#Secrets chapter 5
asteriskofficial · 7 months
She's so tiny 🥺
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nart-is-a-monster · 4 months
Ok now, since my tablet seems to be an absolute failure in uploading things and most of the times something goes wrong with either the wifi or Tumblr itself
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And also green in several places ¡For reasons!
And also go and give some love to @aziraphalesbookkeeper bc she wrote the thing
Close-ups 🗣️
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lucilassie · 3 months
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Map by dionpowder (map code: 8945-5854-0618)
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Secrets Kept From Him 18+ Chapter 5: Crossing Boundaries WC:4800+ Resident: @enchantedforest-network TW: Drinking, Smoking, Stalking, Death, Blood, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Confession, Divorce Draken, Creampie, Orgasm, Making Out, Disappointment, Strong Language Synopsis: Weeks pass since Ran has been coming around and making the effort to become the father he wants to be and showing you how much you mean to him, seeing things going in a positive direction suddenly takes a turn for the worse. Things become a bit different between you and Draken suppressed thoughts of him come to the surface. Draken's confession could lead to conflicts in the future.
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 Ran was getting the hint that Ms. Yamaguchi was becoming more interested in him. Two weeks would pass when he and Rin were getting a lot of connections and deals for the club. He was looking at his calendar on the phone and it was marked for D/n birthday. He wouldn’t be able to attend the gathering she was setting up on short notice. “I can’t make it.” 
“It took a lot of persuasion for them to come down here from the states. They wouldn’t have thought about coming if I didn’t tell them about you both.” She looked at both of the Haitani brother's.
Rin looked over at Ran “Look just let them know that only one brother can attend the meeting.” Rin said knowing it was d/n birthday. Understanding it was something a meant a lot to Ran.
“Knowing the both of them, they wouldn't accept it or make a good deal with you both if one is not there. They want to meet both parties to know who they are doing business with. ”  She crossed her legs. “It's a business now; besides it also wouldn’t be professional if one brother shows and not the other. This could put your club on the top in Tokyo.”
“How long will the meeting last?” Ran asked letting a low huff out. 
“Just a few hours, is something important happening on that day?” she asked. 
“It is something I need to attend to.” Ran responded. He didn’t want to bring his daughter up to her or to anyone else he didn’t know well.  Still he was getting a off feeling the more he got to know Ms. Yamaguchi.
“Really now? Well then I will let you both decide on this, it would be a disappointment to let this opportunity go. After all I did for you both.” the attitude of the heiress was coming out of her.
‘God she is a pain in the ass.’ Both Ran and Rin were thinking the same thing about her. 
The plans he had scheduled may be cut short by this meeting. “Look we appreciate what your doing it's not that we don't appreciate it… We will attend the meeting but from this point on let us know before agreeing to a specific date. The next one I will miss if I have something scheduled.”  Ran was very calm when speaking but the phrase of words he meant it. 
“Very well then.” she gave a smirk. “The meeting will be around 4pm but we do have to travel.” 
Ran closed him eyes for a brief moment letting out an annoyed laugh. “Of course we do..”  thinking  he would be late but he wasn’t going to be there at all. 
The minutes passed before Rin got up to go check on something. Ms. Yamaguchi looked over at Ran who seemed to be thinking about other things. . “My dear Ran I’m sorry for earlier I just want to make sure you don’t lose these opportunities.” She spoke in a pouty tone scooting closer to him. 
 “It’s quite alright.” Ran looked at her direction. He began to think how he was going to explain this to you.
“Let me make it up to you.” The vixen tone she spoke as her hand ran up his arm. 
He smirked with the annoyance look in his eye as she spoke, “really now?” 
“Just how you like it.” Flashing him a smile.
"Hmph" the short response. He wasn't remotely enthusiastic about her offer. She was a beauty of course but thinking it would always get her what she wanted. She wouldn't be able to have Ran. The encounters they had ever since you appeared back into his life, he pictured you every single time. "Do you honestly know?" he asked
As things began to settle you were waiting for your daughter's school to be released. You saw a few parents waiting for their little ones to be released from school. Looking around you noticed an all black car with dark tinted windows. Looking at the car you never saw anyone go in or out of the car they just seem to park there. You noticed it for the past few days when picking up D/n. Your attention went back to the school as the bell rang. Seeing your daughter coming out, once she saw you she immediately went towards you. “Sweetheart, how was school?” 
“It was good! Look, they made me a card for my birthday!” She had the card in her hand. 
“That was really sweet.” You smiled, “Tomorrow is the big day!”
You were getting excited because it would be the first birthday he would spend with her. Ran and you planned to take her out for the day. 
Getting in the car you both had been driving home. As you were driving you noticed the same black car that was parked in the front of the school was behind you. Deciding to take a bit of a detour you noticed it seemed to be following you. ‘What the hell..’  staying calm while you were driving for a moment. You couldn't see the driver in the car. Driving for a few minutes you noticed a shop where Draken works. You could see Draken working on a bike when he saw your car approach. His jumpsuit half  off and a tank top he was wear.  When you parked the car you realized the car was driving past the shop. 
Getting up from what he was doing he made his way towards your car. It had been a few days since you saw him last. You both texted throughout the day. Getting out of the car you went to take D\n out of the car as well you noticed how defined his muscle tone was in his arms and his built frame though his tank top. You weren’t trying to look too hard at it.  “Hey didn’t expect you guys to stop everything okay with the car?” He asked.
You held onto her hand “hey, no everything is fine with the car… I think we were being followed.”
“You guys okay though?” He asked.
“We are fine.” You responded “Sorry this was the first place I felt comfortable to come too when driving… I just didn’t want to go home and have it follow me there.” 
“Let me get dressed and I will follow you guys home to make sure you get here safely. Come in.” He gave you both a comfort smile as you both began to follow him. Some of the bikes displayed in the front of the shop. You waved towards Inui who was still working on a bike.
Inui waved back as he watched you follow Draken into the shop he said to himself "Yeah just friends."
“Mommy looked at all the bikes.” Her eyes looked at all the different bikes displayed.
“You like the bikes d/n?” Draken asked her.
“Yea.” She was staring at a blue colored motorcycle.
“Ya know you got some good taste, this was the first bike I fixed up for the shop years ago.” Draken smirked.
He showed you both around the shop before he went to change in the back. When he got dressed he began to follow you home. The drive home you didn’t see the black car. When parking his bike he looked down each way to see no all black car.  When getting into the home. He was gonna stay a while before he left home. “You don't Know how much I appreciate you.” Smiling at him.
“Don’t mention it.” Draken, he noticed a bag of decorations on the counter top. “Getting everything ready for tomorrow?”
“Yea, I grabbed a few more things at the store today so once she is asleep I can decorate.”  You felt more excited than her for her birthday. She would be able to celebrate her birthday with both of her parents. Ran was contemplating on telling her on her birthday. 
“Is what his name is coming over?” 
“Yeah he said he has something special planned out for her. I’m trusting him on this.”  you responded. You began lingering on Draken’s question from a few weeks. You were still confused on how you felt with Ran there were still feelings for him since being with him for so long but then the doubt you had would settle in…Seeing him do more things with D/n it showed you he was trying. The sweet and loving compliments to you still made you hope for the best. No visible love marks on him that you could see, but noticing his knuckles would be scratched or bruised. Those habits didn’t change… That was another factor that played in how you felt.
Draken heard the running footsteps coming from behind. “Mommy look!” your d/n spoke holding an item up. He watched you interact with her, each time he came over your attention was on her when she was talking to you. He found himself more drawn to that about you. The sweet nurturing side that seemed so natural for you. He did adore d/n and how her personality was just like yours. In the time that you both began to talk again he hadn’t seen Ran once. Both of them always missed one another. Even if they were to see one another there would be bitter words between the two.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ran waited a bit later before calling you with the news. He waited once he knew d/n was asleep. I thinking it might be easier talk maybe even try to work something out when he came back. Trying to get some privacy he closed the door. Dialing your number the phone began to ring. 
You noticed your phone was ringing, Draken stood to help you decorate. He saw you look at your phone then answering it as you were opening the wrapped banner “Hello?” “Hello beautiful”  hearing your voice made him smile. “How is your evening going?” he asked.
“It’s going good, Just getting  the decorations ready for tomorrow. What time are you planning on getting here? I want to make sure I have everything ready by the time you come.” you asked him as you prepared to put the banner up. 
He stood quiet for a moment. “_______ I won’t be able to make it tomorrow..” 
You stopped what you were doing, catching Draken’s attention. He saw you with a serious expression on your face. “What?” “I’m sorry but something came up and I have to attend.” Ran let out a deep sigh running his fingers through his hair. “I really wanted to be there.” you didn’t respond right away thinking you may have hung up on him “_______?” 
“I’m here… I’m just…” you were lost for words. “Nothing nevermind.” 
“______… Listen.”  as he was trying to explain he heard his door knock. 
“Ran darling don’t keep me waiting too long.” Ms. Yamaguchi called out from the otherside of the door. You heard the other woman's voice. The moment she opened her mouth and Ran closed his eyes, he knew how this conversation was going to end. 
“I see now…” you responded a bit hastily  “Well I’m gonna let you get back to her. I need to figure something out for tomorrow…” you didn’t want to hear an explanation coming from him you hung up the phone. 
Ran’s patience was running thin on Ms. Yamaguchi. There was no point in trying to call or go over because you would completely ignore him. Ran needed to get some air walking out of his room. “Something came up I will be back shortly”  looking towards Ms. Yamaguchi.
Observing his demeanor, knowing he may have been pissed off since earlier. Grabbing his coat he began making his way towards the exit.  Coming down the elevator he walked towards his car getting in and speeding off. A man who could keep his composure majority of the time, but not this time. The more he tried to distance himself from Ms. Yamaguchi the more she persued him. Getting a call he picked up the phone “this better be good…” he spoke in a cold tone. “Take him to the shipyard. I will be there in 15 mins.” he responded knowing he wasn’t going to go back to the room anytime soon. What he has been working so hard on may not be in his grasp. Pulling up to the empty shipyard it didn’t take time long to get out of his car and enter through the large metal sliding door. 
Putting your phone down on the counter,  you had a hand on your hip while the other hand was rubbing your bottom lip…it was evidently what you were thinking what he maybe doing when he wasn’t with you both. You got your hopes up thinking everything was gonna fall into place just like a movie coming back into reality it wasn’t. 
  “Everything alright?” Draken asked
You were dumbfounded still processing it “He can’t make it…I don’t know why I do this to myself….I mean we aren’t together. He is able to see anyone he wants, it's just…I really thought tomorrow was something he was looking forward to but apparently other things gotten his attention.”
Draken could see the hurt in your face, placing down the tape he walked towards you, he didn’t even have to say anything just feeling his embrace as he held you. You hugged him back. It did irk him to see you like this, how your smile was there then disappear so quickly. “______.” 
“Hmm?”  you meeped quietly. 
“I want you and d/n to be ready tomorrow by 12pm okay?” Draken was already thinking of things to do tomorrow. 
“Ken, no it's okay.” you pulled back looking at him. “I know you're busy with your own life. I will need to figure out something else to do.”  You quickly spoke.
“Come on, she is turning 5, she needs to have a little bit of fun. Plus I get to hang out with you both more.” 
Biting on your inner cheek  “Ken.”
You felt him flick your forehead “okay Ken I will be ready with D/n by 12.” 
Letting go of him you covered your forehead “ouch okay okay we will be ready by then.” 
“Then it’s settled.” Draken the corner of his lip slightly curled. “
Ran was sitting down with a cigarette between his lips. His jacket  was off, his sleeves were rolled up, he could see the puddle of blood on the floor along with his clothes being stained of the blood. The lifeless man that was tied up was just a few feet from him. He looked over at the tied up man exhaling a cloud of smoke “Such a pity… You just were caught at the wrong time…”  he spoke. Death was something that didn’t phase him the slightest he took another puff from his cigarette. “Ya know…having someone come back into my life after being gone for 5 years it was a sign for me to pick up where they left off…. those 5  long years ago . And it possibly could be taken away from me once again is a cruel joke.” He was speaking to the lifeless man as if he was alive. 
“You made a fucking mess this time.” Rin said, walking in with his hands in his pocket watching his step where the blood was. He looked over at the man. He was standing in front of his brother. 
“Sorry I couldn’t wait for you this time.” Ran responded 
“You're pissed off about not being able to attend?” He asked his brother. Seeing how badly the guy was beaten up his brother let out his built up rage.
“It’s my daughter's birthday and the first one I would get to spend with her…But shit happens and let’s say _____ is not happy with me at the moment”  Ran is still feeling bothered about the phone call. “Blowing off some steam the only way I know what works.” 
The following day your daughter was 5 today. “Mommy, where are we going?” d/n asked. “Ken said to be ready by 12 afternoon. I’m not too sure but it will be a surprise.” You were helping her with shoes. 
“Is Mr. Ran coming too?” she asked. 
“Unfortunately he can’t make it today but he might come over in the next few days.” you pulled off a smile. You could see she was a bit bummed Ran wasn’t going to come. Cupping her cheeks “Sweetie it's your birthday I know Ken will make it a very special day. I know Ran will make it up to you for missing. We are gonna have fun today okay?” She agreed with your statement and she gave you a nod.  
The doorbell rang and both of you went to the door to find Draken there, “Happy birthday d/n” he kneeled down to see the birthday girl. 
D/n had a tiny blush “thank you Kenny.” The drive was a bit of a way out from where you guys lived. As you arrived at the place Draken spoke “I think this will keep us busy for the day.”  It was a carnival. You could see the large ferris wheel moving from where you guys were from. Seeing the variety of stands from games to food along with rides. “D/n since it is your birthday you get to choose where we go okay?” 
“Okay!” D/n reached for your hand almost dragging you.  He watch the eager little girl dragging you through the doors. He followed closely behind.
From going on multiple rides throughout the day, to eating a different variety of food it was one of the best days you had. D/n seem to follow Draken around the carnival grounds. She even dragged him around to a few places they enjoyed one another's company. Seeing Draken like this and what he did just to make her feel special on this day meant a lot to you. Winning her a few prizes from the game sections. The last ride you all went on was the ferris wheel. D/n was between you and Draken.
As you all rise to the top you get a view of the whole carnival scene, the colorful light and people walking around. “It’s beautiful up here.” you said looking around.
“Yeah it is, just like you.” 
‘Wait did I hear right?’ you thought to yourself. Your cheeks were slightly flushed “stop your just saying that.” “It’s the truth.” he looked at you then back at the view. 
‘Why did he just make my heart race like that?’  you continued to think to yourself. There is no way he is into me. He just sees me as a friend right? He is just being nice… He wouldn’t be the type to date a single mom… would he? Why am I thinking of these types of questions right now!? He gave you a quick glance to see you blushing as you seem to be thinking. 
 Draken had carried d/n to the car because she was walking slower the more steps she took. They were both having a small conversation while you were in your thoughts. 
The car ride was quiet, on the way home, looking in the back seat you saw your daughter fast asleep. Draken helped you bring her up to her bed tucking her in. Seeing her tiny smile as she was sleeping.
Both of you exit out of her room and walk towards the staircase.   “Ken thank you for today. I know d/n had such a great time.”  You turned towards him stopping at the staircase.
He gave a small smile “you don’t have to thank me. I wanted to do this. As I said, I wanted to spend more time with you guys.” Draken was feeling a bit bolder with you. “What I wouldn’t do to keep the pretty smile on your face.” 
“Ken.” Your cheeks felt hotter as he was stepping closer. 
“That was my goal since the moment I met you…did you ever know how much you meant to me?” He asked. You replied, shaking your head a little, he let a low sigh out “Ran wasn’t the only one in love with you… he just beat me to it.” Draken stepped closer to you. “It wasn’t easy to see someone you're in love with, with someone else.” With his index finger he lifted your chin up to look at him. Leaning down his lip crashed into yours.
You couldn’t pull away from the kiss. The boundary you didn’t expect to cross with Draken since knowing him. The more your lips latched to his lips the more you craved. It had been so long since you felt someone’s lips against yours. Was adding to the lustful desire. Deepening the kiss was only drawing your bodies closer to one another. Both of you find yourself in your bedroom. His body hovering over yours, his rough  calloused hands going underneath your shirt sending goosebumps throughout your body. He leaned his upper body up as he was becoming too hot with his shirt on. Seeing his muscle flexed once the shirt was over his head. Tossing the shirt on the floor. He leaned down once more, connecting his lips on yours. The kisses from his lips traveled to your neck enjoying his tongue grazed your skin. 
A shaky breath escaping your lips feeling the light suck of his lips onto your skin. Finding the hem of your shirt helped you remove your top and bra off exposing your breast. He felt his cock ache at the site of your exposed chest. The kiss continued where they left off traveling lower to your breast. “Fuck” he grumbled in a low tone. As he sucked on your breast. Switch from one to the other. The feeling of his tongue swirl around your nipples
You were the forbidden fruit to him, something he couldn’t have for so long. Now that you're both here at this moment he will get a taste of you. 
As his lips began to travel you saw  reddish/purple tones on your breast and his lips continued to travel lower and lower. The anticipation for what to come next made you  more turned on and anxious at the same time. He tugged at your bottoms pulling them completely off. You hadn’t been naked in front of anyone in so long. Your face was hot as you saw him admiring your naked frame. “God, you're so beautiful.” His eyes met with yours once again giving a small grin.  He settled better on your legs. Placing kisses on your inner thighs traveling closer to your throbbing cunt. The moment his tongue slid between your slick fold your back arched your hands grasping onto your covers. The moan was louder than you wanted. Covering your mouth with your hand, he buried his face deeper into your cunt. Your hand grasped a handful of his black hair.  
Your hips buckling as he continues to eat you out. His tongue flicking your sensitive swollen clit. “Ken, if your tongue keeps playing with my clit like that you're gonna make me cum.” You whimpered.
Your words didn’t faze him, but it made him more determined to make you cum.  He proceeded to toy with your sensitive pussy. His fingers could feel your legs tensing up as you were close to coming. Your body shakes once the sudden release of an orgasmic bliss rush throughout your body. You held your breath as you rode the orgasm out. The nectar juices flowing from your pussy made him want you more. How your body reacted he wanted to see more of it. Removing his jeans first before he proceeds to lean onto you. His arms supporting himself up his chest pressing onto you. You could feel the tip of his cock pressed against your aching cunt. The rubber band that he had in his hair was gone. His hair fell on both sides of his face as he looked at you. Supporting himself with his arm, his other hand caressed your cheek. His gaze didn’t break from yours, even just looking into his eyes you could see even without words coming out what you meant to him over the years and the regret of not telling you until now.
The girth of his cock began to push between your slick folds. Your lips slightly separated letting out a low moan. Your doe eyed expression as he slowly inched his way inside your warm slick walls, he let out a raspy grunt. His body lowered more when he was full inside of you. “I’m not hurting you am i?” speaking in a low tone. 
You shook your head. “I'm fine.”  
He began to roll his hips into you. The pace slowly increased soft panting moans filling his ears with enjoyment. He leaned in closer “you sound just like I pictured you would.” he teased as he could hear the  sound of  how wet you were with every thrust into your cunt. “You can drive someone crazy ____..”  
Your lips brushed against his. “Ken~~” 
The sound of the whimpering tone coming from your lips enticed him. Raising his body up from yours, Draken watched as his cock slid inside your warm cunt. His hands are gripping onto the sides of your thighs. The ring of cum at the base of his cock. The delightful sight of your  lewd expression makes it hard for him not cum. One of his hands releasing your things, his thumb began to rub your clit.
Your hand grabbed his forearm but it didn’t stop him from playing with it. “You like that?” The sinful tone Draken as  he watch your body squirm 
“Ken~ nghhh~~~” the pleading cry as you couldn’t hold your moans in anymore. 
He could feel your cunt constricting his cock the more he stimulated your clit. “Fuck~” he grunted a bit loud. Removing his hands from your thigh and clit he lowers his body once against you, both yours  fingers entangled with one another. His kisses were more messy, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He could feel the tightness of your cunt around his cock becoming tighter. He was tantalizing himself not trying to cum. “______, where do you want me to cum.” Breaking from the kiss. 
You got so caught up feeling your second orgasm approaching. Even if you didn’t mean what you were gonna say next “cum inside me Draken.” You were so wrapped in your rapture of delight.  You couldn’t  even think straight.
Draken didn’t bother to question  when you finished that statement, a mixture of curse words and moans coming from you both. He holds your close, filling your warm cunt with his cum. 
The room was stuffy and hot. Both you and Draken look at one another. He took a deep breath brushing your hair out of your face, his thumb swiping your cheek pressing his lips slightly. “Do you feel okay?” He asked. You nodded in response trying to catch your breath. Draken pulled out of your as he did so he was the cum spilling from your cunt. Draken sat up from the bed. He was a bit dizzy sometimes since he had sex as well.  He walked to the bathroom and you could hear the shower running. He helped you off the bed as you both showered together.
 It was already too late for him to go home. Both of you laid on the bed. The room was dark, Drakens held you as you both were silent. It was dawning on you that you just slept with Draken. Your mind went to Ran. You were resisting Ran not giving into his charm you didn’t want to appear weak to him. It happened so fast. You were so upset that Ran didn’t show up today for D/n birthday  and Draken was here and made the day special for her. You never explored these feelings before with Draken because for years Emma made it known she was in love with him. Things began to make sense now to you when you started to think of the past. The way Emma acted around you when you and Draken would hang out or the way Ran’s arm was around you most of the time when Draken was around... Another part of you began to think Ran could be seeing anyone right now and you wouldn’t know. He wouldn’t tell you or he may make an excuse.. Even if you and Ran weren’t together you just knew he was with another woman when he called you, it hurt you. 
“Get some rest ______.” Draken said he must have sensed you were coming to the realization  just like him. The sudden thoughts came to a pause. You felt Draken lips against your forehead. 
Minutes would pass when you finally fell asleep. Draken on the other hand  wasn’t asleep just yet. Looking down at you sleeping, the first time he held you in his arms like this. It was all surreal to him.  Draken saw the light of his phone light up. He reached for his phone to see a message from Emma. As he was reading the message he couldn’t deal with what she needed to say to him. He turned his phone off completely before his arms wrapped around you once more. He didn’t know what would happen from here but now he told you how he felt and this happened he wanted a chance to make you happy.
Ran was sitting in a hotel room and the bourbon bottle was open. The meeting he went to dragged on longer than he wanted. He felt like he let you and d/n down today. He didn’t want to go into the bedroom, not wanting to wake up his company.  Photos from the prior days he had taken with D/n  were on his phone. Scrolling through the photos he stopped at one it was a photo of the three of you. Deciding to give you a call it went straight to voicemail. It was 2 am when he called “Hey ____ I was just giving you a call…I know you might be angry with me. I know I would be angry at myself too. I was thinking about you both and… I miss you guys and I’m sorry. I will see you both soon. Bye…” he hung up the phone. The hotel room he was in was close to where he had the meeting. He declined to stay in the room with Ms. Yamaguchi as he laid on the couch.
On the other side of the wall she wasn't asleep. She could hear the message he left you. She was curious on who this message was left for. She would keep this to herself for the time being. It would make sense on what she would uncover about him. The strike of jealousy hitting the heiress seeing that she wasn’t the one he wanted. The way he was acting with her right now. She would eventually find out more information as time would pass.
The following morning you. Both you and Draken woke up a few minutes early before D/n. Heading down stairs, you began to make coffee. “D/n should be up soon” Draken asked. The home was still quiet the smell of the coffee being brew hit there nostrils.
“Yeah it’s almost like clock work.” You gave a small smile. 
He had a small smirk. As we’re preparing the coffee he wanted to ask you out wanting to have his opportunity since eoyu both were still alone. Turning towards him as he accepted the coffee “______ I wanna take you out. Like an actual date.” Draken spoke. 
You were holding the cup with your hands, your lips were on the rim as you’re ready to take a drink before you paused. Bringing the cup down from your lips. “Really?”  You were in a bit of disbelief. “”
“Yeah I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t being serious. I meant everything I said last night.”  Draken placed the cup down walking towards you. He reached for your cup placing it on the counter. Feeling his hands cupping your cheeks. “Will you go on a date with me?” To be continued…
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Chapter Links to this storyline are below!
chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4
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citylighten · 2 months
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The reason why Rosaria tensed up at the surname Burke
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petra-creat0r · 5 months
Chapter 5 Secret Boss Prediction
Ohohohoh boy! Finally got to this one. I've been just sort ruminating on this boss for a while. The only thing I knew for the longest time is I'm at least 60% confident that chapter 5 will happen in the Flower Shop? But then what could be abandoned, discarded, or unwanted in a greenhouse/flower shop? Weeds? Mushrooms? Well I guess? Lotta flowers and though the mushroom idea was enticing at first, I couldn't wrap my head around a good idea for it. There was also the thing with this boss likely having the blue soul mode, and possibly having a reference or allusion to Papyrus (or Sans ig but Paps uses the blue soul mode first). But then also also with this being Asgore's flower shop and Asriel possibly being involved, there's the chance it could be based on Flowery, but then- And you can start to see why this took me so long.
EVENTUALLY, I came up with the idea of an abandoned toy soldier, lost among the plants and eventually taken over by them. There was also some talk about it being a nutcracker or garden gnome instead, but toy solider won over. Nutcracker felt too similar to Spamton and I just couldn't really get the garden gnome to vibe right. Anyways! Like two, three weeks ago I managed to sketch a design I kinda liked before trying to think on it more. Still not the boss I'm proudest off, but everyone, met The Great and Mighty Veratus! (Name subject to change if I can find a better one.)
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(Once again, theme commissioned by my good friend @kierangecko)
Veratus, from verrat (German for traitor), ratus (latin for rat) and a corruption of veritas (truth). I think the thing I was struggling with for the longest time was the name. It needed to fit with the other names, and also sound good with the title of "The Great" (because Papyrus reference). Like I mentioned before though, that name is subject to change if I come up with something better.
Like I've mentioned with the other two, I know this is no where close to what we'll actually get, but all of this is just for fun and so I have some secret bosses to draw my Junior Secret Squad kiddies with. Once we DO finally get chapter 5, Veratus will likely just become one of the secret bosses of Fool's Fate.
Now, backstory under the cut.
A solider from a distant land, Veratus found himself stranded in this dark world after the Great Divide. His king and fell soldiers in arms falling back and leaving him for dead. At the mercy of the Flower Kingdom's new ruler and its army.
Luckily for Veratus, the Knight chose not to bother killing the lone soldier, thinking that the side effects of the Divide would render the rat to stone soon. Yet for some reason, Veratus did not become stone...
Alone and outcast in a world not his own, Veratus was eventually found by a man. A strange someone whom some had theorized brought forth the Great Divide. The man cast pity on Veratus, and offered the stranded soldier his help. The opportunity to blend into this world and infiltrate Knight's army in exchange for his loyalty and help getting close to Knight. Veratus agreed.
Veratus's fur became overtaken with moss and his body with vines, though it might have been painful it did make him look like a rather convincing part of this floral Dark World. In addition to this transformation, the man also opened Veratus's mind to the reality of his existence, as the man had with the rest of his pawns.
Veratus was able to infiltrate Knight's army and climb up the ranks thanks to the assistance of the man, only to be left behind and forgotten once again once the man was able to get close to his true target. Disappearing and leaving a Roaring Knight in his place. Without the man, the cracks in Veratus's facade began to show and it didn't take long for the rat to be ratting out as a rat. the Knight's army tried to kill him, but something kept him from falling. The plants consuming his body wouldn't let him die. So instead, the opposing army cast the lone solider out. Exiling him back to a life of solitude.
Until another knight and their friends arrived in the kingdom...
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thecryptidart1st · 3 months
Michael...there's a new bendy game coming out in 11 days...it's gonna be free...it's on steam
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idk if there’s another way to describe what i’m feeling exactly
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dafeelingsperson · 6 months
Vision Crew's Deltarune - DEALING WITH A DEVIL
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* It's like staring into infinity.
Hycrisik made by - @radiant-vulpine
DEALING WITH A DEVIL made by - @radiant-vulpine & @lexxies-thingst
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hattyhatterson · 6 months
more fakeris stuff
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romstred · 4 months
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flower king secret boss name's quat
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glitch-the-artist · 9 days
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chapter 5 crap
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cannibala-co · 14 days
THATS RIGHT BABY!! IM BACK WITH THE THEORIES!! I couldn’t just stop at chapter… I dunno six! Yeah, I may have solved the Susies Inside chapter, but what about Chapter 3?? Well I got news for you guys…
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Motu. And Patlu. Never heard of them? What are you, living under a rock or something… well… it’s a Hindi cartoon that’s really popular overseas… but wait. That’s the POINT! Your not SUPPOSED to know it… because it’s discarded…
So Every secret boss so far has a habit of being a darkner based on discarded/Forgotten/Unwanted items… well. How many people in the states know this cartoon? Not very many,,, even though it’s great… so could Motu and Patlu be what the next secret boss is based off of? Let’s see gamers…
Comedy duos, you know them, you love them. Woody, Buzz. Mario, Luigi. Bob, Larry. But what does this have to do with Motu and Patlu… erm guys… notice anything about most of them?! Mario, Buzz, Bob, and Motu: bulky big guys. Luigi, Larry, Woody, and Patlu: tall, thin guys… oh my goodness!! Motu and patlu ALSO fit that theme… “But how does this fit in with Deltarune chapter 3?!” Your asking… oh my gosh guys this is too easy!!
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erm… Sans and Papyrus, the most iconic comedy duo next to none, is also bulky and thin. Guys?? Notice anything?? I think THIS proves that they’ll use blue soul… and that they’ll be cannon!! But need more proof?? SAY NO MORE:
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On the left is Sans and Papyrus’s House, and on the right is Motu and Palau’s. Notice the similarity’s?? I do…
Maybe the Motu and Patlu secret boss could be a duo, and make fun of the whole trope of smart guy who does all the work and lazy dumb guy… hrm…
Okay so we already talked about how Sans and Motu and Papyrus and Patlu are BASICALLY the same guy, but if your STILL not convinced, I got more…
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Rook. Mike. Whatever there gonna be, the main boss of Chapter 3 seems to be a cheater, a criminal of sorts… well… hehee… you know who ELSE is a criminal?? JHON THE DON. That’s RIGHT. The TRUE and NEO villain of Motu and Patlu, who’s the son of motu and patlu’s town. He’s always causing trouble with his lackeys around… could this mean that chapter 3’s main boss is based on the Villian of Motu and Patlu, while the secret boss is the good guys…?! No… no… erm… YES! It’s kind of OBVIOUS??
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My theory is the main boss is gonna be Mike, now dubbed “The Don.” He must’ve not only backstabbed Soamton, but the chapter three secret boss… and Tenna will be… I dunno… probably his own character.
Anyways, Gaster. “Gaster? This crazy guy who does bad things?” You may be asking what GASTER has to do with this theory… heh… well, gaster in undertale was the Royal Scientist, right? Well… erm… somebody pull up Motu Patlu Wiki!
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He’s a SCIENTIST… who doesn’t treat his PATIENTS well… sounds familiar…
Dr. Jhakta also uses Motu and Patlu as Guinea Pigs for his work. Gaster uses darkners and does stuff that’s evil… or whatever. I think. I dunno BUT THE POINT IS GASTER MUST'VE LIKE EXPERIMENTED ON THE SECRET BOSS WHICH CAUSED THEM TO GO INSANE!! Erm…!!! Yes!!
So at first I thought they could be like a bootleg DVD or whatever. But wait guys… remember where the chapters dark world is…
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And then think about what Motu is known for. Dumb… lazy… but also, when he eats his favorite FOOD he gets super STRONG… wait. FOOD?! Guys what’s in houses? Kitchens… guys… what’s motus favorite food…??
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and if your STILL. Not. convinced… here’s some stuff
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Yeah yeah yeah bye
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theyoterman · 9 months
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hycrik doobie
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lucilassie · 3 months
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coffeebanana · 3 months
as someone who is used to blurting out every single idea i have about my fics the second it occurs to me, WRITING A FIC AND KEEPING THINGS TO YOURSELF IS SO HARD I AM ONLY 4 CHAPTERS IN HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS
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roxroxtbm · 11 months
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La creatura :3
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