#Sgt. Lincoln Osiris
dougielombax · 1 year
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Seeing Patterns in Things that Aren’t There.
Emerging Dudes Playing Dudes Disguised as Other Dudes and Truth Tapes.
Part 7
1. Tropic Thunder (2008)
“I’m a dude playing a dude, disguised as another dude!” - Kirk Lazarus/Sgt Lincoln Osiris (it’s complicated)
2. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)
“Now do you remember? Who you are? What you were meant to do? I cheated death, thanks to you. And thanks to you I've left my mark. You have too - you've written your own history. You're your own man. I'm Big Boss, and you are too... No... He's the two of us. Together. Where we are today? We built it. This story - this "legend" - it's ours. We can change the world - and with it, the future. I am you, and you are me. Carry that with you, wherever you go. Thank you... my friend. From here on out, you're Big Boss.” - Big Boss.
I’ll admit, it might just be me with this one. But I had to make it anyway.
Took me a while to put it together.
But I got to it eventually
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shelbysplace · 5 years
You know it really amazes me that all I did was reblog a post congratulating a man who has come so far in his career to be awarded a Disney Legend and how much I appreciated his amazing talents and some punk goes out of their way to reblog my post trying to turn me off of RDJ. Trying to signal to me how much I shouldn't like him and imply that I'm a racist just because he played a PARODY of an actor who did black face for a role. I know black face is bad, you don't have to freakin tell me that, it's obvious. But that's not what they were trying to do. It was literally not even anti black. He said nothing negative towards black people. If it was in bad taste I seriously doubt they would've had a black comedian in that movie. If you want to turn me off of something or someone just inform me of it. Explain it to me. Dont pull some snide shit like put a link leading to the wiki page for Tropic Thunder like some little childish prick.
Sorry that whole thing just really pisses me off and it's been on my mind for awhile now.
Don't mean any harm with this post but please be mature about these kinds of matters. Have a grown up conversation about it PLEASE.
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praphit · 5 years
Jessica Biel: Whiteface & the Beast! This is my story.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the ever-lovely! - Jessica Biel.
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I had a dream about her, but I'll get back to that in a sec.
If you don’t know, I normally ramble about movies. There are a lot of movies that I could have talked about this week. 
"Dolemite Is My Name" - 
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Eddie getting back into the swing of things! I'm actually a lil concerned about this. "Coming to America 2"? The first one is a classic; what are we doing?! Does it need a sequel? Don't mess with perfection! I've heard that there will be another "Beverly Hills Cop" sequel as well! What's next? - another "Norbit"?   Another "Nutty Prof"? The chronicles of Donkey?
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I could have talked about "Jojo Rabbit", a comedy involving Hitler. 
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That is dangerous territory, my friends. BUT, with Scarjo in the mix, any offense is kinda forgiven. I mean just look at her. 
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If I were a cop, and I caught her red handed in murder, I'd probably let her go, and just say the victim fell in the kitchen.
It's weird how her awesomeness works when she's in offensive films, unless she is the lead.
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Somehow her powers failed her in those incidences.
She hasn't tried to do black face yet though, so there's that! On that note, the only white actor allowed to do black face in my opinion is Robert Downey Jr 
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(Sgt Lincoln Osiris - Look up for context, kids). To this day, I'm all for giving Osiris his own franchise. Maybe have Scarjo play his black girlfriend (kinda like Foxy Cleopatra from “Austin Powers”).
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This would be horribly offensive! But, I'd still love to see it, as everyone's heads explode over the fact.
I could have talked about that boring ass war movie... whatever it's called. I think Dr. Strange is in it
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Or the horror movie "Countdown" I use the word "horror" loosely. It looks like fun hot garbage. Kind of a cool concept though -  an entity setting a timer to beat your ass and kill you.
But, there's something else, or maybe I should say someONE else on my mind, that I need to warn y'all about. This is more important than some movie.
And it's of course Jessica Biel.
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No, not THAT Jessica Biel (the ever-lovely)
Like I said, I had a dream about her, and in THAT dream she was the ever-BITCHY.
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Always ordering me around:
Take out the trash, wash the dishes, walk the dog, etc. BUT, nothing I did was ever any good for her! Didn't like the way I placed the bags outside. Didn't like how I put the dishes away. I walked the dog for too long, or sometimes not for long enough.
Paint our room this color or that color, then I would paint it that color, and she'd take one look at it and want it redone. She'd always eat the food that I brought home for ME (with MY name on it!) Then be like "I didn't know."
What do you mean you didn't know?! You ain't buy it! And your name sure as hell ain't praphit!
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*heavy sigh* I'm traumatized, people! In the dream, it was like we were married for decades - DECADES OF THIS! And any time I'd try to stand up to her, she'd start crying. In real life I'd never put up with this! WHAT THE HELL?! I'm still mad!
Some people would be like "Well, at least you got a dream where you're living with her, so... at least some sexy time salvages it all." NO! There was no sexy dream time had! And even if there was, I don't think it would have been worth it!
It went down in the dream like this:
Praphit: *giving sexy eyes* :)
Biel: "I'm not in the mood"  
Praphit: "Again huh?? Ok... well, imma... you know... and then go to bed.
Biel: "No."
Praphit: "What do you mean NO?"
Biel: "It's cheating in the eyes of our Lord."
Praphit: "Our Lo... since when are YOU religious?"
Biel: "Don't you Christian shame me!"
Praphit: "I'm NOT, I just... *heavier sigh* anyway, FINE, I'm going to bed."
Biel: "Whatever. Leave the light on; I'm about to read."
There's a shower scene. I go into the shower. I know what some of y'all are thinking FINALLY! YES!
She's in there crying... over something I did. I'm just in there consoling her, while getting yelled at. I didn't even get a look at what she had going on in there. No, you know... good shots in that scene. Whoever was directing my dream is fired.
Then, things got weird.
We go into my dream mom and sister's room. She kicks them out (OF THEIR OWN ROOM). I'm trying to explain myself. And apparently, what I did to her... (now, people, try to follow... cuz I certainly can't) I had been dressing up like Justin Timberlake, in white face... like Casper the ghost white face, with a curly wig on like JT from the NSYNC days. I was out performing, and everyone was buying it. AND (somehow weirder!), sometimes, I'd put makeup over top of the JT makeup in order to look like Justin Bieber, so as to perform as him as well. So... extra white face. AND EVERYONE BOUGHT IT! I'm unsure, but at some point, she had sex with either me (dressed up), or JT and thought it was me, or Bieber and thought it was me... Idk, again, I can't follow this nonsense. But, we argued forever, and somewhere in there, I woke up.
I went to work that morning, MAD! Think of a time where you argued with someone the night before, went right to bed, and when you woke up, you're still kinda in that mood; kinda like you're still arguing with them. You know?? I was doing THAT, MAD... at Jessica Biel! It doesn't even make any sense!
And as far as the JT/JBieb thing... if she's fooled during sexy time... isn't that a lil bit her fault as well?  I mean... ... it makes me think of Rachel Dolezal; remember her?
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(If you don’t remember her, google her name... it’ll change your life)
(I'm waiting for the movie of her story to come out btw. Maybe Scarjo could play her)
Now, getting fooled at work by her or in the community is one thing, but sexy time? People, I'm not going to get into details, but... you know what I'm talking about. If you're fooled... what the hell is wrong with YOU?!
Anyway, Idk what to make of any of this.
I've considered that this dream is a true glimpse at the real Jessica, and that perhaps one day, Justin Timberlake will share with us his story. I've considered that it's prophetic, and that Jessica might leave Justin and pursue a rebound with a Baltimore black man like myself. Maybe God is warning me.
I've considered that Jessica Biel might be a witch - and did this to me on purpose, so she doesn't have to vent at Justin. I wouldn't hate on her if she's a witch; that's between her and our Lord.
Or maybe it's all real! Maybe when I go to sleep, I sleep walk as Justin Timberlake... AND Bieber... and then live in horrible, argumentative fashion with Jessica Biel. People, IDK! I just want closure! But, I fear, It's never gonna happen.
Today is Halloween. Imma get some candy, rock a costume, and forget/suppress all of this. In this life, you'll rarely get closure when bad stuff happens to you, BUT you can ALWAYS get candy - that's what I tell the kids.
I'll leave you all with that. Happy Halloween!
And you TRAIN yourselves to wake up if you ever spot Biel in a dream!
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soccernetghana · 4 years
Arsenal fans react to Mesut Ozil's surprise role in Thomas Partey transfer deal
Arsenal fans are doing everything possible to persuade Thomas Partey to sign for the club after members of the Mesut Ozil fan club paid a visit to the Atletico Madrid midfielder's family to send a transfer message. Partey has been heavily linked with a switch to Arsenal ahead of the upcoming summer transfer window. Several fans of the Gunners cannot wait to see the Ghana international in their club colours after his impressive performance for Spanish side Atletico Madrid. So much so that supporters in Ghana have visited Partey's family recently to gift them an Arsenal shirt and handed them a message welcoming the news of his potential transfer to the Gunners. Present were a number of supporters in Ozil jerseys and it has been revealed they were members of the former Germany international's football club. According to Mundo Deportivo, they were in attendance with the Oiri Football Club which is one of the Partey fan clubs. As expected, Arsenal fans are getting excited about a surprise and albeit inadvertent role Ozil could play in luring Partey to the Emirates Stadium. Check out tweets from Arsenal fans below;
LMAO MY CAPTAIN pic.twitter.com/ZYNPJi7AnU
— DavidHive 🇨🇦 (@AlfieRushen) May 21, 2020
If we sign Partey Ghana should receive a signing bonus for plugging us😂😂
— Nįck.M (@Nick_M0001) May 21, 2020
Ozil can’t just stop assisting 😓❤️
— 🍍uk buoy (@Mhanileleye) May 21, 2020
The Best fanbase. Absolutely unmatched.
— Sgt. Lincoln Osiris (@K1rkLazarus) May 21, 2020
If Mesut Ozil has a say in this transfer, than that’s it. Welcome Thomas Partey
— Jwillock28 (@matthewafc49) May 21, 2020  
Özil is gargantuan omg
— Jad ~ 🇦🇺 🇱🇧 (@afcJad) May 21, 2020 source: https://ghanasoccernet.com/
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Out Of Patience Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt
Do you love it? https://kuteeboutique.com/shop/out-of-patience-shirt/
Out Of Patience Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt
The kitten is starving and those BUMS are being Out Of Patience Shirt for me. My cat actively disses me for smoking indoors. One and a half feet of pure fluffy ginger judgement *kiss my teeth* LOVE THAT PRISS MISS XD HARR. Another great YouTube video is: The Collective Project: Robert Downey Jr. delivers a Real Bionic Arm. Now that one I can never stop cheering about. A must see! My mom’s old cat would dig into her sister’s purse and drag out her cigarettes, which she had claimed to have quit.
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So you can’t afford to play stupid thinking that the cat is smart enough not to eat it. Playing a pet owner that ain’t smart but thinks he is now that’s tricky. – Sgt. Lincoln Osiris. Thanks Mr. Downey for posting that, funniest thing I have seen today. I want to not throw cigarettes so as not to occur this kind of thing, such as on the road. And if you smoking ,I want to you don’t smoking please.And my father too. Because,I could lose an important person. Poor kitten thinks it is FOOD.. Hungry cats do that, they try to protct their FOOD.
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Now that being said we all know that RDJ has cats and I am sure that because this is tongue in cheek that he wouldn’t post something that was promoting animal cruelty. If anything its a sign to all to look after their animals better and not let them get into things that can make them sick or kill them. And before you go bashing me,Yes I have cats of my own and they act the same way that this one did. “Don’t take my stuff”. – Tony Stark and if that’s not good enough, “The cat thinks he is smart getting the cigarette and chewing on it, or rather doesn’t know that he isn’t smart and that eating that can kill him.
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Out Of Patience Ladies V Neck
Huge thumbs down for you reposting this garbage. Wow! Are you kidding me? This was hilarious! I couldn’t stop laughing. The cat was growling before anyone even came near him to see what it was that he even had. It is funny because, we know that the cat isn’t supposed to be playing with, eating or chewing on it, but the cat doesn’t know it. So for him to be growling about some one taken it away he is getting mad because they are taking his toy away from him. Not because he wants a cigarette.
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But I hardly think a lover of cats & kids, would allow either to play with them (which is probably why he quit?). Sometimes a post is really just a moments giggle. Sad spotlight on humanity, i did not watch the video but this just reinforces how screwed up people are when you can find this funny. I have 3 cats since they were kittens and couldn’t imagine subjecting them to this cruelty. I had a cat that would try and eat my cigarettes if I left them out. Had to hide them from her. She loved them.
Out Of Patience Unisex Longsleeve Tee
How about Ariana licking doughnuts or some shit? My friend’s cat would always snatch a cigarette off the table if we turned our back on it for even a second. She’s fine btw, been so for ten years now. very funny…no abuse there..mother cats hold their kittens in far worse manners….you ever see a VET hold a cat to give it a shot…….thanks for the share….Robert ,it WAS Out Of Patience Shirt. Ok – I had to laugh!! Having owned cats, they take their “kills” seriously. But yes, as the lady pointed out, they can kill.
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xxstayingcloudyxx · 8 years
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The most famous lead farmer... Sgt. Lincoln Osiris!
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giantmonster · 8 years
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robertdowney · 11 years
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Tropic Thunder, 2008
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shelbysplace · 5 years
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It really is a grey area. At the same time it can be racist and offensive to some people but all in all it's just a parody of the concept of blackface and what actors do to fit into a role. I wont be discouraged from liking RDJ because of some choices he made in the past. You can if that makes you happy but I won't. It's an unhealthy way to live IMO.
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moleary · 13 years
I don't read a script, script reads me.
Kirk Lazarus playing Sgt. Lincoln Osiris, Tropic Thunder
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floydlawtonssquad · 13 years
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Robert Downey Jr. as Kirk Lazarus/Sgt. Lincoln Osiris & Jay Baruchel as Kevin Sandusky in Tropic Thunder.
"Goddamnit!!!! We lost!!! We fucking super lost, man!! Tell Mcklusky, tell what time it is!!!"
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floydlawtonssquad · 13 years
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Robert Downey Jr. as Kirk Lazarus/Sgt. Lincoln Osiris in Tropic Thunder.
"Man, i dont drop character till i've done a DVD commentary".
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