#Seto watches Game of Thrones
gwenkatana · 8 months
Kisara and Mokuba sacrifice movie nights to watch Games of Thrones instead with Seto. They entice him to watch with the promise of dragons.
Seto sits on the couch with Kisara. He asks her, “When do the dragons show up?”
Kisara curls up closer to him and pats his knee. “Just keep watching, Seto.”
Mokuba, sitting on Seto’s other side with a bowl of popcorn in his lap says, “Maybe we should’ve started with House of the Dragon.”
Watching Daenerys on screen, Seto asks Kisara, " Is she who you cosplay as?"
"Yep. How do I compare?"
Seto says, "You’re more beautiful."
Blushing, Kisara says, " Thank you, love. " She kisses him and he returns the affection readily.
Mokuba deadpans, "Do I need to leave the room?"
Kisara is sleeping next to him, her head on his shoulder. Mokuba, who moved to the love seat several episodes ago to sprawl out, is also asleep. Seto can hear his snoring from where he sits.
He agreed to watch the show because he wanted to make them happy and because he really doesn’t care what they watch. He just enjoys spending time with them and unwinding from work. He keeps watching long past they’ve fallen asleep, despite how easily he can turn off the TV, because he needs to watch one more episode before bed.
The next morning when Kisara asks if he wants to keep watching he says, “Yes.”
“Really?” She smiles at his answer.
“I’m invested now.”
Sequel to this post
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steve0discusses · 1 year
Ep 44 Pt 1: It Took 3 Damn Seasons For These Two to Meet
I’m not dead! (though my schedule and my long covid fatigue would imply otherwise) So lets procrastinate my other responsibilities and talk about Yugioh.
Seto is still stalled out like my car in the winter.
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And the show decided just out of the blue that Seto has right to the throne although he’s the cousin to the Pharaoh...he’s not Yami’s older brother. That’s not really how the birthright of Kings work, last I checked. Now if Seto had married Yami’s Mother? That I know is a clear birthright steal. But uh, last I checked BEWD was not Yami’s Mom, although I would accept that headcanon.
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Blue Eyes White Dragon is often shortened to BEWD and it sounds very funny to me so I apologize if I use BEWD too much. But I mean...
(read more under the cut)
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But like, Seto has a girlfriend, so he’s allowed to sit at the adult table at Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, Yami’s gonna have to be stuck babysitting because it’s not like he’s gonna be official with either of the two powerful women that he’s inferred to be dating. Like either the Dark Magician girl, or Tea, make your pic, both are godlike.
Or Rebecca, we can count her, too, she’s like a PHD graduate at like 12 and weirdly powerful for no reason. Also, knowing this show, she may have dated several of these people without them knowing so she’d be down.
Anyway, point is, neither Seto or Yami are the Blue Eyes White Dragon so who cares if they are connected to her? If Kissara needs to inherit the throne, she’s right over there, don’t even bother going through Seto. And youknow that’s just the show making a poor analogy for playing cards. Did they intend for it to come out that way? Probably not, but also Kissara isn’t a paper card here, she’s like a real ass woman, despite the zero personality they gave her so far this season.
So Aknadin shakes his head and was like “This isn’t how you treat your not-a-girlfriend, guys” and in one motion decided pull a Mokuba. But, instead of stealing those little star chips from season one in the middle of a card game, he just straight up stole Seto and it was very funny.
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Like look at seto’s little feet in that image there haha. Seto’s just been tossed around this season place to place like a ping pong ball.
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And then Bakura was like “I’m not done yet, I can do THIS!” and they watched this thing mozy down a hole at like a snail’s pace.
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They just watched it slowly descend and were like “... huh. Why didn’t I think of that?”
So Yami whips off his VR headset (well, metaphorically) in order to share his grievances back at the game table. Mostly to dump on Bakura that this game isn’t any fun.
Which is shockingly low standards, we are talking about Yami.
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And before I ever had to update the Death count, turns out Seto Kaiba is just fine.
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I have no idea why he’s back in the city, don’t think about it, I don’t think it will ever be explained. So he wanders around lost, like he does about 80% of the time on a normal day. Just kinda wanders hoping Roland picks him up at some point.
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And when a kid runs directly through his own body he starts to connect the dots about the ancient Egyptian clothing, housing, and general lack of electricity and wheels.
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Which is when we finally have them meet.
That’s right, it’s been a while.
Seasons, so many seasons ago, Seto had a dream about the perfect woman, who was also coincidentally dead in his arms, and for so many years we assumed (ok I was the only one who assumed this) that Yugioh’s creators knew that they could in no way ever put these two people in the same exact room.
And then they did. Because Yugioh will never let you write fanfiction, they already do it for you. That’s right, modern Seto Kaiba ran into past Kissara in an alleyway and so lets get a gist of their true love conversation.
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And no, that isn’t just me making a joke in the cap, Seto immediately says to this stranger “Girl, I saw you die. In my arms.” and she was like “lol”
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And uh that was it. Again, a HUGE leap of romance for Seto Kaiba. This is truly the most romantic he’s been on this show so I can’t dock it too much. But I will dock it somewhat because it’s been so many seasons of leadup, hahaha!
I’ll have you know my bro was like “wow you stan Kissara so much” and I was like “mmm pretty sure I don’t” and he was like “uh you gave her so much more dialogue than in the actual show” and he’s not wrong. Maybe I do stan Kissara. If anything, I stan her being the true Pharaoh of Egypt.
So she’s gonna run off to find the correct Seto. But yes, she did look future Seto Kaiba directly in the eyes when he said “why should I believe you?” and say “I don’t care.”
so that’s about it for this half of this episode that took me........what 7 years to write? I’ve been having fatigue problems, long covid’s a beast, so updates will be whenever they are, but as always, thanks for y’alls patience about it.
And uh, have a little teaser for the next half:
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Ohhh yeah that’s right, we gonna do a maze!
And as always here’s a link to read these in chrono order from the beginning if you just got here, and want to see exactly how many posts are in between when Seto hallucinated Kissara and actually met Kissara.
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kxotikat · 2 years
Excuse me, Seto Kaiba watches Game of Thrones for the PLOT and not his weird-not-crush/para-social relationship with Daenerys Targaryen….
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universestreasures · 3 months
@lcstsons Sent: A Yu-Gi-Oh Season 1 Starter (Accepting!)
“But how? How could I have lost to him?” (Joey @ Kisara, Forgotten Regality)
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It seems that history continues to repeat itself. Once again, she is there in the half-demon's time of need, offering her assistance to help bandage him up after enough tough dragon duels in the area. Her hands are gentle as she moves to wrap around the damaged areas of his body, especially his wings, which seems to have taken the most damage. Well, other than the knight's pride anyway.
His remarks about his defeat are ones she's heard before. Though, that doesn't mean his frustrations are any less valid. Despite numerous challenges since her fiance took the throne, Sir Joey has never once been able to best him in combat. It must be frustrating to try so hard and yet never reach that goal. She has her empathy there.
However, battles such as these were for pride and proving one's strength and honor, a concept that while she understood (Especially since she is aware of Seto's not ideal treatment of Sir Joey), was one she wasn't a fan of, mainly for the method of going about it. These matches were as intense as any real battle with an enemy, with Sir Joey, in particular, having come close to death multiple times already. It was why she could never watch these matches, only be there for the aftermath. She didn't like seeing people she cared for getting hurt after all, even if they knew that was to be expected going into it.
"Seto's sense of strategy seemed to have given him the edge, from what I was told." Seto knew Sir Joey's fighting style by this point very well. So, knowing him, he most likely was able to predict his movements and use them to his advantage. He was always talented in analyzing his opponents, whether it came to battles or even in games such as chess.
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"But..." She offers him a smile, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "You fought well. Not just anyone can face Seto in the arena like you do, with such bravery and courage. And from what I hear, you've become a tougher opponent with each match, keeping him on his toes. You should take great pride in that, Sir Joey."
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vivinightingale · 4 years
Hey baby sis how you doin?? I see you got so popular and honestly I’m so frighten proud of you💖💖💖 To celebrate how about the classic Yugioh Bois celebrating accomplishments of their s/o whatever it may be?? Thanks a bunches luv and keep the Nightingale fam strong ☺️💖
Oof things have been crazy, but im.haning in there! I hope everything is going well for everyone tho! 🥺🥺💞💞💕💕
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Yugi Muto:
You were an up and coming artist. You spent years improving your art, and yugi was there for every but of it.
He was already proud of every peice you made no matter how long it took he loved them all.
But when you finally got noticed on tumbler for beautiful art he was ecstatic for you!
No matter what it is this boy will honestly always be proud of you and your accomplishments.
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Going through fours years of college wasnt easy, but lucky for you your boyfriend was there for you every step.
Every sleepless nights with constant studying he was by your side with coffee.
He was even there for you through every break down you had. To reassure you that you got this.
And when you finally graduated he was there to pick you up and spin while singing your praise. He was so proud of you for pulling for and cant wait to see what you do next!
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Joey Wheeler:
Gaming tourments were never an easy thing especially the big leagues. So when you entered joey was there for you to make sure you got plenty of food and water.
He honestly enjoyed watching you train for your competition, and though he didnt say much so you could concentrate he was cheering you on in his head.
He also loved the determined look on your face when you finally got to the tournament.
Though it was a king gruling battle you finally won the tournament and joey was so proud of you! He started yelling your name and praise all across the place and honestly you wouldnt have it any other way.
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Tristan Taylor:
Track was was a gruling thing, but you enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment it gave you. You also weren't alont in this endeavor.
Every morning and evening you go running Tristan was right by your side. He had water bottles and words of encouragement.
When you started training for a marathon he was there to cheer you on and go as far as his legs could carry him.
Through a lot of training and Perseverance you made it first in the marathon. Tristan was soll proud of you that as soon as he saw you he picked you up and spun you around, and unlike you he was ready for the next marathon.
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Duke Devlin:
Being a beautician wasnt as easy as it looked, but you trudged on. Lucky for you however Duke was there for you every step of the way.
He even allowed you to practice on him. He especially loved it when you played with his hair. It was so relaxing.
Without you knowing after every look you practiced Duke took pictures of it so when you finally became a full time beautician he could show you your progress.
And that's exactly what he did on the very night you graduated. Through every picture he showed he pointed out what he liked about every look, and how proud he was of you.
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Seto Kaiba:
You wanted Seto to be proud of you so bad, so in secret you honed your duel monster skills using his technology to help.
He always wondered where you ran off to when he was at work, but was too busy to look in to it.
Mokuba however, wasnt and found out quickly what you were doing. He never told Seto, but he did try to coach you the best he could.
Seto never found out till your name was all over the news. An up and coming duelist quickly making their through the ranks. He never said it to you, but he was extremely proud of you.
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Yami Bakura:
Sining covers was one of your favorite things, and how you met Bakura. Something about your voice had him enchanted sonhe called you his siren.
Your covers weren't really big, but that didnt bother you because you just enjoyed doing it anyway. (Though most time you would hear bakura mumble that no one has tastes)
You started off with a few loyal followers, but eventaully your channel grew bigger and bigger every month.
Until finally you were in of the top cover artists. Bakura was hella proud of you for clawing your way to the top. He would never say it, but actions speak louder then words.
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Yami Marik:
Yami Marik was someone who wasnt easily impressed. It took a lot.to get him to sing your praise.
Like maybe defeating the pharaoh on your own?? Yeah that would about do it. So when he heard that you challenged the pharaoh he was intrested.
He watched the fight a grin plastered on his face the whole time. Watching the two of struggle was exciting.
When you won he couldnt help at laugh in both victory and mockingly at the pharaoh. Finally he could send him to the shadow realm and reclaim the throne for himself all because of you.
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Bakura Ryou:
Pottery making was a favorite hobby of yours. Just being able to sit there and relax was amazing to you.
And bakura loved watching your process. Every piece always amazes him when he see it.
He helped you post every piece for everyone to see, and first it up to 10 views at most, but neither of you minded.
But once you started getting views in 100s both you were so happy. Bakura help you and said how proud he was of you, and how he cant wait to see you grow.
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Marik Ishtar:
Archeology was gruling work, but you didnt mind it. Digging up history was always fun especially with Marik by your side.
Because your constantly had in the move it was a perfect fit for Marik's adventurous ways.
However one day you found the biggest find in your life time! Something that showed more of the Pharaoh's family tree.
When your find got it's own exhibit with your name Marik was so thrilled! He took you out on a fancy dinner to celebrate the whole time telling you how proud he was of you.
Care to buy me a Ko-fi??
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Oh, Final Fantasy VII.
The original was considered a game changer back in its day. It wasn’t the first one I recall playing, that honor belongs to FFVIII. FFVII isn’t even my favorite one, but it was many things to the world, and many things to me, all the same.
My favorite two characters were Aerith Gainsborough and Red XIII, or Nanaki. I usually renamed him on additional playthroughs to be his actual name, the way I’d rename “Garnet” in FFIX to Sarah when given the chance.
What does FFVII have for death anxiety?
It has Aerith Gainsborough.
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She is a main character that dies permanently in the course of the game. In the game, there is a mechanic for revival known as “Phoenix Down” or Life magic. Neither of these could restore her, suggesting the Phoenix Down and Life magics only “wake up” someone from being knocked out, not actually restore life.
This game has been out forever, so if that’s a spoiler for you, I’m sorry. I’m not sure if the FFVII Remake is going to go that direction, as the game has already gone off the rails of the original FFVII, so who’s to say. This isn’t going to talk about the remake, either.
This is probably not the first time a game killed a main character, but the impact of it was notable. I think it surprised the fanbase, especially given how important a role Aerith is made to play in the course of the first disc. Like Eddard Stark or Robb Stark’s death in Game of Thrones, few people saw it coming.
That’s now how these games went.
The good guys win, the bad guys don’t.
And the bad guys didn’t win.
Aerith’s story is a story to show how your actions live on after your death. Yes, there’s a lot of magic involved here, but it’s still a good story to show that you can have an impact after you die, whether because of how you die, or because of the choices you made in life.
Prior to her death, Aerith set in motion a chain of events to save the planet that was under attack by Sephiroth. In the game, she does this by more or less, casting a spell known as Holy, and then after her death, using the Lifestream to aid Holy in destroying a meteor destined for the planet. In using the Lifestream, she sort of had to get a lot of other people on board.
What this helps to show is the power of movements.
It shows why it’s also worth starting something in your life, even if you may not finish it. Other people can help where you left off – Aerith starts the process to save the planet, but she can’t finish it. It takes the help of others who find out what she was doing, and continue in her footsteps, to help make it so Holy can work, and so things can move forward.
Aerith didn’t expect to die. The players didn’t expect her to die.
She did – but her efforts are the story of FFVII. Don’t let a fear of death stand in the way of your works. They may outlive you, and that’s not a bad thing.
Other parts of FFVII that deserve some attention, include the fact it is also a story of identity. Cloud Strife starts the game living a lie, thinking that he is someone else. It takes a long time for him to figure out who he actually is, and to then determine who he wants to be. This isn’t Cloud deciding to live a lie – he’s dealing with some amnesia problems and a promise he made to a friend. He slowly dismantles this with the help of his new friends, and comes to figure out who he is, and who he wants to be.
Most of us don’t have that kind of issue of amnesia, but some of us can relate to an identity crisis, and not being who we thought we would be – so watching Cloud struggle with it, and reidentify himself, can be helpful.  
There is also another story of death, in that of Seto, Nanaki’s father.
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Nanaki has grown up hating Seto because he thought Seto ran away during a war. It turns out, Seto instead rushed to defend his home, and ended up literally petrified because of it – unable to return home, and dead in all the ways that matter, but a permanent fixture of his courage, and his resolution.
The lesson from this is obvious – Seto chose to sacrifice himself, for the good of others. It’s a position I wish on no one, and I can’t say I would be able to make that decision myself. Nonetheless, I still find that it is actions like these, that tend to give hope and inspiration to many, that there is “good” in the world, because we can acknowledge and see beyond our own lives, to the lives of others, and weigh the importance of the many, over the few.
It also has my favorite song in the entire game at that point: The Great Warrior.  
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nedjemetsenen · 4 years
The Confusing BS that is Zorc, The Thief King, and The Millenium Ring
Trying to piece together what exactly happened with the millenium ring is an exercise in extreme frustration because we’re never actually told and the implications honestly don’t make much sense. Still, it’s something I messed with in my massive rewrite of DM cannon (All This We Do in the Name of Ma'at) and I wanted to explain my logic since some commenters were curious! Fair warning, this will give some minor spoilers for my fic and major spoilers for the DM manga, so do be aware of that before reading on! Also be aware that you’re about to see manga screencaps, so read right to left.
First things first, you need to be aware that manga cannon and anime cannon are very different when it comes to the memory world. The manga is quite short (only 66, 20-page chapters long), so they added a bunch of stuff to the anime. Like all the scenes with baby/kid Atemu? Anime only. The gang meeting Mana? Anime only. Priest Seto’s childhood? Anime only. For the purposes of this discussion, we’re going off of manga cannon.
As far as the manga goes, Zorc is... confusing, to say the least. Bakura is implied to be both Zorc’s servant and a piece of Zorc while Akhenaden (Atemu’s uncle) is the real Zorc.
Here’s the Akhenaden stuff:
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And then the Bakura stuff. 
First as a clear servant to Zorc:
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Then we get the “I, too, am Zorc” bs:
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Now, for those of you playing the home game, this doesn’t work if you’re using real Egyptian beliefs. Splitting your soul like this? Not a thing. The parts of the soul didn’t work like that. We’re also never told why Zorc put himself in the ring or when he supposedly did it or even how Bakura learned about Zorc in the first place, so it’s all very much hand-wavey bs that feel like it came out of left field at the last minute. (Maybe we should have been spending a bit more time on this stuff and a bit less time on card games? Just a thought.)
Anyway, what makes far more sense and, frankly, makes things more interesting is to have Bakura and Zorc stay as two seperate people (Akhenaden, too, but we’ll get to that in a bit). Zorc gets sealed away, but he’s been influencing Bakura for years now, so the scars of his influence remain. That could logically lead to Bakura finding a way to seal himself away to so that he can keep working to bring his dark lord back and get his revenge.
This also explains why someone got sealed in the ring, something that is never explained and makes no sense to do until after Atemu’s spell.
Now, you may be wondering, how then does Zorc get into the world?
I’m so glad you asked! For that, allow me to show you why Akhenaden picked the millenium eye even though he could have had any of the items since he’s the one who made the things.
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This is my logic as to why Akhenaden is the one who summoned Zorc in the first place. He makes this wish, Zorc appears, and then gloms onto baby Bakura who was watching in the shadows. Following this, Akhenaden beings to serve Zorc to get Seto the throne, Bakura begins to serve Zorc to get revenge on his family, and Baby Atemu sleeps soundly in his mother’s arms, entirely unaware of all the BS his family just set in motion:
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And there you have it! That’s why I edited this part of cannon the way I did. As you can see, I really am trying to stick to the source as much as possible for where these changes come from. Hopefully you enjoyed this read! Feel free to ask for more of these if you find this interesting and thanks for reading! 
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atembomb · 3 years
Thanks to @kaibacorpintern for the tag!! The Game: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some authors! I tag @kuriboh-i-choose-you @smokedoutcoldstar @dellefox @blue-and-amaranth chapter openers are also fair game!
1. The Poetry of Logic
“Atem, you’re such a pretty idiot.”
“My beauty is a perpetual tyranny, Aibou.”
(Perfect time to mention this one is a deliberate bastardization of Socrates' beauty is a short lived tyranny which I don't think anyone ever got the joke LOL)
2. Der Schachedrache
“Hey, Atem? Do you mind stopping… whatever it is that you’re doing?”
3. Indefatigable (Tourist's Guide #8)
“Where are you dragging us today, pharaoh?”
4. Serpens Caput, Serpens Cauda
As with all things in the desert, it started under the sun.
5. Ouroboros
It was summer again, not that Kaiba would know.
6. Psychopomp
Under the silver eyes of a thousand-thousand souls watching from the heavens, Atem rode alone over the shifting sands.
7. Let Us Go Then, You and I
"Patient is a Japanese male, age eighteen, height approximately 185 centimetres, weight 70 kilograms, unresponsive, experiencing severe arrhythmia and second degree burns of unknown origin."
8. I Dream of Rain
9. Oral Fixation (Tourist's Guide #2)
So Kaiba finds the pharaoh perched in a haggard old pomegranate tree wearing nothing but a shendyt.
10. Chariots of the Dawn (Tourist's Guide #1)
If Atem were remembered for any habits in life by the attendants who served him still, it would have been his penchant for late nights and far later mornings.
11. In Vino Veritas (Tourist's Guide #3)
Time crept on as it is wont to do and winter settled over the palace not long after Kaiba’s arrival.
12. A Crown of Thorns (Tourist's Guide #4)
Atem rerouted the traffic and to do from the infirmary to his own chambers despite squabbling protests about high thread counts and bloodstains.
13. Still Falls the Rain (Tourist's Guide #5)
It was two in the afternoon and the pharaoh had yet to return from his temper tantrum.
14. Soak Up the Sun (Tourist's Guide #6)
Sensitive wasn’t a word that Atem would have chosen to describe Kaiba’s vexatious spirit but his porcelain skin was another matter altogether and Kaiba was certainly sensitive about that.
15. Petit Mort (Tourist's Guide #7)
Seto had been waiting all day to see Atem, taking casual strolls past the throne room every few hours or so only to find him deep in a string of successive meetings with no quarter for rest in between.
16. Unpublished Prideshipping WIP
This story begins the only way it ever could: with 140 acts of arson.
17. (probably) Abandoned WIP
The ground floor of the Aman hotel stank.
18. Cat Naps (Unpublished)
You can’t hear the front door open from the kitchen, it’s too far away.
19. Kuwagata (Unpublished)
Atem forced his hand through the thicket of brambles, wild stubby fingers grasping for the thing while the stinging nettle cut thin red stop signs up his forearm.
20. Nailed It (Unpublished)
“Stop that,” Kaiba watched Atem from across their high-top table, his reflection warped through a funhouse of several empty glasses in the low light of the restaurant. What is the theme?? That I open on dialogue A LOT and that a ton of these are a bit too long ha ha ha My personal faves though are TPOL for the sly joke and #7 #9 and #16 for being the few that I look at and actually want to know what happens next :) PS - this exercise makes me realize I should work more on my openers! Also this could be equally fun with last lines and now I kinda wanna do that too
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the-kings-of-games · 4 years
Continuation of In which Joey makes a joke and Seto uses it to his advantage:
Yūgi, as embarrassed as he is, tolerates this arrangement. No lie, he likes it, and it does make Seto pretty happy.
They're so cute!!! Seto is working at his desk while Yūgi's playing some hand console or something.
Seto is just a human Lazyboy for chilling and de-stressing.
Yūgi is Seto's teddy bear, functioning like a weighted blanket. Yūgi is a relaxing weight.
It's a really good arrangement. Seto may or may not have sent Joey a gift basket, no explanation though.
However, they've only really done in private, and only a few people (Mokuba, Roland, Téa, etc.) even know about. Neither thought about how this might have become an actual habit.
BUT THEN they go to a social event for a duel monster tournament and there's PEOPLE and REPORTERS and CAMERAS and did I mention PUBLIC??
Also, Joey and Pegasus are there because it'll be funnier, I swear.
Anyway, everything starts as usual, Seto and Yūgi looking fine in their suits. (I'm sweating, guys.) Everything is good and dandy.
Then, they found out there's not enough seats to go around at their shared table. Actually, they're just missing one seat, and Yūgi was going to ask for one.
But no, Seto just grabs him and lifts the small king onto his lap, arm wrapped around his boyfriend's waist and his free hand reaching for a drink to pass to Yūgi.
Joey and Pegasus are STARING™. Everyone is STARING™. The entire thing is caught on cameras.
Seto and Yūgi don't even notice, going on like they're back in the office.
"Best seat in the house, Yūg," Joey whispers, trying not to break into laughter. "The King on his throne, isn't that great?"
Pegasus, on the other hand, is chuckling like mad, clapping lightly. "Oh, Yūgi-boy, you're so bold," he says. "I've been waiting for an opportunity to give this to you." He snaps his fingers.
Realization and embarrassment is finally settling into Yūgi, face red like a tomato. Seto just shrugs but watches carefully.
One of Pegasus's men come forward with a box and uncovers it.
It's a crown.
A full ass, custom made crown with velvet and gold and jewels.
Pegasus went all out, like he does everything. Everyone is impressed. Seto looks approving. Joey is live on their group chat, video shaky and message incomprehensible.
Yūgi is dying, guys. No, nevermind, he's dead now.
Pegasus continues on, placing the crown on Yūgi's head. It's fit perfectly. ("How did he get my measurements?!")
"A Pegasus crown and a Kaiba throne, the proper ensemble for the King of Games, no less!" the rich, eccentric billionaire proclaims. "I'm so glad I came today! We should do a coronation ceremony next! Who should we commission to do a cape?"
Joey just fucking loses it.
Cameras flash nonstop, King Yūgi is once again headlines and is now being addressed as His Majesty in articles and online forums. The world falls in love with Yūgi again.
Yūgi sulks on Seto's lap for the next three months.
Seto is pleased.
"This is all because Joey made that joke!"
Joey is still laughing as he wins another championship.
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karoiseka · 4 years
#15 Ache
((Dialogue in the first part is snagged directly for the most part from the game, but the rest tis mine own.  Pretty much just a re-hash of emotions and extra tid-bits of lore of what Karo was doing with all of this.  This got a little more away from me that I thought, but I’m happy with it. ^_^  Obviously, MAJOR 5.3 spoilers!!!))
“I concede, I may have over-exerted myself,” G’raha gasped a little from the Tower’s floor where he had fallen after defeating Elidibus.  Karo’s heart was racing--not only from the battle she had just finished, the adrenaline singing in her veins, but from the final goodbye of her--well, whatever Elidibus was to her now.  Now, the one that held her heart was transforming before her very eyes into a part of the very Tower that was so instrumental to them both.
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“Steady now, and listen.  I told you before that I had a plan, and that when all was said and done, I would ask a favor of you.”  The Bard maneuvered herself beside him, sitting him up and holding his now both crystal hands in her own that desperately were clutching the spirit vessel.  “We have averted the Eight Umbral Calamity.  Found a way for everyone to return to the Source, and… last but not least, we have secured the future of all the people of Norvrandt.  We have won, my love.”  He was squeezing her hands gently, eyes shining, even when gasping for breath as she could watch the crystal creeping over his body slowly.  He reached up to run his fingers gently down her cheek, cupping her face and leaning against her forehead.
“So I hope you’ll forgive me this moment of selfishness.  And… while I wouldn’t want you to feel obliged…” Karo snorted and cut him off with a kiss before letting him continue.  He smiled against her lips and continued on, “Promise me you’ll take me on your next adventure.  A journey.  Together.  That’s all I ask.”  Karo’s voice caught in her throat as tears pricked the corners of her eyes.
“Raha--” her voice cracked as she took a deep breath.  “Of course--you know that’s all I’ve wanted as well,”  nuzzling his ears he sighed contentedly as she continued to try and hold back all the emotion she was feeling.
“If I were to tell you that this isn’t the end--that we will meet again--would you believe me?”  His voice was soft, but insistent and confident that he spoke true despite what was in front of their eyes.
“I have to--” whispered almost too soft for him to hear, she nevertheless looked him in the eyes and nodded her agreement.
“Thank you.”  He nodded once as well and released his hold of his shining star to pull his hood up one last time--though thankfully not hiding his face away from her.  She scowled at the look, but stepped back to let him get to his feet, somehow knowing this was something he needed to do for himself.  His spirit vessel, the brilliant red portion already glowing clutched in her hand, she watched and listened as he found a spot to stand.  He knew this was it as the crystal crept up even further along him--robe and all.
“My love.  With you, my mind and memories shall travel to the ends of the world and beyond.  But in this place shall my body stand immovable.  May it serve as an undying promise, not only to those who looked to me for leadership, but to any soul who has known despair, that hope is everlasting.”   G’raha Tia planted his staff firmly, Xande’s throne towering behind him.  One last time, Karo threw her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, cupping the back of his head as they shared what they knew was one last moment here on the First.  Stepping back finally she took a deep breath and held out the spirit vessel.  It was time.  As she looked down it started to glow, burning from the inside with an intense light and Aether she could practically feel.  Sapphire eyes raced up to meet his ruby--now glossy as the husk smiled blankly as the crystal finally overtook him.
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Her own feet planted barely two fulms from his own, she curled her entire upper body around the warm spirit vessel, holding it to her heart.  It pulsed warmly against her as she took gulping breaths, trying to come to terms at least enough to step away.  Not much longer, she could hear the frantic footfalls of her found family and shouts of her and G’raha’s names echoing from the doorway to the tower.  The scions skidded to a stop behind her as they saw the Crystal Exarch--now the truest description of his name with the Warrior of Light and Darkness still at vigil in front of him.  Thancred was the first of the Scions to let go of his shock, and went to Karoiseka, wrapping himself around her from behind.  He could finally see the spirit vessel glowing in her grasp from his vantage and a deep sigh of relief escaped his lips.
“We’ve got you kitten--and you’ve got him.”  Karo finally spun around and let her tears fall as she let Thancred hold her up as she sobbed into his jacket.  Her heart ached, but she had to keep hope--that hope that he gave her that she cradled so carefully.
The bright stars of Amh Araeng beat down on Karo’s head.  She had finished visiting with Alisaie and Haldric, and had hurried down to Nabaath Areng before Thancred and Ryne got there.  She wanted to allow them their own time, but also had wanted to share the site of her last conversation with Mifillia with G’raha.  Scouting from above  she didn’t see the pair so she landed her borrowed Amaro in the shade of the flood.  Alisaie had a good idea of giving Raha a last tour of the First--maybe take him to a place or two he hadn’t been before.  He had always expressed interest in seeing the frozen wall of the flood up close, the sparkling wall looking almost like ice above the desert.
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“Haldric is getting better,” Karo narrated to the crystal in her hand as she walked the platform where she had said goodbye.  “The empty is not quite as empty, and people are feeling the joy of the night’s sky.  Your hope is contagious even out here, m’love.”  Kneeling at the center of the circle she said a prayer--for those they had lost and for those they could yet save.  A smile danced across her lips as the wind whipped around her in a warm embrace, skittering off across the dunes.  Time to take to the sky once more and head to Eulmore where Alphinaud was certain to be getting a teary goodbye.  
Having said her own goodbyes to the Chai family and promised to see Alphy back in the Crystarium, she looked out onto the water from the cliff high above the city.  It wasn’t far from the place she had found G’raha napping before storming Mt. Gulg and talked about the adventure that she was now starting with him.
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“It’s a shame you came here really only to berate Vauthry.  The city isn’t too bad now that they’re working on turning things around,”  The sky was clear and Karo realized she was scanning the horizon for Ardbert’s home island.  She could feel him laugh at her, knowing that it was well out of eye site range, yet tinged with a feeling of affection for thinking of him nonetheless.  Turning, pretending to be miffed at her Warrior soul, she continued to chat with Raha.  “You talked about riding the Eternal Wind here on this very cliff, and soon we shall fly across them back home.  Then the true adventure will start,” her blue-black hair was being whipped by the wind making her crystal hair tassels chime as she clung to that hope as her soul pulsed in an embrace lending her strength to carry on.  Beneath the waves she knew she had to dive before going to find Uriangier in the home of the pixies.
Waves crashing high above her head was the only sound in the depths besides her own footsteps echoing in Amaurot’s halls.  Occasionally she’d see one of his shades gliding on to one purpose or another, but she let the star-lit trees and arches light a random path as she wove the streets aimlessly.
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“You didn’t get to see much of the city, did you?” rhetorical as the question was, she knew that Emet--Hades--had kept his prize locked up away from where she could have stumbled across him before she turned into the Lightwarden he thought she would.  It had been a near thing looking back, nearer than she liked admitting.  Phantom hand on her shoulder, she could feel Ardbert’s solidarity with her.  I told you I cast my lot with yours.  We’re a team, hero- the whispered voice in her soul made her smile as she held Raha’s vessel to her heart once more.  “We saved you though, Raha, and you saved me in return.  I’ll paint a picture as vivid as can be when I spin this song for you, the one I have yet to write to remember than they once lived.  We all have to remember....” and hope continued to blossom in her heart.
Flowers waltzed around the wide meadows of Il Mheg and Karo walked up the pathway to the castle.  She had the sense to know whatever it was her Elezan friend had to say, that she probably wasn’t going to be in the mood for sight-seeing after.  Instead she decided to visit her Branch and let her say goodbye to G’raha as well.  The gigantic glowing wings of the castle sparkled in the sun and the stained glass windows glowed from within even in the middle of the day.  The city below was so clear under the water it was hard to remember that it wasn’t occupied by more than fish and Fuath.  
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“Thank you for introducing me to Fe Ul,” a smile broke out thinking of how innocent that first meeting was in the markets of the Crystarium.  “As much as I kept forgetting to call on them, they always had a knack of getting me out of some of the worst trouble here,” Karo’s thoughts went back to the watchtower and the suggestion to learn more of the Crystal Exarch from the people he led. “Gonna have to try and keep this quick before Uri wonders where we are.”  With a theatrical spin and hope in her voice she shouted out to her Branch calling on them once more.
She had been right to do their goodbyes in Il Mheg before talking to Uriangier and Seto.  In a daze of overwhelmed emotions she had wandered into Slitherbough, and like the magic she wielded, Y’shtola renewed her energy with her antics with Runar..  Wishing the Hrothgar good luck, Karo wandered to the swamps edge before diving in again.  The ruins at the bottom of the lake were a good distraction for her historian, and she slowly pointed them out and their meanings one by one of the old Ronkan Empire.  Excitement rejuvenated, she then took him to the Raval and took in the murals of Amaurot, Hydaelyn and Zodiark once more.
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“Wish you could have heard all our shock when he dropped that piece of information on us,” her sarcastic laugh echoed through the caverns.  “I think you saw enough of it when we relayed it back to you though, we couldn’t get back to the Tower fast enough.”  With one last contemplative look at the murals, she gave a nod, hope filling her voice again.
“Alright, enough of that, back to Ahm Araeng, we need to find Thancred and Ryne.  It’s time to go home.”
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The Crystarium markets were abuzz as Karo picked up the trinket she had ordered from the jeweler.  She could tell the people of the city knew something was going on with all the Scions back in town, and word about what had happened with their Exarch.  There was just enough time for her to head back to her Pendants room and imbue it with the spell she had planned.  The spell required her to sing, and so she pulled out her harp and sat down at the edge of the window and after activating the first part of the spell with a tendril of aether, started to sing.  The song was one of hope, of the man from another world who had turned this new one into his home, caring for its people and leading them towards a better tomorrow.  Singing with all her heart and soul the sun slowly drew across the sky as she continued with every song of hope and inspiration she could remember.  Out of repertoire finally, she closed the second part of the spell and picked up the glowing pendant shaped like her harp.  She packed up her bags, shouldering them and headed back to the Tower.  Sneaking around the gathering, she headed up the stairs to the platform where she left her voice enveloping the crystalline form of the one who held her heart.  Hope surrounded them both as the ache in her heart finally melted away, and she headed down to bring them all home at last.
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kaibacxrps · 4 years
(originally created by hatsudenki)
Repost don’t reblog
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Mun name: Vani (IDC how you guys will address me by)
OOC Contact: Tumblr IMs, Disco.rd (mutuals only)
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Seto Kaiba is the CEO of Kaiba corporation, a world renowned softwares and games development company. They are one of the main partners and investors of Industrial illusions, the company responsible for the creation of duel monsters (they are also known for their theme parks in Japan and the USA, and later [GX] they own the duelists academy). Kaiba is also amongst the top duelits known in the world, Yugi is the only one who stands above him- no one else comes close to rivaling him.
Priest Set is one of the six priests that compose, Atem’s court in Ancient Egypt (and in the afterlife). He was the original wielder of the millennium rod, and carried the duties of extracting prisoners kas and execute them. He was also a phenomenal war strategist, and a powerful magician (who was only ever defeated by Atem. No one else rivaled him, in those skills). He fought against Zorc, alongside his colleagues and pharaoh, and came out as the sole survivor of that previous court. He became the new pharaoh, after Atem’s death (since it was revealed to him that he was Aknadin’s son, so they were related.). Set reigned over the Egyptian empire, and went down in history as a tyrant and merciless pharaoh in Egypt’s history.
Points of interest:
Kaiba can be recognized at about anywhere he goes. He is a very prominent, public figure. At some point, any muse is bound to have at least seen or heard something involving the name Kaiba. Don’t let those commercials and interviews fool you, Kaiba is a difficult person to be around in person.
Besides my AU, where Set shows up in the modern world. Interactions will either take place in AE or in the afterlife. In AE, it can be during his time as a priest, or when he is the pharaoh. Meanwhile in the afterlife, his soul is bound to serve his king. When Set is in the modern world, he is sharing his mind (not the body) with Kaiba, so he knows his way around as well as everything that happened during DM’s events.
What they’ve been up to recently:
It depends on the verse.
For standard Kaiba’s interactions are all set in his present time verse, 4 years post-DM. He has long since quit the professional dueling scene (after being defeated by Yugi in his BC 2.0 tournament, that takes place after Atem’s departure), so he has only been focusing on his company - and his brother (who is already studying abroad). Kaiba has also cut all ties and contact with Yugi & co, the last time he saw them was in their HS graduation. Currently, he is working on his duelists academy project, he has just bought the establishment and is making huge investments on it. He is often traveling abroad for business reasons, and is rarely seen around Domino city.
As a priest: Set is serving the royal court, he is an important and prominent figure within it. Because of that, his days are extremely busy. He can be often found being mentored by Aknadin, or in the company of other priests. On the rare occasion, it is possible to run into him while out hunting wild animals.
As a pharaoh: Set took over the throne after Atem’s death, and is currently trying to repair and rebuild the empire after all the damages and destruction caused by Zorc. Things are still very fresh and recent, on top of that the former priest is now trying to adjust to his life as the king of Egypt.
In the afterlife: Set’s soul made into his pharaoh’s after his death, in the mortal realm. He is finally reunited with his colleagues, but Atem is still nowhere to be found. As such, he alongside with everyone else waits patiently for their king’s return. Things will return to normal, once he makes it into it.
Modern AU: Set has been granted the chance to meet, the one that was meant to be his vessel. However, things have been less than stellar to him. And ever since he came across Kaiba, he has been kept inside of Kaiba estate. He isn’t allowed out of it, in order to avoid people mistaking him by his vessel.
Where to find them:
Kaiba is... All over the place really, although bars and nightclubs might be the better places to find him. Otherwise, he mostly stays in his company’s building or in his mansion.
Just look above for Set, it depends on the time period- when things are meant to happen. But during Ae, he doesn’t really leave the palace that much and in the modern AU he is stcuk in Kaiba’s place.
Current plans:
// I don’t have any? Not in the sense of making something, that would involve other muns muses. I’ll just keep working on my HCs, and hopefully write a few drabbles I have been meaning to get to for awhile.
Desired interactions:
// I would love to have more things taking place during AE for Set, or finally get to write something during the afterlife.
For Kaiba, I’m actually interested in some pre-DM stuff, so during school shenanigans? (At a time where they were all simply classmates, and nothing else) Or even much later into the timeline, during or post-GX.
Offered interactions:
I have many AUs to offer!
My biggest AU atm is my Yami!Set AU! All of these are open for interactions, and plotting!
I offer anything from pre-DM stuff, things taking place during the series events, post DM and even GX stuff for Kaiba!
For Set, it is a similar thing, albeit during AE and in the afterlife.
Current open post/s:
I don’t do any opens, unless it is for a current dash shenanigan sorry.
Anything else?:
Please be mindful about the continuity & canon sources, I use for my muses. All of them are being based off the anime, I don’t follow at all the manga nor take season 0 into consideration. I also ignore all the movies, and games for my interpretations.
I don’t expect my portrayals/takes on the characters to be everyone’s cup of tea. I’m bound to touch on certain subjects that might be upsetting for certain users, so please take care of yourself and know your limits.
I haven’t watched everything related to YGO. I’m the most familiar with DM and GX, I still have to catch up with everything that came afterwards.
Anyone looking to ship with me. These are the ones I refuse to rp: mirror (Noah/Seto), tabloid (Mokuba/Seto), Puppy/violet (Jounouchi/Seto) and corrupt (TK Bakura/Set).
I want to remind you all that, any and all HCs that mention a character’s name. Will never be applied nor enforced, upon anyone’s muses!
I can rp on disc.ord as well, if that’s easier for you!
Please don’t let these things intimidate you! I look forward to talk & discuss with you!
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gwenkatana · 1 year
Kaiba doesn’t watch tv so Kisara’s out of context game of thrones quotes give Kaiba a scare.
“Fire cannot kill a dragon.”
“I am the blood of the dragon.”
“A dragon is not a slave.”
Just when he thought he was safe from having to deal with magic mumbo jumbo his girlfriend is remembering their past life.
He has an internal freak out until Mokuba explains it’s just Kisara getting ready for her Daenerys cosplay for Domino City Comic Con. Mokuba wants to go with her and asks Seto for money for the con. Seto says yes and gives him whatever he asks for. He’s just relieved his sweet, adorable, beautiful girlfriend is fine.
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shitatemdoes · 6 years
DSoD Analysis: The purpose of Kaiba’s tournament
People have been wondering since DSoD why Kaiba chose to duel the holographic fake Atem in a church. This got me thinking, too, and I believe that this has something to do with the tournament he is holding later.
First, let’s take a look at the stages Kaiba and Atem have dueled before:
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They were always public, quite flashy even. People could attend the stage and witness their duel against each other. The only exception is the very first time they’ve met and dueled (inside the empty classroom) and the duel against holographic fake Atem (unless you count the KC scientists as spectators). Since Kaiba himself could decide how the stage for the Battle City duel, as well as the duel against holographic fake Atem should look like (due to Solid Vision), it is interesting to compare these two stages with each other:
- The Battle City duel is set inside the colosseum. Kaiba explains why he chose this setting: “We will fight the decisive battle in the name of fate! Like the ancient roman gladiators who fought with their lives for pride and freedom!” [ Side note: It’s interesting that Kaiba, who claims that he doesn’t hold any interest in the “lost honor of the past” chose a setting that is extremely famous for being a relic of the ancient past. ]
- The church in DSoD is now something completely different. A church isn’t a profane place meant for battle. A church symbolizes a sacred place where rituals are being held. The same an ancient temple symbolizes.
I think this already hints at what the tournament in DSoD is supposed to be (at least from Kaiba’s POV). But let’s think about the context of the tournament first:
- The tournament is inaugurated by Kaiba’s speech, which in itself, contains many deep meanings. After his speech Kaiba holds the puzzle up high -> [ shitatemdoes.tumblr.com/post/182192275589 ] and, somehow out of context from his entire speech alone, suddenly explains that the pharaoh is sealed inside: “The noble pharaoh is sealed inside this golden puzzle. But it’s missing a few pieces.”
- Besides Kaiba, the only other competitors in this tournament are Yugi and Aigami. A little bit too few people to determine who’s the strongest duelist.
- Both duelists, Yugi and Aigami, are only intended to participate, so that Kaiba can defeat and gain the last two puzzle pieces from them. Something that is actually unnecessary, because Kaiba could just take these last two puzzle pieces away from them. But still, he decides that those must be earned in a duel: “The world is focused on this stage. I will crush these powerful duelists that I have personally selected. [...] The remaining two pieces are in the hands of these two duelists. I’ll defeat them to prove that I’m the greatest.”
- Kaiba specifically designed a new Duel Disk for himself and for Atem. He gives Yugi the new Duel Disk, but also says later: “You’re not the opponent that I need to defeat”. This implies that the Duel Disk was not designed for Yugi, but for Atem and for him only. And that Yugi, in this moment, is just the place holder for it.
- During the duel special monsters like Gandora or Deep-Eyes White Dragon get summoned with a chant.
- The whole purpose of the tournament is to bring back or to “summon” Atem. No prize-money, no rare cards, no Duel King title, or anything else is gained during that.
This is not your common local neighborhood tournament, where you prove that you’re the best duelist and after that win the prize-money, get the Duel King title, the rarest cards or a two week holiday in Malibu. This time it’s not supposed to be like Duelist Kingdom or Battle City. It’s not only to promote the new Duel Disk, either. And Kaiba himself doesn’t act, doesn’t feel, like a simple tournament holder.
We have similiar circumstances during the Ceremonial Duel: Back then, Atem was the main reason this took place; he was the main subject of it. Yugi’s role was to send Atem to the afterlife, while Ishizu acted like a priestess, guiding the participants through the ceremony/ritual. Why of all people was Ishizu the one guiding the ceremony, even though not her, but Malik had been chosen as the successor of the Ishtar family’s legacy? This maybe stems from the fact that Ishizu, in her past life, was an actual priestess. And maybe, subconsciously, Ishizu takes the role of the priestess again.
Besides Ishizu there is another priest reincarnated to the modern world: Priest Seto. This becomes again clear throughout the movie by Kaiba’s actions and words: “I’m the one who was supposed to defeat Atem. Since I failed to do that, his ghost still haunts my mind to this day.” (because he also failed to do that as a priest back then), and then directly afterwards he’s able to summon Obelisk by detecting the pharaoh’s memories.
This is one of the reasons why Ishizu is so set to convince Kaiba of his past life as a priest, and why he holds the Battle City Tournament in the first place:
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She’s talking about Kaiba ending the profane battles and turn them into sacred battles. Kaiba, subconsciously, already knows this during Battle City: (”Our road of battle goes farther than the eye can see”) and then he embraces this concept in DSoD (“Watch as our battle evolves!”)
Defeating Atem in a duel has become a sacred ritual necessary to be held for the former king to get send to the afterlife, and for the new king to truly inherit the throne or title (this is not just meant literally, but also symbolically). Hence Kaiba is so focused on defeating Atem, because he wants to have the Duel King title. Hence it was necessary for Yugi to defeat Atem in the Ceremonial Duel, so he could take his role as the new King Of Games.
If everyone is given a certain or symbolic role during these two duels (the Ceremonial Duel and the tournament in DSoD), then Atem is a spirit or deity, that is supposed to get called, summoned or banished. Yugi is a summoner or medium, who transmits between this being and other people. Ishizu and Kaiba are priests, who are responsible for the ceremony procedure. And the rest, all the people who watch the duels, are there as witness.
The DSoD tournament is (subconsciously from Kaiba’s POV) a sacred ritual/ceremony that’s being held to call upon Atem, or to summon him, and Kaiba (subconsciously) acts like the priest responsible for it.
This becomes even more apparent, if you look at the oppositional roles/dualism Kaiba and Atem inherit and represent:
- Kaiba is always associated with “Light” (BEWD is a Light monster), while Atem is associated with “Darkness” (Dark Magician is a Darkness monster)
- Before Pharaoh Atem died he gave Priest Seto his throne. Priest Seto then ruled as pharaoh after Atem. In the ancient Egyptian religion the deceased pharaoh becomes a god/takes the role of a god (Osiris) in the afterlife -> [ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris ]. [ Side note: This could be the reason why Atem obtained Osiris as his first God Card, and also summoned him as his last monster in the Ceremonial Duel before losing ]. Besides priests, pharaohs also back then participated in sacred rituals inside temples for their gods and their former rulers.
This is one of the reasons, why Kaiba becomes the ruler of Domino City after Atem leaves, because it’s supposed to symbolize just that. Kaiba rules as a king in the living world, while Atem rules as a king of the afterlife (dualism). Due to his “death”, Atem has become a god-like ruler now. And Kaiba, subconsciously, still feels the need to praise his former king - now turned god.
All of this gets emphasized by more subtle things: One of the tracks that plays during the duel between Kaiba and Yugi is called “The Nameless Pharaoh” -> [ youtube.com/watch?v=EOQqNGZi_O0 ]. This subtly implies that this duel is really just about Atem. The music that plays when Atem shows up to save the day is called “God’s Descent” -> [ youtube.com/watch?v=PX_io1khloY ] , this also subtly implies Atem’s now deity-like existence.
The tournament as a sacred ritual for a deity-like being to call upon/summon is also shown in the way some scenes are presented to us:
Because scenes like this:
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Reminded me of this:
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fyeahcodegays · 5 years
suzalulu fics for when ao3 isn’t enough
a couple of gen mixed in, but if you have rose tinted shades they’ll work fine
btw these aren’t necessarily exclusive to ffn; some authors have imported their works between sites and thus you might come across something you’ve read in ao3 already.
I may or may not have been depressed that I can’t find fic recs besides this one (which has a lotta good fics, I thrived here) and the lj rec lists dont even load so yeah.
on another note, in the midst of making this, I also found this fic rec (the best playground for my angst loving heart tbh) so I decided to remove the overlaps I found.
i’m personally a fan of dark fic (more like unhealthy codependence) so there’s that I guess
1. In Birdcages | toujourspret
Escaping is only the illusion of freedom when your wings have been clipped.
2. Guileless | J Plash
“Stay with me,” Suzaku whispers, and pretends he doesn’t see the lie when Lelouch says “okay”. Because Lelouch can’t be Zero, not again. All the evidence proves it. And Suzaku couldn’t love Zero like this. 
3. To Err Is Human | tastes-like-ciel
All Zero had to do was string together a few words to bring the knight to his knees. Suzaku never stood a chance and Lelouch never saw the betrayal coming.
4. The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend | tastes-like-ciel
Zero and Suzaku call for a truce in order to defeat a common enemy in their never ending war for Lelouch’s affections. Their enemy’s name? Gino.
5. Excused Absences | YamiPaladinofChaos
Maybe Zero’s meeting with his secret lover?“ The Black Knights discuss their leader’s absence.
6. Scarred But Not Stronger | YamiPaladinofChaos
Suzaku always makes Lelouch stand up again, even when neither of them really wants it. Nunnally and Suzaku, after Kaminejima.
7. Abandon Thyself | Sanjuno
“The strongest soldier cannot balance long upon the blade that does divide his honor and his heart, and whatever way he falls, the cut will kill him.” ― Susanna Kearsley, The Firebird
8. Sleeping Beauty | tastes-like-ciel
And so the brave and noble Prince Suzaku rescued the lovely Princess Lelouch and, in doing so, created a fairytale bound to be told long after they were dead and gone. AU. NOT a Genderswitch.
9. Battleship Grey | tastes-like-ciel
On the day of Nunnally’s kidnapping, Suzaku was absent because of military duties. With no one to aid him, Lelouch was forced to face Mao on his own.
10. Leading Moves | elarielf
Lelouch may be the “girly” one and the “uke” in the relationship, but the whole world knows who wears the pants in his and Suzaku’s relationship.
11. Just Another Game | elarielf
Lelouch takes Suzaku to one of his chess matches, only this time Lelouch loses. The other player orders Suzaku to screw Lelouch over the chess table while he watches.
12. Higame | elarielf
Suzaku thought that all the times Lelouch went out to gamble with Rivalz they were really having sex.
13. Retribution | spare
But somewhere between grabbing Lelouch by the collar of his shirt and shoving him against the wall and glaring into his eyes—one violet, the other glowing red even in the dim light, Suzaku had miscalculated.
14. Get Your Hands Off My Girl… Er, Guy… | elarielf
AU, in which Suzaku and Lelouch go to a club with Rivalz and a guy starts to flirt with Lelouch… So Suzaku gets angry, and at the end they start to fight for Lelouch.
15. Walk On In | Tainted Ink And Paper
Lelouch had an odd habit of taking strays… especially unwanted ones. Suzaku, the Japanese biker who waltzes into his home without permission, comes with more baggage than he can handle… like the Black Knights, like Zero.
16. Mismatched Yarn | Cat In My Fridge
Because in the end, when everything else had been stripped away, there was still one thing Lelouch had to give: himself.
17. All That Remains | LawliPop
Something terrible has happened.
18. Forever, With You | VirtualDraconium
They thought Zero Requiem would be the end of their problems. However, due to unexpected events a considerable amount of time later, the two are brought together once more. Very post-turn 25.
19. Requiem | LawliPop
It was the word on everyone’s lips. A quiet murmur that steadily grew louder with each passing second until it evolved into a celebratory chant.
20. Pure Hearted Love | DnKS-giRLs
What if, instead of waging war against Japan, Britannia sought after an alliance by arranging a political marriage between them? What if the two parties involved was Lelouch vi Britannia and Kururugi Suzaku?
21. Snapshots | DnKS-giRLs
A collection of one shots following the event of Pure Hearted Love. Some mere snapshots portraying the live of Lelouch vi Britannia and Kururugi Suzaku as the royal couple of The Holy Empire of Britannia.
22. Juicy Footage | Coral Blush
Gino thinks Lelouch is sexy, and Suzaku wonders if it’s possible to break his friend’s fingers when no one is looking.
23. In My Memory | KiraxMomo
When all you have are memories, you cling to them. When those memories start to fade, what do you do?
24. Twisted | pretense
“Protect Lelouch and Kill Zero… Well isn’t that just grand?”
25. Mosaic | abovethenightsky
Through the years, the pieces fall into place. It takes Lelouch and Suzaku a little while to learn, but eventually they do. Follows the dynamic duo through R1 and R2, and cycles of fluff, angst, and forgiveness.
26. Revision |  DnKS-giRLs
After the regicide, Zero found himself walking to Emperor Lelouch’s bedroom with fear in his heart. Yes, this is a CRACK fic.
27. The Royal Command | Seto’s Darkness
After defeating Britannia in a bitter war, Suzaku Kururugi is the Prince of Japan who takes a liking to the purple-eyed prisoner, Lelouch.
28. At The World’s End | Seto’s Darkness
Lelouch has always copied Suzaku, the stronger of the two of them. And Suzaku will always protect Lelouch, no matter what.
29. The Moments Between | Zure96
After Charles erases Lelouch’s memory of Zero and Nunnally he has another plan for him before sending him back to Ashford to draw out C.C. Placed in Suzaku’s care, will the newly appointed Knight of Seven abuse his power? Or will he do his duty?
30. Windowless | ucco
Euphemia may hold the title of being Suzaku’s girlfriend, but she’ll never own his heart.
31. The Elegy of Suzaku Kururugi | Coeurlito
The Zero Requiem was not the end. For Suzaku Kururugi, it will never be the end.
32. Thunder and Lightning | Jynova
Thunder and lightning. Two different words denoting the same entity. Two parts of the same phenomena, separated only by the expanse of time. Lelouch Vi Britannia/Lelouch Lamperouge/Zero/99th Emperor of Britannia/Emperor of the World, strikes so brightly. Suzaku Kururugi, plain and simple in his thundering justice.
33. Wrong | faecree
After Euphie’s confession to him, Suzaku simply felt wrong. And, when something feels wrong, isn’t the best way to properly remedy the situation to counter it with something “right” instead?
34. Safe and Sound | Lovelily Lion
In a different world they were ordinary boys caught in a dystopian society bent on watching them lay down their lives. Lelouch grieves over the lover he never had and Suzaku finds a way to get back to him at all costs.
35. Ariadne’s Thread | anlaaria
It could have been perfect. Inception AU.
36. the disloyal order of sunflowers | tenshiplz
Marianne’s eldest son—eight years old and proud of it—the eleventh Prince to the Britannian throne, had attempted to escape three times in the past two days over that wall, but this fourth time was the charm.
37. Fanfic ABCs | Cat In My Fridge
Turning lesbian seemed like the logical thing to do when Suzaku and Lelouch kept being MIA having sex in yaoi fanfiction. At the time, anyway.
38. Retrograde | Libek
At the end of R1, on a whim, Lelouch receives a very different punishment for his actions. Now everyone must deal with the consequences. Themes of “white” slavery, and yes, he does now technically belong to Suzaku.
39. A Friendly Chat | Vermillion Lies
Emperor Charles and Suzaku have a brief conversation regarding memories.
40. Behind Those Wonderful Double Grand Doors |  DnKS-giRLs
That day, the four ladies of Ashford Academy heard some very interesting things behind the closed door of student council room. And what part exactly does aloe gel play in that?
41. Selfish | shimo hyozan
If he was just given the chance, he would’ve been selfish.
42. In Loving Memory | Strawberry Scented Paperclip
An accident has left Suzaku with no recollection of the past two years. He doesn’t mind much, but who’s that dark haired stranger haunting his dreams, and why is his girlfriend acting so distant?
43. The Emperor’s Waltz | realms of fic
Empires may grow and crumble, but music plays forever. 
44. Seeing Double | elarielf
Two Suzakus teaming up against Lelouch, Rock'n'Dolless’s Kiss doujin style. Consensual; semi-public outdoors. …because there can’t be too much Suzaku?
45. Absolution | ficshun
Suzaku must make a choice when confronted with the truth of Zero’s identity.
Bonus Round: cgkinkmemeii fill personal faves
Lelouch is alive with a code, sex with Suzaku ensues
Lelouch turns to Refrain, dubcon
Lelouch switch between good au and canon
Suzalulu RP as each other 
Decayed by rex_sun sidestory (by rex_sun)
MMORPG pk Zero
Student Council/table-kun
Continue? [Yes/No]
Lelouch has fujo fangirls
Cold!lelouch, Passionate!zero
Conflicted!zaku after R1
eyes are windows to the soul
post-R1 non-con
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugio S3 Ep 26: Marik’s Low Speed Escape From the Museum
This episode is quite short and contains about two things 1.) this weird 4-way duel that has little bearing on anything except who gets to play Marik and get super cursed first and 2.) flashbacks.
I am so thankful for flashbacks, because this was mostly watching Kaiba doing his damnedest to manipulate Joey Wheeler and Yugi into not working with eachother so that way Joey would lose and go up against Marik when Joey Wheeler has already decided he was going to go up against Marik.
It was very catty. Kaiba at his cattiest. He really thought he was breaking up this friendship of two people who were once chained by the ankles to an anchor when they’re like “no, Kaiba, you don’t get it. Kaiba, this is totally unnecessary, Kaiba. Kaiba, calm down.”
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To be fair to Seto Kaiba, he probably absolutely believes that this is what Yugi is going to do before their Senior Year of High School is over. Kaiba kind of lives in a Game of Thrones situation in his head when in reality...he’s in high school playing cards.
(read more under the cut)
We also get a flashback of this show desperately trying to prove to us that they had planned JoeyxMai this whole time. I’m starting to realize this is just how they write most romances on this show, by inserting flashbacks instead of actually showing any romance in the current timeline.
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And by romance, I mean aggressive friendship because yes that age gap is...still there. My bro was like “I dunno if they’re even still in High School at this point. I think they wrote them out of High School without telling us” but like, until they show me directly that they have graduated, then I’m just gonna still believe they’re in high school. Except Seto who is like both 18 and 16 and a college graduate at 14 or just never graduated the 9th grade depending on who you’re talking to. Seto will be our outlier of “he’s in class but don’t ask.”
Anyway, lets go hang out with Ishizu to see what happened when Marik decided to pay her a visit at the museum. This occurred directly after she handed over her God card to Seto Kaiba.
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Yes, she gave her God card to Seto Kaiba, and then, once he was out the door, decided to lock herself in a vault, just so she could spook her little brother’s cultists. This family and their weird pranks.
But here’s the thing I just realized that I can’t shake. I know it’s a kid’s show so none of this will matter, but let me go a little Ace Attorney on us here and just throw out a very quick “objection!” to the floor because...there’s some continuity issues.
+++++++++++++++BORKED TIMELINE RANT FEEL FREE TO SKIP ++++++++++
(Shocking on this show that has Seto Kaiba’s timeline, that there’d be some continuity issues, but youknow...now we have new one.)
If she JUST gave that card to Seto Kaiba, and she did not leave Japan from the time that she gave Seto the card and the time the tourney started (since this museum show I assume has been in Japan this entire time), then why is Marik here?
Marik came here on a boat in the middle of S2, he made a big fuss about it, but apparently he was already here just weeks earlier. He was already in Japan, then got back on his boat, and just sailed around in the Pacific for a spell before heading back?
Did he just come here to get these cards and then also drop off Bandit Keith???? Except...Bandit Keith was...before Ishizu showed up in the timeline of this show.
Or, and this is might be even more confusing, what if this is happening in Egypt, and it’s a completely different museum, and Ishizu just left Japan at some point to stand in a vault until her brother showed up,and then got back on a plane back to Japan just in time to crash Yugi’s date?
And here’s the thing, lets just pull out that borked timeline. The Ishtar timeline, from the perspective of the Isthars, lets do this.
1. Marik feels like going on a really exotic yachting trip with his cultist buddies and decides to check out Pegasus’ Island off the coast of America(?) While there, he unexpectedly comes across Bandit Keith, who (and this must have been really shocking to every single cultist there who is used to living underground) is violently shot out of a strange slip n’ slide mechanism, that pops him out of a cliff-face and vaults him directly into the ocean. Curious, Marik picks the weird Trash American out of the sea, and he finds out that Bandit Keith knows Yugi, but instead of invading Pegasus’ island where Yugi was currently residing, Marik decides to go allllll the way to Japan (Which is crazy because Bandit Keith did not know what part of Japan Yugi lived in. Japan is freakin huge and made up of several islands.)
2. Since Marik wanted to get to Yugi ASAP, he tosses Bandit Keith onto the coast of Domino in order to abduct Yugi on his way to soccer practice. We can assume this happened...like a few weeks later (I really am not sure how fast his party yacht moves, but like...considering we also don't know where Pegasus’ island is (Maybe like the coast between California and Mexico?????) I can never say.) At this point, Marik probably just peaced out and went to Guam to hang out 20 leagues away from where Noah was currently plotting his revenge.
3. While Yugi is recovering from 3rd degree burns form the warehouse fire, and during which time, Yugi’s doctors were also trying to figure out how the hell to get Yugi to let go of the goddamn golden puzzle that remained in his hands from the moment Yugi passed out to the moment Yugi woke up in the hospital, Ishizu lands in Japan via a plane (although the English version erroneously says she lands in America, because for a little while they wanted to pretend that this entire show takes place in the US.) She unpacks her cargo, sets up a museum exhibit, and then on the news/psychic phone call, invites Seto Kaiba over so she can give a God Card to Seto Kaiba. I assume al that happened the very evening that the museum show opened. Like maybe this happens over the course of maybe a week or so from when Marik left Japan after dropping off Bandit Keith?
4. Shortly after (within the amount of time it takes Kaiba to get the idea to do the tourney and the time to hastily throw it together (which could not have been long, this tourney is a complete disaster)) Marik crashes Ishizu’s museum in.......Japan? Japan or Egypt. Something like that. Considering he wants to go where the God Cards are, he’d probably go to the exhibit that also has the giant God Card tablet that will curse everyone that looks at it. So...probably Japan. However, there are palm trees here, and so maybe it’s Egypt? I don’t know. After that doesn’t work out, he peaces out yet again, and then gets back on his boat for the second time, and goes straight back to Guam or wherever.
5. A few days later, Ishizu crashes Yugi’s and Tea’s date. (and if she has been in Egypt spooking Marik in a vault, this means she had to get off of a plane in order to make it in time to spook this date as well on the other side of the world) She tells Yugi about the tourney because for some reason, Kaiba has invited everyone with invites but just...didn’t send an invite to Yugi for some reason although Yugi is the only reason he’s throwing this tourney. Then she shows Yugi the cursed God Card tablet and then peaces out so she can join Kaiba’s tourney and play cards peacefully while everyone else was getting attacked by cultists.
6. About a few days later into the tourney...Marik arrives in Japan and we act as if this is the first time he ever has and it’s with a MUCH better motorcycle, but we’ll get to that motorcycle later.
It’s not as bad as the Kaiba timeline--I can’t even put the Kaiba timeline in a consecutive order, but mm. This brother sister team realllly likes to travel across the entire world and back within the span of a couple of months, huh?
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I am so weirded out that Marik doesn’t wear like anything under his cloak. Like nothing. It’s just a gross sweaty cloak and that’s it...and like I have NO idea if he has pants on, they never scroll down. I mean, I assume he has matching purple pants...or probably cargoes, but...does he? Or does he just wear that cloak over a pair of golden boxers?
Also, why is he wearing golden arm bands with a long sleeved cloak? It’s because he knows he’s gonna take that cloak off at EVERY opportunity, right? Like that’s the only reason you would bother with the arm cuffs?
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And then we get the most unexpected motorcycle in history.
So like...remember how Marik was hella into Motorcycles? Remember how it was really cool hot rods that made him start towards the evil side in the first place? Think about the coolest motorcycles you know and then...admire this one
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This motorcycle that moved so slowly that the cultists casually jogged behind him like it was a parade or something. Like, did he steal the motorcycle from this museum collection?
Anyway, bro let me know that apparently in the Japanese version she’s got armed guards with guns, but they were edited out. Funny thing is, bro also mentioned that since Marik can just mind control people, it makes more sense that Ishizu wouldn’t bring an armed militia with her. I gotta agree, this is the one instance where the English version actually works better.
Although that motorcycle though. Wow. It’s like out of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Marik just stuffed himself into that baby side car, making vroom vroom noises with his mouth as he glides away at a smooth 10 mph.
This is our serial murderer that killed Bakura, folks. It was this guy.
Kinda wish he kept the side car this entire time, that would have been a treat throughout S2.
Anyway, here’s a link to read all the recaps from Ep1 S1 in chrono order.
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vivinightingale · 4 years
hello beautiful, owww 2x1 beautiful person and beautiful writing;) if you are not busy can you make a canon of atem, Yami, seto, yugi as parents please.
Them as parents is just 🥺🥺👉👈💞
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When he first learned he was gonna be a father he wondered if he was gonna be ready. I mean it's a scary thing.
When his child arrives it's a little girl, and he knew he wasnt ready, but seeing the bundle of joy in his s/o arms he felt tears well in his eyes.
As much as he wants to spoil his little princess he knows he cant. She would be the next ruler after all. So he parents her with a firm but gentle hand.
When she gets into trouble she will scolded, and put into her room for time out. However if she does good she will rewarded with whatever her little heart desires.
The two of them have a close bond, and share a lot of jokes while in the throne room. They are cutesy daddy daughter duo.
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Much like before he isnt sure if he gonna be a good dad. He has lived 10,000 years and faced many dangers but child birth is a scary thing to him.
Despite his fears he will be there for his s/o when the baby is delivered/when they pick up baby. When he sees them carrying their baby boy that fear disappears.
Because he isnt a pharaoh in this time he spoils his son a little more. He will still discipline him if need be.
On family game night those two are facing each other in duel monsters Yami's s/o is cheering for the both of them.
When their son turns 5 yami will turn to you and say "I think Mahad needs a little sister"
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Yugi Muto:
Unlike Yami and Atem Yugi is ready for this kid. You two planned months ahead and he already had two names planned out.
When he sees you with your little girl he begins crying because the most beautiful sight to him. (He even took a picture and it's been his phonewallpaper for ages)
While she is little she wont be in a crib she will be in between her two parents, because yugi wants to cherish these moments with her.
Yugi is more relaxed then Yami and Atem. He wont punish his children unless they do something terrible. The most they will get is a scolding.
She will also learn duel monster from her father. Her favorite card will end up being the Celtic Guardian.
When their daughter turns 10 is when he will start planning another with you.
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Seto Kaiba:
Out of all of them Setonis the most prepared for a baby. Years of raising Mokuba has trained him for this. Or so he thought.
When he saw you with two babies a boy on your right and girl on your left he was slightly scared, but quickly ran off those thoughts. He could do this with you at his side.
Blue eyes onesies and plushies are a MUST in this household.
Unlike his stepfather he wont push them to the brink, but he will make they good education and discipline when need be. He will spoil the children when he can, but its mainly mokuba doing the spoiling.
Speaking of mokuba this boy ADORES the children. He is always pronouncing how he is gonna be the best uncle they ever had.
The kids will also learn Duke monster from their father (he wants them to best Yugi's and Yami's kids) because of their father their favorite cards will be Blue eyes.
He wont want anymore children be he adores watching them grow happy and healthy with you at his side.
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