#fn jules
lucilassie · 3 months
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commandervisor · 2 years
i know we want geno/ageless and midas to team up but have we considered a sisters and jules team-up
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thel0llip0p · 3 months
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ascendant midas dump
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rayonago · 3 months
Since you are taking requests, Jules? Any version of her would be dandy but original is the most iconic :)
Here you go! :3
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gritirl · 3 months
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sxdomizer · 5 months
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Howdy yall
Seeing as my fn posts have been getting some attention, I figured I’d post more doodles I made at school back during chapter 4, just as I was starting to hyperfixate on the game :)) I was way into Fish Thicc back then, makes me miss drawing him lol x’[
Sorry for the formatting by the way, only so much I can do on my phone
Aight bye
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reneofthevalley · 3 months
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my jules
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niightfiend · 28 days
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Some Fortnite drawings recently
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riftgoddess · 2 years
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the girlies
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guppyscolita · 2 months
What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with? (MK)
Has your favourite character/ship changed over time? (FN)
1) Castlevania Au. Where Havik, Reiko and Nitara go on a sort of adventure violently killing monsters and stuffs and strumbling upon other characters as they go to save Rain (from jail I guess)
I'd really like to try and design something about that au because the aesthetics would be -chef kiss- (vampire hunter D and Castlevania both games and serie for reference)
2) oh Def. I'd Say My first Fortnite fav was Midas, but it quickly got changed to Sig and then more characters turned into personal faves, like Guild, Cuddle king , Rippley, Jules, meowscles, Dizzie, Lil whip. Right now I'd say my top fav is Montague.
But honestly if I need to Say one that it has been my fav for the longest and I still regularly use them
About the ships
Most of my old fav ships were with Sig, and if they don't make sense it's because I used to rp with Sig with friends, and the ships were with their mains lmao
So theres:
Sig x Raptor (specificaly the Dark version)
Sig x Redux
Sig x Guild
Sig x Rippley
I also have other personal favs
Cuddle king x Sterling
Mancake x Lil whip
Flytrap x Madcap
And of course, my stupid crack ship Montague x Mavado (blood diamonds)
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sun-citadel · 4 years
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Semi-old Jules sketch as practice
I should practice girls more often
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commandervisor · 1 year
OKAY THINKING. jules is a double agent working against oathbound. it's the device all over again
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fn-devilles · 2 years
“Hey dad and aunt. Wasn’t sure if you know or not but, I’m going to be having a baby.” Jules said.
Vaude and Elizabeth squawked in surprised unison. Vaude jumped up and down as he clapped his hands.
"Oh my god no way, no way, no way!"
Elizabeth approached Jules and gently grasped her hands in her gloved ones. She smiled as tears brimmed her eyes behind the green tinted lenses of her mask.
"I'm so happy for you, sweetie. Vaude and I hadn't heard anything from ya'll in a while, so we assumed you were busy setting up houses and such. Lord knows we've been buried to the beak in work."
Vaude bounced up to Jules and threw his arms around her. Elizabeth shot him a warning glare and reminded him to be careful of the newly forming baby.
Vaude ducked his head in embarrassment and mumbled an apology.
"So, who's the father?" asked Vaude.
Elizabeth hummed her agreement and curiosity.
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rayonago · 14 days
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Most random assortment but the right side is my vibe and the left is how fortnite is trying to get me to feel
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gritirl · 2 months
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I think the new emore with Jules is very pretty! I love Tyla so I copped it immediately, but I noticed the cute pouty face, and knew it would be cute with Jules!
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bctgrl · 3 years
the only thing i will ever be taking from future state is steph calling cass babe, gorgeous, and sweetheart. and the short hair cut. i fuckin love steph with a short hair cut. 
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