and Charli. 
“Hey.” Courtney’s voice was soft as she saw Astrid approach them.  
“Hey star.” Charli still managed to smile at her, pulling her into her side with one arm. 
“Hi.” Kyra did the same on the other side, Astrid wrapping her arms around their waists, Courtney tagging on beside Charli. 
“Wanna go find my parents with me?” She looked between them, all silently nodding and beginning to walk together to where friends and family were at the barricades. Her eyes searched for them and they finally landed on 2 of the only people wearing her jersey number. “Mum, dad!” She let go of the girls when she spotted them, waving as she ran to them. 
“Hi my darling.” Her mum, Joanna, looked like she was about to start crying as they hugged over the barrier. “I’m so proud of you.” She whispered into her ear, squeezing her tighter. They let go so she could move and hug her dad.
“Hey sweetie, I’ve missed you.” Her dad, Mark, pulled his daughter close. 
"I've missed you too." She nodded into his shoulder, trying not to cry from both happiness and sadness at being with her parents again. They pulled apart and she turned to the three people standing behind her, waving them to come closer.
"Guys, this is Charli, Courtney and Kyra. The rest of the Sweden Squad." She smiled.
“Thank you for taking care of my girl over there and when you guys are on camp, it means alot to know she’s not alone.” Her mum smiled at the girls whose hearts had swelled up. 
“Of course, she’s our stargirl.” Charli donned her signature smile, pulling Astrid into her side and holding Courtney close to her other side. 
“She’s in completely safe hands.” Kyra added herself onto the other girls, squeezing all of them together. 
“Totally.” Courtney put on her best smile, nodding along.
“I don’t know about that.” Astrid laughed with Charli, Kyra and Courtney’s jaws dropping. 
“We are perfectly responsible adults and we’ve kept you alive so far. Making sure you're fed and watered. So…” Kyra pointed out, Courtney nodding along in agreement.
“I’m not a plant.” Astrid emphasised. 
“I didn’t say you were. But we did take care of you while you were injured.” Kyra argued back, the people surrounding laughed at her and Kyra’s interaction. 
“Alright you two. We better get going before you rip each other's heads off or Tony does for taking too long.” Charli intervened finally, pushing some distance between the pair. 
“It was lovely meeting you ladies, and well done on the game today, you all played wonderfully.” Joanna smiled at the older girls who surrounded her daughter. 
“Love you, mum.” Astrid hugged her again, squeezing her tight. “I’ll talk to you soon okay?” She pulled away and moved over to her dad. 
“You make me so proud. I love you.” Mark reached over the barrier, placing a kiss on her head before they parted. “Go on.” He nodded to where the team was beginning to disappear down the tunnel. 
“Bye.” They all spoke in unison, waving goodbye to the couple, Charli wrapping her arm around Astrid who donned a sad look on her face. 
Astrid was beyond grateful these girls had come into her life, especially while living so far away from her family, they became her family. The rest of the team had become her family too but the Sweden squad was something else, something special. 
to be continued...
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
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Got my lovely little stickers from @stepherscorner yesterday!! I love them all sm! Especially jake sharkley lol
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bussterj · 2 years
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I just watched Harley Quinn 3x07 "Another Sharkley Adventure"
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lynnesgalaxy · 2 years
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Second batch of stickers for buddies!
Credits for each under the cut
In order we have:
Skatey, Bronda and Brandy by @twilightprince101
Aiain, Sharkley, Joerge, Rupyne, Nachtix and Maltah by @ennnet
Carvrey by Vynnie
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vaperroreon · 2 years
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lunashy21 · 5 years
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Sophie sharkley @snowystratos
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movyman32 · 2 years
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stepherscorner · 2 years
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
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HARLEY and IVY | Harley Quinn: The Animated Series – ‘Another Sharkley Adventure’
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animations-daily · 2 years
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Harley Quinn (3x07) - Another Sharkley Adventure
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whitefluffyyeti · 2 years
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Harley Quinn “Another sharkley adventure”
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twilightprince101 · 2 years
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This piece is by far one of the biggest ones I've ever made, both in terms of raw size and composition. Me and my friends in a Bugsnax server took part in a gigantic RP thing together involving the Grumpinati being more involved with the expedition team, and this piece was made to memorialize that whole thing!!!
The Bugsnax fandom has, in the past year and a half, really helped improve my life. I'm trying to be more outgoing with how I approach people, I have much more fun with how I express myself and my creative drive has boosted significantly!! It's not an exaggeration to say that, if I didn't join this fandom, I likely wouldn't be who I am today. So this piece is dedicated to my friends in the fandom, and to Bugsnax at large for its overwhelming creativity!
Artfight as well this year was an experience. In terms of attacks I didn't do too many, but the fact that I managed to do more than one art piece this month is a god damn miracle. Really helped me get out of my creative rut, and I wanna continue making more even after this!!
So to everyone in the fandom and who has been making stuff alongside me, thanks for being you! You're all a blessing, and it's an honor to freak out over gay muppets with all of you <3
Crisp Busterfun (Brown grump), Maizel Mudwig (Lime green grump with brown jacket), Morfus Evenprestige (dark purple grump with labcoat and goggles) and Amberg Grandmark (orange grump with sword), alongside the fanmade bugsnax Beheamoth (ice cream cake with horns) belong to @bustersnax
Lazloo and Loola Morrowell (Hunched over grump looking at an ant farm and light blue grump with necklace) along with fanmade bugsnax Taffurm (Pink strings with squares) belongs to @basedsnax
Lazloo and Loola Morrowell (Hunched over grump looking at an ant farm and light blue grump with necklace) along with fanmade bugsnax Taffurm (Pink strings with squares) belongs to @basedsnax
Iethiko Costapese (black coated grump in the center) and Vylsia Stickdrop (light blue grump with black jacket) belongs to my friend Vyn, who does not have a tumblr account
Bamton Swansong (brown grump with jacket and large stolen lightning staff) and "Smitmore" (yellow grump with trenchcoat and sunglasses) belongs to @soulthefunnyman
Frankley Baffletap (fully snakified grump with a raspberry horn) and Aliara Witgoal (Purple grump with black coat) belongs to @emeiandstuff
Rupyne Loupdaze (Large black grump sitting cross legged), Maltah Mailstrife (green grump offering a protein bar) and Sharkley Crownshine (golden sweater grump holding a remote) belongs to @ennet
Lusile Sunnyfunny (faded pink grump that Gramble is reaching towards) belongs to @strabbyshortcake
Suey Choppingblock (red grump in a grumpinati cloak) and Jaymie Slumberlamb (light purple grump in a white T-shirt giving the bird) belongs to @vaperroreon
Seris Sadgrey (grey grump with glasses and tie, running a paw through their hair) belongs to @hyper-fixator
Mayya Copperbell (yellow grump in orange hawaiian shirt), Oliander Copperbell (Orange-yellow grump with eyepatch), Aximia Rosebuttons (Purple grump in sweater hugging Mayya), and Rodelia Rubyheart (red grump in cloak drinking wine) belongs to @mayyak
and finally…
Bonga Binglebangle (cyan grump with purple hair), Anion Scattacone (dusty purple grump with cloak), Cation Tearyeyes (dark purple grump with purple cloak in the corner), Ion Scattacone (dark purple grump with bowling alley carpet-style scarf) and Cerula Ethrel (blue ghost coming from Anion's head) belong to @icyrose-cat
whew!! Lots of OCs there, over 30 of 'em!! Highly recommend you go check these guys out, they rock and are awesome to hang with!!
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lynnesgalaxy · 3 years
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Design commissions for @ennnet!
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vaperroreon · 3 years
follow you down
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Are they gonna find us lying face down in the sand So what the hell, have we already been forever damned? Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down Anyplace, but those I know by heart Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down I'll follow you down, but not that far
i just saw The Batman again and it’s really good. really really good. but the screening was at 9:30 and it’s almost 3 hours long so HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA if you see any composition problems with this picture no you don’t. Sharkley’s hungry and wants the violet fuckler to have fun so. he takes them out to dairy queen. i promised ennet i’d draw this. sharkley crownshine belongs to @ennnet​ song: “Follow You Down” by Gin Blossoms
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