#Shadow War Armageddon
quasi-normalcy · 17 days
I don't know. This is far too reductive, of course, but I kind of think that there is a very real and notable difference between the way that violence was treated in the 1960s Star Trek, which was written in the shadow of nuclear armageddon twenty years after the bloodiest war in human history (and largely by people who had fought in that war), and in the newer series, where the writers' experience of violence comes primarily from action movies and video games.
Like, I think that there's a tendency of people in the present to imagine that people in the past were naive and...I really don't think that history bears this out. I don't think that subversion is always clever just because a trope can be subverted. I think that imagining that your enemy might be an actual moral actor with whom it's possible to reason is actually a great deal more mature than imagining your enemy as a bloodthirsty monster who will kill by nature.
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lostyesterday · 2 months
I made the following graph because I was interested in which words show up most often in the titles of Star Trek episodes and movies:
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I included episode titles from all twelve canon TV shows and all thirteen movies. I only counted nouns for the graph to avoid including boring words like “the” or “and”. I also counted plurals of a word as the same word (“stars” counts as “star”) and compound words where the singular word still carried the same meaning (“starship” counts as “star”). A complete list of episode/movie titles for each word listed in the graph is below the cut.
Amok Time (TOS)
The Time Trap (TAS)
The Naked Time (TNG)
Time Squared (TNG)
A Matter of Time (TNG)
Time’s Arrow (TNG)
Timescape (TNG)
Hard Time (DS9)
Children of Time (DS9)
A Time to Stand (DS9)
Time’s Orphan (DS9)
Time and Again (VOY)
Once Upon a Time (VOY)
Timeless (VOY)
Time Amok (PRO)
The Time Devouring Scavengers (PRO)
Beyond the Furthest Star (TAS)
Starship Mine (TNG)
Starship Down (DS9)
Far Beyond the Stars (DS9)
North Star (ENT)
Battle at the Binary Stars (DIS)
The Brightest Star (Short Treks)
The Girl Who Made the Stars (Short Treks)
The Star Gazer (PIC)
The Stars at Night (Lower Decks)
Starstruck (PRO)
A Moral Star (PRO)
The Man Trap (TOS)
Where No Man Has Gone Before (TOS)
The Schizoid Man (TNG)
The Measure of a Man (TNG)
Manhunt (TNG)
Tin Man (TNG)
Man of the People (TNG)
A Man Alone (DS9)
Our Man Bashir (DS9)
Inside Man (VOY)
Renaissance Man (VOY)
Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad (DIS)
The Voyage Home (movie)
Home Soil (TNG)
Homeward (TNG)
Move Along Home (DS9)
The Homecoming (DS9)
Homefront (DS9)
Homestead (VOY)
Home (ENT)
Far From Home (DIS)
Coming Home (DIS)
Friday’s Child (TOS)
And the Children Shall Lead (TOS)
Plato’s Stepchildren (TOS)
The Child (TNG)
Galaxy’s Child (TNG)
Children of Time (DS9)
Child’s Play (VOY)
Children of the Comet (SNW)
Children of Mars (Short Treks)
Half a Life (TNG)
The Quality of Life (TNG)
Life Support (DS9)
Lifesigns (VOY)
Real Life (VOY)
Life Line (VOY)
Life, Itself (DIS)
Wink of an Eye (TOS)
The Eye of the Beholder (TAS)
The Mind’s Eye (TNG)
Eye of the Beholder (TNG)
Eye of the Needle (VOY)
Blink of an Eye (VOY)
Kayshon, His Eyes Open (Lower Decks)
The Lights of Zetar (TOS)
The Inner Light (TNG)
The Darkness and the Light (DS9)
By Inferno’s Light (DS9)
In the Pale Moonlight (DS9)
Point of Light (DIS)
Light and Shadows (DIS)
A Private Little War (TOS)
The Dogs of War (DS9)
Warlord (VOY)
Warhead (VOY)
The War Within, the War Without (DIS)
Under the Cloak of War (SNW)
Night Terrors (TNG)
Wrongs Darker than Death or Night (DS9)
Night (VOY)
Two Days and Two Nights (ENT)
A Night in Sickbay (ENT)
The Stars at Night (Lower Decks)
The Gamesters of Triskelion (TOS)
The Game (TNG)
Armageddon Game (DS9)
The Killing Game (VOY)
Endgame (VOY)
The Least Dangerous Game (Lower Decks)
Shadowplay (DS9)
In Purgatory’s Shadow (DS9)
Shadows and Symbols (DS9)
Shadows of P’Jem (ENT)
Light and Shadows (DIS)
Through the Valley of Shadows (DIS)
Mirror Mirror (TOS)
Shattered Mirror (DS9)
In the Mirror, Darkly (ENT)
Mirrors (DIS)
The Mirror Universe (PRO)
The Enemy Within (TOS)
The Enemy (TNG)
Face of the Enemy (TNG)
Silent Enemy (ENT)
Behind Enemy Lines (PRO)
Let that Be Your Last Battlefield (TOS)
The Battle (TNG)
Battle Lines (DS9)
Nor the Battle to the Strong (DS9)
Battle at the Binary Stars (DIS)
Dagger of the Mind (TOS)
The Mind’s Eye (TNG)
Frame of Mind (TNG)
Mining the Mind’s Mines (Lower Decks)
Mindwalk (PRO)
Bloodlines (TNG)
Blood Oath (DS9)
Ties of Blood and Water (DS9)
Blood Fever (VOY)
Flesh and Blood (VOY)
For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (TOS)
The Best of Both Worlds (TNG)
Strange New World (ENT)
All the World’s a Stage (PRO)
Strange New Worlds (SNW)
Ship in a Bottle (TNG)
Starship Mine (TNG)
Starship Down (DS9)
The Ship (DS9)
One Little Ship (DS9)
Day of the Dove (TOS)
Data’s Day (TNG)
Day of Honor (VOY)
Thirty Days (VOY)
Two Days and Two Nights (ENT)
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1900s futurism
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I'm profoundly skeptical of the idea that the future can be predicted, and doubly skeptical that sf writers are any kind of prophet. The former grotesque fatalism (if the future can be predicted, then what we do doesn't matter); the latter is tragicomic hubris.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
That said, few people have been more consistently useful in understanding and anticipating (and yes, building) the future than my friend and colleague Karl Schroeder, whom I've known since I was 16 years old. Karl was the first person I heard say the world "internet." Also: "fractal," "World Wide Web," "ftp," and numerous other touchstones of the future just over the horizon.
Karl is, in fact, a futurist ("foresight consultant") who approaches the work with the same shrewd insight, wild imagination and humility that he brings to his fiction. In a new essay written with both his futurist and sf writer hats on, he nails down the toxic shadow cast by the 20th century sf, or, as he calls it, "The Science Fiction of the 1900s":
Karl starts by describing the odd "double vision" of the future of the 1900s. On the one hand, many of us (myself included) were convinced that nuclear armageddon was inevitable. Unlike the unhinged architects of the nuclear arms-race, realists understood that a nuclear war would effectively end the future. As Einstein put it, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."
But the flipside of that certainty that the future would end with the first nuclear strike was the belief that if we could just somehow walk the tightrope over the chasm of nuclear holocaust, we'd emerge in a future worth looking forward to: "a new era of peace and prosperity for all."
Contrast that with the existential dread of today's polycrisis: environmental collapse and political decay up to and including fascism. These aren't the binary proposition of nuclear annihilation vs Utopia – rather, they're a continuum of worse-and-better outcomes of every description. As Karl writes: "It’s not that simple. Our future now is an exhausting spectrum of scenarios, each with its own promise, and its own problems."
For Karl, we have entered a new epoch, but we've dragged in the long-expired way of imagining (and hence creating and navigating) the future with us. What makes this a new epoch? For Karl, it's the kind of future on our horizon. He cites Charles C Mann’s 1491, a superb history of the Americas before Columbus:
1491 radically reframes "the patchwork of propaganda and inference" that makes up the received narrative of the so-called "New World." It describes a land of flourishing cities, art, science and culture "in the Americas while Rome was just getting its act together." Contact with colonizing Europeans was a disaster for First Nations people, who call this period "The Invasion." It was an epochal break.
Futurism is an inextricably historical discipline. The willingness of some settler-colonialists states to consider this epochal break forces us to reframe our literal place in history, the story of the land under our feet. At its best, this futuro-historical work can begin the long work of reconciliation, as with the Canadian government's promise of $23b in reparations for the First Nations people who were kidnapped as children and sent to murderous "residential schools" before, during and after the Sixties Scoop.
The sf of the 1900s is no longer fit for purpose, if it ever was. It's a literature that was steered by open fascists like John W Campbell, who explicitly saw the literature as a means of inculcating a societal narrative of the triumph of white, corporate technocracy over all other forms of government:
Karl isn't the first sf writer to try to overturn this orthodoxy – indeed, it was continuously challenged by radicals within the field, as with the New Wave, personified by the likes of Samuel Delany and Judith Merril (who both mentored and introduced Karl and me):
The cyberpunks took a good hard run at it, too. For plenty of writers (including me), Bruce Sterling and William Gibson's 1981 story "The Gernsback Continuum" was a wake-up call:
Not for nothing, William Gibson has long insisted that his 1984 classic Neuromancer should be read as utopian: after all, it depicts a future in which the inevitable nuclear war only reduces a few cities to radioactive ash, sparing the rest of the planet.
Bruce Sterling once paid me the supreme compliment of describing a 2003 story I wrote about the ways that algorithms will enshittify self-driving cars as "making everybody else in the business look like they live in a dark basement growing on the mulch from old STAR TREK scripts":
Schroeder – along with today's new radical sf writer cohort – wants to fashion a fictional futurism that is fit for this world and its crisis: "in our modern technological society, science fiction tells us what to spend our time and money on." The fact that our mediocre billionaires are mired in the sf of the 1900s means that we're getting some decidedly old-fashioned futures.
For Karl, Musk is a poster-child for this profoundly conservative, backwards-looking vision: "He’s fighting the intellectual battles of the last century, a 1900s hero dropped into the 2000s with an unlimited budget to reshape the future to fit the era he’s from." Musk's obsessions – "Space flight. Settling Mars. Cyberpunk-style brain-computer interfaces. Artificial Intelligence. Self-driving electric cars. Humanoid robots." – are 1900s science fiction.
Ironically, much of this fiction labels itself "hard sf," despite the fact that interstellar travel is utter fantasy – as is mass-scale, near-term interplanetary civilization:
Karl wants "a future for the 2000s." He points to some efforts to make this happen, like Neal Stephenson's Hieroglyph anthology, edited by Ed Finn and Kathryn Cramer:
The "Hieroglyph" is Stephenson's shorthand for a recognizable, tangible, meme-able gizmo or other touchstone for a 2000s-era vision of the future – a replacement for jetpacks and flying cars. Karl's story for the anthology, "Degrees of Freedom," focuses on an abstraction (governance: "the single most important thing humanity can focus its creative energies on right now"), and by Karl's own admission, it's not quite the hieroglyph Stephenson was looking for.
But Karl did come up with a hieroglyph in a later work, the "deodands" of 2019's Stealing Worlds – a software agent "that believes it is some natural system, such as a river or forest, and acts in its own self-interest, that being the preservation and thriving of that natural system":
(My own contribution to Hieroglyph was very gadget heavy – "The Man Who Sold the Moon," about autonomous lunar 3D printers. It won the Sturgeon Award):
I've been impressed with Karl since the day I met him in 1987. There's no one whose thoughts on the future I'm more interested in hearing. I don't think that's a coincidence, either: Karl is an autodidact who was raised by a Mennonite TV repairman – the first TV repair shop in the Canadian prairies. If you want to understand the future, try being raised by someone who takes that kind of deliberate approach to which technology to adopt, and how.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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annah-kitathryne · 1 year
Helena Bertinelli/Huntress Reading List/Completionist Guide
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Helena Bertinelli is the Huntress of Prime Earth. She has existed as a character since 1989, and has appeared in her own series as well as multiple other series throughout the years. Most well known for being a Bird of Prey, she has a long history that tends to be hard to track. Instead of hunting down all of the issues, this guide has every one of her appearances in the attempt to follow her chronologically, but where her movements couldn’t be followed the natural passing of time was used to follow the story. 
This is both a reading list and a completionist guide. This means there will be times when the issue only has a cameo of Helena. For a casual reader this list may be a little much. If that is the case click [here] for a shorter list that can get you started on Helena. 
Moving onto Content Warnings. 
There will be mentions and depictions of Sexual Assault of Adults and Minors, Slavery, PTSD, and Murder. These are some of the big Content Warnings. That being said let’s get started. 
[Start Here]
Huntress (1989) #1, #2 
Justice League America (1987-1996) #26 
Huntress (1989) #3 - #6 
Justice League America (1987-1996) #30, #31
Huntress (1989) #7 - #12
Justice League America (198-1996) #35 
Time Masters (1990) #1 
Huntress (1989) #13 - #19 
Justice League International Special (1990) #1
Justice League America (1987-1996) #42
Justice League International Special (1991) #2
Armageddon (1991) #2 
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #652, #653 
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #1 - #6 
Justice League Europe (1989-1994) #47 - #50 
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #662
Showcase ‘93 (1993)  #9 , #10
Black Canary (1993) # 9 - #12
Green Arrow (1997-1998) #83 
Showcase ‘94 (1994) #5 
Robin (1993-2009) #6 
Showcase ‘94 (1994) #6 
Huntress (1994) #1 - #4
Robin (1993-2009) #17
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #686
The Batman Chronicles (1995-2000) #1 
Underworld Unleashed (1995) #2 , #3
Batman (1940-2011) #529
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992-1999) #49
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #698
The Batman Chronicles (1995-2000) #4
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992-1999) #53
Batman (1940-2011) #533
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #701
Robin (1993-2009) #33 , #34
Birds of Prey: Manhunt (1996) #1 - #4
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #703
Green Lantern (1990-2004) #81 
Robin (1993-2009) Annual #6 , #45
Genesis (1997) #1 - #4
Catwoman (1993-2001) #51 , #52 
Spectre (1992-1998) #62
JLA (1996-2006) #16 - #19 
Nightwing and Huntress (1998) #1 - #4 
Batman 80-Page Giant (1998/1999) #1 
Green Lantern (1990-2004) #103
Superman: Doomsday Wars (1998-1999) #1 - #3 
DC One Million (1998) #1 , #2 
JLA (1996-2006) #1,000,000 
DC One Million (1998) #3, #4
JLA Secret Files (1997-2000) #2
JLA (1996-2006) #24 - #26 
Hourman (1999-2001) #1
Nightwing (1996-2009) #26 - #29 
JLA (1996-2006) #27 
JLA/Titans (1998/1999) #1 - #3
Batman 80-Page Gaint (1998/1999) #2
The Batman Chronicles (1995-2000) #19
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #720
Batman: Huntress/Spoiler - Blunt Trauma (1998) #1 
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #721
 The Batman Chronicles (1995-2000) #14 
Robin (1993-2009) #65
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Batman: No Man’s Land (1999) #1 
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992-1999) #83 
Batman (1940-2011) #563 
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989-2010) #116 
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992-1999) #84
Batman (1940-2011) #564
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #731
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989-2010) #117
Batman (1940-2011) #565
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #732
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992-1999) #86
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #733
JLA (1996-2006) #28 - #31
Martian Manhunter (1998-2001) #6 - #9
JLA (1996-2006) #32
Martian Manhunter (1998-2001) Annual #2
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989-2010) #119
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992-1999) #87
Batman (1940-2011) #567
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989-2010) #120
Nightwing: Secret Files and Origins (1999) #1
Batman (1940-2011) #568
Catwoman (1993-2001) #72
Batman (1940-2011) #570
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #737
Batman: No Man’s Land - Secret Files & Origins (1999) #1
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992-1999) #93
The Batman Chronicles (1995-2000) #18
Nightwing (1996-2009) #38 - #39
Batman: No Man’s Land (1999) #0
Batman (1940-2011) #573
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #740
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (1989-2010) #126
Batman (1940-2011) #574
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #741
Batman: Shadow of the Bat (1992-1999) #94
Batman: Gotham Knights (2000-2006) #1
Batman: Gotham City Secret Files and Origins (2000) #1
JLA: Foreign Bodies (1999) #1 
JLA (1996-2006) #34 - #41
JLA: Secret Files and Origins (1997-2000) #3
Azrael: Agent of the Bat (1994-2203) #63 - #65 
Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E (1999/2000) #8
The Batman Chronicles (1995-2000) #15
Batman: Gotham Knights (2000-2006) #7
Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood #1 - #6 
Batman: Outlaws (2000) #1 - #3
Nightwing (1996-2009) #52
Wonderwoman (1987-2006) #164 - #167
Justice League: Justice League of Amazons (2001) #1
Justice League: JL? (2001) #1
Superman: The Man of Steel (1991-2003) #109
Batman (1940-2011) #586
Batgirl (2000-2006) #18 
Batman (1940-2011) #591 
JLA (1996-2006) #58
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #763
Joker: Last Laugh (2001) #5 
Robin (1993-2009) #95 
Joker: Last Laugh (2001) #6
JLA: Incarnations (2001-2002) #7
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #773
Batman: Gotham Knights (2000-2006) #34, #35 
Nightwing (1996-2009) #75
JLA: Welcome to the Working Week (2003) #1
Batman: Family (2002-2003) #2, #4, #8 
Batman (1940-2011) #609
Batman: Gotham Knights (2000-2006) #37 - #40 
Action Comics (1938-2011) #802
Batman (1940-2011) #617 , #619
Bird of Prey: Secret Files and Origins (2003) #1
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #57 - #61
Robin (1993-2009) #120
Batman: Gotham Knights (2000-2006) #48
Superman/Batman (2003-2011) #5 
Outsiders (2003-2007) #8 - #10
The Adventures of Superman (1987-2004) #623
Gotham Central (2002-2006) #17 , #18 
Batman: Gotham Knights (2000-2006) #50
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #64 - #66
Outsiders (2003-2007) #12
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #67 - #80
Teen Titans (2003-2011) #21
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #81, #82
The OMAC Project (2005) #2
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #83 , #84
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #809
JLA (2005-2008) #117, #119
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #85 - #87
Nightwing (1996-2009) #112
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #86 
JSA: Classified (2005-2008) #3
JLA (2005-2008) #121
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #88 - #91
Infinite Crisis (2005-2006) #5 , #7
Adventures of Superman (1987-2006) #648
Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special (2006) #1
52 (2006-2007) #1 
Robin (1993-2009) #148
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #92 - #99
Nightwing (1996-2009) #127
52 (2006-2007) #34
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #100 - #103
52 (2006-2007) #48 , #52
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #104 - #108
Justice League of America Wedding Special (2007) #1 
Green Arrow / Black Canary Wedding Special (2007) #1 
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #110
Green Arrow and Black Canary (2007-2010) #1
Detective Comics (19337-2011) #837
Gotham Underground (2007/2008) #2 , #7
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #111 - #115
Countdown to Mystery (2007/2008) #6 , #8, #9
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #116
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #117 - #119
Huntress: Year One (2008) #1 - #6
Manhunter (2004-2009) #33 - #36
Trinity (2008-2009) #9, #13 , #14 , #50
Final Crisis: Requiem (2008) #1
Final Crisis (2008/2009) #3
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #120 - #123
DC Universe: Decisions (2008) #3
Secret Six (2008-2011) #1 , #7
Batman and the Outsiders (2007-2011) #13
Birds of Prey (1998-2009) #124 - #127
Batman and the Outsiders (2008/2009) #4 , #5
Batman: Battle for the Cowl (2009) #1 , #2 
Batman: Battle for the Cowl: Network (2009) #1
Batman: Battle for the Cowl (2009) #3
Batman: Streets of Gotham (2000-2011)  #3 - #6 , #9, #13
Blackest Night: Batman (2009) #2
Batman (1940-2011) #693 - #695 , #697 
Azrael (2009-2011) #2
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #859 - #663
Justice Society of America (2007-2011) #38
Detective Comics (1937-2011) #864, #865
Red Robin (2009-2011) #12
Batgirl (2009-2011) #10 , 11
Birds of Prey (2010-2011) #1 - #4
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne (2010) #3
Birds of Prey (2010-2011) #5 , #6
Superman/Batman (2003-2011) #78
Birds of Prey (2010-2011) #7 - #10
Brightest Day (2010-2011)
Birds of Prey (2010-2011) #11
Batman Incorporated (2011) #6
Secret Six (2008-2011) #36
Birds of Prey (2010-2011) #12 - #15
Batman (1940-2011) #713 
Convergence: The Question (2015) #1, #2
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New - 52 
Batwoman (2011-2015) #2
Secret Origins (2014-2015) #8 
Nightwing (2011-2014)  #30
Grayson (2014-2016) #1 - #5 ,Annual #1 , #6 - #11
Batgirl (2011-2016) Annual #3
Midnighter (2015) #3
Harley Quinn (2014-2016) #20
Grayson (2014-2016) Annual #2 
Batman & Robin Eternal (2015/2016) #2 , #3
Titans Hunt (2015-2016) #1 
Grayson (2014-2016) #13 , #14 
Batman & Robin Eternal (2015/2016) #5 
Midnighter (2015) #8 
Batman & Robin Eternal (2015/2016) #17
Grayson (2014-2016) #16 
Midnighter (2015) #9
Batman & Robin Eternal (20115/2016) #18 - #20
Grayson (2014-2016) #17
Midnighter (2015) #10
Batman & Robin Eternal (20115/2016) #23 , #24 
Grayson (2014-2016) #18
Batman & Robin Eternal (20115/2016) #25
Midnighter (2015) #11
Grayson (2014-2016) #19
Midnighter (2015) #12
Grayson (2014-2016) #20 Annual #3
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DC Universe: Rebirth (2016) #1 
Nightwing: Rebirth (2016) #1 
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey: Rebirth (2016) #1 
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016-2018) #1 - #4
Nightwing (2016-) #9 
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016-2018) #5 - #13 
Nightwing (2016-) #26 - #28 
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016-2018) #14
Nightwing (2016-) #30 , #31
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey (2016-2018) #15 - #22
The Hellblazer (2016-2018) #19 - #24 
The Unexpected (2018-2019) #3 , #4 
Green Arrow (2016-2019) #45
Aquaman/Justice League: Drowned Earth (2018) #1 
Detective Comics (2016-) #1000
Batman (2016-) #71 
Action Comics (1938-) #1011
Harley Quinn (2016-2020) #64 
Batgirl (2016-2020) #39 
DC Villains Giant (2019) #1 
Batman (2016-) #81 - #83
Birds of Prey: Sirens of Justice (2020) #1 
Birds of Prey (2020-) #1 
Batgirl (2016-2020) #50
Dark Knights: Death Metal (2020) #5
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Infinite Frontier 
Infinite Frontier #0 
Detective Comics (2016-) #1034 - #1039
The Other History of the Dc universe (2021) #5 
Batman Secret Files; Huntress (2021) #1
Detective Comics (2016-) #1041 , #1042 , #1046
Robins (2021-2022) #4, #5
Detective Comics (2016-) #1047. #1049 - #1058 , #1061
Nightwing (2016-) #95
Batman: Dear Detective #1 
Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths (2022) #5
Batman (2016) #129
Nightwing (2016-) #98
Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate (2023) #1
[Current Present: July 2023]
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Else Worlds and Others 
Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey (2020) #1 - #4
Superman and Batman: World’s Funniest (2000) #1 
JLA: Act of God (2000-2001) #1
Future State: 
Future State: Dark Detective (2021) #1 , #3
Future State: Nightwing (2021) #1 , #2 
DCeaased (2019) #3, #4
DCeased: Unkillable: #1
DC vs. Vampires: 
DC vs. Vampires (2021-2023) #2 , #10 , #11
Superman & Batman Magazine (1993-1995) #1 , #4
The Batman & Robin Adventures (1995-1997) #19 
Justice League Unlimited (2004-2008) #20 , #22 , #27 , #31 , #36
Batman: The Adventures Continue Season Two (2021-2022) #3
Injustice: Year Zero (2020-2021) Chapter #1 , #2 
Injustice: Gods Among Us (2013-2016) #6 , #7 , #9 , #11 , 12
Injustice: Gods Among Us - Year Two (2013-2016) #3 , #6 , #7 - #11 , Annual #1
Injustice: Gods Among us - Year Three (2013-2016) #2 , #6 , #9 - #12
Injustice: Gods Among Us - Year Four (2013-2016) #1 
Flashpoint: Emperor Aquaman (2011) #2 , #3 
Flashpoint: Wonder Woman and the Furies (2011) #2 , #3
Flashpoint: Lois Lane and the Resistance (2011) #2
Convergence (2015) #6 , #7 
Tiny Titans:
Tiny Titans (2008-2012) #45
DC Comics: Bombshells (2015-2017) #6 , #10 , #16 , #17 , #18 , #26 
Bombshells: United (2017-2018) #36
Batman: The Brave and The Bold:
Batman: The Brave and The Bold (2009-2010) #11 , #14
All-New Batman: The Brave and The Bold (2011-202) #4
Batman: Lil’Gotham (2013-2014) #3 , #5 , #6 , #8 , #10 , #12
Scooby-Doo Team-Up (2018) #34
The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries (2021-) #5 , #12
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Other Appearances (Crossovers) 
Batman Versus Predator II (1993/1994) # 1 - #4
JLA/Witchblade (2000-2001) #1
Avengers/JLA (2003/2004) #4
Other Characters to hold the name, Huntress: 
Paula Brooks
Helena Wayne
Carol Danvers (Amalgamverse)
Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe
To the Helena Bertinelli fans I hope you enjoy! 
@inkareds​ I finished the complete guide if you want to check it out. 
If I made any mistakes or forgot something leave a comment, or send me a message. I tried to include everything, but I could have messed up. I will also try to update this as new Huntress stuff comes out, so the list may grow. 
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rollinouttahere-writes · 10 months
I would like to propose what I’d call, the Armageddon time line where the news accidentally reported Lucky as dead.
Like there was some mix up in the news room where someone with a similar sounding name/allies got killed and a miscommunication happened (Yucky Luck or something rip to him his death got over shadowed) or there was like a big Straw Hat battle and it looked like Lucky got killed.
Could you imagine the horrors?? There’s shrines going up rapidly in her honour! A man hunt for the person/crew that killed her (they got the biggest bounty ever)! We got Yonko’s and Yonko children teaming up (Cracker and Shanks)! Kid is about to put aside his beef with Shanks for a minute (unheard of)! It’s a MESS and the world has never seen such pirate unity?!? Everyone is terrified Yanderes are teaming up to deal with the bitch that did this!!! (Smokers in the pirate crowd with a very good disguise on and everyone’s to confused to question it! Like what is happening??)
Then a few days later a report comes out about “False alarm!!! Lucky spotted alive and healthy!!! There isn’t even a scratch on her!!!” *photo of Lucky Laughing with the crew* There is a couple scraps and bruises but they gotta defuse this problem as fast as possible emotions are heightened. The world was on fire for a couple of days.
The world government is seriously debating whether having a bounty on Lucky is a good or bad thing. They might even change her poster to say “Please only bring her in alive for the love of GOD!”
RIP to whoever got blamed, they're about to suffer a thousand deaths
I'm imagining that after the battle, whoever the Straw Hats helped approaches them like 'hey there's this remote island over here with a resort built on it, y'all should come over and recuperate' and no one argues because it sounds nice. What's the worst that could happen?
While everyone is have a lovely time, the rest of the world looks like a war zone. Pirates are killing each other, memorials are going up, it's complete chaos.
A marine fleeing from the destruction is passing by the island and spots Lucky sunbathing on the shore without a care in the world. They scramble to get photographic evidence and to get to the nearest publisher in hopes of ending the bloodshed.
It does work, but the whole thing has a severe consequence for Lucky. Now that her suitors have experienced what it would feel like to lose her forever, they're more desperate than ever to have her in their clutches where they can keep her safe and alive.
Lucky will never know a moment of peace ever again and wants to throttle whoever made the false report.
The world government is terrified but intrigued by the level of influence this one random woman somehow has. They do conclude that her bounty poster should be changed to alive only. They don't want to be targeted because they motivated a bounty hunter to kill her
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tgrailwar · 2 years
Tumblr Holy Grail War, Another End: Night 1 (ALL SERVANTS)
Team Foreigner got Van Gogh's composure to 0! Something is happening!
Echoing laugher. Triumphant laughter. The laughter of a Servant who had lost everything. The laughter of a Servant who had gained everything.
Van Gogh. A patchwork Servant from beyond the void. Laughed.
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VAN GOGH: "Ah... my deception ends here. Look upon 'Van Gogh'... the false Servant named Van Gogh... isn't it horrible? Isn't it beautiful? Ahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
A pulse emanating from the Servant shattered the bounds of the digital landscape that had been called 'reality'. This was the power of the Foreigner-class. The true power of the Foreigner-class, when deprived of the chains of 'logic' that bound it.
Six other Servants were hit by the pulse, the world around them collapsing, throwing them into hell. Havoc overwhelming. Chaos overflowing. A wave of utter madness, grabbing the minds of the enemy Servants and rending them asunder.
First, the Assassin.
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Assassin: "...Where the hell am I... what the hell is that?!"
The Assassin drew his sword, uncharacteristic fear filling his mind and body. A shadow formed, vaguely in the shape of a Servant, unsettlingly enough. It lunged forward, as he stepped back, trying to defend himself as more shadows appeared.
Shadows from his peripheral, shadows that he couldn't see but hear, shadows that he couldn't hear but see.
Shadows that weren't real.
Shadows that were far too real.
Then, the Rider.
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Rider: "Back off! Get away from me!"
He yelled, trying to add as much authority as he could as the false illusions patched together by real madness inched closer.
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Archer: "...You're not real! You're an illusion, like Caster's Noble Phantasm!"
He yelled, as he tried to lie to himself, fingers rending at the stark white of his clothing, causing it to dye red. His own fingertips rent asunder as the skin on them began to wear down and redden as he scratched and screamed at nothing.
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Saber: "Come at me! I'll cut you to pieces!"
She yelled, her sword swiping forward. It drew blood, before she screamed, clutching at her own shoulder as it bled profusely as it was struck in an identical spot.
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Lancer: "Heh. You think you're cute, huh? We'll see how cute you think you are when this spear goes right through you!"
...An alliance, formerly airtight, splintered in seconds by the maddened wave of the unleashed Foreigner. Their identities began to crumble, as they engaged in bloody warfare.
Only two Servants stood in the wave unaffected. Perhaps both of them had already reached the crux of their madness to begin with, or perhaps they had already witnessed hell, and so this void was nothing but a reprieve.
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Tortured Youth: "...So this is what you can do, Foreigner? I hope you're not plannin' on killin' me like the others?"
Patchwork Servant: "Ehehehe! Play with me, Avenger! Spin with me! Dance with me! Sing with me! Paint with me! Create with me! Don't mind the pain! Thrash and scream! Let's kill each other, and use our blood to repaint the world!"
Tortured Youth: "...Thought so. And here I wasted that mana boosting you up. Well, that's just my luck. Whatever, this little game sounds like fun either way. Let's play, Foreigner!"
Reality itself began to unravel, already thin threads snapping apart under the pressure of the Foreigner-class Servant!
Team Foreigner got Van Gogh's composure to 0! Team Foreigner used 'Wave of Madness'! With Van Gogh's composure at 0, she temporarily gains access to all of her skills until the battle ends!
Alliances are temporarily severed within Void Space! It's utter chaos! This is a battle for survival!
If Van Gogh wins first place, she'll inflict 2 wounds on every Servant!
If Van Gogh doesn't get first, then any Servant that scores under Van Gogh will sustain 1 wound!
Any non-Foreigner-class Servant that ends up in last place will sustain 3 wounds and be destroyed instantly!
Any non-Foreigner-class Servant that ends up above Van Gogh will be safe!
If Van Gogh gets last place, she'll sustain 3 wounds, but will lash out and inflict 1 wound on every Servant! if she gets anything other than 1st, she'll simply sustain 1 wound!
Skills such as 'Battle Continuation' or 'Independent Action' are nullified! Servants who perish in Void Space are gone!
Van Gogh's 'Wave of Madness' gives every other Servant a -10% demerit! …Angra Mainyu's been spared from the demerit?!
Angra Mainyu gave Van Gogh a +5% boost!
Musashi and Arjuna have been cursed by 'Soul of the Water Channels'! They have a -3% demerit for this round! This will stack with the current application of 'Soul of the Water Channels', meaning Musashi and Arjuna have -6%, and the others have -3%!
Final Score Augmentations:
Van Gogh: +41% Angra Mainyu: -40% Miyamoto Musashi: -29% Mandricardo: -36% Okada Izou: -36% Cu Chulainn: -21% Arjuna: -39%
Active Servant Skills and Current Statuses:
Van Gogh (Foreigner):
Het Gele Huis (A+) - When winning first place in a Free-for-All, inflict 2 wounds on the bottom Servant, rather than just one. If engaged in a one-on-one, inflict 2 wounds instead of one upon victory. Additionally, reduce Servant bonuses by 10%, and if the gap between scores is greater than 35% when winning, recover from a 'wound'.
Soul of the Water Channels (EX) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain a +10% boost, and inflict a persistent 3% demerit on enemy Servants for this round and the next. When fighting one-on-one, gain a +5% boost, and inflict a -2% demerit to them for this round and the next.
Void Space Fine Arts (B+) - If receiving a demerit from enemies larger than 10%, convert it into a +10% boost. Gain a +5% boost, and add another +3% if going against a Servant who has been cursed by the demerit from 'Soul of the Water Channels'. Gain the ability to sustain one more wound than normal.
Existence Outside the Domain (A) - Gain an immunity from demerits, and also reduce enemy Servant boosts by 5%.
Insanity (C) - Gain a +5% boost.
Item Construction (B-) - Lower the victory gap for the 'recovery effect' of "Het Gule Huis" from 35% to 25%.
Divinity (B+) - Lower enemy boosts by -5%, and increase own buffs by 3%.
Curse of Sunflower (A) - When on her final wound, gain a +7% boost.
Van Gogh has [2/7] wounds!
Angra Mainyu (Avenger)
Zarich: Right Fang Grinder (C) - Reduce enemy Servant boosts by -3%.
Tawrich: Left Fang Grinder (C) - Gain a +3% attack boost.
Annihilation Wish (A) - When fully healed, gain a -20% demerit to his final score. With one wound, the demerit is reduced to -10%. With two wounds, the demerit is changed to a +20% boost.
Grail Curse, All The World's Evils (EX) - When part of a battle that results in a Servant dying, absorb a part of their essence. Take a random one of their combat skills for Avenger's own use and recover one Command Spell. Those are the only effects. ...Probably.
Angra Mainyu is uninjured!
Miyamoto Musashi (Saber)
Heavenly Demonic Thundering Eye (EX) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain +10% to your final score, and reduce their scores by -5%. If fighting a Servant one-on-one, if the gap between scores is above 20%, inflict 2 wounds.
Battle Continuation (EX) - If she loses a confrontation while on her final wound, if there's only a 10% difference between the scores of her and her opponent (non-allied Servant), she can slip out unscathed.
Musashi is on her last wound! 'Battle Continuation EX' is nullified within Void Space!
Mandricardo (Rider)
Brigliadoro's Neigh (A) - Increases the Rider-class trait to +5% rather than +3% in free-for-all brawls.
Armor of the Nine Worthies (A) - When attacked, reduces the amount of the Servant's final combat poll result by 10%.
Mandricardo has [1/3] wounds!
Okada Izou (Assassin)
Man-Slayer (A) - When fighting a Servant that possesses a wound, gain a +3% boost. When fighting a Servant that possesses 2 wounds, gain +5% instead.
Izou has [1/3] wounds!
Cu Chulainn (Lancer)
Rune Magecraft (B) - When fighting in a free-for-all, gain a +5% to combat score results. Additionally, any skills that reduce scores against Lancer will have their effectiveness reduced by 1%.
Battle Continuation (A) - Is able to take 4 'wounds' instead of the normal 3. On his last ‘wound’, gain a permanent +5% boost to final combat poll results.
Protection from Arrows (B) - When going against an Archer, Caster or Assassin-class Servant, gain a +5% to final combat poll results, and reduce their results by 5% as well.
Cu Chulainn has [2/4] wounds!
Arjuna (Archer)
Hero of the Endowed (A) - If fighting an enemy Servant, and the difference between scores is within 3%, take the win.
Mana Burst (Flame) (A) - Gain a +8% boost to combat poll results when attacked during 'playing defensively', rather than +3%. When not ‘playing defensively’, gains a 5% boost to final combat poll results instead.
Independent Action (A) - After receiving his third 'wound', he has one more round to attempt to attack before fading away. (Cannot be healed during this period via Command Spell).
Arjuna is on his final wound! Independent Action is nullified by Void Space!
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halfbakedspuds · 7 months
Alright, I see other writing blogs doing this, so here's my writeblr intro. Still needs some work but this'll do for now.
Hi! I'm Logan (Yes, like Wolverine), I'm 18 years old, use He/him pronouns, and I'm from South Africa. My main interests are writing, philosophy, history, binge-reading entire series' at a time and any kind of experimental artistic media. All my characters' sexualities and gender identities are up for interpretation unless explicitly stated.
Despite being an English language writer, English is not actually my first language and thus I do still have my fair share of braindead moments in it. If you notice that I used a word wrong, or if my grammar or a phrase seems little bit off, don't hesitate to let me know.
Below are my current WIP's:
Children of the Stars
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Perspective: third person limitted.
Genre: Science fiction political drama and mystery.
Tropes: Slowburn lovers, enemies to friends to lovers (more like mutual annoyances to friends to lovers), a stranger in a stranger land, found family.
Status: Currently being worked on.
First chapter
Lyanni has been condemned and incarcerated, charged with witchcraft under the paranoid reign of her home kingdom. Under the laws of her people, she is offered up to their patron Angel as a gift of thanks for ending a long and bloody war, and to her horror: he accepts.
Soon, however, she learns the shocking truth of the universe. Her people's angels are members of an Alien organisation in service to the Empire of Earth, charged with working from the shadows to foster the upliftment of her people in order to free up the human garrison for the front lines of a star-spanning war, and the same is happening on a thousand other worlds.
This Angel, however- who calls himself Adrian- is about as happy about their new living arrangement as she is, which is to say not at all.
When a ship carrying an experimental superweapon crashes on her world, the two must begrudgingly work together in a desperate race against time to find it, while also holding back the tide of forces that threaten to plunge her world into armageddon.
The Tempest prince
Children of the Wolves
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Perspective: First person limitted
Genre: Sci-fi political drama and heist story with some pulp western and cyberpunk elements.
Tropes: found family, heists, honour among thieves, glorious bastards, a lot of gay, high-tech Low-lifes, class divide, redemption arc.
Status: Scheduled to be written sometime after Children of the Stars.
Four years after Children of the Stars, Adrian Castellan returns to Callisto to make amends with his family and tie up the final loose ends of his early life.
Accompanied by Lyanni Sverik and Wilhelm Freedman, he links up with his siblings: Isabelle and Marcus Castellan, and while the trio catch up and scheme to finally exact vengeance for the deaths of their mother and friends at the hands of a rival clan's lord, Lyanni learns the story of why Adrian left his homeworld in the first place.
Seven years before Adrian became an IUC praetor, he was a member of the Volnur, a gang of six young but promising Callistoan gunslingers who acted as the enforcers of clan Castellan.
After a slightly botched trade negotiation with a rival clan forces them to scatter and regroup at home base, Adrian bumps into a mysterious offworlder running from both civil security and the Solar homeguard themselves, and offers to bring him to his clan's holdings for safety.
With supplies running low and the botching of the deal that was meant to save them, the six gunslingers and their new offworlder tagalong begin plotting to rob a Civil Security supply train.
Yet other forces move in the shadows, snapping at their people and waiting for their eventual fall, and with a young Adrian's ambition growing constantly, fostered by his mother's guidance as the Lady of clan Castellan, he will eventually come to match wits with some of the most powerful people not only on Callisto, but throughout the entirety of the Jupiter Prefecture, he will come to question who can be trusted, and whether his own well-founded ambition has given way to a fatal hubris.
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Perspective: multiple pov first person.
Genre: YA contemporary fantasy with some elements of eldritch horror.
Tropes: Stranger in a strange land, finding identity, causality loop, found family (to an extent), recruiting teenagers with an attitude.
Status: On the back-burner til I gain a little more experience with certain writing skills that'll be necessary to write a 21 book series.
"Congratulations. You are now dead"
Those were the last words he heard before his normal life came to an end.
It was just a another day in February, the scorching, vampiric heat of the sun beating down on the brothers as they slogged through just another school day. At least it was just another day, at least until they stumbled into another dimension and accidentally brought something back with them.
From then on, Jason and Alex Haliday found themselves caught up in a hidden world, one where Jaegers -a race of magic-capable supersoldiers- contain and hunt that which shouldn't be; where ancient gods and forgotten horrors seep through every crack and crevice right under humanity's collective nose. When the brothers show abilities that no-one -Human or Jaeger- ever have, they are offered a job.
Of course, the pair first need to survive two years of training. Noone wants to send a pair of untrained teens into the longest battle of human history, after all. But between a school rivalry, a bloodsport tournament, and a looming ancient threat, it quickly becomes apparent that even while surrounded the extraordinary, their lives still refuse to fall within the established 'normal'.
When their home is attacked: their mother put into a coma and Alex kidnapped, Jason- accompanied by his new Demihuman friend Helga Ravenscar- goes on a manhunt to find his brother against the express orders of some of the most powerful people in the hunter cities. The pair must balance hiding such a dangerous endeavour with excelling in the taxing student life of a mage and a medical officer in training, while eldritch forces plot and scheme in the backdrop.
Echoes of Shadows
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Perspective: multiple pov third person limitted.
Genre: Gritty Fantasy-noir detective story.
Tropes: Five man band, (Dunno what to call this but it's like the world is halfway through a transition that'll change every aspect of daily life. Will edit once I've figured it out)
Status: Scheduled to be the next project I finish. Probably.
First chapter
The city goes by many names: Novya Koroleva, Zuidpunkt, De Gat, but the local Ost-Rietlanders simply call it The Pit: the city that'll swallow you whole and spit out whatever bones may remain, a nature that has been exasperbated by the recent surge in mages, splitting the population almost evenly between regular people and the magic capable.
To Johan Suiderkloof and Anastasia Retvenko, the city offered a new start, free of the horrors of their pasts, and among it's verminous populace, they have carved out work for themselves as a private detective agency.
It's a stable job, with many opportunities to find work in the Sodom. By day: the pair investigate cartels, murders, infidelity, all the worst that society has to offer.
But late at night, when Zuurveldt, Ost-Rietland and the rest of the continent of Sumer sleep soundly, they stalk the shadows for leads, tracking down the fanatic followers of dark gods and puttinh an end to their machinations.
When mysterious murders with occult symbolism surrounding them begin to crop up throughout the city and surrounding countryside, the pair find their lot unceremoniously cast in with complete strangers, caught in the powerplay of cults and dead gods as they try to untangle a growing conspiracy that threatens their world as they know it.
The lonely god
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Perspective: First person.
Genre: Science fiction.
Status: In the process of being finished up.
The lonely god is a short story I wrote more than a year ago (Originally titled "The last human) and am currently in the process of remastering. I'll be posting it here when I'm done with it.
Some sixteen millenia in the future, humanity finds itself forceably coalesced into a single, immortal being. This individual, born of a trillion infighting souls, is the last human, a species made into a god, and 'The lonely god' follows their story til the end of the universe and beyond as they seek out revenge for what was done to their people while slowly learning to let go of hate.
What does it mean to be alive when you'll outlive even the sand beneath your feet? How do you cherish or love when everything vanishes in but a blink of the eye? How can the product of trillions ever be an individual?
And when the score has been settled; When every trail has been blazed, and all knowledge learnt; When all that is left is to watch as the stars slowly whimper away: how will you find meaning?
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hyenasnake · 1 year
I’d like to talk about how the long term effects of trauma are represented by angels in Good Omens.
Before I begin; I’m aware trauma manifests in many different ways. I have been diagnosed with PTSD by a professional and I am in therapy for that among other things. Please keep in mind nuance as we dive into this as I’m talking about how trauma manifests in a handful of named individuals and not discussing the experience of every single traumatized person ever.
Anyway, here we go.
Looking at Gabriel in Season One and Season Two is such a trip. In season one, though he was fairly naive and kind of a dumbass as people noted, he was far from innocent. He was a complete asshole to everyone he interacted with who wasn’t on his level (on his level meaning people like Michael and Sandalphon). He refuses to show attachment or even attraction to anything that isn’t considered celestial. Even when he says he likes Earth’s clothes, he tries not to show much sadness or disappointment at the fact that they won’t be around much longer because of Armageddon.
But so far in what we’ve seen of Season two, Gabriel still keeps his naive and spacey nature, but to a far greater extent. He’s a total innocent now, fascinated by the world around him and getting distracted at every turn. Again, this is based on sneak peaks and trailers, so we’ll see how things turn out in season 2 once it airs, but this is my analysis for now. The only thing that’s really changed is that he’s lost all his memories.
Memories are an important thing. They make us who we are, for better or for worse. They contain our greatest moments and our lowest points. Pain and laughter carefully woven together to make a living thing. Without memories, a person is as much a blank slate as they were the moment they were born—complete innocence and naivety without really any painful experiences. Think about how young children are before they experience the cruelty of the world. They’re a lot like Gabe, right?
Trauma is scientifically proven to alter our very bodies. Of course, It alters our minds even more. I’ve been traumatized. I’ve seen trauma turn the kindest people into angry individuals who turn on anyone who slights them before they can turn on them. Trauma also gets worse without treatment.
Think about The Fall. Infinitely traumatic for both sides. Nobody trusting each other, friends and family fighting each other, betraying each other, even killing each other. Friends and Family thrown into the Abyss and those who remained in heaven told to forget them, that they are the enemy.
Six thousand years of untreated trauma, only strengthened by the constant premonition of fighting to the death. The war is the only closure either side is going to get. All of these angels and demons have become hardened and jaded by their shared trauma. Beings of Love have become Monsters transformed by their shadow selves.
This is just the ramblings of a traumatized autistic person but I have to applaud @neil-gaiman on this portrayal of long-untreated trauma and what happens when that trauma is suddenly gone.
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ronqueesha · 6 months
I finished the Fallout show and absolutely loved it. It nailed the spirit of the games, even the older ones, perfectly. Of course, I loved all of the little easter eggs. Especially the news channel logo that mirrored the Interplay logo from the original games.
Some thoughts on the blatant retcons that a lot of people are upset about. Major spoilers, of course:
While I'm also unhappy that Fallout New Vegas is in a precarious state of being non-canon, Season 1 of the show actually gave me a lot of hope. And I think the showrunners love New Vegas more than people might realize.
The last shot of season 1 is nothing but a major hint that the city of New Vegas is going to play a major role in the future. Not only that, but Season 1 went out of its way to not only mention things like Big MT and other New-Vegas-specific details, but they included a significant cameo from Robert House. Who I thought was extremely well cast given that his original voice actor passed away several years ago.
Season 1 was a big mishmash of plot points and references to the major events of the other games. The vault's water chip failing, the Enclave, the protagonist venturing into the wasteland to find and rescue a parent, even Vault-Tec having a small vault made just for cryo-freezing a select few people.
I would not be surprised at all if season 2 of Fallout incorporates many of the events and locations of New Vegas as Lucy and Coop follow her father east. Maybe the game we experienced isn't canon, but the major events still are, just through their eyes and not the player. House is still alive and scheming to make Vegas his independent kingdom. The Legion is expanding into the territory, and small towns in the desert will need help in one way or another.
So yeah, that's my hope. The Fallout show was always going to be an original story to avoid tiptoeing around the infinite number of decisions a player can make in each game. New Vegas has been retconned not because Todd Howard hates it, but because it gives the showrunners room to display WAY more from that game without having to worry about player agency. We won't get a 1-for-1 remake of New Vegas in season 2, but we could see a lot of familiar faces, places and events. More than in season 1.
There are some people upset that the show confirms that the Great War was explicitly started by Vault Tec and a few interested big corporations. This has always been at the top of the fan theory list of who started the war.
From almost the first game people have suspected Vault Tec. We've known for decades that Vault Tec had contracts with the US Government, which later became the Enclave, in order to build vaults, stir paranoia, and make the public okay with the entire program in the face of inevitable nuclear armageddon.
During the business meeting scene, there was a mysterious shadowy figure watching over the proceedings. While Coop was listening in the waiting room, this shadow figure was looking down at the corpos from his own space above them. This could be that Enclave pressure I mentioned above. Vault Tec didn't start the nuclear exchange just to make money, but because they had to on orders from the Enclave.
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Together Against The Sisters ( TTS Oneshot/ War AU )
So uh yeah I was cleaning and this song came on and I got the idea for this and decided why not write it and post it here too? I'm also on Wattpad as DisneyReferenceQueen :3 Hope you'll enjoy?
Corona was on the verge of eternal darkness. The dark sunlight shone down on the doomed kingdom. Rays etched in shadow light spread across the land. An eclipse was happening in the sky.
Something awful had happened. 
Cassandra, wielder of the moonstone, and Princess Rapunzel, incarnation of the Sundrop, had both been possessed by a great evil against their wills. A demon, Zhan Tiri, had etched herself into their souls, so that they might become her Generals to lead the armageddon against the world.
The rest of Corona, powerless against these possessed wilelders of Godlike powers, were forced to do the one thing that would save them. But also leave an eternal scar on their kingdom. 
They had to kill the Princess, and her half sister. Cassandra. The two possessed sisters were now under the demons control, waging eternal darkness and fire for the world. Corona was forced to wage war against them.
There was no dawn on this eve of war. No sun rose over the horizon to start this battle that would surely be the end. Captain Eugene Fitzherbert and his Lieutenant, who was also the Royal Engineer of Weaponry, Varian, were leading the charge. There they stood with an army of a thousand. Cascades of dark light shone over their gleaming golden armor as they stood at the edge of the palace courtyard.
 A giant black rock potruded from the great wall of the castle, and there stood the two possessed sisters. 
Rapunzel’s golden hair glowed almost a burning bright color, it almost didn’t seem to contain healing powers, it was almost as if the powers had reverted to harmful products. It was like it burned the same heat as the sun. Her once green eyes were now completely black. Reflecting the demon that had a hold on her soul. 
Cassandra stood next to her, her black rock armor and blue hair bright as her pale skin reflected moonlight itself. 
Captain Eugene Fitzherbert and Lieutenant Engineer Varian stood with stone cold gazes on the two girls. The only thing that betrayed their cold eyes was a single tear cascading down their face.
 It seemed as if everyone’s souls, including the tainted, were harmonizing and lamenting over the coming bloodshed.
Varian stepped forward, his eyes showing hurt and sadness and guilt as he looked Rapunzel and Cassandra. His voice rang out against the silent air. “ Moon, enlighten the night,
the dark side of light,
I gave you devotion, my blood and my life.
I trusted your stars,
they were once my guide,
but now they are falling along with the Sun-”
Eugene stepped forward next, his voice raw with emotion against his lover.
“ Keeper of flame,
breaker of day,
I gave you my sword, my heart and my faith.
But now the sky is burning,
And I scream and wonder
when did your fire become so (cold)?
Cold winds will come like a storm,”
Both of the men’s voices harmonized at the demon possessed sisters.
“ destroying everything, everyone we love.
Time has come to recall,
the days of old,
when both, day and night, were bound by the dawn.”
Eugene: “We are the mountains, the woods, the fields” 
Varian: “We are the rivers, the shore and the sea..” 
Eugene: “What's worth fighting for?!”
Varian: “The reason to win?”
Both: “our land, our home, the air we breath!”
Eugene: “May thunder be our voice!”
Varian: “With lightning in our veins!”
Both: “Our hearts our beating power, roaring our claim!”
Eugene: "What lives beneath the sun,”
Varian: “Is written in the stars!".
Eugene: ”Why can't you understand?”
Both: “One by one, we'll fight
Side by side, we'll fight
And so the battle begun. Fleets of royal guards and drafted soldiers stormed up the steps of the kingdom. Rapunzel lassoed two men with her hair, the golden hair burned brighter with evil light and the men groaned. They seemed to be getting burned by the power. Cassandra flicked her hand and a dozen sharp black rocks burst from the ground. 
And so, the war waged. It was not recorded how many hours the battle went on. For the sun and moon did not set or rise throughout the battle. But it felt like hundreds. Perhaps it was. Perhaps it was a thousand. 
Then it happened.
Suddenly the bloodshed stopped. The bodies were buried. The sun and moon separated. And for the first time in what seemed like years, the sun rose and the moon dawned on the kingdom. 
But at what cost?
Varian and Eugene, both scarred and battle beaten and bruised, emerged from the demolished palace, war torn faces grim and broken, but victorious. 
Both Varian and Eugene: 
“A new day shines, 
the storm has gone,
May rain wash away all the pain from our souls…
Time has come for rebirth,
to rise like the sun,
From now, day and night, will be bound by the dawn.”
Anyway yeah that- that could've been better I wrote this in like a span of 20 minutes I swear I can write better.
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billskaarsgard · 1 year
"Worth all this" - Bucky Barnes x f! Reader (Angel Salvadore) / requested by anonymous
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This takes place after Cap: Winter Soldier and before Civil War, I know her character doesn't live but she's still alive in this.
Word count: 2.1k
You arrived at the SHIELD base in the midst of chaos, as you saw countless agents running in different paths, in addition to the high security that inspected the place. Of course Bucky Barnes would be responsible for installing his own Armageddon on HYDRA's biggest rival company. When you got the call from Steve Rogers, you didn't expect to hear about the Winter Soldier again, or at least, not in that way.
Captain America was waiting near the entrance next to Sam Wilson, who kept an unfriendly expression, considering that what he had in mind was not exactly trying to save Barnes, but killing him to avoid another massacre.
When you got closer, Rogers handed you a comm to keep in touch, and Wilson introduced himself as you have never met them before. Until then, you only knew about the Avengers from the TV and from all the conversations you heard. You greeted them both as the base crumbled around the three of you.
“So, what's the plan?”, you asked, your wings were ready for the battle that would begin in search of Bucky, who was out there nowhere to be found. Steve sighed, a shadow of regret flitting through his eyes as he spoke about the man who used to be his best friend during the 2940s, and before the super serum.
"Bucky wants to destroy SHIELD, he's in contact with HYDRA", he replied with disgust. You already knew about the feud between the two, you knew that during the last decades, the soldier has been in charge of working in the organization's operations. Especially because, not much more than three years ago, you faced him during an assassination attempt before definitively joining Magneto.
“Do you have a plan?” When you questioned the two men, they were getting themselves ready. Wilson explained he planned to keep the agents busy and away from Barnes, who was on one of SHIELD's ten floors.
“To capture him and maybe keep him in cryo. The only way to stop him, for now, is to freeze him," Rogers sounded bitter. It wasn't exactly what he wanted to do with his former friend, but his brainwashing made it impossible for anyone to get that close. And you knew that.
As you walked through the aisles, you started focusing on a plan that wouldn't involve killing him or even getting yourself killed, which was most likely to happen. You spent almost over fifteen minutes looking for Barnes, when Wilson warned you and Steve that the soldier was in one of the rooms, getting some drive and documents for HYDRA.
Watching all around yourself as you had the impression of seeing his shadow through a door and lowered your pace, you decide to slowly walk as you reached a door on the other side of the aisle. You got a pocket knife out of your combat boot and traced his metal arm.
If you could hit one of the engines, it would slow him down a little. Your tattoo from your back turned into wings, giving you more time to figure out how you could stab his arm in silence. The Winter Soldier, on the other hand, would notice any noise from a certain distance, so that would make him become way more alert than the usual, but you didn't know until you aimed the knife and shot it against him.
The robotic arm calmly reached the object and, in a sharply sudden movement, he threw the knife back. You looked to your left side, the sharp device taped to the wall still quivering. Barnes kept you a machiavellian glare, and ran when he saw the elevator open.
"Shit", you thought, wings nimble in an attempt not to let him get away. Inside the cubicle, you grabbed him around the neck with your legs and pinned him hard against the wall, throwing punches at his face and, unsuccessfully, at his shoulders. He was rock hard, and his left arm kept an almost crushing pressure on your leg. He didn't want to kill you, you could tell, at least from the way he held you.
Until that moment, that was what you tried to rely on, but he threw you against the elevator's wall and pressed his metallic hand against your neck. Bucky still had the same murderous look, the blue eyes sporting a paler, less vivid color. As you panted trying to get all the air you could into your lungs, you tried to hold it together on him, both hands wrapped on his collar to keep it from being choked. You had, you know, a greater weapon than any other object. Acid saliva would be a great ally, but you didn't want to use it to solve the problem.
"Bucky, it's me. Angel, remember?", you asked in a sincere tone of voice, keeping your eyes on him. For a second, his eyes flickered, his pupils dilated and on the back of his mind he could tell he saw you before. The soldier didn't show any emotion when you explained who you were.
"I don't know who you are", he replied in a thin voice, his left arm removing the space in your glottis, making you feel suffocated.
"Oh, but you'll remember", you used the moment to your advantage and dispersed him hitting your knee into his stomach, pressing the button for the elevator door to open. Barnes hesitated for a few seconds, but he pulled himself together as soon as he saw you, while you were running to take him to where Sam would be waiting for him.
"Angel, do not engage," Steve snapped into his earpiece, but you were too busy getting out to avoid being forced to death by the Winter Soldier.
"Too late, Captain. Do any of you know the code with the letters? I'll speak in different words with a letter between them. He's got a ultrasonic ear", you asked. The way you had of communicating with the two of them without Bucky knowing what it was about was strange, but it might work.
"What?" Cap didn't seem to understand, but Wilson got the message.
“Oh, she's going somewhere,” he said. "What's the plan?".
"I'm trying to get you to the helicenter," you explained, as you took a deep breath. "He's very difficult to engage, but I'll try to do it my way".
"If it's necessary, use that acidic saliva on his face at least once", the Falcon said it in a playful way and you laughed. Rogers was worried about his friend's attitude, but he found out it was only a joke to try to break the tension.
"Okay, I'll use myself as bait. Try to track me down."
Sam managed to use one of his mini drones to reach you, since you were five floors above them and the helicenter was two floors away from you.
You used your wings to keep yourself in the air as you were throwing several kicks and punches, while he tried to get rid of the attacks. Barnes was never able to control the brainwashing, and as much as he was trapped inside himself with no way to get rid of the Winter Soldier, he had no other option. What he could do, though, was hold himself out and control his mind to not kill you.
While shooting kicks and punches at him, you brought him to the nearest floor, guiding Steve and Sam, who have already followed the way to find you. Bucky used all his strength and the suspension down with the metal arm, knocking you to the ground.
"For God's sake, Bucky, it's me! It's me, Salvadore," you mentioned when you noticed him keeping the pressure around your neck tighter. The man's grimace frightened you, and you thought about giving up and abandoning him to run away. But if he ran away, countless people could die and you would be the one to blame. He stood millimeters away from your face, one hand still around your neck, while the other one he used to search in his holster for his own weapon.
"I. Don't. Know. Who. You. Are", he repeated the words, as he slammed your body against the ground.
"So I'll help you", you were thinking for a few seconds, but used his distraction to your advantage, while you tangled your legs around his robust body, forcefully taking the gun from his hand. Already loaded, you fired the gun beside Barnes' ear, who recoiled just enough for you to collide with the man's head, shoving the gun on him. You got rid of his weight as he fell beside you unconscious, and you saw Rogers and Sam running towards you.
"We heard a gunshot, is everything ok?", Cap asked as soon as he crouched down, in a protective tone, checking on you. Sam studied the unconscious Barnes and celebrated.
"It was either that, or my acidic saliva," you playfully explained.
Bucky woke up feeling a huge weight on his head, his ear was ringing, and one of his arms was trapped in a vibranium cuff. He looked around, the room quite distinctive compared to a standard hospital room. SHIELD had their eyes on him, but at that moment, the three of you were alone with him with the help of Sharon Carter. The soldier let out a grunt in response to the throbbing pain in his head. He looked to the left side and saw you sitting in an uncomfortable chair, while looking at the full moon through the window.
He sighed, he was tired and he knew he remembered her from the first moment she appeared. On the other side of the room, Steve and Sam approached him, both with their arms crossed.
"Bucky?", the blonde asked, he nodded with his head down. Steve stared at Sam, both looking at each other, and Salvadore got to her feet, getting closer to the bed.
"You wore newspapers in your shoes," he replied, amused but still bitter. Rogers knew that no one would know as much about him as his former friend.
"Good to see you again, Bucky", you looked at him and received a pleading look. Your faces spoke to each other. "Do you remember me now?"
"I remember everyone," the tone that came out of his mouth couldn't almost be heard. His face was still staring at the floor. "All the ones I killed and the ones I almost killed."
He glanced at Steve and Sam, the last time they saw each other was at the assassination attempt with the Hellicarriers in Washington. At the time, Barnes brought Cap back from the water, where they both nearly drowned.
Both Steve and Wilson noticed you would like to talk to the soldier in front of you and left the two of you alone in the room. You dragged a chair next to him and sat down.
"Next time you don't cooperate, I'll do as Sam said", your hand reached the shoulder of his bionic arm, where you deposited a suggestive slap, he laughed softly.
Barnes looked up and stared at you, blue eyes sparkling, flickering. You noticed how different he is when he's brainwashed. His pupils, hiding the ocean behind all of that darkness he had. When he's James Bucky Barnes, you're able to see through them, as clear as water.
"Thanks for saving me. I don't know if I'm worth all this," he said. You understand that living inside a head like his leads to endless questions about life, getting second chances, receiving your redemption.
You bit your inner lower lip and placed your hand on the man's chin, lifting his neck in a demonstration that he cannot lower his head and bow down for HYDRA to control him.
"That's not you, Bucky. You're here and now we're going to help you get out of this whole thing."
"All they have to do is say the damn words, I have no control over that", the taste in his mouth was bitter, and so was the tone in his voice.
"You'll be fine," you assured. With his free hand, he took yours. "I'll let you rest".
On an impulse, as you made your way to place a kiss on his forehead, he pulled your neck up and laced your lips with his in a lingering, wet kiss.
The air in the room seemed to have dissipated and it seemed increasingly difficult to breathe during those few seconds. With his forehead against yours and his hand tangled in your hair, Barnes let out between his lips on yours: "I can't thank you enough."
You knew you did the right thing when you decided to agree to help Steve and Sam capture Barnes. You knew that there was an exchange of energy before that had been there for a long time, bound to happen at any moment.
The first time around, things didn't work out the way they should have, but you knew the man behind the Winter Soldier, you knew that behind that stout body, that metallic arm with the imprint of his long past, he was worth all that.
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vampibrainrot · 1 year
Zealot/Lady Zannah of Khera reading guide
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Lady Zannah is a high-ranking member of the CODA Sisterhood, a women-only group of warriors and a very influential party in the Kheran government.
After being stranded on Earth, Zealot created her version of the CODA, training women on the kherubim ways of war and fighting. After thousands of years of having a hand in many Historical events, Zealot (and Grifter) stepped out of the shadows and joined the WildC.A.T.S, a superhero team financed by the HALO Corporation and composed of descendants of the other kherubim living on Earth, to help fight in the war against the Deamonites.
Wildstorm Universe
-WildC.A.T.S (1992) #0 - #13
-WildC.A.T.S Trilogy (1993) #1 - #3
-WildC.A.T.S sourcebook (1993)
-Shadowhawk (1992) #13
-WildC.A.T.S (1992) #14 - #17
-Stormwatch (1992) #18
-Backlash (1992) #4
-WildC.A.T.S (1992) #18 - #19
Wildstorm Rising (1995) #1
Wildstorm Universe sourcebook (1995)
WildC.A.T.S (1992) #20
Union (1993) #4
Wetworks (1994) #8
Grifter (1994) #1
Backlash (1992) #8
Stormwatch (1992) #22
Wildstorm Rising (1995) #2
Spartan: warrior spirit (1995) #1 - #4
Voodoo/Zealot: skin trade (1995) #1
Zealot (1995) #1 -#3
WildC.A.T.S (1992) #22
Grifter (1995) #7 - #8
Spawn/WildC.A.T.S (1995) #1 - #4
Fire from Heaven (1995) #1
WildC.A.T.S (1992) #28 - #29
Backlash (1992) #20
WildC.A.T.S (1992) #30
Gen13 (1995) #11
Fire from Heaven (1995) #2
Deathblow (1993) #29
Shattered Image (1996) #2 -4
WildC.A.T.S (1992) #31 -34
Mars Attack Image
Grifter (1995) #9
WildC.A.T.S (1992) #35 - #37
Grifter (1995) #10
Backlash (1992) #31
WildC.A.T.S (1992) #38 - #40
JLA/WildC.A.T.S (1997)
X-Men/WildC.A.T.S (1997) #1 - 3
Wildcore (1997) #1 -2
Gen12 (1998) #2 & #5
Wildcats/Aliens (1998)
WildC.A.T.S (1999) #1 & #4 - #5
Wildcats: Mosaic (1999)
Wildcats (1999) #22 - #23 & #27
Wildcats version 3.0 (2002) #9, #13, #15, #19 - #21, #23 - #24
Wildcats: Nemesis (2005) #1 - #9
Majestic (2005) #8 - #17
Captain Atom: Armageddon (2005) #2 - 5
Wildcats (2006) #1*
Wildcats: Armageddon (2007) #1
Wildstorm Revelations (2007) #4 - #6
- DC/Wildstorm: Dreamwar (2008) #1 - #6
Number of the Beast (2008) #8
Wildcats (2008) #1
The Authority (2008) #1
Wildcats (2008) #2 - 18
The Authority (2008) #18
Wildcats (2008) #19 - #30
Prime Earth/Post Flashpoint
Deathstroke (2011) #9 - #13
Stormwatch (2011) #17 & #18
Batman: Urban Legends(2021) #4 - #6
Wildcats (2022) #1
Wildstorm 30th years anniversary (2022)
DC's Grifter got run over by a reindeer (2022) #1
Wildcats (2022) #3 -?
The ones mentioned here are out of continuity
The Wild Storm (2017)
Superman vs Lobo (2021)
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spidantic · 2 years
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My second book, Draconian Aria, is out now! Sometimes a family is a deranged mage, his living sword, the devil’s daughter, and two cambions, Now somewhat settled into his new lot in life as one of the devil’s debtors, Draco finds his finds himself assaulted and kidnapped by an enigmatic angelic figure and put on trial for the great many sins he’s dealt while doing the devil’s work, and he must endure having his fractured brain picked and displayed for the inquiry of an uncaring interloper. Meanwhile his daughter Cicula and his son Lach set out on their own journey into his past, to determine just who he pissed off this time and where they’ve taken him. Yet Lucifer’s myriad machinations toil on eternally in his war against an absentee God, and as the pieces gradually fall into place towards fulfilling the prophecies of John the Revelator, the shadow of Armageddon reveals you can’t trust anyone, not even yourself. The Millennium of Stagnation must end at any cost, even if it means the end of the world. [Amazon] [Barnes & Noble]
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hello there, dear mods. I happen to be looking for some fics where Aziraphael and Crowley raise Adam together. Either that or they have their own child (not necessarily looking for mpreg here, they're an angel and a demon, idk maybe the almighty gave them a child? But I won't complain if you throw some mpreg there either)
Hi! At this point we have about as many #kid fics as there are on ao3, so go wild looking through our tag. Here are more to add to the apparently never-ending collection!...
Instructions Unclear; Seeking Divine Intervention by Alycat44 (T)
“The spare,” the nun says, passing the basket Crowley brought back to him.
“The what.”
Crowley wouldn’t get his answer, and left holding a basket with an infant he is fully unequipped for dealing with, he does the only sensible thing he could think of; he calls a nominally-friendly acquaintance for some help.
BlyBlythe by Dannye Chase (G)
Lonely lighthouse keeper Aziraphale Fell becomes father to a lost baby mermaid and falls in love with a pirate. Whoever said the lighthouse service was boring? The baby liked to play in the bay most of the day. They caught fish, which Aziraphale cooked for them both. The baby was a surprisingly fast crawler on land, using their arms and wiggling their tail. They liked to be chased. The first time Aziraphale ever heard the baby laugh was when he was jogging after them as they crawled across the lawn. It was a bubbly, cheerful sound that nearly melted Aziraphale’s heart. Aziraphale knew he could not keep thinking of them as “the baby.” A name was needed. "Pearl" seemed too obvious, as did "Stormy." That day on the lawn, hearing the baby laugh, Aziraphale picked the name "Blythe," which meant happy. Certainly, he himself had never been happier.
This Good News by kijikun (M)
Crowley and Aziraphale have received a very special delivery.
Omens of a Bright and Peculiar Future by AgentStannerShipper (T)
When angels were created, they were programmed with a sort of reproductive delay, intended to be used after the war. Aziraphale chose to remain on Earth, rather than return to Heaven, with the assistance of Crowley, his longtime-friend-turned-lover. Now both have to live with the repercussions of that decision.
They can't say they're unhappy about it.
Growing Up Ineffable by foolish__wit (T)
When a demon and an angel love each other very much they consult their witch friend to look into some more... magical options.
Unconventional love calls for unconventional conception. Ten years post the Armageddon that wasn't as well as two years of marital bliss have seen a certain angel and demon wanting to take the next step in their relationship, having children of their very own. But, this is an occult and ethereal being we're talking about, so everything relating to their little bundle of joy is a tad unusual.
Fledging by FeralTuxedo (M)
Cool Dad was at the school gate again. Clambering out of his ridiculous sports car like a great big spider, all black denim and designer sunglasses. What a prat. He made his way towards the entrance, followed by his equally lanky son. All the mums' eyes were on him. Which was fine. At least they weren't staring at Aziraphale for a change. Cool Dad high-fived his son goodbye, because of course he did, then sauntered back to his car. Making it look so bloody easy.
Aziraphale Fell is much too young to be looking after eleven-year old Pepper. He barely has his life together as it is, with his minimum-wage job and a half-baked dream of trading rare books for a living. And as if adopting a recently bereaved pre-teen isn’t enough, there are some rather more adult problems to navigate: playground politics, the shadows of his own childhood, and the growing question of how Crowley, the only other dad at the school gate, feels about him.
A human AU/kid fic.
- Mod D
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doctorwhogirlie · 6 months
Doctor Who: The Armageddon
Season Sixteen ✨ 1978 - 1979 ✨
Doctor: 4th
Story Length: 6 Episodes
Companions: Romana I and K9 Mark II
Main Setting: Atrios, Zeos, the third planet
Main Enemy: The Shadow
Creatures: Atrion, Time Lords
My Personal Rating: 4/10
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The final segment of the Key to Time is at the heart of a devastating war between neighbouring planets Atrios and Zeos. The Fourth Doctor discovers that a sinister entity is manipulating events and the cost of obtaining the final segment may be more personal than he imagined. Source.
I dunno if it's just me but this story gave me serious Star Wars vibes! I think it may have been certain editings and effects, but yeah, not a bad thing though, just a cool thing I thought. Overall this story was okay, I'm glad the Keys of Time story is over, I didn't enjoy that all much, we get to see 'Romana II' in this one, but she's not playing Romana II just yet, but that was cool.
(Please don't take these too seriously, I am not a real life reviewer, just someone who likes the show)
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lucascecil · 1 year
Fourth Doctor - Project: Blue Box
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TV stories
◆ Robot
◆ The Ark in Space
◆ The Sontaran Experiment
◆ Genesis of the Daleks
◆ Revenge of the Cybermen
◆ Terror of the Zygons
◆ Planet of Evil
◆ Pyramids of Mars
◆ The Android Invasion
◆ The Brain of Morbius
◆ The Seeds of Doom
◆ The Masque of the Mandragora
◆ The Hand of Fear
◆ The Deadly Assassin
◆ The Face of Evil
◆ The Robots of Death
◆ The Talons of Weng-Chiang
◆ Horror of Fang Rock
◆ The Invisible Enemy
◆ Image of the Fendahl
◆ The Sun Makers
◆ Underworld
◆ The Invasion of Time
◆ The Ribos Operation
◆ The Pirate Planet
◆ The Stones of Blood
◆ The Androids of Tara
◆ The Power of Kroll
◆ The Armageddon Factor
◆ Destiny of the Daleks
◆ City of Death
◆ The Creature from the Pit
◆ Nightmare of Eden
◆ The Horns of Nimon
◆ Shada
◆ The Leisure Hive
◆ Meglos
◆ Full Circle
◆ State of Decay
◆ Warrior’s Gate
◆ The Keeper of Traken
◆ Logopolis
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Audio stories
- 4th Doctor Adventures & Audio Novels
◆ The Watchers
◆ Night of the Stormcrow
◆ Destination: Nerva
◆ The Renaissance Man
◆ The Wrath of the Iceni
◆ Energy of the Daleks
◆ Trail of the White Worm/The Oseidon Adventures
◆ The Auntie Matter
◆ The Sands of Life/War Against the Laan
◆ The Justice of Jalxar
◆ Phantoms of the Deep
◆ The Dalek Contract/The Final Phase
◆ The King of Sontar
◆ White Ghosts
◆ The Crooked Man
◆ The Evil One
◆ Last of the Colophon
◆ Destroy the Infinite
◆ The Abandoned
◆ Zygon Hunt
◆ The Exxilons
◆ The Darkness of Glass
◆ Requiem for the Rocket Men
◆ Death Match
◆ Suburban Hell
◆ The Cloisters of Terror
◆ The Fate of Krelos/Return to Telos
◆ Wave of Destruction
◆ The Labyrinth of Buda Castle
◆ The Paradox Planet/Legacy of Death
◆ Gallery of Ghouls
◆ The Trouble with Drax
◆ The Pursuit of History/Casualties of Time
◆ The Beast of Kravenos
◆ The Eternal Battle
◆ The Silent Scream
◆ Dethras
◆ The Haunting of Malkin Place
◆ Subterranea
◆ The Mavellan Grave
◆ The Skin of the Sleek/The Thief Who Stole Time
◆ The Sons of Kaldor
◆ The Crowmarsh Experiment
◆ The Mind Runners/The Demon Rises
◆ The Shadow of London
◆ The Bad Penny
◆ Kill the Doctor!/The Age of Sutekh
◆ The Sinestran Kill
◆ Planet of the Drashigs
◆ The Enchantress of Numbers
◆ The False Guardian/Time’s Assassin
◆ Fever Island
◆ The Perfect Prisoners
◆ Purgatory 12
◆ Chase the Night
◆ The Planet of the Witches
◆ The Quest of the Engineer
◆ Shadow of the Sun
◆ The World Traders
◆ The Day of the Comet
◆ The Tribulations of Thadeus Nook
◆ The Primeval Design
◆ Blood of the Time Lords
◆ The Ravencliff Witch
◆ The Dreams of Avarice
◆ Shellshock
◆ Peake Season
◆ Ice Heist
◆ Antilia the Lost
◆ The Wizard of Time
◆ The Friendly Invasion
◆ Stone Cold
◆ The Ghost of Margaret
◆ Storm of the Sea Devils
◆ World Beyond
◆ Matryoshka
◆ The Caged Assassin
◆ Metamorphosis
◆ The Face in the Storm
◆ Dominant Species
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- The Companion Chronicles
◆ The Child
◆ The Catalyst
◆ Empathy Games
◆ The Time Vampire
◆ Ferril’s Folly
◆ Tales from the Vault
◆ The Stealers from Saiph
◆ The Beautiful People
◆ The Pyralis Effect
◆ Luna Romana
◆ The Invasion of E-Space
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- The Lost Stories
◆ The Foe from the Future
◆ The Valley of Death
◆ The Doomsday Contract
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- Past Doctors, New Monsters
◆ Night of the Vashta Nerada
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- Phillip Hinchcliffe Presents
◆ The Ghosts of Gralstead
◆ The Devil’s Armada
◆ The Genesis Chamber
◆ The Helm of Awe
◆ The God of Panthoms
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- Short Trips
◆ #HarrySullivan
◆ Collector’s Item
◆ The Wondrous Box
◆ How to Win Planets and Influence People
◆ Chain Reaction
◆ Only Connect
◆ Deleted Scenes
◆ The Revisionists
◆ Death-Dealer
◆ The Ghost Trap
◆ Black Dog
◆ The Beast of Muir
◆ Sound the Siren and I’ll Come To You Comrade
◆ The Smallest Bride
◆ String Theory
◆ I Am the Master
◆ The Warren Legacy
◆ The Doctor’s First XI
◆ The Old Rogue
◆ Breadcrumbs
◆ Waiting for Gadot
◆ A Full Life
◆ Messages from the Dead
◆ Erasure
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◆ The Romance of Crime
◆ System Shock
◆ Managra
◆ The English Way of Crime
◆ The Shadow of Weng-Chiang
◆ A Device of Death
◆ The Well-Mannered War
◆ Eye of Heaven
◆ Last Man Running
◆ Millenium Shock
◆ Corpse Maker
◆ Tomb of Valdemar
◆ Festival of Death
◆ Asylum
◆ Psi-ence
◆ Drift
◆ Wolfsbane
◆ Match of the Day
◆ The Drasten Curse
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