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stastrodome · 7 months ago
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Ophelia and Jerky (mascot for the Hoopeston, Illinois Cornjerkers) in the role of Hamlet.
O, what homesteader's mind is here so shucked The farmer, feeder, miller and local hoop star!
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a-passing-storm · 2 months ago
I have finished Moby Dick!!! Help me!!!
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year ago
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Cymbeline Act II, scene iii
Finally, confirmation that Shakespeare ate pussy
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retro-system · 2 years ago
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unboundtheatre · 1 month ago
The Merry Wives of Windsor
Our next Shakespeare Sunday visits 'The Merry Wives of Windsor'. The full five-part audio series (complete with updated music and sound design) is free to stream and download:
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goat-boy-sounds · 1 year ago
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does anyone remember the shakepseare's globe production of doctor faustus from 2012 hahahaha
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thealogie · 11 months ago
Just read DT's essay on Touchstone in As You Like It. Someone has *got* to convince this man that his standards of niceness somehow require him to write an analysis of his key performance choices in as many projects as possible, but most of all his Shakepseare projects. For the gays
Anyway the essay is a really endearing mix of very politely worded 'goddamn it Shakespeare. what the fuck', and insightful analysis of the character and his position in the play that I genuinely think will improve my reading of it if I revisit it. Also manages to describe himself as if he's haplessly bumbling through the whole process and every decent acting choice was someone else's suggestion while making me want to see his performance *so* fucking bad.
However my favorite bit was his little aside about liking and feeling comfortable in long coats. Good news young David, you will successfully tailor an impressive proportion of your career to wearing long coats
P.S. Have you watched any As You Like It productions that you thought were quite good?
I love that essay. He really was so self-deprecating and like “nothing I did worked and it’s so hard and I don’t even get it.” Girl, you were born to understand and interpret Shakespeare 😭
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as-i-watch · 2 years ago
Fun fact: Kiku stands at 9.5ft tall.
Also apparently samurai Japanese is very hard to translate into English because all of the micro-nuances that go into it. It's apparently supposed to be super formal yet at the same time self humbling. Most early translators would just give up and translate into semi-shakepseare. An example of this is would be ruroni kenshin where the protagonist had a distinct way of speaking because he was a samurai and everyone else spoke normally
For all the metrics system bitches like me that almost 3mt! That's crazy lmaoo
Love that for her tho
And the samurai japanese is hella interesting, i had no idea they had their own dialect that's badass
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tangent101 · 2 years ago
The "creativity" of AI art and writing
It was once said that if you have a million monkeys plinking away at a million typewriters, eventually one of the monkeys would write Shakepseare's "Hamlet"
If we look at AI-generated art and AI-generated stories... we have billions of monkeys plinking away on keyboards to "craft" these stories and art. But the thing is? The AI ultimately is aping us. It does not generate anything new. It doesn't create.
When it is said that AI art and stories lack soul... what we mean is that it lacks that moment of originality. Because when you look at a fanfic, you are looking at something someone crafted. Sure, you might have characters or story elements from other stories... but there are many unique elements... and AI fails to do that.
All that AI does is plagiarize. And the works it generates end up looking nice at first glance but ultimately failing upon a deeper consideration because all it ever does is rehash other people's works.
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themalhambird · 1 year ago
Something something the deification of Shakepseare as a Lone Genius by the Georgians/Victorians rather than a very skilled playwrite who worked with, borrowed from, probably mentored, and collaborated with the other dramatists on the early modern scene (see also: the Romanticising of the Lone Poet Doing His Thing In A Freezing Garret) to the complete devaluing of art in general but writing in particular as an act of labour that should be compensated accordingly in the 21st century pipeline
Do I know what I mean? Yes. Can I be more articulate about it? Maybe- mostly I'm just thinking about how one of the most famous writers of the western canon was also a businessman with shares in the acting company he wrote for. He didn't write just because he loved it (although I don't think you could write like that if you *didn't* love it at least some of the time), he wrote at least in part because it made him money, and it made his company money, and I don't think it makes him any less of a master craftsman to acknowledge the fact that William Shakespeare got paid to write Hamlet and made money from the subsequent performances.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 years ago
Aufidius: it’s so sad when the love of your life dies in your arms
Characters from other Shakepseare tragedies: *patting him sympathetically* 
Coriolanus: -_-  So are you going to tell them about the circumstances or should I? 
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adollwritesblog · 2 months ago
1. 80 books
2. I reread The Quarry by Susan Howe bc the first time I read it everything went over my head lul (and did the second time)
3. a. Xenogenesis series by Octavia Butler
b. The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz
c. A year and other Poems by Jos Charles
d. Freshwater by Akwake Emezi
e. Scatter, Adapt, Remember by Annalee Newitz
4. Samuel R Delaney!!
5. Hmmm probably sci fi or nonfiction
6. Stories are weapons by Annalee Newitz
7. I dont use goodreads
8. Ig I wanted to read 100 books? I’m okay with where I landed tho
9. I tried out a romance book!! You Made a fool of yourself by Akwaeke Emezi. I loved it!
10. A Year and other poems
11. Probably Wuthering Heights. It was not what I expected but I loved it!
12. I tried reading Technocapitalism and was extremely disappointed by some of the reasoning in the book (i.e. the tech industry is dominated by men bc more men are autistic) (super disproven at this point)
13. ^
14. The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber
15. I’m not really sure tbh
16. I read a few shakepseare plays. Maybe those?
17. Scatter Adapt Remember!!! This book has so much for being 30 pages
18. Considering i get half off on books at my job, too many
19. Yes!!!
20. Jos Charles again, and I think it went way above my expectations!
21. Never tbh
22. Godel escher bach maybe?
23. I read a couple of poetry books in a day
24. See 12
25. Hmmm maybe I’ll try another romance book!
end-of-year book ask
How many books did you read this year?
Did you reread anything? What?
What were your top five books of the year?
Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
What genre did you read the most of?
Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to?
What was your average Goodreads rating? Does it seem accurate?
Did you meet any of your reading goals? Which ones?
Did you get into any new genres?
What was your favorite new release of the year?
What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
Any books that disappointed you?
What were your least favorite books of the year?
What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
Did you read any books that were nominated for or won awards this year (Booker, Women’s Prize, National Book Award, Pulitzer, Hugo, etc.)? What did you think of them?
What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
How many books did you buy?
Did you use your library?
What was your most anticipated release? Did it meet your expectations?
Did you participate in or watch any booklr, booktube, or book twitter drama?
What’s the longest book you read?
What’s the fastest time it took you to read a book?
Did you DNF anything? Why?
What reading goals do you have for next year?
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suiciderape · 2 years ago
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this is what were fighting about
yes women are nasty ew do u have any pepsi? nah right? no? stop! stop! ur hurting me! ew! get away from me 9 sknl :( sorry dudee i had to
yea they dont like that im a korean brick
u are south korean ur just black and happy ew! they turned me into a 90s kid novel porno i want to talk about neptume daaamn dude coke or pepsi
coke? nah im mentally retardes shakepseare sk dick 101 p4p omg she came home to neptune? no!
ewww no! i dont give lap dances nasty eww no i dont see any women nah its jock hell tight i live with santa claus not gay just me and im not gay either bible jock hell nation neptune manger keeho dorkus dork ew nah aniyah not a baddie dorito dalia
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❝Sans Changer, Never Changing❜
I think at this point our fandom knows, i’m a sucker for Shakespeare’s histories. Due to the fact, I love English/European history. I honestly love how he makes the 3 sons of York true to how they were in real life. Well he did somewhat. 
George was a drunk, but he wasn’t an idiot, he was a skilled warrior, Edward wasn’t just a sex addict, he loved music, science, poetry, learning. And Richard well, Richard is Richard. He was disabled his entire life, yet, he still fought in battles, and ruled the North Of England. Yet, he murdered 2 children. 2 children who he was related to. Not only that, the 3 of them went through losses and gains. 
And Shakespeare shows that. He shows them suffer, and them gain. And how complex people in power are. They often choose the lesser of 2 evils. Anyway, enough with my rambling on moral codes and corruption in politics.
However Richard loved Anne dearly, and he loved their son Edward, he loved her so much. She was his rock, his sanity, his person.
@harry-leroy also tagging @lady-plantagenet who loves george. (also sorry this posted early i felt very in the mood to make something)
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gayiconwaluigi · 5 years ago
Lindsay Lohan in freaky Friday deserved an F for her literary analysis because she suggested hamlet had an Oedipal complex
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aemiron-main-backup · 2 years ago
april fools: the day victor gouged his eyes out, the day henry “died,” and the date on the drama club poster
So, this post caught my eye today because the poster says April 1st:
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And I knew I’d come across that date before in my ST research, and it finally hit me:
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According to the Dear Billy script, April 1st is the day that Victor gouged his eyes out.
And also, Victor said that Henry died a week after the murders:
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And also according the Dear Billy script, the murders happened on March 25th, which contradicts the Indianapolis Gazette date (March 21st, bodies found the morning of March 22nd), but that’s a whole other can of timeline weirdness worms:
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And so, what’s a week/7 days from March 25th?
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April 1st. Meaning that in the Dear Billy timeline, April 1st was the day that Henry “died,”/the day that Victor was told he was dead (which again that’s a whole other can of works because the Indianapolis Gazette talks about Henry/Edward’s body being found with the eyes gouged out and Victor being charged with 3 counts of murder).
So, it’s interesting that they’d put April 1st on a poster about drama club/plays, considering all of the weirdness with the Creel murders, and considering that this line happens right when Henry is doing his monologue while clips of Nancy seeing the Creel family/Creel murders play:
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And the Creel house clips right before the “silly, terrible play” line and right after it are both clips of Henry staring at the clock in the Creel house:
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Like, for that drama club poster to be talking about monologues (see: Henry’s monologue), and to be for a drama club/advertising plays (see: a silly, terrible play), and for it to also have the same date as Henry’s “death date,” in the Dear Billy timeline, which is ALSO the same as the day that Victor gouged his eyes out in the Dear Billy timeline? It’s suspicious.
Also smthn smthn the comedy and tragedy masks on the poster smthn smthn all of Henry’s Jekyll and Hyde coding/references smthn smthn Henry seeming to swap between good and bad smthn smthn “a silly, terrible play,” almost like a comedy smthn smthn @ henrysglock talking about ST and the divine comedy
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I also can’t quite make out all the plays written on the poster, but one of them IS definitely Shakepseare’s “The Tempest,” which a.) is considered a tragicomedy (silly, terrible play), and b.) one of the characters, Miranda, has grown up never seeing another human being, which is giving some Hawkins Lab vibes. It’s generally about betrayal and plotting revenge, and I’m going to go and dig into it more later.
april fools: the day victor gouged his eyes out, the day henry “died,” and the date on the drama club poster
So, this post caught my eye today because the poster says April 1st:
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And I knew I’d come across that date before in my ST research, and it finally hit me:
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According to the Dear Billy script, April 1st is the day that Victor gouged his eyes out.
And also, Victor said that Henry died a week after the murders:
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And also according the Dear Billy script, the murders happened on March 25th, which contradicts the Indianapolis Gazette date (March 21st, bodies found the morning of March 22nd), but that’s a whole other can of timeline weirdness worms:
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And so, what’s a week/7 days from March 25th?
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April 1st. Meaning that in the Dear Billy timeline, April 1st was the day that Henry “died,”/the day that Victor was told he was dead (which again that’s a whole other can of works because the Indianapolis Gazette talks about Henry/Edward’s body being found with the eyes gouged out and Victor being charged with 3 counts of murder).
So, it’s interesting that they’d put April 1st on a poster about drama club/plays, considering all of the weirdness with the Creel murders, and considering that this line happens right when Henry is doing his monologue while clips of Nancy seeing the Creel family/Creel murders play:
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And the Creel house clips right before the “silly, terrible play” line and right after it are both clips of Henry staring at the clock in the Creel house:
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Like, for that drama club poster to be talking about monologues (see: Henry’s monologue), and to be for a drama club/advertising plays (see: a silly, terrible play), and for it to also have the same date as Henry’s “death date,” in the Dear Billy timeline, which is ALSO the same as the day that Victor gouged his eyes out in the Dear Billy timeline? It’s suspicious.
Also smthn smthn the comedy and tragedy masks on the poster smthn smthn all of Henry’s Jekyll and Hyde coding/references smthn smthn Henry seeming to swap between good and bad smthn smthn “a silly, terrible play,” almost like a comedy smthn smthn @laozuspo talking about ST and the divine comedy
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I also can’t quite make out all the plays written on the poster, but one of them IS definitely Shakepseare’s “The Tempest,” which a.) is considered a tragicomedy (silly, terrible play), and b.) one of the characters, Miranda, has grown up never seeing another human being, which is giving some Hawkins Lab vibes. It’s generally about betrayal and plotting revenge, and I’m going to go and dig into it more later.
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