#Senator AU
itssteffnow · 2 years
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Senator Kylo Amidala and their favorite pet (general) Armitage ✨
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foretauxfleurs · 2 months
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Senator AU Avar Kriss
Yes, her outfit is ocean and star themed :)
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2dayihaveaheadache · 1 year
Ars longa, vita brevis
It's Obikin AU time!
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Obikin AU, in which Senator Obi-Wan Kenobi, elected representative of Stewjon, attends the annual Coruscantian celebration. As a man of morals, austere towards himself and true to his own word, this reimaging of the Cult of Dionysus, a festival of open sensuality, gluttony and decadence during the on raging Clone War is against his morals. The upper class of the inner Rim enjoys themselves, polygamy, wine, and women while other people in Galaxy suffer. He wants to end it and not be part of it. But sent as political representative, and more so pressured by his consultants, he attends the salon.
There, he is overwhelmed by the scent of his future lover, losing himself in a haze of drunkenness and love.
(Here a tiny scene to describe his first impressions, worldbuilding inspired by the Stoa and the Hellenistic time period and some Epicure as a template for hedonism)
Senator Obi-Wan Kenobi loathed festivals of all sorts, often just celebrated to imitate something else or to grant people the chance to lose themselves in drugs, intercourse, and gluttony. The senate, novelty, business elites, and every man who carried fortune and a mighty name were invited. The event had become a networking opportunity to mingle with the upper class of the Inner Rim, originally designed to fund a political campaign for pacifism, how ironic during a war, but whatever was left of this goal, was nowhere to be found.
The Entrée was an open square leading to a columned hall, imitating the stoa poikile of Athens. Although the carnal pleasure of life as they were celebrated there, spoke more to hedonism than stoicism. Stoa poikile had become a name with a scornful undertone. 
It was a feast of desires, paid love available with one beckon of the hand or a wink, lightly dressed Twi leks sitting on people’s laps. No manners as they were promised by their highborn status were holding the guests back to enjoy themselves, coitus, and Kaiburr crystal drinks. 
“Tedious.”, Obi-Wan scoffed, scrunching his nose, rubbing over his temples, cautious to not come in touch with the artwork that was placed on his head. Expensive for no reason and only worn to show off. His entire attire was selected by his consultants. 
His curls had been elaborately shaped with gel; the rest had been sprinkled with copper powder to emphasize the reddish color of his hair. The whole thing was crowned by a laurel wreath that stood on his head, symbolizing him as some victor. Otherwise, his clothes were kept simple, a beige robe tailored in the style of the ancient Greeks and leather sandals. His advisors had made him look like a Greek demigod, the light fabric playing around his upper arms and exposing a piece of skin from his chest and right shoulder.
He leaned against one of the pillars, took a sip from his drink, and tried to let the intoxication of the feast sink in, to forget the raging moral priest in his mind. The whole decadence of the upper class spread out before him, carved in marble like an ancient fresco. But instead of depicting warhorses, foot soldiers, and sharpened spears, a feast of Dionysus, reimagined, blossomed on the steps of the columned hall. 
Freshly picked figs had been set up in woven wicker baskets, sweet pastries dripping with syrup in colorful ceramic bowls and bread dipped in wine on decorated plates. Each piece of pottery was a work of art for itself, crafted by the most skilled hands of all Coruscant and yet it was treated like dirt here. The guests wolfed down the delicacies and stuffed their mouths and stomachs. Then they turned to the scantily clad figures on their laps, young men or women, youths who had just reached manhood, kissed their exposed skin, tore the silk and linen from their thin shoulders, and devoured what they were after from the beginning.
No sexuality, no desire, no preference was tabooed here if you paid the respectable credits for it. A green Twi’lek, jewelry dangling from her two lekkus, had risen from another man’s lap and eyed Obi-Wan from afar. Her eyes roamed his stature, his bared chest, his freckled skin, before signaling him to come closer. He gently rejected her with a shake of his head, taking another sip from his drink. It was sweet, pink-colored, tasting of strawberries, not to his taste, he grimaced and still drowned it.
(And here a little snippet of Senator Obi-Wan meeting Anakin and then being ‘fuck it, I mean fuck me’ abandoning all his morals to just get a taste of the other man.)
Drums were played somewhere and the people had started to dance with joined hands, forming circles, barefoot on the cool marble, moving their bodies in sensual rhythms, intoxicated by the drum sound. They blurred into a havoc of colorful clothing in front of Obi-Wan’s eyes, fabric, silk, damask, linen blown by the heated summer wind and folding around their sculpted body, each move performed with the intention to desire and be desired.
The air tasted of cinnamon, spiced leather, mixed with the musk of human sweat, intoxicating Obi-Wan, guiding him into a haze of scents and tastes, the land of carnal oral pleasure. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth, velvet-like, fluttery, almost like an erogenous zone being pierced by all the scents and tastes. A shiver ran down his spine, goose bumps adorning his skin.
Someone was approaching him, he realized as a figure detached from the crowd to appear in front of Obi-Wan. The person’s face was hidden behind a pale blue face veil and only the shadows painted on his countenance let Obi-Wan perceive hints of his looks. A sharp bone structure with a piercing jaw, thin cheeks, and a strong nose contrasted by the shadow of long, feminine eyelashes and plush lips. Obi-Wan could only detect the hint of curls, framing the strangers face. He raised his hands, cupping the other man’s face, feeling the other man’s warmth radiating from his skin through the veil.
Obi-Wan opened his mouth, took in a breath, only to be greeted with another wave of the intoxicating scent, that had made him drunken before, losing himself in it. His eyes fluttered shut. New nuances bloomed on his tongue, that he had not been able to decipher before. Next to spiced leather was a mild note vanilla. A slight, fresh note mint, overlapped by the dominate cinnamon. And a sweet-lingering scent of Indian date, that was nearly lost in his musk. It tasted like a melody, perfectly combined shades to complete a great symphony. Pleasure was building in Obi-Wan’s gut, making his blood sing, hum, scream with his desire.
His fingers wandered under the veil to continue with their exploration, unveiling the other man, to finally see the object of his lust. Because he had to ensure to get a taste of it.
(And a very brief scene of the two lovers, finally holding each other because I have a soft spot for them.)
The starry sky shone above them as the other man laid in his arms on the meadow, crickets chirping in the background and the air still tasting of last summer, tiny blooms flourishing next to the couple. Sleep had stolen Anakin away from him, guiding him into the realm of dreams. He smiled softly at his lover and traced the scar on his face with his thumb, caressing him tenderly, placing his mouth were once his finger had been with butterfly kisses, hoping to preserve this for an eternity.
(Hope you enjoy it!)
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mytbrisgrowing · 2 years
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The Holonet exploded in a frenzy of gossip and conspiracy when the young Senator Palpatine, former queen of Naboo, announced her intention to marry her bodyguard, the former Jedi Ben Organa Solo.
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biofreak659 · 8 months
Chapters: 4/15 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CT-7567 | Rex & CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-5576-39 | Gregor & CC-3636 | Wolffe, Plo Koon & CC-3636 | Wolffe, Plo Koon/CC-3636 | Wolffe Characters: CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-5576-39 | Gregor, CT-7567 | Rex, Plo Koon, Original Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars), Grievous | Qymaen jai Sheelal Additional Tags: Whumpuary 2024, prompt collection, Whump Summary:
Whumpuary 2024 prompt fills, largely featuring Wolffe. Come for the angst, stay for the existential crisises.
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that-gay-jedi · 2 years
I want to know more about your wip titled “twin dragons” please 🐉 🐉
This one intrigues me the most because A) I am drawn to the word dragon like a magnet and B) it actually reminds me of the premise of a fantasy story I’m trying to write!!
Oohooo yeah! I also love dragons, and I'd love to hear about your fantasy story too!
This is the working title for an AU wherein Anakin is the Jedi bodyguard to Obi-Wan Kenobi, Senator of Stewjon.
The Empire arrives to "liberate" (read: invade) Stewjon, and they flee into an ancient Stewjoni sacred/historical site of labyrinthine catacombs centered around the gigantic entwined skeletons of two dragons. History has long forgotten whether the dragons died fighting each other or joined in courtship/mating.
Anakin and Obi-Wan have to survive in the spooky catacombs, find a way to get out from under the Empire's thumb, AND get along while basically trapped together in relative isolation. In the process, they also find out for themselves whether the dragons were enemies or lovers.
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keferon · 1 month
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Monster hunter au part 11 (final? I think?)
Did you want to see Drift in a nurse costume?......ahahahahha
Orion: God himself couldn't stop him.
Meanwhile, Ratchet walking into God's room: Polish your glasses and get your robotic liver ready, I've got drinks to share and a great story to tell
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somerandomcockroach · 2 months
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*Me figuring out/remembering how to draw these goobers*
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morganbritton132 · 3 months
Erica, like she does every year for pride, posts a collage of pictures of her queer friends and family. This includes a picture of her and Tina, picture of her and Steve (and Eddie half cut out of the shot), a picture of Nancy and Robin, a picture of Steve, Nancy, Max, Mike, and El repping bi colors at a pride parade, and a picture of her and Lucas.
Lucas, in the comments under this post: ??????
Lucas, still in the comments: I’m not gay????
Erica: Bisexual
Lucas: No?
Dustin: What about your crush on Steve?
Lucas: What about YOUR crush on Steve???
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subiehasissue · 7 months
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driftsart · 2 months
Heeey, i like you Shockwave design so mush
Can you draw prewar Senator Shockwave :)
Sure! :D
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
something something one of those those "Jango falls for Courtesan/Stripper/NightclubSinger/TrophyWife!Obi-Wan" AUs...
But instead Obi-Wan actually being a sex worker, he's undercover and still a Jedi, and either:
They split ways and run into each other a few months later with Obi-Wan in full Prude Beige Knight mode OR
The situation goes pear-shaped while they're still flirting and Obi-Wan has to break cover to grab a senator and jump out a window and suddenly this half-dressed glittery Person is batting away shots with a lightsaber and there's a bratty twelve-year-old who ALSO has a lightsaber threatening people with I Will Eat Your Liver if they keep staring at his dad's ass just because the sequined sheathe dress tore in a sexy place
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2dayihaveaheadache · 1 year
Sandalwood, Saffron & Tart Chocolate
Should I be fueling all my energy now into the exam phase? Definetly. (* gulps guiltly and stares at the stack of scribbled notes in the corner that have dust on them* ) Am I still writing Obikin on the side? Maybe...
Ok, let's cut the chase. New Obikin WIP for the Senator AU, so enjoy whiny Anakin being bathed in holy wated, dressed up and more to become Obi-Wan’s bride, in style of typical wedding night ritual. The plan is to make him so irresitible that even Senator Obi-Wan, however austure, all high and morally he thinks of himself cannout resist the force of nature that is Anakin's beauty!
Shmi brushes through his hair, caressing his scalp in a shy moment of tenderness. The wooden comb in her hand moves gently to untie knots and sperate his strands. She coats her fingers in oil, that smells of saffron, sandalwood and cinnamon, reminding Anakin of Mos Eisley’s marketplace, a distant scent lingering in the air. She sculpts his hair with skilled artistry, letting a few locks fall into his vision to frame his countenance, some curling around his jaw, others weaved together with glass beads in tiny braids, flowing down into a longer braid in his nape. The glass beads and pearls shimmer in different hues of orange and red in the evening sun, reflecting the twin suns.
It is jewelry for a bride, Anakin thinks and suddenly feels naked, sitting with bared upper body in front of his mother while she combs his hair. Every scar is unveiled - the little silver half-moon on his forearm when he had burned himself, the cut in his eyebrow that had only missed his eye by a few centimeters, the blemishes on his skin, the tan fading away where the clothing line starts around his collarbones, the birthmark on his chest, a tiny dot next to his heart – all the imperfections, that are normally hidden away under, are now on open display. It makes him feel raw and exposed.
He shiveres in the cold, suddenly missing the heat of desert during daytime, hugging himself, trying to cover his chest but Shmi pushes his hands gently away, telling him to be patient, letting her finish the ritual before she continues oiling his skin. He smells the spices on himself as she moves her finger over his neck, rubbing over his spine tenderly, soothing the tension there. The scent hangs heavy in the air, tart saffron, a hint of dark chocolate mixed with male sweat, his own musk – he smells strongly, intoxicating, made to be desired.
He stares up at the horizon, the twin suns bleeding out in a wash of red tones, darkness slowly over taking the sky dome and the first stars appearing – he had called them diamond eyes when he was young, thousands of eyes observing him from above, watching over him like a mystical being. He had always felt more like the others, was sensitive, saw things before they happened as if he had a fine-tuned sensor and could take a quick glance under the veil of time but the images where blurry and only a few details noticeable, a hint for something, only decipherable when it already had happened.
He slides into a robe of the finest silk he had ever touched when he tries to pry into his own future, eyes closed, brows furrowed, fingers crossed in a silent prayer to the diamond eyes. All he feels is a warmth, a heat warmer then the middays in the dessert, crawling under his skin, curling around his core, nagging at his rips teasingly, riding through his veins to his heart and then resting there, nourishing him, making him feel loved and desired.
Obi-Wan lies on his tongue. The name tastes sweet on his tongue like grapes, freshly plucked from the vine, dripping down into the sweetest liquid ever tasted. Obi-Wan, he sighs and the diamond eyes answer in a chorus.
(Enjoy this loveletter to Anakin's beauty!)
(anyone interested for this to turn into a full length story on ao3?)
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izzystizzys · 4 months
clone wars au where fives survives because fox is a disaster and people care about him (derogatory)
aka he hasn‘t slept in 72 hours and while every corrie understands why, that doesn’t mean they have to like it. plus, he already has borderline braindamage from not getting more than five hours’ sleep a night the whole duration of the war, and all the strange injuries and electrostaff burns he keeps showing up with, stabby the clone medic reasons. also bone density is a concern with the half-rations the guard is consistently on, so really this is all a very reasonable emergency measure, he says and cuffs fox to a cot.
yes of course, meathook and rabid nod, who pounced on the commander and pinned him for stabby and his sedation hypo the second he came through the door. very reasonable.
hnngfnhfjfj, fox grunts in the corner, already halfway to insensate. thorn, who knows better than to protest lest he become the next target of stabby’s ire, nods along while switching to fox’s armour.
which is also how palpatine gets himself caught, because of course ‘cc-1010’ activates exactly nothing in thorn’s brain except maybe alarm bells for rancid kriffing vibes, and by the time the chancellor orders him to switch off his blaster’s stun setting and terminate the ‘faulty unit’ at all costs, he’s already recording the interaction and sending it as an attachment to the whole guard command staff as well as the jedi temple.
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pan-perkozeq · 4 months
Did…did NSH just break metal chains like theyre nothing but paper? How strong is this guy?
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[ Senator Armstrong reference?!?!? ]
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antianakin · 8 months
No Order 66 AU where Anakin leaves the Order after the war ends and he and Padme end up retiring to Naboo to try to raise the twins together, but neither of them ends up feeling particularly satisfied with life on Naboo (for Anakin it just doesn't give him any purpose the way he desperately needs and for Padme it's always been this perfect rosy dream and reality doesn't measure up), so they end up leaving the twins behind a lot so they can pursue other things and are pretty absentee parents in general. They mostly end up getting raised by Padme's parents instead, and while they're perfectly good guardians for the twins and raise them kindly and love them a lot, there's always an obvious elephant in the room regarding who ISN'T there.
This causes a bit of a rift between Luke and Leia because while Luke is trying to keep the peace and give their parents the benefit of the doubt as he moves on and figures out his own life with what he DOES have, Leia is less willing to just forgive and forget.
Luke ends up becoming a pilot working for the royal palace for a while, but Leia goes into politics (something she'd entered while younger because it's what her mother did and she'd been hoping it would get Padme's attention and bring the two of them closer; it didn't work out that way at all and now Leia's sticking with it at least partly to spite Padme) as an aide for her cousin Pooja who is now Senator of Naboo.
And it's here, once she finally makes it to Coruscant and starts working in the Senate, that Leia meets Bail Organa, still working as Senator of Alderaan. The two of them click IMMEDIATELY and Bail ends up becoming Leia's mentor in politics, as well as the person who actually introduces her to the Jedi themselves. Anakin and Padme had never really bothered to do so, both because they were so rarely around, but also because they had chosen not to give Luke and Leia to the Temple and decided at that point that it would be easier to keep the twins and the Jedi separate. Bail of course has no such compunctions and even if he knew about Anakin and Padme's feelings on the matter, I imagine he'd find ways to allow Leia to accidentally bump into some of the Jedi while she was on Coruscant. If he just so happens to double book himself for lunch with both Leia and Obi-Wan, it's hardly anything malicious and they may as well all eat together!
Leia finally feels like she has a parent who gives a damn about her, someone who acts like a parent to her, the parent she's always wanted. Her grandparents had always been incredibly kind and they obviously had to do a lot of parenting, but they'd always been very strict about making sure the twins saw them as GRANDPARENTS and not their actual parents, which just make the absence of their parents that much more obvious and painful. But with Bail, she's finally got someone who doesn't care that Anakin and Padme aren't there and doesn't feel the need to create a wall between them for Anakin and Padme's sake. Bail takes her under his wing, teaches her everything she knows, allows her to explore things she'd never been allowed to explore before, connects her to even more people who can help her understand herself better than she's ever been able to before. THIS is what a parent was supposed to do for her and she knows it, THIS is what selfless love looks like from a parent and she THRIVES under it for the first time in her life.
She eventually decides not to stay on as Pooja's aide because she has no real desire to become a senator for Naboo at any point, but she IS good at politics and desperately does want to help people any way she can, so she starts up some sort of organization of her own to help people around the galaxy (and connects it to the Jedi because deep down she KNOWS she was supposed to be one of them even though that path is now closed to her). But she doesn't go back to Naboo, she doesn't make her home on her mother's home planet.
She goes to Alderaan instead. And this time, she gets to stay there for the rest of her life.
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