#Shadow Weapon Ken
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nejishadow · 4 months ago
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Redraw / Drawover / Edit whatever it is it took forever!! Mimicking lineless stuff makes me AAAAGH
I wanted Shadow Weapon Ken to have a battle icon. I couldn't find the battle icons in real high quality (watch me find it days after I finish this I swear) so I took a sheet I have saved, made Ken Real Big, and drew over it.
Not F 2 U! I spent literal hours on this edit, don't question how, I didn't do it efficiently whatsoever, so it's just for me to use.
Doing a proper reference sheet thing for Ken will take extra extra long because I want to be confidently happy with my art before devoting a ton of time to something like that, so hopefully you'll see it sooner rather than later? Crossing fingers!
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almoststedytimetravel · 9 months ago
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Arena Manga Epilogue my beloved.
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scatterbrain-makoto · 4 months ago
p3 au where. Where the second and third years are all anti shadow weapons and aigis is a human (i have a general name i use for human!aigis when i incorporate her - shuka aikawa, with 'aigis' being a portmanteau nickname of aikawa and aegis).
In a way like. She helps them how to live in humanity instead of adjacent to it. They start out as pretty much the same blank slate personality and dont quite develop that much - until aigis is with them. Through her, they begin to develop their own personalities (which are similar but never quite like canon), likes, dislikes, and eventually start to seek friendships beyond their group, and fall in love.
below the cut is how i handle plot stuff
october 4th is basically shinjiro suffering critical damage to like... all of his system as a Robot. Hes gone for good - his systems and circuits can be replaced but the "shinjiro" that developed alongside the team, he is gone gone.
makoto's sacrifice.... they have remnants of his chassis (which was largely destroyed in his sacrifice to stop nyx) but simply cannot bring it to themselves to rebuild. it feels like the equivalent of desecrating a corpse for them
not shore how to incorporate ikutsuki's betrayal.
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shotmrmiller · 5 months ago
kinktober: gunplay (ghoap x reader) cw: the tiniest of dub-con if you squint 1.8k of this foolishness and im pretty sure i lost the plot somewhere but in my defense, guns don't interest me
When you wake, you notice that Ghost isn’t in the tent. His bedroll neatly rolled up and put away in its usual spot and by the looks of things, he's been gone for quite some time. You sit up, the morning light filtering through the tent's fabric— the soft, diffused glow creating gentle shadows on the ground.
Outside, the air is crisp and sweet, dew still fresh on the grass, damp beneath your bare feet. Soap's lone mare is tied to the hitching post, tail flicking lazily as she eats off the hay net.
The campsite is quiet except for the chirping of birds and Soap's deep, growling snores coming from behind you. Ghost isn't here. Ghost isn't here. The thought bounces around in your skull, heart loud in your ears as the realization begins to sink in.
You could get away, slip away unnoticed from these two who've kept you as their reluctant companion since they wrangled you up in a rowdy saloon a couple of towns back with your hand deep in someone else's pocket. "Behave and we won't give ya up for the meager bounty yer worth." Or worse. The three of you knew no one would miss you, no family or friends to claim the body if you ended up face down on a riverbank.
It’s now or never. Freedom stands in front of you in a glossy, white coat and a braided mane, but being Soap’s horse, even approaching her will be a gamble. You'll just have to risk getting bucked off and trampled on.
When you go back inside to gather the few belongings you've got, you spot Soap's gun belt in all its worn leather glory lying in a tangled heap in the corner, revolvers still snug in their holsters. He must've gotten in late from town, the reward for the bounty he turned in last night traded in for hooch.
A mistake. His costly mistake. And a chance to ride his mare relatively unharmed. Your fingers tremble as they wrap around the handle, the ingrained symbol digging into your palm as you tighten your grip. You may not be a gunslinger with the fastest draw in the West, but you do know what end to point at someone.
But Soap's a bounty hunter and a damn good one. His reflexes are fast— faster than they should be with his dense, muscular build.  You've seen him close gaps with an unnatural speed that’s left even the toughest men reeling. He's a relentless force of pursuit when he wants to be and keeping him at a distance is a losing game, especially when you've no prior experience using a gun. Your only option is to corner him, limit his options. Every man bends the knee to power, and right now, you've got it in your clammy hand.
You straddle him, knees planted firmly on either side of his lower ribs, and press the barrel onto the left side of his jaw. Incredible, not even a hitch in his breathing, as if you're not sitting on him with your full weight. Fisting the front of his union shirt, you tug, the sharp, sudden sting of his chest hair being pulled taut waking him out of his deep sleep.
His bleary eyes snap open, blinking away any traces of sleep within moments, the new day's light catching the edges of his irises, making them gleam with an almost otherworldly brightness as they sweep the tent for any real danger.
Your breathing turns ragged once they land on you, satisfied, a wolfish grin tugging at the corner of his lips, revealing a hint of teeth. Dread claws at your gut, your nerves rattled, but you meet his gaze head-on. There is no room for hesitation, for doubt, not when the man you've got pinned with his own weapon is more touched in the head than Ghost is.
"I ken I'm handsome but all ye ‘ad t'do was ask, hen. I'm achin' fer the hair o' the hound if ye got any, though." His tone gives away nothing, his body completely lax. Even the rise and fall of his chest is steady, slow. You know better than to believe he isn't waiting on you to make the next move to retaliate, so you don't move. Neither of you do.
"You'll take me to town and you'll leave me there. Compared to the other folk you rope up and dump at the Sheriff's feet, I'm worth nothing." You'll make yourself scarce, move to a different state, maybe. A new life, a decent one. Honest work.
His smile widens, the puckered scar on his chin stretching. "Didnae think to take my girl? She's righ' there, saddle 'n all." Soap must think you daft.
"I want to disappear without drawing a target on my head large enough for you to see from across state lines." He would've hunted you down for sport, at that point. Soap blinks once, thrice, and then you have a solid weight pushing on your back, sudden and unexpected, forcing your upper body forward, your shoulders hunching in reflex.
The very familiar scent of earth and mildly ripe sweat sends a shiver licking up your spine, locking every notch firmly into place. Why you hadn't heard him arrive at camp or open the flaps to the tent is now irrelevant. Ghost is here now and you've nowhere to run, definitely not with Soap grabbing onto the soft of your waist, tethers made of human flesh and bone.
The weathered leather of his glove feels unexpectedly soft as his fingers curl around your trembling hand. "If you're gonna threaten ‘im, ya gotta do it proper," he mutters, breath warm against the shell of your ear. His voice is a low, rolling rumble, the kind he takes when calming his panicked horse.
"Easy now, settle down, loosen your arm a little." It does nothing to soothe you, Ghost looming larger than the gun in your grip, making it feel almost insignificant— a mere prop in the face of his overwhelming presence and the voice in your head screams at you to bare your neck, submit, and hope he goes for your jugular quickly, death seemingly a better choice than whatever game he’s making you play. "Open up, Johnny."
He does so readily, a transparent string of saliva stretching between his top and bottom teeth. Ghost's denim-clad thighs bracket yours as he settles comfortably behind you, his barrel chest engulfing the entirety of your back with space to spare.
Soap lies there with his tongue out like a dog on a hot, summer's day, mouth open wide enough for you to see the ridges and grooves of his molars. Ghost forcibly moves your hand, metal scraping against Soap's stubble with a coarse, gritty sound.
“Lie still Johnny, ya hear?” his pointer finger hovering over the trigger. The lump that’s risen to your throat makes breathing hard, each swallow a struggle. You never intended to fire a shot, just hoped the threat of life and death would be enough to make things go your way. 
“W-wait,” you gurgle out but Ghost’s hand only tightens around yours. 
“Can’t get cold feet now, sweet’eart, not when Soap’s southern blood is pumpin’ ‘cause a you.” His-? You take notice of it then, the rigid swelling between your legs, pushing up into your center. As if to drive the point home, Soap bucks his hips while pulling you down, making the inseam of your pants brush against your pearl. 
“Oh-,” he does it again, and again, the leaden lump of dread that had once anchored itself in your belly begins to melt away, becoming an insistent ache that quickens your heartbeat and warms your veins, a mellow heat radiating from your core outward.
And then two things happen at once. 
Soap takes the pistol’s barrel into his mouth, slightly pursing his lips as he creates a seal around it, and his cheeks gently hollow as he bobs his head forward and back, and Ghost slowly weaves his unoccupied hand south, under your jeans and underwear, the roughened tips of his fingers quickly finding what you’ve been forced to neglect for months. 
Soap grunts, a gravelly resonant sound— rich and full— when you dig your nails into the meat of his chest as Ghost jerks erratic little circles on your puffy clit, sending shockwaves through your stomach, each wave headier than the last. 
“Can’t let ‘im ‘ave all the fun, eh?” The pressure on your waist is enough to ache, your flesh already throbbing beneath Soap’s hands, and the closer you get to the precipice, the harder they squeeze. 
Metal clacks against tooth every time your body tenses, muscles constrict, unable to keep your arm steady even with Ghost’s iron grip over your own. Soap’s a slobbering mess, spit dribbling down his chin, pistol glossy with it as he sucks on it as if it were a man’s cock instead.
(Maybe he wants it to be.) 
A couple of hiccups claw up your throat as the sticky, wet sounds of Soap’s mouth get drowned out by the shrill ringing in your ears as you teeter on the sharpened edge, Ghost’s pace on you turning frantic, almost violent, and—
“Keep those pretty eyes on Johnny, he’s been dreamin’ of lookin’ at ya in the face while you come.”
Ghost tossing the gun aside, metal skidding across the floor, and you’re coming apart with Soap’s tongue in your mouth, swallowing your every gasp and moan.
It tastes like the lubricant he uses to clean his gun. Metallic. Tangy. Slightly acrid.
You’re barely able to draw in a breath when Ghost is already tugging your pants off, waistband coming to settle snugly right below your arse, exposing only what he needs, a couple of fingers gliding along your folds, curling right at your entrance.
But he doesn’t do what you expect; for him to sink into cunt, fill it to the brim, distended until you’ve got tears clumping your eyelashes and blood on your tongue. 
(It’s been a very long time since you’ve last laid with a man, and not one has ever been as big as he in stature.)
Instead, he takes Soap’s bare length in one giant paw, using your creamy slick for better friction, and ruts his own heavy cock against it until they’re both spurting the warm spend Ghost crams into your needy hole with two fingers.
“‘M not fuckin’ you, not after your stupid little stunt,” he says as if he’s talking about the weather, and you’re not sure if laughing will stop the hysterical sob about to slither past your trembling lips. 
Soap stares up at you with a heavy-lidded gaze, content, satiated unlike you, and pinches your cheek with his fingers. “Next time ye want tae threaten a person—,” his voice peters off, and you can feel Ghost wiping his hand on the back of your shirt before reaching for Soap’s pistol and pressing a button, the cylinder dropping open.
Empty. Every single chamber is hollow, like the empty sockets of a honeycomb. “Make sure it’s loaded, sweet’eart.”
Un. fucking. Believable.
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lowcringetolerance · 2 months ago
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“Neglectful doesn’t even begin to describe it”
Sonic told SEGA Power in an exclusive interview. “Shadow would let (her) play with weapons, he’d smoke cigarets around her, he’d take her on dangerous motorcycle rides around the city without a helmet, and one time, I even caught her playing with a Chaos Emerald for God’s sake! What business does a baby have with Ultimate Power?”
Last year, following their whirlwind engagement, SEGA’s red-and-blue power couple announced that they were expecting. Soon after, they made headlines when they welcomed their daughter Sierra Mist into the world. “We named her after ancient texts we found in the woods” Shadow told SEGA Power in 2023. Now, the gaming community is left in shock while Sierra spends her young life divided between two homes.
“Well, it’s less of a home, and more of a small nest I re-make from grass and leaves everywhere I go,” Sonic shared with us when we inquired about his living situation post-divorce. “Shadow’s 14th floor West Eggperial City apartment was nice and all, but I am an environmentalist at my core, and Shadow never really understood that side of me.”
In response to allegations that Sonic himself is neglectful and unfit to be a parent, he had this to say— “I love my daughter Sierra and will not hear another word on the subject. The three weeks she spent alone in the woods were for her benefit. I did NOT ‘forget she existed,’ I carried her in my womb for nine months, I know what’s best for her, and sometimes a parent and a child need some time apart”.
In a custody hearing held on December 19th 2024, the jury voted unanimously in favor of Shadow gaining full custody. The hedgehog, though infamously private about his personal life, has been spotted by paparazzi out on dates with alleged new boyfriend, Metal Sonic, sometimes with daughter Sierra in tow.
“It does feel like he replaced me, (but) it also feels like he’s not over me, and I’m completely over him,” Sonic shared with SEGA Power reporters, “They go good together, a faker and a copy-cat”.
When asked if this means he’s back on the market, Sonic cryptically said “Ken Penders says I’m not allowed”. He then whispered for me to meet him in the All-Gender single-stall restroom in 10 minutes, winked, and left. I did not meet him in the restroom, and this concluded our exclusive interview.
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elle-p · 4 months ago
Persona 3 timeline before the events of the game.
The distant past
A star eater(later named Nyx) crashes into Earth. Her body becomes the moon and fragments of it fall as Plumes of Dusk. Her psyche gets sealed inside of rapidly evoving creatues, creating the Collective Unconciousness and putting a limit on their lifespans.
The leader of the Kirijo Group, Kouetsu Kirijo, finds a Plume of Dusk, sparking his interest in finding out about Shadows. He plans to use their power to create a time machine.
The Kirijo Groups excavates documents of the times in history the Fall almost happened.
The Kirijo Group establishes Gekkoukan High School.
5/8: Mitsuru Kirijo is born.
8/11: Shinjiro Aragaki is born.
9/22: Akihiko Sanada is born.
10/19: Yukari Takeba is born.
12/23: Fuuka Yamagishi is born.
1/16: Junpei Iori is born
3/5*: Hero is born
Akihiko Sanada's parents both die. He and his sister Miki are taken in to an orphanage.
Akihiko Sanada and Shinjiro Aragaki become good friends.
1992-1995(1 year after previous)
Both Akihiko Sanada and Miki are about to be adopted by a wealthy family.
The orphanage catches fire. Miki doesn't survive.
Akihiko Sanada gets adopted.
The power supply in Iwatodai gets expanded.
The Kirijo Group establishes the Ergonomics research lab to study Shadows.
Eiichiro Takeba is appointed head researcher of the project.
The Maiyodo antiques shop owner joins the project, analysing the documents.
The Cathedral of Time is developed to dispose of uncontrollable Shadows.
Anti-Shadow weapons start development.
Kouetsu Kirijo's goal becomes to create Death to enact the Fall.
The antiques shop owner leaves the project.
6/24: Ken Amada is born.
4/20: 5th generation anti-Shadow weapon Labrys is first activated.
2/?: 7th generation anti-Shadow weapon Aigis is completed.
3/7: The Moonlight Bridge opening ceremony.
9/10: 7th generation anti-Shadow weapon Aigis is first activated.
12/11**: The project to create Death is interrupted by Eiichiro Takeba, splintering it into 13 pieces.
Tartarus and the Dark Hour are created.
Aigis and Death fight on the Moonlight Bridge, and Death is sealed inside of Hero.
Takeharu Kirijo becomes the head of the Kirijo Group.
Shuji Ikutsuki uses the chaos of the incident to rise up the ranks of the Kirijo Group.
Shuji Ikutsuki becomes the chairman of Gekkoukan.
Mitsuru Kirijo summons a Persona, becoming the first example of a human Persona user the Kirijo Group has.
Shuji Ikutsuki secretly conducts research on children(including Mitsuru) to try and get more Persona users. Some of the results of these experiments are the evoker, Persona surpressants, and Theurgy.
Three of the children manage to escape.
The experiments are deemed a failure, and the children that are still alive are sent to explore Tartarus.
Kurosawa attempts to investigate the incident, delving in too deep.
Kurosawa is assigned to Iwatodai, and investigates the orphanage fire.
A hotel is rennovated into a dorm for combating Shadows.
4/?: Akihiko Sanada, Mitsuru Kirijo, and Shinjiro Aragaki enroll in Gekkoukan High School.
The Specialised Extracurricular Execution Squad is formed.
10/4: Shinjiro Aragaki's Persona kills Ken Amada's mother. It's covered up as a traffic accident.
Shinjiro Aragaki leaves SEES.
Persona 3 Reload
Persona Club P3
Persona 3 FES Official Fanbook
Persona 3 Portable 100 Mysteries
* It can either be 10/5/92, 11/5/92, 12/5/91, 1/5/92, 2/5/93, or 3/5/93. The first 3 depend on the date of the accident.
** Assuming that it's a full moon, it can either be 9/14, 10/13, 11/12, or 12/11. The last 3 depend on the date of Hero's birthday.
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cynicalrosebud · 5 months ago
Rumor Has It (12)
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Series Masterlist
CW: Capture, Torture, Blood, you are responsible for your own media consumption.
Notes: This is the beginning of the angst arc, I'm not joking. Do not read if you are easily triggered.
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The night was eerily silent, the kind of quiet that set everyone on edge. Rumor moved through the dense foliage, his senses on high alert. The mission had been to gather intel on a suspected cartel hideout, but the situation had quickly gone sideways. The enemy had been waiting for them, their trap sprung with deadly precision.
Rumor was crouched behind a small, makeshift cover, scanning the area through his rifle scope. The beams of his flashlight pierced through the darkness, revealing shadows moving stealthily between the trees. His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he prepared for what might come next.
A sudden noise—a snap of a twig—caused him to turn sharply. Before he could react, a blinding flash erupted, followed by a deafening bang. The ground beneath him seemed to explode, sending him sprawling. He barely had time to register what had happened before figures cloaked in black emerged from the shadows, their weapons trained on him.
Rumor scrambled to his feet, but it was too late. Heavy, gloved hands grabbed him, pulling him up and pinning him against a tree. A rough burlap sack was shoved over his head, plunging him into darkness. He struggled, but his captors were too strong, expertly binding his hands and feet.
His breathing was ragged, a mix of fear and anger rising within him as he tried to get a sense of his surroundings. The sounds of gunfire and shouting grew distant as he was dragged away. His mind raced, trying to piece together how the ambush had happened and if the rest of his team was safe.
As they moved, Rumor could feel the rough terrain beneath him, the occasional stumble causing him to wince in pain. His heart sank as he realized they were taking him deeper into enemy territory. The scent of diesel and the rumble of engines signaled they were nearing a vehicle, further confusing him as the took a sharp turn away from the smell
Rough hands dragged him out and pushed him into a dimly lit room, tying him quickly to a splintery chair. The bag was yanked off his head, harsh light made his eyes sting, and he squinted as he tried to take in his surroundings.
He was in a small, grimy room with concrete walls and a single, flickering light bulb hanging from the ceiling. His captors, their faces obscured by masks, looked at him with cold, impassive eyes. 
The room was filled with the scent of sweat and fear, the air thick with the oppressive silence of impending torture. The rough sounds of footsteps and murmured conversations from his captors provided a grim background to his situation.
Just as a captor brandished a cruel-looking knife, the sudden crackle of radio static broke the silence. Rumor's eyes widened slightly as he recognized the familiar voices of his team over the comms.
“Rumor! Rumor, do you copy?��� Price’s voice came through, urgent and firm. “We’re coming for you. Hold on!”
Rumor’s heart raced at the sound of his team’s voices, a flicker of hope piercing through his fear. He tried to respond, but his captors, unaware of the comms transmission, continued their preparations. The knife gleamed menacingly in the light.
“Rumor, if ye can hear us, give us something,” Soap’s voice followed, filled with concern. “We need to ken where ye are!”
The captor with the knife paused, glancing around in confusion as Rumor struggled against his restraints. With a determined effort, Rumor twisted his head towards the radio clipped to his captor’s belt.
“Help… here,” Rumor managed to rasp out through clenched teeth. “In a… room… basement…”
“Rumor, stay with us!” Ghost’s voice cut through the static. “We’re triangulating your signal now.”
As the team coordinated their approach, the captor finally noticed the comms device and yanked it off, tossing it aside in frustration. The room was plunged back into eerie silence, save for the muffled sounds of the 141’s frantic search.
Price’s voice, filled with urgency and reassurance, crackled through the static. “We’re closing in on your position. Stay strong, lad. We’re almost there.”
The captors, realizing the urgency of the situation, spoke rapidly to their leader. Rumor’s breaths were shallow, his body tense as he braced himself for the pain. His thoughts were with his team, hoping they would make it in time to save him.
Outside, the team worked tirelessly, the intensity of their mission fueling their determination. They followed the radio signals, navigating the labyrinthine building in a desperate race against time. The comms buzzed with coordinated efforts as they neared the location.
Finally, the sound of footsteps and voices became a distant echo in Rumor’s ears. He closed his eyes, hoping beyond hope that his team would arrive before it was too late.
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The team burst into the enemy hideout, their boots pounding against the concrete floor as they swept through the dark corridors. Price, Soap, Ghost, and Gaz led the charge, their faces set with grim determination. They followed the trail of Rumor’s distress, their comms buzzing with urgency.
“Keep moving! We need to find him!” Price barked, his voice a beacon of authority and resolve.
As they reached the room where the comms had last connected, their hopes were dashed. The room was eerily quiet, illuminated only by the flickering light bulb that still swung from the ceiling. The chair Rumor had been bound to was now empty, the restraints hanging loose.
Price’s eyes darted around, taking in the scene of desolation. Bloodstains marred the floor and the chair, a stark reminder of the violence that had occurred. The walls, once echoing with Rumor’s muffled cries, were now silent.
“Damn it,” Price muttered, his frustration palpable as he scanned the room for any clue about Rumor’s current whereabouts. “They’ve moved him.”
Soap crouched beside the bloodstains, his face a mask of concern and anger. As he straightened, he noticed something glinting on the floor—a small, metal object partially obscured by the blood. He reached down, his fingers trembling slightly as he picked up the dog tags.
“These…” Soap’s voice cracked with emotion as he held them up for the others to see. “These are Rumor’s.”
Gaz’s eyes hardened as he glanced at the tags, then back at the bloodied scene. “They took him. We’re too late.”
Ghost’s face was set in a hard line, his eyes dark with frustration. “What’s our next move, Captain?”
Price took the dog tags from Soap, gripping them tightly as he fought to control his anger. “We need to find out where they’ve taken him. Someone’s got to know something.”
As they continued their search, the sense of urgency grew. The team split up to cover more ground, interrogating any remaining enemies and searching for any sign that could lead them to Rumor’s new location.
The dog tags, now stained with blood, were a painful reminder of the stakes. The team’s resolve to find and rescue Rumor only hardened in the face of this grim setback. The blood-streaked room stood as a chilling testament to the brutality he had endured, and the team's determination to bring him back safely was more resolute than ever.
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quirkwizard · 10 months ago
What Quirks would you give Stain/Stendhal to make him deadlier? I think Tongue Web would help with his OG Quirk. Opinion?
So for this, I'm sticking with abilities that more support Stain, as not as many Quirks interact with "Blood Curdle" outside of "Tongue Web". I'll be focusing more on Stain's own skills and fighting style and what fits that way of doings things. Sure, "Overclock" would make for a really funny combo, but that's true of pretty much any Quirk.
Black: Stain loves slinking and sulking around dark spaces. Imagine someone as dangerous as him literally striking from the shadows only to pop right back out of the ground for a surprise attack.
Gecko: Bit of an ironic pick, but I think this would work greater considering Stain often fights in tight city spaces with a highly agile fighting style. I can see him running along walls and jumping between them to nail someone.
Scales: While "Razor Sharp" and "Hardening" could work as well, helping Stain to cut people to get their block, I picked "Scale" because it's the most varied of them. This is especially because it has a ranged option for him to work with.
Sloshed: Perfect for the guy who likes to corner people and leave them vulnerable, especially with how hard his power is to set up. With this, it'd make it even harder to escape Stain and make them easier to hit, constantly tripping over themselves like cheesy slasher victim.
Gyrate: Stain would honestly be nuts with this. I've already talked about how good "Gyrate" would be with these weapons and close range fighters and it easily applies here. Dude will be throwing blades like bullets. And could you imagine if he had Ken's blade arms?
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wyrdle · 6 months ago
I'm totally with you on the pre-P3 timeline. I love love love having exact dates for everything, so the lack of information is sooooo frustrating. Even worse being a Sho fan as there's barely anything, best I've got is that the experiments on him took place in 1999 (mentioned by Labrys in the P3 side as she's heading to the top of the tower), and according to the manga he was 8 when he nearly died during "combat training", so if you take the info we get in the manga as canon then he'd be the about same age as the P3 3rd year trio. Idk if it's helpful in any way, I'm just a bit insane about the guy. Sorry for coming in here and rambling.
Oooh! Interesting!!! And don't worry about being insane about the characters lol I am the same with tomato boy's horrible dad. Honestly, the bit I focus on is whether it's before or after the explosion from 10 years ago for sequence of events.
Here are some of my footnotes: Spoilers and excessive yapping ahead
Child experimentation and pursuit of inducing personas + evokers were only conceived post-Mitsuru's awakening within Tartarus. Which is post-explosion. (Source: In-game notes, Persona 3 Club Book)
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This makes a lot of sense what with the creation of Theurgy/new equipment for SEES. Not saying child experimentation didn't happen pre-explosion era, but it certainly didn't stop. These all had to be Kirijo group-sanctioned activities, Ikutsuki did not work alone and without support.
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The above implies that Sho + Strega + other child victims were only worked on post-explosion too, as the only reason they did so was to gather as many Persona users to explore Tartarus. So maybe? Late 1999, immediately after explosion? Once Tartarus exploration trapped a bunch of kids and failed though, the experiments were dropped. Strega escaped before this. Sho got into a coma before this.
The issue with timeline starts when Sho's plume of dusk scenario seems to be the key to the creation of Anti-Shadow Weapons. The existence of Minazuki inspired the researchers to trial Aigis, Labrys and their brethren needing a plume of dusk to develop their sentience. (I need a source for this though, lol.) And Aigis needs to be around pre-explosion to be able to trap Death.
Soooooo. The timeline/sequence of events is shot to hell haha. I might've mixed up "Discovering a plume of dusk contains a soul in robots so they can use personas too >>> Let's try putting this in a child so he can get a persona" reasoning timeline... but it makes less sense in this direction.
Now for my personal thoughts: I believe the game wants to frame it as being "pre-explosion" and during Koetsu Kirijo era to idk. Bundle all the evil to that time, place all possible evil on Ikutsuki, and suggest they've turned a new leaf, but are maybe burdened by the ethical issues in pursuit of it. At least, that's how I've conceived Takeharu Kirijo. "The ends justify the means, unfortunately" type beat. It matches up with how he wants to distance himself from Mitsuru, too. Still, it is his Kirijo Group covering up the incident that killed Ken's mom, his Kirijo Group that decides Eiichirou Takeba should remain slandered in public eye and for Yukari + her mom to experience the fallout. Wtf.
Forewarning for Ikutsuki yapping ahead lol.
Unfortunately, they decided Ikutsuki (as the last representative of "old-world" Kirijo group) became the easiest scapegoat for all of this heinous shit. I have opinions about their use of him as a character like this, because it's so cheap. In P3 game's story alone, his (+Strega's) role in the story is meant to be an antithesis to Protag + SEES. So what does that mean exactly? Throwing away bonds/not forming them, seeing no meaning in living after pain, finding meaning/will to live in the pursuit of death etc.
These are all extremely sympathetic points for Strega, for Sho, for literally any character that "experiences the doomerisms". But in the case of Ikutsuki, suddenly it is of no consequence. The writers hate him/don't care for him as a character, when he could be so intriguing. Why does he believe the world needs to be remade? He's the last mouthpiece for the dead Kirijo group cultists too, so!!!!
All persona games have always explored how people are complex and how causing suffering is often the result of suffering- yet Shuji, the guy who actually kills himself / seeks death so doggedly / deludes himself into a prophecy that would make living just a bit longer more bearable is. Just crazy I guess. Guy who spent 10 years like this, taking solace in the fact that Nyx is coming...
Sho's actions mirror Ikutsuki's, Strega believe in Nyx, that implies something for Ikutsuki too lol. That's lost to everyone because he's never given more reason to exist on screen besides to torment people with his puns.
TLDR: I'm so so so salty about Shuji haha. Sorry, he's my fave because he's essentially "What if unhealable mental illness in man" which is horrifyingly sad. The concept of him is so delightfully doomed. Rounding back to topic (OOPS), the timeline messiness was likely to just set up some nebulous evil to contrast next to SEES as well as give them hurdles to overcome. I just think they should've fleshed out parallels in the human condition to experience hurt and contrast of how to live with it though, haha.
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nejishadow · 5 months ago
Shadow Weapon Ken Masterpost
Decided I should make something to centralize all the info I have or may make about my Shadow Weapon Ken AU, so people can peruse if they want.
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Since this is a rough guide for an AU, I just drew over official art and models until I can get a proper desk to draw at. I used Ken's DLC costume image for the main ref. The battle icon for... well, the battle icon. And his Q2 image to showcase some outfit differences. I'll make a whole set of outfit refs... eventually.
This may change formatting or anything else at any time. Feel free to ask any questions on this post or in my inbox. I'm forgetful when making posts like this, or can't think of everything people might want to know, so any answers might be added in!
Everything under read more, the way I format this stuff for readability makes it long
All fics about this concept will be uploaded to this Series on my AO3. As of March 16th, there are 6
[Basic Info] - Swaps places with Aigis. He is still found when they go on vacation to Yakushima. - Immediately bonds to Makoto upon meeting him. Their bond in this AU is something more like a parent and his kid, both finding comfort in each other. Ken's main directive - even if he isn't aware of it - is to keep Makoto safe. - Programmed to view himself as a real boy and only that. If he ever perceives himself as an android / ASW, or someone else refers him as such, he either shuts down or forgets / overwrites the realization. - Ikutsuki will not tell them why he's programmed that way, he generally refuses to tell SEES anything about Ken, beyond him being an Anti Shadow Weapon who will be a great help to the cause. - Ken was a major test to see if the Persona of a machine convinced it was fully human, rather than just human-like, would be stronger. Even more if the openmindedness and potential of a child would further it. Especially one who didn't want to lose anything. - He has some falsely implanted memories, thinking he had parents that were lost in an accident, hence his lack of family. This doubly fuels his attachment to Makoto because he doesn't want to lose anyone again. - Tends to be bullied or picked on by other students because he acts just enough different for them to pick up on it. This leads to him occasionally leaving school early or skipping, so on those days he can typically be found at Gekkoukan High with a member of SEES -usually Akihiko or Makoto - or in the student council room. If he's wandering around town, he's likely to be at the bookstore or hanging out with the stray cats. - Moves very quietly, so people outside of SEES are likely to forget he's around or not notice his approach. This doesn't help the above point, since he can easily listen in on people talking about him without getting caught (not even accounting for his headphones which can help him listen in on quiet sounds), and some kids think he's even weirder for it. - He still is part of the soccer club / soccer team. He sees it as a way to keep his reaction time in top shape and blow off steam. He's the best player, but it makes him no friends, only isolating him farther due to jealousy. - Doesn't like eating food unless he's seen it being made. This doesn't apply to SEES (sans Fuuka for a long long time) after he comes to trust them, as he learns exactly how they all cook. - Has issues with volume control when he gets very excited, headphones or not. Liable to tap his feet or flap his hands when he's happy. Very easily loses track of time when focused. - Has trouble sleeping when it's too quiet, a side effect of his ASW programming constantly scanning for threats. This leads to him often sneaking into Makoto's room to check up on him, if only to reassure himself. He sleeps easier once Koromaru joins them, as Koromaru commonly stays in his room. - Can be snide or petulant when overwhelmed or irritated. He tries his best to be polite and mature but he can't keep up that energy forever. People visiting the dorm tend to be a bit offput by him because he tends to come across as flat, and tends to stare.
[Visual Info] - Ken's model is more doll-like than Aigis, more naturally human. He's meant to be very lightweight so he can move quickly and quietly, aiding in his use of his weapon - a sniper rifle, but this also makes him more fragile. - His headphones are removeable as they simply aid in enhancing or blocking his hearing. He always has to keep his hearing aids on, headphones on or not, to hear properly. He panics if they're touched without permission. - He's almost always covered - wearing pants, gloves, and high collars all year round - to hide his body from everyone. - He perceives his body as fully human. This allows him to do things like change clothes and keep up his hygiene without shutting down constantly. He still avoids activities like swimming, assuming he doesn't know how, so it's scary. - Expression defaults to being flat. This leads some people to think he doesn't like them when meeting for the first time. Copies / mimics Makoto without thinking, standing like him or putting his hands in his pockets, and picks up the habit of tilting his head from him. - This AU design is supposed to invoke the smallest bit of P4AU Ken, since the longer/fluffier hair helps hide more his neck / body suit. It also helps differentiate their silhouette.
[Battle Info] - His main weapon is a sniper rifle. Only one shot per turn, but higher crit rate. - His Personas are still Nemesis and Kala Nemi, to avoid any messy or confusing persona swaps. Since he is still Justice, they functions of arbiters of his Arcana. - Skills more lean towards battle/support than healing, but Theurgy is still revival in honor of his false memories. - Lower defense stat but higher attack stat. Not quite a glass canon, but good to keep a healer around. - If heavily damaged in battle he shuts down to protect himself. His programming rationalizes this as passing out or being sick.
[SEES Social Info]
- Defaults to addressing everyone as "[Last Name]-San" out of respect. He slowly switches to "[Last Name]-Senpai", or for Akihiko just senpai at his request, as he grows closer and gets more comfortable with them. He always refers to Shinjiro as Aragaki-San, and affectionately called Koromaru Koro-chan.
- Gets along best with Makoto, looking up to him as a leader and as a parental / brother figure. Makoto treats Ken like he himself wanted and needed after his parent's accident, and doesn't treat him lesser for his status as an Anti Shadow Weapon. - Isn't sure about Junpei, but warms up to him. Junpei's just psyched to have a little brother to joke around with, human or not. Junpei may be the worst at slipping up in his wording, but he's quick to correct or redirect. - Yukari is the best at having conversations and treating him like a normal kid. She fully understands the harm that may come to him otherwise, and is determined to keep him safe, in spite of Ikutsuki's blasé attitude. - Mitsuru is a bit more strict with him. Ken assumes this is because he's a kid and so has to be more careful. Mitsuru worries about Ken and helps Makoto keep everyone in line about him. - Looks up to Akihiko, and respects his strength. Akihiko has a hard time fully addressing him as human, slipping up occasionally, but does his best to keep Ken involved / treat him like a normal child. - Adores Koromaru and will take him on walks whenever he can. He almost feels like he can understand him, unable to realize he can. Koromaru will hang out with Ken on nights everyone else is asleep, and Ken is restless. - Ken is very wary of Shinjiro. If he's in the vicinity of Makoto, Ken won't ever be far off, keeping an eye on things. Ken's programming tells him something is off about him, but unable to pinpoint what. He does still enjoy his cooking, and is cordial for the team's sake. - He respects Fuuka's varied knowledge, and likes hearing about what books she's currently reading or what she's programming. He still refuses to try her food, after the Incident. - Aigis and him are the thinnest connection. Ken doesn't talk to her much, but from what he hears she seems nice. She's never rude to him. He notices that when she's not talking to anyone her expression tends to go blank, eyes focused on something he can't see, but he knows he looks like that too sometimes, so he doesn't think about it much. He knows she also doesn't trust Shinjiro.
[Other Social Info] - Does not like being around Ikutsuki and will keep as far away as possible, usually standing behind Makoto or another member of SEES. He only feels danger from him, but assumes he's just being paranoid so doesn't bring it up unless prompted, and is quick to dismiss it. - Knows Maiko and Akinari from the shrine, but wouldn't consider them close friends. Occasionally hangs out with Maiko after the Summer Festival, but generally thinks he's too mature to do stuff like play on a playground. Likes to listen to Akinari talk about his book, finding the ideas very interesting. - Thinks Kenji is kind of a loser, but is nice to him for Makoto's sake when he's over. They have a small bond over Featherman, if nothing else. - Sees Mamoru out eating sometimes, and will join him for a break since Makoto thinks highly of him, and since Mamoru is very nice to him since he's used to interacting with kids due to his siblings. - Occasionally interacts with other social links, though the majority are rarely out and about so only sees those if he meets Makoto at his school. You can read about some of his outings and hangout with the SLs in The Arcana are The Means By Which Bonds are Forged
[Aigis] - Aigis is a foreign exchange student, half French and half Japanese. Her and her father were leaving for France when the incident with Shinjiro occured, resulting in the death of her father. - She's returned to Tatsumi Port Island after being in France for two years and immediately gets scouted by Ikutsuki, and she takes it knowing this is her chance for revenge. - Her demeanor is still seen as "robotic", a combination of her Japanese being somewhat flat/formal after so many years of uncommon usage, and her somewhat cold nature. She's been so focused on revenge she's seen no need to act nice and make friends - Instead of her guns, her weapon is a naginata to reflect FeMC, and to contrast Shinjiro. More level damage, but lower crit rate. Her moveset is still mostly physical, with the other half focusing on boosting or shielding - Personas are still Athena and Palladion. She sees herself as protecting the memory of her father and being her own warrior, eventually evolving to protect the whole team after October's events.
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almoststedytimetravel · 10 months ago
Akihiko in The Journey: fights the Magician shadow, gets his rib cage and shoulder hurt, needs a month and a half to recover.
Ken in The Answer: gets roughed up by Metis before having a table thrown at him, then gets strangled, which causes blood to pour out of his mouth, is perfectly fine after a day and bit.
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fluffyotters · 1 year ago
Matakara if he was the original main character of Bucchigiri
Givn how people react to Arajin, they wouldn't be able to handle Matakara if he was the main character. (Though maybe slightly better due to prettiness attractive factor and gay. But probably not enough.) If Arajin trying to win over Mahoro is bad, just imagine every episode of poor Matakara going "Ara-chan!" and trying to be friendly with him. The second hand embarasamment and pity watching him trying to win him over, heck not even romantically even if he does love him, but Arajin saying multiple times we're not friends in front of everybody. Matakara telling everyone how awesome and amazing Arajin is. If Arajin is the side character now, it is an even bigger mystery and deep disconnect between Matakara's delusional idealization of Arajin and how everyone else and the audience sees him. It'd be just what are you on? Though seeing him and Zabu and Kamao would be fantastic. Everyone knows how Matakara feels about Arajin. He must constantly talk and show it constantly. He and Arajin share that obsession. Marito taunts him about being Arajin's doggie a few times. Unfortunately the audience and Zabu are still mystified. Though seeing Arajin literally one punch Marito, Kenichiro, and Akutaro actually gives justice to him being super strong and makes sense how Matakara continues to believe in him.
But no means no and it would be kind of questionable to see a nice guy like Matakara (who is a genuinely good person) be questionable and kind of essentially try to continue to push onto Arajin being friends again despite him not wanting too and even told repeatedly they weren't friends now is pretty sad. People's (the audience) heads would explode lol with how much he loves Arajin unlike how Arajin is felt about currently who is pretty over the top hated even though there really isn't anything wrong with him that deserves the reaction and dislike he gets. (Being annoying and a girl chaser is not that bad to be near worst mc hated character ever which is overkill). Matakara is a foolish Arajin chaser who is just as loud about it he just looks cuter. They're both absolutely delusionally obsessed with the ones they love and want. People would not be able to handle that Matakara will beat people up for little reason. It's a subtle thing because fighting is an acceptable and honorable thing in this fight culture excvited show but while Matakara doesn't start fights (at the start) for no reason, he has zero hesitation joining in and finishing and is pretty dang strong and dangerous (most after Kenichiro and Marito human wise. Akutaro is a maybe but in a fair one on one without weapons and Ichiya pretty sure Matakara would have smashed him). However, it does seem like people bumping into him was a challenge/excuse to start a fight as he does later deliberately and even implied at the start in the first episode that Zabu and Kamao were trying to get Arajin thrashed his first day. Had it been anyone but Arajin, it would have been very different and Zabu was too happy to get Arajin to bump him and introduce him to their big friend and Matakara is all in shadows...before oh it's Arajin! There is a very distinct treatment from Matakara between those who are his brother, Kenichiro and Arajin...and everybody else. Even his good friends (who are better friends to Matakara than Arajin ever was or unfortuantely probably will be barring the last act) are very aware of the place in ranking they have in Matakara's mind. He's nice but actually, we haven't seen him interact with many people outside of his friends and Arajin. As a main character, it would be clear he probably isn't actually nearly as nice to non Arajin's (or brother/ken's) or his buddies to a lesser degree. And while fighting is normal and over downright silly things, just accidentally being bumped into (forced) as an excuse is a tactic that...isn't a good or honorable one and used by someone who would bully. And while he isn't as ruthless as the NG group people actions, it would still be unpleasant and awful to watch them and the main character beat up a guy who had literally done nothing wrong just for fun.
It would reveal too soon and be concerning how kind of unbalanced Matakara really is and people would not like how emotionally needy and obsessed he is in chasing after a straight guy and low opinion of himself and the fear. This is not something looked kindly on by audiences and be hated for. A weak one who (while not the worst) does bully people and obsessed in love with a fantasy version of a guy who does not want him nor wants to be his friend (out of his own guilt complex but Matakara doesn't know that) and Matakara thinks it's because he's weak and just goes with it because it must be because Arajin is so strong. It's a tragic sad thing to see but also would make for a undeserved hatred of Matakara just like Arajin has now.
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doubleddenden · 9 months ago
Btw, if anyone is lost about Emerl showing up on the Space Colony Ark (it's fine, it's been like 15 years since he was mentioned), here's some journals by Gerald lifted from Sonic Battle, where Emerl originated
Watch an LP of Sonic Battle for more details. You could also read up on Sonic Advance 3's "Gemerl" (Eggman's clone if him that Tails basically reprogrammed to be Cream's friend) or the Gizoids made by the Nocturnus Clan of Sonic Chronicles (it's stated to be the "4th Great Civilization" mentioned in Gerald's journal, but it should be noted the JP end only calls the Civilization "one of" the four great Civilizations, and also Chronicles is sort of a legal and canon Grey area because of Ken Penders and his petty bullshit, so it might be scrapped).
A base line to understand is that Emerl- aka the Gizoid- is an ancient weapon that copies data and merges with machinery, even copying pieces of personalities. With 1 Emerald he almost destroyed the Ark, and he became so power hungry with 7 that he almost destroyed the world and had to be destroyed by Sonic and the gang after they helped teach him how to be his own self.
Gerald actually imparted a bit of a heart inspired by Maria into both Shadow and Emerl, so the two are kinda like Super Weapon step brothers.
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the-whatcherof-89 · 6 months ago
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Smallishbeans Aka Joel Thundercheek the twice fallen. 
Half orc Sklad(War Drummer) 17 CR17 CG 
Medium Humanoid (Orc, Human) XP 102,400
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid (Orc, Human) Perception+30, Ini+2
HP198 (17D8+119)
AC30 (+2Dex, +2Shield, +4Natural, +4Deviation, +7Armor, +1Intuition) Contact 21 Flat-Footed 28
BaB+12/7/2 CMB+16 CMD+28
Melee Great Bean Cudgel+19/14/9 1D10+7
Ranged Light crossbow+15/10/5 1D8+1, Javelin+15/10/5 1D6+5, Spells.
Racial traits: Forest walker, Orc ferocity, Scavenger, Pariah, Orc blood.
Traits: Amaible blunder, Lovesick.
Class abilities: Fearsome miem, Deadly rhythm, Inspired rage+5(+6Str/Con), Raging song, Song of marching, Improved uncanny dodge, Song of strength, DR2/-, Spell kenning, Song of the fallen, Weapon master(Greatclub), Dirge of doom, Siege drums, Versatile performance(Oratory, Percussion, Martial performance-Greatclub), Saga:Lay of the scholar king, Well versed, Rage powers: Superstition, Guarded life, Liquid courage, Mighty swing, Knockdown.
Feats: Lingering performance, Guarded life(greater), Come and get me, Steadfast determination, Power attack, Reckless abandon.
Skills: Acrobatics+22, Appraise+6, Bluff+19, Climb+8, Craft(Stone and metal)+15, Diplomacy+10, Escape artist+6, Handle animal+10, Intimidate+21, Knowledge (Arcana)+15, (Dungeon)+6, (Engineering)+6, (Geography)+6, (History)+6, (Local)+6, (Nature)+6, (Nobility)+6, (Planes)+6, (Religion)+6, Linguistics+2, Perception+20, Perform(Dance)+10 (Percussion)+26, Profession(Engineer)+4, Ride+6, Sense motive+4, Spellcraft+22, Swim+8, Use magic device+16.
Languages: Common, Orc, Draconic, Giant.
SpellcastingCL17 DC16 Spells per day 7/7/6/5/5/3 Spells known: 0-Read magic, Detect magic, Mending, Mage hand, Scrivener’s chant. I-Charm person, Hideous laughter, Grease, Cure light wounds, Ear piercing scream, Moment of greatness. II-Path to glory, Cure moderate wounds, Mirror image, Glitterdust, Blistering invective. III-Phantom steed, Dispel magic, Charm monster, Tiny hut, Good hope, Purging finale, Haste. IV-Dimension door, Break enchantment, invisibility greater, Shadow conjuration, Cure critical wounds. V-Dispel magic greater, Shadow bard,Cloak of dreams, Heroism greater. VI-Getaway, Hero’s feast, Dance of a thousand cuts.
Equipment: Great Bean Cudgel(Cunning Fury-born+3 Living steel Greatclub), 2 Returning Javelin+1, Light crossbow+1, 50+1 Bolts, Mwk Dagger, Ring of protection+4, Shrek-ing hide(Glamered Giant-Hide, Ogre), Amulet of natural armor+3, Dusty rose prism ion stone, Iridescent spindle of ioun stone, Belt of physical perfection+4, Headband of mental prowess+4(Int, Cha, Acrobatics), Cloak of resistance+2, Manual of bodily health+2(used), Tengu’s jar, Hat of disguise, Ring of force shield, Drums of advance and retreat, Spellguard bracers, Magic beans, Potions of gaseous form(4), Bloodrager s kit, 1532GP.
Background: Smallishbeans is a bit blunt but good hearty fellow from the far land of the Hermits where buildings that defies reason and logic are made to leave all in awe. He loves his wife LDShadowlady (also known as Lizzie), he is a very good dancer and drummer and has lots of dad jokes…ALOT of them. In the past he ruled over the kingdom of Mezlana and was consort of the Ocean empire along along with the now wife Lizzie. Later, he achieved godhood drinking from a magic fountain becoming ruler of the Sky empire ruling from his floating city Stratos. However he later lost not only his god powers but also both his kingdoms as his behaviors became more blunt and less-than-friendly then before. The only one that did not left him was Lizzie(which decided to willingly abdicate) and his friends hermits (especially Mumbo, Grian, Impulse and Rendog) whom helped him to make a new life in the land of Hermits and to set his marriage with his wife. Now he lives in a humble shack but still builds majestic palaces, likely to remember his lost royal life and/or to build the house of dreams for him and his beloved wife. One day he was building another incredible construction atop a scaffolding when he heard a voice: ”A wish limited only by your imagination.” He looked around and saw no one. “Your beloved one has accepted already.” Said the voice. He immediately rushed to his wife house. Empty. “Where is my wife?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. “She accepted my challenge. The only way to decide a victor is simple: Find me. Then you can join her.” Joel looked around, this mysterious voice was coming from thin air and he could find no one to jump at. “Ok, fine! I accept your challenge.! But you better have not hurt my wife or else…!” The sound of finger snapping was heard. “You have a deal.” Joel was instantly teleported into another realm never seen before. Equipped with knowledge and powers never seen before he immediately sought his beloved wife wherever she was. And if he had to be as ruthless as when he was a god, he would not hesitate. Not anymore.
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demifiendrsa · 2 years ago
Persona 3 Reload | Meet the S.E.E.S. Trailer
Japanese version
Battle BGM & Gameplay Reveal
Japanese with English subs version
Persona 3 Reload will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (Steam, Microsoft Store) February 2, 2024 worldwide. It will also be available via Xbox Game Pass.
The game will be available in the following editions:
Physical Editions
Standard Edition ($69.99)
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Base Game
Aigis Edition
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Base game
Collector’s box
Art book
Two-disc soundtrack CD
Aigis figure
Downloadable Content Pack – Includes all purchasable additional content for the game. (“Persona 5 Royal Phantom Thieves Costume Set,” “Persona 5 Royal Shujin Academy Costume Set,” “Persona 5 Royal Persona Set 1,” “Persona 5 Royal Persona Set 2,” “Persona 5 Royal Background Music Set,” “Persona 4 Golden Yasogami High Costume Set,” “Persona 4 Golden Persona Set”).
Digital Editions
Standard Edition ($69.99)
Base game
Digital Deluxe Edition ($79.99)
Base game
Digital art book – Filled with 64 pages of character art, concept art, backgrounds and other illustrations from the game.
Digital soundtrack – Listen to newly arranged tracks from the original Persona 3 plus all new tracks from Persona 3 Reload, presented by the ATLUS Sound Team for a total of 60 new songs.
Digital Premium Edition ($99.99)
Base game
Digital art book
Digital soundtrack
Downloadable Content Pack
Users who pre-order any version of the game will receive the “Persona 4 Background Music Set,” which features the following additional tracks:
“A New World Fool”
“I’ll Face Myself -Battle-“
“The Fog”
“Reach Out to the Truth”
“Time To Make History”
Latest details
■ Characters
Koromaru (voiced by Shinya Takahashi in Japanese)
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A dog who awakens to the power of Persona after a tragic event. Since his original owner—the priest of the dorm’s neighboring Naganaki Shrine—had passed away, the protagonist and friends take him in as a full-fledged member of S.E.E.S.
Clever, loyal, and friendly, he quickly becomes a beloved member of the group. He seems especially close to Aigis—who translates his barks—and Ken Amada, the elementary school student.
In battle, he wields a knife in his mouth. His unique Persona is Cerberus, specializing in dark skills.
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Aigis (voiced by Dawn M. Bennett in English, Maaya Sakamoto in Japanese)
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A man-made Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon, 7th Generation. She joins S.E.E.S. as an android with a humanlike heart, granting her the power of Persona.
She harbors a mysterious attachment to the Protagonist from the first day they meet. Initially coming across as cold and robotic, she begins to discover more human emotions through her experiences with the group.
In battle, she fires off an arsenal of weapons built into her mechanical body. Her unique Persona is Palladion, specializing in physical and support skills.
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Ken Amada (voiced by Justine Lee in English, Megumi Ogata in Japanese)
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The youngest member of S.E.E.S.—a 5th grader at Gekkoukan Elementary. After losing his mother in an accident, he comes to live at the Iwatodai Dorm.
After awakening to his Persona abilities, he joins S.E.E.S. of his own accord. While he strives to act mature with his mannerisms, deep down he is still a child with a passion for superhero TV shows.
In battle, he holds a long spear in contrast to his short stature. His unique Persona is Nemesis, specializing in light skills.
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Shinjiro Aragaki (voiced by Justice Slocum in English, Kazuya Nakai in Japanese)
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A third-year at Gekkoukan High, though he can rarely be seen at school. He was a founding member of SEES alongside Mitsuru and Akihiko. After distancing himself for about two years, a certain turn of events convinces him to rejoin the group.
While unapproachable at first glance, beneath the gruff exterior is a gentle heart and a knack for cooking. He even has a soft spot for animals, doting on Koromaru when no one is looking.
In battle, he bludgeons with weapons like axes. His unique Persona is Castor, specializing in hard-hitting physical attacks.
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■ Key Art and Protagonist’s Battle Uniform Revealed
In Persona 3 Reload, all members of the Special Extracurricular Execution Squad (S.E.E.S.) now don new battle uniforms when taking on Tartarus.
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The newly revealed key art depicts the protagonist in his new outfit alongside his Persona, Thanatos. The iconic S.E.E.S armbands have also been redesigned to match the updated battle uniform.
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twilightknight17 · 1 year ago
Today on P3R
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Also we take exams I guess.
Turns out Ikutsuki is not going to help me study alone, he’s going to wrangle everyone into one big study group. Dunno how effective the studying is when he and Junpei get into a pun-off, but whatever. It’s nice to have everyone together and not fighting.
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...This is on my exam? For real? This school, man…
Once exams are over, we make plans to go do something fun. While Yukari leaves to get Fuuka, Junpei and I have a little chat.
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I love that you can play Minato as a completely oblivious airhead. But I do not.
On our way outside, Ikutsuki introduces us to our new dorm-mate, Ken, who will be staying with us over the summer. He has potential, so he might be a good candidate for joining SEES!
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...Ikutsuki, recruiting teenagers with attitude is one thing, but you’re crossing the line towards “child soldiers”, my guy. I know Wild Cards have awakened at age 7, but they didn’t actually have to do stuff til they were 16 or 17!
He’s gonna be staying in the dorm, so we’re not allowed to mention shadows or fighting or whatever in front of him. Even though Ikutsuki just mentioned “the potential” in front of him. Akihiko also looked really uncomfortable around him, and it’s clear he knows Ken somehow, so… Yeah.
Ikutsuki sends me off to the antique shop that’s now open, because the antique shop can help me. The same way the police officer helps, apparently.
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This lady runs the weapon fusion menu, and also where I can exchange all my gemstones I’ve been getting. She knows Officer Kurosawa, and ALSO explicitly knows about shadows?? What has Ikutsuki told you, ma’am? Were you involved ten years ago? Do you know about Tarta--
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Oh I want that megidolaon skill card so bad. God. Don’t show me that when I know I won’t be able to afford it for ages.
Anyway, we are off to Yakushima, and Mitsuru’s vacation home is enormous. I wish we got to actually run around in it, but what we do see is pretty nice.
(Wait, wasn’t Ken moving in? Did we just leave him at the dorm alone??)
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Mitsuru I didn’t realize your dad was Big Bos-- *shot*
Junpei wants to go to the beach right away, so we put our stuff in our rooms and book it down there. It’s gorgeous.
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...Akihiko, uh…
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Thank you, Junpei.
Akihiko doesn’t get it. He just wore them because they’re “better” for swimming. Because of course he’s gonna train on vacation. *sigh*
Why is Mitsuru so pretty I’m gonna die
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Yakushima really is beautiful and I’m kinda sad I couldn’t cut off the UI for a minute.
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Elizabeth asked me to bring her back something from the beach. I found a pretty shell, some driftwood, a piece of weird seaweed, and…
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...she will LOVE this crab. I have to.
Mitsuru talks to her dad, and I have made an exciting discovery: A living, onscreen parent who does not suck!
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He wants her to open up to others more and work together, because…
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That’s a pretty good motto, actually. It would help if people playing this game knew what the Nanjo Group was. And despite being in green, meaning it has a definition in the glossary, the glossary just explains the motto again. X’D
The Nanjo Group is where the Kirijo Group got all it’s psience tech from, because they bought out SEBEC after Kandori tried to become god back in 1996. SEBEC had the original prototypes for anti-shadow suppression weapons, and PROBABLY also the teleporter technology from the DEVA System. I think I mentioned before that I think that’s what the teleporters in Tartarus are based on.
Plus, the Nanjo family is all about being Number One, so “two in harmony” is a pretty good shot at them. And that’s definitely lost if you don’t know anything about them. X’’’D
Mr. Kirijo gathers everyone together, because he’s going to tell us the truth. And the truth is, his father was trying to create a time manipulation machine. So it makes sense that their research fucked up time so badly that there’s an extra hour of the day now. But apparently, that attempt to create time manipulation warped into something worse over the course of the project, and Yukari’s dad caused the explosion to stop him.
Yukari is completely freaked out by this realization, because she’d always maintained that the accident wasn’t her dad’s fault. So hearing that he caused it on purpose sends her reeling, and she runs off. Minato follows her to the beach to talk, and it’s a good conversation, actually.
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Thanks, it’s the trauma. ^_^
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Thank you, P3R, for actually letting me hug people when they’re upset. Looking at you, P5, as Futaba and Sumi just cry in front of me and I can’t do anything.
The next day, the girls are on an awkward nature hike (because Mitsuru and Yukari aren’t speaking), when they get a call from Ikutsuki.
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There’s a lab on this island?
Sir you have one job how are you so bad at it??
The boys, meanwhile, are once again at the beach for Operation Ba--
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Oh. Are we not calling it Operation Babe Watch? Okay.
It’s playing the Tartarus music. I’m trying to lead my team into the ocean and it’s not working.
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We manage nothing but failure all the way across the beach. We’ve got girls who aren’t interested, girls who are pissy that high-schoolers are at the island resort (who then get even more pissy when they find out we’re at a friend’s summer home, because THEY had to save up to come here), girls who humor us for like ten minutes before revealing they have boyfriends…
And then one last lady, who has been observing, and reads us all to absolute filth about how our tactics are all wrong.
She might be interested, though. And she wants us to help put on sunscreen!
...300K yen-a-bottle sunscreen.
To protect from artificial sun rays…
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Time for a tactical retreat. Thank god the last girl on the beach is so pretty.
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She doesn’t want to talk to anyone, though. Except Minato. And runs off when the others approach. They seem to think she ran away because I said something to her, and want me to follow her and apologize. Which, guys, I don’t think chasing girls you don’t know into the woods is the right answer here, but okay. Here we go.
There’s a waterfall up here and I can’t go near it. :(
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...believe me, Yukari, I have no idea what’s happening either.
Apparently this is the “vehicle” Ikutsuki lost.
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I’m okay with bringing her home with us. XD
Speaking of home, back at home, Shinji is trading information with those three weirdo assassins in exchange for some kind of pills, which can’t be a good sign because he looks like he’s in actual pain. Weirdo Squad is angry that we want to destroy the Dark Hour because they like having special powers.
They also call Tartarus the “Tower of Demise”, though, so like obviously they realize this is a bad thing.
After we get back from Yakushima, Aigis tries to stay in my room, including waking me up five minutes before my alarm. Which. No. You cannot stay in here. Oh god. My new robot has separation anxiety.
My social links may not be deals for things that can help in battle, but they do make me feel warm and fuzzy.
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I go out with Akihiko again because he still owes me food for last time, and we get accosted by the punks from before, who have returned with an even bigger group, because apparently the best way to win is by fighting a guy eight-on-one. Are you proud of yourself, dude? Does that make you feel cool?
We didn’t actually fight because we distracted them long enough to get out of there, so no police this time. But I did learn that Akihiko does have parents! He has foster parents that love him and send him enough expensive snacks to share with the whole dorm. It’s nice. ^_^
My online friend in my MMO is definitely a teacher at my school, based on her complaining about "Mr. E". Which, you and me both lady. Dude thinks he's a wizard or something.
Speaking of Mr. Edogawa, he mentioned Carl Jung in class! While talking about alchemists, because school is still insane. Literally we’re going on summer break tomorrow, give it a rest.
Which I guess is why Ken hadn’t moved in yet, but… Did we miss like a week of school while we were in Yakushima? Hot damn.
Ken is officially moved in now, though, and despite not being able to discuss shadows or the Dark Hour around him, he apparently knows Aigis is a robot. So… Uh… How secretive are we supposed to be being?
And it FINALLY let me go back to Tartarus and check out the new area, which is very industrial. It’s cool. Very different vibe from the big faces. I actually like it.
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New portal doors that lead to Grand Clocks now have a chance to show up, so I can boost teammates’ levels to match Minato’s? Which is interesting. And more importantly, new “Monad” doors are appearing that lead to stronger fights.
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Calling it Monad makes me a little weirded out, but hey, it's not a mandala and there’s good treasure in here. So we’re probably going in headfirst every time they show up. XDD
Saved back at the Tartarus entrance, so next time is probably just going to be some more fighting. We’ll see. ^_^
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