#Seldon Hunt
jkflesh · 5 months
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JESU / ISIS — 2005 EU tour
Photos from Seldon Hunt, who I noticed had stuck these on IG a few months ago. A handful were on jesu MySpace way back when...
There's lots more with other members and roadies fooling around, scenery, venues on his IG: LINK
...Including a memory of Seldon: "On our way [to Poland], Justin Broadrick and I took a piss behind a gas station and were unkindly interrupted by a giant angry man wielding an axe, yelling at us in Polish. We ran for the van and made a movie-style getaway." Jeff Caxide: "I remember Justin running away while still peeing. I was very impressed/amused. angry people crossing our path was a common thing on that tour for whatever reason."
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malboraslihangifs · 11 months
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by   clicking   the   source   link   you   will   be   directed   to   a   total   of   77   gifs   of   genelle seldon  available   on   my   discord   server.   she’s   white,   so   make   sure   to   have   that   in   mind   when   building   your   muse.   the   gifs   are   all   sized   268x150   and   made   from   scratch   by   me.    likes   and   reblogs   are   always   welcomed   if   you   find   these   helpful   !
DO   NOT:   redistribute,   resize,   repost   or   include   any   of   the   following   gifs   in   another   gif   hunt   ,   use   my   gifs   in   any   tab*o   things,   smut   threads   ,   in   krps   ,   if   you   are   blocked   or   if   you   use   turkish   fcs   with   non   turkish   names   .
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1tsjusty0u · 6 months
YIGA CLAN! what are they up to....what are they doing...
OH ough so haha funny story actually..!
they sure are Doing. theyre actually banned from certain places and by banned i mean met with ruthlessness and immediate . not violence but the places where theyre banned from Will resort to that its just theyll drive them away by firing warning shock to freeze shots, to actively shooting them and starting a fight. these places include zoras domain, rito village (though less hostile), gerudo town, and kakariko village (for more obvious reasons, uh. oh man this causes grade a Problems for cado. poor guy). thered be more but theres not a lot of villages left standing, and most hylian towns only know them as bandits and nothing more. the zora were Really headstrong with the yiga, sometimes actively hunting them in areas they were in, and during the calamity their anger surged MASSIVELY with miphas death but then . turned over? rolled over? mellowed out later on. hey like a wave tide. but anyways yeah they dont hunt them anymore thankfully. the rito dont either and are honestly the better of the places to get caught by. they arent that angry but they do ban them and escort them out through whatever means they have to. most yiga only really go to hebra rather than rito village so its mostly chill. teba is a little more forceful to the yiga though- revali was known to be extremely pissed at them, enough to find and raid their hideout and wouldve done it alone were it not for urbosa. however teba doesnt want them all dead. revali doesnt either really but he absolutely uses them at target practice he doesnt like them. and kakariko village!! they dont hunt yiga really. theyre close knit and dont really Leave so they mostly just observe the travelers who pass by. yiga can station near kakariko to get to link however inside the village is immediate fury. some shekiah Wouldnt be lenient towards them. at all. theyd likely escort them out or question them, letting impa do some of the work. luckily none have been killed when caught but they absolutely sustained injuries. gerudo town is surprisingly less angry? than the others? like yeah theyll point their weapons towards you once they know youre a yiga but theyll warn you to get out or get bularia. theyre more of a nuisance rather than a true threat (besides the thunder helm). but urbosa surprisingly didnt send anyone after them though she did task them with finding the hideout. no this was personal to her and she had to be physically restrained from committing an actual war crime. goron city isnt chill with them but they arent really banned? per say? they mostly dont know about the yiga daruk didnt have the others hunt them down and was pretty quiet about it. like urbosa it was more personal to him which meant He had to deal with it, as it wasnt his comrades problem. also as death mountain became active again the yiga decided it really wasnt worth it to go there. theres easier places to get em
so whatre they doing!! theyre still robbing places for valuables and such and still going after the thunder helm and gerudo things like bowls and such. but they actually lay fairly low compared to canon. they dont destroy stables or kill people like in gboh (i dont know. if seldon died to the yiga actually, or even if the stables are Their fault but just to clarify yeag they dont do that. also SELDON D: ). they only go after link but uhm. theres actually some controversy about it? some are against it because of “more work” while others are for it to “finish what we started.” kohgas confused about the entire thing and while he knows how wreath survived he honestly doesnt know what to do. some yiga are actively mad at the clan because it now feels pointless or like theyd have to kill the hero Every Time. the monarchy isnt even action guys why bother . some are more vocal about it than others too, while others hide their disdain to be more accepted. others are actively joining the clan for purpose and to not be slaves to a day by day lifestyle, only to be slave to a day by day lifestyle because nothing is safe from that </3. others genuinely want to kill link, some hate him but question why theyre even. killing him at this point. so the clan isnt in shambles but its going through one hell of a time. absolutely No One knows what to do. it was actually more in shambles pre cal for a bit. it regained hope after calamity ganon rose but people are doubting it again now, especially because its been 100 years. but otherwise some are trying to kill link and rob people. mostly same as canon in that regard. maybe sprinkle in sheikah tech research or more actual. Studies about it. something something theyve clung to their roots far more than the actual sheikah.
also note about cado. uh. he’d be in absolute Hot Water if he was found out. hed be forgiven if they knew he was being threatened, but thered still be doubts about him and people would fear him really badly.
post . Everything. when zeldas free. uh things actually get back on track because i do want her to try and reinstate the monarchy. and while some things are good ideas (rebuilding towns and getting more houses/making areas generally safer) some are Not (REINSTATING THE MONARCHY AND A RULER CHOSEN BY DIVINE BLOOD.) focus changes from killing link to killing zelda; the ones who doubted killing link would fix or do anything moved on to killing zelda, while the other half worked on killing link. zelda has sheikah tech knowledge however, while not enough to rival the yiga she actually has some from when the monarchy exiled and hunted the sheikah, burying it but also taking a glance at it to make sure at the very least, it was Theirs rather than the sheikahs. most of her knowledge comes from studying the tech herself though, but terms and slang forgotten come from the previously stated monarchy things. so basically their knowledge collides and zelda would put up a fight against them. she can exploit their own tech theyd despise her for that. she also knows how to fight thanks to cado and. sometimes link. he doesnt train her a lot but he helps her with strength shrines and also helps correct her when need be to make sure she doesnt pull a muscle. thered be fights over whos easier to kill vs who Has to be killed.
she wouldnt manage to reinstate it and while they still go after her after that shes mostly safe while living in kakariko. i think ganon the guy would . Happen. after the reinstating the monarchy attempt however thats for later me to decide. basically its complicated. kohga respects however also fears and detests zelda. i dont think he hates her but he sees her as a bit of a threat. hes still silly though he isnt like a dark brooding “so the princess awakens…… mwuhahahahahaahaha………. once the blood moon rises Kill Her…. or else i will break your bones……….” or something hes just. “HOW IS THE PRINCESS STILL HERE????? SHE KNOWS MY SECRET TECHNIQUES. HOUSTON WEVE GOT A PROBLEM.” he sometimes goes to personally stop her but otherwise he just. half chills and half lives in fear. hes kind of mad about the monarchy honestly but once again its like “YOU HAD ONE JOB??”. not “cursed princess and her toilsome guy……………. that loathsome monarchy i will rule it” or something. hes doing his best </3. think of him constantly like. in a shinji chair pose. or that stickman reaction of a guy on his hands and knees crying. also. more tech afterwards. like the zonai tech however its the sheikah tech instead . study overdrive…..
uhhh yeah just totally normal things. :).
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Birthdays 8.2
Beer Birthdays
Armin Louis Neubert (1864)
Albert Moortgat (1890)
Matt Van Wyk (1972)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Isabel Allende; Chilean writer (1942)
Andrew Gold; singer-songwriter (1951)
Myrna Loy; actress (1905)
Mary-Louise Parker; actor (1964)
Kevin Smith; film director, writer (1970)
Famous Birthdays
James Baldwin; writer (1924)
Frederic Bartholdi; artist, sculptor (1834)
Albert Bloch; painter (1882)
Jim Capaldi; rock drummer (1944)
Caleb Carr; historian & author (1954)
Joanna Cassidy; actor (1945)
Hank Cochran; country singer (1935)
Wes Craven; film director (1939)
Roy Crimmins; English trombonist, composer (1929)
Jim Doughan; actor (1959)
Arthur Dove; artist (1880)
Ann Dvorak; actress (1911)
James Fallows; journalist and author (1949)
Edward Furlong; actor (1977)
Lily Gladstone; actress (1986)
Elisha Gray; electrical engineer, inventor (1835)
Jules A. Hoffmann; Luxembourgian-French biologist (1941)
Garth Hudson; rock keyboardist (1937)
Lamar Hunt; American businessman, co-founded AFL (1932)
Victoria Jackson; actor, christian wing nut (1959)
Apollonia Kotero; singer and actress (1959)
Andy Fairweather Low; Welsh singer-songwriter, guitarist (1948)
Fulvio Melia; Italian-American physicist, astrophysicist & author (1954)
Helen Morgan; actress and singer (1900)
Mojo Nixon; singer, songwriter (1957)
Carroll O'Connor; actor (1924)
Peter O'Toole; actor (1932)
Nell Irvin Painter; author and historian (1942)
Anthony Payne; English composer and author (1936)
John Radecki; Australian stained glass artist (1865)
Anthony Seldon; English historian & author (1953)
John Sloan; artist (1871)
Cynthia Stevenson; actress (1962)
Rose Tremain; English novelist and short story writer (1943)
Joe Lynn Turner; singer-songwriter and guitarist (1953)
Ted Turner; British guitarist (1950)
John Tyndall; Irish-English physicist and mountaineer (1820)
JD Vance; writer, wing nut politician, couch enthusiast (1984)
Jack L. Warner; film producer (1892)
François Weyergans; Belgian director, screenwriter (1941)
Sam Worthington; actor (1976)
Lawrence Wright; journalist, author, and screenwriter (1947)
Charli XCX; English singer-songwriter (1992)
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ghostcultmagazine · 5 years
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Artist Stephen Kasner (Sunn O))), Integrity, Justin Broadrick) Dead at age 49 Iconic artist Stephen Kasner who came out of the underground scene to create horror-themed art for films, books, and avant-garde and metal artists' albums, died on Christmas Day.
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darkartandcraft · 7 years
An Interview with Seldon Hunt
Dark Art & Craft recently got to know the one and only Seldon Hunt. Seldon's illustration work oozes detail and if you're a fan of metal music you've more than likely seen some of his amazing album art & t-shirt designs. We reached out to the New York based artist for an interview via email.
Hi Seldon, so how long have you been doing this madness and what's your background in art?
Ive been working as an artist for around 15 years. I studied design but moved into art pretty quickly after graduating. The office world of design wore thin after a year. I started working with Japanese noise musicians doing cover art and live animations and eventually was discovered by some reasonably well known US metal artists and began working predominantly in that scene, producing album art, posters, t shirts etc, I also moved into making tour documentaries. From working within that world, I was asked to exhibit in shows related to that world and eventually into more fine art stand alone environments.
What are you working on at the moment?
Right now Im rediscovering my pen and ink techniques, but am working in a more detailed style than previously.
What are you doing when you’re not creating or working on art?
At the moment im really into exercising! Im finding it great for inspiration and clearing the head.
Do you admire any artists / photographers? Where do you tend to find inspiration throughout your day?
Im a big fan of some of my contemporaries like Aaron Horkey, John Santos and Lucas Ruggieri. They use similiar mediums and themes and are always pushing themselves with concept and insane levels of detail. I love their commitment to the craft.
What kind of creative patterns, routines or rituals do you have before working?
Honestly I really dont have any. Really it just depends on what needs to be done. I usually have enough commissions that I'm reasonably busy. I rarely have time to just doodle or play around. I wish I did. Usually if i need to be not working, i want to be outside.
What tools for creation do you employ?
Im pretty much any kind of fine tipped black ink. Ive tried a bunch of brands but Microns work best. I used Rotrings a bit too but just have a lot of trouble with a consistent line with the finer nibs. I scan my work in and when required I will use Photoshop to color.
Working for bands can be the wild west when it comes to art. A lot of the time budgets are all over the place and what was once up is down and what's down is up. How did you find your way into doing illustration for such heavy and awesome bands?
Mostly it was due originally to me traveling through the US in 2001 and meeting a bunch of people like Neurosis and Isis. I showed them my work and one thing led to another. When I moved to NYC it picked up a lot, obviously due to being able to meet so many more bands as they came through town.
What role does the artist or designer have in society?
I dont know anymore. I think social media has made most people believe they are one or the other, and the fascination with real designers and artists has been pretty diluted i believe. 20 years ago, for your work to be seen in public via exhibiting, commission or publication, you had to have proved yourself and become skilled at your craft to get that kind of recognition. Now everyone is posting on Instagram etc, and everyone is just so damned terrific.....
Do you consider graphic design and illustration ‘the fine arts’ or more akin to business and does this line of reasoning have relevance anymore?
Ive always regarded it as business. The majority of successful illustrators are those with a good head for business and know how to direct their work into the right arenas and have the right people see it. Plus its about satisfying a brief, rather than an abstract or conceptual expression. There is certainly a line of 'fine art' that is displayed in magazines like High Fructose where the work to me is 'personal illustration' rather than fine art, and its not a criticism, just an observation. I would fall into that category myself.
Shirtsanddestroy.com. How did that relationship start? Do you do any screen printing or production printing work yourself?
I used to screen print a lot, but the studio i used went out of business in the giclee revolution of the early 2000's. I loved screen printing! Shirtsanddestroy.com was something that came about from working in the metal scene. They approached me and we did a few projects together. Very nice people.
Where else can we find you? (Blog, website, twitter, facebook etc)
IG: seldon_hunt_art
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cardstumble · 3 years
"So many others LIKE trump"? YES
So many others like trump in business, the entertainment industry and politics. Bernie Madoff, Harvey Weinstein and countless others in positions of power and prestige showed contempt for the law. They pervert justice because they think the law is an obstacle to be overcome.
First, the powerful claim they are immune from the law. Often, they prove this to be true. Some like Bill Cosby claim immunity from prosecution because their lawyers negotiated a strategically advantageous deal with prosecutors. Others claim immunity from prosecution because they are U.S. presidents. They hide behind a constitutionally dubious presidential immunity theory blessed by the Department of Justice in three separate memoranda written during the presidencies of Nixon, Clinton and Trump. Donald Trump’s own lawyers, appearing before the 2nd Circuit in their effort to prevent the Manhattan DA from subpoenaing Trump Organization tax records, claimed the president was immune from subpoena and even could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and still be immune from prosecution.
Trump’s defenders would have us believe that it’s the law, not his actions, that are wrong. Others in positions of power — many child molesters, for example — claim immunity because they avoided getting caught until after the statute of limitations expired. Still others think their immunity stems from their social class. As New York real estate mogul Leona Helmsley famously told her maid, “Only the little people pay taxes.” Unfortunately for Helmsley, she was not immune from prosecution and was carted off to prison.
A second approach is to attack those who enforce the law, whether it be Mueller and his band of “angry Democrats,” the four agency inspectors general fired by Trump in the middle of investigations, the United States attorney in Manhattan also fired by Trump in 2020, or now the verbal assaults launched at the Manhattan DA from Mar-a-Lago. Trump’s strategy appears to be: When caught violating the law, deflect one’s own narcissism onto law enforcement and hope that sticks in the court of public opinion.
A third related strategy is to denigrate the rule of law itself. Claim that the law is perverse, either because the law is just political or because the law is irrational in making some things illegal and others not. A growing chorus of pundits, politicians and even academics thus depict the law as being grounded in irrationality and being just political. In the far-right media, if Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden did it, it’s per se criminal. If Trump did it, it’s perfectly legal and any prosecutor, inspector general or member of Congress who suggests to the contrary is just on a witch hunt. Many on the left have a similar narcissistic attitude, even if not the media platform to express it, often insisting that law is defined by politics and has no moral integrity on its own.
The law is not perfect and neither are those who enforce it. But the law is not simply perverse or political either. For over a century, nihilistic legal commentators have re-enforced this view. The German theologian and legal philosopher Carl Schmitt in the 1920s published “The Concept of the Political,” in which he argued that law is not based on neutral principles but is simply a byproduct of politics. Academic commentators on the far right and far left today quote Schmitt, who joined the Nazi Party in 1933, frequently for the same proposition: Law is all about politics. There is no objective truth, no just concept of right and wrong underlying the law. This nihilism, like bad wine, is poured into the fancy bottles of academic theory, but it is peddled to a far larger audience under the more plebeian labels of right-wing radio, TV and internet.
Finally, there are the many clever ways to get around the law. In the 1970s, before Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan reduced taxes on the rich, some academic economists sympathized with those who did not want to pay whatever taxes the legislature deemed to be their fair share. Arthur Seldon of the London School of Economics and a group of co-authors coined the term “avoision” to describe manipulative tax strategies that combined ethically problematic but legal tax avoidance (for example, moving from one jurisdiction to another to pay lower tax) with illegal tax evasion (for example, pretending to have moved from one jurisdiction to another in order to pay lower tax).Another common avoision strategy is paying an employee’s rent, private school tuition or other benefits rather than paying reportable income. This, of course, is what the Manhattan DA now alleges the Trump Organization and its CFO did to avoid paying taxes. More from MSNBC DailyMust reads from Today's list
📷 RIP TO THE VRAThe Supreme Court's Arizona voting decision was worse than expectedJessica Levinson 📷 PLOT TWISTWhy Trump might turn out to be Republicans' worst enemyMichael A. Cohen By the 1990s Seldon’s phrase “avoision” was so widely used that it appeared on “The Simpsons” as Bart Simpson explained why Krusty the Clown was in prison for tax fraud: “I don’t say 'evasion.' I say 'avoision.'”According to a 2019 New York Times article, several generations of the Trump family have been doing just that to “avoid” taxes since the 1970s. And on Wednesday, the Manhattan DA, after a lengthy fight just to get the Trump Organization's financial records, and a 2020 victory in the Supreme Court, finally had enough evidence to hand down an indictment.Trump is the epitome of the avoision man. And the law may be catching up with him.But we cannot just focus on Trump without looking at the underlying problem ­— the narcissistic view of the law that gave rise to Trump and caused so many to celebrate him first as a real estate tycoon, then as a media star and finally as a president.The law is not perfect and neither are those who enforce it. But the law is not simply perverse or political either; it is grounded in a collective sense of right and wrong. One of the law’s imperfections is that those who flout the law, who think they are too powerful ever to get caught or prosecuted for violating it, are far too often right.That’s about to change with the small but important step taken by the Manhattan DA on Wednesday. Respect for the law, and enforcement of the law, are crucial to maintaining the rule of law. And that goes for everyone — even a business empire run by a man who once was president of the United States. Stories
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queenofcandynsoda · 3 years
Cherub’s Cove Act 1, Chapter 1: Secrets of the Mansion
February 16, 0001
The cool breeze from the mountains blows through the Nibelheim village during the afternoon. It is late winter as there are small bits of snow left. The villagers are doing their usual tasks. Some are either cleaning their houses, repairing parts on their trucks, feeding the livestock, or making dinner for their families. All of the children just finished a day in the schoolhouse and are playing around the water tower. 
A small group of children is standing near a large gate, talking among themselves. 
“Do you think it’s haunted?” A small boy wonders to his friends. “It has to be. No one lived there for years.” A girl responded. “I heard there are monsters.” Another boy, who is taller, speculated. 
The children are referring to the building known to the village as The Shinra Mansion. It has been abandoned for years, long before they were born. It looks to be withering due to years of neglect. For years, there had been rumors about the mansion. They ranged from monsters roaming inside there or ghosts having control of the mansion. 
“What are you kids doing?” A manly voice asked behind them. 
The kids turn around to see three men behind them. Benson is the innkeeper. Since business has been slow, he thought he would just go outside for a bit as his wife rests with their newborn child. Erwin is a gruff, older man, in his 40s, who works as a handyman. He’s known about how long the mansion has been in Nibelheim since it was built when he was a kid. Seldon is the young photographer for Nibelheim. He always carries around his camera. He also has the village’s record book, which contains all of the pictures of Nibelheim throughout the years. 
“We are talking about the haunted Shinra Mansion.” The small boy explained. 
“Haunted?” Seldon is intrigued by the claim. He does believe that the mansion could be haunted as well. 
“Yeah! I bet there are ghosts having parties there!” The girl imagined. “Or dragon-hunting monsters!” The tall boy wondered. 
“Come on, kids. The mansion is not haunted. It just needs a fixer-upper.” Erwin asserted the children. 
For many of the villagers, the Shinra Mansion has been on their minds for a while. They are wondering about the purpose of the mansion since Shinra had since abandoned it. Some believe that the mansion is like a safe house for the President or the executives while others believe that there is some treasure in there. However, no one has dared to go inside.
“I want to see inside of it. Maybe there’s materia!” The small boy said with excitement. “No way! Got to be baby dragons there!” The girl shouts out to the older man.
“Hey! No one is going into the mansion! It’s too dangerous!” Erwin interjected. He doesn’t want any child to be inside that mansion. While he is aware that it is not haunted and the rumors are false, he can’t risk having a child going inside a rundown building and possibly getting hurt. 
“Well, how do you know that? You never went inside.” The tall boy protested to the older man. This led Erwin to have an idea. 
“Just to prove it to you, we will go to the mansion.” Erwin announced, which intrigued the boys and shocked the girl. 
“Wait! You can get in trouble!” The girl tried to stop them. 
“By whom? Shinra? They are miles away! I bet they don’t even care what happens with this place!” Erwin replied to the girl. “Come on! Let’s get some flashlights and look inside!”
Benson and Seldon look at each other before going back to their houses to get flashlights. 
Erwin used a bolt cutter to cut the chain that is keeping the gate closed. The men start to enter the mansion. The atmosphere suddenly becomes ominous. The interior is too dark to see, causing the men to turn on their flashlights. They need further in the mansion and start looking. 
“Man, this place is creepy. Why are we doing this? We will find nothing here.” Benson quavered. 
“Exactly. We are doing this so none of the kids would go in here and get hurt.” Erwin answered back. He’s right. There is a chance that the kids would come here and investigate themselves. It’s almost like a tradition where every generation of kids would go to a dangerous place and get seriously hurt. 
The men look around the mansion to see anything interesting. However, they only found things they expect from the mansion. There is a kitchen, a pantry, a bathroom, a few bedrooms, its own infirmary, a study, a living room, a small library, a large room with a piano, and a laundry room. They did manage to find a small lab and a few empty rooms. 
Benson is completely bored during this. He wasn’t expecting on doing some work in a dark and gloomy mansion today. Erwin is very interested in how the mansion is still sturdy after years of abandonment. While there is a lot of dust and the furniture is old, the place is in good shape. Seldon is on edge throughout the entire walkthrough. He is scared if there’s a ghost or monster here. He’s worried that he would get attacked by something inhumane. 
In one of the bedrooms, Benson noticed a gap on the wall. This portion of the wall is more circular and made with bricks, unlike the smooth, wallpaper-covered ones around the mansion. He touches it, causing it to open up more. He sees that it’s a secret door. “Hey! I found something!” He shouts out. 
Erwin and Seldon come into the bedroom to see the open secret door. They saw nothing but pure darkness. Erwin uses his flashlight to see spiral stairs descending to the bottom. Seldon quickly grabs his arm.
“Okay. I think we have gone far enough. Let’s get out of here.” Seldon begged him.
“What do you mean, Seldon?” Erwin queried to him. 
“Don’t you see?! Whatever that place leads us to is not a good sign!” Seldon cautioned the two men. Benson sighed as Erwin tried to reassure him. 
“You don’t know what’s down there. I know there could be nothing but we have to make sure.” Erwin responded to him. 
“Come on. Let’s get this over with and go home.” Benson appealed to Seldon. “If anything good comes out of this, we can find a use for this mansion in the next town hall meeting.” 
Benson and Erwin descend down to the basement of the mansion as Seldon reluctantly follows them. They are looking around as they climb down the spiral stairs. They think that this has to be an escape hatch for anyone living here. They enter the dimly lighted hallway when they reach the bottom. 
Erwin sees a door on the side. “Let’s look in here.” 
He opens the door to reveal a barren room and the only items inside are several coffins. All but one are open 
“Are those… coffins?” Erwin questioned as he looks at the skeletons from the open coffins. 
“Coffins?! In here?! Why?!” Seldon shuddered, starting to panic. 
“I-I don’t know… Maybe for decoration…?” Benson wondered. 
“One of them is locked. I think they’re real.” Erwin said as he tried to open the closed coffin. 
Benson sees a greenish glow coming from another door. He is confused and intrigued by it. Is it mako? Or materia? As Erwin and Seldon are debating on what to do with the coffin, Seldon heads towards the door and twists the knob. Seeing that it’s not locked, he opens the door. 
He then drops the flashlight when he sees the surreal and haunting sight.
There are many tanks filled with bodies inside, all filled with what seems to be mako. The bodies are small and floating as they’re in a fetal position. Some are connected to one wire while others have several. 
Benson walks closer to the tanks in shock. He thinks that he’s hallucinating as he looks at the bodies. The bodies have childish faces and even hair. A few have red or silver hair as the rest have black, brown, or blond hair. All of them are very long. 
He stands in front of one of the tanks. He starts to feel sick when he looks at it. Inside, the body looks like a young girl, presumably a toddler, that has the largest amount of wires. They are on her stomach, chest, head, arms, and mouth. He just had a baby girl and couldn’t believe that he was seeing a child hooked up with tubes and wires. He wonders who this child is and how she ended up like it. 
Did she have any parents? How long has she and the other children been like this? Are they even alive?
 He puts his hand on the tank as he starts to feel light-headed. 
Then the girl suddenly opens her eyes to look at Benson.
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Yes is Being My Answer
read it on the AO3
by sovvannight
On a Tuesday in November, federal agents raid the company where Felicity works, arresting the CEO and several other executives. Now out of a job, at least temporarily, she arrives home early to find her boyfriend Cooper with a cute brunette. She immediately packs up a minimal amount of possessions and leaves, and eventually negotiates an off-season cabin rental a few hours' drive down the coast where she plans on splitting her time between job-hunting and developing her security program. There she meets Oliver, the owner’s nephew who has just arrived from Russia. They form a connection despite the language barrier, but with Felicity’s life in flux and Oliver only being a visitor to the US, do they have a chance at anything more?
Words: 3480, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Trouble With Love Is
Fandoms: Arrow (TV 2012)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Raisa (Arrow), Cooper Seldon, Tommy Merlyn, Roy Harper, Original Characters
Relationships: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, brief Cooper/Felicity, disturbingly Hallmark-movie esque, Small Towns, IT girl, Cook-slash-Handyman, Russian!Oliver, POV Felicity Smoak, Inspired by Love Actually
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sirenrecords · 3 years
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AVAILABLE NOW: Sunn O))) - La Mort Noir Dans Esch/Alzette CD ONLY Justin Bartlett Cancer Fund edition/reissue. Limited to 1000 copies. 6-panel plastic-free matte digipak, gold and black ink. Artwork by O))) long time artistic collaborator Justin Bartlett, 2006. In early 2006 SUNN O))) embarked on an extended European bus tour in support of their BLACK ONE album, together with our masters EARTH. Malefic/Xasthur (voice), Mark Deutrom (bass), Steve Moore (trombone), Tos (MOOG), Randall Dunn (FOH), Seldon Hunt (photo documentation) ... and of course The Lord & SOMA (axes) comprised the geometry of that era of O))). Through the chaos, mayhem and (mis)adventures, and multi-dimensionality of that incredible tour, the remarkable individuals in the tour party forged musical life bonds, friendships, creative peaks, destinies vanquished and traversed riffs and tones and bass intonated to most brutal edges. On 16 February 2006, the tour arrived at Alzette Kulturfabrik, Esch sur Alzette, Luxembourg and this distortion praising document was recorded by our sound master Randall Dunn. Dyan Carlson of EARTH joined us onstage for the horrifying piece “Reptile Lux", of which only a handful of audience witnessed this representation of the evolved and eroded gems of BLACK ONE. A limited jewel case CD issued at the end of 2006 as a tour merchandise album for O)))'s subsequent tours in North America and marked the initial collaboration with our ally and illustrator Justin Bartlett, whom defined the ceremony with a portrait of a reposing corpse aided by fungus along her long return journey to the humus & other kingdoms. Mr Barlett is presently in the midst of a battle with stage 4 cancer. We now offer a limited edition reissue of this black diamond to honour and benefit him. All profits of this release and the accompanying T-shirt will go directly to Mr Bartlett. Your purchase ensures that you contribute to helping him out in this challenging time and in the recovery to come. Thank you for considering this. (at Siren Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/COlaEjwD0xZ/?igshid=swo5w8kvbhda
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brans-fascinations · 4 years
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Yesterday I drew an Angel (first), which, while digital and colored unlike the second, seems to represent to same concept, at least to me. Aaron Turner’s artwork for Converge has led to me having a fascination with demons and all manners of horned creatures, with simple faces and weird contrasting concepts. The first is a psychoactive being which sedates people with its right hand,  but the second is more or less just a forgotten steel sentinel. When drawing the wing of the former I was very static and my movements on the tablet were forced, I like this. While I am nowhere near the level of great abstract artists involved in music like Aaron Turner or Jacob Bannon or Seldon Hunt and so on and so forth, I want to design stuff that I may represent musically in the future. but despite tracks I’ve made I’d rather treat it as if it doesn’t exist at the moment!
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churchofsatannews · 7 years
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Devils Reign III: DAIKAIJU – Book Release, Burlesque, Craft Beer & Art Exhibit 
The third book in the annual Devils Reign series will be released this Saturday, December 2nd, in Fort Myers, FL. Devils Reign III: Daikaiju is curated by The High Priest of The Church of Satan, Peter H. Gilmore. The art book showcases giant monsters by over 100 top illustrators, tattoo artists and painters. Inspired by Gilmore’s life long interest in Godzilla and giant beasts.  The book includes an expert introduction by the High Priest and a foreword by legendary monster painter Bob Eggleton. Produced by tattoo artist and publisher Andy Howl, the book pulls together well known artists such as 1960’s underground cartoonist S Clay Wilson, heavy metal album cover artists Mark Riddick, Jeff Gaither, Wes Benscoter, and Seldon Hunt. Comic book superstar Matt Frank, known for his Godzilla work, is among those contributing brand new art. And internationally known illustrators and tattooers such as Derek Noble, Onnie O’Leary, Robert Borbas, Florian Bertmer, Dave Berns, Clamore Wolfmeyer, and Jeff Srsic are included in the long list of names.
Saturday December 2nd, HOWL Gallery/Tattoo celebrates the book release with a special night of art, craft beer and burlesque. The event starts at 6pm with an art exhibition and Bury Me Brewing craft beer release at HOWL. A selection of artwork featured in the book will be on display by local and national talents, and will accompany the release of BIERHEMOTH a German style beer made especially for Gilmore and The Devils Reign III. At 9pm a 6 act burlesque performance begins, produced by Freckles Galore and featuring giant monster themed costumes and props. Tickets to the event are $20 presale on the HOWL Books website or $25 at the door. The event is limited to 100 tickets. 21+ Only.
Additionally on Friday December 1st, HOWL will screen the drive-in horror classic, The Devil’s Rain, which inspired the name of the art book series.  The movie was recently re-released on blu-ray and features Church of Satan founder Anton Szandor LaVey as technical adviser and who also appears in the film.  The movie stars Ernest Borgnine, William Shatner, and many other notable stars, including the debut of John Travolta.  Guest hosted by Peter Gilmore and Peggy Nadramia, High Priest and Priestess of The Church of Satan.  Free event.  21+ Starts at 8pm December 1st.
Devils Reign III: Daikaiju will be available for sale at the event. The book is a 9″x12″ 144 page hardcover and limited to 666 copies, it sells for $66. A highly collectible book, past Devils Reign volumes sell for up to $300 online.   Published exclusively by HOWL.
Event details: Friday December 1st – THE DEVIL’S RAIN FILM SCREENING Where HOWL Gallery/Tattoo – Fort Myers The Devil’s Rain Movie Screening With special guest hosts Peggy Nadramia and Peter H. Gilmore 8 – 11pm FREE 21+ rsvp: https://www.facebook.com/events/506754449700961/
Saturday December 2nd – BOOK RELEASE, ART SHOW, BEER  RELEASE & BURLESQUE Devils Reign III: Daikaiju book release party, craft beer release, and burlesque Where HOWL Gallery/Tattoo – Fort Myers Starts at 6pm Burlesque at 9pm TICKET REQUIRED FOR EVENT ENTRY – Admission $25 door/$20 presale Limited to 100 attendees Tickets at www.howlbooks.net rsvp: https://www.facebook.com/events/292850377786079/ PURCHASE EVENT TICKETS: CLICK HERE
Books can be purchased online at www.howlbooks.net For store directions visit: www.howlgallery.com
For HIGH-RES IMAGES FOR PRINT or additional info contact HOWL Gallery [email protected] (239) 332-0161
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cogentranting · 7 years
A Thorough but Not Complete List of Actors Who Have Been on Both Arrow and Supernatural
Arrow character(s) on the left 
Supernatural character(s) on the right. 
(Information to identify the character) 
Episode Title
Important Characters
Laurel/Black Siren- Ruby 1
William Clayton - Asa Fox (Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox)
Anatoly Knyasev - Lester (Soul Survivor/ Reichenbach) 
Taiana- Victoria Dodd (Of Grave Importance)/Shaylene (Girls, Girls, Girls)
Evelyn Sharp- Krissy Chambers (Freaks and Geeks/ Adventures in Babysitting)
Lonnie Machin/Anarky- Jack the Nephilim 
Sort of Important Characters
Carrie Cutter/Cupid- Young Mary Winchester
Talia Al Ghul- Risa (The End)
Captain Pike- James Turner (Patience)/ Demon (Time is On My Side)
Ruve Darhk- Mandy Duren (All Dogs Go to Heaven)
Alena- Marin (The Born-Again Identity)
Viktor -Jim Jenkins (Death Takes a Holiday)
Carly Diggle- Taylor (Hook Man)/ Crossroad Demon (Crossroad Blues)
Cooper Seldon- Jake Tanner (Croatoan)
You Might Care
Dr. Schwartz- Joanna (Something Wicked)/ Sonja (Love Hurts)
Dr. Lockhart- Andy Johnson (Sin City)
Kelton- Coroner (Adventures in Babysitting)
Officer Daily- “Crew cut” (Devil May Care)
Murmur- Chester Johnson (Plush)/ Inias (Reading is Fundamental)
Kate Spencer- Cute Librarian (Hook Man)/ Bobby’s Mother (Death’s Door)
Jean Loring- Olivette (Paint it Black)/ Medical Examiner (Heart)
Peter- Ranger Rick Evans (How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters)/ Male Attacker (House of the Holy)
Dollmaker- Ed Brewer (Monster Movie)
Vincent Sobel/Vigilante- Quentin (Blood Brother)
Made me Go ‘Huh’
Gholem Qadir- Hannah (Inside Man/ Form and Void)
Max Fuller- Dash (Ask Jeeves)
Taylor Moore- Oliver (Remember the Titans) 
  You Don’t Care But I’m Being Thorough
The Butcher- Preacher (O Brother, Where Art Thou?) 
General Walker- Sheriff Deitrich (Monster Movie)
Hendrick- Maurice (I’m No Angel)/Night Watchmen (Lucifer Rising)
Mark Francis (part of Moira’s mayoral campaign)- Elliot Ness (Time After Time)
Ned Foster- Dustin Burwash (Bugs)
Morgan (Thea’s Friend)- Ambriel (The Devil in the Details)
Adam Hunt- Jerry Panowski (Phantom Traveler)/ Stan Thompson (Hunter Heroici)
Isaac Stanzler- Kelvin (The Future/ Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell)
Laura Hoffman- Colonel Scoop’s Mother (Stairway to Heaven)
Susie Lawton- Lily (Lost and Found)
Oh Gosh Why A I Still Doing This
Officer Jones- Ronnie (Stuck in the Middle (with You))
Gennady- Spike (All Dogs Go To Heaven)
Mina Fayad (Hive Member)- Sgt. Miranda Bates (Devil May Care)/ Doctor (The Devil you know)
Officer Lopez- Jolene (Appointment in Samarra)
Nathan Sierra (Vigilante)/Vincent Steelgrave (The Calm)- Tarrell/Leviathan (The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo)
Phaedra Nixon (Hive Member)- Dr. Jennifer O’Brien (Pac-Man Fever)
Walsh/Mercenary - Scarred Man (Black)
Mr. Robbins/Inmate/Thug - Hellrazor (Beyond the Mat)
Pablo Estevez- JP (About a Boy)
Becky/ Mayor’s Assistant- Brit (the Hunter Games)
Tv Host- Detective Petranyzk (Halt and Catch Fire)
Clinton Hogue- Randy (The Things We Left Behind)
Officer Thompson- Jane (Defending Your Life)
Linda Park- Susan/Leviathan
Aglin/Mask- Victim (The Slice Girls)
They Don’t Even Have a Name
Oliver’s Security Detail- Police Officer (Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie)
Mercenary- Handler (Girls, Girls, Girls)
Grizzled Man (it’s worth noting that he is in 3 completely separate episodes with this same designation)- Farmer (Sharp Teeth)
Anchor Woman/Reporter- Anchor Woman (Bugs)
Prisoner- Jacob’s Man (Book of the Damned)
And a lot more for these last two categories but I gave up
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Official video for ‘Do You Remember’ from the Sweet Apple release ‘Love & Desperation‘ on Tee Pee Records.
In the video Dave Sweetapple is fired from his job for slacking off, but doesn’t seem to care too much and would rather engage in some intense tennis matches with his band mates.
Sweet Apple is: J Mascis from Dinosaur Jr, John Petkovic and Tim Parnin from Cobra Verde, and Dave Sweetapple (actor extraordinaire) from Witch.
Directed by Seldon Hunt and Jimmy Hubbard
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prettyediblestylist · 6 years
Satay Chicken bowls with greens & brown rice
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Who doesn’t love SATAY? For me, it clearly conjures up childhood memories where a few times a year as a special treat, we would go to our local Chinese restaurant, the Sun-Do (which I’m pleased to say is still thriving today. Okay, so I’m not ‘that’ ancient ta ;) and amongst crowded plates of prawn toast, duck pancakes and crispy seaweed, we would enjoy the traditional method of chicken grilled on sticks, smothered in this satisfyingly moreish golden, sweet and nutty sauce. The seating positioning was key as the spinning Lazy Susan (basically, a rotating tray that sits in the centre of a table) was like a wheel of fortune depending on how close you were seated to your favourite dish. Needless to say, within arm’s reach was the aim! ;)  
I loved it then, and I still love it now. Satay also works well with beef, fish, vegetables, noodles, beans (such as black-eyed) - and any grain such as quinoa and buckwheat. The list is endless. Coincidently, one of the most popular recipes in my cookbook, The Goodness of Nuts and Seeds (see here) is the deliciously simple and delicious Satay Griddled Beef with cucumber ribbons. I urge you to give it a try. 
For now though, here’s my riff on the Satay chicken favourite. I loved the idea of creating a satay bowl which only adds to the deeply comforting and soulful qualities of this dish...plus of course, it has the means to hold a lot more sauce! A double win in my eyes. 
Satay Chicken Bowls with Greens and Brown Rice  The real deal red Thai paste is definitely preferable for this recipe rather than the loose consistency jars of the stuff they strangely still call ‘paste’. You can get hold of Thai Taste in most local supermarkets to save you hunting down a traditional Thai/Chinese specialist version. I love to serve this dish with thinly cut strips of cucumber and spring onion too which offsets the spicy rich sauce perfectly. Serves 2 Prep 20 minutes Total 25 minutes
1 tbsp olive or sunflower oil 2-4 boneless chicken thighs with skin, depending on size 1 tsp curry powder 250g green vegetables, such as sugar snap peas or tenderstem broccoli (go for your favourite, or mix it up) a couple of handfuls of beansprouts  1½ tbsp Thai red curry paste  ½ x 400ml tin coconut milk (make sure you scoop in some of the creamier coconut as this sometimes sits at the very top of the tin) 200ml chicken stock 2 heaped tbsp crunchy peanut butter 1 small red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped 1 tbsp soft light brown or coconut sugar 1 tbsp fish sauce (optional)  juice of ½ lime, plus extra to serve 1 x 250g pouch wholegrain brown basmati rice (or any cooked rice, quinoa or favourite grain) 2 tbsp toasted or salted peanuts, chopped (cashews make a lovely substitute) fresh herbs, such as coriander, mint and Thai basil, to serve spring onion and cucumber, thinly sliced, to serve
1. Lay the chicken thighs out on your chopping board and sprinkle with the curry powder and some salt. Rub the thighs until evenly distributed.  Drizzle on some olive oil and using your hands, lightly rub it on the thighs so they are lightly covered. Heat a little more olive oil over a high heat in a large frying pan and cook the chicken for 5-7 minutes on each side, or until cooked and the skin is golden and crispy. Remove from the pan and rest on a board or plate, loosely covered with foil.  2. Turn down the heat and add a little more oil if needed, then the vegetables and beansprouts - then stir-fry for a few minutes, or until the vegetables are just cooked al dente with a bit of bite. Transfer the vegetables into a bowl (preferably warmed up in the microwave), then cover the vegetables with foil. To the same pan, add the curry paste. Cook for a couple of minutes, stirring, before adding the coconut milk, chicken stock, chilli, peanut butter, sugar and lime juice. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer for a few minutes, stirring, until the consistency is creamy. Season to taste. 3. Cook the rice in the microwave for 2 minutes, then divide between 2 bowls. Slice the chicken and add to each bowl along with any cooking juices. Lay the vegetables next to the chicken, then add lots of satay sauce. Add the spring onion and cucumber strips if using, then sprinkle on the fresh herbs. Serve each bowl with a wedge of lime.
Recipe, Photography & Styling: Natalie Seldon Follow me on instagram @prettyediblestylist
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insidetheposter · 4 years
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