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Via Canova, Serravalle, San Marino.
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Serravalle, Italy
#Italy#italian#architecture#lensblr#photographers on tumblr#medieval#serravalle#vittorio veneto#veneto#venice
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Stadio di Baseball di Serravalle, Serravalle, San Marino
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Cuspo Rugby inizia la stagione con una vittoria schiacciante: 43-0 contro le Tre Rose Rugby
Una prestazione dominata dall'esperienza nonostante alcuni errori tecnici. La U13 trionfa al Memorial Deambrogio.
Una prestazione dominata dall’esperienza nonostante alcuni errori tecnici. La U13 trionfa al Memorial Deambrogio. La stagione è iniziata con una vittoria importante per il Cuspo Urpa Rugby che, nella prima partita contro le Tre Rose Rugby Casale, si è imposto con un netto 43-0. Una partita caratterizzata da alti e bassi, dove i giocatori più esperti hanno saputo fare la differenza, nonostante i…
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Serravalle Langhe, 2024
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SAN MARINO. Eventi - domani il in tema di inclusione e divertimento!
Torna in campo la Nazionale di San Marino e con essa anche il Fan Village, che si vestirà a festa dalle 17:00 alle 20:00 di domani con numerose iniziative rivolte al pubblico di tutte le età. Nel parcheggio del Multieventi Sport Domus di Serravalle, si terrà infatti l’evento “Campo aperto”, coinvolgente anteprima dell’amichevole internazionale tra San Marino e Saint Kitts e Nevis, alle 20:45…

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#amichevole internazionale#calcio#Fan Village allo Stadium#Multieventi Sport Domus di Serravalle#Nazionale di San Marino#Saint Kitts e Nevis#san marino#San Marino Stadium
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Aces from Tarot de Marseille and the Serravalle-Sesia Tarocchi
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Daniele da Serravalle
Milan, Italy
Date:c. 1550 - 1560
Medium:Steel, wood and gold, gold inlay, pierced, chiselled, blued and damascened
Length:70.6 cm, blade
Width:3.4 cm, blade, at guard
Weight:1 kg
Length:86.6 cm
Width:12 cm, guard
Balance point:15.3 cm, forward of the guard block
© The Wallace Collection
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After a 20-year winless streak, that finished last September 5th after a 1-0 victory against Liechtenstein at home in the town of Serravalle, it seemed that it was the biggest joy the San Marino national team, known as the "worst national team in the world of football" could get.
But today, they wrote the biggest page of their footballing history, that goes back to their first official match in 1990 against Switzerland and was constantly filled with harsh defeats, mainly because of the fact that, having a population of around 30.000 inhabitants, the resources are limited, and they mostly can only count with amateur or semi-pro footballers.
Until this edition of the UEFA Nations League, they had only ever won one friendly match, 1-0 against Liechtenstein on April 28th, 2004.
After the before mentioned second win in the Matchday 1 of the Group D1 of the Nations League, they suffered a defeat by a narrow margin of 1-0 against Gibraltar on Matchday 2, but they overcame it by achieving a last-minute 1-1 draw last Friday, in their third game of the group stage, reaching the last matchday against Liechtenstein in the capital Vaduz with chances of being promoted to League C. That would be, undoubtedly, the biggest feat in Sammarinese footballing history.
And indeed, it was. After a stunning middle distance shot from the Liechtensteinian midfielder Aron Dele during the first half, the hopes for the Sammarinese seemed to be waning.
But right after the beginning of the second half, a great play left the midfielder Lorenzo Lazzari in front of the box, and he didn't hesitate to put the ball in the net to put things back even and get his first goal ever with the Nazionale shirt. In the 66th minute, a penalty was awarded to San Marino and the striker Nicola Nanni safely exchanged it for a goal.
It was the first ever time in history that San Marino was coming back from a defeat, and that historical comeback was sealed by one of the Sammarinese legends, Alessandro Golinucci, to put the final result of 3-1 in favor of the Titani.
After the final whistle, the feat was celebrated with the always faithful Brigata Mai 1 Gioia (San Marino's tireless supporters group) as if they had been champions of the world, and rightfully so.
Aside from the historic promotion to League C, they achieved:
-their FIRST EVER away win
-their FIRST EVER comeback
-their FIRST EVER TIME scoring three goals in the same match
-their FIRST EVER TIME winning two matches in a UEFA competition
-(still not confirmed, but very likely) escaping the dead last spot of the FIFA ranking
Closing this with a personal note. As a supporter myself, for the last 10 years, this feels truly like winning the World Cup. The almost unsurmountable level difference between these guys and the big European teams might make most people think "is it even worth it? It's a team of clerks and accountants, which are clearly inferior in virtually every aspect of the game, playing against professional footballers playing in the top leagues".
But once you start noticing the sacrifice, the struggles they make to represent their home country, no matter how small, always with dignity and honor despite the adverse results, you realize this means the world to them. And to everyone of us who can feel identified with their struggles. And tournaments like the Nations League give the opportunity to these teams to play against similarly ranked teams, and achieve more feasible and positive results. It just makes it all worth it.
And after all these years of waiting, I can assure you all, it was worth all the wait to enjoy this feat, for everyone. For the players, for the managers, for the federation, and for the fans, who felt touched by their story and took the decision to support them from everywhere in the world, no matter the uncountable defeats, the infinite frustrations and the incommensurable helplessness.
TODAY, SAN MARINO WON, WAS PROMOTED, AND MADE HISTORY. Today, the world of football is a better place.
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Oca africana nel parco di Serravalle a Empoli
African goose in the Serravalle Park in Empoli
#sansa55#stefano sansavini#obiettivofotografia.it#italy#tuscany#italian ohotographer#photographer on tumblr#park#african goose#parco della piana#Sesto Fiorentino
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Known to be one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, Bosa, Sardinia counts no more than 8500 inhabitants, colorful buildings, a hilltop castle and a river flowing right through the village.
Bosa is a fabulous village where history and modernity come together generating curiosity and fascination. The Old Village, also known as Sa Costa, lies around the Serravalle Castle, built by the Malaspinas between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
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Serravalle, Italy
#https://www.flickr.com/people/188196077@N03/#Italy#italian#architecture#lensblr#photographers on tumblr#medieval#serravalle#vittorio veneto#veneto#venice
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România, obligată să câștige în San Marino pentru a rămâne în cursa calificării la CM 2026
Naționala României va juca luni seară, de la ora 21:45, al doilea meci din grupa H a preliminariilor Campionatului Mondial 2026, împotriva selecționatei din San Marino. Partida va avea loc pe Stadionul Olimpic din Serravalle, cu o capacitate de aproximativ 4.800 de locuri, și va fi arbitrată de o brigadă poloneză condusă de centralul Damian Sylwestrzak. După eșecul din prima etapă, scor 0-1 cu…
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Tortona, 27 marzo 2025 – A partire da sabato 5 aprile, Gestione Ambiente S.p.A. introduce un innovativo servizio supplementare al sistema di raccolta “Porta a Porta” nel Comune di Serravalle Scrivia. L’iniziativa, resa possibile grazie all’impiego di un Ecobus mobile, mira a semplificare e rendere più agevole il conferimento di diverse tipologie di rifiuti per cittadini e attività…
#Acos#Alessandria today#ambiente e sostenibilità#carta e cartone#Comune di Serravalle Scrivia#Decoro Urbano#Ecobus Serravalle#Economia circolare#Educazione Ambientale#fondazione ACOS per la cultura#Gestione Ambiente#gestione rifiuti Nord Italia#Google News#Gruppo ACOS#igiene ambientale#italianewsmedia.com#Lava#logistica rifiuti#operatori ecologici#pannolini e pannoloni#piazza Paolo Bosio#Piazza Vittorio Veneto#Piazza XXVI Aprile#Pier Carlo#plastica e lattine#Porta a Porta#raccolta del sabato#raccolta ingombranti#raccolta mobile#raccolta RAEE
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Terremoto 07:02:15 M2.0 epicentro "3 km E Serravalle di Chienti (MC)"
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Giornata da bollino rosso, cioè con tempi di percorrenza attesi molto superiori rispetto alla media per oggi su due autostrade italiane. Sulle autostrade A10 e A26 le previsioni di traffico indicano un quadro ancora difficile per la giornata, con code e disagi sulle tratte interessate dai cantieri. Per la A10, in particolare, bollino rosso praticamente in tutte le fasce orarie tranne quella di questa sera (ore 19-21) sia in direzione Genova, sia in direzione Savona. Sulla A26 invece bollino rosso in direzione Gravellona Toce (nel tratto dall’allacciamento con la A10 a Ovada) sino alle 13, poi bollino giallo (ossia tempi superiori alla media) dalle 13 alle 16, per poi tornare a bollino rosso dalle 16 alle 19. In direzione Voltri bollino rosso solo fino alle 10, resta il bollino giallo però sino alle 19. Va meglio sulla A7 con bollini gialli in direzione Genova sino alle 10 e poi dalle 16 alle 19. In direzione Serravalle sino alle 13 e poi dalle 16 alle 19. Read the full article
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