#Shani Kulture
tvueberregional · 1 month
INDIA SUMMER DAYS Karlsruhe 2024
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INDIA SUMMER DAYS Karlsruhe 2024 „In Karlsruhe gibt es ein sichtbares Tor nach Indien!“ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Erneut großer Zuspruch im „indischen Dorf“ bei den INDIA SUMMER DAYS im Rahmen von DAS FEST Karlsruhe Musik, Tanz, Kulinarisches, Basar, Puppenspiel, Yoga, dazu Mitmach- und Info-Angebote: Indien war am DAS FEST-Wochenende wieder mitten in Karlsruhe erlebbar – und die INDIA SUMMER DAYS kamen 2024 wieder bestens bei Besucherinnen und Besuchern an. Es war durch das vielfältige Angebot auch bei der sechsten Auflage ein regelrechtes Eintauchen in die indische Kultur. Das Interesse an Indien nehme stetig zu und die Zahl der Indienfreunde und internationalen Gäste wachse jedes Jahr, so Karlsruhes Oberbürgermeister Dr. Frank Mentrup. Besonders gut käme dabei auch die Integration des deutsch-indischen Festivals in DAS FEST an. Hier zeige sich die gute und langjährige Vernetzung zwischen Karlsruhe und Indien. Karlsruhe habe mit seinen vielen guten Kontakten nach Indien beste Rahmenbedingungen für solch ein Festival, betonte der indische Konsul für Kultur, Rajiv Chitkara: „Karlsruhe mit seiner Internationalität ist für ein solches Fest wie geschaffen. In Karlsruhe gibt es ein sichtbares Tor nach Indien, ein leuchtendes Beispiel und Zeichen für die gute Partnerschaft!“ Dieser starke Indienbezug Karlsruhes kommt nicht von ungefähr, denn seit Jahren gibt es gute Verbindungen in vielen Bereichen – ob durch das „Deutsch-Indische Netzwerk“, in dem sich Vertreterinnen und Vertreter aus Wirtschaft, Bildung, Event, Tourismus, Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik oder auch Soziales regelmäßig über aktuelle Projekte austauschen, Synergien nutzen und gemeinsam Aktivitäten angehen, Kontakte der Karlsruher Hochschulen nach Indien oder Aktivitäten des Landes Baden-Württemberg. Vielfalt des Angebots war erneut stark gefragt Ob Bharatanatyam-Tanz aus Südindien, klassische Musik, kunsthandwerkliche Angebote im Basar, Cricket, Henna-Malerei, indische Spezialitäten, Mitmach-Angebote für Yoga oder Bollywood-Dance: Das Angebot war vielfältig. Die Tanz- und Musikschule „Lasya Priya Fine Arts“ aus Karlsruhe zeigte viele Beispiele indischer Kultur. Die „Dindi Dance Group“ präsentierte indische Feste, bei den „Kirtaniyas“ erklang melodiöse „Worldbeat“-Musik auf den Ruf- und Antwortgesang alter Sanskrit-Mantras und Shany Mathew setzte mit ihren Tänzerinnen und Tänzern der „Nisari Kalakshetra Dance Academy“ aus Mannheim Erzählungen der indischen Mythologie um. Die „Revathi Dance Akademie“ aus München zeigte eine Tanzreise durch die Geschichte Indiens und Ravi Bhatt aus Jaipur erzählte mit seinen klassischen Puppen an Fäden eindrucksvolle Geschichten. Die INDIA SUMMER DAYS sind längst mehr als eine symbolische Verbindung zwischen Deutschland und Indien, sie lassen eintauchen, sie lassen Indien in Karlsruhe erleben. Mit dem kostenfreien Angebot lasse sich bei den INDIA SUMMER DAYS die Vielfalt Indiens aufzeigen. „Durch das authentische Angebot, das wir mit unseren starken Partnerinnen und Partner aus dem Netzwerk, unter anderem das indische Generalkonsulat in München, das Indische Honorarkonsulat in Stuttgart, „Indien aktuell“ und die „Deutsch-Indische Gesellschaft“ in Karlsruhe, bieten können, wird Indien in Karlsruhe erlebbar“, so Martin Wacker, Geschäftsführer der veranstaltenden Karlsruhe Marketing und Event GmbH. „Ob mit Musik, Tanz, der indischen Küche oder auch als Reiseziel. Wichtig ist, dass wir indische Kultur und Tradition auf authentische Art und Weise hier präsentieren können,“ so Wacker weiter. Dieses breitgefächerte Angebot kam bestens an: Auch in diesem Jahr fanden mehrere Tausend der insgesamt 250.000 Besucherinnen und Besuchern von DAS FEST den Weg ins indische Dorf unter Bäumen, hatten dabei die Gelegenheit, regelrecht einzutauchen in die indische Kultur, konnten mitmachen, genießen und auch eigene Erfahrungen sammeln. Die INDIA SUMMER DAYS – erneut mit dem großen „Indien-Finale“ auf der Kulturbühne von DAS FEST – verzauberten wieder und boten zahlreiche Einblicke. Infos und Bilder unter www.indiasummerdays.de Im Anhang finden Sie die Pressemitteilung als PDF sowie vier Fotos, die Sie für Ihre Berichterstattung nutzen können. 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spencerluvtrinagh12z · 8 months
Watch "Explicit Drake Video LEAKS On Social Media + Shani Kulture Gets Stuck On An Elevator" on YouTube
Hot 97
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#March9th Chef Ed's Presents The Big Poppa Tribute Mixtape Dinner Party | @bk.chef.ed @djmistercee @universaldjmasai @shanikulture @Phearnone @roosterharlem @ginnysharlem
Special proud of the homies Shani Kulture, Phearnone & Shaun Kelly (Planet U ) Representing. Yall ain't never gonna see a Biggie tribute like this, Kulture hosting and the Legend #MrCee taking over Harlem! Live band covering Biggie songs, Biggie themed dishes (Cheese eggs and Welch's Grape etc.), Biggie themed drinks (Who Shot ya Shots etc.), and the man who discovered Biggie Smalls #MrCee djing the party! Yall ain't ready
Sat March 9th From 6pm-3am Chef Ed Presents The Big Poppa Tribute Mixtape Dinner Party @ Ginny’s Supper Club Inside Of Red Rooster @roosterharlem @ginnysharlem 310 Lenox Ave In Harlem. Music By @djmistercee & @universaldjmasai Hosted By Hot 97’s Own @shanikulture Biggie Live Music By @Phearnone & Friends. 6pm-10pm Biggie Tribute Dinner Wit A Band. 10pm-3am Big Poppa Tribute Party. SWIPE LEFT To Make Reservations Contact @roosterharlem@ginnysharlem @bk.chef.ed Or Call 212 792 9001.
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urbanfashionsense · 7 years
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PURCHASE TICKETS HERE: http://www.ticketweb.com/t3/sale/SaleEventDetail?eventId=7658915&pl=sobs&dispatch=loadSelectionData
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ccb500 · 7 years
Dave Chappelle Hot97 Takeover 
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docscastlemedia · 8 years
Doc’s Castle Media had the opportunity to leave our regularly scheduled program to experience something we’re very familiar with outside of our comfort zone last weekend. Doc attended a hip-hop showcase in New York City, and there’s so much to be mentioned about why my experience out of town is worthy of being shared with Baltimore city hip-hop heads.
The Inauguration Concert was hosted my Rockview Entertainment, an independent entertainment group in NYC that specializes in the branding of New York City music artists. Taina and Jus Write are two New York artist of the brand’s roster that came to the showcase that evening. A majority of the Rockview Entertainment events feature local talent from all over NYC. But some artists travel from farther distances to perform. As a part of the entourage for Baltimore recording artist Jae Duckett, I came to work my talent covering the event by taking photos and experiencing the essence of the show. We came with a total of 9 people. All of us bearing cameras and media equipment in support Jae. We did this to show the people of the big apple how we roll. We go hard for Baltimore. But do we really?
I wasn’t the only media present at the Inauguration Concert. There were three internet radio shows present; Lyve Lyfe Radio, WVMR, and Baltimore’s own Strong Way Radio. But what took the icing on the cake was Shani Kulture from Hot 97 dropping by in full support of the showcase, as well.
Shani Kulture of Hot 97
Shani Kulture delivered a message of positivity that was well needed. He encouraged each and every artist’s’ passion for what they do. Coming from someone currently working in mainstream media with large notoriety, encouragement felt like it had come spewing from the fountain of youth. There’s no doubt admiration was projected at it’s finest from prospective talent in the audience that night.
The evening was full of energy and driven individuals. Simply off the atmosphere alone, you’d feel good about what you’re apart of, which is why I needed to write about this particular showcase for Doc’s Castle Media.
Where are these type of shows in Baltimore that have this energy?
Not to knock Baltimore too much, there are plenty of notable showcases and shows that receive a good amount of support from locals; like TheMixx Festival hosted by DTLR and The 2nd Anniversary of Baltimore Beat Club hosted by The Lineup Room. We even have shows like Baltimore Crown Awards that celebrate the successes of artists striving to share their passions in the city. But there are many shows that are “ghost,” without even a handful of spectators insight. Baltimore lacks the artist at the shows showing brotherly genuine support. I always ask why is it this way?
If Baltimore could take just a pinch of energy felt that night at the Inauguration Concert, I’d know it’d be another proud moment and a step forward towards the #NewBaltimore that we idolize in 2014 when there was buzz in the atmosphere of a new generation of artists changing how we celebrate indie artists in Baltimore.  If we gained the energy felt during the Rockview Ent. show, we might actually have a chance to climb out of the barrels this city seems to be too familiar with.
If I were to suggest some things that happened in New York that Baltimore artists should invest in doing, there wouldn’t be much I’d need to share. Simply to show up and show out for your friends is all that’s needed to be done.
Each artist in the building that night came with an entourage of supportive friends. Similar to attending a high energy sporting event, all friends cheered on their artist like no other. The night started off with each group of friends showing love solely for who they came for. But by the end of the night, the love shown spread into a huge circle of love. Everyone became one, with the help of the evening’s special guest Shani Kulture encouraging everyone to support all of their peers. He reminded the audience that performing in front of strangers isn’t easy. These artists had the courage to entertain the room. Shani basically told us to show our respect and listen to them.
Maybe artists in Baltimore don’t understand that concept of support at all. We ask our friends to come to our shows and end up partying with strangers. Every time we get to a point when we feel like we’re crawling away from the barrel of constant hate, we get pulled back in by those who are the closest to us. Trying to gain support in Baltimore is a never ending battle familiar to anyone who wants to pursue a dream.
“We are better off moving to another state to get ahead,” says a majority of dreamers spotted in the Baltimore arts scene. They say it as if other cities, like Atlanta, GA, and Los Angeles, are the chosen “mecca” lands, getaway places for serenity and peace, for their passions and talents.
This is not so if we’d just support everyone where we are.
Otherwise, my surroundings in NYC made me hopeful to see a concert like the Inauguration Concert replicated in my hometown. There were enough Baltimore natives there to experience the night’s vibes. Hopefully, those people can spread its essence somehow, or maybe I could be reaching.
Check out more from the night in the gallery below.
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Why do you think Baltimore artist struggle to gain support from their peers? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. Did you catch the visuals for Boutzie’s Intoxico? Watch the music video for Intoxico feature Flu_x and Jimmy Apoet on Doc’s Castle Media.
Rockview Entertainment Presents the Inauguration Concert in Queens, NY (What Indie Support Should Look Like) Doc's Castle Media had the opportunity to leave our regularly scheduled program to experience something we’re very familiar with outside of our comfort zone last weekend.
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9jabreed · 3 years
Olamide Reveals How The Pandemic Affected Him Last Year | WATCH
Olamide Reveals How The Pandemic Affected Him Last Year | WATCH
Nigerian rapper, Olamide has revealed how the Covid-19 Pandemic affected his last year when it forced a shutdown of the entire world. Olamide told Hot 97 in a recent interview that the pandemic showed him that he could survive without performing at shows last year.  The interview was held on Hot 97’s Kulture Movement Monday held on Monday, the 2nd of August 2021. Olamide When Shani Kulture…
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trascapades · 4 years
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#ArtIsAWeapon Reposted from @asaseyaa Tonight tune in to Asase Yaa’s YouTube HERE: https://youtu.be/nOioLm54IvM, or on Facebook at 8 PM EST to watch our RAISING OUR VOICES FOR BLACK YOUTH BENEFIT CONCERT. R & B/Soul artist @AmmaWhatt will serve as Master of Ceremonies of the 45-minute concert, featuring guest performances by our Asase Yaa Youth Ensemble, African Djembe ensemble Farafina Kan Next Generation, musician Kofi Hunter, rapper Kudonyc, and Philadelphia based hip hop dance ensemble Illstyle & Peace. In addition, the benefit event will include video presentations by dancer/entertainer Vianka Winborne (Drake, Sean Paul, and an alumni of the Asase School of the Arts), Hot 97 radio personality Shani Kulture, and actor/singer/dancer Shahadi Wright Joseph (starred in Jordon Peele’s hit movie US). Support the Asase Yaa Youth Summer Employment Initiative. Donate HERE: https://bit.ly/2AUxQ5E, or via Text: 844-844-6844 and use the code: YSEI #AsaseYaa #AsaseYaaSchooloftheArts #AfricanArts #AfricanDrums #AfricanDance #AfricanTheater #AfricanMusic #AsaseYaaChildrensSummerArtsCamp #ArtsSchool #CulturalTeachings #AsaseYaaCulturalArtsFoundation #Brooklyn #YouthSummerEmploymentInitiative #Mightycause #Fundraiser #https://bit.ly/2AUxQ5E#TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon https://www.instagram.com/p/CDSPmGKgg6n/?igshid=gsyrrp72l12h
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hyperap · 5 years
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Watch: Shani Kulture sits in on rehearsal w/ Naomi Cowan & Jesse Royal - This Is Kulture
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luckychurch · 5 years
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HOT97 Who's Next showcase featuring Iyla, Rexx Life Raj, Odie, Nef The Pharoah, and King Ceazar takes place on July 29th @SOBs 204 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014. Hosted by Shani Kulture and music by DJ Juanyto & Drewski. Doors open at 7:00pm, show starts at 8:00pm sharp. @moditty55 @empire @hot97 @sodrewski #Hot97 #WhosNext #NewMusic #NYC #SOBs #WeWorking #ThePlug #LuckyChurch #SMFGlobal #Hot97WhosNext #Martell #Showcase #Talent (at SOB's) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0TfKUdh2Gr/?igshid=1tlajq1t2qdwg
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hot97 · 7 years
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LaLa Anthony Breaks Down Here Latest Sex Scene w/ "Tommy," Melo's Future & Confronts Shani Kulture [VIDEO] http://bit.ly/2wKwpRb
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damajority · 5 years
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DaMajority Fresh Article https://www.damajority.com/christopher-martins-album-and-then-to-be-released-may-3rd-on-vp-records-album-celebrated-with-live-tv-special-watch-parties-and-more/
Following the release of his single “Life”, VP Records is proud to announce that Christopher Martin’s album And Then will be released this Friday, May 3rd. In his sophomore offering, Christopher Martin presents a well-rounded mix of ballads and up-tempo jams, showcasing his musical versatility and growth with a celebration centered around themes of love, rising above hardship and finding the good in every situation. And Then is the follow up to Martin’s debut full length-album, “Big Deal”, which reached the top 5 on the Reggae Billboard Charts in 2017.
To celebrate the album release, a variety of events will be held in Jamaica and the U.S. On the albums release day, Christopher Martin will be at TVJ Studios for a live performance and interview which will be broadcasted on RETV, VP Records YouTube Channel at 7pm JA time/ 8pm EST and will be rebroadcasted on TVJ at a later time. The event can also be seen at two watch parties in Florida and Philadelphia (details below) and heard on Fame FM Jamaica, Reggae King Radio, Vibes FM in London and Irie Jam in New York (more stations to be announced). This TV Special is the second in the VP Records Live Series which launched in January with Strictly the Best Live from Usain Bolt’s Tracks and Records in Montego Bay. The program was a huge success and reached many people globally. Next up will be Soca Gold Live in June. Christopher Martin will then head to New York, where he will celebrate with a album release party. More details to be announced. Singles off the album include “Bun Fi Bun,”, “Can’t Dweet Again,” “Come Back” and most recently “Life.” The album also features a standout cover of Mr. Big’s 1991 definitive track, “To Be With You.” Martin’s re-imagining of the love song is a sweet homage, delivering new meaning to the chart-topping single without losing sight of his powerful ability to connect with audiences across the globe and showcase his versatility as an artist not confined to one solitary genre.
With the launch of his second album, Chris was determined to give back and help raise the goals and expectations of youthful fans at home and abroad. In doing so, he teamed with the The Kulture Movement on the #NoDisrespect Campaign, which aims to educate the youth on behaviors that garner respect without resorting to violence. Shani Kulture of Hot 97.1 spearheaded the campaign with his partner Roxie Digital of Hot 103.9 FM and tapped Martin for the “School Tour,” in which workshops and activities with the kids are done to spread the message of positivity and self-worth. In addition to the campaign, Martin expanded his philanthropic efforts by supporting the American Foundation for The University of the West Indies (AFUWI)’s mission of raising funds and providing scholarships for needy students at UWI’s 4 campuses in 17 countries, by performing at their 2019 Legacy Awards gala held in February.
Born in St. Catherine, Jamaica, the now 32-year-old first established himself as an emerging talent following winning Jamaica’s top televised talent show “Digicel Rising Stars” in 2005. Shortly after, Martin went on to navigate his undeniably destined career in music with an eagerness and dedication to establishing his own forward-thinking sound. As exemplified through his energetic live performances and feel-good lyricism, his characteristic positivity is as genuine as it is memorable, allowing him to organically make a name for himself on the beloved island and connect with audiences that stretch far beyond his backyard in the Caribbean.   “And Then is a body of work I am very proud of and it comes at a time where I am embarking into a new chapter,” Martin states. “I have a newly born son and new music at the same time and that is a very special thing.”
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daily-wif · 7 years
DJ John Sparks Drama Between Rosenberg & Shani Kulture
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digitalkingpins · 6 years
Shani Kulture Responds To Joe Budden's Comments Made On The Joe Budden Podcast #Hot97
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firsticon-blog · 6 years
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#fiyahalert🔥🔥🔥 First Icon Fam making moves!!.. RAYVON and SUGAR BEAR will be performing live next Wednesday at the Woodland in Brooklyn, NY @ JERKMAC & CHEESE WEDNESDAY....a Shani Kulture Presentation 💣💥💣💥Pass through and check it out....#purevibes a run #JerkMacAndCheese @eznewyork @1rayvon and @sugarbearmusic @shanikulture #innovationspeaks💥 #sugarbearmusic #sugarbearlive #rayvonlive #rayvonlive #rayvonsingsangel #yuhearrrr #LivePerformance #LiveReggaeNYC (at Woodland NYC) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnGdog9HNNh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bwi7lmxeniud
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Calling All artist you are welcome to be apart of this showcase and the best artist of this event will be performing in the show at the unity fest show 2018 with one of nyc's top DJ's..... DJ funk master flex ,shani kulture,deejay melod and more celeb guest will be in the building performance video shot by [email protected] contact me at 3479642814 or inbox me for information
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