recurring-polynya · 4 months
rip twitter, if it weren't for you i would never have known about the only good moment from the bleach dub
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despairforme · 4 months
1.1k orbs and still no nnoi.....
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[ MAN anon that sucks !! There is still time to get him! You can do it !! I ended up having to spend 2550 orbs, but FINALLY !!!! He's here with me and I'm stoked !! Praying for you to also get him, and ( hopefully ) having to spend less orbs than I did T - T For me I'm actually pretty happy with only having to spend 2.5k because the last Nnoitra cost me I think over 6k LOL fjfjfjf ]
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What's the point in going for the other Senkaimon towers I haven't done yet, if all of the 6* tickets are for characters that can only be evolved with Senkaimon crystals?
Might as well always redo the same one over and over again... It's faster and easier.
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doomxdriven · 1 year
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In regards to Jin's main verse, no matter what does or doesn't happen with Jin and the Wandenreich during the events of the Blood War (whether they are allies or never truly cross paths or what have you), Jin and his associates do end up with mostly-free access to the Soul Society after the fact.
This is because Jin winds up finding at least one Quincy (but potentially more) who is willing to help him with the Bount's equivalent of a Senkaimon (which requires the abilities of a Quincy to finalize).
With this access to the Soul Society, Jin, and those associated with him, can on rare occasions be found within Rukongai, where they are undoubtedly up to no good / laying the groundwork for their eventual assault on the Seireitei.
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Normally, the Kido Corps Crimson Squad would detect such intrusions into the Soul Society, track down their source, and sound the alarm, but for..."reasons" (cue Bansui somewhere chuckling to himself) they conveniently turn a blind eye to Jin and his associate's Senkaimon and pretend nothing is happening.
That said, Jin and his associates still have to act with some discretion when using their Senkaimon, since there are others (like the SRDI or Onmitsukido) who will undoubtedly detect their Senkaimon shenanigans and cause issues if they aren't careful.
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zanguntsu · 2 years
god made me a gamer to make me more insufferable
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saltysatellite804 · 9 months
My 5/6 star aizen collection on BBS is nearly complete lol. I just have two versions left of him to get which I can get from his individual summons that I play every time it pops up. Excite 👀.
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
Half asleep dumb Bleach AU where Quincy war goers really bad and they have to pull a time travel fix it but the only 2 strong enough to not die are Ichigo and Aizen.
The 2 ending up in the turn back the pendulum arc and Aizen instantly goes into full xanatos gambit mastermind planner mode... only to realize that is fucking impossible when you are working with Ichigo Kurosaki.
Every time he thinks he has found a way to create a long plan that will result in the Quincy end (And maybe himself as the soul king or all powerful) he turns around and Ichigo has already completely changed the time line AGAIN! Totally fucked up someones tragic backstory and he just takes a deep breath throws all his planning in the bin and has to go back to the drawing board (Since he can't actually murder Ichigo... he's tried)
Ichigo isn't trying to change much he doesn't have any grand plan just kill Yhwach, make sure his friends are safe and don't let Aizen do anything to Aizeny.
He ends up bonding with Gin, because Gin sees how powerful Ichigo is and more importantly how much he pisses off Aizen. He basically becomes Ichigo's shadow and just makes everything 10x more chaotic.
It becomes worse when Byakuya joins in he sees Ichigo shunpo at a speed that puts Yoruchi to shame and pretty much insists he teach him. And thus Ichigo has 2 shadows who mange to fuck up everything Aizen tries to plan.
(They disappear for a few days and Ichigo has somehow become king of Hucheo mundo no ones even sure how, there's also an adjuchas grimmjow following Ichigo around either trying to kill him or maybe court him no one can tell. Aizen takes one look at this pretty much throws months worth of planning in the bin and then goes and then just disappears into the Senkaimon to scream into the void)
Shinji is confused but he knows Aizen's planning something still he's sure of it and hasn't realized the plans have changed. Ichigo just watches the two for a bit and just turns to Aizen like 'So trying to murder and hollowify the guy you have a huge crush on is taking pigtail pulling to the extreme right?' Gin is dying laughing and Aizen is pissed and not happy because he has been doing fine with repressing and ignoring these feelings for centuries and can keep on doing it just fine thank you very much.
Thus begins Ichigo and Gin trying to match make him because that may make Aizen less crazy evil since Ichigo has watched the man stare all pinning and stupid after Shinji and stop staring at the many many maps and plans he have (most of them Ichigo thinks are plans for trying to murder him) and well it's fucking hilarious. Also he's pretty sure Shinji is just as bad since the man can ramble about Aizen for hours... literal hours Ichigo timed him and not all of it was how he's planning something evil...though a lot of it was.
Plus it's embarrassing to Aizen and hilarious.
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Closed RP w/@muses-of-the-memory
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Its been about a few months since the fight with Yhwach and repairs to the Soul Society has continued. Much of the buildings still are in need of repairs, the casualty count is has finally finished, and some parts of the 13 Court Guard Squads have managed to resume with their duties.
Out at the Senkaimon, Captain Toshiro Hisugaya is seen standing in front of the gate. His arms within the sleeves of his coat as he appears to be waiting. Waiting for someone to appear from the gate. He was informed by the Head Captain that some very important people will be joining them soon, so he was asked to go greet them.
That and Toshiro was the only captain available, since most of the other captains were busy with other matters.
Toshiro sighed softly as he looks up at the gate, waiting for these so-called special guests to show up. "I wonder how long do I have to wait till they arrive? I know I was told to get here early just in case they arrive early, but its been over and hour and they're still not here yet."
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toomanydamnmuses · 6 months
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Well. This is certainly inconvenient. The senkaimon to take him to the world of the living has taken him...
Well, not where it was supposed to. He can tell from the energy signatures around him that he is certainly within a realm of the living. But given the variety of... beings around him, he is given reason to believe that this is not the one to which he is semi-accustomed. Not to mention the energy within the air itself, almost feeling more akin to what is found in Hueco Mundo or the Soul Society, than the world of the living.
The architecture, too, is different. He supposes it is reminiscent of other regions within the human world that he is used to, something he remembers Rose showing him once or twice in a book. From somewhere called. Rope? Your-Rope? He can't remember what it's called, but it was something like that he thinks.
The script upon many of the signs are unfamilar, too. Thanks to Rose, he can at least read some of it. After much staring, that is. And only the words that haven't been overly decorated or otherwise made illegible from how curly they are. One sign catches his attention, and it takes him a moment to decipher it. 'Elfsong Tavern' sounds promising enough. After all, if he remembers correctly from some of Rose's attempted lessons on the human world, taverns are commonly a place to drink and rest. And, perhaps more importantly in his case, to gather information.
He doubts that this place, wherever it is, would take the little bit of currency that he carries with him. But perhaps there are some pests that might need handling, maybe a troublesome hollow even here. That he could easily take care of in exchange for information at the very least.
With this in mind, he steps into the building, pausing for a moment to take in the occupants. Given how dark it is outside, and therefore how late into the evening it likely is, he isn't terribly surprised at how reasonably empty it is. Certainly, there are a few patrons here and there, a musician half-heartedly strumming away at some stringed instrument in their lap. His gaze passes onto and pauses at a pale man with silver hair don't think of him, it isn't him, it's the right color but the wrong style dressed in very expensive clothing. Aside from the hair, however, what catches his attention are the ears.
He's only seen ears like that on the ressurreccion of the Sexta Espada. While this man has a strange energy around him, it does not feel hollow. So, feeling that the scene is secure enough, Izuru steps forward to the bar beside the man and clears his throat to catch the barkeep's attention.
"Apologies, but I seem to have gotten a bit turned around at some point. I'm... Far from here. Very far. Could you tell me where this is, perhaps?"
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theanimeroom · 4 months
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💎 feral!hichigo who waited for exactly the right moment before he made his move.
💎 he’d been watching you through ichigo’s eyes for some time now, taking in all the times you pranced around in that carrot tops line of sight.
💎 he despised ichigo for having you in such close proximity, yet not ruining you the way you were asking to be. he saw the way you always wore scandalous clothing, leaving a little too little to the imagination while walking around the house. it was a disgusting display, but oh how he loved to watch you try so hard.
💎 the longer he waited in the shadows, the more the hollow became convinced that you were doing it more for him than for ichigo. you were so lewd in all your actions; the way you sat down with your legs almost inviting him in, or the feeling of your hand as it caressed his bicep upon greeting him at the door.
💎 even when ichigo had managed to get you underneath him, you always taunted him with those sly whimpers, staring straight through the carrot top and into hichigo’s dangerous eyes. you pleaded for him to take you, begging with everything in you for him to finally give you what you really wanted.
💎 you were the devil incarnate, and that was saying a lot coming from him. he’d seen his share of bad guys in the past, but you were cruel in ways he’d never known possible.
💎 hichigo knew then that you would have to be punished at some point, but knew that you’d never learn your lesson if he left it up to that dumb ichigo. he was too gentle with you, to afraid of you cracking under the pressure, but only hichigo knew that that’s exactly what you needed.
💎 that’s exactly why on the day hichigo knew his counterpart would be busy, letting his mental state fatigue, he took advantage of the situation. ichigo had been running around all day, stopping hollows here and there while still managing his job. he knew today was the day when the soul society had requested his help with a mission, forcing the carrot top to leave you alone for the next few hours while he traveled through the senkaimon. by the time ichigo had gotten back home, his shoulders were stiff and his body was tight with stress and fatigue.
💎 he let him have his fun in the beginning, watching mischievously as ichigo kissed patterns up and down your body, your small mewls and jerks making him wonder what you’d look like when he got his hands on you. ichigo toyed with you the way that he liked, teasing your supple body until you were begging for his cock.
💎 it was only when ichigo let out a tired sigh, pausing his movements as he wiped a line of sweat from his brow line. that hichigo breached the surface.
💎 “out of my way, carrot top. you’re letting down your girl,” he snarled when he felt ichigo resist his advances. the strangled groan ichigo let out led you to ask what was wrong, the momentary distraction of your voice being all the alter ego needed to slip past ichigo’s defenses, chuckling to himself as he listened to the complaints in the back of his head.
💎 you’d only registered the situation when ichigo’s movements paused, a sinister laugh erupting around the room. your eyes widened at the distorted sound, realizing immediately that your boyfriend had been overwhelmed by the hollow within him. you didn’t say a word when hichigo lifted his head, rabid eyes locking with yours as he grabbed both of your cheeks with one hand.
💎 with a squeeze your lips were puckering together, a nearly demonic growl emanating from the back of the hollow’s throat. your hips jerked when two of his fingers plunged into you, curling and prodding the spongey area that made your knees buckle. his place started out absolutely brutal, your throat growing tired rather quickly from the cries of pleasure that coursed through you.
💎 “been waiting so long to finally teach you a lesson,” he chided, moaning when your hips lifted off of the bed, spastically trying get more out of the man above you. you weren’t quite sure what he was talking about, but as long as he kept wrecking you the way he was, he could say whatever he wanted.
💎 feral!hichigo who felt his heart rate increase when you started calling out for the orange-head, a whimper leaving your mouth when he ripped his fingers from your cunt and instead shoved the digits against your tongue. you gagged as he forced his fingers down your throat, the taste of your own essence staining your taste buds. “ichigo’s not here right now.”
💎 feral!hichigo who fucked you like a madman the moment he forced his cock into you. he wrapped his hand around the expanse of your neck, squeezing the sides tightly until your eyes were crossing and you were digging your hands into his wrist, mind so foggy you could barely even form a single word.
💎 feral!hichigo who made sure ichigo was watching the whole thing as well. he’d speak to him occasionally when he was particularly proud of his work, feeing the main man’s blood boiling from within. “see? didn’t i say she’d look much prettier with a hand wrapped around her throat?”
💎 feral!hichigo who didn’t stop thrusting into you until he felt your cunt pulsing around him for the 5th time, your body so exhausted that it could barely even tremble anymore from the pleasure.
💎 feral!hichigo who didn’t feel bad in the slightest when he saw tears running down your cheeks, body still twitching without him even touching you. “did you learn how to fuck her yet?” he asked carrot top, smirking to himself when your eyes slipped shut, your lack of energy leaving hichigo with a sense of a job well done.
💎feral!hichigo who returned to his place in the shadows without a single complaint, now completely content watching as ichigo played with your hair, apologizing profusely for his shadow sided actions.
you mentioned later when you regained your senses that you weren’t mad about the turn of events, although you could barely move your legs once the impact took its toll on your body. you made sure to mention that if he ever was okay with it, you didn’t mind if he let his demonic friend out every once in a while.
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don’t plagiarize, it’s not nice <3
©️ theanimeroom
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bleachbleachbleach · 27 days
Senkaimon Travel Procedures
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"There are many benefits to being a marine biologist."
Even though 99.99% of interdimensional travel is baked into normal Gotei procedures that shinigami use every single day, I feel like the Gotei has probably made it difficult for no other reason than it's not anyone's job to make it not difficult.
Like, it'd be nice if you could receive your Living World Assignment and then, at 7AM on launch day, show up at a senkaimon and go through it. Cake! (Or--well, you know what I mean, this being Soul Society.)
But I feel like this line from my work’s website about there being "many benefits to using a travel management system" exists because our previous travel management system was so bad it felt like it should be regulated by the state as a form of gambling. I see no reason why the Gotei's version would NOT be like this. So:
You cannot, in fact, simply show up and walk through a senkaimon, on the date the Gotei itself told you you would need to do so. You need to go to the physical Travel Management Office, which is run by like two dudes from the Kidou Corps.
You will give them your deployment summons, which they will cross-reference with the copy they may or may not have received. (You need to time your trip to the Travel Management Office such that you have enough time to make your arrangements, but the mail also has enough time to make it through the entire Seireitei postal system.)
Despite the fact that this paperwork is handled entirely analog, the next part of this process involves a giant mainframe like the ones they have at the 12th. It prints data matrices that only these two Travel Management Office Kidou Corps guys can translate into dates, times, and--most importantly--prices.
Yes, you have to pay to use the Senkaimon. Well, not you personally. Your Division does. But you will at some point have to submit your receipts to your finance officer along with your other qualified expenses and it's a whole thing.
Also you had to submit a budget for your own mission that the Gotei is telling you to go on, but you had to base those prices on Death.Net's info, which is not the same info as these Travel Management Guys have.
By the time they've translated and you've selected, the mainframe prints out another matrix. Cue more translating, and more selecting, because the senkaimon time/date you've chosen is now a completely different price, well above what was originally printed. It's also at a different time, and a different day... (+/- 2-17 hours).
Expect to go through this several times, choosing time/date/price packages completely at random because you know that by the time they come back for second confirmation they'll be different. This is the gambling part of your trip to the Travel Management Office (you set aside the whole afternoon, right? You told your 10th Seat where you were going?).
The constantly shifting data is because despite being the "refined" way to travel to the Living World and back, senkaimon travel is still fairly complex, and the ability to travel (or how much energy it takes, hence the cost) is dependent upon... who knows. Solar flares. Whimsy. The stoichiometry of souls. How many people are on duty at the Kidou Corps. Obama. Bitcoin.
Speak of "and back"!!! You need to arrange that, too! If you miss your date, imagine doing all of this. But via denreishinki, instead of in person. Imagine.
Those fancy trips where it seems like captains/VCs just jump through a senkaimon? It's because instead of arranging a particular "flight" they just bought out every single opportunity within a block. This is hideously, hideously expensive. But: 1) Sometimes it's subsidized by the Central 46, if the circumstance is dire enough (but it's a reimbursement, not an advance. So, fill out that paperwork when you get back, if you don't die!). 2) This can be paid for with personal funds if it's in excess of the division budget. What else are they gonna do with all that money, right?
Even this doesn't mean there will be an instantly available senkaimon portal to avail oneself of, so sometimes after spending 7 million kan to buy out a senkaimon block you still have to wait a bit behind the doors in that little receiving room space. Yeah.
It's possible to have someone else go to the Travel Management Office and make your arrangements for you, if you have better things to be doing. But a lot of Captains/VCs actually still go themselves, either for security clearance reasons (you can't outsource your travel plans if you're on a top-secret mission lmao), or because they're private and don't want people handling their business. This means if you're the two guys who work at the Office, it's a pretty cushy gig if you're into meeting celebrities (or what passes for them in this place).
The only downside is that they're almost universally in a rush and fucking angry that they're at the Travel Management Office.
As they say, never meet your heroes!
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
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shinigami using their zanpakutou as keys to open doors in the fabric of reality fucks severely and it's a shame that, as far as I can remember, this is the only time we ever got to see it
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ichihime · 1 year
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IH WEEK 2023 ➞ DAY 02. We Do Knot Always Love You
They walked side by side together to her apartment, a heavy silence and a measured distance hanging between them. Ichigo and Orihime parted ways with the others upon arriving back in Karakura Town, Chad and Uryu both having read the mood and politely excusing themselves to give them some much appreciated privacy. From his periphery, Ichigo noticed Orihime tense, holding back a shiver against the chilly night air. He shrugged out of his suit jacket (Yuzu had insisted on pressing it for the wedding) and wordlessly draped it around her shoulders. The corner of his lips turned upwards when he saw her relax into its warmth, just before her wide honey eyes flickered up to meet his gaze. “It’s cold out tonight.” he explained, answering her question before she had a chance to voice it. His throat felt dry, and he had to concentrate on his words to ensure his voice wouldn’t catch. Inwardly, he cursed himself for being so nervous. “Yes, it is.” she agreed, her voice barely above a whisper as she nodded once. She smiled warmly as she looked at him, a light pink dusting her cheekbones. “Thank you.” “O-Of course.” he said without thinking, the words coming to him more easily than he’d have thought. Ichigo tried not to focus too much on how naturally it came to him; caring for her, that is. Instead he forced himself to breathe in and out, to count each step he took (each one far too many), to ignore how his fingers just barely brushed against hers for the third time as they drifted too close together as they make their way to her home — only for them to pull away sharply, as if burned by drifting too close to one another. Like planets, drawn into one another’s orbit. He remembered their exchange before stepping into Senkaimon, how he steeled himself to ask her for something he wasn’t quite certain she wanted to give; how he swallowed the thick lump of fear in his throat, and how her quiet, breathless utterance of “There’s no time better than the present, Kurosaki-kun.” sent his heart fluttering, untwisted all the knots in his stomach, and made his face burn with blush. Ichigo had never anticipated her bold reply (and it was bold of her; even as she clasped her hands tightly in front of her heart and stuttered over her words), but it made his heartbeat race in his ears. How had he quieted his feelings for so long? And if he were to truly believe Renji’s words, how had she?
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
Ichigo Kurosaki x Reader Blurb 1
author's note: not entirely in line with the canon as far as timelines go, ichigo is around 22, reader is a soul reaper, angst, not entirely orihime friendly
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"So what will it be, Ichigo?" Like ice frosting over grass, your voice is calm. Too calm, too quiet, too unlike what he's used to.
And he doesn't need this right now.
"What do you mean?" Ichigo feigns ignorance as bad as ever now, not even meeting your gaze, missing the way your infuriated eyes stare him down but he surely feels the hatred you're spewing.
"It's very simple." Jaw tightened so much it might just crack, your words only barely slip past your lips. "Orihime? Or me?"
His heart is doused in flames by the question. It's not a fair one, to start off, and his mind says one thing while his selfish heart yearns for your own selfishness. But his integrity as a man with morals, integrity as a friend is stronger, beating against his skull like a caged animal and roaring at the troublesome road ahead. Orihime is in immediate danger.
You, not so immediate.
"Why would I choose?" Anger begins flaring in Ichigo himself; are you really so crass? Is life not sacred to you?
He knows it is.
Your fist curls at your side, fingers itching to reach for your zanpakutō and force some sense into him, should it come to blows. Time is of the essence, Soul Society has required everyone to come back and prepare for battle! The Arrancar threat, Aizen is looming and the girl that's never defended herself once isn't at the top of your list of priorities. And on a bad day, you'd feel she's not on that list at all.
"Your life may turn out quite differently depending on this choice."
"Will it?" Ichigo's brown eyes cut sharply to finally look at you, staring you down with the heat of a thousand suns behind it.
"It will certainly depend on if I remain in it." Your heart leaps at the look in his eye. Would he really choose her? "Do you trust me?"
"I want to." Ichigo shoots back.
"We will save her when we can. You can lead the charge, if you want. But she's not-"
"If you say she's not important, then you can just go." The blood in his veins burn at how nonchalant you are, at how uncaring Soul Society is for Orihime. She's been on this journey too, right by everyone's side!
"Your choice."
"I won't let you make me choose, like this is about what I want for dinner! Orihime is our friend! She needs us! What don't you understand about that?! You'd let her suffer? Over what? For what?!"
Ichigo steps toward you, leering over you and taking your shoulder in a strong grip. "You are the one I love. But Orihime is my friend, and she needs me. And if you won't choose me, then tell me how to get to Hueco Mundo before you go."
The answer dances on your tongue, an internal ticking racing in your mind. Go against your direct orders and personal beliefs, or follow Ichigo's heart and save a girl in need of it? Keep your status in Seireitei but lose Ichigo? You don't even know if the girl is alive!
Ichigo's chocolate eyes silently plead with you, his grip like an iron vise. This wouldn't be the first time you've stuck your neck out for him, no. He's fully aware what it could cost you— but it isn't like he wouldn't come for you too. If there's anyone in this world or any other he'd protect, it's you.
"Come on." He whispers, ignoring the way his vision starts to blur. You won't look at him, and his heart sinks. "Do what's right!"
Do what's right in whose point of view, Ichigo?!
The light of a Senkaimon gate lights up behind you and panic floods Ichigo down to his very bones as the door slides open. Just as you were starting to waver! Byakuya, stern and cold as ever, though he speaks quietly, his voice cuts through the room like a bullet.
"Leave him."
The hand on your shoulder means nothing, as Ichigo feels like he's free falling now. You turn away from him, breaking free of the grip easily and walking towards your captain's order without even a second glance behind you. So easily, you'll follow this command?! He means nothing to you?
He's not so sure anymore.
The room goes dark as the door closes and vanishes, leaving Ichigo to fall to his knees. How could you do this to him?
As you walk alongside your captain, your face is stony and unbreaking even against the torment of your breaking heart.
How could he do this to me?
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aizenette · 3 months
What do you think are Tanisha's preferences? She's got a thing going on with Aizen in the TCACLOM novel so she's definitely into guys, so maybe she's bi?
Hi, Anon!
I assume Tanisha is a Straight Demisexual. Judging from Tanisha's personality, she is a very stoic and nonchalant person with a side of mental detachment and a bit of depression. Soul Society forced her into this emotionally detached mindset that if she acts the way they want, she'll be a respected member of the Gotei 13 and if she acts in any other way, she'd be criticized for not meeting the standards of how a professional shinigami should be. (The soul society has a bias against Tanisha because of her grandfather named Saphir who ruled the chōdhori clan as the 20th head. The chōdhori clan was a minor clan ruled by the Shiba which was their parent family, so they're basically related ig. The 20th head of the chōdhori clan had attempted to assassinate Kaien Shiba (Before Kaien's Actual Death) to take over the branch of the Shiba clan that Kaien ruled, and by ruling this branch, he could sabotage the other branches of the Shiba Clan but was caught by Ukitake and executed while the rest of the chōdhori clan was exiled to the poorest district of rukongai to repent in place of the 20th head's crime. Tanisha's father named Raiten had obviously escaped Soul Society to the Human World with another elderly chōdhori who was also a Vice Kidō Chief that managed to open the Senkaimon for him, and that's how Raiten started a new life and eventually had Tanisha.) Anywho, Tanisha has been severely misunderstood for her family's reputation and this damaged the image the other shinigami would have of her, so they became idk more expectant of her to follow their standards so she can at least fit in with the crowd. The point is, Tanisha only developed a strong bond and relationship with Aizen when she became his warden as he challenged her rigid belief that she had no capacity for any other desire besides serving soul society, basically Aizen helped her see a new world and that is why she liberated him from Muken. Tanisha broke Aizen out of Muken if he'd marry her in exchange for liberation, because he's the only one to show her a new world and a new trajectory that no one else has shown her before, and she would explore that path with Aizen who also gained something in return; freedom. So yeah, I believe Tanisha is demisexual because she is attracted to those she forms close relationships with!
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zanguntsu · 2 years
i did a new years senkaimon floor 13 run for fun with a lvl 150 frenzy uryu and some decent accessories
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