#Shade net dealers
kamadhenutarpaulins · 3 months
Shade net dealers in Bangalore
Kamadhenu Tarpaulins is a trusted name and recognized as the Top Quality shade net dealers in Bangalore. Whether you need shade nets for nurseries, agricultural farms, or residential gardens, We provide durable and UV-resistant solutions.
We are specialized in providing high-quality shade nets that offer optimal shade and ventilation. Our range includes nets suitable for greenhouses, garden shading, and crop protection. Our Nets is known for its durable and long-lasting products, making them a preferred supplier for farmers, landscapers, and gardening enthusiasts. Whether it's creating comfortable outdoor spaces or protecting crops from excessive sunlight, Kamadhenu Tarpaulins offers versatile options. Our commitment to quality and customization has earned them a reputation as a reliable shade net dealer in Bangalore.
Also we focuses on providing shade nets tailored for agricultural applications. From nurseries to large farms, their shade nets are designed to enhance crop growth by regulating sunlight exposure. Kamadhenu is known for its durable and cost-effective solutions, making them a preferred choice for farmers looking to optimize their cultivation practices.
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My favorite fics of all time
For my birthday this year (I'm turning 30!!!) I thought what better way to celebrate the day I was born but also ✨ the day all my favorite characters died ✨ by giving you all some good fics! Happy May 2nd!!!
Running on Air (T): An oldy but a goody! I remember reading this a couple years ago when I rediscovered my love for drarry! I had spent my formative years on fanfic dot net obsessing over drarry and this brought it all back in one fell swoop.
Way down we go (T): I stumbled upon this one 2 years ago and I've been rereading it ever since. It's silly and lovely and they are in Alabama. What more could be said about it? A fantastic and beautiful story and I love it so much.
A big black sky (M): if I had to pick only one fic to read for the rest of my life, it would be this one. I love everything about this fic. It's sweet and loving and kind and wholesome and so sad and just wretchedly the best thing I've read. I reread this at least 2 times a year. And every reread it just gets better and better!
A pulled down shade (M): this one is newer to my list but I can already say this is a great and phenomenal fic! The author put their soul into this fic you can really tell, the effort and the love and the hard work. Truly an amazing read and an amazing story!!!
Nice things (M): I'm a sucker for an eighth year fic and this one is very good. I love a pot smoking draco something about it really gives me the vibes I don't know why. This whole fic is wholesome and it deserves so much love!
You've got the antidote for me (M): listen. Soulmate fics. I need more of them okay? I need so many. I love them so much they make me physically ill. Read this it's so good and sweet with a touch of sad.
Burn the witch (E): big fan of the bodyguard trope! This one also has Scorpius in it and I love when Scorpius is in things it makes me happy every time! But a good fic, very interesting plot and the characterization is very good and the ocs are super good too!!
I was late (you were early) (E): one of those "if we both aren't married in 10 years" fics and it's so good! There's also one in draco's pov I'll find you again (I always do)! It's a very cute story and I loved it a whole lot!
Everything a word can mean (T): a short and sweet little ficlet! It's of course a soulmate fic where they have names that their soulmates call them written somewhere on their bodies. And Harry's just so happens to be savior.
10:37 PM on the Floor of the Seventh Floor Corridor Near the Dancing Trolls (G): another short and sweet ficlet! Takes place during 6th year outside of the room of requirement! Very good and I love the characterization and I enjoy the authors take on this part of the books!
Say anything (M): professors au is one of my favorite aus!!!! And mic it with a French speaking draco and a secretly French speaking Harry! It only gets better!!
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) (T): I loved this fic a whole lot and really enjoyed the dynamic between Harry and Ginny in his oddly enough. I thought it was a very real and thought out fic that also at the same time was wholesome and sweet while going over sexuality and desire. I loved it a whole lot and it made my demisexual heart sing when I saw asexual rep.
Nearly lost things, carefully tended (E): antiques dealer draco and home owner Harry! Harry has some weird things for Draco to look at and he certainly doesn't pick the weirdest things he can find just for the blonde. Nah. Read it. It's great and silly and overall very fun!
I can't think of any more but make sure you leave comments and kudos if you like a fic!!
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alectoperdita · 1 year
What if for the prompt kaijou with 45 or 40? Dealers choice. Maybe for 40 kaiba dresses up as kaibaman for mokuba or xyz reason & he’s really nice to jou through the anonymity of his costume? 🤔
From Put That Guy in a Situation(TM) Ask Game
Read the previous prompt fill for 45 here
40. Identity reveal/major secret revealed
One day, Seto would wring Pegasus's lily white neck. Not today, but someday. And soon.
Tribute, his ass. There was no reason for Pegasus to make such a card other than to make him a laughingstock. He even named it after Kaiba.
What a ridiculous "monster" design. From the helmet to the flowing brown locks to the mockery of his trademark coat. Kaiba didn't even wear that coat anymore. He constantly reinvented his look to keep his image from going stale. Yet that was still the one most people remembered and would remember, thanks to Pegasus memorializing it in card form.
Mokuba loved it, though. And as much as Kaiba loved his little brother, he sometimes despaired over his lack of taste. Being fourteen only excused him up to a certain point.
It was also because of his love for his brother that he suffered his current indignity—traipsing around his amusement park dressed as one of his least favorite monsters, Kuriboh included.
For KaibaLand's third anniversary, the company had organized a slew of events in the week leading up to the event, including special shows, limited edition merchandise sold only on park grounds, and a mini tournament. All in the name of drumming up attendance. And it worked like a charm.
Tickets sold out weeks in advance. Day after day, they hit the attendance limit. Security caught their fair share of stragglers trying to sneak in through the side entrances. Products flew off the gift store shelves. They could barely keep them stocked day-to-day.
But it was difficult to bask in the resounding success in his current state. Between the helmet and the meter-long wig, Kaiba perspired as he'd never before in his life. The costume's state-of-the-art fabric could only wick so much sweat. In addition to impeding his peripheral vision, the helmet roasted him. But if he removed it for even a nanosecond, he'd be besieged.
That was because of another of Mokuba's bright ideas—a scavenger hunt. He insisted that guests who weren't Duelists (and Kaiba scarcely believed such people could exist) should have a chance to win prizes, too. Thus, the boy had put together an elaborate list of two hundred items, each worth various amounts of points. At the top, with the possibility of netting the player with almost fifty points, was a photo with Kaiba taken on the day of the anniversary.
But Mokuba was as devious as he was clever. Simply because Kaiba had to be out and about for the game to be fair, it didn't mean Mokuba had to make it easy for them.
Hence, the costume. Literally having him hide in plain sight.
Countless guests had approached him for pictures thus far, but he doubted a single one of them would submit it as part of the scavenger hunt. To them, he was one of the park's many character actors.
It was the perfect disguise for surveying the park in relative peace. Kaibaman the Duel Monsters drew less attention from the crowds than Kaiba Seto. So he could go wherever he pleased without being mobbed.
But he was reaching his limit. He needed to find somewhere secluded and shaded to cool off before heat exhaustion claimed him. That wouldn't be easy, given how crowded it was.
He found one eventually. An oasis of calm among the hustle and bustle. Or it could've been if there weren't already people there—a couple plainly in the middle of a quarrel. That alone should've sent Kaiba speedwalking in the opposite direction.
Except he knew the couple.
Well, he knew one of them. Jounouchi Katsuya remained a bit of a thorn in his side to this day. The boyfriend, though? Kaiba wouldn't have known if he wasn't dating Jounouchi. At least Jounouchi regularly made it to the podium in Duel Monsters tournaments. What's-his-name barely broke the top ten in rankings.
Kaiba hated to say it, but Jounouchi could do better than that loser.
"C'mon, babe, you're blowing this out of proportion," What's-His-Name wheedled as he clung to Jounouchi's elbow.
"Leggo. Don't you 'babe' me. I know what I saw," snarled Jounouchi with clenched fists.
Kaiba wondered if Jounouchi might hit the other man.
What's-His-Name didn't know when to cut his losses, though. "She was hitting on me! I swear!"
"You had your hand in her back pocket."
The loser broke into a cold sweat. Perhaps he didn't expect Jounouchi to be so blunt about the matter, especially in public. Just goes to show how little he understood Jounouchi, then. He switched tactics, instead. "You can't blame me. I mean, you saw how smoking hot she was. Tell me you wouldn't cop a feel if she offered. You swing both ways too."
Without warning, Jounouchi lurched forward, putting him intimately face-to-face with the man. Their roles reversed in a flash; What's-His-Name tried to jerk back, but Jounouchi had captured his wrists.
Jounouchi's gaze was equally steely as he spoke. "No, because being bi doesn't mean being a lying cheat. That's all on you."
To say What's-His-Name was shaken was an understatement. He looked ready to shit himself.
"I'm sorry. It'll never happen again. Gimme another chance, Katsuya—"
Something inside Kaiba recoiled upon hearing Jounouchi's given name. Was he that serious with the loser?
Jounouchi dropped his wrists. "No. We're done. Lose my number."
What's-His-Name really had no self-respect. Or brains. He reached for Jounouchi again despite everything about Jounouchi's body language screamed "DO NOT TOUCH." Kaiba could see it already. The inevitable right hook, the blood, and the screeching, then the many headaches that ensued after a public altercation.
He cleared his throat, and the two other men froze. Slowly, their heads turned, and they both gawked at Kaiba. At his costume.
Fighting the embarrassment brewing under his collar, he pitched his voice lower when he said, "That's enough. He's made his position clear."
Suddenly, Kaiba was immensely grateful for his helmet. It would hide a multitude of sins.
What's-His-Name's gaze flitted back and forth between Jounouchi and Kaiba. Perhaps he had been willing to grovel like a worm, just not in the presence of a third party.
"I'll call you later," he muttered before fleeing the scene.
"Don't bother. I'm blocking ya," Jounouchi called after him. Then, straightening to his full height, which was still shorter than Kaiba, he jutted out his chin and said, "Thanks, but I had that handled."
"I know," Kaiba replied. "It wasn't for your sake. I was saving the idiot from the broken nose he was talking himself into."
He hadn't intervened out of the goodness of his heart. No, the only media circus worse than the one where Jounouchi went public dating another man would be a knock-down, drag-out breakup fight of the same relationship on KaibaLand property. That was something Kaiba wanted to avert at all costs.
Jounouchi blinked. Once. Twice. He threw his head back and laughed, wrapping his arms around his waist while his entire body heaved from it. It was Kaiba's turn to stare. Maybe the breakup hit Jounouchi harder than expected. He was laughing like a loon, with tears now streaming down his cheeks.
Should Kaiba say something?
Should he leave him alone?
To his relief, both the laughter and the tears soon subsided. Jounouchi slumped and perched himself on a low garden wall. While wiping the moisture from his eyes, he patted the empty spot next to him. For a long awkward second, Kaiba debated the wisdom of taking such an invitation. In the end, the shade convinced him and he took a seat, back ramrod straight, beside Jounouchi.
Jounouchi kicked his legs forward, scuffing the sole of his sneakers against the concrete. "Betcha wondering why I was with that bozo."
Kaiba nodded before he could stop himself.
"I mean, it wasn't all bad. We had a lotta fun in the beginning. We saw each other almost every day. Went out together all the time."
Kaiba was aware. For weeks without end, new photos of Jounouchi and his beau surfaced daily in the tabloids and gossip sites.
Jounouchi continued, "Sometimes it felt like he was showing me off. Which was probably the first warning sign now that I think about it. We were out in public all the time, but we barely spent any time where it was just the two of us except for— Never mind, you don't need to know that part."
Heat gathered under Kaiba's tall collar. He silently thanked Jounouchi for his rare discretion.
"But at the time? I gotta admit. It was nice. It felt good to be wanted like that."
Jounouchi finally looked his way. The helmet's limited field of vision ensured he couldn't see much of anything other than Jounouchi's resigned expression. Not unless he turned his head away. That seemed rude even to Kaiba's limited social graces.
Kaiba cleared his throat. "It doesn't give him the right to treat you like that, especially after you came out for him."
"What? Nah! Please! That was the press blowing shit out of proportion. I've been telling 'em I ain't straight forever. They just didn't believe me until they saw me with a man with their own damn eyes. Dunno if they thought it was a publicity stunt or something, but it's not like I was hiding it." Jounouchi rolled his eyes, then shook his head. "It's so hard to find guys to date."
Kaiba caught himself before he nodded.
"I mean, don't get me wrong, this sucks. Breaking up sucks. But I ain't heartbroken about it. I just wish it hadn't turned out like this. I know it sounds insane, but shit like this makes me feel like I'll never be good enough." Jounouchi slumped forward to assume a rather defeated posture. His bangs fell over his eyes, obscuring them. He didn't move for several moments, leading Kaiba to wonder if he was crying for real despite his insistence he wasn't heartbroken. A deep sigh heaved out of the man. "Anyway, sorry for dumping all that on you, man—"
Kaiba cut him off. "You'll find someone better."
Jounouchi shot up. He gawked at Kaiba with wide eyes. "Ya think?"
"He was beneath you. His best tournament ranking was thirteen." Disdain seeped into Kaiba's tone. "And that's when he breaks the top twenty."
Jounouchi's shoulders shook as he bit his bottom lip. It took him a beat to recompose himself. "God, of course, that's the part you're most outraged about."
Was Kaiba supposed to be offended? Jounouchi made it sound like he was the ridiculous one here. He left it alone, though. Jounouchi was laughing again. It was a vast improvement over the gloom that previously wreathed him.
"Well, I actually feel tons better now." Jounouchi flashed a lopsided grin. The idiot always looked better with a smile, no matter how vapid. "So thanks for that, Kaiba."
He stiffened. Not Kaibaman. Just Kaiba. "Excuse me?"
Jounouchi tipped the helmet back to unveil Kaiba's stunned face. "Your Christian Bale Batman impression could use some work."
Heat engulfed Kaiba from head to toe. The glaring afternoon sun may not be to blame. He groped for something to say. Anything. But Jounouchi caught him red-handed. What could he possibly say to justify himself?
Jounouchi let go. The helmet slipped back into place, obscuring the top half of Kaiba's face once more. Through the lenses, Kaiba watched him intently as the man stood and stretched, extending both arms to the sky.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone"—Jounouchi glanced back and winked—"it's you in the costume."
Read other prompt fill ficlets here
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britishassistant · 2 years
I got an idea, Yuu gets sent to the sports devision of their company for a bit because of someone going on like maternity leave or something. Yuu thinks that it’ll be a nice little vacation from constant kidnappings, but no turns out Charon wanted to interrupt the broadcast of the latest magishift game with his overwatch stream, and ortho shows up and yoinks Yuu back to the Charon’s lair so they have a firsthand account on how good Charon is at overwatch and how e-sports deserves their own channel.
Then the next week King and Octo dealer “team” up to flood the stadium, mainly because it’s Kings least favorite team and Octo dealer wanted to advertise a new underwater themed restaurant and poor Yuu just wants a break from all of this water when Royal flush dumps a load of stolen tea into the flooded stadium, because why not.
And when Yuu is sent to write an article on a archery tournament, funded by the famous Vil schoenheit who Yuu has a seat next to and Vil’s been such a sweetheart to them, offering water and a shade umbrella. The Huntsman shows up, smokes the competition and tries to pull a Robin Hood and get a kiss from Yuu for his victory, which vil calls security and huntsman decides to get his kiss later and flees.
Then later Viper takes the sports news office hostage for a bit, something about the Asim family’s magishift team playing today , Yuu becomes Vipers secretary for a bit, being forced to write the negotiation emails while Viper is sitting next to them resting his head on their shoulder, of course someone took a photo of them sitting like that and for the next few weeks, viper got his all his plans ruined by the others.
And on the last day of working in the sports sector, Tsunotaro just had to show up and take Yuu away, demanding attention because he hasn’t seen his favorite reporter in a few months, dragging them off to some abandoned building to tour, picking them bridal style after awhile and after mentioning how they seem a bit lighter than usual, dragging Yuu out to an expensive restaurant to eat and dropping Yuu off at their apartment afterwards like a gentleman.
At least Yuu got paid well after all of this and got some time off (basing that off that sport newscaster and reporters get paid a bit more compared to investigative reporters were I’m from)
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
Yuu didn’t think it would be an easy few weeks, per say. They know the basic rules of most sports, but not enough about the more intricate details to really feel confident about reporting on them.
But Yuna-san told them it would mean a pay raise while they did it and Yukari-senpai seemed really happy when they agreed to cover for her maternity leave so she could go be with her wife and their new baby boy. How bad could it be?
Yuu should have never asked that question.
The first days of the first week gives them hope, is the sad thing.
They study up so they can accurately report on who scored higher than who in what sport, and what that means for each team in the long run. By the third day, of the largest basketball game the city has hosted in a while, between the home boys and the favorites of the national league, Yuu’s almost feeling confident about their ability to report on it.
Which is exactly when Hermes breaks into the press box to kidnap them halfway through the first set.
They try explaining to him on the way to Charon’s lair why this time it really is important that he takes them back, even appealing to Charon himself once they arrive at his lair.
Unfortunately, Yuu has managed to hit on one of Idia’s bugbears—that anyone could enjoy a dirty, sweaty, “real” sport over the obviously superior E-sports that the net has to offer! He’s a finalist in the first ever Herowatch 2 tournament after the developers shut down the first Herowatch’s servers, but does any of that get mentioned on the news?! No!
Idia decides to rectify this clear mistake by taking the entire basketball stadium hostage, using his drones to forcibly clear the court so he can use the space to stream his e-tournament for the audience’s enjoyment! Surely, with Yuu commentating over this, he’ll be able to wake up so many of these sheeple to how much better e-sports are!!
It takes five hours for Herowatch 2 to let him get to the main menu, only for it to boot him from his team and cause an automatic disqualification in the first minute of the match.
There’s the sound of a controller being thrown against a wall and Yuu and Ortho awkwardly attempting to comfort the supervillain.
Yuu is thinking that at least basketball isn’t as major a sport in the city as Magift. It still doesn’t instill them with confidence when they’re told in week 2 that they’ll need to report on a major Magift playoffs game.
They at least won’t be one of the main people reporting on it—that’s reserved for the big national stations, with professional sports reporters who do this as a career. Yuu will just be down in the press box, scribbling notes for reporting on the game afterwards.
Which, given it’s perfect view of the field and not of the stands, is why they don’t notice the slouching and upright vendors who’ve been handing out free sodas and water to all the fans until it’s too late.
Even as they catch a glimpse and realization dawns, there’s a crackle of static as the announcers’ voices suddenly cut off, replaced with King’s dulcet tones dismissing the game as a wash because he dislikes one of the teams. A chill goes down Yuu’s spine as they hear him go, “maybe you herbivores would understand if it was more literal, yeah?”
Which is when salt water begins bursting from every entrance to the stadium.
The press box is glass, and the door seems to be an airtight fire door of some kind, but Yuu can’t help crying out in horror as the water level rises above the heads of all the fans and players—!
Which is when a scuffle comes over the loudspeakers and Leviathan’s slick voice announces that all the drinks the fans were provided with free of charge and the water the players have been hydrating themselves with were dosed with the same serum that allows tourists to the Coral Sea to breathe underwater.
Yuu watches, nonplussed, as Jade and Floyd in their natural forms place a device down in the middle of the field that somehow unfolds to a full-scale bar, complete with freestanding tables and stools. Azul only gets part of the way through his explanation of his new Monstro Lounge location before Leona steals the microphone back out of boredom, and a scuffle ensues.
All the while, Yuu’s attention is suddenly caught by something dropping through the open top of the stadium, which then begins leeching a brown color into the surrounding water…
Royal is screeching. That tea was meant for the audience and the players to drink, in accordance with Rule 523: Exertions other than crocket must be sated with oolong tea! Now the tea can’t even be drunk, it’s all salty and ruined!
It takes a very, very long time for the stadium to be drained, and Yuu has a migraine pounding behind their eyes from the supervillain’s squabbling by the time they get home.
After this debacle, the option to just write an article on an upcoming archery tournament is practically a relief.
Even more so when it turns out Vil Schoenheit is there. The actor tells them that he’s there to support one of his juniors, and Yuu’s pleasantly surprised to see Epel in the line up, looking like he’s not about to go all evil magical boy for once, actually excited to compete and show off his physical prowess.
Yuu graciously accepts Vil’s offer to sit in his box with him, so they can cheer Epel on together (they privately rationalize it as payment for not letting the actor know his “junior” is actually a supervillain’s minion). It’s nice, getting to chat generally while complimenting or lightly joking about the efforts of each of the participants.
And then the masked archer appears on the field in a plume of violet smoke.
It’s the Huntsman. It’s very obviously the Huntsman, even before his voice praising the beauté of the efforts of the previous archers rings out.
He casually nocks several arrows in rapid succession and lets fly a string of bulls-eyes on every target as he strolls across the field towards Vil’s box.
Yuu’s already standing, with one arm thrown out to shield Vil by the time the Huntsman leans against it, smiling winningly up at them and saying, “Traditionally, it is custom for les plus beaux du monde to give un ‘tit bisou to the vainqueur, n’est pas, Trickester?”
Yuu’s saved from doing much more than stuttering as they fluster by Poison Apple appearing from nowhere (re: Epel’s dressing room) and attempt to drop kick the Huntsman’s head. From there, it devolves into an all out brawl between the two minions.
Vil Schoenheit luckily has a cool head on his shoulders and nerves of steel, because he’s very quick to direct security to take care of the villains and evacuate alongside Yuu, while not looking more than mildly annoyed all the while.
(Poison Queen is seething. It seems both his minions will be needing as lesson in manners and who exactly is allowed to ask for kisses from whom later.)
They’ve learned enough from all this to be preemptively wary when they’re told they’ll be reporting on another Magift game from the studio the next week.
Even though it’s a small game this time, between two local college teams, their heart sinks faster when they hear one of the Asim children is on the more prestigious team, which has also has the Asim Conglomerate sponsoring it and most of the advertisers who are being featured during the breaks.
It’s hardly a surprise when several of the interns and sound crew begin acting strangely, before taking their colleagues hostage alongside some disguised Scarabia minions and shutting off the room from the rest of the building so Snake Charmer and Water Boy can come waltzing in.
Yuu is pretty much resigned to it when the supervillain effectively deputizes them during the broadcast to write hostage negotiation emails that mainly consist of the Asim family signing all the revenue their advertising companies earn over to Snake Charmer.
Water Boy has taken over the actually reporting bit of the broadcast, which seems to have devolved into airing all the embarrassing things the Asim kid on the team used to do when he was little, though how he got that information, Yuu has no idea.
As the day goes on, Snake Charmer seems to have decided that his ideal seating position is stealing Yuu’s chair and pulling them into his lap, hooking his chin over their shoulder as he dictates threats and demands, occasionally dragging his knuckles or splaying a hand over their vulnerable stomach, delighting in the way it makes Yuu jump.
Of course, Snake Charmer seems to have forgotten that the cameras are still rolling. (Jamil will maintain after weeks of sabotaged schemes that it was worth it.)
By the time they reach the end of their tenure, Yuu’s exhausted.
They really don’t put up much of a fight when Malleus appears as they’re walking from the bus stop and scoops them up.
Malleus, noting this odd compliance without even a hint of banter, and how they look worryingly drawn and haggard, decides to cut their building tour short so he can ensure his child of man gets some good (if shockingly expensive) food into them and sees them home for a good night’s sleep.
Yuu, unheeding of the fact that it is two in the afternoon, immediately collapses into bed.
Grim finds them there and curls up on their face to sleep as well.
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cuprohastes · 2 years
We didn't start the bullshit...
... It's always been there, jsut in different piles.
In the 80s, schools told kids that wearing a Walkman was bad because hey, we heard about this one kid who was so busy listening to his walkman that he walked in front of a car. Bam splat. Ded. Because that's what Walkmans did to you.
True story.
Brought to you by the same people who assured us that the world was just wall to wall with drug dealers who'd give you that first hit for free to get you addicted and within 3 days of snorting a reefer, you'd be injecting heroin directly into your eyeballs with a turkey baster that had been used to scratch a cow's arse or something deranged.
This was delivered by a guy wearing mostly shades of brown, who was chain-smoking something that was pretty much road tar with some asbestos and formaldehyde for flavour, and drinking something called Babycham which had a label that turned about 36% of kids into furries.
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Not that you could do much about it since the invention of the Interconnected Furry Network, a subset of which is called "The Inter- Net" had to wait for Tim "Bearness" Berners-Lee to stop messing with his Fursuit and finish coming up with an acronym to call his new network tech.
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sudharshanaddpack · 2 months
How to Get the Best Woven Fabric at the Most Affordable Rates
Polypropylene (PP) woven fabric is widely used in different sectors because of its excellent strength, elasticity and reasonable price. Thus, the search for high-quality pp woven fabric manufacturer in India has been on the rise, and India has become one of the leaders in the market, which is home to many leading manufacturers. In this article, we will discuss about the top players in the market for PP woven fabric in India and where you can get the best prices to fulfill your requirements.
PP Woven Fabric and its Properties
PP woven fabric is a kind of textile that is produced by weaving polypropylene strips into a robust and sturdy mesh like structure. Being very strong and at the same time quite resistant to moisture, this fabric is used in packaging materials, agriculture, construction, and many other areas. Key applications of PP woven fabric include:Key applications of PP woven fabric include:
- Packaging: Applied in the production of bags, sacks and geotextile materials.
- Agriculture: These are used in crop protection, as ground covers, and as shade nets.
- Construction: Used to prevent seepage of water and also as a reinforcement material.
The Cheapest PP Woven Fabric in India
To get the best offers on PP woven fabric in India one has to look for the best option available, quality of the fabric, price and how reliable the suppliers are. Here are some tips to help you secure the best deals:Here are some tips to help you secure the best deals:
1. Online Marketplaces:
Some of the sources for obtaining a large variety of PP woven fabric suppliers from India include IndiaMART, TradeIndia, and Alibaba. These platforms enable one to compare and contrast products, prices, and the supplier’s rating hence increasing our chances of getting a good deal. Guarantees, reviews, and specifications of many manufacturers are available on the internet and can be used to make a proper choice.
2. Trade Shows and Exhibitions:
Visit trade fairs and exhibitions that are specific to the domains of textiles and packaging material to find the best PP woven fabric maker. Mega events like India International Trade Fair (IITF) and Plastindia are to establish contacts with the suppliers, to see the products and to discuss and conclude business deals.
3. Direct Manufacturer Contact:
Contacting the manufacturers including Gopinath Enterprise, Rishi FIBC Solutions, Sandeep Polymers and Commercial Syn Bags Ltd can assist in getting a direct quote and thus a cheaper price. It is mostly easier and cheaper to get in touch with manufacturers who are then able to offer better solutions and prices.
4. Bulk Purchasing:
It is advised that if you plan to buy the PP woven fabric, it would be better to do so in bulk to get the most economical rates per unit. Some companies give discounted rates for bulk purchase because they can produce the items at a rather low cost.
5. Local Distributors:
Local distributors and dealers have the advantage of prior linkages with the manufacturers hence can offer better prices. They can also provide quicker delivery and other services such as storage and handling services.
India has emerged to be a big producer of PP woven fabric used in different industries and comes up with quality products. Leading manufacturers Sudarshan Addpack. To get the best prices of PP woven fabric, one has to search for the product online, visit trade fairs, directly approach the manufacturers, consider buying in large quantities and liaise with the local distributors. Thus, you can get the high-quality PP woven fabric at lower prices and guarantee the effectiveness of your business processes.
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pramodtraders · 3 months
Pramod Traders Wholesale Pipes And Rope Suppliers In Nagpur
Pramod Traders provide your one-stop shop in Nagpur for all types of ropes, pipes, shade nets, newar, and Pola season articles. As a top rope dealer with over 35 years of experience, we offer high-quality products at reasonable prices. We are the central India distributors for Garware Wall Ropes and Maxima Submersible Ropes. Additionally, we provide Samruddhi Unbrecko plastic items, Shivaline tarpaulins, Sonata brand garden pipes, green nets, and Gosaj Pashu Shringar items. Our extensive range includes nylon ropes, synthetic ropes, polypropylene ropes, flexible plastic pipes, and more. As leading wholesale suppliers of ropes and pipes in Nagpur, feel free to contact us for all your needs.
Call for more : +91 98901 65360 , +91 712 2770518, +91 712 2765485
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Visit : https://www.pramodtraders.com/
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sunpowersolar · 5 months
SunPower Solar Panels Review
SunPower solar panels feature patented IBC cells and come with a 25-year product warranty. They also offer a free solar assessment. The process typically starts with a virtual consultation, although site visits may be necessary to check the condition of your roof and electrical panel.
SunPower had some financial issues in 2023, but is still operating as a manufacturer and installer. Its dealers should be vetted on an individual basis.
The cost of SunPower solar panels varies by region. On average, a 5-kW SunPower Equinox system costs $3 per watt, but it can be as low as $2 per watt in some areas. In addition, customers can save up to 50% on energy expenses when utilizing available tax credits and rebates.
The cost of a SunPower solar system depends on the size of your home and how much energy you use. The easiest way to determine the number of panels you need is by calculating your hourly usage using your electricity bill and multiplying it by peak sunlight hours. You can also consider adding a dual-axis tracker, which follows the sun throughout the day and maximizes your solar energy production. However, this option can increase your upfront installation cost. SunPower also offers a free online calculator and design studio that allows you to see what your solar energy system will look like on your roof.
Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of electricity. It can power appliances, heat or cool homes and even charge video games. SunPower solar panels are the most efficient in the industry, generating more power from less sun exposure. They also feature an anti-reflective coating and sleek aesthetics homeowners desire.
The company offers a free virtual consultation to review your home’s solar potential and provide a system design. It will then secure city permits, building approvals and enroll you in available net metering programs. Once you have your permits, the company will install your system within one day. Once the installation is complete, your city will conduct a final inspection and give you permission to turn on your solar energy system.
Life expectancy
The lifespan of solar panels depends on the type you choose and your location. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels tend to last longer than thin film models. They also have lower degradation rates and are less susceptible to microfractures. In addition, they are able to withstand temperature changes without losing power output.
SunPower’s premium solar panels are among the highest-performing models in the industry, with an efficiency rating of up to 22.8% and a power temperature coefficient of -0.27% per degree C. They also offer some of the strongest warranties, including a 40-year product and performance warranty for some models.
These high-efficiency panels are engineered by American engineers and feature a unique shingled design that helps them resist shading. They also have a patented foundation that helps them recuperate energy that would otherwise be lost to heat. As a result, they can deliver a high yield over a long period of time. The company’s newest model, the Maxeon 7 series, boasts an impressive low degradation rate of 0.25% per year and is guaranteed to retain 90% of its original power output after 40 years of use.
SunPower offers one of the best warranties in the industry. Their Complete Confidence warranty includes 25 years of product and performance protection. It also comes with a 10-year warranty for their battery storage system and monitoring software. In addition, they offer an industry-leading 40-year power output warranty.
The company’s warranty is backed by Maxeon IBC cells that are designed with a durable foundation and can withstand high thermal stresses. They also dissipate heat better, reducing the risk of hot spots and micro-cracks that are common with standard solar panels.
The company’s Equinox home solar solution include panels, inverters, and batteries that integrate with their SunVault storage system to save energy for later use. This comprehensive, end-to-end package is backed by an excellent warranty that’s available regardless of which payment method you choose with SunPower. This makes them a great choice for homeowners who want to fight high utility prices.
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slidingdoorwardrobes · 5 months
Where can I find beautiful and affordable PVC blinds for my home
PVC blinds, also known as spectra blinds, are a popular choice for window treatments due to their affordability and versatility. Spectra an ISO 9001:2008 certified mosquito net systems and blinds manufacturing company started in 1996 as headquartered in Hyderabad, spread ourselves with channel partners, dealers and distributors at multiple locations in the country.
As an industry-leading manufacturer in India, we always adhere to the concept of product development and technical innovationYou can find them at various home improvement stores, department stores, and online retailers. Here are some options:
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Home Improvement Stores: Places like Home Depot, Lowe's, or IKEA often carry a variety of PVC blinds in different colors, sizes, and styles. You can visit their stores or check their websites to browse through the options available.
Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, Wayfair, and Overstock offer a wide selection of PVC blinds at competitive prices. You can easily compare different styles and prices from the comfort of your home and read reviews from other customers to help you make an informed decision.
Specialty Blind Retailers: Some retailers specialize in blinds and shades and may offer a larger selection of PVC blinds along with expert advice on installation and maintenance. They might also provide custom options if you have specific requirements for your windows.
Local Shops: Check out local home decor stores or window treatment shops in your area. They might carry PVC blinds or be able to order them for you. Plus, you can support local businesses while finding the perfect blinds for your home.
When shopping for PVC blinds, consider factors like the size of your windows, the color and style of the blinds that will complement your decor, and your budget. Don't forget to measure your windows accurately to ensure a proper fit, and if you're unsure about installation, many retailers offer professional installation services for an additional fee
Spectra Services, Plot No-6/3 C.I.E I.D.A, Gandhi Nagar, Balanagar, Hyderabad – 500037, Telanagana.
+91 9848098863
040 – 23085566
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arthisenterprises · 2 years
Polypropylene Safety Net Manufacturers
Arthi Enterprises is a notorious Polypropylene Safety Net manufacturer in India. The unique construction of the Polypropylene Safety Net manufactured by us includes knotting and passing the work to insure effective shock immersion and thereby minimizing any impact-related injury to the workers. We're having numerous times of experience in Polypropylene Safety Net manufacturing and exporting across the world with our rich artificial moxie and chops. As we insure superior quality safety net products, we're entitled to admit considerable appreciation from our guests spread over the globe. Polypropylene safety net manufacturers use high-quality Polypropylene ropes as per the assiduity norms. The interlaced morass of this Polypropylene Safety Net increases its strength, inflexibility as well as service life. This Polypropylene safety net is available in colorful sizes and colors and can be customized as per the specific requirements of our guests. A wide multifariousness of Polypropylene safety nets is available at the most competitive prices.
Polypropylene Safety Net Manufacturers Product Features
High cargo-bearing capacity
Assured safety
Tough sewing
Longer service life
High quality
Super performance
Polypropylene Safety Net Manufacturers Company Profile
Arthi Enterprises is a commanding name in the arena of safety nets and ropes for use in sports, construction/ artificial, husbandry, mines, etc. We're a reputed manufacturer, supplier, exporter, importer, and dealer of Nylon Nets, HDPE Safety Nets, PP Rope Safety Nets, Double Protection Nets, Heavy Ropes Nets, Nylon Fishing Nets, HDPE Nylon Anti Birds Net, Anti Insects Net, Shading Nets, FRP Boats, Rooflite wastes, Poly flicks for Poly House( Agriculture), polycarbonate in colorful ranges like agrarian products and roofing for artificial storages, etc. In addition to this, we also distribute FRP raw accouterments, polyester resin, PU maquillages, and confederated products. We give only the stylish in terms of quality and thus no concession is made on this front. Also, we insure that all our products are available at competitive prices and reach our guests before the deadline. We look forward to completing client satisfaction and hence always try and ameliorate our products grounded on the precious suggestions of our guests. At present, our import request includes Dubai, the USA, etc, albeit through a third-party action. We import products from China and Korea. Business type of Polypropylene Safety Net Manufacturers Manufacturer, Supplier, Importer, Trader, Exporter.
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Tarpaulin - a means of livelihood
Tarpaulin is a type of waterproof fabric that is used to cover goods or equipment. It is also used in the manufacture of boats and other water vessels, as a groundsheet or tarpaulin, and in the construction industry as roofing material.
It can be made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), or polyester (PET).
Tarpaulins are usually square pieces of fabric that are sewn together into a flat rectangle, with grommets along the edges. They can be made in different sizes, including large tarps which are often called "builders' tarps".
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Rainwears are also made from tarpaulin sheets. Tarpaulin sheet price in Kerala is more affordable than many other manufacturing companies across India.
The International Tarpaulin Company, has been engaging in the manufacturing and supply of an extensive range of products including tarpaulin, synthetic rope, rainwear, shade nets, vehicle covers, and other related products. We are the remarkable entity engaging in offering superior range of LDPE Grow Bag. Offering a wide and exclusive range of Nursery Bag at leading prices in the market. We have ventured into distribution of Agricultural Shade Nets for industrial, commercial and household uses. We are the dealers of ‘Ginegar’ brand poly house films. Buy tarpaulin in Kerala at affordable rates and it can also be customized as per your requirement. Many services is also provided by our Company, ITC.
For related blogs visit: A Definitive Guide to Buying Tarpaulin in Kerala
For more details contact: +91 9544336110, 04602 227123
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oldagehomeinchennai · 3 years
Our Pest Termite control Services in Chennai is the leading industry in providing many services in order to eradicate the termites and making the place neat and clean. Since this termite causes great damage to wooden structures in commercial and residential buildings such as door sides, windows, etc. All termites mostly feed on the dead plants, animal dung, soil, and form of wood. They are very hard to detect timber wood with several damages and cause major damages to humans and their properties. Termites can be seen mostly in the storage area of goods which extensively damages the structure with internal and external properties. 
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sunpowersolar · 5 months
SunPower Solar Panels Review
SunPower has a range of solar panels that are known for their industry-leading specifications. They offer a 40-year product and performance warranty.
Their Maxeon series features bifacial technology and offers the highest efficiency in mainstream production. It also has a solid copper foundation that helps improve durability.
SunPower Equinox systems are available through a number of installers. You can work with a representative online or in person.
Maxeon(r) cell technology
SunPower solar solution has a reputation for being one of the most expensive home solar panels, but they offer better warranties and longer lifespans than other brands. They use an intra-digitated back contact (IBC) solar cell technology that eliminates unsightly metal grid lines and allows the panel to absorb more sunlight. Their tin-copper metal foundation is also more durable than the aluminium systems in other solar panels, and triple-redundant connectors protect against temperature changes.
They have a sleek black design and an all-black version that matches well with most roofs. They’re also built to withstand the elements, including extreme heat and moisture.
The M series uses the next generation Maxeon Gen 6 solar cells with a 22.8% efficiency rating that puts them among the top residential solar panels. They’re available in a range of output sizes and incorporated a microinverter from Enphase Energy. Their shingled design is a great solution for shade tolerance, and their thin shingle strips help avoid micro-cracking that’s common with conventional full-size solar panels.
Sleek design
SunPower solar panels are some of the most efficient on the market. They use Maxeon cells to generate energy, and they have a sleek design that will look great on your roof. The company also offers an energy monitoring app that helps you track your savings and production.
The solar installation process begins with a quote and consultation with a local dealer. The dealer will survey your home, assess potential challenges, and determine the best location for solar panels. They’ll then install the panels and equipment and monitor your solar system. They’ll even handle permits, approvals and homeowner’s association requirements.
SunPower Equinox solar systems are built with hidden components, so they can complement any architectural style. They also feature a smart microinverter, which optimizes power conversion at the panel. This eliminates the need for external inverters and maximizes your savings. This technology is backed by the industry’s longest product and workmanship warranties. The company also provides a 25-year power production guarantee.
Global network of certified dealers
SunPower dealers are trained to help you get the most out of your solar energy system. They can help you determine what type of system you need and how to finance it. They also provide consultation services and can assist you with local rebates. They can even handle your installation and maintenance. They can also help you secure city permits and enroll in available net metering programs.
Sunpower has a global network of certified dealers. These dealers are chosen for their knowledge of the company’s technology and local market. They are also required to meet a high standard of customer service. Additionally, they must adhere to strict adherence to sustainability guidelines.
SunPower offers a 25-year, full replacement warranty on their solar panels. Its advanced technology helps you save thousands of dollars and will increase your home’s resale value. Its panels also begin producing power earlier and last longer than other solar products. In addition, they are able to withstand harsh weather conditions.
25-year warranty
A warranty is one of the most important considerations when choosing solar panels. A good warranty can protect your investment for years to come. The best warranties cover the product, power and labor.
Most solar companies offer a product warranty of 10-15 years and a power guarantee of 25 years. The power guarantee is a promise that your system will maintain a certain percentage of its original output over the course of the 25-year warranty period.
SunPower offers an industry-leading Complete Confidence Warranty that covers everything on your roof and 10 years of monitoring technology. This warranty also includes a higher power output guarantee than standard options.
In addition to its warranty, SunPower offers a complete end-to-end service experience. The company will secure city permits and building approvals, enroll you in available net metering programs, and install your solar energy system. It will also provide maintenance services to ensure your system continues to perform at its highest level.
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ghostfriendly5 · 4 years
Shadowtober Fanfic - Decker
prompt from @mithryl-draws
In the experience of David Fry II, the Seamstress Union’s tech merchant extraordinaire, there were two types of deckers. The quick, the dead, the good, the bad, and the ones who knew nothing was binary but palaeological fifth-world coding. Then there were the suave, slick superspy-in-mirror-shades deckers, with strings of AI lovers, and the grubby, stammering tech nerds who hacked Mitsuhama black servers from their parents’ basement.
With his dapper suit, groomed hair and Ivy-league manners, Fry himself seemed clearly a decker of the former type. His old chummer Johnny Clean, with his unsavoury janitorial disguise, age-rawed face and manners from the school of getting-his-drek-kicked-out, seemed as clearly of the latter class. As clearly as Holly ‘Rosebud’ Greenstreet–runaway Tir princess with a cyberdeck, and the Union’s hottest new Runner–was the super-spy face-decker’s epitome.
Her legs were snakes, hypnotic, and her outfit worshipped the elvish body line of a first-class fashionista. By his nature, Fry took care of his appearance, but Rosebud had a true gift. Poems could’ve been written about the tilt of that little black hat atop her flame-red pixie-bob. Her smile hit you with that real old elvish magic, that even had Johnny straightening his slouch. It took all David Fry’s considerable mental powers to form the thought from pink fog that he needed to say something impressive.
“Rosebud, Rosebud…Citizen Kane, that twentieth-century film, am I right? No one knew what it was…just as the wiz decker behind the handle remains mysterious.”
“Oh! You saw the film?” David suspected it would be the regret of his life that he hadn’t, “Worry not; there are a million baubles of more interest to us both, I daresay, upon the bleeding edge of technology. Yet Tir’s blood is wedded to ancient ideas; in myself, a weakness for antique movies. Mysteries, the game afoot, Greenstreet, mean streets–I’m sure you’ve heard that I am hunting the Emerald Ripper. I intend to unmask them, without fail.”
“Sounds like fun,” Johnny’s little beard sourly twitched, “Except people have died, and you’re facing a psychopath. Ain’t a net game for kids.”
“Better to die a child than die in spirit,” Holly’s smile was wise as innocence, the image of SINless and free, “The full meaning of Rosebud; I hold it better to live and die for freedom and adventure, than prolong my days in the most gilded and empty of cages.”
Look at me, said the smile; Shadows, gaze on the latest prime decker, the next FastJack and more. Johnny was barely moved; he’d seen the same smile a thousand times before, in his years. Even the ones who’d really had what it took had died. But David Fry wouldn’t have slipped, by imperceptible degrees, of his own will, from the tech industry's light side to its Shadows without knowing just what Holly meant. He had to say something else, anything that might induce the most perfect woman he’d dreamt of to laugh…
“So, tell me, Mister Clean,” Rosebud was already purring, “Is it true that you were part of Echo Mirage?”
As David dutifully confirmed that Johnny could neither confirm nor deny such a thing, a distinct gleam settled in Rosebud’s eyes and smiling eyeteeth. She carelessly batted-stroked Johnny’s arm with her hand and laughed at nothing; David knew he'd remember the sound whenever he saw a beautiful girl, the rest of his life. But the delectable decker was now locked onto the veteran janitor irrevocably, eyes never leaving his homely face, until she finally remembered to buy programs from the dapper dwarf. Fry felt considerably smaller than he was (as dwarves often do), watching Rosebud switch-strut away across the cellar, toward Grubberman the arms dealer.
“It ain’t me, it’s the celebrity decker thing she wants,” Johnny lamely explained to his chummer, face even redder, “She’s been writing code and fixing old cyberdecks since she was ten, like all the naturals. Dreaming about all the novahot hacker legends since she could dream. FastJack, Captain Chaos, Echo Mirage. Deckers who made the Shadows, made the world. Being part of their legend, dream made flesh…there’s an very old, simple way they want to do that, the furthest thing from decking. It’s like Mick Jagger, Rod Stewart; those broken-down old rockers still had girls hanging off them, just for the legend. Except none of those old fraggers had to watch twenty-five of their chummers, best deckers who’ll ever live, bleed out mad and screaming to save the world.”
“Johnny-boy…if a beautiful elf does drag you into bed, won’t you try to enjoy it?”
“Might as well get it over with.” Johnny looked nothing but tired and alone, “Girl who’s going places like that, who’s only looking at the legend? She just wants to get the notch on her belt and then leave an old has-been in her dust. Even girls like that ain’t worth having for a night, losing forever... that ain't living the dream, when you've been alone that long. Chip truth it’s more trouble than anything else.”
“My heart absolutely bleeds for you, Johnny-boy. Stay Arctic.”
Waving away his chummer’s dutiful offer to put in a word on his behalf, David Fry sat back in his little tech booth, in a corner of the Union’s basement. He read the rest of an intriguing article about makeshift PCR and DNA reading by means of mid-range electronics; glanced down at a drawer among ranks of labelled drawers where those exact components were stored.
He was a merchant and a tech support. He wasn’t a comet blazing through cyberspace ahead of imminent death, like Rosebud. He wouldn’t be a broken-down old legend when he’d seen as much as Johnny Clean, who had indubitably been a novahot comet in his day, and his own sour way. As for David Fry II, he secured communications and banking for the Seamstress’ Union, designed corper-spybot secure data-stores for Shadowlands, acquired or originated more saleable information on tech stocks than almost anybody in Redmond. Where a killer had still to be caught, with the aid of the most bleeding-edge technology and insight. Both David and Johnny, above all, were determined; Rosebud was going to live to get her man.
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arthisenterprises · 2 years
Construction Net Manufacturers
Arthi Enterprise is a famed construction net manufacturer in India. Our manufacturers are engaged in offering a high-quality range of Construction Net. The offered nets by our company are generally used in the construction of structures. Our professionals always keep in mind the exact demand of our guests therefore we manufacture the nets according to them. Offered products by construction net manufacturers are used for the safety purposes of workers at high places. This is also used to help falling papers and workers from high places. Flexible in nature, these nets are optimum in quality and fabricated directly by using pure raw accouterments. Our construction net is available in different shapes and sizes. Further, handed products by construction net manufacturers have profited at reasonable rates.
Construction Net Manufacturers Product Features
High cargo-bearing capacity
Assured safety
Tough sewing
Longer service life
High quality
Super performance
Arthi Enterprises is a commanding name in the arena of safety nets and ropes for use in sports, construction/ artificial, husbandry, mines, etc. We're a reputed manufacturer, supplier, exporter, importer, and dealer of Nylon Nets, HDPE Safety Nets, PP Rope Safety Nets, Double Protection Nets, Heavy Ropes Nets, Nylon Fishing Nets, HDPE Nylon Anti Birds Net, Anti Insects Net, Shading Nets, FRP Boats, Rooflite wastes, Poly flicks for Poly House( Agriculture), polycarbonate in colorful ranges like agrarian products and roofing for artificial storages, etc. In addition to this, we also distribute FRP raw accouterments, polyester resin, PU maquillages, and confederated products. We give only the stylish in terms of quality and thus no concession is made on this front. Also, we insure that all our products are available at competitive prices and reach our guests before the deadline. We look forward to completing client satisfaction and hence always try and ameliorate our products grounded on the precious suggestions of our guests. At present, our import request includes Dubai, the USA, etc, albeit through a third-party action. We import products from China and Korea.
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