#Serena southerlyn
crimeshowsource · 7 months
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marionsravenwoods · 1 year
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LAW & ORDER GIF ROULETTE — 12.16 "Born Again"
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serenasoutherlyns · 1 month
first, second, first again
Abbierena, mature. ao3
The first time Abbie lets Serena take her home, it’s not without some convincing. Okay, and maybe a couple drinks. For both of them. She wants her, Serena knows. She gets the glances. Serena doesn’t feel bad for getting up to a little coaxing. Not that she’d had to try very hard-- perfectly timed sighs, subtly leaning into her space, dropping her voice, playing with her hair-- she knows what does the trick. Once she’s comfortable, though, Abbie is thoroughly enthusiastic, as Serena always expected she’d be. Serena doesn’t take her to the bedroom immediately, puts on a CD (track four skips) and kisses her on the couch in her dim living room. She loves getting anyone excited, loves the slow building energy of it all, the burn. Abbie bites back her moans (of course she does) as Serena sucks gently at her jawline, down her neck. Her breath quickens. It’s so satisfying. She could do this alone for hours, she always feels that way, and sometimes she does. Not tonight, though, not when they have work in the morning-- it’s already late, late evenings at the office for both of them, then drinks. Serena stands and holds out her hand, squeezes Abbie’s, smiles, and leads her down the hall.
Serena’s bedroom is her favorite place in the house. She loves the yellow-light sconces on the wall, the art she’s gathered over the years, the pressed flowers left over from ex-girlfriends, she loves the clean clothes all over her floor, and the scrunched up comforter.
“You okay with lavender?”
“Sure,” says Abbie, amused, with her hands on her knees. Serena admires the shine of her black hair. She lights the candle on her dresser. She leaves the door ajar and enjoys the way the music softly echoes in. She takes the few steps that close the distance between the two of them, and picks up where she left off.
The second time, Abbie doesn’t need convincing at all. In fact, if anyone is reluctant, it’s Serena, who has breakfast with her mother tomorrow, and could stand to get a good night’s sleep. But who is she to say no to a beautiful woman’s requests? She knew where the night was going to go when she said yes to Abbie’s invitation. This time, Abbie is a little more-- Serena finds herself thinking “aggressive” but decides that doesn’t describe it. There’s just a little more play between the two of them, and it’s pleasurable.
This time, Abbie guides Serena back into her bedroom, which is spotless and breezy, with open windows in the cooling late-summer night. Serena catches a diffuser running on her bedside table: bergamot. Abbie smooths out an invisible wrinkle on the comforter, and pulls her down. Serena enjoys the way they’re kissing with more familiarity, exploratory still but un-cautious, curious. She enjoys the way Abbie’s breath catches when she lightly pulls her hair. Abbie pulls her hair into a ponytail, sitting up, allowing Serena to take in the curve of her breasts as she raises her arms behind her head. She takes the opportunity to trace her hips with her fingertips, feeling warmth in her ears when Abbie sighs. When she leans down to kiss her again she’s brief, and quickly has Serena moaning, and she is not at all shy.
They leave it at twice, for a little while. Serena picks up a couple big cases, and doesn’t have much time for friends let alone sex. Abbie seems to get sucked into something too, because she barely even sees her around the office. Sometimes, when she masturbates, she thinks about Abbie, her pristine room and her deft hands. Just as often it’s someone else. Sometimes she thinks about giving her a call, but something else always comes up before she can even pick up the phone. A few weeks pass and then it seems like it would be weird to reach out.
It turns out, she doesn’t have to. She’s bored, heading to the kitchen at a birthday party (it’s all Wall Street people and defense attorneys) when she sees Abbie staring into a beer.
“Hey, fancy seeing you here.” Serena is quite pleased to see her, finally someone she can talk to about something other than money, finally someone she doesn’t have to pretend she didn’t see doing coke.
“Serena, hey,” says Abbie. She sounds equally pleasantly surprised. “I didn’t know you knew Craig.”
“Law school,” says Serena. “We went down different paths.” Abbie laughs at that.
“He’s my dad’s chief of staff’s son,” she says. “I didn’t have anything better to do tonight.”
“Me neither,” says Serena. “Do you want to find something else?” She asks.
“Please,” says Abbie, setting her can down. Something else is Serena’s apartment, close enough to walk to. She apologizes for the fourth-floor walk-up of it all, and Abbie assures her it’s alright. The apartment is messier than she would like it to be now that she knows how neat Abbie’s is.
“Your place is so… cozy.” Says Abbie, and sounds genuine.
“Thanks,” says Serena. She presses play on her CD player, just letting the same album she was listening to earlier play. “Do you want a glass of wine?” She asks.
“Not really,” says Abbie, who hasn’t sat down yet. Serena walks to her and takes her hands, then lets Abbie kiss her with her hands on her waist. Serena takes Abbie’s bottom lip gently between her teeth and revels in the softness of it, the softness of all of her. Abbie is different here than at work, and Serena guesses she is too. Abbie guides without being forceful, and Serena yields without her usual stubbornness.
It gets later and later as they take their time with one another, and by the time they stop, it’s almost 3 am. Abbie starts putting her clothes back on, but Serena stops her with a “It’s late,” and Abbie gets in bed beside her.
In the morning, they go out for coffee and pastries, Abbie wearing one of Serena’s sweatshirts and her own jeans. Serena feels her stomach flutter at a smile Abbie gives her, and lets it be pleasant, she has no need to shove down what could be a fun budding crush. She lets Abbie go home in her clothes.
The first time Abbie goes home with Serena, she is a little amused at how hard the woman seems to think she needed to try. Abbie recognizes her bag of tricks, but a simple ask would’ve been enough. She doesn’t have a crush, exactly, but she’s always thought Serena was attractive, pretty, and smart. Serena’s apartment reflects her energy, a little scattered, but Abbie has a feeling there’s a method to the chaos. She wonders how long she’s had the raggedy couch, the coffeemaker with a hairline crack in the pot, the CD that skips. The lamps light the room warmly. Abbie lets Serena take the lead, it’s only polite. She bites back her moans as Serena kisses her neck-- the apartment could have thin walls, and she’d hate to disturb anybody. She goes almost torturously slow, but Abbie can appreciate a build up. She can tell Serena is getting excited and while part of her wants to take control, the rest of her likes letting Serena do her thing. She’s always been curious. When Serena stands and holds out her hand, Abbie feels a little fluttering that doesn’t surprise her.
Serena’s bedroom is an endearing disaster, clothes all over the floor and an unmade bed with floral sheets and a bedspread that doesn’t match. There’s all kinds of art on the walls with no apparent theme.
“You okay with lavender?” Serena asks, and Abbie is, it’s one of her favorites.
“Sure,” says Abbie, ready for the dilly dally to be over. She admires the way Serena’s eyes gleam in the yellow light, and her elegant hands lighting the candle. A small part of her worries about the fire hazard posed by the dried flowers right above the fire on the wall. The music softly echoes in, and Serena joins her on the bed.
The second time, Abbie is the one doing the convincing. Not that it’s hard, Serena just mentions she has something in the morning. All the more reason not to move too slow. Abbie is eager to lead, this time, toying a little with Serena. She’s more assertive, more in charge, like she usually likes to be. She enjoys Serena’s little gasps and noises of pleasure, finds herself wanting to get more of them out of her.
Abbie has had the advantage of making the plans herself, she cleaned before calling Serena up. It’s the Southern hospitality in her that needs the place to be spotless, not that it’s usually messy. She even has the diffuser going with a scent she thinks Serena might like, bergamot. Sure, she wants to impress. Serena has been occupying her mind lately, she likes running into her at work, she would really like to get to know her better. Sure, now she might be harboring a bit of a crush. She tries to find out what Serena likes, reading her is actually very easy because she is all but quiet. Abbie is lucky to have thick walls.
Abbie almost wants to ask her to stay the night when they’re done quickly, but it’s not late enough to justify that if she has something to do the next day. She wants to talk to her more, to make her coffee in the morning, but she doesn’t want to get in the way of what she needs to do. Maybe another time. Maybe she’ll ask Serena on a real date sometime.
Abbie brings Serena’s sweatshirt to her at work the next Monday. Tracey is there too and seems to register a little surprise, but Abbie doesn’t think too much of it. On Wednesday, Serena seeks her out at lunch with a latte in hand. On Friday, she invites Abbie out for drinks.
“Is this a date?” Abbie asks. She figures there’s no need to be indirect about it.
“Yes,” says Serena. “I think it is, anyway. If you want it to be.”
“I do,” says Abbie with a smile. She hopes it’s the first of many.
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5x04loss · 1 year
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LAW AND ORDER ∟ 14.13 Married with Children
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round One (Bracket 7)
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littlesolo · 20 days
L&O Fic - Belated Birthday
Summary: Connie's celebrating her birthday late, but after a busy week, drinks out at a bar is the last thing she wants to do.
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For @baubeautyandthegeek
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platinum-iridium · 2 months
okay i just finished serena's final scene and it's actually even worse than i remembered. i can't believe she got FIRED for having too much "emotion" because she believed an innocent man was innocent. every day the police and the prosecutors rely on their instincts to determine what happened, but when a woman does it, it's based on feelings instead of facts? newsflash, it's always a mix of both and she was RIGHT. like what a misogynistic crock of shit. and the idea that the prosecutor shouldn't feel empathy is so ass backwards man. the administration of justice should absolutely not be devoid of empathy. what a shitty way to view the criminal justice system. and it's not exactly framed as a critique. this is from a man who is actively shaping the criminal justice system by removing a prosecutor who is perceived as empathizing too much with an innocent man. all normal human beings have feelings about other human beings (from empathy to the whole range of human emotion), men just think their feelings are objective. and i can't believe he actually fired her over these things. i think it might have been less fucked up if he had just fired her for being a lesbian.
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baubeautyandthegeek · 8 months
Drinks And Discussions - Elizabeth Olivet/Serena Southerlyn, Connie Rubirosa/Nina Cassady, Alex Borgia/Claire Kincaid.
A/N: Part 1/4 for Day 2 of @fluffbruary.
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“So, despite being… well…” Alex sighs, gesturing at the chairs both she and Claire are sat in. “We can be helpful, you know that Connie.” “She knows, she’s just… cautious. Doesn’t want to end up joining the ex-ADA club.” Serena’s voice is softly teasing and Elizabeth rolls her eyes, nudging Serena gently. “Be nice ‘Rena… not all of us do so well with political messiness.” “Oh yeah, I did so good I got fired…” “At least you never punched a suspect… twice…” Connie’s laugh is slight, her side-glance at Nina rewarded with a smile and soft laugh of bemusement. She knew, too well, that Nina was still nervous with her friends, but Liz’s laugh echoes, softly warm and real as ever and Nina breathes out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. She’s finally among friends. “I’m sure he deserved it.” Serena’s comment draws laughter from Connie, her sigh soft. “Yeah, it was deserved… even if I’m not supposed to share why.” “Oh, we all know why.” Alex’s comment is soft. “We’ve all been there, some of us just didn’t quite get so lucky.” The discussion moves on, drinks are poured and shared and Liz surprises them all with the suggested toast. “To the best group of friends a lady could have.”
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Ice Cream Headcanons for the Manhattan DA Office
Ben: Vanilla Ice Cream with Rainbow Sprinkles OR some funky strawberry
Paul: Peanut Butter Cup but he can roll with just about anything, including rainbow sherbert
Jack: Coffee ice cream or Banana Split
Adam: A simple chocolate
Branch: Salted caramel
Serena Southerlyn: Banana
Alex Borgia: Chocolate and Vanilla Twist or blue moon
Connie: Hot Fudge Sundae or a nice vanilla cone or Black Cherry
Mike: Vanilla with rainbow sprinkles OR Chocolate Raspberry
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lilfantayshia · 1 year
Law and Order: Sexy Headcanons
Full disclaimer: I'm asexual or on aspec so uh scroll past down if you don't want to see the sexy adult fun time.
Ben would be in a brat mode, only if he can't do anything that is relevant to the case. He would lash out to Adam and Paul, much to their dismay. Adam would look at Paul. Paul nodded as Adam left. Paul looked at his husband, who realized his mistake and tried to say anything that he is mad about. Paul would order him to tame Ben (ex. strip off his clothes, bend over the office table or chair, asking what positions he would be comfortable with). Remember kids: Consent is important. Ben soon apologized to Paul and Adam about his behavior.
Mike would do ANYTHING to please Rey. We are talking about bending over to pick up to expose his voluptuous butt, licking the popsicle, sending dirty texts, and more to get his attention in which Rey know what he's doing but he ignores him. (My god, Mike! Stop being a slut!) The only way to capture Rey's attention is by wearing girly skimpy clothes, lingerie, or sexy costumes.
Mike has a degradation kink. Rey would whisper to him saying the dirtiest things (ex. slut, whore, bitch). To be honest, let's just say he deserved it.
Jack loves getting his vulva/vagina eating.
Lennie would alternate his voice into deeper, baritone voices that will make his lover weak in their knees.
Abbie, Jamie, and Claire would buy the strap on to peg their lover, respectively (Serena, David, and Jack).
Interrogation room and the DA's office were usually the place to have sex if they don't have a case.
Spanking is Ed's forte for Jack.
Ben cries during sex. Paul would stop what he was doing and ask his husband what was wrong to which Ben stops and tell him to continue.
The tops (Paul, Claire, Abbie, Jamie, Lennie, Rey, Ed, and Anita) would always make their bottoms (Ben, Jack, Serena, David, OC, Mike, and OC) blush and weak in knees.
Rey would grab Mike's ass every time they made love.
Ed gives Jack a vibrator as a gift, so he can wear it on the court. Everytime Jack talks to people who are relevant to the case, Ed, in the back of the courtroom, would have a remote in his hand, fingering the levels for the device. Jack would be startled, try to suppress his whimpers and moans, trying to get hold of himself. He would ask the judge to take recess.
Rey would dirty talk in Spanish.
Paul would call Ben 'babygirl.' (Am I wrong?)
They use R&B music to spice things up. (Barry White knows what's up.)
Paul would put his hand on Ben's thighs during court when running up against a lawyer. Sometimes the hand would travel upwards and Ben had to repress his movements and noises before the judge noticed.
I'm pretty sure that's all. DM me anything!
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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crimeshowsource · 11 months
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marionsravenwoods · 2 years
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ELISABETH RÖHM as A.D.A. SERENA SOUTHERLYN | LAW & ORDER 14.13 "Married with Children"
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serenasoutherlyns · 1 year
from the dark with you above me
Serena and Abbie have a one-night stand. It never stops there, does it?
Serena/Abbie, Alex/Olivia. Rated M. ao3
Alex Cabot had a headache.
An absolutely splitting headache, the kind of headache that makes you wish you didn’t have a head anymore. It was like her brain was going to burst out of her skull. After stumbling into the bathroom she managed to find the Excedrin in the cabinet above the sink. She hadn’t been this hungover in years.
She made it to the kitchen for a glass of water, and jumped. Abbie Carmichael was standing by the sink, looking about how Alex must look, drinking a glass of water.
They looked at each other.
“Why are you in my kitchen?” Alex said.
“Uhm,” Abbie said, a smile coming across her face, “Serena, uh, let me stay over. I didn’t know she had roommates.” She looked down into her now empty glass.
Alex only had vague recollections of the night before, and she certainly didn’t remember Serena bringing someone home. She didn’t know what explanation she was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Alex had her suspicions, yes, the gaydar had pinged on Carmichael once or twice, but she was clearly deep in the closet. If someone had told her that Abbie Carmichael had been spotted at Manhattan’s premiere lesbian bar she would’ve laughed in their face.
Alex laughed in Abbie’s face. It was a quick pfft sound that escaped her before she could think about it. Abbie looked offended, and Alex hid her smile behind her hand.
“Sorry,” she said. “I just wouldn’t think Penelope’s would be your scene.” Abbie nodded.
“Yeah, well,” she said, and gestured with her free hand, “I’m here, so.”
“It is,” Alex said. “Gotcha.” She filled up her own glass with water. “How’d you find the place?”
“It’s nice,” Abbie said. “I’m gonna,“ she trailed off.
“Aw, you’re not going to kiss her goodbye?” Alex said.
“Not really my style,” she said, placing her glass in the sink and raising her keys in the air. “See you, Alex.”
“See you too,” Alex said, still bewildered.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Alex said from the couch, looking up from her crossword, when Serena dragged herself into the kitchen. She had heard the vomiting that followed Serena’s door opening about ten minutes ago.
“Ugh,” said Serena, her voice hoarse. “Kill me.” She rested her head on the cool tile countertop.
“I might have to. Workplace romance, really?”
“Gross,” Serena said, picking her head up. She filled a glass of water and chugged it down, then turned on the coffee pot. “Rude of you not to save me any.”
“I didn’t know when you’d be alive,” Alex said. “Do you remember coming home last night?”
“Vividly,” said Serena, pulling two slices of bread out of the box and sluggishly popping them in the toaster. She swayed and gulped and ran back to the bathroom. Alex winced in sympathy. When she came back, the coffee and toast were done. She poured herself a cup, spread butter on each slice, and joined Alex in the living room.
“I don’t know how you’re eating,” Alex said. Her headache had subsided but her appetite was nowhere to be found.
“Carbs, water, coffee. Hangover gone.” Alex nodded. She filled out 11 down: “tripped.” Serena wolfed the first slice of toast enthusiastically.
“We’re probably too old for this.”
Serena shrugged. “Life’s short,” she said. “Stress relief,” she justified.
“You certainly got some of that.”
“I certainly did,” Serena said with a pleased smirk on her face. “Thoroughly enjoyed myself too.”
“I wouldn’t’ve expected Carmichael to be the type,” Alex said.
“Me neither,” Serena said. She got up to rinse her plate and drained the last gulp of coffee. She put on the pot again.
“Make two,” Alex said. The pot they’d had since their senior year gurgled. “Do you think you’ll see her again?”
“I don’t think so,” Serena said. “Sex with coworkers is too complicated to be worth it.”
“That didn’t stop you,” Alex said.
“My curiosity has been satisfied.” Serena set two mugs on the coffee table.
“I’ll bet,” Alex said. “How is she?”
“Good,” Serena said. “The closet can be a wonderful place.”
Alex raised her mug. Repression had its advantages. She started laughing again. Serena looked at her with raised eyebrows.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m just thinking about Carmichael at Penelope’s.”
Serena joined in the laughter.
Work on Monday went as it usually did. The chances that Serena or Alex would run into Abbie during the work days were not zero, but they also weren’t 100. Serena and Alex didn’t even see each other that much: Alex was in Philips’ bureau and Serena was in Kibre’s.
But, it was inevitable.
“Good morning, Jack,” Alex said, entering the EADA’s office, files in hand. Charlie and Jack had a case they were collaborating on. “Abbie,” she said, acknowledging her with a slightly larger smile than she usually would. Serena had not been able to escape her friend’s teasing since Saturday. Alex pressed her for details. She kept asking when their next date would be. Serena’s least favorite: on more than one occasion, Alex had called Abbie her “paramour.”
“Charlie said he’s worried about this one,” She said, indicating a particular blueback.
“Charlie had nothing to be worried about,” Jack said, but Abbie motioned to Alex to hand her the paper. She looked it over and squinted over the same sentence a couple times.
“Charlie doesn’t have anything to be worried about, but we might,” Abbie said. This is about Briscoe and Green, not Benson and Stabler.”
“Right,” Alex said, apologetically.
“Sit, please,” Jack said, and Alex joined Abbie at the table. “Do you have time to help with this?” He asked.
“I can make some,” she said, mentally canceling her lunch plans.
“Good,” Jack said.” Abbie gave Alex a demanding look. “Why don’t you and Abbie go talk to the detectives.”
Alex began to say that she couldn’t do it, but Jack insisted: “I’ll deal with Charlie. He has more ADAs than I do, anyway.”
She couldn’t argue with that. Abbie gathered her things.
They were silent on the walk to the precinct, awkward and thick. Alex couldn’t help but conjure the mental image of Abbie picking up someone, and it still made her want to laugh. She was so uptight and ruthless, Alex struggled to imagine her outside work at all, even though she’d seen it, and not just that Saturday. Abbie was attractive, very attractive. Alex found herself almost jealous that Serena had beaten her to it.
“How have you been,” Alex asked, the silence finally too uncomfortable.
“Well,” Abbie said. “And you?”
“I’ve been alright. Serena’s been alright, too.”
“That’s good,” Abbie said. After a beat, she asked, “How long have you lived together?”
“Since college.”
“I was surprised she didn’t live alone.”
Alex nodded. “We both could,” she said, stating the obvious. “But we’re good roommates, and better friends.”
“That’s nice,” Abbie said. They were silent once more. “Look, Alex, I hope I can count on your discretion.”
“Of course,” Alex said. She wasn’t one to gossip, anyway.
“I’m not ashamed of anything. But I try not to mix work with my personal life.”
“Right,” Alex said, a touch of sarcasm coming into the word.
“I’m serious,” she said. “That was an exception.”
“She’s exceptional,” Alex said. She couldn’t help herself. To her surprise, Abbie didn’t push back against the statement. “In all seriousness, of course I won’t tell anybody.”
“Good,” Abbie said. They were on the block of the precinct. Abbie opened the door for Alex when they reached it.
“It was a good search,” Lennie said emphatically. Ed shot Abbie a look that said it wasn’t. She admired his honesty, but she wasn’t happy about it.
“Well, the defense is arguing it wasn’t,” Alex said. Abbie could read Lennie’s frustration. He took a while to warm up to any ADA, let alone one so young and self-assured. Alex sighed. “Just walk us through what happened again.”
“We knocked, asked if we could come in, and he said yes. I happened to see the knife on a shelf in his living room. It was plain view, I swear.”
“He says it was on top of the bookshelf.”
“He’s a rapist and a murderer, so I’m not sure why you’re believing him over me.”
Abbie jumped in. “Ed?”
“Well,” he said. “It was on top of the bookshelf. But, the handle was visible from the doorway.”
“See—“ Lennie said.
Abbie’s face fell and Alex’s hands dropped to the side of her body.
“It has an ornamental blade,” Abbie said. “But the handle is not distinctive. And, you knew that?”
“We did,” said Ed.
“We just lost the murder weapon,” Alex said.
“Come on, counselor.”
“We’ll argue it, but Petrovsky isn’t going to go for it.”
Lennie turned around and put his head in his hands. Ed’s shoulders slumped.
“You should’ve called for a warrant,” Alex said. Abbie winced.
“And you should know we didn’t have time for that,” Ed said, passive-aggressively.
“Just,” Abbie started, trying to diffuse the tension. “We’ll get you a warrant to search his place again. Look for the coat.”
“That’s great,” Lennie said.
“Good. Gentlemen,” Abbie said. She left the room, Alex trailing just behind her.
“They’re a delight,” Alex said. It was Abbie’s turn to laugh.
“Aren’t all detectives?” She said.
Alex defended Olivia before she could think about it. “Some can be.”
She couldn’t tell if Abbie noticed. She didn’t press her, though.
“They’re just frustrated,” she said. “They’ll be over it in an hour.”
“I’m worried now,” Alex said. “Without the weapon we’re missing half of our evidence.”
“They’ll turn something up,” Abbie said. “Nash was sloppy. I bet all of his clothes are in the closet still covered in blood.”
“I can see if Benson and Stabler can help,” Alex offered.
“Good plan,” Abbie said.
“I like your new girlfriend,” Alex said, sitting down next to Serena. “I don’t know how you read that stuff.”
“It’s Agatha Christie,” she said. “She’s like the most popular author of all time.”
“I know, I know, but don’t you get enough of crime?”
“The difference,” Serena said, “is there’s always a resolution. And I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m on a case with Carmichael now.”
“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?” Serena said, only half annoyed.
“Nope,” Alex said, taking Serena’s book out of her hands. She went to the take-out menu drawer and pulled out the one from the tried and true Chinese place down a few blocks, not that she needed to look at it. Serena picked up the phone and dialed the number, not needing to look at Alex to know what she was doing.
“Hello, I’m calling to order a delivery. For Serena. Yes, the usual order, thank you. And two extra egg rolls. Mhm, that’s all. Thank you,” she said and hung up.
“We should learn to cook,” Alex said. Serena openly scoffed.
“Yeah, right,” she said. “You can’t even crack an egg.”
Alex changed into sweats and a tank top, she took her contacts out and washed her face.
“How is Abbie to work with?” Serena asked when she returned.
“First name basis, huh,” Alex said. Serena did not give in to the bait. “I’m not thrilled, but she’s fine. She knows Briscoe and Green, and I don’t. I just think this case should be all SVU’s”
“Why isn’t it?”
“McCoy has prosecuted him for a prior offense,” she said, “unsuccessfully. He’s pretty invested.”
“And Charlie doesn’t want to fight him for it. How are Elliot and Olivia taking the collaboration?”
“Well enough, considering. Liv and Green are friends.”
Serena blinked at her. “First name basis, huh?”
“Whatever,” Alex said. The doorbell rang. Seemingly as soon as the bags hit the counter, they were biting into the egg rolls.
“Fuck,” Serena said, “That’s so hot. Ow!”
“Jesus,” Alex said, “Ah!”
They looked at each other and laughed.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
Can I ask for Serena Southerlyn from Law & Order, or Serena/Abbie if you'd like, with the prompts unspoken, teenager, colloquialisms, or opulent? If none of those are available, just pick any prompt you'd like! Please gift this to serenaclaires on ao3, and if you can, please wish them a happy birthday from a friend <3 Thank you so much for considering this prompt, and I hope you have a good day!!!
5. Unspoken @ AO3
31. Teenager @ AO3
42. Colloquialisms @ AO3
59. Opulent @ AO3
You're so sweet to request fics for your friends' birthdays, anon! And don't worry re: your follow-up message -- it's cool! :)
Please request your own drabble from this list!
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littlesolo · 2 years
Me Having a Thing For Blonde Lawyers (or Former Lawyers) is Problematic
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