#Sharing economy
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coline7373 · 10 months ago
Look at biological relationships.
Apply to society.
Apply to economy.
Thank you.
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techniktagebuch · 2 years ago
2004 bis 2023
Radeln in Wien
Als ich 2004 mit dem Zug von Frankfurt am Main nach Wien fahre, nehme ich mein eigenes Fahrrad mit. Auf die Idee, ein Fahrrad zu mieten, komme ich nicht. MietrĂ€der kenne ich nur von Nordseeinseln, wo man sie tageweise oder fĂŒr die gesamte Dauer des Urlaubs ausleiht.
Als ich 2023 Wien wieder besuche, komme ich nicht auf die Idee, mein eigenes Fahrrad mitzunehmen. WienMobil, die MobilitĂ€tsplattform der Wiener Linien, stellt 3.000 MietrĂ€der fĂŒr die Kurzzeitmiete zur VerfĂŒgung, die an 240 Stationen in der Stadt verteilt sind. Nicht alle sind so groß wie die Station auf dem Foto, das ich am Hauptbahnhof mache; in drei Tagen habe ich aber nie ein Problem, im Stadtzentrum ein Fahrrad zu bekommen.
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Außer in der Hauptstadt bin ich auch im KurstĂ€dtchen Baden bei Wien unterwegs, das etwas außerhalb liegt. Hier gibt es 15 RĂ€der an drei Stationen. Die Ausleihe wird in beiden StĂ€dten ĂŒber denselben Anbieter abgewickelt, sodass ich nur eine App auf mein Mobiltelefon laden muss. Der Anbieter ist Nextbike, das Techniktagebuch berichtete bereits hĂ€ufig darĂŒber.
Das Ausleihen ĂŒber die App funktioniert problemlos, die RĂ€der sind stabil und haben einen GepĂ€cktrĂ€ger. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Leiherlebnis und liebe die Sharing Economy.
(Marlene Etschmann)
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blogquantumreality · 11 months ago
The interesting dichotomy of AirBnB vs Uber/Lyft in my home area of Greater Vancouver is very interesting:
On the one hand, AirBnB is palpably implicated in the rental housing crisis facing this city because landlords find it far more profitable to churn short-term rentals, further enshittifying this place.
On the other hand, taxi companies and drivers became so notorious for substantard service and ongoing disrespect to passengers that Uber and Lyft were gleefully welcomed as a positive disrupting force to make the taxi cartel sit up and take notice. Between COVID and the ride hailing industry, taxis functionally collapsed as a pay-per-ride system by 2021 and have only slowly recovered.
Not that anything of value was lost given the ongoing anecdotes of blatant shakedown attempts by drivers as well as repeated cases of bad driving and sexual harrassment.
The moral of the story is that disruption in and of itself is not necessarily the problem; it's what that disruption does, both in terms of intended and unintended consequences.
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kurumssocial · 2 months ago
Rise of the sharing economy
The sharing economy is a collaborative system where resources, goods, and services are shared among individuals and communities to maximize value. It thrives on platforms like Uber and Airbnb, enabling users to earn money and fostering sustainability.
Hey there! Have you ever heard of the sharing economy? It’s a pretty cool concept that’s been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years. Let me break it down for you. What is the sharing economy? The sharing economy, also known as the collaborative economy or peer-to-peer economy, is a socio-economic system built around the sharing of resources, goods, and services between individuals,

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sustainableyadayadayada · 3 months ago
why "free-flow" car sharing isn't working in the U.S.
This article describes several attempts to create “free flow” car sharing services, where you can pick up and leave a car anywhere within a certain zone. This is in contrast to Zipcar’s “fixed model” where you have to leave the car where you found it. The article says the free flow model isn’t working well because the people it benefits most are lower-income people who do not otherwise have easy

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prosper-path · 4 months ago
Embracing the Sharing Economy: Earning, Saving, and Thriving in a Collaborative World
The world is rapidly embracing a new economic paradigm—the sharing economy. This revolutionary concept, built on collaborative consumption, empowers individuals to leverage underutilized assets for financial gain and a more sustainable lifestyle. From renting out spare rooms to offering rides, the sharing economy offers diverse income-generating opportunities. However, navigating this evolving

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reportsofagrandfuture · 5 months ago
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signorinajulie · 6 months ago
Come possiamo creare la consapevolezza che la condivisione ù la soluzione alla crisi planetaria, e la nostra speranza per recuperare un mondo diviso? Il nocciolo di questa domanda ù il problema degli “ismi”, che sono l’intellettualizzazione del nostro auto-compiacimento che così giustifica e normalizza la sua esistenza.
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old-man-hobb · 1 year ago
This is an example of one of the alternative economy styles that survived for thousands of years in many different cultures around the world before capitalism was developed and could be one we use today as well.
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In case you didn’t know why Miss Level is one of my favorites of ALL the Discworld witches
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engineeringeconomicshub · 10 months ago
The Sharing Economy: Disruptive Business Models and Their Impact on Traditional Industries
The rise of the sharing economy has revolutionized the way we think about business, consumption, and ownership. Enabled by digital platforms and driven by collaborative consumption, the sharing economy has disrupted traditional industries, challenging established business models and reshaping consumer behavior. Let’s delve into the transformative power of the sharing economy and its impact on

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benzinazero · 1 year ago
I benefici del car sharing: un'auto in sharing puĂČ sostituire fino a 20 auto private
Immagine da Brent Toderian, pianificatore urbano In ambito urbano il car sharing puĂČ essere un servizio che fa risparmiare, evita l’ingombro di molte auto private, consente ai cittadini di usare l’auto quando serve senza doverla mantenere 24 ore su 24 per 365 giorni l’anno. In base a quanto risulta dall’esperienza di Vancouver, qui riportata dal pianificatore urbano Brent Toderian, fra gli

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dr-alex-zarifis · 1 year ago
Research on collaborative consumption for low and high trust requiring business models
Collaborative Consumption (CC) and the sharing economy, where consumers do not purchase a product or service, but share it, is growing in popularity. This is due to a trend away from ownership towards experiencing. The first two areas of the economy that this business model disrupted were fare sharing and renting rooms for short periods. Other areas are also influenced but it is unclear which sectors of the economy will be disrupted next. Smaller niches of the economy, or areas where more public-sector involvement is necessary, such as the elderly and the disabled may not be at the forefront and may be the laggards losing out on possible benefits for years.
This research evaluates the current CC business models and identifies 13 ways they add value from the consumer’s perspective. This research further explores whether CC business models fall into two categories in terms of what the consumer values. In the first category, they require a low level of trust while in the second category a higher level of trust is necessary. Our survey evaluates whether there was a difference between CC business models that require a low level of trust such as a taxi service and those that required a high level of trust such as supporting the elderly and disabled.
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Figure 1. Comparative spider diagram of value added by collaborative consumption business models for low and high required trust
The analysis verified that the consumer requires 13 types of value added from the business model which can be separated into three categories which are personal interest, communal interest and trust building. It is important for organizations to acknowledge how they relate to these dimensions.
It was found that CC business models can be separated into those that require a relatively low level of trust such as fare sharing and those that require a high level of trust such as supporting the elderly and disabled, as we can see in the figure here. For the business models that only require low trust, the consumer considered the personal interest value added more important, while in the those requiring more trust the consumer rated the value added of trust building higher.
The findings suggest that changing CC business model from one that requires low trust to one that requires higher trust necessitates a significant improvement in how the organisation builds trust. This can be considered a ‘step’ change in trust-building which would have to be a consideration at business model level. Iterative improvements at operational level may not increase trust sufficiently.
Zarifis A., Cheng X. & Kroenung J. (2019). Collaborative consumption for low and high trust requiring business models: From fare sharing to supporting the elderly and disabled, International Journal of Electronic Business, vol.15, no.1, pp.1-20. Available from (open access): https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJEB.2019.099059
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thenewsbeat · 2 years ago
All the Ways Airbnb Hosts Deceive You 2023-04-24 17:00:00
Short-term rental platforms are here to stay—and when you think of short-term renting, you think of Airbnb. But there are a growing number of reasons to avoid Airbnb like the plague. Aside from rising prices and poor customer service, Airbnb has been accused of destroying neighborhoods and not respecting your privacy much—or at all. One of Airbnb’s biggest problems are listings that don’t

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stochastique-blog · 11 days ago
Dont do that
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Gérer la rareté, tout un défi pour les RH. Trucs et nouveaux modÚles d'affaires #RH #Lean #Projet #Pénurie #Talents #Rareté
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sustainableyadayadayada · 2 years ago
making $$$ as a dog walker
Sure, I thought. Dog walker is the kind of job teenagers make a few bucks at here and there. But compare the hourly pay for taking care of pets to the hourly pay to taking care of children. It is similar (according to one source linked to below, $13-20 for 20 minutes, $17-27 for 30 minutes, and $26-37 for 60 minutes, $39-59 for overnight), and surely it is lower risk and lower effort. I am not

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pxlrainbow · 2 months ago
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Winter time makes me want to rewatch Yu Yu Hakusho
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