#Sergei Dragunov tekken 8 trailer
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enydaki · 1 year ago
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niuniente · 1 year ago
Tekken 8 - Sergei Dragunov Reveal Trailer
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brutalgamer · 1 year ago
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Tekken 8's character-trailer series rolls on with Sergei Dragunov
The White Angel of Death is the latest fighter to get a trailer, for Bandai Namco’s rapidly approaching Tekken sequel.
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year ago
Tekken 8 – Sergei Dragunov gameplay trailer.
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jcmarchi · 1 year ago
Check Out Tekken 8’s Final Launch Fighter, The Newcomer Reina
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/check-out-tekken-8s-final-launch-fighter-the-newcomer-reina/
Check Out Tekken 8’s Final Launch Fighter, The Newcomer Reina
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After months of character reveals, Tekken 8 has announced the final fighter of its launch roster: Reina. This brand-new character sports a lightning-quick moveset, earning her the nickname “Purple Lightning,” and has mysterious ties to the Mishima clan.
Bandai Namco states that little is known about Reina’s history besides she’s a student of the Mishima Polytechnical School. For some reason, she really wants to fight Jin (move over, Hwoarang), and based on her gameplay trailer, she seems more than capable of taking him on. Check Reina out in action below. 
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With Reina’s addition, the 32-fighter roster is now complete. Here’s the full list of characters, with new fighters denoted and links to applicable articles/trailers:
Alisa Bosconovitch
Asuka Kazama
Azucena Milagros Ortiz Castillo (New)
Bryan Fury
Claudio Serafino
Devil Jin
Feng Wei
Jack-8 (New)
Jin Kazma
Jun Kazama
Kazuya Mishima/Devil Kazuya
Lars Alexandersson
Lee Chaolan
Leo Kliesen
Leroy Smith
Lili Rochefort
Ling Xiaoyu
Marshall Law
Nina Williams
Paul Phoenix
Reina (New)
Sergei Dragunov
Steve Fox
Victor Chevalier (New)
Additionally, the game’s first Season of post-launch DLC will add four unannounced fighters. These characters will be released separately each season throughout 2024, with the first arriving sometime in the spring. 
Tekken 8 launches on January 26 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Check our early hands-on impressions of the game here. 
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gameforestdach · 1 year ago
Die Tekken-Reihe, bekannt für ihre vielfältige und manchmal skurrile Charakterriege, hat die Begeisterung ihrer Anhängerschaft mit dem neuesten Gameplay-Trailer für Tekken 8 erneut entfacht – diesmal steht der ikonische Bärenkämpfer, Kuma, im Fokus. Mit dem Januar-Release von Tekken 8 am Horizont, heizt Bandai Namco die Vorfreude weiter an, indem neue Moves und fesselnde Hintergrundgeschichten in diesen Charakter-Trailern enthüllt werden. Kuma, ein langjähriger Charakter der Tekken-Reihe, kehrt in Tekken 8 mit einem überarbeiteten Äußeren und Kampfstil zurück. Als "Meister des Lachses" gefeiert, nutzt Kuma einen Fisch bei verschiedenen Angriffen, darunter vernichtende Tatzenhiebe, Sturmangriffe und Uppercuts. Sein Repertoire, obwohl behäbig in der Bewegung, macht dies mit bedeutendem Rückstoß und Schadenspotenzial wett und ist ideal für Spieler, die Luftjonglagen und kraftvolle Schläge schätzen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m7jNzjuoHU In einer humorvollen Wendung zeigt der Trailer eine unglückliche Bärenromanze. Kumas Versuch, Panda mit einem Lachs zu beeindrucken, endet in einer Abfuhr und führt zu einem komischen, aber erbitterten Kampf. Der Höhepunkt des Trailers ist Kumas Rage Art, bei der er Panda mit dem Lachs ohrfeigt, der dann komischerweise in einen raketenbetriebenen Torpedo verwandelt wird und explosiven Schaden anrichtet. Das Aufgebot von Tekken 8 ist eine Mischung aus Rückkehrern und neuen Gesichtern. Kuma gesellt sich zu Charakteren wie Shaheen, Yoshimitsu, Sergei Dragunov, Victor Chevalier, Reina und Azucena. Das Spiel erscheint am 26. Januar und wird auf PC über Steam, PlayStation 5 und Xbox Series X|S verfügbar sein, wobei derzeit Demoversionen auf diesen Plattformen zur Verfügung stehen. Zudem wurde kürzlich die Ultimate Edition von Tekken 8 vorgestellt, die exklusive In-Game-Inhalte wie 32 Gold Suit-Kostüme für jeden Charakter, einzigartige Skins, T-Shirt-Designs und den Playable Character Year 1 Pass für zukünftigen DLC-Zugang bietet. Kumas Entwicklung von Tekken 7 zu Tekken 8 unterstreicht das Engagement der Serie für Charakterentwicklung und Designinnovation. Kumas Kampfstil in Tekken 8 beinhaltet Elemente aus der Jack-Reihe von Robotern und einen neuen "Jagd"-Modus, der auf einen verfeinerten und vielseitigeren Kampfansatz hindeutet. Das Erscheinen von Tekken 8 wird von den Fans sehnlichst erwartet und setzt das Erbe von Tekkens einzigartiger Kombination aus Humor, Charaktertiefe und intensiven Kampfmechaniken fort. Während das Veröffentlichungsdatum näher rückt, ist die Spannung in der Spielgemeinschaft deutlich zu spüren, mit hohen Erwartungen daran, was der neue Teil dieser renommierten Serie zu bieten hat.
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years ago
Tekken 8 Wishlist
So I’ve been all up the Tekken 8 hype train ever since that teaser trailer dropped and I’ve been playing a lot of Tekken 7, I even played some Dark Resurrection, Tag 2 and Tekken 6, and I decided I’d share with you some of the features I’d hope to see in Tekken 8.
I tried my best to come up with a balanced set of characters that best represent the series (with #1 being the most iconic / representative) and not necessarily who I like so I did my best to set my bias aside lol.
1. Paul Phoenix
2. Yoshimitsu
3. Marshall Law
4. Nina Williams
5. Kazuya Mishima (Confirmed)
6. Ling Xiaoyu
7. King
8. Hwoarang
9. Lei Wulong
10. Steve Fox
11. Jack
12. Jin Kazama (Confirmed)
13. Bryan Fury
14. Craig Marduk
15. Christie Monteiro
16. Asuka Kazama
17. Feng Wei
18. New Character #1
19. New Character #2
20. New Character #3
21. Lee Chaolan (Unlockable)
22. Julia Chang (Unlockable)
23. Lili (Unlockable)
24. Sergei Dragunov (Unlockable)
25. Leo Kliesen (Unlockable)
26. Anna Williams (Unlockable)
27. Ganryu (Unlockable)
28. Kuma (Unlockable)
29. Bruce Irvin (Unlockable)
30. Armor King (Unlockable)
31. Roger Jr. (Unlockable)
32. Miguel Caballero Rojo (Season 1 DLC)
33. Bob (Season 1 DLC)
34. Zafina (Season 1 DLC)
35. Lars Alexandersson (Season 2 DLC)
36. Alisa Bosconovitch (Season 2 DLC)
37. Katarina Alves (Season 2 DLC)
38. Claudio Serafino (Season 2 DLC)
39. Shaheen (Season 3 DLC)
40. Lucky Chloe (Season 3 DLC)
41. Josie Rizal (Season 3 DLC)
42. Gigas (Season 3 DLC)
43. Master Raven (Season 4 DLC)
44. Eliza (Season 4 DLC)
45. Leroy Smith (Season 4 DLC)
46. Fahkumram (Season 4 DLC)
47. Kunimitsu (Season 5 DLC)
48. Lidia Sobieska (Season 5 DLC)
Now, let me make some things clear. I don’t want characters to be DLC, but since it’s a very common practice for fighting games nowadays, I’ve come to expect them to happen, so if they absolutely have to have DLC, I’d rather legacy characters are part of the base game and DLC are newer characters than are not necessarily as closely-tied to the core Tekken experience yet. I also know fighting games don’t really do unlockable characters any more, but I think it would be fun to see this “lost” feature return. Gives you a motive to play through arcade mode with as many different characters as possible to see who you get next!
Tekken had this “tradition” of sorts from the first game up until Tekken 6 were the 1P costume was the character’s “battle” costume and the 2P was a more “casul” outfit. For example, in Tekken 3 Jin’s 1P outfit is his trademark flame pants and his 2P was a leather “biker” sort of outfit. This was not explicitly true for everyone but it was the case for most of them and I think it’s much better than having a palette swap for 2P like we got in Tag 2 and Tekken 7. This is just lazy in my opinion.
Character customization is a cool way for player’s to express their individual tastes and style, but it has also gone v down hill in Tag 2 and 7. Too many generic and extremely fucking ugly items. Customization was at its best in Tekken 6 where each individual character had their own personal “wardrobe” of sorts with items that fit the style and characterization of each individual fighter. That was a much better execution and I hope we can return to that era of customization. At the same time I also desperately hope random ghost characters are left untouched like I’m so sick of fighting all these goofy weird creations of Bandai Namco. Just leave the customization up to each individual player to enage with.
I would also love to see character’s legacy / trademark outfits be included either as unlockable outfits or the customization system or, worst case scenario, DLC..
I loved it when Tekken based its stages on real-life places like in Tag 2 or Tekken 1. In Tekken 1′s case the stages were literal recreations of real-world locations while in Tag 2 they were just inspired by various countries and given a “title”, let’s say, describing which part of the world they take place in. I think either way it’s fine, a nice little touch to make people all around the world feel like they are part of Tekken. Completely unintrusive and harmless too, it didn’t feel forced.
I also think it’s very important that each character has their own stage. Now, obviously, making a personalised stage for each individual character would be madness. Wonderful, but still madness, because even if you don’t take my proposed 48-character roster into account, Tekken tends to have a lot of characters. So, characters that share a friendship or rivarly or are from the same region could share a stage and maybe a different BGM could play depending on which fighter you’re up against, like in Tekken 3. Stages being tied to the characters was a huge way of characterisation and storytelling in the past and I don’t see why this trend can’t continue, even in Tekken 7, during their character prologues each fighter was introduced in a specific stage that seemed to fit them so it’s not like the concept has been completely abandoned anyway.
Having past BGMs selectable was a great idea in Tag 2 and 7 and I’d love to see it return. They could possibly even take is a step further and steal a page from DOA’s book and add the option for BGM to either be applied to each individual stage or each individual fighter instead. Unlike DOA though, Tekken not every character has at least one already established BGM, because they only did it for Tekken 3 and Tekken 2 so any characters added later to the series don’t really have one and, like with the stages, it would be too much trouble to create a theme for every single new character from the Tekken 4 era up until now.
Story Mode
Honestly I think they nailed it with Tekken 7 so I wouldn’t chang much EXCEPT those awful side hoe character chapters. That felt so forced for most of the characters. Like, they didn’t have to pair all of them up, they could just fight their rival character and if one character was rival to more than one characters then so be it. The fact that we also played the same battle with two different characters also made it pointless because we got no clear outcome for any of them.
Arcade Mode
I wish to see a proper return of Arcade mode. Eight different stages, no goofy customized characters, seventh stage is each character’s Rival battle and each character gets a little prologue to explain why the fuck they decide to fight in this tournament and an ending. Ideally, I’d like to see a canon ending for each character. Not all of them can win the tournament (and come to think of it none of them did in either Tekken 6 or 7) so the ending could either showcase the aftermath of their rival battle or what they ended up doing after the tournament, depending on each fighter’s daily life / occupation / goals. Rival buttles should have little cutscenes before and after each fight (Like in Tekken 5 and Dark Resurrection) and each fighter you encounter should be fought in their “native” stage. I’m very insistent on the no customisation / yes native stage aspects because I think when you “meet” a character in battle, say for the first time, subtle things like what they (normally) wear, what they say in their intros or win poses and where they come from are very important details when getting to know a character. Maybe you actually end up liking them and even deciding to play as them! Finally, I really liked how after each Arcade run you got stats for character usage and Arcade scores. I’d like to see that return.
Survival Mode
No reason why it shouldn’t return or was cut from Tekken 7 in the first place.
Team Battle 
Another fun mode that was unfortunately cut. I have spend hours playing Team Battles with my friend. It must return!
Versus Mode
I mean, obviously, but what I also need is the ability to be able to fight against the CPU. Literally all the other fighters have it, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, even SoulCalibur which is also Bandai Namco’s, so I don’t see why Tekken never gives you that option. Most of my friends are not interested in Tekken or don’t always have the money to pay for an online subscription (which is also true for me) so being able to choose your own fighter, a rival character and have them fight in the stages you want with the costumes you want when you literally have no friends is a fun distraction lol.
Ghost Battle
Rising through the ranks can be great practice before taking your favourite fighter Online so that’s one thing they have been doing right, but were they screwed it up in Tekken 7 was by not letting you choose your next opponent yourself. That was dumb because the game likes to constantly match you up against higher or lower levelled opponents on purpose which I think was probably to make this mode artificially last longer since there was literally nothing else to do other than beat the story in the base game, but now that they made millions off of 7 they ought to have a bigger budget for a less empty base Tekken 8 game so they no longer have this excuse.
Tekken Force
A Tekken trademark. I understand that maybe having a cast of 40+ characters and a cinematic story mode are more of a priority than Tekken Force but maybe it can be included as part of the main story, like what Street Fighter 6 seems to be doing with World Tour or what Tekken itself did with 6 and Scenario Campaign. Again, only as a worst case scenario, have it as some sort of DLC.
Tekken Bowl
A very underutilised bonus mode that is also very unique and very fun. I’d more than love to see it return. This time however I want it as part of the base game.
I think that’s about it, if you made it this far down my post, what do you think?
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enydaki · 1 year ago
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