#Shadowhunters season 3
I'd just like to say that if we had gotten to see a full dinner between Maryse, Izzy, that one doctor dude, Jace, Alec, and Magnus, in Shadowhunters 3x05 or 6 or whatever it was, it would have been possibly the best thing ever
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agnes-draws · 1 year
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coming home after patrol 💖
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gay-strawberry · 5 months
im sorry but alec breaks up with you and then suddenly your evil dad comes back and gives you your magic back and you dont conect the dots ????? you are DUMB
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wikitpowers · 4 months
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apparently the books will be leaving the warehouse in about a week,,, that means i’ll get mine in like a month probably what’s the fucking bet
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bookishjules · 2 months
What do you think Simon and Izzy’s better in black storyline will be about <3
i was about to say i have no idea but honestly.. i could totally see it giving us a better picture of simon's role as a recruiter. it's plot-relevant in the bigger scheme of things, could lead to a more resolutory conversation about george, and would be a straight forward circumstance where simon and izzy would be alone together if she goes with him (potentially for multiple days idk). so basically, reflection, crumbs of the future, a peek into what the shadowhunter world looks like outside of what was relevant to the tda crew, and opportunity for intimacy in various ways.. idk i feel like that would be a pretty good set up for a story like this!
it is so hard to say though.. like it could be something so purely fluffy. like attending becky's wedding and talking about the future. it could more shenanigan-y. like a night they have to babysit the boys and izzy ends up blowing up the microwave or something. it could also be just overall emotional, like maybe them moving in together. the options are endless... and i would take every single one of them. honestly the only thing i need to be satisfied is an izzy pov <3
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kasirose · 2 years
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Tis the season! 🎄🎁
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poetpony6890 · 28 days
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In honor of when the season change achieving 200 hits and as the weeks pass by at almost 300 hits!!
When I started writing as the weeks pass by, I was going through a hard time in my life. One of the many I’m sure to have.Nothing at all seemed to cheered me up. Everything went in circles, endless relentless circles
Then one night, as I sat in my dark and lonely room about to write, someone bookmarked as the weeks pass by. My first bookmark ever, special thanks to kami16.
As I stared at the screen for a moment to make sure it was real, reloaded my computer several times, then finally believed it, I cheered out. Someone was actually interested in my work, my writing, my soul.
Since then, writing has slowly begun to fill a void inside my self. As I know reading does, it allowed me to escape.Has I hope my works have done for you, even if it’s only for a chapter.
I want to thank you all for you support. Your hits, comments, kudos, bookmarks, reblogs, notes and follows means more to me than you could ever know. You have filled with a sense of community that I have internally longed for my entire life. The me inside of me no longer feels like a black sheep in an ivory flock.
If I have any place at all in the world, I wish for it to be with all of you.
However, I do have to take a short hiatus well I sort out some personal things. I will be back sometime next week with more chapters and the kit fic as promised.(no I did not forget!!)
With all of my love, respect and dedication,
(Chart credits: @cloudofbutterflies)
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helenofblackthorns · 11 months
lowkey obsessed with some of the scenes chosen for the journal arts I would have never guessed some of them like will and jem saving church?? goes crazy
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effervescentdragon · 3 months
Also. Also. The first episode is called Out of the shadows and the last one is Into the light. I am playing Ruelle and screaming right now. THIS IS WHERE WE COME ALIVE.
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metalandmagi · 4 months
No but Colin interrupting Penelope's dance is giving me such Chain of Iron flashbacks, but this time it's reversed. Instead of it being like James leaving Cordelia on the dance floor when Grace comes in, this time it's Colin being so unhinged that he has to intrude on Penelope's dance and it's Lord Debling getting left on the floor to be saved from social embarrassment by Cressida XD
Cassandra Clare has given me so much regency themed PTSD...
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lxdyblackthorn · 6 months
omg i might get sobh for my birthday
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me when that one entry where Julian and Emma go visit the tmi gang (minus Magnus and Simon and Isabelle) 🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
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tscclace · 1 year
"But she'd want you to move on. To find someone else"
"There is no one else"
Shadowhunters 3x22
"I don’t know if that’s why he is the way he is, or if it’s just the way he’s made, but he won’t get over you, Clary. He can’t."
City of Glass
So many times since Clary died, Janus had swung around thinking he would see her, hoping desperately for a ghost, for a whisper, for anything but this endless darkness without her.
Ghosts of the Shadow Market
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wikitpowers · 3 months
Can you hear the angels singing?? My copy of SOBH has been shipped!!!!! I have mixed feelings because on one hand I’ve already read all of SOBH but also, it will have Jace’s reply to Kit’s letter EEEEE and maybe the first chapter of TWP ?
OMG ARE U KIDDING ME??????? I HAVEN'T HEARD ANYTHING ABOUT MY ONE'S WHEREABOUTS :( i feel like my copy will take ages and ages to arrive in the uk and i'm kinda scared i'll get majorly spoiled for the first chapter before i can read it myself noooo :(
but i'm so happy your copy is on the way omg!!! about damn time!!! and yes i am SO excited to see jace's reply to kit + all the gorgeous art we will get in sobh (the kitty art with the gun!). and bro don't even get me started on the first chapter sampler... god knows i will cry as soon as my hands touch it... the angels are indeed singing and loudly <3
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bookishjules · 6 months
theories on the ari and anna story? I hope we see gabrily
i was gonna say i'd be surprised if we see gabriel and cecily.. just bc anna is in such an independent position rn, and with her and ari already living together by the end of the last hours, i felt like whatever story they have would end up being relatively insular. esp since i feel like they still have a lot to work on between them.. BUT i could totally see the story having an element of ari being welcomed into the lightwood family. i'm actually about to tear up imagining gabriel pulling her into a hug, imagining a family dinner where ari is there and included and considered. and maybe cecily tries to make an indian dish for her. and maybe alexander wants to play with her instead of anna hehe
aside from that i could also picture them looking for a new apartment, one that really belongs to them both. maybe bc anna's callers keep appearing at her door and ari's getting tired of shooing them off lmao but also just to have something that's theirs and that represents ari as much as anna. i know i would lovee to see what such a space looks looks like. oh you know what would be sweet is them having their friends and family over for a housewarming party too at the end of this kind of story. so so fun.
also .. yes i know i have like one fiddle to play but listen.. anna dealing with the loss of her brother in the coming years after chot and ari being there for her and anna having to like.. accept needing someone like that, to accept that allowing someone to be so close to her in that way might hurt like hell sometimes but it's important <3 idk i can't remember how much that was discussed in chot but i feel like it could be expanded on, or at least touched on again after the initial impact has worn off.
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buffyspeak · 1 year
alec’s relationship with trusting people in this episode but also in general? complex. i was originally inclined to say he probably only listens to sebastian when he says to trust him because not trusting magnus in valentine’s body did Not go well. but that’s not quite right is it? because he trusted jace when he said not to believe valentine and that also did not work out. and jace wasn’t trying to lead him astray! they both had good reason for caution! but even still. alec even (kind of) trusted the inquistor when he began helping her with ‘valentine’’s execution despite it being against the clave’s wishes… because he’s been learning not to implicitly trust the clave and it accidentally led to this! which will become super relevant in 2.13.
with a lot of characters whose stories are about trust in one way or another, the question tends to be whether it’s wise to trust Ever at all. but alec’s is a lot more about who to trust and why and the fact that he has to trust Himself enough to make that decision for himself.
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