#Series 2 Eruptor
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yourlocaltoad · 2 years ago
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Assets used for Series 2 Eruptor's Character page (skylanders.com, 2013/2014)
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unofskylanderspages · 1 year ago
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Seen above: Eruptor's Series 2/Giants icon
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cherry-blossom-qf · 3 months ago
y are u an eruptor hater ?
1. The lava barf only became an actual attack until his series 3 wow pow in Swap Force. So for two games, his "marketable ability" was a lie (this is more of a pet peeve compared to the other reasons why I dislike the lava boi)
2. Barf jokes aren't my thing. I apologize if you find them funny yourself, but the humor just doesn't land well with me. To me, Eruptor should see a doctor or something, not use his indigestion as an attack/quirk.
3. Out of all the Skylanders Toys For Bob could have used as the "marketable mascot", they picked HIM. The Skylander used for the floats to represent the games during the Macy's Thanksgiving Parades? ALL ERUPTOR. Who was the "just there to be marketable" character in Skylanders Academy? ERUPTOR. Who's face is on most of the merchandise I'vs seen through my childhood? You guessed it, ERUPTOR! Not Stealth Elf, not Gill Grunt, not Trigger Happy, not Chop Chop, or any other Skylander that could've perfectly represented the franchise. IT WAS ALL ERUPTOR. And just really annoys the shit out of me.
4. Speaking of Skylanders Academy, the dude looks really ugly in the show. I mean, almost every Skylander looked kinda ugly in that show, but Eruptor was just one of the worse ones that the show done dirty. (I've already ranted about Skylanders Academy on a different ask a year ago, so y'all probably understand my distaste of that show too)
DISCLAIMER: If you guys do enjoy him, that's fine by me. Trust me, the last thing I wanna do is be that one negative nancy that ruins the fun for everyone.
Eruptor is a good Skylander play-wise and I had him myself as my first Fire Elemental Skylander back in the first game.
I didn't hate him as a child, just saw him as "one of the boysss" (if that makes sense).
My hatred towards him is only a thing now as an adult is just because I'm just annoyed with him being everywhere and being gassy.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I actually DO like that level in Imaginators where Eruptor ask you to make a giant cake to trick Kaos with. That level was actually really fun and I enjoyed Eruptor's commentary (tho the continuation of the stomach issues gags still don't land with me)
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electriopenguin-21 · 3 months ago
Idea for Skylanders Fighting Game
One game series I remember playing a lot of as a kid was Skylanders and I really enjoyed the Netflix series as well, and I was thinking to myself, what a roster for a Skylanders fighting game would look like, so here I am to be doing a base roster of 24 as that seems to be the average nowadays with for the most part, two or three characters per element with 3 seasons of dlc with 6 characters each.
Base Roster:
Pop Fizz
Stealth Elf
Tree Rex
Gill Grunt
Snap Shot
Spit Fire
Trigger Happy
Magna Charge
Roller Brawl
Sonic Boom
Fist Bump
Golden Queen
Chompy Mage
Dr Krankcase
King pen
DLC Pack 1:
Krypt King
DLC Pack 2:
Chef Pepper Jack
Cuckoo Clocker
The Gulper
DLC Pack 3:
Chop Chop
Count Money Bone
Crash Bandicoot
Final Boss:
So, what do you guys thinks of the roster, who else would you like to see in this roster?
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foximator-blog · 1 year ago
can you think of names for all the series 2 cores in giants
here's one: Rich Blitz Trigger Happy [in refrence to his railcannon upgrade for the machine gun]
Oooooo okay I can try!
Spyro: Fired Up Spyro
Double Trouble: Triple Threat Double Trouble
Wrecking Ball Wreck Rolling Wrecking ball
Trigger happy: Rich Blitz Trigger happy
Drobot: Geared Up Drobot
Drill Sergeant: Pinpoint Drill Sergeant
Flameslinger: Wildfire Flameslinger
Eruptor: Lava Belch Eruptor
Ignitor: Burning Honor Ignitor
Gill Grunt: Spear Fisher Gill Grunt
Zap: Wave Rider Zap
Slam bam: Cold Hard Slam bam
Stealth Elf: Blade-jitsu Stealth elf
Stump smash: Nut Crackin Stump smash
Zook: Lock n Loaded Zook
Hex: Dark Arts Hex
Cynder: Soul Storm Cynder
Chop chop: Sharp Shield Chop Chop
Whirlwind: Cloudburst Whirlwind
Sonic Boom: Super Mom Sonic Boom
Lightning Rod: Thunder Striker Lightning Rod
Terrafin: Sand Swimmer Terrafin
Bash: Quake Rollin Bash
Prism Break: Crystal Charged Prism Break
I don't know if these are that good... But I tried
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This is a secondary blog to @skylands-archives and the one I'll use for role-play with any and all my friends interested in it.
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I made the art with an avatar maker and lost the old file so had to get it off the amino I put it in.
As a portal master I've learned time is easily manipulated. I go around from timeline to timeline and take certain members of the Skylanders teams who would have passed on without a trace anyways and take them before they can be harmed. I bring them to my realm and give them understanding on the fact that they'd have passed on from the attack that would have destroyed them anyways so I gave them new life as champion to a new portal master who'll train them vigorously.
(list of skylanders by figures I own at the moment and therefore available to ask questions as well)
°Drobot (series 2)
°Eruptor (series 2)
°Hex (series 2)
°Legendary Grim Creeper
°Prism Break (series 2)
°jet vac (series 1)
Cores (+variants real and custom repaints)
°Trigger Happy (series 1)
°Shiny Trigger Happy (series 1 custom repaint, yellowish orange fur with black guns)
°Big Bang Trigger Happy (official variant, riding a big gold cartoony nuke, series 3)
°spyro (series 1)
°shadow Spyro (series 1 red and black custom repaints)
°Mega Ram Spyro (official variant, has elongated horns in ram spiral and larger spiked tail , series 3)
°cynder (series 2)
°pastel cynder (custom repaint, pink and blue, series 2)
°slam bam (series 1)
°zap (series 2)
°whirlwind (series 2)
°pop fizz (series 1)
°super gulp pop fizz (series 2, official variant on a large potion bottle at least 3-5 times his own body size)
°shadow whirlwind (series 2, red and black custom repaint)
°terrafin (series 1)
°deja vu
°stump smash (series 1)
°zook (series 1)
°zook (series 2)
°voodood (series 1)
°ignitor (series 2)
°hex (series 1)
°lava barf Eruptor (official variant, series 3)
°gill grunt (series 1)
°gillie grunt (purple custom repaint, series 1)
°camo (series 1)
°warnado (series 1)
°dino rang (series 1)
°lightning rod (series 1)
°lightning rod (series 2)
°chop chop (series 2)
°flameslinger (series 1)
°boomer (series 1)
°stealth elf (series 1)
°jet vac (series 1)
°old hero jet vac (custom repaints with white interior to his gun and gold tube for the gun and gold for all his yellow, series 1)
°sprocket (series 1)
°flashwing (series 1)
°sonic boom (series 2)
Giants (+custom repaints)
°hot head
°cobalt hot head (nice blue (need to use picture) repaint)
°tree rex
°Ancient Guardian Tree Rex (cool repaint (need picture))
°eye brawl
Swap force
°blast zone
°wash buckler
°fire kraken
°rattle shake
°free ranger
Trap masters
°Dark Wildfire
°knight light
°knight mare
°head rush
°nitro Krypt King (official variant, gold armor, blue eyes instead of red, white cheker pattern on a few spots)
Super chargers (variants+vehicles included)
°super shot stealth elf (not technically a variant but also series 4)
°stealth stinger (ssse's paired life elemental air vehicle)
°burn cycle (fire element land vehicle)
Sea shadow (dark element sea vehicle)
Imaginators and senseis
°earth quickshot creation crystal
°fire ninja creation crystal
°Dr Neo Cortex
°Tae Kwon Krow
°king pen
°golden queen
Magic Items, Extra Levels, and traps
Note of importance: in superchargers and imaginators the dlc level items only give gold and in trap team only its own give levels to expand and also aren't magic items and in swap force the only levels that work for it are its own too as giants let ssa (Skylanders spyros adventure) levels to play in giants. Also traps give gold in superchargers and let you use a different element weapon in the vehicles and seem not to do anything or give gold in imaginators. (I don't remember but intend to test this last bit)
°undead orb trap
°fire torch trap
°earth orb trap
°2 life hammer traps
°2 water totem traps
°air storm warning trap
°tech angel trap
°magic element trap I don't remember the name of
°pirate seas (Spyros adventure bonus level and a magic item for cannonball rain with a shockwave finisher)
°empire of ice (Skylanders spyros adventure+, bonus level, magic item that summons icicle rain with shockwave finish)
°tower of time (swap force+, bonus level, magic item that summons gear rain with shockwave finish)
°firey forge (swap force bonus arena level, also a magic item that drops a bucket of lava over an enemy)
°sky diamond (swap force+, magic item that provides a diamond worth 25-50 gold in several containers or as dropped loot at a chance during duration)
°anvil rain (Skylanders spyros adventure+, magic item that's self explanatory but no shockwave at the end like a few of these items)
°ghost swords (Skylanders spyros adventure+, magic item that summons 2 swords held by skeletal arms to fight alongside you)
°sky iron shield (Skylanders spyros adventure+, magic item that provides 2 shields that protect you in only the two spots the rotating shields are in)
°dragon treasure chest(Skylanders spyros adventure+, magic item that reveals a hidden treasure chest on each level)
°rocket ram (trap team+, magic item)
°speaky tiki (trap team+, magic item)
°mirror of mystery (trap team bonus level)
°nightmare express (trap team bonus level (trap team+ dlc level toys don't act as magic items anymore))
°hand of fate (swapforce+, magic item for extra damage by summoning a skeleton fist)
°piggy bank (magic item that helps get rich, trap team+)
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anonymous149 · 1 year ago
Ch 3 Burning Love
Authors note: Cy granted me permission to use their artwork for the cover of my story so ha! A famous person on Tumblr is my new best friend! Anyway here's the next chapter or something.
"And then I said, 'the Aristocrats!" And then everyone laughed at Pop Fizz joked.
Peril turned to her newfound companions with gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you all for showing me around the academy after the chapter break. This place is grander... and quieter than I had imagined. I'm curious, am I the sole dragon here?"
Commander Cullen's golden hair glinted in the light as he spoke, "Actually, no. There's Cynder, a black dragon who's striving to master her darker inclinations." Peril's face shifted to one of concern, a reaction familiar to Cullen, reminiscent of when he mentioned his preference for dating humans or Elf girls. "Did I say something amiss?"
Peril's response carried a note of gravity, "It's just that there's a prevalent trope in media, portraying black dragons as inherently malevolent. It's rather prejudiced. Back in my realm, we had an entire race of black dragons unjustly branded as wicked, and then there was Darkstalker, an actual malevolent black dragon, who was ultimately bested by consuming a strawberry."
"Was he allergic?"
"Nope, he just became small."
Cullen made a fake cough. "Moving on, we also used to have a teammate named Spyro as well but he went on his own adventure to find where he came from."
"Hopefully he doesn't find his long lost mother but then she gets killed in THE FREAKING EPILOGUE OF THE FIRST BOOK!"
Eruptor whispered to stealth Elf. "Is she going to be ok? Seems like she has a lot of baggage?"
Stealth Elf responded in hushed tones, "Considering Spyro being the last of his kind and Cynder's father being the formidable Malefor, I'd say Peril's struggles are rather mid teir, if we don't factor in her impressive body count."
In the distance, Flashwing simulated coughs, vying for attention. "She's not the only dragon, you know. I've been in this series, though I never had any lines."
Eruptor's response was swift and direct, "Activision couldn't market you, so please, be on your way." With that, Flashwing vanished, leaving the group to continue their conversation
- Scene Change -
The grand chamber was dominated by the presence of Kaos, a figure of dark power and malevolent ambition. His angular features contorted into a sinister grin as he entered, the echoes of his footsteps reverberating off the cold stone walls. Smithers, his loyal assistant, trailed dutifully behind, his eyes cast downward in deference.
Kaos's voice cut through the air like a blade, the tone laced with a wicked glee as he began to speak of his plans. "Well, Glumshanks 2, it seems that in your realm, mortality is but a fleeting inconvenience. Dead one chapter, pop back up the next. While not quite the resiliency of the original, I suppose it will have to suffice. Now, let us discuss how we shall ascend to dominion over the Skylands!"
"Very well, sir. But do remember, you have a dinner engagement with Malefor later this evening. You'll be having tacos."
"Mal-what now?"
"Malefore, he's an evil dragon sir, voiced by Mark Hamil?"
"You mean Luke Skywalker!? Why would I ever join with a jedi?"
"Actually he also voiced the Joker from Batman."
"Even more reason not to join him! You can't trust clowns Glum 2." Kaos began to cry as he remembered a birthday without his mother where he hired a clown as it laughed at him and threw a pie in his face. "They sense weakness and strike with no fear...Cancel all plans with that overgrown lizard, we have more important matters to discuss than eating tacos."
"Right away sir."
"Ever since Spyro went searching for his long lost dragons things have been quiet boring but not anymore for I have found Spyro parents and if I can turn Spyro black and make him evil!"
"That might be racist sir."
"Fair point, if I can turn him dark!"
"Still racist."
A pause hung in the air as Kaos contemplated his words. "If Spyro's hue truly influences his emotions, then it stands to reason that his parents operate under similar principles. I must find a way to reach them and alter their colours, thus forging them into my loyal minions! How does that sound?"
"Very asute sir."
Kaos let out an evil laugh as he continued to lay out his sinister plans, the chamber seemed to darken further, as if the very walls themselves recoiled from the malevolence that hung in the air. The future of the Skylands hung in the balance, poised on the precipice of chaos and conquest.
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Spyro: (bursting through the door) Look at what I found at the flea market!!
(Spyro holds up a game cartridge)
Eruptor: Dude, is that Rosie The Unicorn 2?!
Cynder: That’s the best game in the entire series! They never should’ve shoved her into those stupid Groundwalkers games.
Stealth Elf: Game companies always ruin their beloved franchises for the sake of money.
Spyro: And they never should’ve changed the shape of Rosie’s face.
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blacksaber8 · 2 years ago
Let’s play bad take roulette, where you have to guess which I agree with and which I do not
I think warzone should add black ops 2 c4s
Black ops three was the best cod game
The persona 3 story is overall mid
Dead cells is too easy, I prefer skyrim
Bethesda, activation, and Warner brothers are good companies that care about all of their employees and customers
Sonic is mid and tails is kinda annoying
The assassins creed series’ last good game was origins
Mortal kombat is the best fighting game series and the plot is airtight
Borderlands three has too many bosses.
borderlands 2 is not fun to play
Hollow knight is too big
Punch time explosion xl needs a remaster
Hades two was unwarranted
Terraria is not fun
Ark is not fun
The horizon series is not fun
Minecraft fell off when c418 was fired
The Arkham series had too much joker
The Arkham series is the truest form of Batman representation
I believe and throw away your mask are underwhelming songs
Infinite warfare is a good game
Battle passes and loot boxes both destroyed the AAA gaming industry
Chloe must die in life is strange.
Uncharted is a good series
Tomb raider is a good series
The Lego games are well thought out
Eruptor was the best skylander
Getting over it is a great game
Extinction was overrated and the ghosts campaign was underrated
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portaldisaster · 2 years ago
thanks @/hungry-skeleton for making the list and linking it to me ^^
this is the skylanders ask game, but again i am just gonna answer em as a list. get opinion'd. idiot.
do it yerself here
💙 Who's your favorite skylander?
❌ Who's your least favorite skylander?
thunderbolt. awful horrible terrible
💚 Who's your favorite non skylander character?
🚫 Who's your least favorite non skylander character?
the candle head guy in trap team
🖤 Who's your favorite villain?
glumshanks kaos
💢Who's your least favorite villain
dont have one honestly. i barely pay attention to the non trappable villains
😈 Favorite trappable villain
nightshade or chill bill
👿 Least favorite trappable villain
rage mage. his themes good but otherwise sucks ass
❔ Who was your first skylander?
tree rex? ik hes a starter pack skylanders but i dont rember. maybe series 2 flameslinger? or hot dog
🌐 What was your first skylander game?
✨ Which game was your favorite?
trap team
☔ Which game was your least favorite?
superchargers racing. ive never played the actual game but the racing game for the wii which i did have sucked ass
🔥Favorite fire skylander
spitfires design goes so hard but wildfire will always be my boy
❌🔥Least favorite fire skylander
series 2 eruptor hes kinda ugly
🌊Favorite water skylander
zap <3
❌🌊Least favorite water skylander
rip tide and punk shock. sorry their designs r awful
🌱Favorite life skylander
❌🌱Least favorite life skylander
ninja stealth elf specifically
🌄Favorite earth skylander
head rush and i will die on this hill. also terrafin on account of cool shark hehe
❌🌄Least favorite earth skylander
fist bump or smash hit. im very neutral on earth skylanders as a whole tbh
���Favorite undead skylander
fright rider
❌💀Least favorite undead skylander
bat spin, but only marginally. there arent any undead skylanders i dislike, her design just irks me in some way
💨Favorite air skylander
whirlwind. stormblades cute too
❌💨Least favorite air skylander
thunderbolt no question
🔌Favorite tech skylander
bouncer n drobot. the senseis look cool
❌🔌Least favorite tech skylander
🌠Favorite magic skylander
enigma. if he doesnt count, trap shadow. another element where the senseis r cool too
❌🌠Least favorite magic skylander
blastermind. fuckign look at him
🌞Favorite light skylander
spotlight. blastertron seems cool too
❌🌞Least favorite light skylander
knight light, aurora and astroblast all suck im sorry
🌙Favorite dark skylander
❌🌙Least favorite dark skylander
hood sickle
♫ Favorite song from the soundtrack
the giants intro music or blastertrons theme
🎮 Favorite minigame
skystones smash. im real bad at it i love it
💠 Favorite level
mesmereldsa level i forget the name of it. but that was fun. i rlly struggled on it as a kif
❎ Least favorite level
telescope towers. i have had to redo that level a million times bc it always crashes on me
🔆 Your strongest skylander
enigma. i main him so
🔅 Your weakest skylander
any skylander that isnt a) a trap master or b) a fave. on account of me not using them as much
🔷 Your rarest skylander
i dont have any rare ones, especially not any rare variants. of the base figures, apparently springtime trigger happy isnt super common? idk
⭕ What skylander do you want the most?
i have all the skylanders i want honestly. ive never played imaginatiora and have no figures for it but if starcast or ro-bow scratch that i want a light trap and sunscraper spire. also blackout n spotlight would be neat
💔 How many skylanders are you missing?
no idea
💞 Skylanders OTP?
whirlwind/drobot or whirlwind/sunburn. ir them as a t4t4t throuple
❗Why did you start playing skylanders?
same answer as below
💙 How did you discover skylanders?
dont remember. i think my mom just bought me skylanders giants and said she thought id enjoy it. and i did
💖 Any skylanders OCs?
sort of? i have ideas for characters that idk if ill do anything with em. i have a portal master sona as well as a mabusona but thats it rlly
😉 Most memorable gameplay moment/moments
flynn dialogue. maybe i have dumb humour but some of his lines r still very amusing to me. also the beginning of the 2nd giants level, mostly on account of how often i restarted my game and played it
😇 Your favorite experience with the franchise
when me and my bestie were playing trap team together. i was enigma and xe was bushwhack and though i dont remember much, i remember we were in utter hysterics the whole time. honestly think it was one of the happiest days of my life. we just roleplayed as them for hours and its the reason i like enigma/bushwhack.
we had to stop playig at telescope towers bc that level was glitched on my wii and the fun came to a grinding halt but god i miss it
💛 What do you like most about skylanders?
the characters. i think they r funky lil dudes
🔪 What do you not like about skylanders?
the cost. they were pricey before for what they were, and now those prices are worse. also, wa snever fodn if hiw fast the gamrs came out. the series needed a breather
💎Do you hope the franchise continues?
yeah! i just dont really want another mainline game, or ar least dont want a game that introduces new characters
💜 What does skylanders as a franchise mean to you?
nostalgia? it means a lot but idk what its meaning to me is tbh. its just a fun game
💗 Describe your dream skylander game
i dont want another mainline game tbh, id want something along the lines of pokemon masters ex. id rather see more love given to preexisting characters than get any new ones. id wanna use toy codes to get characters i have in the game and have some sort of chat system between whatever story mode there is so it can at least somrwhat feel like were friends with these guys.
💯How many skylanders do you have?
i have 112 total figures: 86 skylanders, 87 counting trigger snappy; 7 items and 18 traps
💘 Will you continue playing skylanders if the franchise continues?
yeah - even if i dont like whatever may come next, id want to encourage them to make a better game ig
💝 If you could recommend skylanders to others what would be your points of persuasion?
point them towards an emulator tell them about the diversity in characters u can play. thats always been the appeal to me
🕒 How long have you been a fan?
past decade at least, thought most of that ive been a more passive fan
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unofskylanderspages · 10 months ago
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Did you know? Despite having new Wow Pows, Trigger Happy, Gill Grunt and Eruptor are the only Series 3 Skylanders whose appearances remain the same as before.
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showsargentinos · 7 years ago
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Publicado en http://showsargentinos.com/72659-2/
Acá una detallada sinopsis de los estrenos en Octubre [sociallocker] MINDHUNTER: Temporada 1: Un agente del FBI crea técnicas de perfilación criminal mientras persiguea los peores violadores y asesinos en serie. Serie original de Netflix, estreno el 13 de octubre. Stranger Things 2: Un año después del regreso de Will, todo parece haber vuelto a la normalidad, peroalgo tenebroso acecha bajo la superficie y nadie en Hawkins está a salvo. Serie original de Netflix,estreno el 27 de octubre. Suburra: Temporada 1: Un pueblo costero próximo a Roma se convierte en el paraíso del juego... y en el campo de batalla de una familia poderosa, la mafia y los políticos corruptos. Serie original de Netflix,estreno el 6 de octubre. Designated Survivor: Temporada 2: La conspiración es cada vez más alarmante, el equipo del presidente Kirkman se amplía y la agente Wells debe formar una alianza con el espionaje británico. Serie original de Netflix, estreno de un episodio semanal desde el 6 de octubre. ID-0: Temporada 1: Maya Mikuri, estudiante de la academia de la Alianza, estaba en un entrenamiento con I-Machines cuando se vio lanzada a una aventura totalmente inesperada. Serie original de Netflix, estreno el 6 de octubre. El universo de Stranger Things: Parte 1: El elenco, el equipo e invitados especiales analizan aprofundidad la trama, los personajes y las conspiraciones del universo de Stranger Things 2. Serie original de Netflix, estreno el 27 de octubre. Peaky Blinders: Temporadas 1 a 3: El detective de Belfast, Chester Campbell, llega a Birmingham conla tarea de limpiar la ciudad de las pandillas callejeras violentas. Estreno en Netflix el 1° de octubre. Criminal Minds: Temporada 12: Un nuevo agente se une a la UAC para ayudar a investigar secuestros e invasiones de hogares, rastrear a asesinos fugados de prisión y mucho más. Estreno en Netflix el 15de octubre. Arrow: Temporada 5: Sobrecargado al ser tanto el alcalde como el protector de Star City, Oliver forma un nuevo equipo de justicieros novatos para luchar contra el gánster Tobias Church. Estreno en Netflix el 20 de octubre The Flash: Temporada 3: Tras reajustar la historia, Barry disfruta de una vida desenfadada mientras Kid Flash cumple con sus tareas domésticas, pero poco después un veloz rival lo cambia todo. Estreno en Netflix el 20 de octubre. Suits: Temporada 7: En esta temporada, Mike comienza su carrera como abogado mientras Harvey busca hacerse con el control de Pearson Specter Litt. Estreno en Netflix el 20 de octubre. Películas: Fe de etarras: Un comando peculiar de la organización armada ETA espera una llamada que no llega mientras el resto de España celebra la victoria del Mundial. Película original de Netflix, estreno el 12 de octubre. Los Meyerowitz: La familia no se elige: Un evento para conmemorar la vida del padre artista y tres hermanos con una historia llena de conflictos sin resolver, tanto entre ellos como con él. Película original de Netflix, protagonizada por Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman y Emma Thompson. Estreno el 13 de octubre. 1922: Un granjero admite haber asesinado a su mujer, pero su muerte es solo el inicio de una historia macabra de terror psicológico por culpabilidad. Película original de Netflix, estreno el 20 de octubre. Wheelman: El conductor en fuga de un robo fallido deberá poner sus habilidades e inteligencia a pruebaluego de recibir estremecedoras órdenes telefónicas de un desconocido. Película original de Netflix,estreno el 20 de octubre. La niñera: Cole se queda despierto hasta tarde y descubre que su guapa niñera forma parte de una secta satánica que hará lo que sea para mantenerlo callado. Película original de Netflix, estreno el 13 de octubre. It Come at Night: Un hombre que vive con su mujer y su hijo en una casa desolada no se frenará ante nada para protegerlos de una presencia atemorizante. Estreno en Netflix el 24 de octubre. Gold: Un desafortunado pero entusiasta explorador en busca de riqueza y fama se alía con un misterioso geólogo para buscar oro en Indonesia. Estreno en Netflix el 17 de octubre. Everest: En 1996, dos equipos rivales intentan escalar el Everest, pero, cuando una tormenta azota la cumbre, los montañistas lucharán por sobrevivir. Estreno en Netflix el 15 de octubre. Sinister 2: Una madre soltera y sus hijos gemelos se mudan a una casa rural, sin saber que esas cuatro paredes albergan a un malvado espíritu listo para asediarlos. Estreno en Netflix el 22 de octubre. Documentales y especiales: One of Us: Tres judíos jasídicos dejan su comunidad ultraortodoxa para integrarse en el mundo secular,donde conocen el ostracismo, las relaciones perdidas e incluso el peligro. Documental original de Netflix,estreno el 20 de octubre. Cuando conocí al Chapo: La actriz mexicana Kate del Castillo cuenta la historia de su encuentro con el narcotraficante más buscado del mundo: el Chapo. Serie biográfica original de Netflix, estreno el 20 de octubre. El especial de Alex Fernández: El especial: ¿Un standup en una ciudad miniatura? El comediante mexicano Alex Fernández te hará morir de risa en este especial que compila sus mejores observaciones. Especial original de comedia original de Netflix, estreno el 13 de octubre. Joan Didion: El centro cede: El aclamado director Griffin Dunne explora la extraordinaria vida de su tía Joan Didion, una de las escritoras estadounidenses más influyentes que siguen con vida. Documental original de Netflix, estreno el 27 de octubre. El crazy Che: Guillermo "Bill" Gaede, un ingeniero argentino que, en los ochenta, espió para Cuba y EE.UU., cuenta su asombrosa historia. Estreno en Netflix el 1° de octubre. It Was Fifty Years Ago Today! The Beatles: Sgt Pepper And Beyond: Este rockumentario, que cuenta con material de archivo, explora la creación de uno de los álbumes más emblemáticos de todos los tiempos. Estreno en Netflix el 5 de octubre. KIDS Fabuloso vocabulario: Temporada 3: Bailey, Franny, Kip y Lulu ayudan a los preescolares a aprender nuevas palabras mientras se divierten jugando, aprendiendo sobre la amistad y más. Serie original de Netflix, estreno el 6 de octubre. Supermonstruos: Temporada 1: Seis niños de preescolar con padres monstruosamente famosos tratan de dominar sus poderes especiales mientras se preparan para el comienzo de clases. Serie original de Netflix, estreno el 13 de octubre. Skylanders Academy: Temporada 2: Spyro trata de demostrar que tiene superpoderes, una nueva cara llega a la Academia, Eruptor descubre una nueva habilidad y mucho más. Serie original de Netflix, estreno el 6 de octubre. Frozen Fever: Elsa está enferma, pero nada evitará que organice la mejor fiesta para su hermana Anna. Sin embargo, con cada estornudo, se complican más las cosas. Estreno en Netflix el 15 de octubre. Frozen: Una aventura congelada: Una profecía condena al reino a vivir un invierno eterno, pero la intrépida Anna emprende un viaje en busca de la Reina de las nieves y así acabar con el hechizo. Estreno en Netflix el 15 de octubre. Shaun el cordero: La película: Cuando el Granjero pierde la memoria en la ciudad, Shaun y la manada viajan al rescate. Pero el diligente jefe de Control Animal tiene otras ideas. Estreno en Netflix el 15 de octubre. Masha’s spooky stories: Temporada 1: Masha cuenta historias estremecedoras para enseñarnos por qué a veces los chicos tienen miedo de los fantasmas y los monstruos, y cómo afrontar estos temores. Estreno en Netflix el 1° de octubre. Gravity Falls: Un verano de misterios: Temporada 2 (Nuevos episodios): Dipper y compañía prosiguen con la búsqueda del autor del diario, Stan investiga el misterioso portal, y surgen nuevos enemigos. Estreno en Netflix el 1° de octubre. Equestria Girls: Tales of Canterlot High: Temporada 1: Las ponis de Equestria viven aventuras en Canterlot High, que incluye un concurso de baile contra la escuela rival y un espejo mágico que causa estragos en el campus, estreno en Netflix el 1° de octubre. [/sociallocker]
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rageworks · 6 years ago
Skylanders Trap Team arrives on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and – for the first time ever – iPad®, Kindle Fire and Android tablets! I have had the pleasure of having some hands on time with Skylanders Trap Team and I must say it is an incredibly fun game that is definitely not just for kids. The character designs and assortment of figures will ensure tons of replay value. How many of you guys picked up Skylanders today and how do you like it so far?
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Capture Evil, Unleash Good! Skylanders Trap Team Lets Fans Trap and Play as Villains
Skylanders Trap Team Revolutionizes the Gaming Industry, Offering the Full AAA Game Experience on Both Tablet and Console — for the First Time Ever
Franchise that Pioneered the Toys-to-LifeTM Category Leads Holiday Hot Gift Lists
for Fourth Consecutive Year
  SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Oct. 5, 2014 – Behold, Portal Masters! Activision Publishing, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATVI) is pleased to announce that Skylanders Trap Team is officially available at major retailers nationwide on Xbox 360™ and Xbox One™ video game and entertainment systems from Microsoft, PlayStation® 3 and PlayStation® 4 computer entertainment systems, Nintendo’s Wii™system, Nintendo’s Wii U™ system, and a completely unique adventure is also available on the Nintendo 3DS™hand-held system.  The launch of Skylanders Trap Team also ushers in the complete console gaming experience on Tablet*, introducing a Starter Pack that supports iPad®, Kindle Fire and Android tablets.
  “The Skylanders® franchise was built on a foundation of creativity and innovation,” said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing. “And with Skylanders Trap Team, we’re taking that tradition of innovation to new heights. For the last three years we’ve allowed kids to bring their toys to life in a video game, and this year, we’re letting them reach into the game, and pull characters out into the physical world by letting players trap and play as the villains. Skylanders Trap Team is also the first console game to simultaneously bring the entire AAA experience to tablet devices. Overall, we think Skylanders Trap Team represents our most magical innovation yet. But most importantly, it’s just a great game.”
  The latest installment of the franchise that pioneered the Toys-to-Life genre is already poised to become one of the top family games this holiday season. Toys“R”Us® recently named Skylanders Trap Team as one of the “Fabulous 15” on the company’s 2014 Holiday Hot Toy List, while Target named Skylanders Trap Team to their Top Toys for the Holidays List.  In addition, the game was featured in Toy Insider’s Hot 20 Holiday Toys of 2014, which highlights the most sought-after and anticipated items of the holiday season.
  Skylanders continues to lead and evolve the category with Skylanders Trap Team by letting fans seek out and defeat the most wanted villains in all of Skylands, pull them out of the game and into living rooms by capturing them in magical Traps. Once they’ve defeated the villains, players will be able to place a Trap into the newTraptanium PortalTM to capture them. Players can then send villains back into the game where they can play as them to fight for good, reversing the magic. They will also be able to hear the villains inside the Traps, an innovation that truly brings life to toys.
“Since it launched four years ago, the Skylanders brand has continued to captivate young fans around the world who eagerly crowd our stores every time a new collectible character is introduced,” said Richard Barry, Executive Vice President, Chief Merchandising Officer, Toys“R”Us, Inc. “In preparation for the debut ofSkylanders Trap Team, which truly reinvents the franchise’s signature gameplay, our teams across the globe have worked year-long to ensure Toys“R”Us is THE destination for Portal Masters ready to experience all the fun the new game – and our exclusive Legendary Skylanders toys – have to offer.”
Portal Masters everywhere can get into the Skylanders Trap Team spirit by taking advantage of exclusiveSkylanders products at retailers nationwide:
Get Legendary at Toys”R”Us – Toys“R”Us stores in North America and online at Toysrus.com will be the only places fans will find the limited edition Legendary Series of Skylanders toys at launch. The Legendary Series features alternative versions of new Trap Master characters and packs, such as Jawbreaker, Déjà Vu and the Nightmare Express Adventure Pack, all of which feature in-game stat boosts.
      Meet the Minis at Walmart – Skylanders fans can visit participating Walmart stores or go to Walmart.com to participate in the ‘Meet the Minis’ program to unlock special content featuring the fully playable and upgradeable Minis, including Gill Runt, Stealth Elf, Weeruptor, Pet Vac and Small Fry via the official Skylanders Collection VaultTM app. Walmart will also be the only place fans can find the Skylanders Minis Buddy Pack, featuring Tidal Wave Gill Grunt and Gill Runt.
  NITRO Trap Masters at Target – U.S. Target stores nationwide and Target.com will once again be the only place where fans can get their hands on the Skylanders NITRO series of toys, which features the powerful Trap Master NITRO Krypt King.
  Portals for Punch Pop Fizz at GameStop – During the first week of launch, fans that bring in a Portal of Power® from any Skylanders game can trade it in to receive a free Punch Pop Fizz character, a bright red version of the fan-favorite Skylander.
  Three Skylanders for Two at Best Buy – Players that purchase any two Skylanders Trap Team game products at Best Buy will receive a free Volcanic Eruptor character, who’s unique appearance is visible in-game. This promotion is available only at Best Buy.
  Skylanders Trap Team introduces heroes known as Trap Masters that wield powerful TraptaniumTM weapons used to defeat Skylands’ most notorious villains including Kaos, as well as brand new Core Skylanders characters and reposed fan-favorite Skylanders characters. The game also features a variety of elementally aligned Traps with unique and interesting designs. In addition, Skylanders Trap Team welcomes Skylanders Minis, 16 small but powerful Skylanders now fully playable, who join the battle against Skylands’ most nefarious villains. Coming to Skylanders fans worldwide on November 1, Eon’s Elite collectors’ toys feature never-before-seen decoration with a distinct, metallic finish and a golden base that sets them apart from otherSkylanders toys.
Skylanders Trap Team is compatible with more than 175 unique toys from all previous games — Skylanders SWAP ForceTM, Skylanders GiantsTM and Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure® — every character also will be able to defeat and trap villains using Traptanium Traps, providing fans more ways to enjoy their collections.
To celebrate the launch of Skylanders Trap Team, Activision hid a “villain” inside a seemingly normalSkylanders Trap Team demo kiosk. Starting October 6 at 10 a.m. PDT, watch what happened here on the official YouTube channel: www.YouTube.com/SkylandersGame.
  About the Skylanders® Franchise
The award-winning, $2 billion Skylanders franchise pioneered the Toys-to-LifeTM category in 2011 with the debut of Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure®. The game originated a new play pattern that seamlessly bridged physical and virtual worlds across multiple platforms. In October 2012, Skylanders Giants™ further evolved the genre and added the mega-sized Giant Skylanders and LightCore® characters to the collection of interaction figures.Skylanders SWAP ForceTM launched in October 2013 and introduced an all-new play pattern – swapability.Skylanders was the top selling kids’ videogame franchise of 20132  worldwide, and is now one of the top 20 videogame franchises of all time3. Skylanders Trap TeamTM reverses the magic of bringing Toys-to-Life — incredibly letting kids pull characters out of the digital world into the physical world. For more information, please visit: www.skylanders.com and Activision.com/presscenter.
  About Activision Publishing
Headquartered in Santa Monica, California, Activision Publishing, Inc. is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment and leisure products. Activision maintains operations in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Mexico, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Australia, Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong and the region of Taiwan. More information about Activision and its products can be found on the company’s website, www.activision.com.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Statements: Information in this press release that involves Activision Publishing’s expectations, plans, intentions or strategies regarding the future, including statements about Skylanders Trap Team™ are forward-looking statements that are not facts and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Factors that could cause Activision Publishing’s actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements set forth in this release include unanticipated product delays and other factors identified in the risk factors sections of Activision Blizzard’s most recent annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. The forward-looking statements in this release are based upon information available to Activision Publishing and Activision Blizzard as of the date of this release, and neither Activision Publishing nor Activision Blizzard assumes any obligation to update any such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements believed to be true when made may ultimately prove to be incorrect. These statements are not guarantees of the future performance of Activision Publishing or Activision Blizzard and are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, some of which are beyond its control and may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.
¹ According to The NPD Group, including toys and accessories January – August 2014
² According to The NPD Group, GfK Chart-Track and Activision Blizzard internal estimates, including toys and accessories.
3 According to The NPD Group, GfK Chart-Track and Activision Blizzard internal estimates, including toys and accessories. All time since NPD and GfKChart-track began recording data.
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Skylanders Trap Team Arrives in Stores Today Skylanders Trap Team arrives on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and – for the first time ever – iPad®, Kindle Fire and Android tablets!
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thisiskristin · 7 years ago
Skylanders Academy Returns with Season 2 on Netflix October 6
Skylanders Academy Returns with Season 2 on Netflix October 6
Skylanders Unite The Skylanders are back in action protecting the realm. In the animated series from Activision Blizzard Studios, “Skylanders Academy” follows the heroic adventures of Spyro (Justin Long), Eruptor (Jonathan Banks), Stealth Elf (Ashley Tisdale), Jet-Vac (Jonny Rees), Pop Fizz (Bobcat Goldthwait) and their team of…
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beyourbestmom · 7 years ago
Netflix's Skylanders Academy Season 2 #Netflix #Ad
Skylanders Season Two available on Netflix  October 6! The Skylanders are back in action protecting the realm! In the animated series from Activision Blizzard Studios, Skylanders Academy follows the heroic adventures of Spyro (Justin Long), Eruptor (Jonathan Banks), Stealth Elf (Ashley Tisdale), Jet-Vac (Jonny Rees), Pop Fizz (Bobcat Goldthwait) and their team of young warriors as they travel…
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zayzaycom · 7 years ago
Skylanders Academy Returns with Season 2 on Netflix October 6
Skylanders Academy Returns with Season 2 on Netflix October 6
Skylanders Academy Returns with Season 2 on Netflix October 6
 Skylanders Unite! The Skylanders are back in action protecting the realm! In the animated series from Activision Blizzard Studios, SkylandersTM Academy follows the heroic adventures of Spyro (Justin Long), Eruptor (Jonathan Banks), Stealth Elf (Ashley Tisdale), Jet-Vac (Jonny Rees), Pop Fizz (Bobcat Goldthwait) and their team of young…
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