nevzatboyraz44 · 5 months
Fatih Sultan Mehmet han
Ottoman Empire... Osmanlı imparatorluğu
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ilmiyyat1453 · 1 year
Yolculuğa, "açıklama" mânâsına gelen "sefer" denilmiştir; zira yolculuk kişinin ahlâkını açığa çıkarır.
Bu sırra binaen Hz. Ömer (Radıyallâhu Anh ), "Ben filân adamı tanıyorum" diyen kişiye "Onun şerefli ahlâkına delâlet eden bir yolculukta kendisiyle arkadaşlık yaptın mı?" diye sorar.
Adamın "hayır" demesi üzerine de Hz. Ömer (Radıyallâhu Anh ) "O halde onu tanımıyorsun" der.
Gazâlî, İhyâ, 1/808.
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yakazakalb · 11 months
Arayışa talib olan sefere de, seferin zorluklarına da talib olur.
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judahmaccabees · 4 months
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damladanummana · 1 year
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moonlighkingdom · 1 year
Kaderin bana açtığı bu yollar,
ya kederdir ya sefer.
Eğer bir ayrım olursa,
oluşacak binbir ter.
Ağaçların soluşu, yaprakların düşüşü,
bu denlidir beni caydıran görüşü.
Sonunda gene bulacak beni kederden,
binbir farklı seferden.
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huseyinozdemirerk · 2 years
"Bazen bir sonraki sefer yoktur, bazen ikinci bir şans yoktur, bazen şimdidir ya da asla"
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flirt-with-pain · 1 year
1 yil once berbat saclarim v3 ben👁️👄👁️
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reachingrachnius · 4 months
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She is so beautiful
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demvakti · 6 months
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İçimdeki yalnızlığı fark etmişti, ben de anlatmaya doyamamıştım...
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ardaturanlasmisbera · 3 months
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Arkadaslqr acili bi menemen yapmisim öff öff olayyy ekmek alin da gelin
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bungoustraydogs-tr · 1 year
Bungou Stray Dogs Manga 108. Bölüm
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todaysjewishholiday · 1 month
11 Menachem Av 5784 (14-15 August 2024)
When the Babylonian army first besieged Jerusalem and took captives away to live in exile, the prophet Yirmeyahu sent them a message:
So says HaShem, ruler of the heavenly host, the G-d of Israel, to all the captives, who HaShem has caused to be carried away captive from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build houses, and dwell in them, and plant gardens, and eat their fruits; marry there, and bear children; and find wives for your sons, and husbands for your daughters, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply there, do not waste away. And seek the peace of the city where G-d has sent you as exiles, and pray to HaShem for it; for in the peace of the city shall ye have peace.
The exiles appear to have taken this message to heart. A generation later, when the Persians seized control of Babylon and permitted displaced peoples within the empire to return to their ancestral homelands, many Jews stayed in the Babylonian heartland, tending their gardens, raising their children and grandchildren, and praying for the peace of their cities. Five hundred years later, after another Mikdash had been built and destroyed, the Jews of Babylon were still there, living under yet another Persian empire. They too established rabbinical academies like the one Yochanan ben Zakkai founded at Yavneh. And when the Gemara was compiled it was collected semi independently by both the Galilean and Babylonian sages, with the Talmud Bavli being the more complete and detailed of the two collections. Through centuries of turmoil, and then millennia, the Jewish community of the Mesopotamian river valley remained strong and vibrant. And through it all, the Jews often saw their own welfare as wrapped up in that of their gentile neighbors and sought the peace of their cities.
One such occasion came on the 11th of Av 5493. The Sassanian empire of Tannaitic times had given way to the Islamic caliphates, and the caliphate in its own turn had been absorbed by the Ottoman Empire. The Jews of Sura were now the Jews of Baghdad, and Baghdad was under siege by a Persian army led by Nader Shah Afshar. The Safavid Persians were a theocratic regime which had imposed restrictions on Jewish life similar to those of medieval Western Europe— Jews were forced to live in segregated neighborhoods, wear badges marking them as different, and forbidden from entering most trades and professions. The Jews of the Ottoman Empire by contrast had a large amount of official toleration. And of course the capture of Baghdad by the Shiite Safavids would also bring hardships on the majority Sunni Muslim population of the city.
On the 11th of Av 5493, an Ottoman army led by the 70 year old general and recently retired Grand Vizier Topal Osman broke the Safavid siege and drove off the Persian invasion. Baghdad’s Jewish community rejoiced in the deliverance of the city, and observed 11 Menachem Av as a special commemoration of the deliverance of Baghdad for generations. It has only been since the Second World War and the rise of Arab and Islamic nationalism that the Jews of Babylon once more faced a major persecution. Most of Baghdad’s Jewish population made aliyah under pressure from antisemitic groups which accused them of double loyalties with the newly established Israeli state.
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yakazakalb · 3 months
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Neler yüklü bağrınız? Açın, anlatın bize... Bayram nasıl edilir, öğretin bize!
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ömrün sonunda da bayram var mı acep?!
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applesauce42069 · 3 months
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heavenssexiestangel · 3 months
Help us keep our Torah scroll in good health
My community is doing a founding on JewCer.org so that we can have our only Torah scroll checked and repaired if necessary.
Here is the LINK to donate in Dollars.
There is also a Paypal link for Euro donations, and I'll dm that one to people who are interested.
This Torah scroll was given to my community, Or'Ammim in Italy, by the Ohev Beth Sholomo community in Ohio, USA, and it means a lot to us. It's the only scroll we have, and it's the one we use whenever we do Shabbat services or Holiday services.
It's also the one that we'll use tomorrow when I'll do my first ever aliya.
Or'Ammim is one of the very few Reform communities in Italy, and we truly need your help to keep our scroll in good health.
If you can, please help by donating and/or sharing. Thanks.
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