thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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"Yokai and Kami" © ArtStation user "Mamslick", accessed at his gallery here
[I didn't much care for the Pathfinder 1e version of the rokurokubi. Not that it's a bad monster; it's a fun take on the rokurokubi as a hag. But it's not a good representation of the actual folkloric entity. The rokurokubi is one of many yokai that seem to exist as a way of entertaining male anxieties about women, particularly in the context of a society as patriarchal as Edo period Japan. So many yokai look like beautiful women... but then they getcha! And a lot of them getcha because you deserved it. These yokai start as humans, and then form from the abused, the neglected and the downtrodden. These people don't have a real voice in society, but turning into a monster lets them act out. Sound familiar?
Which is why, even though the Paizo's 2e rokurokubi has acceptable art, I'm not using it. Because it's a man, and rokurokubi are women in the stories nine times out of ten. Plus, I'm posting this for Monster Girl Summer.]
Rokurokubi CR 3 CN Monstrous Humanoid This woman is beautiful, but clearly monstrous, as she has a neck that is twice the length of the rest of her body.
A rokurokubi is a cursed creature that represents the adage “turnabout is fair play”. The misdeeds of a person, particularly a wealthy, egotistical and stingy one, can cause their child, lover or other person close to them to become a rokurokubi. This especially occurs if the person to become a rokurokubi is abused, as it empowers them to strike back at their tormentor. Rather than sleep, the newly formed yokai begins to play pranks in the night, anything from drinking all the lamp oil to startling people by peering around corners to inflicting bloody wounds. They prefer to ruin lives and reputations rather than kill, at least initially. Most rokurokubi end up quite enjoying their new state, and move around in society after having dealt with their initial oppressor.
Many rokurokubi live their lives as uninhibited and hedonistic people most of the time, revealing their monstrosity in order to get something they want or to lash out at someone who is rude to them. Their necks can be as short as that of an ordinary (albeit willowy) person, or as long as a constrictor serpent's whole body. Their teeth are sharp and inflict bloody wounds, and they are experts at scaring people. Perhaps the strangest ability of a rokurokubi is its ability to drink oil and heal from it. Even alchemical bombs can be swallowed safely, if the rokurokubi manages to catch them in their teeth.
Rokurokubi can form from any type of humanoid, although most of them are human. In patriarchal societies, women more frequently turn into rokurokubi than men, but any sex and gender is possible. They have the lifespan ordinary to members of their original species. A few rokurokubi reject this, making pacts with shadowy powers for immortality—these are the universally sinister rokurobabas.
Rokurokubi           CR 3 XP 800 CN Medium monstrous humanoid Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +8 Defense AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, +1 natural) hp 25 (3d10+9) Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +7 Immune sleep Defensive Abilities drink oil Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee bite +6 (1d4+3 plus bleed), 2 claws +6 (1d3+3) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks bleed (1d4), threatening lunge Statistics Str 16, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 19 Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 20 Feats Combat Reflexes (B), Deceitful, Persuasive Skills Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +9, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +8, Stealth +9 Languages Common, Senzar, one cultural language SQ adjust neck Ecology Environment urban Organization solitary or circle (2-5) Treasure standard Special Abilities Adjust Neck (Ex) As a move action, a rokurokubi can dramatically change the length of its neck. If it reels its neck in, it loses its reach with its bite attack, but gains a +8 racial bonus to Disguise checks to appear as its original species. If it extends its neck, it gains an additional 10 feet of reach with its bite attack, and can ignore cover when making a bite attack. Drink Oil (Su) As an immediate action, a rokurokubi can attempt to catch a thrown flask of oil, alchemist’s fire or alchemical bomb in its mouth. It makes a Reflex save with a +2 racial bonus against a DC equal to the attack roll made with the flask. If it succeeds, it takes no damage and instead heals 1 hit point per die of damage that would ordinarily be dealt. Threatening Lunge (Ex) If a rokurokubi extends its neck and makes a bite attack in the same turn, it can make an Intimidate check to demoralize the opponent it bites as a free action with a +2 racial bonus.
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carlmithralion · 2 years
INTERVIEWS: Peace Vaults, Bière Noire, Vaurien, Lugubrum, Erik Darek (Senzar Production), Bascar (Hypnomachie), Vukovar, Antediluvian, Reverorum ib Malcht, Perennial Pyrennees, Lil Kaine, Crypto Order, Couronne de Merde, Brand.
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yr1source · 8 months
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Embark on a journey of self-discovery and serenity with Meditation Senzar! 🧘‍♂️ Explore our YR1 Meditations section for enlightening meditations, insightful articles, and transformative resources. 📚
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infraredmag · 2 years
NEW SHOW Saturday August 26th in The Sound House, Eden Quay, Dublin 1 VIRCOLAC Senzar Coscradh Sacrilegia Hasturian Vigil Doors @ 3 pm Adm €20 (no pre sale) The post Last of the Summer Winos; VIRCOLAC, SENZAR, COSCRADH, SACRILEGIA & HASTURIAN VIGIL 26/8/2023 appeared first on Invictus Productions.
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metalkult · 3 years
Black Metal from Dublin...
It has been nearly four years since Senzar announced themselves to the world with their brilliant untitled EP and now it is time for the next chapter in their story to begin....
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valhahazred · 3 years
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The word Shoggoth comes not from the whistling, piping speech of the Progenitors but from the Atlantean senzar language. It was roughly translatable as “troll” or “boogy-man” and was used by Abdul al-Hazred to describe entities that particularly disturbed him, the beings we would ultimately come to identify with the word included. Abdul himself refused to believe such creatures had ever been on Earth. That is, of course, completely wrong. Not only have Shoggoths been on Earth for over two billion years, they are the seeds of all Earthly life. There’s no need to fear the mere concept of a Shoggoth, Abdul. You are one!
Ubbo Sathla was the first Shoggoth on Earth, raised from the mire of primordial seas. It was a living factory, churning out the first grey Shoggoths that would make the world ready for the Progenitor colonists that created it. Ubbo Sathla was also guardian of the monoliths inscribed with the principles of the Progenitor’s abandoned technology. In the ages that followed, Shoggoths swam through the abyssal seas with their masters. They were unspecialised in this age, simple spheres of shapeshifting jelly that could serve as labour, food and in rare cases, defence. As the Progenitors spread across the face of the Earth, the Shoggoths they bade Ubbo Sathla for became less utilitarian. They were more refined in form and flavour in order to better serve the discerning Progenitors of the time. During the war with R’lyeh the Shoggoth became vast war machines, able to stand against a Star Spawn in single combat. With the use of Twsha subspace arming organs they could even strike at the true heart of the ectoplasmic titans. By the end of the wars against the Star Spawn Ubbo Sathla was lost. With the knowledge to create a new one lost with it, no new Shoggoths could be made in the usual manner. Instead the Progenitors were forced to rely on breeding and fissioning to increase their numbers. Over time they grew sluggish and unpredictable, less biomachines and more animal. While not outright hostile, they were now prone to simply wandering off to pursue their own simple aims. The Progenitors made due, turning to genetically engineered dinosaurs and mechanical technology to supplement the loss in reliable Shoggoth labour. With a new post-technological age in the Progenitor’s civilization came a renewed reliance on Shoggoth servants. Unfortunately for them, their Shoggoths grew more intelligent and unwilling to serve in endless drudgery. They rose against their masters and nearly destroyed their civilization but ultimately failed in the face of disintegration weaponry. In the wake of the Shoggoth rebellion the Progenitors eliminated anything resembling intelligence or insubordination. They even edited out what they considered troublesome physical abilities, in order to more easily put down any future rebellions. What they were left with were Shoggoths that would follow any order without complaint but were mere shadows of their former utility. They could perform simple physical tasks but tended to get caught in behavioural loops, requiring constant supervision. Some of these Shoggoths are still out there, aimlessly wandering the Antarctic ruins, occasionally following some half-remembered order by a long dead master. It was around this time that the Fungi experimented with Shoggoth tissue captured during their own wars with the Progenitors. They could not crack the exact method to Shoggoth construction but they did manage to create similar entities now known as protomatter Shoggoths or Protoshoggoths. Their protomatter experiments have also yielded other results, such as nearly undetectable augmentation and control of earth life-forms and later the creation of their mec and lam biodrones. The Fungi have even started to include protomatter in their own surgically altered bodies. Modern shoggothim come in many forms. Intelligent Shoggoths that survived the purges in the wake of the first rebellion are rare but a few still exist. Most simply retreated into the oceans for a solitary existence hidden in the depths but some want more for their species. The Seekers have travelled beyond the Mountains of Madness to watch over their reduced cousins and in hopes of finding Ubbo Sathla’s hidden chambers and the monoliths of Elder knowledge. Atmospheric jellies are descendants of languorous Shoggoth that simply shapeshifted ballooning organs and drifted away. They retained some small connection to subspace from their ancestors and trail stinging, grasping pseudopods through the fringes of the beyond to prey on aeroplankton, skyfish and rods. Totem Shoggoth have developed a strange lifestyle, inserting themselves into Aeonist cults as
both defender and object of worship in order to feed off sacrifices. This is often in lieu of a proper servitor of an Ancient Power and has led to some confusion in occult circles. Prior to 1938 the surf jellies were known to haul themselves onto offshore rocks to bloom once a year. After an unprecedented mental contact with a researcher they withdrew from the surface and drifted into cryptid status. They have retreated into the deeper oceans and have begun to prey on the Deep One colonies that once sought to control them. In the time since the human species rose, a few methods of hybridization have been discovered, either by reactivating the ancient Shoggoth code left in our DNA or by direct fusion with a living Shoggoth. The Deathless Sorcerers of Yian-ho created the Yahlgan to guard their copy of the Ghorl Nigral in their monastery near the Mongolian Leng extrusion. The Yahlgan appear as genderless humanoids with translucent skin revealing their bones and strange black organs. Yahlgan shapeshifting is largely limited to imitating the appearance of any person, although their boneless arms can stretch and split freely. In the 9th Atlantean Dynasty, Sorcerer King Tharwrak created the Skin as the perfect infiltrators and assassins to send against his rivals. While still human in mind and surface appearance, the Skin are much larger on the inside and possess many of the true Shoggoth’s abilities. They were often dispatched as something of an armoured personnel carrier crossed with a Trojan Horse, with a squad of soldiers ready to be disgorged once beyond the target’s defences. The paranoia around the existence of the Skin led to brutal slayings of anyone the Sorcerer Kings suspected could be one. This sparked a rebellion in response that would spread across the continent, eventually ending the 9th Dynasty entirely, Tharwrak included. Freed of his control, the Skin slipped into history. Shoggoth Lords come from the union of human wizard and intelligent Shoggoth, destroying both to create a new being freed of all restraints. <コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡 Fun fact! The word “Tekeli-li” translates to “flee” or “get away”, a word the Pruned Shoggoths heard a lot from their masters in the last days. It sounds like someone playing that one bit from John Cena’s entrance theme on 5 piercingly loud flutes at once.
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h-o-o-d-i-e · 4 years
I have two art peices to show
First one: Corrupted
Date: Oct 27
Time: about 12 hours
(Computer) Program: FireAlpaca
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I made this in October and forgot to post it here... and recently I made an add-on to this piece
Second one: Breach
Date: Jan. 9
Time: about 10 hours
(Computer) Program: FireAlpaca
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I also made a bit of story to this peice:
*Bang... Bang... Bang* 
"What the- Hey, stop banging on the glass!"
"but I wanna come out, why would you do this to me..? I'm your friend! let me out please?"
"I'm not foolish, I know that's not really Circuit.... now stop it!" 
*Bang* "But what if I don't want to?"
"I don't care if you don't want to!" *Bang* "Stop!"
"heh heh heh heh...." 
*crack, cc-cr-rr-rraaa-cck-kkkkk* 
"Hello there Senzar...!" 
"oh no..."
I personally like the first one better, but what do you think? I’d like to know your opinion!
Please DO NOT steal, copy, trace, or take credit for my work!
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kendyrialesko-blog · 5 years
#Senzar #Lesko
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happymetalgeek · 6 years
Casting an imposing, maniacal presence onstage are show openers, Death The Leveller. Taking us on a dope-fuelled trip through Danzig’s mind, frontman Denis Dowling’s slow, menacing movements, lock in with rhythmic, trudging, heavy but memorable riffery.
Echoing an Electric Wizard-esque psychedelic fuzz infusion, guitarist Gerry ‘Ger’ Clince channels mystical humming feedback in between repetitive and driving passages, generating formidable vibration throughout the room.
All the while Dowling leans on his microphone stand as if a preacher at an alter piece, casting damnation upon those in attendance, strobing lights and billowing dry ice add to an atmospheric purple haze later on in the set. It is here where Dowling demonstrates a diverse and captivating vocal range, at times reaching for Bruce Dickinson like heights, rounding off a sound that feels like classic metal but with a particularly dark side.
Slowly building up momentum with a jazzy-psych intro, Senzar quickly change the game by u-turning into ferocious, threatening but immediate extreme metal. Frontman Trevor McLave’s (ex-Coldwar) vocals are treated to some excellently applied reverberation, leading to verses resembling horrific whispers of damnation, floating through the room, sounding like bone chilling howls on a winter night.
Many songs performed have the unique quality of at once being slow and devastating, whilst coming across painfully aggressive and thrashy. With McLave circling the stage like an enforcing shark in a bomber jacket, he sounds like Neurosis’ Scott Kelly at his most visceral. The unit 4 piece Dublin unit generate a sonic hybrid of Stoner/Doom laden Black Metal; evoking notions of street toil, yet similarly, murky Scandinavian landscapes. Indeed, Senzar are a shining example of Ireland’s talent in producing artists comparable to those of Scandinavia’s extreme metal scenes and are an act not to be missed!
Lisburn’s very own The Crawling are up next, with big boots to fill and with audience anticipation at a high for tonight’s headliner. The Crawling demonstrate considerable musical chops and feature a real snarl with Andy Clarke’s biting but sensitive yet contempt filled lyrics and vocals.
The band and audience are bathed in strobing lights and dense fog throughout the set, adding dramatic effect particularly during their pummelling breakdowns.
The three piece’s set closer is preluded by the irksome sound of a buzzing fly in stereo around the room, bringing on the sensation of being amidst rotting materials, those lain waste by The Crawling.
With Primordial making their way to the stage, there is a feeling of something very special in the making. Indeed with it being “some time” since Dublin’s finest metal export’s last visit up North, the band have a treat in store.
Setting the scene, off the bat with the epic “Where Greater Men Have Fallen”, the room is charged and engaged, especially captivated by frontman Nemtheanga’s militaristic command. Primordial’s own brand of folk tinged black metal has taken on a form of aiming for the epic, and hits the mark regularly, with tracks like “To Hell or The Hangman” and “Gallows’ Hymn” early on, preluded by menacing but thought provoking introductory speeches.
Nemtheanga’s seismic performance takes form as commander in chief vocally, but in twisted and authoritative motions, on aforementioned “To Hell of The Hangman”, he navigates his way on stage in mechanically, rhythmic movements: eye catching and simply terrifying, given the apocalyptic attire and cryptic corpse paint adorning him.
A highlight of the set strikes early on, with back catalogue rarity and gem, “End of All Times (Martyr’s Fire)” – a point of interest not lost on many in tonight’s avid audience.
Building up a sweat on “No Grave Deep Enough”, Nemtheanga’s eyes run teary and extremely bloodshot. With a cocktail of char and corpse paint streaming into them profusely it is little wonder. This does little to expel his fury, if anything fuelling the fire, as he and the band spit out words of vengeance “I was never one for redemption!”
Primordial’s appeal is not just aesthetic, there is a clarity and focus to each and every song, fusing in classic rock sensibility and riffage into dark and visceral lyrics and execution. Their near quarter-of-a-decade making and recording music together has no doubt led to such flawless amalgamation and cohesion as a unit, and is documented somewhat sorrowfully on the track “Stolen Years”. Tonight’s performance of the song being the most introspective moment of the evening and really, the only chance much of the audience and band get for a breather. Evidently a tune with significance to each and everybody in the band, detailing “all the years we’ve been doing this”, it respects fists up from every band member on closing, in response to a rapturous applause – truly a heartfelt metal tune worthy of any road trip voyage playlist.
Following this, the bombastic drum lines of “As Rome Burns” lead the way for the biggest crowd chant’s I’ve ever heard inside the intimate but legendary Limelight 2, the epic and ferocious “Sing To The Slaves!” call and answer.
Primordial close out the night, giving us one more opportunity to ensure our voices have been lost for the coming week, launching into classic, Empire Falls. “Where is the fighting man” cry the crowd. Evidently, just down the road in Skerries Co. Meath, and boy can they fight.
Primordial will be taking their Exile in Europe Tour around the continent this year and are an act not to be missed at any headline event or festival stage.
Where Greater Men Have Fallen
Nail Their Tongues
Gallows Hymn
To Hell or the Hangman
End of all Times (Martyr’s Fire)
No Grave Deep Enough
Stolen Years
As Rome Burns
Upon our Spiritual Deathbed
No Nation on this Earth
The Coffin Ships
Empire Falls
Review and Photos by Mike Lockheart, Metal Planet Music
GIG REVIEW: @PrimordialEire Descend On @LimelightNI With @TheCrawlingBand, @Senzar_Music & @Death_Leveller @dmepromotions @dpmetal @MetalPlanet72 DEATH THE LEVELLER Casting an imposing, maniacal presence onstage are show openers, Death The Leveller. Taking us on a dope-fuelled trip through Danzig's mind, frontman Denis Dowling’s slow, menacing movements, lock in with rhythmic, trudging, heavy but memorable riffery. 965 more words
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © @linkandorf​, accessed at their tumblr here
[Sponsored by @balmz​. Bomberman 64 is not one of the Bomberman games I’ve played, but this villain certainly cuts a jaunty figure. The name is a bit of a translation misnomer--in the Japanese, he’s just “Master”. But that’s too intense for American kids, ditto the fact that one of the tarot cards he pulls in his attack patterns is The Devil. Because Bomberman mechanics just don’t translate to Pathfinder very well, I themed my version around versatile magic use (so he can actually make spells!) and the Harrow Deck of Many Things. As with any use of that artifact, this guy can really cause your games to get screwy (although not as much as the traditional D&D Deck of Many Things). So be cautious.]
Spellmaker CR 15 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This creature resembles nothing more than a set of jester’s motley—a cape, a mask, a baubled hat. But there is nothing inside of these clothes but air.
A spellmaker is a strange ghostly entity of the Dimension of Dream that injects destruction and chaos into the dreams of mortals.  They are often playful and jocular, appearing as seemingly friendly characters in a dream before unleashing their nightmarish power. They are attuned to the Harrow Deck of Many Things in a strange way; some sages suspect that they are a cosmological ripple from the creation of the Harrowed Realm, or that they were created by some sinister dream entity (such as Nyarlathotep) in mockery of the Deck. What’s worse, they can force someone to draw a card in their dreams and the effects carry on into real life. Although this can sometimes result in wonderful riches or powerful abilities, these card draws just as often result in woe and ruin, if not more frequently.
If they are fighting to win, as opposed to just terrorize and confuse, a spellmaker will make hit-and-run attacks, firing bolts of force and fire. Their alias comes from their ability to warp magic to suit their needs on the fly. Most spellmakers carry a number of wands and scrolls to supplement their tactics with tricks they know will work. Spellmakers cannot carry these magic items through solid objects, however, so must abandon them in order to flee through a wall, floor or ceiling in case of a losing fight. Most spellmakers are willing to make this sacrifice.
A cleric of a Great Old One or Outer God may call on the services of a spellmaker with a greater planar ally spell. In such cases, the spellmaker typically refuses to use its dangerous draw ability when the caster wishes, unless it receives payment in terms of items that manipulate luck or magic in ways that spells cannot.
Spellmaker            CR 15 XP 51,200 CE Medium outsider (chaos, evil, extraplanar, incorporeal) Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect magic, Perception +24 Defense AC 28, touch 24, flat-footed 20 (+7 Dex, +6 deflection, +1 dodge, +4 armor) hp 207 (18d10+108) Fort +12, Ref +18, Will +16 Immune death effects, disease, incorporeal traits, poison Offense Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect) Melee 2 touches +23 touch (1d10+6 force) Ranged arcane bolt +23 touch (9d6 fire and force) Special Attacks dangerous draw Spell-like Abilities CL 18th, concentration +24 Constant—detect magic, mage armor 3/day—dream scan (DC 22), make spell (DC 23) 1/day—dream travel, greater arcane sight, greater dispel magic Statistics Str -, Dex 24, Con 22, Int 21, Wis 17, Cha 22 Base Atk +18; CMB -; CMD 42 Feats Dodge, Flyby Attack, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Magical Aptitude, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Finesse Skills Bluff +27, Diplomacy +24, Fly +33, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (arcana, planes) +26, Perception +24, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +28, Use Magic Device +31 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Senzar SQ ghostly grasp, no breath Ecology Environment any (Dimension of Dreams) Organization solitary Treasure double standard Special Abilities Arcane Bolt (Su) As a standard action, a spellmaker can fire a bolt of arcane energy. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 120 feet and no range increment. A creature struck by this bolt takes 9d6 points of damage, half of which is fire and half of which is force. Dangerous Draw (Su) As a standard action, a spellmaker may throw a magical playing card at a creature within 30 feet. If it hits, that creature is considered to have drawn a card from the Harrow Deck of Many Things. Remove the following cards from the deck before determining the card drawn—The Carnival, The Cricket, The Foreign Trader, The Joke, The Marriage and The Teamster. A creature may choose to attempt to resist the effects of the card with a DC 25 Will save, but does not know what the effects of the card are (which can be beneficial) until it succeeds or fails the save. A spellmaker may use this ability three times per day, and must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. If a spellmaker uses this ability on a dreaming character, the effect of the card extends to the Waking World. Ghostly Grasp (Su) A spellmaker can manipulate up to 25 pounds of items at a time. This also gives it the ability to wear and carry equipment, but it cannot transport these through solid objects. Make Spell (Sp) A spellmaker can, three times per day, cast any arcane spell of 6th level or lower or divine or occult spell of 5th level or lower. This functions as the spell duplicating abilities of the limited wish spell, but cannot be used for any of the other effects of limited wish. This is the equivalent of a 7th level spell.
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doldafakta · 6 years
I del 2 om Madame Blavatsky’s ungdom följer vi henne under de turbulenta resåren då hon reser till ungefär alla länder som finns, startar flera misslyckade spiritistiska sällskap, är med om olika skeppsbrott, strider mot de franska påvliga armeerna på Garibaldis sida, leder Serbiens kungliga kör, startar en articifiell blomfabrik, kastas av ännu fler hästar samt får superkrafter i en hemlig mysterieskola i Tibet. Vi spekulerar också i Ny demokratis möjliga teosofiska kopplingar, Agartha, produktionen av Spung m.m.
Lyssna där poddar finns eller på soundcloud.com/doldafakta. Kolla även in doldafakta.tumblr.com och följ oss på Instagram @doldafakta
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futurepr · 6 years
Dublin Veterans Senzar Reveal New Music Video 'CI'
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Dublin veterans Seznar, formed from the ashes of Coldwar recently unveiled details for the release of their debut non-titled record, out 20th July via Hostile Media, a potent marriage of philosophy and the raw energy of extreme metal. Today the band released the second single 'CI' and a video accompaniment. Vocalist Trevor McLave explains, "As finite beings we search for, and find, meaning in the universe and within our interpretation of the observable patterns and structures of the natural world. We do this ‘symbolically’; the symbol lies between us and the cosmos and orientates us towards meaning and reality. The attempt to understand the ‘natural poetry’ of the universe is a root source of art, music, and culture, and it is through symbolic mediation that, within the human being, the finite can grasp the infinite." Watch 'CI' Here! https://youtu.be/Jt55TG8bs5k McLave speaks further on the debut EP and the cessation of Coldwar, "We wanted to take our musical ideas a lot further than we were able to with Coldwar, elements of which were hinted at on Pantheist. Creating atmosphere and soundscapes which hold measureless potency, correlating with the lyrics and retaining raw energy and heaviness was our goal. Regarding the lyrics, I guess there are rudiments of consideration regarding mankind’s position in the greater scheme of the cosmos. Beyond that, it really is something purposely devised as being unfixed, thus open to beholders interpretation."
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Characteristically esoteric, Senzar are inspired by the relation of the human condition to the complexity and mystery of the cosmos. Motivated by the obscure yet intelligible patterns of order from chaos and our natural creative impulse, and being influenced by the darker, more challenging cultural output of modernity, they articulate a metaphysical engagement between the self and the natural world. "The music is an endeavour to explore the unity and multiplicity of Being," states vocalist Trevor McLave. "Both interpretive and descriptive, it explores beyond the scope of the rational gaze to disclose the world, which, understood as a totality of all things, we are embedded in, and fundamentally related to in ways which are mystical." Listen To First Single 'CII' https://youtu.be/3eTIu4LiEl8 Pre-Order 'Seznar' Here: www.facebook.com/hostilemedia/shop www.facebook.com/senzarband www.facebook.com/hostilemedia www.hostilemedia.net
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valhahazred · 2 years
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Oh man did I write a whole heckin' lotta words about how magic works.
Worldbuilding essay under the cut!
<コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡 <コ:彡
TLDR - Magic is energy from another dimension. It comes through everyone’s pineal gland and makes an energy field some people learned to use to make stuff happen. You can shape it with your mind, your body and with carvings and doing too much too fast can hurt you really bad. You can also yell at gods and spirits or mix magical stuff together so they do the magic for you. Sacrifices can be useful but it’s mean so don’t.
What is Magic? Magic is the term for manipulation of energy through various internal and external means, often in the form of spells and rituals.
Magic starts as a fundamental force of Subspace, originating from the Astral consciousness known as Yog-Sothoth. Sothic energy enters our universe layers through entities perceived by Yog-Sothoth, through window areas and through the weak points worn through the veil by spiritual activity.
In humans it is usually focused on the pineal gland, the mystical third eye and atrophied descendant of Shoggoth Twsha organs. If the gland is damaged, sothic energy will still flow through the individual but it will impede their ability to perceive and interact with extradimensional phenomena.
Sothic energy flows through the body, carried in the blood to the heart and throughout the rest of the circulatory system. From there the energy filters out through the skin in an imperceptible aura and a low density field that surrounds the body.
Every being under the perception of Yog-Sothoth will have their own sothic field. At its natural state it is entirely passive and far too weak to be of influence in ordinary space-time.
Learning Magic Magical instruction is not a common thing and self study is difficult.
Books one the subject are rare and those that do exist are poorly translated at best. There are spells written in Aklo, Tsath-yo, Senzar, Naacal, Rongorongo, Carian and many more languages that are not officially deciphered, if they’re believed to be real languages at all. Even if you do understand them, there’s only so much text and images can convey.
The vast majority of the world’s magical knowledge is jealously guarded by an underground of cults, covens and secret societies and that knowledge is contingent on membership. Even then their knowledge tends to run long on Aeonist histories and short on actual spells.
Magic simply isn’t very common on this planet and hasn’t been since the fall of the sorcerer kings of Atlantis.
Occult Science Although some see them as diametrically opposed, once sufficiently analysed magic becomes science. There are many cultures, both alien and human, who would not consider magic to be a separate enough concept for there to be a meaningful difference between occult and “regular” science. They would say that the otherworldly energies are no more magic than electricity.
Some may baulk further at the terminology and make noises about psychokinetic energy fields, Kirlian auras, Tillinghast radiation and subspatial matter states but it makes no difference to Yog-Sothoth. The energy is there regardless.
Conduits The energy of subspace is called “psychoactive” for a reason. It can be shaped and wielded through the power of thought alone. By simply opening the astral conduit and willing it, a great deal of magic can be done. It’s not completely free form as there’s only so much sothic energy can do in its rawer forms.
Some humans are born with instinctive control of their conduit. These people are commonly referred to as psychics or espers. In most modern humans this is a rare mutation but the people of K’n-yan all have the ability, an evolutionary response to the high levels of sothic energy in their subterranean environment. In prehistoric South Africa a human sub-species also developed powerful natural conduits but the “pineal man” turned out to be an evolutionary dead end as their own psychic abilities grew out of control and destroyed their civilization.
Examples Telepathy Much as vocal cords vibrate air to generate words, the astral cord can vibrate subspace to transmit etheric “sound” directly to the mind. Telepathy is actually surprisingly easy to learn once you’ve been exposed to it.
Fires of Yog-Sothoth Exciting the matter of subspace has much the same effect as it does in our space-time, creating high-energy ectoplasma. The Ectoplasma can then be summoned, shaped and contained by sothic energy and then released at whatever the sorcerer desires to destroy. More than a few mysterious arsons and burning deaths have been the result of this form of magic.
Fleshsculpting Enough of the Shoggoth remains in Earthly life that if someone has the supernatural means, they can reactivate the dormant biomachinery to enact great changes on a biological organism. Once active nearly any physical change can be made through mental domination, as the Progenitors designed shoggothim cells to be receptive to telepathic control. Fleshsculpting can be used for many purposes, both benign and horrible; from healing physical wounds, to shapeshifting, to baleful transformations, even replicating the gaze of Gatanothoa.
Formulas Formulas could be considered a subtype of conduit magic, just another way to control projected sothic forces through intelligent minds. However, instead of being freeform and adaptive, formulas are reliant on certain rigid lines of thought. If contemplated and solved successfully, the formulas change the form of the conduit and shape the magic accordingly.
Examples Dao-Hna Formula Beneath the skin of the world, in another dimension, at the end of a river longer than the space between Earth and Moon, is a city. Yian-Ho. The home of the Deathless Sorcerers. There are two ways to make the journey to the city, either you travel to one of the magnetic poles and enter the magical gateways there or you could simply meditate on the Dao-Hna. When performed, the Dao formula alone allows for the viewing of the inner city, while the full Dao-Hna breaks through the dimensional boundary and transports the formulator. The Formula can be found in the Al Azif, as Abdul al-Hazred learned it from a sect of the Cthulhu cult that had been in contact with the Deathless.
Pnakotic Formula Originating from the Yith, the Pnakotic Formula recorded in the Al Azif is a part of the technology they use to transfer minds through time and space. The formula alone is fully capable of making the switch between two ensouled organisms but cannot send a mind through time.
Gestures By holding the body in particular ways and manipulating the current of internal sothic energy a spellcaster may turn their body into a rune of flesh and blood. Simple spells may be cast with a single flick of the hand, while others may be dances that last hours.
Examples The Elder Sign There are several spells known as “the” Elder Sign but what I am referring to here is one of the simplest forms of gesture magic. As long as the sign is held and the wielder has the energy their sothic field will be reinforced against subspace phenomenon, making it difficult for entities such as ghosts or elementals to approach and much more difficult to cast other spells on the bearer of the sign.
The Voorish Sign Something of a counterpart to the Elder Sign, the Voorish Sign is used to bring the caster’s sothic field more in tune with subspace, giving them greater vision and easing the flow of magic. It is significant for being the first Sign of Aklo spellcasting tradition and is the base of many longer Gesture spells.
Glyphs Much like the use of gestures, glyphs shape sothic energy as it passes through them, allowing for magical effects. Chains of glyphs are used for more complex magics and serve as the basis of many rituals. Glyphs can be carved, painted or cast but they all need to be made of something conductive to sothic energy. Quartz crystals, blood and tulu-metal are all common bases for Glyphs. Ectoplasmic solids are particularly good but are difficult to keep stable in our spacetime facet.
Examples The Elder Sign Like the gesture of the same name, the Elder Sign glyph is a ward against subspatial forces. It appears as a twisted, five-forked tree branch. On its own it does little more than the hand sign, generating a weak, artificial sothic field that incorporeal entities find difficult to cross. Its true potential lies in amplifying other magics cast by a sorcerer that syncs their own field to the glyph.
The Yellow Sign This glyph carries the memory of Carcosa. Any being that witnesses it will be haunted by those memories and may be drawn into further contact with Yellow Frequency carriers.
The Rune of Black Magic A spell to bring back the dead, although not in any way resembling true reanimation. The glyph is inscribed in the flesh of a corpse, turning it into a gate to the netherrealm and opening it to possession from any spirits that desire to enter physical reality. Alchemy Most of what has been called alchemy throughout history is simply ordinary chemistry. Even the fabled Reanimation serum is a clever combination of completely mundane (if rare) earthly materials. True Alchemy requires ingredients that have more alien properties.
Examples The Plutonian Drug and Liao A fine white powder that when taken actually expands human consciousness enough to perceive time like a spatial dimension, if only shallowly. If the user is proficient in astral projection they may even travel through time, although going too far can provoke the Hounds of Tindalos. While the drug originally came from Yuggoth and the Fungi, an alternative is derived from the leaves of the magical Black Lotus flower.
Fool’s Tulu In popular perception the primary goal of western Alchemists was the transmutation of gold. That isn’t quite the whole of it. While some were certainly seeking wealth alone, what true sorcerers sought was the replication of Tulu-metal, the naturally enchanted golden alloy. While that goal has never been attained by humans, the Deathless Sorcerers came close. Fool’s Tulu is much tougher than pure gold and mildly magically conductive, while being highly repellant to true Tulu-metal.
Space Mead Although it contains many of the same ingredients as regular earthly mead, the use of Byakhee honey gives it a powerful magic. Space mead is able to support human life in interstellar space, at least for a few hours. It is also enjoyed by the very Byakhees who supply the active ingredient and so it is also useful as a bargaining chip when obtaining their services.
Incantations An incantation is a request for an external entity to aid you in performing magic. Most incantations require a certain degree of awareness to be drawn from the entity in question before they can function, although there are a rare few that call upon near omniscient beings. Incantations are often paired with some form of calling ritual in order to ensure they are received. It is also common for incantations to be accompanied by a sacrifice as payment for the magic.
Incantations encompass more than spoken words, as not all entities that might answer calls can perceive vibrating air. There are visual incantations commonly referred to as sigils and even olfactory ones in forms such as incense.
Examples Dragon Ascending Dragon Descending The Dragons are a pair of Incantations to Yog-Sothoth, part of a larger ritual calling on the Outer god to raise or destroy the Undead. The Incantation is in an alien language strange to human tongues and it can take a great deal of practice to make the correct syllables. Y’AI ’NG’NGAH, YOG-SOTHOTH H’EE—L’GEB F’AI THRODOG UAAAH OGTHROD AI’F GEB’L—EE’H YOG-SOTHOTH ’NGAH’NG AI’Y ZHRO
The Call of Carcosa The reason Hastur is often called “the Unnameable” is the ability to draw its attention with the simple repetition of its name. The incantation is not infallible, the incanter must know the word is a name and what it refers to. Having read or performed the King in Yellow or speaking the name in the presence of the Yellow Sign will also make it easier to catch Hastur’s attention. What actually comes of contact with Hastur is entirely to the will of the Black Star itself. It may send portents, turn the speaker into an undead creature, manifest as The King in Yellow or do nothing at all. The spell is generally only used by those possessed of madness, naivety or staggering hubris. HASTUR, HASTUR, HASTUR
The Symbol of Jhebbal Sag Jhebbal Sag was once of the thousand gods of Mu and later its worship was picked up by the hyboreans. As an Earthborn child of Shub Niggurath, Jhebbal Sag has a connection to Earth animals, particularly non-sapient predators. Its Symbol is an example of a visual incantation and if successful will be seen as a powerful, dominating presence to animals, often causing them to flee or submit. It is also the base of summoning rituals for Jhebbal Sag’s own hybrid children.
Rituals Much like a machine is often many smaller mechanisms working together for greater effect, a ritual is a way of combining many small spells into a single magical working. Another important aspect of rituals is that most are designed to allow multiple participants, allowing them to divide the toll of performing magic.
Examples Mao Ceremony Created by the serpent people of Valusia, at the behest of the Lloigor, the Mao Ceremony is an extremely powerful communication spell. While other spells might allow telepathic contact with other places or times within Yog-Sothoth, the Mao is able to send messages Outside the local multiverse entirely. The most common version only sends to the Gulf of S'glhuo in the Tru'nembra continuum. The spell more commonly known as “summon hounds” is actually a Mao for the realm of Tindalos, provoking the usual response.
Witch Angles Beginning with various incantations to Nyarlathotep, this ritual is used to submerge specially angled surfaces into subspace, allowing for them to serve as gates to other places. Nyarlathotep involves themself in the function of the gate in exchange for horrific acts of sacrifice.
The Star of Ommum-Vog Named after an ancient Hyperborean wizard, this ritual involves pre-human incantations being spoken within a ring of specially prepared braziers. If successful the flames will turn gold and condense into a single burning point which follows the direction of the mind within the ritual circle. It was nearly lost with the wizard Ommom-Vog after an Ice-Demon overwhelmed him but it was rediscovered by Eibon.
The Dangers Magic begets magic, widening the astral conduits through use. While in theory this is a good thing, the human body didn’t really evolve to channel such energies.
The practitioner’s body and mind act like a circuit for sothic energy and much like an electrical circuit provides a certain amount of resistance to the current. Even the passive flow of too much magic can damage blood vessels, causing blood blisters and bruising as energy surges through veins. Over time it can lead to chronic pain, strokes, aneurysms and internal bleeding.
The really awful consequences come from the flares of magic caused by actually casting it. This opens the sorcerer to all manner of magical ailments through Aura poisoning, from mutations to being cast out of space and time. With overuse the sorcerer’s body might even combust as the rush of Sothic energy ignites them from the inside. As they burn they enter a short lived feedback loop as magic rushes out into the world through the burning hole in reality before detonating. This kind of magical self destruction leaves fallout, flooding the area with lingering Aura.
There are ways to ease the dangers. Meditation on the flows of magic helps the sorcerer to understand how it moves through their bodies and compensate for surges. Most rituals include multiple participants to cast greater magics while preventing overly taxing any one sorcerer. There are even techniques and substances to harden the body to the burn of magic but they often come with their own side effects.
External Magic If possible, it is safer to use magic that comes from without. Alchemy and incantations are essentially built around doing so and rituals and glyphs both don’t require the magic to come from the caster. So, if you’re not using your own magic, where is it coming from?
Window Areas Some occultists imagine there is a complex geomantic web of ley lines criss-crossing the world. That’s an inaccurate view of things. They’re more like currents of energy flowing through the planet’s own sothic field. They’re sometimes predictable but not static. The window areas they flow from are much more useful. A window area is a weak point in the subspace veil, and they are places of heightened ambient magic. If harnessed, they can provide more energy than a dozen sorcerers.
Megalopolisomancy As human cities grew more dependent on large scale roadways it became possible to exploit the movement of huge numbers of people in guided lines to gather large amounts of magical energy. Megalopoisomancy is the practice of using intersecting, high traffic paths to create artificial ley lines. They’re inefficient but the input more than makes up for any losses. If you’ve ever driven through an intersection that seems like no sane mind could have laid it out, you’ve likely been part of a Magalopolisomantic glyph! While primarily practised by the Deathless, the Fungi have also slipped an operative or two into city planning departments.
Bound Entities There are a lot of beings out in the multiverse that have a much greater capacity for magic than humans and most of them aren’t out there listening for Incantations. But if they can be captured, their magic can be drawn out. The greatest example of a bound entity kept for this purpose  is Cyaegha, under Dark Hill in Germany. A cult once bound it there to take its power for their own and while that cult is now long gone, their guardian demons maintain the binding.
Sacrifice. Provided you are not morally opposed to it you can just kill people for their magic. There’s even a nice little surge as brain death occurs as Yog-Sothoth pops in to make sure it got everything. Not all sacrifices are made equal of course, while every self-aware being does have some sothic energy it would take a truly staggering number of cows to equal one human. Still, it’s a lot safer and more legal for a cult to operate a slaughterhouse than to go around murdering every time they want to talk to their god. On Earth, humans, cats and cetaceans tend to make for the greatest sacrifices.
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nuclearblastuk · 5 years
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rafaelsdesouza · 5 years
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Como seria o dia seguinte? Existiria o dia seguinte? Kkkkkk Agora imagine um lugar onde isto não se pode ocultar. Não seria o pensamento nem o Senzar (a "língua dos anjos") pois trabalham com símbolos e imagens para se tornarem semânticos então, seria algo além... Seria quem você é, o seu "peso na balança"... Dá um livro isto aqui... https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XnPB1gTEu69_sDxAQAJRUWwlk8Ta9EFNPpKc0/?igshid=cixobn263u8o
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rawtotherapinee · 6 years
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Senzar - Senzar
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