#Sell Your Diabetic Supplies
loudlittleecho · 3 months
Too Late to Save Them: Frozen in Time.
Part 3
Paul had moved the Ice Growler into a shed. He had needed that field, after all. The ice had repaired itself from the previous chips, but never grew larger or smaller. It was just one of those things one keeps in a shed. Out of sight, out of mind, unless you need something.
It had been a year. Two, maybe? From Paul’s estimates, when his son found it. His kids visited every so often. Becks, his oldest, worked as a librarian. His son, Nathaniel, was a. . . stock broker? Banker? Paul was never sure what his son did, but Nathan was always talking about his ‘next big break’. Paul loved his kids, and he and Sara had made sure the two had a decent enough education, and that their wills were fair between the two. Especially when Sara’s cancer diagnosis revealed itself.
Well, Nathan was fit to be tied about the ice in the shed.
“Dad! Do you know what this means?”
Paul added another helping of green beans to his plate. This was a ‘dedicated meal’. Sara had made the kids promise- you will visit your father once a season- this was one of those meals.
Rebecca– Becks- visited more often, though Nathan typically visited only the four times a year.
Nathan continued. “This could be my big break! Ice that never melts?? Dad, I could compete against the Stanley and Yeti brand- I could sell it to medical companies- I could sell it to anyone! I– we could make millions! Why did you not tell me earlier?”
Paul took a swig of sweet tea. Nathan always got very animated when he got a new idea. That’s what he was, an idea man. Becks had a concerned look on her face.
“Dad, have you checked if it's safe, though? What if it’s dangerous?”
Paul loved his children. Becks, the overthinker, and Nathan, the optimistic.
“Bits of it have been in the fridge for a few months now. Nothin’s gone bad. Fridge hasn’t been plugged in for awhile.”
Becks placed the spoonful of corn down. The little family shared who brought what to their dedicated meals. Paul had supplied the iced tea, corn and green beans. (this year he hadn’t managed to shuck and peel like he used to. These were from cans, but he had made sure to rinse and season them thoroughly) Becks had brought the ham and mashed potatoes, and Nathan brought Bluebell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream and store bought brownies. (the brownies had a discounted sticker from the grocery bakery. Paul was just glad Nathan was there).
“Dad. . .” Becks said worriedly, while Nathan jumped up. “The fridge! Really!”
The rest of the evening had a different pace from previous dinners. Nathan was on the phone with different “investors”, while Becks was on theirs researching about unmelting ice and effects of low levels of radiation in humans. Paul thought Becks had finally mastered Sara’s tater recipe. It was the butter. For a few years Becks had tried a ‘fat free’ healthier butter. It seemed to Paul that this year Becks had finally admitted that regular butter (and a heaping spoonful of it) made the best mashed potatoes.
. . .
It had been two weeks. Becks had bought him a new fridge and had brought replacements for everything he had in his other fridge. She told him she loved him and was just worried about the untested ice. (He mentioned twice about paying her; Becks just shook their head both times with a “Dad, I don’t need your money. I just want you".)
Nathan had asked him to borrow the ice. Have it tested. Have his investors look at it. Of course, Paul agreed. He wasn’t getting any younger, and if this really was something Nathan saw as helping people, “of course dad! Think of the diabetics!” Well, who was he to stop progress?
. . .
Nathan had asked his dad to give him the ice. Paul wasn’t sure. If what Nathan said was right, this could make Nathan a lot. . . and he needed to be fair between his two children. Nathan snapped at him. “Give me the ice. Becca can have the farm.” Paul still gave Becks a call. Becks had murmured something he couldn’t hear, but did say: “If you want to change your will that’s your choice dad. If Nathan’s plan doesn’t work. . . I’ll make sure Nathan’s ok. Don’t you worry.”
Paul trusted his children. The overthinker and the optimist.
He updated his will.
Part 4
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
That last ask about the disadvantages of a human dropping into Nevada and the ramifications on their health got me thinking.
It’s been partially confirmed that grunts can eat inorganic matter in order to survive (i.e. shoe-eating bandits). They ALL aren’t starving to death sonthey must be doimg something right.
So in all these player/reader stories I’m just wondering “How the hell are they even alive”, because humans need all sorts of vitamins and nutrition just to get up in the morning. Nevada is quite barren, so unless they’re dining on grunts 24/7 I don’t see how they would be able to live off of grunt food if 99.9% of it is non-organic.
That’s without even mentioning medication. A lot of people take prescribed drugs every day for various medical reasons, including some long-term medications for treating life-altering illnesses. It’s never a good idea to cold turkey, and the withdrawal can be dangerous if the lack of it doesn’t kill you first. If a player had to, say, take a specific drug every morning so their brain didn’t jump out of their skull, well that’s really gonna suck for them won’t it? Nevada isn’t exactly well equipped for chronic illness when the average life expectancy is fifteen days or less. Not saying none of these things can be resolved with enough dedication, just that it would certainly make life a hell of a lot harder for any humans getting pulled into Nevada.
Now it’s one in the morning and I am very tired, hopefully this makes sense when I submit it otherwise I’m gonna sound delirious. Good day’m.
These are also very reasonable and realistic concerns when talking about a human wondering around the wilds of Nevada. I would like to say that humans are verrrry...domesticated. We don't really survive well away from our natural settlements or environments. I mean, imagine if you had to go scavenging for food instead of going to your local grocery store or your fridge! Also, I bet a lot of people haven't been in gun fights or have been shot at. The shock of the situation would send lots of humans through a loop. Humans are used to normalcy and safety. We don't go on missions to get food, we merely go out and get what we need or go eat. Grunts are at a stage in time where their whole world has collapsed and survival of the fittest is no joke. It's not just medications either. Some humans have physical needs for asthma, diabetes, and numerous other things. PLUS, the whole "grunts being able to eat inorganic items to survive" would make humans ALSO on that list. I have stated before that humans would most likely be considered prey in Nevada and that's not a joke. For example, when Burger Gil's was in operation, they mention that Burger Gil's got the meat from a supply plant that grows meat. But that was BEFORE the fall. After the fall, cannibalism has become scarily commonplace. So much so, that there's several factions dedicated to eating other Nevadeans. (Bandits AND Vampires feed on the populace) That means that grunts would have no trouble deciding to eat a human, as it would be a typical choice. The only few things I know Nevada has is meat, bread, and sodas of some kind. (Along with whatever Chef Pava is selling.) I don't even know how Nevada has bread, since there are no known wheat farms. There are no animals, not even horses to ride on. That means there's no fruit and no veggies. No vitamins and no minerals ESSENTIAL to prevent a human's health from declining. If the poor human doesn't starve to death first, they may even die of thirst later on. The only time they would be able to get a drink is from a miraculous intact soda machine or the rain that periodically falls from the sky. Both which may expose them to expired goods or dirty water. If you're a Player, you may just be able to survive. Especially if we're talking about Salty's AU. But if you're a REGULAR human, you are going to be in a WORLD of hurt. Just surviving the illnesses you can get, the limited options you would have, the general discomfort of an apocalyptic world that's filled with murderous faceless creatures that would LOVE to eat you sounds like an absolute nightmare.
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honorary-fool · 1 year
How I'd Imagine Type 1 Diabetes to be Handled in Teyvat
if anyone has any questions, comments, other ideas, etc, that they'd like to share, by all means go ahead!
possible cws/tws: mentions/non-gorey imagery of needles & cannulas, brief mentions of blood
insulin is made through [bio]alchemy ; I'm not specifically sure which branch would be most likely to take the genetic engineering approach (inspired by how it's made here, typically through genetic engineering or something called Recombinant DNA)
since Fontaine seems to be invention-creation central & the nation that comes out with new creations like the Kamera, they would be responsible for creation of the tech side of having t1d, such as insulin pumps
prior to them creating insulin pumps, insulin was only administered through manual injections (needle tw: 1 / 2)
Fontaine has created the Teyvat equivalents of the following diabetic supplies:
insulin pumps with tubing (1 / 2 / diagram)
lancet devices (which are used to prick yourself and draw blood in order to test your blood sugar) (1 / 2)
meters + testings strips to actually test your blood sugar (meter: 1 / 2 ; strips ; 1)
I doubt they'd be able to create all of the tech we use today, since they don't seem to have the wireless technology & bluetooth to make tubless pumps (1 ; the only tubeless one that exists at the moment is the Omnipod) or continuous glucose monitors (CGMS) (1 / 2- the sensor is on the left)
however, I'd like to think that if/when they do figure out the technology to actually make those, they'd be made around the same time
Misc. HCs
Lively Orlean is type 1 diabetic (to me) (she mentions her blood sugar being low and while non-diabetics can get hypoglycemic episodes/symptoms [which are caused by a low blood sugar],, come on /lh) (I'd say it's canon but I fear getting yelled at even if I'm right /lh)
Baizhu, being a pharmacist who most definitely sells insulin, is very knowledgeable on diabetes- 1, 2, and the sub-categories-that-idk-much-abt-and-therefore-won't-list
going off vibes alone I'd like to think Verr Goldett also is very familiar with it
maybe either a family member/friend of hers has it, or she herself has it
I think Barbara knows the basics at best but is learning quite a bit about it, primarily how to help treat hypoglycemic / hyperglycemic episodes, Ketoacidosis, and how to administer glucagon
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
How this came to happen is a lesson about Pharma's mendacity and our age of corruption.
Robert Yoho MD (ret)
Aug 07, 2024
For new readers: HERE are links to download my CV, ebooks, the best recent posts, and how to search my archives. Thank you for your reviews of Judas Dentistry. HERE is the direct link for that.
My friend Jerome Kahn supplied most of the ideas and references here. Robert Yoho abridged, edited, and organized it. Please read the entire post before you judge whether the Pharma companies are as evil as we say.
Aspirin is a safe and profoundly beneficial drug
Taking it daily at modest doses lowers the risk of developing cancer by over 50 percent. It also lowers the risk of dementia, diabetes, and heart attack. Hundreds of journal articles testify to these benefits and more. It is over-the-counter and sells for under five cents a dose.
In 1980, Bayer’s aspirin had been the number-one-selling drug for over five decades. If physicians had read the literature and known of its virtues, it would have cut many Pharma companies' profits in half.
Pharma’s “tobacco ethics” are unimaginable to the rest of us, even now during the covid era. In World War II, Bayer was a subsidiary of IG Farben, which used slave labor in factories in German-occupied Auschwitz, Poland, and elsewhere. It manufactured Zyklon B, the gas used to kill Jews and others. The company’s strategy is to foster illnesses that could be treated with the “cures” they supply.
Their companies used “tobacco science” to replace aspirin, a wonder drug, with toxic Tylenol (APAP) as the top-selling medication. They profit from adverse effects and sometimes from fatalities. They sell wellness but cause illness, (References: Dr. Yoho’s Butchered by Healthcare and his podcast about fluoroquinolones.) 
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cashnowforteststrip · 3 months
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country-corner · 4 months
Are They Really Trying to Help or Just Pirates Trying to Get Free Supplies?
I've been seeing a pattern lately of people who run "Prepper", "Surivalist" and "Bushcraft Survival" blogs, webpages and vlogs doing a lot of posts about why "Preppers" will die after the SHTF.
Most of them follow the pattern of if you are over a certain age (depending on the poster its ranges from 40 an up), you might as well not prep, for you are too old and will die withing a month so give, not sell but give your preps to those of us who are younger.
Or if you have any kind of health issue from flat feet, to diet controlled (not medication controlled but diet controlled) pre-diabetes, diabetes and cholesterol, to even the need of glasses or hearing aids, you are going to die within days. So don't bother prepping but give, not sell but give those of us healthier your preps.
If you have a BMI outside of the government defined healthy range (high or low) forget prepping, because you will die within weeks. So again, give us who are within the government definition of a healthy weight your preps, because we know who you are and will get them after your death anyway.
If you don't own this specific make and model of firearm and ammo, you will die within a couple months. So don't even try prepping and give us your preps, because we will be getting them anyway because we own the right firearms and ammo caliber.
Do they think they are really trying to help? Do they think it will be worse than they thought and don't have what they think will be enough and want things given to them, screw everyone else? Or have they become like those who, a decade or so ago, said they aren't buying prep items because they have a list of preppers and will just take their supplies, but trying to dress it up with pretend concern for the suffering of others if everything goes bad?
It's like the gymrat who sees and criticizes the 300b guy starting at the gym to get into shape. Telling him to give up on the first day and give the gymrat the new exercise equipment the 300lb man bought for home, because the 300lb man doesn't already have the body of Adonis before starting at the gym.
I will grant, there are some prepper/survivalist/bushcrafter advice out there that will get someone killed. But, if you have made it a job, personal ambition or goal, to help others prep, then don't discourage them in any way but encourage them.
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brostateexam · 1 year
It turns out she’s down about ten pounds and happy about it. “Somebody once told me I had a size-zero personality, and they assumed that I was thinner than I was,” she tells me. “We don’t talk about it, but everybody knows it. Thin is power.”
Allison isn’t alone in seeming to be suddenly, unaccountably slimmer of late. She admitted to me — with the provision that I not use her real name — the reason, one that is increasingly common if still not quite openly discussed. For the past month, she’s been jabbing herself every week with Ozempic, the heavily advertised (“Oh, oh, oh, Ozempic,” to the tune, none too subtly, of the ’70s classic-rock hit “Magic”) diabetes miracle drug, which works by mimicking a naturally occurring hormone, GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide one), to manage hunger and slow stomach emptying.
For diabetics, it lowers blood-sugar levels. It also subdues the imp of appetite. The pounds fly off. That’s why Allison, who is not diabetic, prediabetic, or even overweight, is on it. Doctors have wide latitude to prescribe drugs off label for anyone they think may medically benefit, and many patients have found doctors — or, failing that, nurse practitioners or medi-spas — ready to certify that they would. Or some, like Allison, find it through a peddler not particular about a prescription or in the web’s dark morass.
To get hers, Allison calls up a Los Angeles–based provider she has never seen or met, sends over $625, and is shipped a monthly supply. What she calls Ozempic is not the brand-name product pre-packaged in a sky-blue injector pen by Novo Nordisk, the Danish pharmaceutical company that makes and markets the drug. She receives generic semaglutide, the active ingredient in the medication, and has to mix and prepare it for injection herself, which — since semaglutide is under patent by Novo Nordisk until 2032 in the U.S. — suggests her meds are likely coming from a compounding pharmacy or a vendor selling research-grade ingredients. The lower price is also a tell: Ozempic retails for about $900 a month if your insurance doesn’t cover it.
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mr-divabetic · 2 years
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Mr. Divabetic hopes to  encourage you to not let diabetes dim your holiday spirit with musical inspiration from Mariah Carey.
Mariah Carey’s “Merry Christmas” album is the best selling Christmas album of all-time.  “Merry Christmas” boasts a variety of musical arrangements, sounds and genres. Mariah Carey's goal during recording was to provide an album that would have a "Christmas feel", providing a mixture of soulful tracks, as well as fun and joyous holiday treats.
In the years since its original release, "All I Want for Christmas Is You" has become established as a Christmas standard; it was once called "one of the few worthy modern additions to the holiday canon.
Having diabetes shouldn't stop you from enjoying holiday celebrations and travel. With some planning and a little preparation, you can stay healthy on the road and at holiday gatherings with friends and family.
Preparation is the most important step in managing diabetes during holiday travel and festivities. Know what you'll be eating, how to enjoy a few traditional favorites while sticking with a healthy meal plan, how to pack necessary supplies for a trip, and you're ready to celebrate!
Guests include Poet Lorraine Brooks, the Charlie’s Angels of Outreach, ‘Unleash Your Inner Diabetes Dominator’ Author Daniele Hargenrader, CEO of Insulcloud Jose Luis and Mama Rose Marie.
Throughout the podcast we will be playing musical selections from Mariah Carey’s “Merry Christmas” album courtesy of SONY Music.
Podcast link: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/divatalkradio1/2015/12/08/diabetes-late-nite-inspired-by-mariah-carey
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steedemedical · 2 months
Steede Medical: Your Trusted Online Source for Affordable Medical Supplies USA
Medical supplies are the backbone of healthcare. Whether you run a small clinic or a large hospital, partnering with a top supplier of medical supplies online in the USA can empower you to deliver timely patient care. And if you're searching for a top-tier supplier, look no further than Steede Medical.
Steede Medical understands that your clinic, hospital, or healthcare facility needs to be well-stocked with high-quality equipment and products and that even the slightest delivery delays can negatively impact your ability to provide prompt treatment. This is why they carry a range of PPE, consumables, diabetic products, and other medical items, ensuring you can get everything you need under one roof. You can count on timely and efficient delivery to your hospital or clinic.
Up-to-date product catalog
When choosing a supplier of medical supplies online in the USA, look for a company that diligently maintains its stocks.
Steede Medical keeps an up-to-date inventory so you can always access the products you need. They continuously expand their product offerings to stay ahead of industry trends. And thanks to their strong network of suppliers, they are able to maintain a well-stocked catalog of the latest medical equipment.
Not just medical supplies
Steede Medical doesn’t just offer high-quality medical supplies online in the USA. They carry laboratory equipment like microscopes and ophthalmic equipment. Moreover, they provide the state-of-the-art active air purifier known as the AirVaccine 015+. Whatever you order, Steede Medical’s team will carefully inspect and pack them for safety, ensuring they arrive intact and in excellent condition.
Guaranteed affordable
Steede Medical proves that high-quality medical supplies don’t have to be expensive. They sell various medical and lab items at the best possible prices, ensuring top-quality and safe goods without breaking the bank. Moreover, their carefully curated products come only from reputable brands, such as On-Call Express, Acon, and Nidek. No matter your needs, you can depend on Steede Medical as your go-to provider of medical supplies online in the USA.
Shop for medical supplies now!
Visit Steede Medical’s website today and browse their online catalog of medical supplies online. You can also inquire about specific products and other needs by calling 305-597-0607.
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Who Are the Top rated Iron Syrup Manufacturers
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Iron syrup is the best solution for anemia patients which is now in high demand in the market. That is why you will come across many Iron syrup manufacturer in today’s market selling this syrup now. But beware of fraud. As there are so many Iron syrup manufacturing companies in India, it is quite impossible to detect which is a fraud and which is a genuine company.
That’s why we are trying our level best to help you discover the best Iron syrup manufacturer in India so that you can’t be fooled by a fraud company. We have made a list of the best iron syrup manufacturers. Before going to buy iron syrup, take a quick look at this list if you don’t want to get poor-quality product from a fraud company.
Why You Need Iron Syrup?
Your doctor may prescribed an iron syrup and you are may be looking for a good iron syrup supplier in India. But do you even know why you need this syrup and that too in the best quality? Let us tell you. Iron syrup is a syrup that combines iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. Those who have anemia because of folic acid deficiency or those who have lowest level of iron, iron syrup works best for them. Since it is related to your health and improves your blood level, you must take the highest-quality iron syrup that you can only get from a trusted iron syrup manufacturer and supplier only.
List of Top-ranking Iron Syrup Manufacturers in India
Check here the names and some details of the top rated iron syrup manufacturers in the Indian pharma industry.
1. Sapphire HealthCare
One of the fastest-growing iron syrup manufacturers in the recent pharma market is Sapphire HealthCare. This company is located in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India and supplies a wide variety of iron syrups to customers and several pharma franchises all over India. Reasons behind their extreme popularity within a few months after launch are their unmatched quality and 100% risk-free iron syrups, affordable pricing, authentic policies and excellent customer support.
They left no chance of complaining or doubting them. This is a WHO-GMP-certified iron syrup manufacturer and supplier in India. You can find iron syrups for ladies, kids and some sugar-free iron syrups as well for diabetic patients from the company. Products are all clinically tested, so there is no chance of any risk in their iron syrups.
2. United Laboratories
Almost everyone heard the name United Laboratories. This is the most prominent name among the names of all iron syrup manufacturers. This Chandigarh-based company has been in the pharma industry since 1964 and is known for supplying Ferrous Ascorbate and Folic Acid iron syrup at low price rates. Not only iron deficiency, iron syrup from this company also improves the overall menstrual health of ladies.
3. Elikem Pharmaceuticals
Another one of the top iron syrup manufacturers in this pharma sector is Elikem Pharmaceuticals that is located in Kalol, Gujarat. It is a very renowned name in the pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals manufacturing sector in India that has been working since 1992. They are supplying iron syrups not only within India but other countries also. Their best-quality and highly efficient iron syrups and other pharma products made them popular in several countries.
4. Fidalgo Healthcare
Fidalgo Health Care, founded in 1998, is situated in Ludhiana. It can definitely come in the list of top 5 iron syrup manufacturers of this country. You can use their MY-FE iron syrup in different situations like, for treating anaemia, rickets, during pregnancy, for developing child growth etc. This also works best for leg cramps and energy loss.
5. Medhexa Pharma
Last name in this list is Medhexa Pharma. This company is located in Panchkula, Haryana. This ISO-certified pharma company is the manufacturer, trader, supplier and distributor of different types of pharma products including iron syrup. Their iron syrup has vitamin b12, iron and zinc combined together that can effectively and quickly treat anaemia.
There are many more iron syrup manufacturing companies in India from whom you can buy iron syrup. But these 5 companies are best among them in all aspects. And if you are in search of the a manufacturer who is expert in white-label manufacturing and do it at very low price, then Sapphire HealthCare is the answer. Even we are offering customized packaging for iron syrups in our white labelling service.
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fastcashstrips · 3 months
Tips for First-Time Sellers of OneTouch Ultra Test Strips 
Selling your unused OneTouch Ultra Test Strips can be a great way to earn extra money while helping others who need affordable diabetes supplies. If you're a first-time seller, it's essential to understand the process and follow some key tips to ensure a smooth and successful experience.
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technical52 · 3 months
Sell diabetic supplies
Welcome to Test Strips 4 Money, we are the trusted company to get cash for test strips. We offer fast payment (1 business day), top dollar (up to $220 per box*), and free shipping! We also offer a convenient toll-free number for your orders and information 888-326-2213 along with friendly service. *with bonuses. We pay quick cash for diabetic test strips! Ready to start selling? Then give us a call or fill out our Quick Quote Form and get your money quickly!
sell diabetic supplies
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technical21 · 3 months
Sell diabetic supplies
Welcome to Test Strips 4 Money, we are the trusted company to get cash for test strips. We offer fast payment (1 business day), top dollar (up to $220 per box*), and free shipping! We also offer a convenient toll-free number for your orders and information 888-326-2213 along with friendly service. *with bonuses. We pay quick cash for diabetic test strips! Ready to start selling? Then give us a call or fill out our Quick Quote Form and get your money quickly!
sell diabetic supplies
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solutionsuggest36 · 3 months
Sell diabetic supplies
Welcome to Test Strips 4 Money, we are the trusted company to get cash for test strips. We offer fast payment (1 business day), top dollar (up to $220 per box*), and free shipping! We also offer a convenient toll-free number for your orders and information 888-326-2213 along with friendly service. *with bonuses. We pay quick cash for diabetic test strips! Ready to start selling? Then give us a call or fill out our Quick Quote Form and get your money quickly!
sell diabetic supplies
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Cash In On Your Unused Diabetic Test Strips in Brandon
Selling diabetic test strips you no longer need can be a smart way to earn some extra cash. Many people find themselves with extra supplies that they can't use. Instead of letting them gather dust, consider selling them. In this article, we’ll explore how you can sell your diabetic test strips in Brandon and make some money while helping others.
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Why Sell Your Extra Test Strips?
Have you ever thought about what happens to all those extra test strips? You might get them from a prescription change or when your doctor adjusts your treatment plan. What can you do with the leftover boxes? Tossing them out seems wasteful, right? Selling them can benefit you and others in your community.
Many people struggle to afford the supplies they need. By selling your unused test strips, you’re not just clearing out your home, you’re also making these important tools accessible to those who need them.
How to Sell Your Diabetic Test Strips in Brandon
Find a Trusted Buyer
Not every buyer is reliable. Look for companies specializing in buying diabetic supplies. They usually offer competitive prices. Many of them will also let you know how much your strips are worth before you complete the sale.
Online Marketplaces
Consider using online platforms like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. These sites connect you directly with local buyers. Just create a simple listing, add a few pictures, and you’re good to go! Remember, clear and honest descriptions attract interested buyers.
Local Pharmacies or Clinics
Some pharmacies and clinics in Brandon support patients with limited access to supplies. They might buy your test strips directly or help you find someone who will. Don’t hesitate to ask around.
Preparing Your Test Strips for Sale
Check Expiration Dates
Before selling, check the expiration dates on your test strips. Most companies only purchase strips that are not expired—usually, they need to have at least six months left before the expiration.
Keep Them in Original Packaging
Having your test strips in their original, unopened packaging is a big plus. It shows they are still in good condition. Buyers feel more confident purchasing items that look brand new.
Source: https://cashnowforteststripss.blogspot.com/2024/09/cash-in-on-your-unused-diabetic-test.html
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